コード例 #1
        public SuperPolyline(GH_Line line, string guid)
            parentGuid = guid;
            data.uvs = "";
            data.normals = "";
            data.faces = "";
            data.vertices = new List<double>();

            Point3d start = line.Value.From;
            Point3d end = line.Value.To;

            data.vertices.Add(Math.Round(start.Y * 1, 3));
            data.vertices.Add(Math.Round(start.Z * 1, 3));
            data.vertices.Add(Math.Round(start.X * 1, 3));

            data.vertices.Add(Math.Round(end.Y * 1, 3));
            data.vertices.Add(Math.Round(end.Z * 1, 3));
            data.vertices.Add(Math.Round(end.X * 1, 3));

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            //local variables
            GH_Line  line      = null;
            Material material  = null;
            Layer    layer     = null;
            string   layerName = "Default";

            //catch inputs and populate local variables
            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref line))

            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref material))
                material = lineDefaultMaterial();

            if (material.Type != SpectaclesMaterialType.Line)
                throw new Exception("Please use a LINE Material");

            DA.GetData(2, ref layerName);

            layer = new Layer(layerName);

            //create JSON from line
            string outJSON = lineJSON(line.Value);

            Element e = new Element(outJSON, SpectaclesElementType.Line, material, layer);

            //output results
            DA.SetData(0, e);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Revit.Components.cs プロジェクト: samuto/Grevit
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GH_Line line = new GH_Line();

            DA.GetData<GH_Line>("Gridline", ref line);
            List<Parameter> parameters = new List<Parameter>();
            if (!DA.GetDataList<Parameter>("Parameters", parameters)) parameters = new List<Parameter>();

            GH_String name = new GH_String();
            DA.GetData<GH_String>("Name", ref name);

            Tuple<Grevit.Types.Point, Grevit.Types.Point> points = line.ToGrevitPoints();
            Grid gridLine = new Grid(parameters, points.Item1, points.Item2,name.Value);

            gridLine.GID = line.ReferenceID.ToString();
            DA.SetData("GrevitComponent", gridLine);
コード例 #4
        public override bool CastTo <Q>(out Q target)
            // This function is called when Grasshopper needs to convert this
            // instance of GsaElement into some other type Q.

            if (typeof(Q).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(GsaElement1d)))
                if (Value == null)
                    target = default;
                    target = (Q)(object)Value;

            if (typeof(Q).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Element)))
                if (Value == null)
                    target = default;
                    target = (Q)(object)Value.Element;

            //Cast to Curve
            if (typeof(Q).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Line)))
                if (Value == null)
                    target = default;
                    target = (Q)(object)Value.Line;
            if (typeof(Q).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(GH_Line)))
                if (Value == null)
                    target = default;
                    GH_Line ghLine = new GH_Line();
                    GH_Convert.ToGHLine(Value.Line, GH_Conversion.Both, ref ghLine);
                    target = (Q)(object)ghLine;

            if (typeof(Q).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Curve)))
                if (Value == null)
                    target = default;
                    target = (Q)(object)Value.Line;
            if (typeof(Q).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(GH_Curve)))
                if (Value == null)
                    target = default;
                    target = (Q)(object)new GH_Curve(Value.Line);


            target = default;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object can be used to retrieve data from input parameters and
        /// to store data in output parameters.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            object obj = null;

            DA.GetData(0, ref obj);

            // Remarks:
            // 1) why lines, rectangles or *any* rhinocommon object can't have user dicts?
            // 2) @David: i hate grasshopper typecasting and the hassle below
            // (why isn't there a GH_DefaultType, where i can access the .Value regardless of type...?)

            GeometryBase myObj = null;

            GH_Mesh mesh = obj as GH_Mesh;

            if (mesh != null)
                myObj = mesh.Value;

            GH_Brep brep = obj as GH_Brep;

            if (brep != null)
                myObj = brep.Value;

            GH_Surface srf = obj as GH_Surface;

            if (srf != null)
                myObj = srf.Value;

            GH_Box box = obj as GH_Box;

            if (box != null)
                myObj = box.Value.ToBrep();

            GH_Curve crv = obj as GH_Curve;

            if (crv != null)
                myObj = crv.Value;

            GH_Line line = obj as GH_Line;

            if (line != null)
                myObj = line.Value.ToNurbsCurve();

            GH_Rectangle rect = obj as GH_Rectangle;

            if (rect != null)
                myObj = rect.Value.ToNurbsCurve();

            GH_Circle circle = obj as GH_Circle;

            if (circle != null)
                myObj = circle.Value.ToNurbsCurve();

            GH_Arc arc = obj as GH_Arc;

            if (arc != null)
                myObj = arc.Value.ToNurbsCurve();

            GH_Point pt = obj as GH_Point;

            if (pt != null)
                myObj = new Point(pt.Value);

            if (myObj == null)
                // get the object out
                DA.SetData(0, obj);
                this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Failed to set user dictionary to object. Probably an unsupported type.");


            object value = null;

            DA.GetData(1, ref value);

            GH_ObjectWrapper temp = value as GH_ObjectWrapper;

            if (temp == null)
                DA.SetData(0, obj);
                this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Could not cast object to GH_ObjectWrapper.");

            ArchivableDictionary dict = ((GH_ObjectWrapper)value).Value as ArchivableDictionary;

            if (dict == null)
                DA.SetData(0, obj);
                this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Could not cast object to Dictionary.");


            DA.SetData(0, myObj);
コード例 #6
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GsaElement1d gsaElement1d = new GsaElement1d();

            if (DA.GetData(0, ref gsaElement1d))
                GsaElement1d elem = gsaElement1d.Duplicate();

                // #### inputs ####
                // 1 curve
                GH_Line ghcrv = new GH_Line();
                if (DA.GetData(1, ref ghcrv))
                    Line crv = new Line();
                    if (GH_Convert.ToLine(ghcrv, ref crv, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        LineCurve    ln      = new LineCurve(crv);
                        GsaElement1d tmpelem = new GsaElement1d(ln)
                            ID           = elem.ID,
                            Element      = elem.Element,
                            ReleaseEnd   = elem.ReleaseEnd,
                            ReleaseStart = elem.ReleaseStart
                        elem = tmpelem;

                // 2 section
                GH_ObjectWrapper gh_typ = new GH_ObjectWrapper();
                if (DA.GetData(2, ref gh_typ))
                    GsaSection section = new GsaSection();
                    if (gh_typ.Value is GsaSection)
                        gh_typ.CastTo(ref section);
                    else if (gh_typ.Value is GH_Number)
                        if (GH_Convert.ToInt32((GH_Number)gh_typ.Value, out int idd, GH_Conversion.Both))
                            section.ID = idd;
                    elem.Section = section;

                // 3 offset
                GsaOffset offset = new GsaOffset();
                if (DA.GetData(3, ref offset))
                    elem.Element.Offset.X1 = offset.X1;
                    elem.Element.Offset.X2 = offset.X2;
                    elem.Element.Offset.Y  = offset.Y;
                    elem.Element.Offset.Z  = offset.Z;

                // 4 start release
                GsaBool6 start = new GsaBool6();
                if (DA.GetData(4, ref start))
                    elem.ReleaseStart = start; //should handle setting the release in elem.Element.SetRelease

                // 5 end release
                GsaBool6 end = new GsaBool6();
                if (DA.GetData(5, ref end))
                    elem.ReleaseEnd = end; //should handle setting the release in elem.Element.SetRelease

                // 6 orientation angle
                GH_Number ghangle = new GH_Number();
                if (DA.GetData(6, ref ghangle))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToDouble(ghangle, out double angle, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        elem.Element.OrientationAngle = angle;

                // 7 orientation node
                GH_Integer ghori = new GH_Integer();
                if (DA.GetData(7, ref ghori))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(ghori, out int orient, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        elem.Element.OrientationNode = orient;

                // 8 type
                GH_Integer ghinteg = new GH_Integer();
                if (DA.GetData(8, ref ghinteg))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(ghinteg, out int type, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        elem.Element.Type = Util.Gsa.GsaToModel.Element1dType(type);

                // 9 ID
                GH_Integer ghID = new GH_Integer();
                if (DA.GetData(9, ref ghID))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(ghID, out int id, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        elem.ID = id;

                // 10 name
                GH_String ghnm = new GH_String();
                if (DA.GetData(10, ref ghnm))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghnm, out string name, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        elem.Element.Name = name;

                // 11 Group
                GH_Integer ghgrp = new GH_Integer();
                if (DA.GetData(11, ref ghgrp))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(ghgrp, out int grp, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        elem.Element.Group = grp;

                // 12 Colour
                GH_Colour ghcol = new GH_Colour();
                if (DA.GetData(12, ref ghcol))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToColor(ghcol, out System.Drawing.Color col, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        elem.Element.Colour = col;

                // #### outputs ####
                DA.SetData(0, new GsaElement1dGoo(elem));

                DA.SetData(1, elem.Line);
                DA.SetData(2, elem.Section);

                GsaOffset offset1 = new GsaOffset
                    X1 = elem.Element.Offset.X1,
                    X2 = elem.Element.Offset.X2,
                    Y  = elem.Element.Offset.Y,
                    Z  = elem.Element.Offset.Z
                DA.SetData(3, offset1);

                DA.SetData(4, elem.ReleaseStart);
                DA.SetData(5, elem.ReleaseEnd);

                DA.SetData(6, elem.Element.OrientationAngle);
                DA.SetData(7, elem.Element.OrientationNode);

                DA.SetData(8, elem.Element.Type);

                DA.SetData(9, elem.ID);
                DA.SetData(10, elem.Element.Name);
                DA.SetData(11, elem.Element.Group);
                DA.SetData(12, elem.Element.Colour);

                try { DA.SetData(13, elem.Element.ParentMember.Member); } catch (Exception) { }
                //DA.SetData(16, gsaElement1d.Element.IsDummy);
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// This one does many things, which essentially boil down to translating the geometry + performance measures into a spk instance.
        /// This instance subsequently gets json-ed out to a file
        /// </summary>

        public static System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject translateGeometry(List <System.Object> inputObjects, List <string> guids, String name, IGH_Component component)
            dynamic myInstance = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

            myInstance.metadata           = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            myInstance.metadata.verion    = "1.0";
            myInstance.metadata.type      = "Object";
            myInstance.metadata.generator = "Instance Export";

            // super important - name will link it to the correct group in three js
            myInstance.metadata.name       = name;
            myInstance.metadata.properties = new List <String>();

            foreach (IGH_Param param in component.Params.Input[1].Sources)
                var myprop = getPanelNameAndVal(param);
                if (myprop != null)

            myInstance.geometries = new List <System.Object>();

            int k = 0;

            foreach (System.Object myObj in inputObjects)
                if (myObj != null)
                    string myguid = "000";

                    if (name != "staticGeo")
                        myguid = guids[k];


                    if (myObj is GH_Mesh)
                        GH_Mesh   tempers = (GH_Mesh)myObj;
                        SuperMesh mesh    = new SuperMesh(tempers, myguid);
                    else if ((myObj is GH_Curve))
                        GH_Curve tempers = (GH_Curve)myObj;
                        Curve    myCrv   = tempers.Value;

                        if (myCrv.Degree == 1)
                            Polyline      tempP; myCrv.TryGetPolyline(out tempP);
                            SuperPolyline polyline = new SuperPolyline(tempP, false, myguid);
                        else if ((myCrv.Degree == 2) || (myCrv.Degree == 3))
                            bool   isClosed = myCrv.IsClosed;
                            int    mainSegmentCount = 0, subSegmentCount = 1;
                            double maxAngleRadians = 0, maxChordLengthRatio = 0, maxAspectRatio = 0, tolerance = 0.1, minEdgeLength = 0, maxEdgeLength = 0;
                            bool   keepStartPoint = true;

                            PolylineCurve p = myCrv.ToPolyline(mainSegmentCount, subSegmentCount, maxAngleRadians, maxChordLengthRatio, maxAspectRatio, tolerance, minEdgeLength, maxEdgeLength, keepStartPoint);
                            Polyline      pp; p.TryGetPolyline(out pp);
                            myInstance.geometries.Add(new SuperPolyline(pp, isClosed, myguid));
                    else if (myObj is Point3d)
                        GH_Point   tempers = (GH_Point)myObj;
                        SuperPoint point   = new SuperPoint(tempers, myguid);
                    else if ((myObj is GH_Brep) || (myObj is GH_Surface))
                        Mesh[] myMeshes;

                        Brep myFutureBrep = null;

                        GH_Convert.ToBrep(myObj, ref myFutureBrep, GH_Conversion.Primary);

                        if (myFutureBrep != null)
                            myMeshes = Mesh.CreateFromBrep(myFutureBrep, MeshingParameters.Smooth);

                            if (myMeshes == null || myMeshes.Length == 0)
                                // TODO throw an error

                            Mesh brep_mesh = new Mesh();
                            foreach (Mesh tempmesh in myMeshes)

                            GH_Mesh temporal = new GH_Mesh(brep_mesh);

                            SuperMesh mesh = new SuperMesh(temporal, myguid);
                    else if (myObj is GH_Circle)
                        GH_Circle myCircle = myObj as GH_Circle;
                        //NurbsCurve mycrv = myCircle.Value.ToNurbsCurve();
                        NurbsCurve mycrv = NurbsCurve.CreateFromCircle(myCircle.Value);

                        int    mainSegmentCount = 30, subSegmentCount = 1;
                        double maxAngleRadians = 0, maxChordLengthRatio = 0, maxAspectRatio = 0, tolerance = 0.1, minEdgeLength = 0, maxEdgeLength = 0;
                        bool   keepStartPoint = true;

                        if (mycrv != null)
                            PolylineCurve p = mycrv.ToPolyline(mainSegmentCount, subSegmentCount, maxAngleRadians, maxChordLengthRatio, maxAspectRatio, tolerance, minEdgeLength, maxEdgeLength, keepStartPoint);

                            Polyline pp; p.TryGetPolyline(out pp);
                            if (pp != null)
                                myInstance.geometries.Add(new SuperPolyline(pp, true, myguid));
                                myInstance.geometries.Add("Circle error");
                            myInstance.geometries.Add("Circle error 2");
                    else if (myObj is GH_Line)
                        GH_Line myLine = myObj as GH_Line;
                        myInstance.geometries.Add(new SuperPolyline(myLine, myguid));
                        myInstance.geometries.Add("error - undefined type");

コード例 #8
        // SOLVER
        // Retrieves data from Grasshopper and changes component properties that can be accessed in the code-behind of stormcloud.xaml
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            //// GEOMETRY
            //// Use IGH_GeometricGoo to deal with different geometry types
            List <IGH_GeometricGoo> g = new List <IGH_GeometricGoo>();

            if (!DA.GetDataList <IGH_GeometricGoo>(0, g))
            }                                                        // retrieves list of geometries as list of IGH_GeometricGoo
            List <Curve> curves = new List <Curve>();
            List <Mesh>  meshes = new List <Mesh>();
            List <Brep>  breps  = new List <Brep>();

            foreach (IGH_GeometricGoo goo in g)
                GH_Line l = goo as GH_Line;
                if (l != null)
                    GH_Curve lc = new GH_Curve();
                    l.CastTo <GH_Curve>(out lc);
                GH_Curve c = goo as GH_Curve; // c = null if geometry is not a curve
                if (c != null)
                    curves.Add(c.DuplicateCurve().Value); // add to curves if geometry is a curve
                    Console.WriteLine("There is a Curve");
                GH_Mesh m = goo as GH_Mesh;
                if (m != null)
                    GH_Brep br = new GH_Brep();
                    m.CastTo <GH_Brep>(out br);

                //GH_Surface s = goo as GH_Surface;
                //if (s != null)
                //    GH_Brep brs = new GH_Brep();
                //    s.CastTo<GH_Brep>(out brs);
                //    breps.Add(brs.DuplicateBrep().Value);

                GH_Brep b = goo as GH_Brep;
                if (b != null)

            //// Change values of relevant component properties

            DesignCurves = curves;
            DesignMeshes = meshes;
            DesignBreps  = breps;

            // DesignLines
            //List<Line> lines = new List<Line>();
            //if (!DA.GetDataList(0, lines)) { return; }
            //DesignLines = lines;
            // SCORE
            double score = 0; // instantiate score

            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref score))
            Score = score; // Change value of component property

            // Update model of main 3D viewports in stormcloud
            if (this.DesignView.InitialDesign.Score != 0)
            //DesignView.UpdateCurrentModel(DesignLines, RenderingSettings.diameter, RenderingSettings.resolutiontube, RenderingSettings.mat);
            DesignView.UpdateCurrentModelAdvanced(DesignCurves, DesignMeshes, DesignBreps, RenderingSettings.diameter, RenderingSettings.resolution, RenderingSettings.resolutiontube, RenderingSettings.mat);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Cmpt_CreateGlulam.cs プロジェクト: tsvilans/glulamb
        protected CrossSectionOrientation ParseGlulamOrientation(List <object> input, Curve curve)
            if (input == null || input.Count < 1)
                if (curve.IsPlanar(Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance))
                    curve.TryGetPlane(out Plane plane, Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance);
                    return(new PlanarOrientation(plane));
                return(new RmfOrientation());
            if (input.Count == 1)
                object single = input[0];
                //AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, single.ToString());

                if (single is Vector3d)
                    return(new VectorOrientation((Vector3d)single));
                if (single is GH_Vector)
                    return(new VectorOrientation((single as GH_Vector).Value));
                if (single is Plane)
                    return(new VectorOrientation(((Plane)single).YAxis));
                if (single is GH_Plane)
                    return(new VectorOrientation((single as GH_Plane).Value.YAxis));
                if (single is GH_Line)
                    return(new VectorOrientation((single as GH_Line).Value.Direction));
                if (single is Surface)
                    return(new SurfaceOrientation((single as Surface).ToBrep()));
                if (single is GH_Surface)
                    return(new SurfaceOrientation((single as GH_Surface).Value));
                if (single is Brep)
                    return(new SurfaceOrientation(single as Brep));
                if (single is GH_Brep)
                    return(new SurfaceOrientation((single as GH_Brep).Value));
                if (single is GH_Curve)
                    Curve crv = (single as GH_Curve).Value;
                    if (crv.IsLinear())
                        return(new VectorOrientation(crv.TangentAtStart));

                    return(new RailCurveOrientation((single as GH_Curve).Value));
                if (single == null)
                    return(new RmfOrientation());

            if (input.First() is GH_Plane)
                List <double>   parameters = new List <double>();
                List <Vector3d> vectors    = new List <Vector3d>();

                for (int i = 0; i < input.Count; ++i)
                    GH_Plane p = input[i] as GH_Plane;
                    if (p == null)
                    double t;
                    curve.ClosestPoint(p.Value.Origin, out t);


                return(new VectorListOrientation(curve, parameters, vectors));

            if (input.First() is GH_Line)
                List <double>   parameters = new List <double>();
                List <Vector3d> vectors    = new List <Vector3d>();

                for (int i = 0; i < input.Count; ++i)
                    GH_Line line = input[i] as GH_Line;
                    if (line == null)

                    double t;
                    curve.ClosestPoint(line.Value.From, out t);

                return(new VectorListOrientation(curve, parameters, vectors));

            if (input.First() is GH_Curve)
                List <double>   parameters = new List <double>();
                List <Vector3d> vectors    = new List <Vector3d>();

                for (int i = 0; i < input.Count; ++i)
                    GH_Curve crv = input[i] as GH_Curve;
                    if (crv == null)

                    double t;
                    curve.ClosestPoint(crv.Value.PointAtStart, out t);

                return(new VectorListOrientation(curve, parameters, vectors));

            if (curve.IsPlanar())
                curve.TryGetPlane(out Plane plane);
                return(new PlanarOrientation(plane));
            return(new RmfOrientation());
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataAccess">
        /// The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.
        /// </param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess dataAccess)
            object @object   = null;
            double tolerance = 0.0001;

            if (!dataAccess.GetData(0, ref @object))

            if (!dataAccess.GetData(1, ref tolerance))

            if (@object == null)

            Type type = @object.GetType();

            global::Topologic.Topology topology = null;
            GH_Point ghPoint = @object as GH_Point;

            if (ghPoint != null)
                topology = ghPoint.Value.ToTopologic();
                dataAccess.SetData(0, topology);

            GH_Line ghLine = @object as GH_Line;

            if (ghLine != null)
                topology = ghLine.Value.ToTopologic();
                dataAccess.SetData(0, topology);

            GH_Curve ghCurve = @object as GH_Curve;

            if (ghCurve != null)
                topology = ghCurve.Value.ToTopologic();
                dataAccess.SetData(0, topology);

            GH_Surface ghSurface = @object as GH_Surface;

            if (ghSurface != null)
                topology = ghSurface.Value.ToTopologic(tolerance);
                dataAccess.SetData(0, topology);

            GH_Brep ghBrep = @object as GH_Brep;

            if (ghBrep != null)
                topology = ghBrep.Value.ToTopologic(tolerance);
                dataAccess.SetData(0, topology);

            GH_Box ghBox = @object as GH_Box;

            if (ghBox != null)
                topology = ghBox.Value.ToTopologic();
                dataAccess.SetData(0, topology);

            GH_Mesh ghMesh = @object as GH_Mesh;

            if (ghMesh != null)
                topology = ghMesh.Value.ToTopologic();
                dataAccess.SetData(0, topology);

            throw new Exception("Cannot convert geometry.");
コード例 #11
ファイル: GH_OwlTensor.cs プロジェクト: anddoyoueverfeel/Owl
    public override bool CastFrom(object source)
        var switchExpr = source.GetType();

        switch (switchExpr)
        case var @case when @case == typeof(Tensor):
            this.Value = (Tensor)source;

        case var case1 when case1 == typeof(TensorSet):
            TensorSet ts = (TensorSet)source;
            if (ts.Count != 1)
            this.Value = ts[0];

        case var case2 when case2 == typeof(Point3d):
            Point3d asp = source;
            this.Value = new Tensor(new[] { asp.X, asp.Y, asp.Z });

        case var case3 when case3 == typeof(GH_Point):
            GH_Point asp = source;
            this.Value = new Tensor(new[] { asp.Value.X, asp.Value.Y, asp.Value.Z });

        case var case4 when case4 == typeof(GH_Vector):
            GH_Vector asp = source;
            this.Value = new Tensor(new[] { asp.Value.X, asp.Value.Y, asp.Value.Z });

        case var case5 when case5 == typeof(Vector3d):
            Vector3d asp = source;
            this.Value = new Tensor(new[] { asp.X, asp.Y, asp.Z });

        case var case6 when case6 == typeof(Color):
            Color asp = (Color)source;
            this.Value = new Tensor(new[] { Convert.ToDouble(asp.A), Convert.ToDouble(asp.R), Convert.ToDouble(asp.G), Convert.ToDouble(asp.B) });

        case var case7 when case7 == typeof(GH_Colour):
            GH_Colour asp = source;
            this.Value = new Tensor(new[] { Convert.ToDouble(asp.Value.A), Convert.ToDouble(asp.Value.R), Convert.ToDouble(asp.Value.G), Convert.ToDouble(asp.Value.B) });

        case var case8 when case8 == typeof(Line):
            Line asp = source;
            this.Value = new Tensor(new[] { asp.From.X, asp.From.Y, asp.From.Z, asp.To.X, asp.To.Y, asp.To.Z });

        case var case9 when case9 == typeof(GH_Line):
            GH_Line thisv = source;
            Line    asp   = thisv.Value;
            this.Value = new Tensor(new[] { asp.From.X, asp.From.Y, asp.From.Z, asp.To.X, asp.To.Y, asp.To.Z });

コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the geometry for an input chromosome
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chromo">The chromosome used to get geometry from the gh canvas</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int GetGeometry(Chromosome chromo)
            // Collect the object at the current instance
            List <object> localObjs = new List <object>();

            // Thank you Dimitrie :)
            foreach (IGH_Param param in Params.Input[1].Sources)
                foreach (Object myObj in param.VolatileData.AllData(true)) // AllData flattens the tree

            // Gets lists of different geometry
            List <Mesh>          meshGeometry = new List <Mesh>();
            List <PolylineCurve> polyGeometry = new List <PolylineCurve>();

            // Get only mesh geometry from the object list
            for (int i = 0; i < localObjs.Count; i++)
                // Need to replace with a Switch

                if (localObjs[i] is GH_Mesh)
                    GH_Mesh myGHMesh = new GH_Mesh();
                    myGHMesh = (GH_Mesh)localObjs[i];
                    Mesh myLocalMesh = new Mesh();
                    GH_Convert.ToMesh(myGHMesh, ref myLocalMesh, GH_Conversion.Primary);


                    //Mesh joinedMesh = new Mesh();

                if (localObjs[i] is GH_Brep)
                    GH_Brep myBrep = new GH_Brep();
                    myBrep = (GH_Brep)localObjs[i];

                    Mesh[] meshes = Mesh.CreateFromBrep(myBrep.Value, MeshingParameters.FastRenderMesh);

                    Mesh mesh = new Mesh();


                if (localObjs[i] is GH_Box)
                    GH_Box myBox  = new GH_Box((GH_Box)localObjs[i]);
                    Mesh[] meshes = Mesh.CreateFromBrep(myBox.Brep(), MeshingParameters.FastRenderMesh);

                    Mesh mesh = new Mesh();


                if (localObjs[i] is GH_Surface)
                    GH_Surface mySurface = (GH_Surface)localObjs[i];

                    Mesh[] meshes = Mesh.CreateFromBrep(mySurface.Value, MeshingParameters.FastRenderMesh);

                    Mesh mesh = new Mesh();


                if (localObjs[i] is GH_Curve)
                    GH_Curve      myGHCurve = (GH_Curve)localObjs[i];
                    PolylineCurve myPoly    = myGHCurve.Value.ToPolyline(0, 0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, true);

                if (localObjs[i] is GH_Arc)
                    GH_Arc        myGHArc = (GH_Arc)localObjs[i];
                    PolylineCurve myPoly  = myGHArc.Value.ToNurbsCurve().ToPolyline(0, 0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, true);

                if (localObjs[i] is GH_Line)
                    GH_Line        myGHLine = (GH_Line)localObjs[i];
                    List <Point3d> pts      = new List <Point3d> {
                        myGHLine.Value.From, myGHLine.Value.To
                    PolylineCurve myPoly = new PolylineCurve(pts);

            // Get performance data
            List <double> performas = new List <double>();
            List <string> criteria  = new List <string>();

            // Cap at eight criteria max.
            int pCount        = 0;
            int repeatCounter = 1;

            foreach (IGH_Param param in Params.Input[2].Sources)
                foreach (Object myObj in param.VolatileData.AllData(true))
                    if (myObj is GH_Number && pCount < 8)
                        GH_Number temp = (GH_Number)myObj;

                        if (!criteria.Contains(param.NickName))

                            criteria.Add(param.NickName + " (" + repeatCounter + ")");


                    else if (myObj is GH_Integer && pCount < 8)
                        GH_Integer temp = (GH_Integer)myObj;

                        if (!criteria.Contains(param.NickName))

                            criteria.Add(param.NickName + " (" + repeatCounter + ")");


            // Set the phenotype within the chromosome class
            chromo.SetPhenotype(meshGeometry, polyGeometry, performas, criteria);

            // Return the number of performance criteria
コード例 #13
 public static Line FromIO(this GH_Line l)
     return(new Line(l.A.FromIO(), l.B.FromIO()));
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines object type and calls the appropriate conversion call.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o">Object to convert.</param>
        /// <param name="getEncoded">If set to true, will return a base64 encoded value of more complex objects (ie, breps).</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static SpeckleObject fromGhRhObject(object o, bool getEncoded = false, bool getAbstract = true)
            GH_Interval int1d = o as GH_Interval;

            if (int1d != null)
            if (o is Interval)

            GH_Interval2D int2d = o as GH_Interval2D;

            if (int2d != null)
            if (o is UVInterval)

            // basic stuff
            GH_Number num = o as GH_Number;

            if (num != null)
            if (o is double || o is int)

            GH_Boolean bul = o as GH_Boolean;

            if (bul != null)
            if (o is Boolean)

            GH_String str = o as GH_String;

            if (str != null)
            if (o is string)

            // simple geometry
            GH_Point point = o as GH_Point;

            if (point != null)
            if (o is Point3d)
            // added because when we assign user data to points they get converted to points.
            // the above comment does makes sense. check the sdk.
            if (o is Rhino.Geometry.Point)

            GH_Vector vector = o as GH_Vector;

            if (vector != null)
            if (o is Vector3d)

            GH_Plane plane = o as GH_Plane;

            if (plane != null)
            if (o is Plane)

            GH_Line line = o as GH_Line;

            if (line != null)
            if (o is Line)

            GH_Arc arc = o as GH_Arc;

            if (arc != null)
            if (o is Arc)

            GH_Circle circle = o as GH_Circle;

            if (circle != null)
            if (o is Circle)

            GH_Rectangle rectangle = o as GH_Rectangle;

            if (rectangle != null)
            if (o is Rectangle3d)

            GH_Box box = o as GH_Box;

            if (box != null)
            if (o is Box)

            // getting complex
            GH_Curve curve = o as GH_Curve;

            if (curve != null)
                Polyline poly;
                if (curve.Value.TryGetPolyline(out poly))
                return(GhRhConveter.fromCurve(curve.Value, getEncoded, getAbstract));

            if (o is Polyline)
            if (o is Curve)
                return(GhRhConveter.fromCurve((Curve)o, getEncoded, getAbstract));

            GH_Surface surface = o as GH_Surface;

            if (surface != null)
                return(GhRhConveter.fromBrep(surface.Value, getEncoded, getAbstract));

            GH_Brep brep = o as GH_Brep;

            if (brep != null)
                return(GhRhConveter.fromBrep(brep.Value, getEncoded, getAbstract));

            if (o is Brep)
                return(GhRhConveter.fromBrep((Brep)o, getEncoded, getAbstract));

            GH_Mesh mesh = o as GH_Mesh;

            if (mesh != null)
            if (o is Mesh)

            return(new SpeckleObject()
                hash = "404", value = "Type not supported", type = "404"
コード例 #15

        public static bool CastToGoo(object value, ref GH_Line target)
            return(GH_Convert.ToGHLine(value, GH_Conversion.Both, ref target));
コード例 #16
        public static Response Grasshopper(NancyContext ctx)
            // load grasshopper file
            var archive = new GH_Archive();
            // TODO: stream to string
            var body = ctx.Request.Body.ToString();

            string json = string.Empty;

            using (var reader = new StreamReader(ctx.Request.Body))
                json = reader.ReadToEnd();

            //GrasshopperInput input = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GrasshopperInput>(json);
            //JsonSerializerSettings settings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
            //settings.ContractResolver = new DictionaryAsArrayResolver();
            Schema input = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Schema>(json);

            string grasshopperXml = string.Empty;

            if (input.Algo != null)
                // If request contains markup
                byte[] byteArray = Convert.FromBase64String(input.Algo);
                grasshopperXml = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteArray);
                // If request contains pointer
                string pointer = input.Pointer;
                grasshopperXml = GetGhxFromPointer(pointer);
            if (!archive.Deserialize_Xml(grasshopperXml))
                throw new Exception();

            var definition = new GH_Document();

            if (!archive.ExtractObject(definition, "Definition"))
                throw new Exception();

            // Set input params
            foreach (var obj in definition.Objects)
                var group = obj as GH_Group;
                if (group == null)

                if (group.NickName.Contains("RH_IN"))
                    // It is a RestHopper input group!
                    GHTypeCodes code  = (GHTypeCodes)Int32.Parse(group.NickName.Split(':')[1]);
                    var         param = group.Objects()[0];
                    //GH_Param<IGH_Goo> goo = obj as GH_Param<IGH_Goo>;

                    // SetData
                    foreach (Resthopper.IO.DataTree <ResthopperObject> tree in input.Values)
                        string paramname = tree.ParamName;
                        if (group.NickName == paramname)
                            switch (code)
                            case GHTypeCodes.Boolean:
                                //PopulateParam<GH_Boolean>(goo, tree);
                                Param_Boolean boolParam = param as Param_Boolean;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                                    GH_Path           path       = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                                    List <GH_Boolean> objectList = new List <GH_Boolean>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                        ResthopperObject restobj = entree.Value[i];
                                        bool             boolean = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <bool>(restobj.Data);
                                        GH_Boolean       data    = new GH_Boolean(boolean);
                                        boolParam.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                            case GHTypeCodes.Point:
                                //PopulateParam<GH_Point>(goo, tree);
                                Param_Point ptParam = param as Param_Point;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                                    GH_Path         path       = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                                    List <GH_Point> objectList = new List <GH_Point>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                        ResthopperObject       restobj = entree.Value[i];
                                        Rhino.Geometry.Point3d rPt     = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Point3d>(restobj.Data);
                                        GH_Point data = new GH_Point(rPt);
                                        ptParam.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                            case GHTypeCodes.Vector:
                                //PopulateParam<GH_Vector>(goo, tree);
                                Param_Vector vectorParam = param as Param_Vector;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                                    GH_Path          path       = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                                    List <GH_Vector> objectList = new List <GH_Vector>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                        ResthopperObject        restobj  = entree.Value[i];
                                        Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d rhVector = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d>(restobj.Data);
                                        GH_Vector data = new GH_Vector(rhVector);
                                        vectorParam.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                            case GHTypeCodes.Integer:
                                //PopulateParam<GH_Integer>(goo, tree);
                                Param_Integer integerParam = param as Param_Integer;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                                    GH_Path           path       = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                                    List <GH_Integer> objectList = new List <GH_Integer>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                        ResthopperObject restobj = entree.Value[i];
                                        int        rhinoInt      = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <int>(restobj.Data);
                                        GH_Integer data          = new GH_Integer(rhinoInt);
                                        integerParam.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                            case GHTypeCodes.Number:
                                //PopulateParam<GH_Number>(goo, tree);
                                Param_Number numberParam = param as Param_Number;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                                    GH_Path          path       = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                                    List <GH_Number> objectList = new List <GH_Number>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                        ResthopperObject restobj  = entree.Value[i];
                                        double           rhNumber = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <double>(restobj.Data);
                                        GH_Number        data     = new GH_Number(rhNumber);
                                        numberParam.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                            case GHTypeCodes.Text:
                                //PopulateParam<GH_String>(goo, tree);
                                Param_String stringParam = param as Param_String;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                                    GH_Path          path       = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                                    List <GH_String> objectList = new List <GH_String>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                        ResthopperObject restobj  = entree.Value[i];
                                        string           rhString = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string>(restobj.Data);
                                        GH_String        data     = new GH_String(rhString);
                                        stringParam.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                            case GHTypeCodes.Line:
                                //PopulateParam<GH_Line>(goo, tree);
                                Param_Line lineParam = param as Param_Line;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                                    GH_Path        path       = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                                    List <GH_Line> objectList = new List <GH_Line>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                        ResthopperObject    restobj = entree.Value[i];
                                        Rhino.Geometry.Line rhLine  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Line>(restobj.Data);
                                        GH_Line             data    = new GH_Line(rhLine);
                                        lineParam.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                            case GHTypeCodes.Curve:
                                //PopulateParam<GH_Curve>(goo, tree);
                                Param_Curve curveParam = param as Param_Curve;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                                    GH_Path         path       = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                                    List <GH_Curve> objectList = new List <GH_Curve>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                        ResthopperObject restobj = entree.Value[i];
                                        GH_Curve         ghCurve;
                                            Rhino.Geometry.Polyline data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Polyline>(restobj.Data);
                                            Rhino.Geometry.Curve    c    = new Rhino.Geometry.PolylineCurve(data);
                                            ghCurve = new GH_Curve(c);
                                            Rhino.Geometry.NurbsCurve data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.NurbsCurve>(restobj.Data);
                                            Rhino.Geometry.Curve      c    = new Rhino.Geometry.NurbsCurve(data);
                                            ghCurve = new GH_Curve(c);
                                        curveParam.AddVolatileData(path, i, ghCurve);

                            case GHTypeCodes.Circle:
                                //PopulateParam<GH_Circle>(goo, tree);
                                Param_Circle circleParam = param as Param_Circle;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                                    GH_Path          path       = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                                    List <GH_Circle> objectList = new List <GH_Circle>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                        ResthopperObject      restobj  = entree.Value[i];
                                        Rhino.Geometry.Circle rhCircle = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Circle>(restobj.Data);
                                        GH_Circle             data     = new GH_Circle(rhCircle);
                                        circleParam.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                            case GHTypeCodes.PLane:
                                //PopulateParam<GH_Plane>(goo, tree);
                                Param_Plane planeParam = param as Param_Plane;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                                    GH_Path         path       = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                                    List <GH_Plane> objectList = new List <GH_Plane>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                        ResthopperObject     restobj = entree.Value[i];
                                        Rhino.Geometry.Plane rhPlane = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Plane>(restobj.Data);
                                        GH_Plane             data    = new GH_Plane(rhPlane);
                                        planeParam.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                            case GHTypeCodes.Rectangle:
                                //PopulateParam<GH_Rectangle>(goo, tree);
                                Param_Rectangle rectangleParam = param as Param_Rectangle;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                                    GH_Path             path       = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                                    List <GH_Rectangle> objectList = new List <GH_Rectangle>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                        ResthopperObject           restobj     = entree.Value[i];
                                        Rhino.Geometry.Rectangle3d rhRectangle = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Rectangle3d>(restobj.Data);
                                        GH_Rectangle data = new GH_Rectangle(rhRectangle);
                                        rectangleParam.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                            case GHTypeCodes.Box:
                                //PopulateParam<GH_Box>(goo, tree);
                                Param_Box boxParam = param as Param_Box;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                                    GH_Path       path       = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                                    List <GH_Box> objectList = new List <GH_Box>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                        ResthopperObject   restobj = entree.Value[i];
                                        Rhino.Geometry.Box rhBox   = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Box>(restobj.Data);
                                        GH_Box             data    = new GH_Box(rhBox);
                                        boxParam.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                            case GHTypeCodes.Surface:
                                //PopulateParam<GH_Surface>(goo, tree);
                                Param_Surface surfaceParam = param as Param_Surface;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                                    GH_Path           path       = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                                    List <GH_Surface> objectList = new List <GH_Surface>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                        ResthopperObject       restobj   = entree.Value[i];
                                        Rhino.Geometry.Surface rhSurface = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Surface>(restobj.Data);
                                        GH_Surface             data      = new GH_Surface(rhSurface);
                                        surfaceParam.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                            case GHTypeCodes.Brep:
                                //PopulateParam<GH_Brep>(goo, tree);
                                Param_Brep brepParam = param as Param_Brep;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                                    GH_Path        path       = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                                    List <GH_Brep> objectList = new List <GH_Brep>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                        ResthopperObject    restobj = entree.Value[i];
                                        Rhino.Geometry.Brep rhBrep  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Brep>(restobj.Data);
                                        GH_Brep             data    = new GH_Brep(rhBrep);
                                        brepParam.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                            case GHTypeCodes.Mesh:
                                //PopulateParam<GH_Mesh>(goo, tree);
                                Param_Mesh meshParam = param as Param_Mesh;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                                    GH_Path        path       = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                                    List <GH_Mesh> objectList = new List <GH_Mesh>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                        ResthopperObject    restobj = entree.Value[i];
                                        Rhino.Geometry.Mesh rhMesh  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Mesh>(restobj.Data);
                                        GH_Mesh             data    = new GH_Mesh(rhMesh);
                                        meshParam.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                            case GHTypeCodes.Slider:
                                //PopulateParam<GH_Number>(goo, tree);
                                GH_NumberSlider sliderParam = param as GH_NumberSlider;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                                    GH_Path          path       = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                                    List <GH_Number> objectList = new List <GH_Number>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                        ResthopperObject restobj  = entree.Value[i];
                                        double           rhNumber = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <double>(restobj.Data);
                                        GH_Number        data     = new GH_Number(rhNumber);
                                        sliderParam.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                            case GHTypeCodes.BooleanToggle:
                                //PopulateParam<GH_Boolean>(goo, tree);
                                GH_BooleanToggle toggleParam = param as GH_BooleanToggle;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                                    GH_Path           path       = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                                    List <GH_Boolean> objectList = new List <GH_Boolean>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                        ResthopperObject restobj   = entree.Value[i];
                                        bool             rhBoolean = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <bool>(restobj.Data);
                                        GH_Boolean       data      = new GH_Boolean(rhBoolean);
                                        toggleParam.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                            case GHTypeCodes.Panel:
                                //PopulateParam<GH_String>(goo, tree);
                                GH_Panel panelParam = param as GH_Panel;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                                    GH_Path         path       = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                                    List <GH_Panel> objectList = new List <GH_Panel>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                        ResthopperObject restobj  = entree.Value[i];
                                        string           rhString = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string>(restobj.Data);
                                        GH_String        data     = new GH_String(rhString);
                                        panelParam.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

            Schema OutputSchema = new Schema();

            OutputSchema.Algo = Utils.Base64Encode(string.Empty);

            // Parse output params
            foreach (var obj in definition.Objects)
                var group = obj as GH_Group;
                if (group == null)

                if (group.NickName.Contains("RH_OUT"))
                    // It is a RestHopper output group!
                    GHTypeCodes code  = (GHTypeCodes)Int32.Parse(group.NickName.Split(':')[1]);
                    var         param = group.Objects()[0] as IGH_Param;
                    if (param == null)

                    catch (Exception)
                        param.Phase = GH_SolutionPhase.Failed;
                        // TODO: throw something better

                    // Get data
                    Resthopper.IO.DataTree <ResthopperObject> OutputTree = new Resthopper.IO.DataTree <ResthopperObject>();
                    OutputTree.ParamName = group.NickName;

                    var volatileData = param.VolatileData;
                    for (int p = 0; p < volatileData.PathCount; p++)
                        List <ResthopperObject> ResthopperObjectList = new List <ResthopperObject>();
                        foreach (var goo in volatileData.get_Branch(p))
                            if (goo == null)
                            else if (goo.GetType() == typeof(GH_Boolean))
                                GH_Boolean ghValue = goo as GH_Boolean;
                                bool       rhValue = ghValue.Value;
                                ResthopperObjectList.Add(GetResthopperObject <bool>(rhValue));
                            else if (goo.GetType() == typeof(GH_Point))
                                GH_Point ghValue = goo as GH_Point;
                                Point3d  rhValue = ghValue.Value;
                                ResthopperObjectList.Add(GetResthopperObject <Point3d>(rhValue));
                            else if (goo.GetType() == typeof(GH_Vector))
                                GH_Vector ghValue = goo as GH_Vector;
                                Vector3d  rhValue = ghValue.Value;
                                ResthopperObjectList.Add(GetResthopperObject <Vector3d>(rhValue));
                            else if (goo.GetType() == typeof(GH_Integer))
                                GH_Integer ghValue = goo as GH_Integer;
                                int        rhValue = ghValue.Value;
                                ResthopperObjectList.Add(GetResthopperObject <int>(rhValue));
                            else if (goo.GetType() == typeof(GH_Number))
                                GH_Number ghValue = goo as GH_Number;
                                double    rhValue = ghValue.Value;
                                ResthopperObjectList.Add(GetResthopperObject <double>(rhValue));
                            else if (goo.GetType() == typeof(GH_String))
                                GH_String ghValue = goo as GH_String;
                                string    rhValue = ghValue.Value;
                                ResthopperObjectList.Add(GetResthopperObject <string>(rhValue));
                            else if (goo.GetType() == typeof(GH_Line))
                                GH_Line ghValue = goo as GH_Line;
                                Line    rhValue = ghValue.Value;
                                ResthopperObjectList.Add(GetResthopperObject <Line>(rhValue));
                            else if (goo.GetType() == typeof(GH_Curve))
                                GH_Curve ghValue = goo as GH_Curve;
                                Curve    rhValue = ghValue.Value;
                                ResthopperObjectList.Add(GetResthopperObject <Curve>(rhValue));
                            else if (goo.GetType() == typeof(GH_Circle))
                                GH_Circle ghValue = goo as GH_Circle;
                                Circle    rhValue = ghValue.Value;
                                ResthopperObjectList.Add(GetResthopperObject <Circle>(rhValue));
                            else if (goo.GetType() == typeof(GH_Plane))
                                GH_Plane ghValue = goo as GH_Plane;
                                Plane    rhValue = ghValue.Value;
                                ResthopperObjectList.Add(GetResthopperObject <Plane>(rhValue));
                            else if (goo.GetType() == typeof(GH_Rectangle))
                                GH_Rectangle ghValue = goo as GH_Rectangle;
                                Rectangle3d  rhValue = ghValue.Value;
                                ResthopperObjectList.Add(GetResthopperObject <Rectangle3d>(rhValue));
                            else if (goo.GetType() == typeof(GH_Box))
                                GH_Box ghValue = goo as GH_Box;
                                Box    rhValue = ghValue.Value;
                                ResthopperObjectList.Add(GetResthopperObject <Box>(rhValue));
                            else if (goo.GetType() == typeof(GH_Surface))
                                GH_Surface ghValue = goo as GH_Surface;
                                Brep       rhValue = ghValue.Value;
                                ResthopperObjectList.Add(GetResthopperObject <Brep>(rhValue));
                            else if (goo.GetType() == typeof(GH_Brep))
                                GH_Brep ghValue = goo as GH_Brep;
                                Brep    rhValue = ghValue.Value;
                                ResthopperObjectList.Add(GetResthopperObject <Brep>(rhValue));
                            else if (goo.GetType() == typeof(GH_Mesh))
                                GH_Mesh ghValue = goo as GH_Mesh;
                                Mesh    rhValue = ghValue.Value;
                                ResthopperObjectList.Add(GetResthopperObject <Mesh>(rhValue));

                        GhPath path = new GhPath(new int[] { p });
                        OutputTree.Add(path.ToString(), ResthopperObjectList);


            if (OutputSchema.Values.Count < 1)
                throw new System.Exceptions.PayAttentionException("Looks like you've missed something..."); // TODO
            string returnJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(OutputSchema);

コード例 #17
        public void SetInputs(List <DataTree <ResthopperObject> > values)
            foreach (var tree in values)
                if (!_input.TryGetValue(tree.ParamName, out var inputGroup))

                if (inputGroup.AlreadySet(tree))
                    LogDebug("Skipping input tree... same input");


                IGH_ContextualParameter contextualParameter = inputGroup.Param as IGH_ContextualParameter;
                if (contextualParameter != null)
                    switch (ParamTypeName(inputGroup.Param))
                    case "Number":
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                            double[] doubles = new double[entree.Value.Count];
                            for (int i = 0; i < doubles.Length; i++)
                                ResthopperObject restobj = entree.Value[i];
                                doubles[i] = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <double>(restobj.Data);

                    case "Integer":
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                            int[] integers = new int[entree.Value.Count];
                            for (int i = 0; i < integers.Length; i++)
                                ResthopperObject restobj = entree.Value[i];
                                integers[i] = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <int>(restobj.Data);

                    case "Point":
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                            Point3d[] points = new Point3d[entree.Value.Count];
                            for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                ResthopperObject restobj = entree.Value[i];
                                points[i] = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Point3d>(restobj.Data);

                    case "Line":
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                            Line[] lines = new Line[entree.Value.Count];
                            for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                ResthopperObject restobj = entree.Value[i];
                                lines[i] = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Line>(restobj.Data);

                    case "Text":
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                            string[] strings = new string[entree.Value.Count];
                            for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                ResthopperObject restobj = entree.Value[i];
                                strings[i] = restobj.Data.Trim(new char[] { '"' });

                    case "Geometry":
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                            GeometryBase[] geometries = new GeometryBase[entree.Value.Count];
                            for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                                ResthopperObject restobj = entree.Value[i];
                                var dict = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(restobj.Data);
                                geometries[i] = Rhino.Runtime.CommonObject.FromJSON(dict) as GeometryBase;

                inputGroup.Param.ExpireSolution(false); // mark param as expired but don't recompute just yet!

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Point)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject       restobj = entree.Value[i];
                            Rhino.Geometry.Point3d rPt     = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Point3d>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Point data = new GH_Point(rPt);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Vector)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject        restobj  = entree.Value[i];
                            Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d rhVector = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Vector data = new GH_Vector(rhVector);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Integer)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject restobj = entree.Value[i];
                            int        rhinoInt      = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <int>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Integer data          = new GH_Integer(rhinoInt);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Number)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject restobj  = entree.Value[i];
                            double           rhNumber = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <double>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Number        data     = new GH_Number(rhNumber);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_String)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject restobj  = entree.Value[i];
                            string           rhString = restobj.Data;
                            GH_String        data     = new GH_String(rhString);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Line)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject    restobj = entree.Value[i];
                            Rhino.Geometry.Line rhLine  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Line>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Line             data    = new GH_Line(rhLine);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Curve)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject restobj = entree.Value[i];
                            GH_Curve         ghCurve;
                                Rhino.Geometry.Polyline data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Polyline>(restobj.Data);
                                Rhino.Geometry.Curve    c    = new Rhino.Geometry.PolylineCurve(data);
                                ghCurve = new GH_Curve(c);
                                var dict = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(restobj.Data);
                                var c    = (Rhino.Geometry.Curve)Rhino.Runtime.CommonObject.FromJSON(dict);
                                ghCurve = new GH_Curve(c);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, ghCurve);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Circle)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject      restobj  = entree.Value[i];
                            Rhino.Geometry.Circle rhCircle = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Circle>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Circle             data     = new GH_Circle(rhCircle);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Plane)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject     restobj = entree.Value[i];
                            Rhino.Geometry.Plane rhPlane = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Plane>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Plane             data    = new GH_Plane(rhPlane);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Rectangle)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject           restobj     = entree.Value[i];
                            Rhino.Geometry.Rectangle3d rhRectangle = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Rectangle3d>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Rectangle data = new GH_Rectangle(rhRectangle);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Box)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject   restobj = entree.Value[i];
                            Rhino.Geometry.Box rhBox   = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Box>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Box             data    = new GH_Box(rhBox);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Surface)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject       restobj   = entree.Value[i];
                            Rhino.Geometry.Surface rhSurface = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Surface>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Surface             data      = new GH_Surface(rhSurface);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Brep)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject    restobj = entree.Value[i];
                            Rhino.Geometry.Brep rhBrep  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Brep>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Brep             data    = new GH_Brep(rhBrep);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Mesh)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject    restobj = entree.Value[i];
                            Rhino.Geometry.Mesh rhMesh  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Mesh>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Mesh             data    = new GH_Mesh(rhMesh);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is GH_NumberSlider)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject restobj  = entree.Value[i];
                            double           rhNumber = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <double>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Number        data     = new GH_Number(rhNumber);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Boolean || inputGroup.Param is GH_BooleanToggle)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject restobj = entree.Value[i];
                            bool             boolean = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <bool>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Boolean       data    = new GH_Boolean(boolean);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is GH_Panel)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject restobj  = entree.Value[i];
                            string           rhString = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_String        data     = new GH_String(rhString);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);
コード例 #18
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GsaElement1d gsaElement1d = new GsaElement1d();

            if (DA.GetData(0, ref gsaElement1d))
                if (gsaElement1d == null)
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Element1D input is null");
                GsaElement1d elem = gsaElement1d.Duplicate();

                // #### inputs ####
                // 1 ID
                GH_Integer ghID = new GH_Integer();
                if (DA.GetData(1, ref ghID))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(ghID, out int id, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        elem.ID = id;

                // 2 curve
                GH_Line ghcrv = new GH_Line();
                if (DA.GetData(2, ref ghcrv))
                    Line crv = new Line();
                    if (GH_Convert.ToLine(ghcrv, ref crv, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        LineCurve    ln      = new LineCurve(crv);
                        GsaElement1d tmpelem = new GsaElement1d(ln)
                            ID           = elem.ID,
                            Element      = elem.Element,
                            ReleaseEnd   = elem.ReleaseEnd,
                            ReleaseStart = elem.ReleaseStart
                        elem = tmpelem;

                // 3 section
                GH_ObjectWrapper gh_typ = new GH_ObjectWrapper();
                if (DA.GetData(3, ref gh_typ))
                    GsaSection section = new GsaSection();
                    if (gh_typ.Value is GsaSectionGoo)
                        gh_typ.CastTo(ref section);
                        elem.Section          = section;
                        elem.Element.Property = 0;
                        if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(gh_typ.Value, out int idd, GH_Conversion.Both))
                            elem.Element.Property = idd;
                            elem.Section          = null;
                            AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Unable to convert PB input to a Section Property of reference integer");
コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Object ghGeometryBase = null;
            double tolerance      = 0.0001;

            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref ghGeometryBase))
            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref tolerance))

            if (ghGeometryBase == null)
            Type type = ghGeometryBase.GetType();

            Topologic.Topology topology = null;
            GH_Point           ghPoint  = ghGeometryBase as GH_Point;

            if (ghPoint != null)
                topology = ByPoint(ghPoint.Value);
                DA.SetData(0, topology);

            GH_Line ghLine = ghGeometryBase as GH_Line;

            if (ghLine != null)
                topology = ByLine(ghLine.Value);
                DA.SetData(0, topology);

            GH_Curve ghCurve = ghGeometryBase as GH_Curve;

            if (ghCurve != null)
                topology = ByCurve(ghCurve.Value);
                DA.SetData(0, topology);

            GH_Surface ghSurface = ghGeometryBase as GH_Surface;

            if (ghSurface != null)
                //topology = ByBrep(ghSurface.Value.Faces[0].ToBrep(), tolerance);
                //topology = ByBrepFace(ghSurface.Value.Faces[0]);
                topology = ByBrep(ghSurface.Value, tolerance);
                DA.SetData(0, topology);

            GH_Brep ghBrep = ghGeometryBase as GH_Brep;

            if (ghBrep != null)
                topology = ByBrep(ghBrep.Value, tolerance);
                DA.SetData(0, topology);

            GH_Box ghBox = ghGeometryBase as GH_Box;

            if (ghBox != null)
                topology = ByBox(ghBox.Value);
                DA.SetData(0, topology);

            GH_Mesh ghMesh = ghGeometryBase as GH_Mesh;

            if (ghMesh != null)
                topology = ByMesh(ghMesh.Value);
                DA.SetData(0, topology);

            //BrepLoop ghBrepLoop = ghGeometryBase as BrepLoop;
            //if (ghBrepLoop != null)
            //    topology = ByBrepLoop(ghBrepLoop);
            //    DA.SetData(0, topology);
            //    return;

            throw new Exception("This type of geometry is not yet supported.");
コード例 #20
        public SilkwormMovement(Dictionary <string, string> Settings, List <Line> lines)
            double eLengthAll = 0;
            double fTimeAll   = 0;

            SilkwormCalculator calc = new SilkwormCalculator(Settings);

            //Core Default Settings for extrusion flow and speed generated in here
            #region Build Silkworm Model from Geometry and Printer Settings

            //Output Holder
            List <SilkwormLine> sLines = new List <SilkwormLine>();

            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++)
                GH_Line sMove = new GH_Line(lines[i]);
                //if((GH_Line)MInnerArray[j-1] = null){return ;}
                GH_Line sMove_1 = new GH_Line();

                if (i == 0)
                    sMove_1 = new GH_Line(lines[i]);
                    sMove_1 = new GH_Line(lines[i - 1]);

                #region Extrusion Flow Module

                 * Some Extrusion Calculation Guidelines (from Josef Prusa's Calculator: http://calculator.josefprusa.cz/)
                 *-- WOH smaller than 2.0 produces weak parts
                 * --WOH bigger than 3 decreases the detail of printed part, because of thick line
                 * layer height (LH)= height of each printed layer above the previous
                 * width over height (WOH) = line width/ layer height
                 * free extrusion diameter (extDia) = nozzle diamter + 0.08mm
                 * line width (LW) = LH * WOH
                 * free extrusion cross section area (freeExt) = (extDia/2)*(extDia/2)*Math.PI
                 * minimal extrusion cross section area for stable extrusion (minExt) = freeExt*0.5
                 * Extruded line cross section area (extLine) = extLine = LW * LH;
                 * Suggested bridge flow-rate multiplier = (freeExt*0.7)/extLine
                 * Predicted smallest feature printable in XY = lineWidth/2
                 * angleHelp = Math.sqrt((lineWidth/2)*(lineWidth/2)+LH*LH)
                 * angleHelp = Math.asin((lineWidth/2)/angleHelp)
                 * Predicted maximim overhang angle = angleHelp * (180/Math.PI)

                double nozDia = double.Parse(Settings["nozzle_diameter"]);

                double filDia = double.Parse(Settings["filament_diameter"]);

                //Calculate Flow Rate as a Ratio of Filament Diameter to Nozzle Diameter
                double FlM = ((Math.Pow(nozDia / 2, 2) * Math.PI) / (Math.Pow(filDia / 2, 2) * Math.PI));
                //double FlM = 0.66;


                #region Print Feedrate Module
                Line     line   = sMove.Value;
                Line     line_1 = sMove_1.Value;
                Vector3d vecA   = line.Direction;
                Vector3d vecA_1 = line_1.Direction;

                Arc arc = new Rhino.Geometry.Arc(line_1.From, vecA_1, line.To);
                //double vecAngle = Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d.VectorAngle(vecA, vecA_1);
                //Speed on an Arc = sqrt((Accel * Radius) / sqrt(2))

                double accel = double.Parse(Settings["perimeter_acceleration"]);
                double fRate = (
                            Math.Sqrt((accel * arc.Radius) / (Math.Sqrt(2))),
                    * 60);

                //Start speed as perimeter speed
                if (i == 0)
                    fRate = double.Parse(Settings["perimeter_speed"]) * 60;

                sLines.Add(new SilkwormLine(FlM, fRate, line));


            //Property Assignment
            sMovement = sLines;

            Length   = eLengthAll;
            Time     = fTimeAll;
            ZDomain  = new Interval(sLines[0].sLine.FromZ, sLines[sLines.Count - 1].sLine.ToZ);
            complete = true;

            Configuration = Settings;

            //Add Lift Delimiter
            sDelimiter = new Type.Delimiter(
コード例 #21
        public void SetInputs(List <DataTree <ResthopperObject> > values)
            foreach (var tree in values)
                if (!_input.TryGetValue(tree.ParamName, out var inputGroup))

                if (inputGroup.AlreadySet(tree))
                    Console.WriteLine("Skipping input tree... same input");


                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Point)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject       restobj = entree.Value[i];
                            Rhino.Geometry.Point3d rPt     = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Point3d>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Point data = new GH_Point(rPt);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Vector)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject        restobj  = entree.Value[i];
                            Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d rhVector = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Vector data = new GH_Vector(rhVector);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Integer)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject restobj = entree.Value[i];
                            int        rhinoInt      = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <int>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Integer data          = new GH_Integer(rhinoInt);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Number)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject restobj  = entree.Value[i];
                            double           rhNumber = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <double>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Number        data     = new GH_Number(rhNumber);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_String)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject restobj  = entree.Value[i];
                            string           rhString = restobj.Data;
                            GH_String        data     = new GH_String(rhString);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Line)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject    restobj = entree.Value[i];
                            Rhino.Geometry.Line rhLine  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Line>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Line             data    = new GH_Line(rhLine);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Curve)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject restobj = entree.Value[i];
                            GH_Curve         ghCurve;
                                Rhino.Geometry.Polyline data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Polyline>(restobj.Data);
                                Rhino.Geometry.Curve    c    = new Rhino.Geometry.PolylineCurve(data);
                                ghCurve = new GH_Curve(c);
                                var dict = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(restobj.Data);
                                var c    = (Rhino.Geometry.Curve)Rhino.Runtime.CommonObject.FromJSON(dict);
                                ghCurve = new GH_Curve(c);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, ghCurve);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Circle)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject      restobj  = entree.Value[i];
                            Rhino.Geometry.Circle rhCircle = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Circle>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Circle             data     = new GH_Circle(rhCircle);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Plane)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject     restobj = entree.Value[i];
                            Rhino.Geometry.Plane rhPlane = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Plane>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Plane             data    = new GH_Plane(rhPlane);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Rectangle)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject           restobj     = entree.Value[i];
                            Rhino.Geometry.Rectangle3d rhRectangle = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Rectangle3d>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Rectangle data = new GH_Rectangle(rhRectangle);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Box)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject   restobj = entree.Value[i];
                            Rhino.Geometry.Box rhBox   = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Box>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Box             data    = new GH_Box(rhBox);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Surface)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject       restobj   = entree.Value[i];
                            Rhino.Geometry.Surface rhSurface = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Surface>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Surface             data      = new GH_Surface(rhSurface);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Brep)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject    restobj = entree.Value[i];
                            Rhino.Geometry.Brep rhBrep  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Brep>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Brep             data    = new GH_Brep(rhBrep);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Mesh)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject    restobj = entree.Value[i];
                            Rhino.Geometry.Mesh rhMesh  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rhino.Geometry.Mesh>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Mesh             data    = new GH_Mesh(rhMesh);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is GH_NumberSlider)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject restobj  = entree.Value[i];
                            double           rhNumber = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <double>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Number        data     = new GH_Number(rhNumber);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is Param_Boolean || inputGroup.Param is GH_BooleanToggle)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject restobj = entree.Value[i];
                            bool             boolean = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <bool>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_Boolean       data    = new GH_Boolean(boolean);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);

                if (inputGroup.Param is GH_Panel)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ResthopperObject> > entree in tree)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(GhPath.FromString(entree.Key));
                        for (int i = 0; i < entree.Value.Count; i++)
                            ResthopperObject restobj  = entree.Value[i];
                            string           rhString = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string>(restobj.Data);
                            GH_String        data     = new GH_String(rhString);
                            inputGroup.Param.AddVolatileData(path, i, data);
コード例 #22
ファイル: GH_GetSpringSystems.cs プロジェクト: zooid/FlexCLI
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            DA.GetData(1, ref n);
            n = Math.Max(1, n);

            if (counter % n == 0)
                Flex flex  = null;
                bool drawP = true;
                List <SpringSystem> springs = new List <SpringSystem>();

                DA.GetData(0, ref flex);
                DA.GetData(2, ref drawP);
                DA.GetDataList(3, springs);

                if (flex != null)
                    List <FlexParticle> part = flex.Scene.GetSpringParticles();
                    if (drawP)
                        pts = new GH_Structure <GH_Point>();
                        vel = new GH_Structure <GH_Vector>();

                        foreach (FlexParticle fp in part)
                            GH_Path p = new GH_Path(fp.GroupIndex);
                            pts.Append(new GH_Point(new Point3d(fp.PositionX, fp.PositionY, fp.PositionZ)), p);
                            vel.Append(new GH_Vector(new Vector3d(fp.VelocityX, fp.VelocityY, fp.VelocityZ)), p);
                        pts = new GH_Structure <GH_Point>();
                        vel = new GH_Structure <GH_Vector>();

                    if (springs.Count > 0)
                        lns = new GH_Structure <GH_Line>();
                        msh = new GH_Structure <GH_Mesh>();
                        foreach (SpringSystem ss in springs)
                            GH_Path p = new GH_Path(ss.GroupIndex);
                            if (ss.HasMesh())
                                for (int i = 0; i < ss.Mesh.Vertices.Count; i++)
                                    ss.Mesh.TopologyVertices[i] = new Point3f(part[i + ss.SpringOffset].PositionX, part[i + ss.SpringOffset].PositionY, part[i + ss.SpringOffset].PositionZ);
                                msh.Append(new GH_Mesh(ss.Mesh), p);
                            if (!ss.HasMesh() || ss.IsSheetMesh)
                                for (int i = 0; i < ss.SpringPairIndices.Length / 2; i++)
                                    GH_Line l = new GH_Line(
                                        new Line(
                                            new Point3d(
                                                part[ss.SpringPairIndices[i * 2] + ss.SpringOffset].PositionX,
                                                part[ss.SpringPairIndices[i * 2] + ss.SpringOffset].PositionY,
                                                part[ss.SpringPairIndices[i * 2] + ss.SpringOffset].PositionZ),
                                            new Point3d(
                                                part[ss.SpringPairIndices[i * 2 + 1] + ss.SpringOffset].PositionX,
                                                part[ss.SpringPairIndices[i * 2 + 1] + ss.SpringOffset].PositionY,
                                                part[ss.SpringPairIndices[i * 2 + 1] + ss.SpringOffset].PositionZ)));
                                    lns.Append(l, p);

            DA.SetDataTree(0, pts);
            DA.SetDataTree(1, vel);
            DA.SetDataTree(2, lns);
            DA.SetDataTree(3, msh);