コード例 #1
        public List <GLFourQDTModel> GetPaynterChartDetial(GLFourQParamModel paramModel)
            var result = GL_DownTimeRecordRepository.GetPaynterChartDetial(paramModel);

            foreach (var Item in result)
                var total = result.Where(x => x.DtMon == Item.DtMon).Sum(x => x.DTTime);
                if (total != 0)
                    Item.DTTime_p = Math.Round((double)((double)Item.DTTime / (double)total) * 100, 2);
                    Item.DTTime_p = 0;
                if (paramModel.ReportType == "Month")
                    Item.DtMon = Item.DtMon + "M";
                else if (paramModel.ReportType == "Week")
                    Item.DtMon = Item.DtMon + "W";
                    Item.DtMon = Item.DtMon;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 抓取該周期最後一筆資料(依部門分類)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramModel"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <GLFourQDTModel> GetFourQDTTypeDetail(GLFourQParamModel paramModel)
            var result     = GL_DownTimeRecordRepository.GetFourQDTTypeDetail(paramModel);
            var resultList = new List <GLFourQDTModel>();
            int totalTime  = 0;

            foreach (var item in result)
                totalTime += item.DTTime;
            foreach (var item in result)
                GLFourQDTModel model = new GLFourQDTModel();
                model.DTTime = item.DTTime;
                if (totalTime != 0)
                    model.DTTime_p = (item.DTTime / totalTime) * 100;
                    model.DTTime_p = 0;
                model.DTName = item.DTName;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据报表类型获取DT的时间
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramModel"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <GLFourQDTModel> GetDownTimeRecord(GLFourQParamModel paramModel)
            var result     = GL_DownTimeRecordRepository.GetDownTimeRecord(paramModel);
            var resultList = new List <GLFourQDTModel>();
            int totalTime  = 0;

            foreach (var item in result)
                totalTime += item.DTTime;
            foreach (var item in result)
                GLFourQDTModel model = new GLFourQDTModel();
                model.DTTime = item.DTTime;
                if (totalTime != 0)
                    model.DTTime_p = (item.DTTime / totalTime) * 100;
                    model.DTTime_p = 0;
                if (paramModel.ReportType == "Month")
                    model.DTName = item.DTName + "M";
                else if (paramModel.ReportType == "Week")
                    model.DTName = item.DTName + "W";
                    model.DTName = item.DTName;
コード例 #4
        public PagedListModel <GL_ActionTaskDTO> QueryActionInfoByCreateDate(GLFourQParamModel paramModel, Page page)
            var dtResult = actionTaskRepository.QueryActionInfoByCreateDate(paramModel, page);

コード例 #5
        public PagedListModel <GL_ActionTaskDTO> QueryActionInfoByCreateDate(GLFourQParamModel serchModel, Page page)
            var query = from GL_ActionTasker in DataContext.GL_ActionTasker
                        where GL_ActionTasker.Plant_Organization_UID == serchModel.Plant_Organization_UID &&
                        GL_ActionTasker.BG_Organization_UID == serchModel.BG_Organization_UID &&
                        GL_ActionTasker.StationID == serchModel.StationID
                        select new GL_ActionTaskDTO
                ActionTasker_UID = GL_ActionTasker.ActionTasker_UID
                Plant_Organization_UID = GL_ActionTasker.Plant_Organization_UID
                Plant_Organization_Name = GL_ActionTasker.System_Organization2.Organization_Name
                BG_Organization_UID = GL_ActionTasker.BG_Organization_UID
                BG_Organization_Name = GL_ActionTasker.System_Organization1.Organization_Name,

                FunPlant_Organization_UID = GL_ActionTasker.FunPlant_Organization_UID
                FunPlant_Organization_Name = GL_ActionTasker.System_Organization.Organization_Name,
                Project_UID = GL_ActionTasker.Project_UID
                ProjectName = GL_ActionTasker.GL_Line.System_Project.Project_Name,
                LineID      = GL_ActionTasker.LineID
                LineName  = GL_ActionTasker.GL_Line.LineName,
                StationID = GL_ActionTasker.StationID
                StationName = GL_ActionTasker.GL_Station.StationName
                MeetingType_UID = GL_ActionTasker.MeetingType_UID
                ActionTasker_ID = GL_ActionTasker.ActionTasker_ID
                ActionTasker_Name = GL_ActionTasker.ActionTasker_Name
                Audience = GL_ActionTasker.Audience
                Responsible = GL_ActionTasker.Responsible
                Status = GL_ActionTasker.Status
                Commit_Date = GL_ActionTasker.Commit_Date
                Due_Date = GL_ActionTasker.Due_Date
                Close_Date = GL_ActionTasker.Close_Date
                Created_UID = GL_ActionTasker.Created_UID
                Created_Date = GL_ActionTasker.Created_Date
                Problem_Description = GL_ActionTasker.Problem_Description
                Root_Cause = GL_ActionTasker.Root_Cause
                Action_Description = GL_ActionTasker.Action_Description
                Comment = GL_ActionTasker.Comment
                Modified_UID = GL_ActionTasker.Modified_UID
                Modified_Date = GL_ActionTasker.Modified_Date
                Attachment1 = GL_ActionTasker.Attachment1
                Attachment6 = GL_ActionTasker.Attachment6
                Attachment2 = GL_ActionTasker.Attachment2
                Attachment4 = GL_ActionTasker.Attachment4
                Attachment5 = GL_ActionTasker.Attachment5
                Remarks = GL_ActionTasker.Remarks
                Department = GL_ActionTasker.Department
                CloseByUser = GL_ActionTasker.CloseByUser
                DirDueDate = GL_ActionTasker.DirDueDate

            var startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(serchModel.ActionCreateData.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00"));
            var endDate   = Convert.ToDateTime(serchModel.ActionCreateData.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59"));

            query = query.Where(p => p.Created_Date >= startDate && p.Created_Date <= endDate);
            var totalCount = query.Count();

            query = query.OrderByDescending(m => m.Modified_Date).GetPage(page);
            return(new PagedListModel <GL_ActionTaskDTO>(totalCount, query.ToList()));
コード例 #6
        public List <GLFourQDTModel> GetPaynterChartDetial(GLFourQParamModel searchModel)
            string sql = "";

            #region Daily SQL
            if (searchModel.ReportType == "Daily")
                sql += string.Format(@"Declare @mindate date
                            Declare @maxdate date  
                            set @mindate  = DATEADD(day, -13, '{0}')  
                            set @maxdate  = '{0}'  
                            ;with temptab(date) as  
                            ( select @mindate  
                            union all  
                            select dateadd(d,1,temptab.date) as date  
                            from temptab  
                            where dateadd(d,1,temptab.date)<=@maxdate )

                                    select f.WorkDate,CONVERT(varchar(10), f.WorkDate)DTMon,isnull(dt2.DTTime,0)DTTime,isnull(dt2.DTName,'')DTName from
                                    (select Exception_Dept_Name as DTName,WorkDate,sum(downtime) as DTTime from (
                                    SELECT [Exception_Record_UID]
	                                        ,case when End_Date is null then DATEDIFF(MINUTE, a.Created_Date,GETDATE()  )
	                                        else DATEDIFF(Hour, a.Created_Date,End_Date  ) end as downtime
                                        FROM [dbo].[Exception_Record] a
                                    left join GL_Station b on a.SubOrigin_UID=b.StationID
                                    left join GL_Line c on a.Origin_UID = c.LineID
                                    left join Exception_Code d on a.Exception_Code_UID = d.Exception_Code_UID
                                    left join Exception_Dept e on d.Exception_Dept_UID = e.Exception_Dept_UID", searchModel.EndTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
            #region Month SQL
            if (searchModel.ReportType == "Month")
                sql += string.Format(@"Declare @mindate date
                                Declare @maxdate date  
                                set @mindate  = DATEADD(MONTH, -11, dateadd(dd,-datepart(dd,'{0}')+1,'{0}'))  
                                set @maxdate  = dateadd(dd,-datepart(dd,'{0}')+1,'{0}') 
                                ;with temptab(date) as  
                                ( select @mindate  
                                union all  
                                select dateadd(MONTH,1,temptab.date) as date  
                                from temptab  
                                where dateadd(MONTH,1,temptab.date)<=@maxdate )

                                select f.WorkDate,CONVERT(varchar(10), f.mon)DTMon,isnull(dt2.DTTime,0)DTTime,isnull(dt2.DTName,'')DTName from
                                (select Exception_Dept_Name as DTName,mon,sum(downtime) as DTTime from (
                                SELECT [Exception_Record_UID]
	                                    ,case when End_Date is null then DATEDIFF(MINUTE, a.Created_Date,GETDATE()  )
	                                    else DATEDIFF(Hour, a.Created_Date,End_Date  ) end as downtime
                                    FROM [dbo].[Exception_Record] a
                                left join GL_Station b on a.SubOrigin_UID=b.StationID
                                left join GL_Line c on a.Origin_UID = c.LineID
                                left join Exception_Code d on a.Exception_Code_UID = d.Exception_Code_UID
                                left join Exception_Dept e on d.Exception_Dept_UID = e.Exception_Dept_UID
                                where 1=1 ", searchModel.EndTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
            #region Week SQL
            if (searchModel.ReportType == "Week")
                sql += string.Format(@"Declare @mindate date
                                        Declare @maxdate date  
                                        set @mindate  = DATEADD(day, -84, '{0}')  
                                        set @maxdate  = '{0}'  
                                        ;with temptab(date) as  
                                        ( select @mindate  
                                        union all  
                                        select dateadd(week,1,temptab.date) as date  
                                        from temptab  
                                        where dateadd(week,1,temptab.date)<=@maxdate )

                                    select f.WorkDate,CONVERT(varchar(10), f.week_num)DTMon,isnull(dt2.DTTime,0)DTTime,isnull(dt2.DTName,'')DTName from
                                    (select Exception_Dept_Name as DTName,week_num,sum(downtime) as DTTime from (
                                    SELECT [Exception_Record_UID]
	                                        ,case when End_Date is null then DATEDIFF(MINUTE, a.Created_Date,GETDATE()  )
	                                        else DATEDIFF(Hour, a.Created_Date,End_Date  ) end as downtime
	                                        ,DATEPART(WEEK,WorkDate) AS week_num
                                        FROM [dbo].[Exception_Record] a
                                    left join GL_Station b on a.SubOrigin_UID=b.StationID
                                    left join GL_Line c on a.Origin_UID = c.LineID
                                    left join Exception_Code d on a.Exception_Code_UID = d.Exception_Code_UID
                                    left join Exception_Dept e on d.Exception_Dept_UID = e.Exception_Dept_UID
                                    where 1=1   ", searchModel.EndTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
            if (searchModel.ReportType == "Daily")
                sql += string.Format(@" and a.WorkDate >= DATEADD(day, -13, '{0}') and a.WorkDate <= '{0}' ", searchModel.EndTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
            if (searchModel.ReportType == "Month")
                sql += string.Format(@" and a.WorkDate >= dateadd(dd,-datepart(dd, DATEADD(day, -365, '{0}'))+1,DATEADD(day, -365, '{0}')) and a.WorkDate <= dateadd(dd,-datepart(dd,'{0}') ,dateadd(mm,1,'{0}'))", searchModel.EndTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
            if (searchModel.ReportType == "Week")
                sql += string.Format(" and a.WorkDate >=  dateadd(wk, datediff(wk,0,DATEADD(day, -84, '{0}') ), 0) and a.WorkDate<=dateadd(wk, datediff(wk,0,'{0}'), 6)", searchModel.EndTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
            if (searchModel.Plant_Organization_UID != 0)
                sql += string.Format("and e.Plant_Organization_UID={0}", searchModel.Plant_Organization_UID);
            if (searchModel.BG_Organization_UID != 0)
                sql += string.Format("and e.BG_Organization_UID={0}", searchModel.BG_Organization_UID);
            if (searchModel.LineID != 0)
                sql += string.Format("and Origin_UID={0}", searchModel.LineID);
            if (searchModel.StationID != 0)
                sql += string.Format("and SubOrigin_UID={0}", searchModel.StationID);
            if (searchModel.CustomerID != 0)
                sql += string.Format("and Project_UID={0}", searchModel.CustomerID);
            if (searchModel.ShiftTimeID != -1)
                sql += string.Format("and ShiftTimeID={0}", searchModel.ShiftTimeID);
            if (searchModel.ReportType == "Daily")
                sql += @")dt group by Exception_Dept_Name,WorkDate)dt2
                        right join (select date as WorkDate,0 dt_one from temptab)f on f.WorkDate=dt2.WorkDate
                        order by f.WorkDate";
            if (searchModel.ReportType == "Month")
                sql += @")dt group by Exception_Dept_Name,mon)dt2
                            right join (select date as WorkDate,month(date) as mon,0 dt_one from temptab)f on f.mon=dt2.mon
                            order by f.WorkDate";
            if (searchModel.ReportType == "Week")
                sql += @")dt group by Exception_Dept_Name,week_num)dt2
                        right join (select date as WorkDate,DATEPART(WEEK,date) as week_num,0 dt_one from temptab)f on f.week_num=dt2.week_num
                        order by f.WorkDate";
            var dblist = DataContext.Database.SqlQuery <GLFourQDTModel>(sql).ToList();
コード例 #7
        public List <GLFourQDTModel> GetFourQDTTypeDetail(GLFourQParamModel searchModel)
            string sql = "";

            sql = string.Format(@"select Exception_Dept_Name as DTName,sum(downtime) as DTTime from (
                                    SELECT [Exception_Record_UID]
	                                      ,case when End_Date is null then DATEDIFF(MINUTE, a.Created_Date,GETDATE()  )
	                                      else DATEDIFF(Hour, a.Created_Date,End_Date  ) end as downtime
                                      FROM [dbo].[Exception_Record] a
                                    left join GL_Station b on a.SubOrigin_UID=b.StationID
                                    left join GL_Line c on a.Origin_UID = c.LineID
                                    left join Exception_Code d on a.Exception_Code_UID = d.Exception_Code_UID
                                    left join Exception_Dept e on d.Exception_Dept_UID = e.Exception_Dept_UID
                                    where 1=1 ");
            if (searchModel.ReportType == "Daily")
                sql += string.Format(@"and a.WorkDate = '{0}'", searchModel.Param_Name);
            if (searchModel.ReportType == "Month")
                sql += string.Format(@"and a.WorkDate >= dateadd(dd,-datepart(dd,'{0}')+1,'{0}')  and a.WorkDate <= dateadd(dd,-datepart(dd,'{0}') ,dateadd(mm,1,'{0}'))", searchModel.Param_Name);
            if (searchModel.ReportType == "Week")
                sql += string.Format(@"and a.WorkDate >= dateadd(wk, datediff(wk,0,'{0}'), 0) and a.WorkDate <= dateadd(wk, datediff(wk,0,'{0}'), 6)", searchModel.Param_Name);
            if (searchModel.Plant_Organization_UID != 0)
                sql += string.Format("and e.Plant_Organization_UID={0}", searchModel.Plant_Organization_UID);
            if (searchModel.BG_Organization_UID != 0)
                sql += string.Format("and e.BG_Organization_UID={0}", searchModel.BG_Organization_UID);
            if (searchModel.LineID != 0)
                sql += string.Format("and Origin_UID={0}", searchModel.LineID);
            if (searchModel.StationID != 0)
                sql += string.Format("and SubOrigin_UID={0}", searchModel.StationID);
            if (searchModel.CustomerID != 0)
                sql += string.Format("and Project_UID={0}", searchModel.CustomerID);
            if (searchModel.ShiftTimeID != -1)
                sql += string.Format("and ShiftTimeID={0}", searchModel.ShiftTimeID);

            sql += " )dt group by Exception_Dept_Name order by DTTime desc";

            var dblist = DataContext.Database.SqlQuery <GLFourQDTModel>(sql).ToList();
