コード例 #1
    private BendEffect readBend()
        /*Encoded as:
         * -Bend type: :ref:`signed - byte`. See
         * :class:`guitarpro.models.BendType`.
         * - Bend value: :ref:`int`.
         * - Number of bend points: :ref:`int`.
         * - List of points.Each point consists of:
         * Position: :ref:`int`. Shows where point is set along
         * x*-axis.
         * Value: :ref:`int`. Shows where point is set along *y*-axis.
         * Vibrato: :ref:`bool`. */
        var bendEffect = new BendEffect();

        bendEffect.type  = (BendType)GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
        bendEffect.value = GPBase.readInt()[0];
        var pointCount = GPBase.readInt()[0];

        for (int x = 0; x < pointCount; x++)
            var position = (int)Math.Round(GPBase.readInt()[0] * BendEffect.maxPosition / (float)GPBase.bendPosition);
            var value    = (int)Math.Round(GPBase.readInt()[0] * BendEffect.semitoneLength / (float)GPBase.bendSemitone);
            var vibrato  = GPBase.readBool()[0];
            bendEffect.points.Add(new BendPoint(position, value, vibrato));
コード例 #2
 private void readMixTableChangeDurations(MixTableChange tableChange)
     if (tableChange.volume != null)
         tableChange.volume.duration = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
     if (tableChange.balance != null)
         tableChange.balance.duration = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
     if (tableChange.chorus != null)
         tableChange.chorus.duration = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
     if (tableChange.reverb != null)
         tableChange.reverb.duration = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
     if (tableChange.phaser != null)
         tableChange.phaser.duration = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
     if (tableChange.tremolo != null)
         tableChange.tremolo.duration = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
     if (tableChange.tempo != null)
         tableChange.tempo.duration = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
         tableChange.hideTempo      = false;
コード例 #3
    private List <SlideType> readSlides()
        var ret_val = new List <SlideType>();

コード例 #4
    private GraceEffect readGrace()
        /*- Fret: :ref:`signed-byte`. Number of fret.
         * - Dynamic: :ref:`byte`. Dynamic of a grace note, as in
         * :attr:`guitarpro.models.Note.velocity`.
         * - Transition: :ref:`byte`. See
         * :class:`guitarpro.models.GraceEffectTransition`.
         * - Duration: :ref:`byte`. Values are:
         * - *1*: Thirty-second note.
         * - *2*: Twenty-fourth note.
         * - *3*: Sixteenth note.*/
        var grace = new GraceEffect();

        grace.fret       = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
        grace.velocity   = unpackVelocity(GPBase.readByte()[0]);
        grace.duration   = 1 << (7 - GPBase.readByte()[0]);
        grace.isDead     = (grace.fret == -1);
        grace.isOnBeat   = false;
        grace.transition = (GraceEffectTransition)GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
コード例 #5
    private TrillEffect readTrill()
        var trill = new TrillEffect();

        trill.fret           = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
        trill.duration.value = fromTrillPeriod(GPBase.readSignedByte()[0]);
コード例 #6
    private TremoloPickingEffect readTremoloPicking()
        var value = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
        var tp    = new TremoloPickingEffect();

        tp.duration.value = fromTremoloValue(value);
コード例 #7
    private NoteEffect readNoteEffects(Note note)
        /*First byte is note effects flags:
         * - *0x01*: bend presence
         * - *0x02*: hammer-on/pull-off
         * - *0x04*: slide
         * - *0x08*: let-ring
         * - *0x10*: grace note presence
         * Flags are followed by:
         * - Bend. See :meth:`readBend`.
         * - Grace note. See :meth:`readGrace`.*/

        var noteEffect = note.effect;

        if (noteEffect == null)
            noteEffect = new NoteEffect();
        var flags1 = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
        var flags2 = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];

        noteEffect.hammer   = ((flags1 & 0x02) != 0);
        noteEffect.letRing  = ((flags1 & 0x08) != 0);
        noteEffect.staccato = ((flags2 & 0x01) != 0);
        noteEffect.palmMute = ((flags2 & 0x02) != 0);
        noteEffect.vibrato  = ((flags2 & 0x40) != 0) || noteEffect.vibrato;

        if ((flags1 & 0x01) != 0)
            noteEffect.bend = readBend();
        if ((flags1 & 0x10) != 0)
            noteEffect.grace = readGrace();
        if ((flags2 & 0x04) != 0)
            noteEffect.tremoloPicking = readTremoloPicking();
        if ((flags2 & 0x08) != 0)
            noteEffect.slides = readSlides();
        if ((flags2 & 0x10) != 0)
            noteEffect.harmonic = readHarmonic(note);
        if ((flags2 & 0x20) != 0)
            noteEffect.trill = readTrill();

コード例 #8
    private BeatEffect readBeatEffects(NoteEffect effect)
         * The first byte is effects flags:
         * - *0x01*: vibrato
         * - *0x02*: wide vibrato
         * - *0x04*: natural harmonic
         * - *0x08*: artificial harmonic
         * - *0x10*: fade in
         * - *0x20*: tremolo bar or slap effect
         * - *0x40*: beat stroke direction
         * - *0x80*: *blank*
         * - Tremolo bar or slap effect: :ref:`byte`. If it's 0 then
         * tremolo bar should be read (see :meth:`readTremoloBar`). Else
         * it's tapping and values of the byte map to:
         * - *1*: tap
         * - *2*: slap
         * - *3*: pop
         * - Beat stroke direction. See :meth:`readBeatStroke`.*/
        var beatEffect = new BeatEffect();
        var flags1     = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
        var flags2     = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];

        //effect.vibrato = ((flags1 & 0x01) != 0) || effect.vibrato;
        beatEffect.vibrato = ((flags1 & 0x02) != 0) || beatEffect.vibrato;
        beatEffect.fadeIn  = ((flags1 & 0x10) != 0);
        if ((flags1 & 0x20) != 0)
            var value = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
            beatEffect.slapEffect = (SlapEffect)value;
        if ((flags2 & 0x04) != 0)
            beatEffect.tremoloBar = readTremoloBar();

        if ((flags1 & 0x40) != 0)
            beatEffect.stroke = readBeatStroke();
        if ((flags2 & 0x02) != 0)
            var direction = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
            beatEffect.pickStroke = (BeatStrokeDirection)direction;
コード例 #9
    private BeatStroke readBeatStroke()
        var strokeDown = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
        var strokeUp   = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];

        if (strokeUp > 0)
            return(new BeatStroke(BeatStrokeDirection.up, toStrokeValue(strokeUp), 0.0f));
            return(new BeatStroke(BeatStrokeDirection.down, toStrokeValue(strokeDown), 0.0f));
コード例 #10
    private HarmonicEffect readHarmonic(Note note)
        /*Harmonic is encoded in :ref:`signed-byte`. Values correspond to:
         * - *1*: natural harmonic
         * - *3*: tapped harmonic
         * - *4*: pinch harmonic
         * - *5*: semi-harmonic
         * - *15*: artificial harmonic on (*n + 5*)th fret
         * - *17*: artificial harmonic on (*n + 7*)th fret
         * - *22*: artificial harmonic on (*n + 12*)th fret
        var            harmonicType = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
        HarmonicEffect harmonic     = null;

        switch (harmonicType)
        case 1:
            harmonic = new NaturalHarmonic(); break;

        case 3:
            harmonic = new TappedHarmonic(); break;

        case 4:
            harmonic = new PinchHarmonic(); break;

        case 5:
            harmonic = new SemiHarmonic(); break;

        case 15:
            var pitch  = new PitchClass((note.realValue() + 7) % 12, -1, "", "", 7.0f);
            var octave = Octave.ottava;
            harmonic = new ArtificialHarmonic(pitch, octave);

        case 17:
            pitch    = new PitchClass(note.realValue(), -1, "", "", 12.0f);
            octave   = Octave.quindicesima;
            harmonic = new ArtificialHarmonic(pitch, octave);

        case 22:
            pitch    = new PitchClass(note.realValue(), -1, "", "", 5.0f);
            octave   = Octave.ottava;
            harmonic = new ArtificialHarmonic(pitch, octave);
コード例 #11
    private void readMixTableChangeValues(MixTableChange tableChange, Measure measure)
        var instrument = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
        var volume     = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
        var balance    = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
        var chorus     = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
        var reverb     = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
        var phaser     = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
        var tremolo    = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
        var tempo      = GPBase.readInt()[0];

        if (instrument >= 0)
            tableChange.instrument = new MixTableItem(instrument);
        if (volume >= 0)
            tableChange.volume = new MixTableItem(volume);
        if (balance >= 0)
            tableChange.balance = new MixTableItem(balance);
        if (chorus >= 0)
            tableChange.chorus = new MixTableItem(chorus);
        if (reverb >= 0)
            tableChange.reverb = new MixTableItem(reverb);
        if (phaser >= 0)
            tableChange.phaser = new MixTableItem(phaser);
        if (tremolo >= 0)
            tableChange.tremolo = new MixTableItem(tremolo);
        if (tempo >= 0)
            tableChange.tempo = new MixTableItem(tempo);
            measure.tempo().value = tempo;
コード例 #12
    private Duration readDuration(byte flags)
        /*Duration is composed of byte signifying duration and an integer
         * that maps to :class:`guitarpro.models.Tuplet`.
         * The byte maps to following values:
         * - *-2*: whole note
         * - *-1*: half note
         * -  *0*: quarter note
         * -  *1*: eighth note
         * -  *2*: sixteenth note
         * -  *3*: thirty-second note
         * If flag at *0x20* is true, the tuplet is read.*/

        var duration = new Duration();

        duration.value    = 1 << (GPBase.readSignedByte()[0] + 2);
        duration.isDotted = ((flags & 0x01) != 0);
        if ((flags & 0x20) != 0)
            var iTuplet = GPBase.readInt()[0];
            switch (iTuplet)
            case 3: duration.tuplet.enters = 3; duration.tuplet.times = 2; break;

            case 5: duration.tuplet.enters = 5; duration.tuplet.times = 4; break;

            case 6: duration.tuplet.enters = 6; duration.tuplet.times = 4; break;

            case 7: duration.tuplet.enters = 7; duration.tuplet.times = 4; break;

            case 9: duration.tuplet.enters = 9; duration.tuplet.times = 8; break;

            case 10: duration.tuplet.enters = 10; duration.tuplet.times = 8; break;

            case 11: duration.tuplet.enters = 11; duration.tuplet.times = 8; break;

            case 12: duration.tuplet.enters = 12; duration.tuplet.times = 8; break;
コード例 #13
    private void readMixTableChangeFlags(MixTableChange tableChange)
        /* The meaning of flags:
         * - *0x01*: change volume for all tracks
         * - *0x02*: change balance for all tracks
         * - *0x04*: change chorus for all tracks
         * - *0x08*: change reverb for all tracks
         * - *0x10*: change phaser for all tracks
         * - *0x20*: change tremolo for all tracks*/

        var flags = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];

        if (tableChange.volume != null)
            tableChange.volume.allTracks = ((flags & 0x01) != 0);
        if (tableChange.balance != null)
            tableChange.balance.allTracks = ((flags & 0x02) != 0);
        if (tableChange.chorus != null)
            tableChange.chorus.allTracks = ((flags & 0x04) != 0);
        if (tableChange.reverb != null)
            tableChange.reverb.allTracks = ((flags & 0x08) != 0);
        if (tableChange.phaser != null)
            tableChange.phaser.allTracks = ((flags & 0x10) != 0);
        if (tableChange.tremolo != null)
            tableChange.tremolo.allTracks = ((flags & 0x20) != 0);
コード例 #14
    public override void readSong()
        version      = readVersion();
        versionTuple = readVersionTuple();
        clipboard    = readClipboard();

        _tripletFeel = GPBase.readBool()[0] ? TripletFeel.eigth : TripletFeel.none;
        tempo = GPBase.readInt()[0];
        key   = (KeySignature)(GPBase.readInt()[0] * 10); //key + 0
        GPBase.readSignedByte();                          //octave
        measureCount = GPBase.readInt()[0];
        trackCount   = GPBase.readInt()[0];

        readTracks(trackCount, channels);
コード例 #15
    private void readNewChord(Chord chord)
        /*Read new-style (GP4) chord diagram.
         * New-style chord diagram is read as follows:
         * - Sharp: :ref:`bool`. If true, display all semitones as sharps,
         * otherwise display as flats.
         * - Blank space, 3 :ref:`Bytes <byte>`.
         * - Root: :ref:`int`. Values are:
         * -1 for customized chords
         *  0: C
         *  1: C#
         * ...
         * - Type: :ref:`int`. Determines the chord type as followed. See
         * :class:`guitarpro.models.ChordType` for mapping.
         * - Chord extension: :ref:`int`. See
         * :class:`guitarpro.models.ChordExtension` for mapping.
         * - Bass note: :ref:`int`. Lowest note of chord as in *C/Am*.
         * - Tonality: :ref:`int`. See
         * :class:`guitarpro.models.ChordAlteration` for mapping.
         * - Add: :ref:`bool`. Determines if an "add" (added note) is
         * present in the chord.
         * - Name: :ref:`byte-size-string`. Max length is 22.
         * - Fifth alteration: :ref:`int`. Maps to
         * :class:`guitarpro.models.ChordAlteration`.
         * - Ninth alteration: :ref:`int`. Maps to
         * :class:`guitarpro.models.ChordAlteration`.
         * - Eleventh alteration: :ref:`int`. Maps to
         * :class:`guitarpro.models.ChordAlteration`.
         * - List of frets: 6 :ref:`Ints <int>`. Fret values are saved as
         * in default format.
         * - Count of barres: :ref:`int`. Maximum count is 2.
         * - Barre frets: 2 :ref:`Ints <int>`.
         * - Barre start strings: 2 :ref:`Ints <int>`.
         * - Barre end string: 2 :ref:`Ints <int>`.
         * - Omissions: 7 :ref:`Bools <bool>`. If the value is true then
         * note is played in chord.
         * - Blank space, 1 :ref:`byte`.*/

        chord.sharp = GPBase.readBool()[0];
        var intonation = chord.sharp ? "sharp" : "flat";

        chord.root      = new PitchClass(GPBase.readByte()[0], -1, "", intonation);
        chord.type      = (ChordType)GPBase.readByte()[0];
        chord.extension = (ChordExtension)GPBase.readByte()[0];
        chord.bass      = new PitchClass(GPBase.readInt()[0], -1, "", intonation);
        chord.tonality  = (ChordAlteration)GPBase.readInt()[0];
        chord.add       = GPBase.readBool()[0];
        chord.name      = GPBase.readByteSizeString(22);
        chord.fifth     = (ChordAlteration)GPBase.readByte()[0];
        chord.ninth     = (ChordAlteration)GPBase.readByte()[0];
        chord.eleventh  = (ChordAlteration)GPBase.readByte()[0];
        chord.firstFret = GPBase.readInt()[0];
        for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
            var fret = GPBase.readInt()[0];
            if (i < chord.strings.Length)
                chord.strings[i] = fret;
        var barresCount = GPBase.readByte()[0];
        var barreFrets  = GPBase.readByte(5);
        var barreStarts = GPBase.readByte(5);
        var barreEnds   = GPBase.readByte(5);

        for (int x = 0; x < Math.Min(5, (int)barresCount); x++)
            var barre = new Barre(barreFrets[x], barreStarts[x], barreEnds[x]);
        chord.omissions = GPBase.readBool(7);
        List <Fingering> f = new List <Fingering>();

        for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++)
        chord.fingerings = f;
        chord.show       = GPBase.readBool()[0];
コード例 #16
    private void readNote(Note note, GuitarString guitarString, Track track)
        /*The first byte is note flags:
         * - *0x01*: time-independent duration
         * - *0x02*: heavy accentuated note
         * - *0x04*: ghost note
         * - *0x08*: presence of note effects
         * - *0x10*: dynamics
         * - *0x20*: fret
         * - *0x40*: accentuated note
         * - *0x80*: right hand or left hand fingering
         * Flags are followed by:
         * - Note type: :ref:`byte`. Note is normal if values is 1, tied if
         * value is 2, dead if value is 3.
         * - Time-independent duration: 2 :ref:`SignedBytes <signed-byte>`.
         * Correspond to duration and tuplet. See :meth:`readDuration`
         * for reference.
         * - Note dynamics: :ref:`signed-byte`. See :meth:`unpackVelocity`.
         * - Fret number: :ref:`signed-byte`. If flag at *0x20* is set then
         * read fret number.
         * - Fingering: 2 :ref:`SignedBytes <signed-byte>`. See
         * :class:`guitarpro.models.Fingering`.
         * - Note effects. See :meth:`readNoteEffects`.*/

        var flags = GPBase.readByte()[0];

        note.str = guitarString.number;
        note.effect.ghostNote = ((flags & 0x04) != 0);
        if ((flags & 0x20) != 0)
            note.type = (NoteType)(GPBase.readByte()[0]);
        if ((flags & 0x01) != 0)
            note.duration = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
            note.tuplet   = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
        if ((flags & 0x10) != 0)
            var dyn = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
            note.velocity = unpackVelocity(dyn);
        if ((flags & 0x20) != 0)
            int value;
            var fret = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
            if (note.type == NoteType.tie)
                value = getTiedNoteValue(guitarString.number, track);
                value = fret;
            note.value = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(99, value));
        if ((flags & 0x80) != 0)
            note.effect.leftHandFinger  = (Fingering)GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
            note.effect.rightHandFinger = (Fingering)GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
        if ((flags & 0x08) != 0)
            note.effect = readNoteEffects(note);
            if (note.effect.isHarmonic() && note.effect.harmonic is TappedHarmonic)
                note.effect.harmonic.fret = note.value + 12;
コード例 #17
    private MeasureHeader readMeasureHeader(int number, MeasureHeader previous = null)
        /*Read measure header.
         * The first byte is the measure's flags. It lists the data given in the
         * current measure.
         * - *0x01*: numerator of the key signature
         * - *0x02*: denominator of the key signature
         * - *0x04*: beginning of repeat
         * - *0x08*: end of repeat
         * - *0x10*: number of alternate ending
         * - *0x20*: presence of a marker
         * - *0x40*: tonality of the measure
         * - *0x80*: presence of a double bar
         * Each of these elements is present only if the corresponding bit
         * is a 1.
         * The different elements are written (if they are present) from
         * lowest to highest bit.
         * Exceptions are made for the double bar and the beginning of
         * repeat whose sole presence is enough, complementary data is not
         * necessary.
         * - Numerator of the key signature: :ref:`byte`.
         * - Denominator of the key signature: :ref:`byte`.
         * - End of repeat: :ref:`byte`.
         * Number of repeats until the previous beginning of repeat.
         * - Number of alternate ending: :ref:`byte`.
         * - Marker: see :meth:`GP3File.readMarker`.
         * - Tonality of the measure: 2 :ref:`Bytes <byte>`. These values
         * encode a key signature change on the current piece. First byte
         * is key signature root, second is key signature type.

        byte          flags  = GPBase.readByte()[0];
        MeasureHeader header = new MeasureHeader();

        header.number      = number;
        header.start       = 0;
        header.tempo.value = tempo;
        header.tripletFeel = _tripletFeel;
        if ((flags & 0x01) != 0)
            header.timeSignature.numerator = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
            header.timeSignature.numerator = previous.timeSignature.numerator;
        if ((flags & 0x02) != 0)
            header.timeSignature.denominator.value = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
            header.timeSignature.denominator.value = previous.timeSignature.denominator.value;
        header.isRepeatOpen = (bool)((flags & 0x04) != 0);
        if ((flags & 0x08) != 0)
            header.repeatClose = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
        if ((flags & 0x10) != 0)
        if ((flags & 0x20) != 0)
            header.marker = readMarker(header);
        if ((flags & 0x40) != 0)
            sbyte root  = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
            sbyte type_ = GPBase.readSignedByte()[0];
            int   dir   = (root < 0) ? -1 : 1;
            header.keySignature = (KeySignature)((int)root * 10 + dir * type_);
        else if (header.number > 1)
            header.keySignature = previous.keySignature;
        header.hasDoubleBar = ((flags & 0x80) != 0);
