コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objecttype">Object type</param>
 /// <param name="meshvertices">Mesh vertices</param>
 /// <param name="material">Object material</param>
 public GLWaveformObject(ObjectTypeEnum objecttype, GLMeshVertices meshvertices, string material)
     ObjectType = objecttype;
     Vertices   = meshvertices;
     MatLibname = material;
     Indices    = new GLMeshIndices();
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Read objects from a string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textdescription">Wavefront definition of objects</param>
        /// <param name="correctzforopengl">Correct for opengl orientation in z axis (true means invert)</param>
        /// <param name="thrownotimplemented">Throw on finding a not implemented descriptor</param>
        /// <returns>List of objects, or null if fails</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException">Descriptor not implemented</exception>

        public List <GLWaveformObject> ReadOBJData(string textdescription, bool correctzforopengl = true, bool thrownotimplemented = false)          // throws exceptions
            reader_vertices = new GLMeshVertices();
            reader_objects  = new List <GLWaveformObject>();
            reader_current  = null;
            reader_matlib   = "Not set";

            float zcorr = correctzforopengl ? -1 : 1;

            using (TextReader reader = new StringReader(textdescription))
                string line;
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    line = line.Trim();

                    if (line.HasChars())
                        List <string> words = new List <string>();
                        foreach (var w in line.Split(' ', '\t'))
                            if (w.HasChars())

                        string type = words[0].ToLower();

                        line = line.Substring(words[0].Length).Trim();


                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Read " + line);

                        if (type.StartsWith("#"))
                            // comment
                        else if (type == "end")     //Rob addition!
                        else if (type == "v")
                            if (words.Count >= 3)
                                reader_vertices.Vertices.Add(new Vector4(words[0].InvariantParseFloat(0),
                                                                         zcorr * words[2].InvariantParseFloat(0),
                                                                         words.Count < 4 ? 1 : words[3].InvariantParseFloat(0)));
                        else if (type == "vt")
                            if (words.Count >= 2)
                                reader_vertices.TextureVertices.Add(new Vector3(words[0].InvariantParseFloat(0), words[1].InvariantParseFloat(0),
                                                                                words.Count < 3 ? 0 : words[2].InvariantParseFloat(0)));
                        else if (type == "vn")
                            if (words.Count >= 2)
                                reader_vertices.Normals.Add(new Vector3(words[0].InvariantParseFloat(0), words[1].InvariantParseFloat(0), zcorr * words[2].InvariantParseFloat(0)));
                        else if (type == "vp")
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);

                        else if (type == "deg")
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                        else if (type == "bmat")
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                        else if (type == "step")
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                        else if (type == "cstype")
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);

                        else if (type == "f")
                            reader_current            = Create(reader_current == null || (reader_current.ObjectType != GLWaveformObject.ObjectTypeEnum.Polygon && reader_current.ObjectType != GLWaveformObject.ObjectTypeEnum.Unassigned));
                            reader_current.ObjectType = GLWaveformObject.ObjectTypeEnum.Polygon;

                            foreach (string w in words)
                                string[] comps = w.Split('/');

                                int ti = comps.Length > 1 ? (comps[1].InvariantParseInt(int.MinValue)) : int.MinValue;

                                if (ti != int.MinValue)
                                    if (reader_current.Indices.VertexIndices.Count != reader_current.Indices.TextureIndices.Count)
                                        throw new NotImplementedException("New texture index but previous was missing them");

                                    if (ti < 0)
                                        ti = reader_vertices.TextureVertices.Count + ti;
                                    else if (ti >= 1)

                                    ti = Math.Min(Math.Max(ti, 0), reader_vertices.TextureVertices.Count - 1);

                                int ni = comps.Length > 2 ? (comps[2].InvariantParseInt(int.MinValue)) : int.MinValue;

                                if (ni != int.MinValue)
                                    if (reader_current.Indices.VertexIndices.Count != reader_current.Indices.NormalIndices.Count)
                                        throw new NotImplementedException("New texture index but previous was missing them");

                                    if (ni < 0)
                                        ni = reader_vertices.Normals.Count + ni;
                                    else if (ni >= 1)

                                    ni = Math.Min(Math.Max(ni, 0), reader_vertices.Normals.Count - 1);

                                int vi = comps[0].InvariantParseInt(int.MinValue);

                                if (vi != int.MinValue)
                                    if (vi < 0)
                                        vi = reader_vertices.Vertices.Count + vi;
                                    else if (vi >= 1)

                                    vi = Math.Min(Math.Max(vi, 0), reader_vertices.Vertices.Count - 1);
                        else if (type == "p")
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                        else if (type == "l")
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                        else if (type == "curv")    // curve http://paulbourke.net/dataformats/obj/
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                        else if (type == "curv2")   // 2d curve
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                        else if (type == "surf")   // surface
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);

                        else if (type == "parm")
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                        else if (type == "trim")
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                        else if (type == "hole")
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                        else if (type == "scrv")
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                        else if (type == "sp")
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                        else if (type == "end")
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);

                        else if (type == "con")
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);

                        else if (type == "mtllib")
                            reader_matlib = line;
                            if (reader_current != null)
                                reader_current.MatLibname = reader_matlib;
                        else if (type == "usemtl")
                            reader_current          = Create(reader_current == null || reader_current.ObjectType != GLWaveformObject.ObjectTypeEnum.Unassigned);
                            reader_current.Material = line;
                        else if (type == "g")
                            reader_current           = Create(reader_current == null || reader_current.ObjectType != GLWaveformObject.ObjectTypeEnum.Unassigned);
                            reader_current.GroupName = line;
                        else if (type == "s") // smoothing group
                            // ignore smoothing groups..
                            //throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                        else if (type == "mg") // merging group
                            throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                        else if (type == "o") // object name
                            reader_current            = Create(reader_current == null || reader_current.ObjectType != GLWaveformObject.ObjectTypeEnum.Unassigned);
                            reader_current.ObjectName = line;

                        else if (type == "bevel") // Bevel interpolation
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                        else if (type == "c_interp") //   Color interpolation
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                        else if (type == "d_interp") // Dissolve interpolation
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                        else if (type == "lod") //   Level of detail
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                        else if (type == "shadow_obj") //  Shadow casting
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                        else if (type == "trace_obj") //Ray tracing
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                        else if (type == "ctech") //  Curve approximation technique
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                        else if (type == "stech") //  Surface approximation technique
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
                            if (thrownotimplemented)
                                throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented:" + type);
