コード例 #1
ファイル: InventoryManagement.cs プロジェクト: hari81/BLL
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new inventory record for an implement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="details"></param>
        /// <param name="jobsiteId"></param>
        /// <param name="authUserId"></param>
        /// <param name="_context"></param>
        /// <returns>The ID of the created inventory record.</returns>
        public int InsertIntoInventory(ImplementDetails details, int jobsiteId, long authUserId, GETContext _context)
            int result = -1;

                GET_INVENTORY newGETinInventory = new GET_INVENTORY();
                newGETinInventory.get_auto      = details.Id;
                newGETinInventory.jobsite_auto  = jobsiteId;
                newGETinInventory.status_auto   = (int)GETInterfaces.Enum.InventoryStatus.Ready_for_Use;
                newGETinInventory.modified_date = DateTime.Now;
                newGETinInventory.modified_user = (int)authUserId;
                newGETinInventory.ltd           = (int)details.ImplementHoursAtSetup;
                newGETinInventory.workshop_auto = null;

                int _changesSaved = _context.SaveChanges();

                if (_changesSaved > 0)
                    result = newGETinInventory.inventory_auto;
            catch (Exception ex1)

コード例 #2
ファイル: InventoryManagement.cs プロジェクト: hari81/BLL
        /// <summary>
        /// Update an existing Inventory record for an implement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="details"></param>
        /// <param name="jobsiteId"></param>
        /// <param name="authUserId"></param>
        /// <param name="_context"></param>
        /// <returns>The ID of the updated inventory record.</returns>
        public int UpdateInventoryRecord(ImplementDetails details, int jobsiteId, long authUserId, GETContext _context)
            int result = -1;

                GET_INVENTORY inventoryRecord = _context.GET_INVENTORY.Where(w => w.get_auto == details.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                if (inventoryRecord != null)
                    inventoryRecord.modified_date = DateTime.Now;
                    inventoryRecord.modified_user = (int)authUserId;
                    inventoryRecord.ltd           = (int)details.ImplementHoursAtSetup;

                    int _changesSaved = _context.SaveChanges();
                    if (_changesSaved > 0)
                        result = inventoryRecord.inventory_auto;
            catch (Exception ex1)

コード例 #3
        public ActionStatus Start()
            bool SMUValidationPassed = false;

            if (Status == ActionStatus.Close)
                int iEquipmentIdAuto = longNullableToint(Params.EquipmentId);

                // Check that the Action validation passes before updating UC.
                if (ActionSMUValidation(iEquipmentIdAuto, Params.MeterReading, Params.EventDate))
                    string log = "";
                    _actionRecord = UpdateEquipmentByAction(_actionRecord, ref log);
                    ActionLog    += log;
                    Message       = base.Message;

                    if (_actionRecord != null && _actionRecord.Id != 0)
                        _actionRecord.TypeOfAction = ActionType.GETAction;

                    SMUValidationPassed = true;
                    Status  = ActionStatus.Invalid;
                    Message = "SMU validation failed!";

                if (SMUValidationPassed)
                    // Create an event record.
                    int actionAuto           = (int)GETActionType.Move_Implement_To_Inventory;
                    var removeImplementEvent = eventManagement.createGETEvent(Params.UserId,
                                                                              actionAuto, Params.EventDate, Params.Comment, Params.Cost, Params.RecordedDate);
                    int _changesSaved = _gContext.SaveChanges();

                    //Create Events for equipment, implement and components.
                    if (_changesSaved > 0)
                        GET_EVENTS           previousEvent          = new GET_EVENTS();
                        GET_EVENTS_EQUIPMENT previousEquipmentEvent = new GET_EVENTS_EQUIPMENT();

                        // Perform a cascading update for equipment, implement and components.
                        long SMUUpdateEventID = eventManagement.cascadeUpdateWithNewSMU(_gContext, Params.EquipmentId,
                                                                                        Params.MeterReading, Params.UserId, Params.EventDate, Params.Comment, Params.Cost);

                        // Error occurred.
                        if (SMUUpdateEventID < 0)
                            Status = IndicateFailedActionStatus(removeImplementEvent);
                            // Find the most recent (valid) smu and ltd for the equipment.
                            previousEquipmentEvent = eventManagement.findPreviousEquipmentEvent(_gContext, Params.EquipmentId, Params.EventDate);

                            if (previousEquipmentEvent == null)
                                Status  = IndicateFailedActionStatus(removeImplementEvent);
                                Message = "ERROR: No previous events found for this equipment.";

                            // No change to meter reading
                            if (SMUUpdateEventID == 0)
                                previousEvent = _gContext.GET_EVENTS.Find(previousEquipmentEvent.events_auto);
                            // SMU is changed
                                previousEvent          = _gContext.GET_EVENTS.Find(SMUUpdateEventID);
                                previousEquipmentEvent = _gContext.GET_EVENTS_EQUIPMENT
                                                         .Where(e => e.events_auto == SMUUpdateEventID)

                        int SMU_difference = Params.MeterReading - previousEquipmentEvent.smu;

                        // Only perform an update for positive SMU changes.
                        if (SMU_difference >= 0)
                            // Create an equipment event.
                            var equipmentEvent = eventManagement.createEquipmentEvent(removeImplementEvent.events_auto,
                                                                                      Params.EquipmentId, Params.MeterReading, (previousEquipmentEvent.ltd + SMU_difference));
                            int _changesSavedEquipmentEvent = _gContext.SaveChanges();

                            // Find the most recent (valid) ltd for the implement.
                            var previousImplementEvent = eventManagement.findPreviousImplementEvent(_gContext, Params.ImplementId, Params.EventDate);

                            if (previousImplementEvent == null)
                                // Mark the SMU Update event as invalid.
                                if (SMUUpdateEventID > 0)
                                    previousEvent.recordStatus = 1;

                                Status  = IndicateFailedActionStatus(removeImplementEvent);
                                Message = "ERROR: No previous events found for this implement.";

                            // Create an implement event.
                            var implementEvent = eventManagement.createImplementEvent((int)Params.ImplementId,
                                                                                      previousImplementEvent.ltd + SMU_difference, removeImplementEvent.events_auto);
                            int _changesSavedImplementEvent = _gContext.SaveChanges();

                            int?workshop = null;
                            if (Params.WorkshopId != 0)
                                workshop = Params.WorkshopId;

                            int?repairer = null;
                            if (Params.RepairerId != 0)
                                repairer = Params.RepairerId;

                            if (_changesSavedImplementEvent > 0)
                                // Create an inventory event.
                                var inventoryEvent = eventManagement.createInventoryEvent(implementEvent.implement_events_auto,
                                                                                          Params.JobsiteId, Params.StatusId, workshop);
                                int _changesSavedInventoryEvent = _gContext.SaveChanges();

                                // Create component events.
                                bool componentEventsCreated = eventManagement.updateComponentsForGET(_gContext,
                                                                                                     Params.ImplementId, SMU_difference, removeImplementEvent.events_auto, Params.EventDate);
                                if (!componentEventsCreated)
                                    // Mark the SMU Update event as invalid.
                                    if (SMUUpdateEventID > 0)
                                        previousEvent.recordStatus = 1;

                                    Status  = IndicateFailedActionStatus(removeImplementEvent);
                                    Message = "ERROR: Unable to process this change for components.";

                            // Now update the implement and inventory records.
                            if ((_changesSavedEquipmentEvent > 0) && (_changesSavedImplementEvent > 0))
                                // Remove from equipment
                                var implementRecord = _gContext.GET.Find(Params.ImplementId);
                                implementRecord.equipmentid_auto = null;
                                implementRecord.on_equipment     = false;
                                int _changesSavedImplement = _gContext.SaveChanges();

                                // Add an entry to the inventory table since it's now removed from the equipment.
                                if (_changesSavedImplement > 0)
                                    GET_INVENTORY inventoryRecord = new GET_INVENTORY
                                        get_auto      = (int)Params.ImplementId,
                                        jobsite_auto  = Params.JobsiteId,
                                        status_auto   = Params.StatusId,
                                        workshop_auto = workshop,
                                        ltd           = previousImplementEvent.ltd + SMU_difference,
                                        modified_date = Params.EventDate,
                                        modified_user = (int)Params.UserId
                                    int _changesSavedInventory = _gContext.SaveChanges();

                                    if (_changesSavedInventory > 0)
                                        // Link up the GET Event record with the UC Action Taken History record.
                                        int GETEventsId          = (int)removeImplementEvent.events_auto;
                                        int ActionTakenHistoryId = _actionRecord.Id;

                                        var UCHistoryRecord = _context.ACTION_TAKEN_HISTORY.Find(ActionTakenHistoryId);
                                        if (UCHistoryRecord != null)
                                            UCHistoryRecord.GETActionHistoryId = GETEventsId;
                                        removeImplementEvent.UCActionHistoryId = ActionTakenHistoryId;


                                        Status = ActionStatus.Started;
                        Status = ActionStatus.Failed;
