public GLib.SList DiscreteEdgeActions() { IntPtr raw_ret = cdn_integrator_state_discrete_edge_actions(Handle); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return(ret); }
public GLib.SList ToSlist() { IntPtr raw_ret = rc_package_dep_array_to_slist(ref this); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return(ret); }
public static GLib.SList GetActions(System.DateTime when) { IntPtr raw_ret = rc_rollback_get_actions(GLib.Marshaller.DateTimeTotime_t(when)); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret, typeof(RC.RollbackAction)); return(ret); }
public static GLib.SList SlistSort(GLib.SList old_slist) { IntPtr raw_ret = rc_package_update_slist_sort(old_slist.Handle); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return(ret); }
private Menu CreateMenu(int depth, bool tearoff) { if (depth < 1) { return(null); } Menu menu = new Menu(); GLib.SList group = new GLib.SList(IntPtr.Zero); if (tearoff) { TearoffMenuItem menuitem = new TearoffMenuItem(); menu.Append(menuitem); } for (int i = 0, j = 1; i < 5; i++, j++) { RadioMenuItem menuitem = new RadioMenuItem(group, String.Format("item {0} - {1}", depth, j)); group = menuitem.Group; menu.Append(menuitem); if (i == 3) { menuitem.Sensitive = false; } menuitem.Submenu = CreateMenu((depth - 1), true); } return(menu); }
public static GLib.SList SlistCopy(GLib.SList old_update) { IntPtr raw_ret = rc_package_update_slist_copy(old_update.Handle); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return(ret); }
public bool Transact(GLib.SList install_packages, GLib.SList remove_packages, int flags) { bool raw_ret = rc_world_transact(Handle, install_packages.Handle, remove_packages.Handle, flags); bool ret = raw_ret; return(ret); }
public GLib.SList PatchParents(RC.Package package) { IntPtr raw_ret = rc_packman_patch_parents(Handle, package == null ? IntPtr.Zero : package.Handle); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return(ret); }
public static GLib.SList ArchGetCompatList(RC.Arch arch) { IntPtr raw_ret = rc_arch_get_compat_list((int)arch); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return(ret); }
public bool SetFromList(GLib.SList timedvalues) { bool raw_ret = gst_timed_value_control_source_set_from_list(Handle, timedvalues == null ? IntPtr.Zero : timedvalues.Handle); bool ret = raw_ret; return(ret); }
public GLib.SList Events() { IntPtr raw_ret = cdn_integrator_state_events(Handle); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return(ret); }
public GLib.SList GetAutoTemplatesForChild(Cdn.Object child) { IntPtr raw_ret = cdn_node_get_auto_templates_for_child(Handle, child == null ? IntPtr.Zero : child.Handle); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return(ret); }
public static GLib.SList KeysToList(System.IntPtr hash_table) { IntPtr raw_ret = rc_hash_keys_to_list(hash_table); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return(ret); }
public bool SetRunAttributes(GLib.SList attrib_set, int start_offset, int end_offset) { bool raw_ret = atk_editable_text_set_run_attributes(Handle, attrib_set == null ? IntPtr.Zero : attrib_set.Handle, start_offset, end_offset); bool ret = raw_ret; return(ret); }
public static int ArchGetCompatScore(GLib.SList compat_arch_list, RC.Arch arch) { int raw_ret = rc_arch_get_compat_score(compat_arch_list.Handle, (int)arch); int ret = raw_ret; return(ret); }
public GLib.SList QueryAll() { IntPtr raw_ret = rc_packman_query_all(Handle); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return(ret); }
public void SetState(Cdn.Node node, string st, GLib.SList events_added, GLib.SList events_removed) { IntPtr native_st = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup(st); cdn_integrator_state_set_state(Handle, node == null ? IntPtr.Zero : node.Handle, native_st, events_added == null ? IntPtr.Zero : events_added.Handle, events_removed == null ? IntPtr.Zero : events_removed.Handle); GLib.Marshaller.Free(native_st); }
public GLib.SList Functions() { IntPtr raw_ret = cdn_integrator_state_functions(Handle); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return(ret); }
public GLib.SList RandInstructions() { IntPtr raw_ret = cdn_integrator_state_rand_instructions(Handle); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return(ret); }
public GLib.SList ListShortcuts() { IntPtr raw_ret = gtk_places_sidebar_list_shortcuts(Handle); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return(ret); }
public GLib.SList ToInstructions() { IntPtr raw_ret = cdn_expression_tree_iter_to_instructions(Handle); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return(ret); }
public object Get() { switch (val_type) { case ValueType.String: return(GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString(gconf_value_get_string(Raw))); case ValueType.Int: return(gconf_value_get_int(Raw)); case ValueType.Float: return(gconf_value_get_float(Raw)); case ValueType.Bool: return(gconf_value_get_bool(Raw)); case ValueType.List: GLib.SList list = new GLib.SList(gconf_value_get_list(Raw), typeof(Value)); Array result = Array.CreateInstance(GetListType(), list.Count); int i = 0; foreach (Value v in list) { ((IList)result) [i] = v.Get(); v.managed = false; // This is the trick to prevent a crash i++; } return(result); default: throw new InvalidValueTypeException(); } }
public bool Process(RC.ResolverContext context, GLib.SList arg2) { bool raw_ret = rc_queue_item_process(Handle, context == null ? IntPtr.Zero : context.Handle, arg2.Handle); bool ret = raw_ret; return(ret); }
public Package[] Query(params QueryPart[] queryParts) { // FIXME: Set owned and items owned correctly GLib.SList query = new GLib.SList(IntPtr.Zero, typeof(IntPtr)); foreach (QueryPart part in queryParts) { IntPtr key_as_native = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup(part.Key); IntPtr query_str_as_native = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup(part.QueryStr); IntPtr rawPart = rc_query_part_new(key_as_native, (int)part.Type, query_str_as_native); GLib.Marshaller.Free(key_as_native); GLib.Marshaller.Free(query_str_as_native); query.Append(rawPart); } IntPtr raw_ret = rc_query_packages(Handle, query.Handle); foreach (IntPtr p in query) { rc_query_part_free(p); } query.Dispose(); return((RC.Package[])GLib.Marshaller.ListToArray(new GLib.SList(raw_ret, typeof(RC.Package), false, false), typeof(RC.Package))); }
public void Add(RadioActionEntry[] entries, int value, ChangedHandler changed) { GLib.SList group = new GLib.SList(typeof(RadioAction)); RadioAction[] actions = new RadioAction[entries.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++) { actions[i] = new RadioAction(entries[i].name, entries[i].label, entries[i].tooltip, entries[i].stock_id, entries[i].value); actions[i].Group = group; group = actions[i].Group; actions[i].Active = value == entries[i].value; if (entries[i].accelerator == null) { Add(actions[i]); } else { Add(actions[i], entries[i].accelerator); } } // Add the ChangedHandler when we're done adding all the actions. // Otherwise, setting the Active property will trigger a premature event. if (changed != null) { actions[0].Changed += changed; } }
public GLib.SList QueryFileList(GLib.SList filenames, bool filter_file_deps) { IntPtr raw_ret = rc_packman_query_file_list(Handle, filenames.Handle, filter_file_deps); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return(ret); }
public static Gnome.CanvasPathDef Concat(GLib.SList list) { IntPtr raw_ret = gnome_canvas_path_def_concat(list == null ? IntPtr.Zero : list.Handle); Gnome.CanvasPathDef ret = raw_ret == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (Gnome.CanvasPathDef)GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque(raw_ret, typeof(Gnome.CanvasPathDef), false); return(ret); }
public GLib.SList DiscreteVariables() { IntPtr raw_ret = cdn_integrator_state_discrete_variables(Handle); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return(ret); }
public GLib.SList PhaseIntegratedEdgeActions() { IntPtr raw_ret = cdn_integrator_state_phase_integrated_edge_actions(Handle); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return(ret); }
public static GLib.SList SlistCopy(GLib.SList list) { IntPtr raw_ret = rc_package_dep_slist_copy(list.Handle); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return(ret); }
public bool NativeCallback (IntPtr world, IntPtr install_packages, IntPtr remove_packages, int flags) { RC.World _arg0 = GLib.Object.GetObject(world) as RC.World; GLib.SList _arg1 = new GLib.SList(install_packages); GLib.SList _arg2 = new GLib.SList(remove_packages); int _arg3 = flags; return (bool) managed ( _arg0, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3); }
GLib.SList rbGroup; //= new GLib.SList(typeof(RadioMenuItem)); #endregion Fields #region Constructors public EntryMenu(List<string> menu1,string labelMenu1, List<string> menu2,string labelMenu2, string defValue) : base(false, 6) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(defValue)){ LabelText = defValue; entryTxt.Text = defValue; } this.PackStart(entryTxt,true,true,0); Gdk.Pixbuf default_pixbuf = null; string file = System.IO.Path.Combine(MainClass.Paths.ResDir, "stock-menu.png"); if (System.IO.File.Exists(file)) { default_pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf(file); Gtk.Button btnClose = new Gtk.Button(new Gtk.Image(default_pixbuf)); btnClose.TooltipText = MainClass.Languages.Translate("insert_condition_name"); btnClose.Relief = Gtk.ReliefStyle.None; btnClose.CanFocus = false; btnClose.WidthRequest = btnClose.HeightRequest = 22; popupCondition.AttachToWidget(btnClose,new Gtk.MenuDetachFunc(DetachWidget)); btnClose.Clicked += delegate { popupCondition.Popup(); //popupCondition.Popup(btnClose,null,new Gtk.MenuPositionFunc (GetPosition),3,Gtk.Global.CurrentEventTime); }; this.PackEnd(btnClose,false,false,0); } rbGroup = new GLib.SList (typeof(RadioMenuItem)); Gtk.MenuItem mi = new Gtk.MenuItem(labelMenu1); mi.Name = labelMenu1; mi.Sensitive = false; popupCondition.Add(mi); foreach(string m in menu1){ AddMenuItem(popupCondition,m); } Gtk.MenuItem mi2 = new Gtk.MenuItem(labelMenu2); mi2.Name = labelMenu2; mi2.Sensitive = false; popupCondition.Add(mi2); //Gtk.Menu subPopup2 = new Gtk.Menu(); foreach(string m in menu2){ AddMenuItem(popupCondition,m); } //popupCondition.State = StateType.Insensitive; //popupCondition. popupCondition.ShowAll(); this.ShowAll(); }
public Widget[] GetToplevels (Gtk.UIManagerItemType types) { IntPtr raw_ret = gtk_ui_manager_get_toplevels (Handle, (int) types); GLib.SList list = new GLib.SList (raw_ret); Widget[] result = new Widget [list.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) result [i] = list [i] as Widget; return result; }
public TextTag[] GetToggledTags (bool toggled_on) { IntPtr raw_ret = gtk_text_iter_get_toggled_tags (ref this, toggled_on); if (raw_ret == IntPtr.Zero) return new TextTag [0]; GLib.SList list = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); TextTag[] result = new TextTag [list.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) result [i] = list [i] as TextTag; return result; }
public static AccelGroup[] GroupsFromObject(GLib.Object obj) { IntPtr raw_ret = gtk_accel_groups_from_object(obj.Handle); if (raw_ret == IntPtr.Zero) return new AccelGroup [0]; GLib.SList list = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); AccelGroup[] result = new AccelGroup [list.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) result [i] = list [i] as AccelGroup; return result; }
public static string[] ListIds() { IntPtr raw_ret = gtk_stock_list_ids (); if (raw_ret == IntPtr.Zero) return new string [0]; GLib.SList list = new GLib.SList(raw_ret, typeof (string)); string[] result = new string [list.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) result [i] = (string) list [i]; return result; }
public Display[] ListDisplays () { IntPtr raw_ret = gdk_display_manager_list_displays (Handle); if (raw_ret == IntPtr.Zero) return new Display [0]; GLib.SList list = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); Display[] result = new Display [list.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) result [i] = list [i] as Display; return result; }
public GlyphItem[] ApplyAttrs (string text, Pango.AttrList list) { IntPtr native_text = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (text); IntPtr list_handle = pango_glyph_item_apply_attrs (ref this, native_text, list.Handle); GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_text); if (list_handle == IntPtr.Zero) return new GlyphItem [0]; GLib.SList item_list = new GLib.SList (list_handle, typeof (GlyphItem)); GlyphItem[] result = new GlyphItem [item_list.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (GlyphItem item in item_list) result [i++] = item; return result; }
public void GetFont (out Pango.FontDescription desc, out Pango.Language language, out Pango.Attribute[] extra_attrs) { desc = new FontDescription (); IntPtr language_handle, list_handle; pango_attr_iterator_get_font (Handle, desc.Handle, out language_handle, out list_handle); desc.Family = desc.Family; // change static string to allocated one language = language_handle == IntPtr.Zero ? null : new Language (language_handle); if (list_handle == IntPtr.Zero) { extra_attrs = new Pango.Attribute [0]; return; } GLib.SList list = new GLib.SList (list_handle); extra_attrs = new Pango.Attribute [list.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (IntPtr raw_attr in list) extra_attrs [i++] = Pango.Attribute.GetAttribute (raw_attr); }
public void Add(RadioActionEntry[] entries, int value, ChangedHandler changed) { GLib.SList group = new GLib.SList (typeof (RadioAction)); RadioAction[] actions = new RadioAction[entries.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++) { actions[i] = new RadioAction (entries[i].name, entries[i].label, entries[i].tooltip, entries[i].stock_id, entries[i].value); actions[i].Group = group; group = actions[i].Group; actions[i].Active = value == entries[i].value; if (entries[i].accelerator == null) Add (actions[i]); else Add (actions[i], entries[i].accelerator); } // Add the ChangedHandler when we're done adding all the actions. // Otherwise, setting the Active property will trigger a premature event. if (changed != null) actions[0].Changed += changed; }
public Package[] Query (params QueryPart[] queryParts) { // FIXME: Set owned and items owned correctly GLib.SList query = new GLib.SList (IntPtr.Zero, typeof (IntPtr)); foreach (QueryPart part in queryParts) { IntPtr key_as_native = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (part.Key); IntPtr query_str_as_native = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (part.QueryStr); IntPtr rawPart = rc_query_part_new (key_as_native, (int) part.Type, query_str_as_native); GLib.Marshaller.Free (key_as_native); GLib.Marshaller.Free (query_str_as_native); query.Append (rawPart); } IntPtr raw_ret = rc_query_packages (Handle, query.Handle); foreach (IntPtr p in query) rc_query_part_free (p); query.Dispose (); return (RC.Package[]) GLib.Marshaller.ListToArray (new GLib.SList (raw_ret, typeof (RC.Package), false, false), typeof (RC.Package)); }
public PropertyEditorRadioButton (string key, RadioButton button, Type enum_type, int[] enum_values) : base (key, button, enum_type, enum_values) { group = button.Group; }
public PropertyEditorRadioButton (string key, RadioButton button) : base (key, button) { group = button.Group; }
public static Array ListPtrToArray (IntPtr list_ptr, Type list_type, bool owned, bool elements_owned, Type elem_type) { ListBase list; if (list_type == typeof(GLib.List)) list = new GLib.List (list_ptr, elem_type, owned, elements_owned); else list = new GLib.SList (list_ptr, elem_type, owned, elements_owned); using (list) return ListToArray (list, elem_type); }
public PropertyEditorRadioButton (string key, RadioButton button, Type enum_type) : base (key, button, enum_type) { group = button.Group; }
GLib.SList GetListFromCollection (ICollection data, out ValueType listType) { object [] arr = (object []) Array.CreateInstance (typeof (object), data.Count); data.CopyTo (arr, 0); listType = ValueType.Invalid; GLib.SList list = new GLib.SList (IntPtr.Zero); GC.SuppressFinalize (list); if (data.Count == 0) { if (data is string []) listType = ValueType.String; else if (data is int []) listType = ValueType.Int; else if (data is double []) listType = ValueType.Float; else if (data is bool []) listType = ValueType.Bool; } if (arr.Length == 0) { if (data is Array) listType = LookupType (data.GetType ().GetElementType ()); else throw new InvalidValueTypeException (); return list; } foreach (object o in arr) { ValueType type = LookupType (o.GetType ()); if (listType == ValueType.Invalid) listType = type; if (listType == ValueType.Invalid || type != listType) throw new InvalidValueTypeException (); Value v = new Value (o); GC.SuppressFinalize (v); list.Append (v.Raw); } return list; }
public static GLib.SList SlistSortByPrettyName(GLib.SList packages) { IntPtr raw_ret = rc_package_slist_sort_by_pretty_name(packages.Handle); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return ret; }
static void ClassInit (GLib.GType gtype, Type t) { object[] attrs = t.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (BindingAttribute), true); if (attrs.Length == 0) return; string signame = t.Name.Replace (".", "_") + "_bindings"; IntPtr native_signame = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (signame); RegisterSignal (signame, gtype, GLib.Signal.Flags.RunLast | GLib.Signal.Flags.Action, GLib.GType.None, new GLib.GType[] {GLib.GType.Long}, BindingDelegate); if (binding_invokers == null) binding_invokers = new List<BindingInvoker> (); foreach (BindingAttribute attr in attrs) { System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi = t.GetMethod (attr.Handler, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public); if (mi == null) throw new Exception ("Instance method " + attr.Handler + " not found in " + t); GtkBindingArg arg = new GtkBindingArg (); arg.arg_type = GLib.GType.Long.Val; var bi = new BindingInvoker (mi, attr.Parms); binding_invokers.Add (bi); int binding_invoker_idx = binding_invokers.IndexOf (bi); #if WIN64LONGS = binding_invoker_idx; #else = new IntPtr (binding_invoker_idx); #endif GLib.SList binding_args = new GLib.SList (new object[] {arg}, typeof (GtkBindingArg), false, false); gtk_binding_entry_add_signall (gtk_binding_set_by_class (gtype.GetClassPtr ()), (uint) attr.Key, attr.Mod, native_signame, binding_args.Handle); binding_args.Dispose (); } GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_signame); }
// options menu for filterSearchEntry public Menu CreateOptionsMenu() { Menu menu = new Menu (); MenuItem searchInMenu = new MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Search in")); Menu sub = new Menu (); searchInMenu.Submenu = sub; Gtk.RadioMenuItem name = null, baseValue = null, value =null, comment = null, all = null; GLib.SList group = new GLib.SList (IntPtr.Zero); name = new Gtk.RadioMenuItem (group, GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Name")); group = name.Group; name.ButtonPressEvent += delegate { name.Activate (); }; sub.Append (name); baseValue = new Gtk.RadioMenuItem (group, GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Base Value")); baseValue.ButtonPressEvent += delegate { baseValue.Activate (); }; group = baseValue.Group; sub.Append (baseValue); value = new Gtk.RadioMenuItem (group, GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Value")); value.ButtonPressEvent += delegate { value.Activate (); }; group = value.Group; sub.Append (value); comment = new Gtk.RadioMenuItem (group, GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Comment")); comment.ButtonPressEvent += delegate { comment.Activate (); }; group = comment.Group; sub.Append (comment); all = new Gtk.RadioMenuItem (group, GettextCatalog.GetString ("_All")); all.ButtonPressEvent += delegate { all.Activate (); }; sub.Append (all); switch (DoSearchIn) { case SearchIn.All: all.Activate (); break; case SearchIn.BaseValue: baseValue.Activate (); break; case SearchIn.Value: value.Activate (); break; case SearchIn.Name: name.Activate (); break; case SearchIn.Comment: comment.Activate (); break; } menu.Append (searchInMenu); all.Activated += delegate { if (DoSearchIn != SearchIn.All) { DoSearchIn = SearchIn.All; Refresh (); menu.Destroy (); } }; baseValue.Activated += delegate { if (DoSearchIn != SearchIn.BaseValue) { DoSearchIn = SearchIn.BaseValue; Refresh (); menu.Destroy (); } }; value.Activated += delegate { if (DoSearchIn != SearchIn.Value) { DoSearchIn = SearchIn.Value; Refresh (); menu.Destroy (); } }; name.Activated += delegate { if (DoSearchIn != SearchIn.Name) { DoSearchIn = SearchIn.Name; Refresh (); menu.Destroy (); } }; comment.Activated += delegate { if (DoSearchIn != SearchIn.Comment) { DoSearchIn = SearchIn.Comment; Refresh (); menu.Destroy (); } }; Gtk.CheckMenuItem regexSearch = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem (MonoDevelop.Core.GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Regex search")); regexSearch.Active = RegexSearch; regexSearch.ButtonPressEvent += delegate { RegexSearch = !RegexSearch; Refresh (); }; menu.Append (regexSearch); Gtk.CheckMenuItem caseSensitive = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem (MonoDevelop.Core.GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Case sensitive")); caseSensitive.Active = IsCaseSensitive; caseSensitive.ButtonPressEvent += delegate { IsCaseSensitive = !IsCaseSensitive; Refresh (); }; menu.Append (caseSensitive); Gtk.CheckMenuItem wholeWordsOnly = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem (MonoDevelop.Core.GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Whole words only")); wholeWordsOnly.Active = IsWholeWordOnly; wholeWordsOnly.Sensitive = !RegexSearch; wholeWordsOnly.ButtonPressEvent += delegate { IsWholeWordOnly = !IsWholeWordOnly; Refresh (); }; menu.Append (wholeWordsOnly); menu.ShowAll (); return menu; }
private static void CreateEntriesFromFactory (MenuItem menu, TreeStore store, EventHandler handler, TypeFactory factory, IList menuEntries) { GLib.SList group = new GLib.SList (IntPtr.Zero); Menu submenu = new Menu (); foreach (DictionaryEntry de in factory) { TypeFactoryEntry entry = (TypeFactoryEntry) de.Value; if (store != null) store.AppendValues (false, entry.Description, entry.Key); RadioMenuItem item = new RadioMenuItem (group, entry.Description); item.Activated += handler; group = item.Group; submenu.Append (item); menuEntries.Add (new RadioMenuItemInfo (item, entry.Key)); } menu.Submenu = submenu; menu.ShowAll (); }
public static Array ListPtrToArray(IntPtr list_ptr, Type list_type, bool owned, bool elements_owned, Type elem_type) { Type array_type = elem_type == typeof (ListBase.FilenameString) ? typeof (string) : elem_type; ListBase list; if (list_type == typeof(GLib.List)) list = new GLib.List (list_ptr, elem_type, owned, elements_owned); else list = new GLib.SList (list_ptr, elem_type, owned, elements_owned); using (list) return ListToArray (list, array_type); }
public static GLib.SList HashTableBySpecToList(System.IntPtr ht) { IntPtr raw_ret = rc_package_hash_table_by_spec_to_list(ht); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return ret; }
public static GLib.SList ArchGetCompatList(RC.Arch arch) { IntPtr raw_ret = rc_arch_get_compat_list((int) arch); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return ret; }
public object Get () { switch (val_type) { case ValueType.String: return GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString (gconf_value_get_string (Raw)); case ValueType.Int: return gconf_value_get_int (Raw); case ValueType.Float: return gconf_value_get_float (Raw); case ValueType.Bool: return gconf_value_get_bool (Raw); case ValueType.List: GLib.SList list = new GLib.SList (gconf_value_get_list (Raw), typeof (Value)); Array result = Array.CreateInstance (GetListType (), list.Count); int i = 0; foreach (Value v in list) { ((IList) result) [i] = v.Get (); v.managed = false; // This is the trick to prevent a crash i++; } return result; default: throw new InvalidValueTypeException (); } }
public Menu CreateOptionsMenu () { Menu menu = new Menu (); MenuItem searchInMenu = new MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Search in")); Menu sub = new Menu (); searchInMenu.Submenu = sub; Gtk.RadioMenuItem original = null, translated = null, both = null; GLib.SList group = new GLib.SList (IntPtr.Zero); original = new Gtk.RadioMenuItem (group, GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Original")); group = original.Group; original.ButtonPressEvent += delegate { original.Activate (); }; sub.Append (original); translated = new Gtk.RadioMenuItem (group, GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Translated")); translated.ButtonPressEvent += delegate { translated.Activate (); }; group = translated.Group; sub.Append (translated); both = new Gtk.RadioMenuItem (group, GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Both")); both.ButtonPressEvent += delegate { both.Activate (); }; sub.Append (both); switch (DoSearchIn) { case SearchIn.Both: both.Activate (); break; case SearchIn.Original: original.Activate (); break; case SearchIn.Translated: translated.Activate (); break; } menu.Append (searchInMenu); both.Activated += delegate { if (DoSearchIn != SearchIn.Both) { DoSearchIn = SearchIn.Both; UpdateFromCatalog (); menu.Destroy (); } }; original.Activated += delegate { if (DoSearchIn != SearchIn.Original) { DoSearchIn = SearchIn.Original; UpdateFromCatalog (); menu.Destroy (); } }; translated.Activated += delegate { if (DoSearchIn != SearchIn.Translated) { DoSearchIn = SearchIn.Translated; UpdateFromCatalog (); menu.Destroy (); } }; Gtk.CheckMenuItem regexSearch = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem (MonoDevelop.Core.GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Regex search")); regexSearch.Active = RegexSearch; regexSearch.ButtonPressEvent += delegate { RegexSearch = !RegexSearch; UpdateFromCatalog (); }; menu.Append (regexSearch); Gtk.CheckMenuItem caseSensitive = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem (MonoDevelop.Core.GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Case sensitive")); caseSensitive.Active = IsCaseSensitive; caseSensitive.ButtonPressEvent += delegate { IsCaseSensitive = !IsCaseSensitive; UpdateFromCatalog (); }; menu.Append (caseSensitive); Gtk.CheckMenuItem wholeWordsOnly = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem (MonoDevelop.Core.GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Whole words only")); wholeWordsOnly.Active = IsWholeWordOnly; wholeWordsOnly.Sensitive = !RegexSearch; wholeWordsOnly.ButtonPressEvent += delegate { IsWholeWordOnly = !IsWholeWordOnly; UpdateFromCatalog (); }; menu.Append (wholeWordsOnly); menu.ShowAll (); return menu; }
public void SetUpActionGroup() { // menus file_menu = new Gtk.Action("FileMenu", "_File", null, null); action_group.Add(file_menu); edit_menu = new Gtk.Action("EditMenu", "_Edit", null, null); action_group.Add(edit_menu); view_menu = new Gtk.Action("ViewMenu", "_View", null, null); action_group.Add(view_menu); subs_menu = new Gtk.Action("SubsMenu", "_Feed", null, null); action_group.Add(subs_menu); item_menu = new Gtk.Action("ItemMenu", "_Item", null, null); action_group.Add(item_menu); help_menu = new Gtk.Action("HelpMenu", "_Help", null, null); action_group.Add(help_menu); // the file menu addaction = new Summa.Actions.AddAction(this); action_group.Add(addaction, "<ctrl>n"); import_action = new Summa.Actions.ImportAction(this); action_group.Add(import_action); Up_all_action = new Summa.Actions.UpdateAllAction(this); action_group.Add(Up_all_action, "<ctrl>r"); print_action = new Summa.Actions.PrintAction(this); action_group.Add(print_action, "<ctrl>p"); print_prev_action = new Summa.Actions.PrintPreviewAction(this); action_group.Add(print_prev_action, "<shift><ctrl>p"); email_action = new Summa.Actions.EmailLinkAction(this); action_group.Add(email_action); bookmark_action = new Summa.Actions.BookmarkAction(this); bookmark_action.Sensitive = false; action_group.Add(bookmark_action, "<ctrl>d"); new_tab_action = new Summa.Actions.NewTabAction(this); new_tab_action.Sensitive = false; action_group.Add(new_tab_action, "<ctrl>t"); new_win_action = new Summa.Actions.NewWindowAction(this); action_group.Add(new_win_action, "<shift><ctrl>N"); close_action = new Summa.Actions.CloseWindowAction(this); action_group.Add(close_action, "<ctrl>W"); // edit menu copy_action = new Summa.Actions.CopyAction(this); action_group.Add(copy_action, "<ctrl>C"); select_all_action = new Summa.Actions.SelectAllAction(this); action_group.Add(select_all_action, "<ctrl>A"); find_action = new Summa.Actions.FindAction(this); action_group.Add(find_action, "<ctrl>F"); prefs_action = new Summa.Actions.PreferencesAction(this); action_group.Add(prefs_action); // subscription menu update_action = new Summa.Actions.UpdateAction(this); action_group.Add(update_action, "<ctrl>u"); read_action = new Summa.Actions.MarkReadAction(this); action_group.Add(read_action, "<ctrl>m"); delete_action = new Summa.Actions.DeleteAction(this); action_group.Add(delete_action); props_action = new Summa.Actions.PropertiesAction(this); action_group.Add(props_action); tags_action = new Summa.Actions.TagsAction(this); action_group.Add(tags_action); // item menu zoom_in_action = new Summa.Actions.ZoomInAction(this); zoom_in_action.Sensitive = false; action_group.Add(zoom_in_action, null); zoom_out_action = new Summa.Actions.ZoomOutAction(this); zoom_out_action.Sensitive = false; action_group.Add(zoom_out_action, null); load_images_action = new Summa.Actions.LoadImagesAction(this); action_group.Add(load_images_action, null); hide_read_action = new Summa.Actions.HideReadAction(this); action_group.Add(hide_read_action, null); next_item_action = new Summa.Actions.NextItemAction(this); action_group.Add(next_item_action, "n"); prev_item_action = new Summa.Actions.PreviousItemAction(this); action_group.Add(prev_item_action, "j"); flag_action = new Summa.Actions.FlagAction(this); flag_action.Sensitive = false; action_group.Add(flag_action); unread_action = new Summa.Actions.UnreadAction(this); unread_action.Sensitive = false; action_group.Add(unread_action); play_action = new Summa.Actions.EnclosureAction(this); play_action.Sensitive = false; action_group.Add(play_action); save_action = new Summa.Actions.SaveEnclosureAction(this); save_action.Sensitive = false; action_group.Add(save_action); // help menu help_action = new Summa.Actions.HelpAction(this); action_group.Add(help_action, "F11"); about_action = new Summa.Actions.AboutAction(this); action_group.Add(about_action); view_slist = new GLib.SList(typeof(ToggleAction)); normal_view_action = new Summa.Actions.NormalViewAction(this); action_group.Add(normal_view_action); normal_view_action.Group = view_slist; view_slist = normal_view_action.Group; widescreen_view_action = new Summa.Actions.WidescreenViewAction(this); action_group.Add(widescreen_view_action); widescreen_view_action.Group = view_slist; view_slist = widescreen_view_action.Group; }
public static GLib.SList SlistRef(GLib.SList packages) { IntPtr raw_ret = rc_package_slist_ref(packages.Handle); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return ret; }
public string this[Gtk.Widget radio] { get { RadioGroup group = widgets[radio] as RadioGroup; if (group != null) return group.Name; else return null; } set { GLib.SList group_value; RadioGroup oldGroup = widgets[radio] as RadioGroup; if (oldGroup == null) { radio.Destroyed += RadioDestroyed; } else { if (oldGroup.Name == value) return; oldGroup.Widgets.Remove (radio); if (oldGroup.Widgets.Count == 0) { groups.Remove (oldGroup); EmitGroupsChanged (); } } if (value == null) { radio.Destroyed -= RadioDestroyed; groupProperty.SetValue (radio, new GLib.SList (IntPtr.Zero), null); widgets.Remove (radio); return; } RadioGroup newGroup = FindGroup (value); if (newGroup == null) newGroup = Add (value); if (newGroup.Widgets.Count == 0) group_value = new GLib.SList (IntPtr.Zero); else group_value = (GLib.SList)groupProperty.GetValue (newGroup.Widgets[0], null); groupProperty.SetValue (radio, group_value, null); newGroup.Widgets.Add (radio); widgets[radio] = newGroup; } }
static Menu Create_Menu(int depth, bool tearoff) { if (depth < 1) return null; Menu menu = new Menu (); MenuItem menuitem = null; string label = null; GLib.SList group = new GLib.SList (IntPtr.Zero); if (tearoff) { menuitem = new TearoffMenuItem (); menu.Append (menuitem); menuitem.Show (); } for (int i = 0, j = 1; i < 5; i++, j++) { label = String.Format ("item {0} - {1}", depth, j); menuitem = new RadioMenuItem (group, label); group = ((RadioMenuItem) menuitem).Group; menuitem = new MenuItem (label); menu.Append (menuitem); if (i == 3) menuitem.Sensitive = false; Menu child = Create_Menu ((depth - 1), true); if (child != null) menuitem.Submenu = child; } return menu; }
public static GLib.SList MeasruementGetSchedule(Epsara.DataMeasurement measurement) { IntPtr raw_ret = epsara_data_measruement_get_schedule(measurement == null ? IntPtr.Zero : measurement.Handle); GLib.SList ret = new GLib.SList(raw_ret); return ret; }