コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct the input history for the custom fitness functions.  For
        /// regression models, pass the entire input data set it, for time series
        /// models, have to reconstruct the original input series.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TrainingData"></param>
        private void PrepareFitnessInputHistory(GPTrainingData TrainingData)
            if (TrainingData.TimeSeriesSource)
                // Have to create a single column of data, an exact copy of the
                // time series data itself.  This turns out to be the number of rows
                // PLUS the remaining data in the last row.
                m_UserInputHistoryCustomFitness = new List <List <double> >(TrainingData.Rows + TrainingData.Columns - 1);
                for (int Row = 0; Row < TrainingData.Rows; Row++)
                    m_UserInputHistoryCustomFitness.Add(new List <double>(1));
                    m_UserInputHistoryCustomFitness[Row].Add(TrainingData[Row, 0]);

                // Now, grab the remaing data items in the last row
                for (int Column = 1; Column < TrainingData.Columns; Column++)
                    m_UserInputHistoryCustomFitness.Add(new List <double>(1));
                    m_UserInputHistoryCustomFitness[TrainingData.Rows + Column - 1].Add(TrainingData[TrainingData.Rows - 1, Column]);
                m_UserInputHistoryCustomFitness = m_UserInputHistory[m_UserInputHistory.Count - 1];
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a time series training data set into something that looks
        /// like a normal data set with some number of inputs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Read the summary section</returns>
        private GPTrainingData ConvertTSToModeling(int InputDimension, int PredictionDistance)
            GPTrainingData TSTraining = new GPTrainingData();

            TSTraining.TimeSeriesSource = true;

            // The number of rows is the number of rows in the Training
            // set minus the input dimension and the prediction distance.  We subtract this off
            // because we can't predict anything before the first 'n' input values.
            int Rows = Training.Rows - InputDimension - PredictionDistance + 1;

            TSTraining.ConstructStorage(Rows, InputDimension, 1);

            // Now, put together the rows of input data and the objective for each
            // of these rows.
            for (int Row = 0; Row < Rows; Row++)
                // Set the inputs
                for (int Column = 0; Column < InputDimension; Column++)
                    TSTraining[Row, Column] = Training[Row + Column, 0];

                // Set the objective
                TSTraining.ObjectiveRow(Row)[0] = Training[Row + InputDimension + PredictionDistance - 1, 0];

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The GPProgram object needs to work with a generic list of historical
        /// inputs...the reason is discussed elsewhere, but it basically has to do
        /// because of the final source code generation and how that required custom
        /// user defined functions to be written.
        /// The first row contains the inputs for the current prediction.  In other words,
        /// the first prediction has a history of the inputs for itself.
        /// TODO: This is kind of an ugly wart because we are keeping around two copies
        /// of the same data.  Once in the Training data (where it should be) and one
        /// time here.  At some point, this needs to be dealt with and only one copy
        /// of the data should be kept around.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Training"></param>
        private void TransformHistoricalInputs(GPTrainingData Training)
            m_UserInputHistory = new List <List <List <double> > >(Training.HistoricalDataSets.Length);

            // Start by creating a reference to each full historical set
            foreach (double[][] Set in Training.HistoricalDataSets)
                List <List <double> > TSet = new List <List <double> >(Set.Length);

            // Next, create the rows for the sets.  We reuse the rows from previous
            // sets into the later sets to save on memory space...in a huge way.
            for (int Row = 0; Row < Training.HistoricalDataSets[Training.HistoricalDataSets.Length - 1].Length; Row++)
                // Create each row and add it to all the historical sets as needed
                List <double> TRow = new List <double>(Training.HistoricalDataSets[Training.HistoricalDataSets.Length - 1][Row].Length);
                foreach (double Item in Training.HistoricalDataSets[Training.HistoricalDataSets.Length - 1][Row])

                // Go through the sets and add this row accordingly
                for (int Set = Row; Set < m_UserInputHistory.Count; Set++)
コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// This method instructs the server object to clean up as much memory
 /// as possible.
 /// </summary>
 public void ForceCleanup()
     m_Population = null;
     m_Fitness  = null;
     m_Training = null;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the maximum possible error for the training data.  A factor
        /// of 10 is used on the max error, because the reality is that programs can
        /// actually create error larger than the "max error" because they might return
        /// funky constants.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Training">Training data</param>
        /// <returns>Maximum error</returns>
        private double ComputeMaximumError(GPTrainingData Training)
            // Compute the maximum possible error
            double MaximumError = 0.0;

            for (int Value = 0; Value < Training.Rows; Value++)
                MaximumError += Math.Abs(Training.ObjectiveRow(Value)[0]);

            return(MaximumError * 10.0);
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the average, min and max value of the training data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Training">Training data</param>
        private void ComputeTrainingStats(GPTrainingData Training)
            m_TrainingMax = Training.ObjectiveRow(0)[0];
            m_TrainingMin = Training.ObjectiveRow(0)[0];

            double Total = 0.0;

            for (int Value = 0; Value < Training.Rows; Value++)
                Total        += Training.ObjectiveRow(Value)[0];
                m_TrainingMax = Math.Max(m_TrainingMax, Training.ObjectiveRow(Value)[0]);
                m_TrainingMin = Math.Min(m_TrainingMin, Training.ObjectiveRow(Value)[0]);

            m_TrainingAverage = Total / Training.Rows;
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the average, min and max value of the training data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Training">Training data</param>
        private void ComputeTrainingStats(GPTrainingData Training, ref double Average, ref double Min, ref double Max)
            Max = Training.ObjectiveRow(0)[0];
            Min = Training.ObjectiveRow(0)[0];

            double Total = 0.0;

            for (int Value = 0; Value < Training.Rows; Value++)
                Total += Training.ObjectiveRow(Value)[0];
                Max    = Math.Max(Max, Training.ObjectiveRow(Value)[0]);
                Min    = Math.Min(Min, Training.ObjectiveRow(Value)[0]);

            Average = Total / Training.Rows;
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor - Prepare the memory for storing results.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Config">Modeling configuration</param>
        /// <param name="TrainingData">Reference to the training data</param>
        /// <param name="Tolerance">Allowable tolerance around a resulting value for exact matching</param>
        /// <param name="UseInputHistory">True, if the InputHistory parameter is in use</param>
        public GPFitness(GPModelerServer Config, GPTrainingData TrainingData, double Tolerance, bool UseInputHistory)
            m_Config          = Config;
            m_TrainingData    = TrainingData;
            m_Tolerance       = Tolerance;
            m_UseInputHistory = UseInputHistory;

            // Create the contained program fitness selection object
            if (Config.Profile.SPEA2MultiObjective)
                m_FitnessSelection = new GPFitnessSPEA2(Config.Profile.PopulationSize);
                m_FitnessSelection = new GPFitnessSingle(Config.Profile.PopulationSize);

            // Given the training data, compute the maximum possible error, we need
            // this for the adaptive parsimony pressure.
            m_MaximumError = ComputeMaximumError(TrainingData);

            // Create room for the fitness measures

            m_PrevPopulationSize = Config.Profile.PopulationSize;

            // Have to convert the training data version of the historical inputs
            // into the form that programs utilize.

            // The input history for the custom fitness functions is a little
            // different than UDFs because there is no time step during fitness computation,
            // so need to do a little dance to handle that.

            // Create the processing threads, one for each processor
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct the input history for the custom fitness functions.  For
        /// regression models, pass the entire input data set it, for time series
        /// models, have to reconstruct the original input series.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Training"></param>
        private void PrepareInputHistory(GPTrainingData Training, ref List <List <double> > InputHistory)
            if (Training.TimeSeriesSource)
                // Have to create a single column of data, an exact copy of the
                // time series data itself.  This turns out to be the number of rows
                // PLUS the remaining data in the last row.
                InputHistory = new List <List <double> >(Training.Rows + Training.Columns - 1);
                for (int Row = 0; Row < Training.Rows; Row++)
                    InputHistory.Add(new List <double>(1));
                    InputHistory[Row].Add(Training[Row, 0]);

                // Now, grab the remaing data items in the last row
                for (int Column = 1; Column < Training.Columns; Column++)
                    InputHistory.Add(new List <double>(1));
                    InputHistory[Training.Rows + Column - 1].Add(Training[Training.Rows - 1, Column]);
                // Create a data set of just the inputs, leaving out the prediction column
                InputHistory = new List <List <double> >(Training.Rows);
                for (int Row = 0; Row < Training.Rows; Row++)
                    InputHistory.Add(new List <double>(Training.Columns));
                    for (int Column = 0; Column < Training.Columns; Column++)
コード例 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor, create the contained GPTrainingData object
 /// </summary>
 public GPModelingData()
     // Create the contained GPTrainingData object
     m_Training = new GPTrainingData();
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to see if the conditions for terminating the modeling run are met
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool IsModelRunDone(double BestFitness, int BestHits, int Generation, GPTrainingData Training)
            // See if number of generations has been exhausted
            if ((Generation + 1) >= m_Profile.m_maxNumber &&

            // See if the number of hits has been maximized
            if (m_Profile.m_useHitsMaxed && BestHits == Training.Rows)

            // See if the fitness has geen minimized - Remember to use
            // tolerance to test this.
            if (m_Profile.m_useRawFitness0)
                // Test with tolerance
                if (BestFitness < GPEnums.RESULTS_TOLERANCE && BestFitness > -GPEnums.RESULTS_TOLERANCE)

            // Return true if the user has aborted, otherwise, let's keep going