public static extern GLFWcharmodsfun setCharModsCallback(IntPtr win, GLFWcharmodsfun cbfun);
public static GLFWcharmodsfun setCharModsCallback(GLFWwindow window, GLFWcharmodsfun cbfun) { return(Glfwint.setCharModsCallback(window.handle, cbfun)); }
internal OpenGLContext(string name) { if (GLFW.GlfwInit() == 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine("GLFW failed to initialize!"); Environment.Exit(1); } Window = GLFW.GlfwCreateWindow(1920, 1080, name, null, null); if (Window == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("GLFW failed to open window!"); GLFW.GlfwTerminate(); Environment.Exit(1); } Input = new InputSource(); GLFW.GlfwMakeContextCurrent(Window); StrongReferences = new List <Delegate>(); { GLFWkeyfun cb = KeyCallback; StrongReferences.Add(cb); GLFW.GlfwSetKeyCallback(Window, cb); } { GLFWcharfun cb = CharCallback; StrongReferences.Add(cb); GLFW.GlfwSetCharCallback(Window, cb); } { GLFWerrorfun cb = ErrorCallback; StrongReferences.Add(cb); GLFW.GlfwSetErrorCallback(cb); } { GLFWscrollfun cb = ScrollCallback; StrongReferences.Add(cb); GLFW.GlfwSetScrollCallback(Window, cb); } { GLFWcharmodsfun cb = CharModsCallback; StrongReferences.Add(cb); GLFW.GlfwSetCharModsCallback(Window, cb); } { GLFWcursorposfun cb = CursorPosCallback; StrongReferences.Add(cb); GLFW.GlfwSetCursorPosCallback(Window, cb); } { GLFWwindowposfun cb = WindowPosCallback; StrongReferences.Add(cb); GLFW.GlfwSetWindowPosCallback(Window, cb); } { GLFWwindowsizefun cb = WindowSizeCallback; StrongReferences.Add(cb); GLFW.GlfwSetWindowSizeCallback(Window, cb); } { GLFWcursorenterfun cb = CursorEnterCallback; StrongReferences.Add(cb); GLFW.GlfwSetCursorEnterCallback(Window, cb); } { GLFWmousebuttonfun cb = MouseButtonCallback; StrongReferences.Add(cb); GLFW.GlfwSetMouseButtonCallback(Window, cb); } { GLFWwindowfocusfun cb = WindowFocusCallback; StrongReferences.Add(cb); GLFW.GlfwSetWindowFocusCallback(Window, cb); } { GLFWwindowiconifyfun cb = WindowIconifyCallback; StrongReferences.Add(cb); GLFW.GlfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(Window, cb); } { GLFWframebuffersizefun cb = FrameBufferSizeCallback; StrongReferences.Add(cb); GLFW.GlfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(Window, cb); } }
public static extern GLFWcharmodsfun glfwSetCharModsCallback(IntPtr window, GLFWcharmodsfun cbfun);
/*! @brief Sets the Unicode character with modifiers callback. * * This function sets the character with modifiers callback of the specified * window, which is called when a Unicode character is input regardless of what * modifier keys are used. * * The character with modifiers callback is intended for implementing custom * Unicode character input. For regular Unicode text input, see the * [character callback](@ref glfwSetCharCallback). Like the character * callback, the character with modifiers callback deals with characters and is * keyboard layout dependent. Characters do not map 1:1 to physical keys, as * a key may produce zero, one or more characters. If you want to know whether * a specific physical key was pressed or released, see the * [key callback](@ref glfwSetKeyCallback) instead. * * @param[in] window The window whose callback to set. * @param[in] cbfun The new callback, or `NULL` to remove the currently set * callback. * @return The previously set callback, or `NULL` if no callback was set or an * error occurred. * * @par Thread Safety * This function may only be called from the main thread. * * @sa @ref input_char * * @since Added in GLFW 3.1. * * @ingroup input */ internal static extern GLFWcharmodsfun glfwSetCharModsCallback(GLFWwindow* window, GLFWcharmodsfun cbfun);