IEnumerator GetReverseCleanPOI(BTCleanPOI poi, OnSuccessAddressCleanPOI callback) { if (poi == null) { ready = false; yield return(null); } Succes = false; string surl = string.Format("{0}?format=jsonv2&lat={1}&lon={2}&zoom={3}&addressdetails=1", url, GPSPoint.GetDoubleValue(poi.Latitude), GPSPoint.GetDoubleValue(poi.Longitude), zoomlevel); // email is necessary, for this service to work as stated in it's web site if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(email) == false) { surl = string.Format("{0}&email={1}", surl, email); } UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get(surl); yield return(www.SendWebRequest()); while (!www.isDone) { yield return(null); } if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError) { Succes = false; Debug.Log(www.error); LogManager.Instance.AddLog(string.Format("Error: Calling Reverse GPS Service: {0}", www.error)); ready = false; yield return(null); } byte[] resultdata =; string POIJSON = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(resultdata); ReverseGPS revgps = JsonUtility.FromJson <ReverseGPS>(POIJSON); Succes = true; ready = true; // update flag from global setting if (SaveReveseAddressToDatabase != GameManager.Instance.Setting.SaveReversePOIToSQLite) { SaveReveseAddressToDatabase = GameManager.Instance.Setting.SaveReversePOIToSQLite; } // now save this to database if (SaveReveseAddressToDatabase) { POIAddress poiad = POIAddress.GetPOIFromAddress(revgps.address, poi); try { if (db != null) { // check if POI already exists in SQLite DB POIAddress ad = db.GetPoiAddressByID(poi.ID); if (ad == null) { db.InsertPoiAddress(poiad); LogManager.Instance.AddLog(string.Format("Success insert to SQLite Poi: {0}", poi.ID)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogManager.Instance.AddLog(string.Format("Failed insert to SQLite Poi: {0} - {1}", poi.ID, ex.Message)); } } // update the caller thru callback if (callback != null) { callback(poi, revgps.address); } }
IEnumerator GetPOI() { // Read GPS Position from singleton, using gps sensor of the device if (GPSData.Instance.Ready) { float lat = GPSData.Instance.Latitude; float longt = GPSData.Instance.Longitude; if (lat != 0 || longt != 0) // if pc with no gps avoid it { latitude = lat; longitude = longt; } } // now apply radius from global settings if (GameManager.Instance.Setting.GPSRadius > 0 && radius != GameManager.Instance.Setting.GPSRadius) { radius = GameManager.Instance.Setting.GPSRadius; } string surl = string.Format("{0}query?radius={1}&latitude={2}&longitude={3}", url, radius, GPSPoint.GetDoubleValue(latitude), GPSPoint.GetDoubleValue(longitude)); string authorization = authenticate(user, password); UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get(surl); www.SetRequestHeader("AUTHORIZATION", authorization); www.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); // pass control until request is completed yield return(www.SendWebRequest()); if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError) { Debug.Log(www.error); LogManager.Instance.AddLog(string.Format("Error calling BT: {0}", www.error)); } else { Debug.Log("Form upload complete! Status Code: " + www.responseCode); byte[] result =; string POIJSON = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(result); // prepare JSON to comply with Unity JsonUtility System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Append("{ \"POI\" : "); sb.Append(POIJSON); sb.Append("}"); BTPOIInfo info = JsonUtility.FromJson <BTPOIInfo>(sb.ToString()); ListPoints.Clear(); foreach (BTPOI p in info.POI) { BTCleanPOI cl = new BTCleanPOI(p); ListPoints.Add(cl); // LogManager.Instance.AddLog(string.Format("Added POI: {0}", cl.ID)); } // Debug.LogFormat("Uploaded total {0} POI from BT!", ListPoints.Count); LogManager.Instance.AddLog(string.Format("POI from BT - Total: {0}", ListPoints.Count)); // now update BTManager BTPOIManager.Instance.ApendListData(ListPoints); PrevPoint = new GPSPoint() { latitude = latitude, longitude = longitude }; } }