private void MainDlg_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // start minimized if enabled if (Properties.Settings.Default.Windows_Startup_Minimized) { WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; } else { WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; } // reset FirstRun flag Properties.Settings.Default.Application_FirstRun = false; // set initial settings for CoverageMap // setting User Agent to fix Open Street Map issue 2016-09-20 GMap.NET.MapProviders.GMapProvider.UserAgent = "AirScout"; // clearing referrer URL issue 2019-12-14 gm_Planes_Coverage.MapProvider.RefererUrl = ""; gm_Planes_Coverage.MapProvider = GMapProviders.Find(Properties.Settings.Default.Planes_MapProvider); gm_Planes_Coverage.IgnoreMarkerOnMouseWheel = true; gm_Planes_Coverage.MinZoom = 0; gm_Planes_Coverage.MaxZoom = 20; gm_Planes_Coverage.Zoom = 6; gm_Planes_Coverage.DragButton = System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left; gm_Planes_Coverage.CanDragMap = true; gm_Planes_Coverage.ScalePen = new Pen(Color.Black, 3); gm_Planes_Coverage.HelperLinePen = null; gm_Planes_Coverage.SelectionPen = null; gm_Planes_Coverage.MapScaleInfoEnabled = true; gm_Planes_Coverage.Overlays.Add(gmo_Planes_Coverage); // keep startup time StartupTime = DateTime.UtcNow; // start database // enable/disable functions cb_WebFeed1_Active_CheckedChanged(this, null); cb_WebFeed2_Active_CheckedChanged(this, null); cb_WebFeed3_Active_CheckedChanged(this, null); cb_Log_Active_CheckedChanged(this, null); cb_Server_Active_CheckedChanged(this, null); // start timer ti_Main.Enabled = true; ti_Main.Start(); // start background workers bw_JSONWriter.RunWorkerAsync(); bw_DatabaseUpdater.RunWorkerAsync(); }
public TrafficDlg() { InitializeComponent(); // set initial settings for Map gm_Options_Traffic.MapProvider = GMapProviders.Find(Properties.Settings.Default.Map_Provider); gm_Options_Traffic.IgnoreMarkerOnMouseWheel = true; gm_Options_Traffic.MinZoom = 0; gm_Options_Traffic.MaxZoom = 20; gm_Options_Traffic.Zoom = 6; gm_Options_Traffic.DragButton = System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left; gm_Options_Traffic.CanDragMap = true; gm_Options_Traffic.ScalePen = new Pen(Color.Black, 3); gm_Options_Traffic.HelperLinePen = null; gm_Options_Traffic.SelectionPen = null; gm_Options_Traffic.MapScaleInfoEnabled = true; gm_Options_Traffic.Overlays.Add(Coveragepolygons); gm_Options_Traffic.Overlays.Add(routes); // add tile to map polygons List <PointLatLng> l = new List <PointLatLng>(); l.Add(new PointLatLng(Properties.Settings.Default.MinLat, Properties.Settings.Default.MinLon)); l.Add(new PointLatLng(Properties.Settings.Default.MinLat, Properties.Settings.Default.MaxLon)); l.Add(new PointLatLng(Properties.Settings.Default.MaxLat, Properties.Settings.Default.MaxLon)); l.Add(new PointLatLng(Properties.Settings.Default.MaxLat, Properties.Settings.Default.MinLon)); GMapPolygon p = new GMapPolygon(l, "Coverage"); p.Stroke = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, Color.Magenta), 3); p.Fill = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Magenta)); Coveragepolygons.Polygons.Add(p); // zoom the map gm_Options_Traffic.SetZoomToFitRect(RectLatLng.FromLTRB(Properties.Settings.Default.MinLon - 1, Properties.Settings.Default.MaxLat + 1, Properties.Settings.Default.MaxLon + 1, Properties.Settings.Default.MinLat - 1)); try { dtp_Options_Traffic_Start.Value = AircraftPositionData.Database.AircraftPositionOldestEntry(); dtp_Options_Traffic_Stop.Value = AircraftPositionData.Database.AircraftPositionYoungestEntry(); } catch { dtp_Options_Traffic_Start.Value = DateTime.UtcNow; dtp_Options_Traffic_Stop.Value = DateTime.UtcNow; } }
public HorizonDlg(string call, double lat, double lon, LocalObstructionDesignator localobstruction) { InitializeComponent(); Location = StationData.Database.LocationFindOrCreate(call, MaidenheadLocator.LocFromLatLon(lat, lon, false, 3)); QRV = StationData.Database.QRVFindOrCreateDefault(call, MaidenheadLocator.LocFromLatLon(lat, lon, false, 3), Properties.Settings.Default.Band); LocalObstruction = localobstruction; Elevation = ElevationData.Database[Location.Lat, Location.Lon, Properties.Settings.Default.ElevationModel]; AntennaHeight = (QRV.AntennaHeight != 0) ? QRV.AntennaHeight : StationData.Database.QRVGetDefaultAntennaHeight(Properties.Settings.Default.Band); NumberFormatInfo provider = new NumberFormatInfo(); provider.NumberDecimalSeparator = "."; provider.NumberGroupSeparator = ","; tb_Horizon_Lat.Text = Location.Lat.ToString("F8", provider); tb_Horizon_Lon.Text = Location.Lon.ToString("F8", provider); tb_Horizon_Elevation.Text = ElevationData.Database[Location.Lat, Location.Lon, Properties.Settings.Default.ElevationModel].ToString("F0", provider); tb_Horizon_Height.Text = AntennaHeight.ToString("F0", provider); tb_Horizon_K_Factor.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.Path_Band_Settings[Properties.Settings.Default.Band].K_Factor.ToString("F2", provider); tb_Horizon_QRG.Text = Bands.GetStringValue(Properties.Settings.Default.Band); tb_Horizon_F1_Clearance.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.Path_Band_Settings[Properties.Settings.Default.Band].F1_Clearance.ToString("F2", provider); tb_Horizon_ElevationModel.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.ElevationModel.ToString(); // setting User Agent to fix Open Street Map issue 2016-09-20 GMap.NET.MapProviders.GMapProvider.UserAgent = "AirScout"; // clearing referrer URL issue 2019-12-14 gm_Horizon.MapProvider.RefererUrl = ""; // set initial settings for main map gm_Horizon.MapProvider = GMapProviders.Find(Properties.Settings.Default.Map_Provider); gm_Horizon.IgnoreMarkerOnMouseWheel = true; gm_Horizon.MinZoom = 0; gm_Horizon.MaxZoom = 20; gm_Horizon.Zoom = 8; gm_Horizon.DragButton = System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left; gm_Horizon.CanDragMap = true; gm_Horizon.ScalePen = new Pen(Color.Black, 3); gm_Horizon.MapScaleInfoEnabled = true; gm_Horizon.Overlays.Add(horizons); GMarkerGoogle gm = new GMarkerGoogle(new PointLatLng(Location.Lat, Location.Lon), GMarkerGoogleType.red_dot); gm.ToolTipText = Location.Call; horizons.Markers.Add(gm); horizon.Stroke = new Pen(Color.Red, 3); horizons.Routes.Add(horizon); this.Text = "Radio Horizon of " + Location.Call; // initialize charts InitializeCharts(); // activate Polar if nothing checked if (!Properties.Settings.Default.Horizon_Plot_Polar && !Properties.Settings.Default.Horizon_Plot_Cartesian && !Properties.Settings.Default.Horizon_Plot_Map) { Properties.Settings.Default.Horizon_Plot_Polar = true; } // show according child windows UpdateCharts(); // create ToolTip on this window TT = new ToolTip(); OwnerWin = gm_Horizon; HorizonDlg_SizeChanged(this, null); // set map bounds Map_Left = Location.Lon; Map_Right = Location.Lon; Map_Top = Location.Lat; Map_Bottom = Location.Lat; }
protected override void OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs e) { BACKGROUNDUPDATERSTARTOPTIONS Options = (BACKGROUNDUPDATERSTARTOPTIONS)e.Argument; // name the thread for debugging if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Thread.CurrentThread.Name)) { Thread.CurrentThread.Name = this.Name + "_" + this.GetType().Name; } this.ReportProgress(0, this.Name + " started."); Log.WriteMessage(this.Name + " started."); // get update interval int interval = (int)Properties.Settings.Default.Background_Update_Period * 60; // get mpst simple elevation model if (Properties.Settings.Default.Elevation_GLOBE_Enabled) { Model = ELEVATIONMODEL.GLOBE; } else if (Properties.Settings.Default.Elevation_SRTM3_Enabled) { Model = ELEVATIONMODEL.SRTM3; } else if (Properties.Settings.Default.Elevation_SRTM1_Enabled) { Model = ELEVATIONMODEL.SRTM1; } // return if no elevation model selected if (Model == ELEVATIONMODEL.NONE) { return; } // setting User Agent to fix Open Street Map issue 2016-09-20 GMap.NET.MapProviders.GMapProvider.UserAgent = "AirScout"; // clearing referrer URL issue 2019-12-14 gm_Map.MapProvider.RefererUrl = ""; // set initial settings for main map gm_Map.MapProvider = GMapProviders.Find(Properties.Settings.Default.Map_Provider); gm_Map.MinZoom = 0; gm_Map.MaxZoom = 20; // get database filename int i = 0; int count = 0; int total = 0; do { i = 0; count = 0; total = 0; // checks if elevation database is complete try { this.ReportProgress(0, this.Name + " getting tiles from database."); int zmin = 5; int zmax = 11; List <MapPreloaderTile> l = new List <MapPreloaderTile>(); for (int z = zmin; z <= zmax; z++) { int xmin = long2tilex(Properties.Settings.Default.MinLon, z); int xmax = long2tilex(Properties.Settings.Default.MaxLon, z); int ymin = lat2tiley(Properties.Settings.Default.MaxLat, z); int ymax = lat2tiley(Properties.Settings.Default.MinLat, z); for (int x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) { for (int y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) { // check if tile already in database --> add it to list to get it from the web if (!MapData.Database.TileExists(x, y, z, gm_Map.MapProvider.DbId)) { MapPreloaderTile t = new MapPreloaderTile(x, y, z, gm_Map.MapProvider.DbId); l.Add(t); } total++; if (this.CancellationPending) { break; } } if (this.CancellationPending) { break; } } if (this.CancellationPending) { break; } } if (this.CancellationPending) { break; } count = l.Count(); Random rng = new Random(); // shuffle the list int n = l.Count; while (n > 1) { n--; int k = rng.Next(n + 1); MapPreloaderTile value = l[k]; l[k] = l[n]; l[n] = value; } n = 0; foreach (MapPreloaderTile t in l) { Exception ex = null; this.ReportProgress(0, "Preloading " + "/" + t.Z.ToString() + "/" + t.X.ToString() + "/" + t.Y.ToString() + ".png"); try { // try to donwload from first if (gm_Map.MapProvider.GetType() == typeof(OpenStreetMapProvider)) { LoadOSM(t.X, t.Y, t.Z); } else { PureImage img = gm_Map.Manager.GetImageFrom(gm_Map.MapProvider, new GPoint(t.X, t.Y), t.Z, out ex); // wait until cache is written to database } if (ex == null) { Console.WriteLine("Preload tile [" + i.ToString() + " of " + count.ToString() + "] x=" + t.X + ", y=" + t.Y + ", z=" + t.Z + ": OK"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Preload tile [" + i.ToString() + " of " + count.ToString() + "] x=" + t.X + ", y=" + t.Y + ", z=" + t.Z + ": " + ex.ToString()); } } catch (Exception e1) { Console.WriteLine(this.Name + ": " + e1.ToString()); } Thread.Sleep(100); i++; n++; if (n > 100) { while (GMaps.Instance.tileCacheQueue.Count > 0) { Application.DoEvents(); if (this.CancellationPending) { break; } } n = 0; } if (this.CancellationPending) { break; } } if (this.CancellationPending) { break; } } catch (Exception ex) { this.ReportProgress(-1, ex.ToString()); } // sleep when running periodically if (Options == BACKGROUNDUPDATERSTARTOPTIONS.RUNPERIODICALLY) { int l = 0; while (!this.CancellationPending && (l < interval)) { Thread.Sleep(1000); l++; } } if (this.CancellationPending) { break; } }while (Options == BACKGROUNDUPDATERSTARTOPTIONS.RUNPERIODICALLY); if (this.CancellationPending) { this.ReportProgress(0, Name + " cancelled."); Log.WriteMessage(Name + " cancelled."); } else { this.ReportProgress(0, Name + " finished, total " + total.ToString() + " tile(s), " + (count - i).ToString() + " left."); Log.WriteMessage(Name + " finished, total " + total.ToString() + " tile(s), " + (count - i).ToString() + " left."); } }