コード例 #1
 public Vertex AddIndividual(GDMIndividualRecord iRec)
     return((iRec == null) ? null : fGraph.AddVertex(iRec.XRef, iRec));
コード例 #2
ファイル: TreeDrawer.cs プロジェクト: hazzik/GEDKeeper
        // This is the main tree drawing method.
        // irSubject is the individual for whom the tree is based.
        // nTargeWidth is the width below which the layout is free to use up space to produce a nice tree.
        public List <MiniTreeMap> CreateMiniTree(Paintbox paintbox, GDMIndividualRecord ir, string fileName, int targetWidth, ImageFormat imageFormat)
            // First calculate size required for tree, by iterating through individuals and building a data structure
            MiniTreeGroup mtgParent = CreateDataStructure(ir);

            // For each individual calculate size of box required for display using helper function
            // There must be a better way to get a graphics:
            Bitmap   bmp = new Bitmap(1, 1, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
            Graphics g   = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
            Font     f   = paintbox.Font;

            // Record what font windows actually used, in case it chose a different one
            CConfig.Instance.TreeFontName = f.Name;
            CConfig.Instance.TreeFontSize = f.Size;

            // Recursively calculate sizes of other groups
            mtgParent.CalculateSize(g, f);


            // Now calculate sizes of each row
            // Total width includes irSubject, their spouses and their siblings.
            // Total height is always three generations

            // Now calculate how best to position each generation
            // Calculate the width of each generation
            // There are three cases : frParents widest, siblings widest, children widest
            // Plus two aims : minimise total width, get offspring centred under frParents.
            // If nTargetWidth is exceeded simply because of number of individuals in one row, that
            // row's width becomes the new target width.
            // If nTargetWidth is exceeded otherwise, minimising total width becomes the priority
            mtgParent.CalculateLayout(0f, 0f);

            RectangleF rect = mtgParent.GetExtent();

            fSizeTotal = new SizeF(rect.Width, rect.Height);
            mtgParent.Translate(-rect.Left, -rect.Top);

            // Calculate offset for each row
            // Can't do this so create a new bitmap: bmp.Width = totalSize.Width;
            // Can't do this so create a new bitmap: bmp.Height = totalSize.Height;
            int nTotalWidth  = (int)(fSizeTotal.Width + 1.0f);
            int nTotalHeight = (int)(fSizeTotal.Height + 1.0f);

            bmp = new Bitmap(nTotalWidth, nTotalHeight, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
            g   = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

            // Do background fill
            if (CConfig.Instance.FakeMiniTreeTransparency && paintbox.BrushFakeTransparency != null)
                g.FillRectangle(paintbox.BrushFakeTransparency, 0, 0, nTotalWidth, nTotalHeight);
            else if (imageFormat == ImageFormat.Gif && paintbox.BrushBgGif != null)
                g.FillRectangle(paintbox.BrushBgGif, 0, 0, nTotalWidth, nTotalHeight);

            List <MiniTreeMap> alMap = new List <MiniTreeMap>();

            mtgParent.DrawBitmap(paintbox, g, alMap);

            // Save the bitmap
            fLogger.WriteInfo("Saving mini tree as " + fileName);

            if (File.Exists(fileName))
                // Delete any current file
                File.SetAttributes(fileName, FileAttributes.Normal);

            // Save using FileStream to try to avoid crash (only seen by customers)
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create);

            bmp.Save(fs, imageFormat);


            // For gifs we need to reload and set transparency colour
            if (imageFormat == ImageFormat.Gif && !CConfig.Instance.FakeMiniTreeTransparency)
                Image        imageGif;
                ColorPalette colorpalette;
                imageGif     = Image.FromFile(fileName);
                colorpalette = imageGif.Palette;

                // Creates a new GIF image with a modified colour palette
                if (colorpalette != null)
                    // Create a new 8 bit per pixel image
                    Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(imageGif.Width, imageGif.Height, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed);

                    // Get it's palette
                    ColorPalette colorpaletteNew = bm.Palette;

                    // Copy all the entries from the old palette removing any transparency
                    int n = 0;
                    foreach (Color c in colorpalette.Entries)
                        colorpaletteNew.Entries[n++] = Color.FromArgb(255, c);

                    // Now to copy the actual bitmap data
                    // Lock the source and destination bits
                    BitmapData src = ((Bitmap)imageGif).LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, imageGif.Width, imageGif.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, imageGif.PixelFormat);
                    BitmapData dst = bm.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bm.Width, bm.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, bm.PixelFormat);

                    // Uses pointers so we need unsafe code.
                    // The project is also compiled with /unsafe
                    byte backColor = 0;
                    unsafe {
                        backColor = ((byte *)src.Scan0.ToPointer())[0]; // Assume transparent colour appears as first pixel.

                        byte *src_ptr = ((byte *)src.Scan0.ToPointer());
                        byte *dst_ptr = ((byte *)dst.Scan0.ToPointer());
                        // May be useful: System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(IntPtr source, byte[], destination, int start, int length)
                        // May be useful: System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(src_ptr);
                        int width      = imageGif.Width;
                        int src_stride = src.Stride - width;
                        int dst_stride = dst.Stride - width;
                        for (int y = 0; y < imageGif.Height; y++)
                            // Can't convert IntPtr to byte[]: Buffer.BlockCopy( src_ptr, 0, dst_ptr, 0, width );
                            int x = width;
                            while (x-- > 0)
                                *dst_ptr++ = *src_ptr++;
                            src_ptr += src_stride;
                            dst_ptr += dst_stride;

                    // Set the newly selected transparency
                    colorpaletteNew.Entries[(int)backColor] = Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Magenta);

                    // Re-insert the palette
                    bm.Palette = colorpaletteNew;

                    // All done, unlock the bitmaps


                    // Set the new image in place
                    imageGif     = bm;
                    colorpalette = imageGif.Palette;

                    fLogger.WriteInfo("Re-saving mini gif as " + fileName);

                    imageGif.Save(fileName, imageFormat);

コード例 #3
ファイル: TreeDrawer.cs プロジェクト: hazzik/GEDKeeper
 // Returns true if the supplied record is valid for inclusion in the tree
 private static bool Exists(GDMIndividualRecord ir)
     return(ir != null && GMHelper.GetVisibility(ir));
コード例 #4
        public static void FillContext(IBaseContext context)
            // a null result if the record is not defined
            GDMCustomEvent evt = context.CreateEventEx(null, GEDCOMTagName.BIRT, "xxxxx", "xxxxx");


            // first individual (I1)
            GDMIndividualRecord iRec = context.CreatePersonEx("Ivan", "Ivanovich", "Ivanov", GDMSex.svMale, true);


            evt = iRec.FindEvent(GEDCOMTagType.BIRT);
            evt.Date.ParseString("28 DEC 1990");
            evt.Place.StringValue = "Ivanovo";

            GDMCustomEvent evtd = context.CreateEventEx(iRec, GEDCOMTagName.DEAT, "28 DEC 2010", "Ivanovo");


            // second individual, wife (I2)
            GDMIndividualRecord iRec2 = context.CreatePersonEx("Maria", "Petrovna", "Ivanova", GDMSex.svFemale, true);

            evt = iRec2.FindEvent(GEDCOMTagType.BIRT);
            evt.Date.ParseString("17 MAR 1991");
            evt.Place.StringValue = "Ivanovo";

            iRec.AddAssociation("spouse", iRec2);

            // third individual, child (I3)
            GDMIndividualRecord iRec3 = context.CreatePersonEx("Anna", "Ivanovna", "Ivanova", GDMSex.svFemale, true);

            evt = iRec3.FindEvent(GEDCOMTagType.BIRT);
            evt.Date.ParseString("11 FEB 2010");
            evt.Place.StringValue = "Ivanovo";

            // their family
            GDMFamilyRecord famRec = context.Tree.CreateFamily();


            context.CreateEventEx(famRec, GEDCOMTagName.MARR, "01 JAN 2000", "unknown");

            // individual outside the family (I4)
            GDMIndividualRecord iRec4 = context.CreatePersonEx("Alex", "", "Petrov", GDMSex.svMale, true);

            evt = iRec4.FindEvent(GEDCOMTagType.BIRT);
            evt.Date.ParseString("15 JUN 1989");
            evt.Place.StringValue = "Far Forest";

            evt = context.CreateEventEx(iRec4, GEDCOMTagName.RESI, "12 FEB", "Far Forest");

            // fifth (I5)
            GDMIndividualRecord iRec5 = context.CreatePersonEx("Anna", "", "Jones", GDMSex.svFemale, false);


            // sixth (I6)
            GDMIndividualRecord iRec6 = context.CreatePersonEx("Mary", "", "Jones", GDMSex.svFemale, false);

            evt = context.CreateEventEx(iRec6, GEDCOMTagName.BIRT, "12 FEB 1650", "Far Forest");

            GDMFamilyRecord famRec2 = context.Tree.CreateFamily();


            // group for tests
            GDMGroupRecord groupRec = context.Tree.CreateGroup();

            groupRec.GroupName = "GroupTest";
            Assert.IsNotNull(groupRec, "group1 != null");

            // location for tests
            GDMLocationRecord locRec = context.Tree.CreateLocation();

            locRec.LocationName = "Test Location";
            locRec.Map.Lati     = 5.11111;
            locRec.Map.Long     = 7.99999;
            Assert.IsNotNull(locRec, "locRec != null");

            // repository for tests
            GDMRepositoryRecord repoRec = context.Tree.CreateRepository();

            repoRec.RepositoryName = "Test repository";
            Assert.IsNotNull(repoRec, "repoRec != null");

            // research for tests
            GDMResearchRecord resRec = context.Tree.CreateResearch();

            resRec.ResearchName = "Test research";
            Assert.IsNotNull(resRec, "resRec != null");

            // source for tests
            GDMSourceRecord srcRec = context.Tree.CreateSource();

            srcRec.ShortTitle = "Test source";
            Assert.IsNotNull(srcRec, "srcRec != null");
            iRec.AddSource(srcRec, "p1", 0);

            // note for tests
            GDMNoteRecord noteRec = context.Tree.CreateNote();

            noteRec.SetNoteText("Test note");
            Assert.IsNotNull(noteRec, "noteRec != null");

            // task for tests
            GDMTaskRecord tskRec = context.Tree.CreateTask();

            tskRec.Goal = "Test task";
            Assert.IsNotNull(tskRec, "tskRec != null");

            // media for tests
            GDMMultimediaRecord mediaRec = context.Tree.CreateMultimedia();

            mediaRec.FileReferences.Add(new GDMFileReferenceWithTitle());
            GDMFileReferenceWithTitle fileRef = mediaRec.FileReferences[0];

            fileRef.Title = "Test multimedia";
            Assert.IsNotNull(mediaRec, "mediaRec != null");

            // communication for tests
            GDMCommunicationRecord commRec = context.Tree.CreateCommunication();

            commRec.CommName = "Test communication";
            Assert.IsNotNull(commRec, "commRec != null");
コード例 #5
 public static void RestrictDescendants(GDMTree tree, GDMIndividualRecord iRec, bool visible)
     TreeTools.WalkTree(tree, iRec, TreeTools.TreeWalkMode.twmDescendants, RestrictProc, visible);
コード例 #6
        private AncPersonSegment TraverseAncestors(GDMIndividualRecord iRec, float v, int gen, float rad, float ro, int prevSteps, int groupIndex)

                if (fGroupsMode && groupIndex == -1)
                    AncPersonSegment otherSegment = (AncPersonSegment)FindSegmentByRec(iRec);
                    if (otherSegment != null)
                        groupIndex = fGroupCount;
                        TraverseGroups(otherSegment, groupIndex);

                int   genSize = 1 << gen;
                float ang     = (360.0f / genSize);

                int idx = prevSteps + (int)(v / ang);
                AncPersonSegment segment = SetSegmentParams(idx, iRec, rad, groupIndex);

                if (segment != null && gen < fVisibleGenerations)
                    float inRad  = rad;
                    float extRad = rad + fGenWidth;

                    segment.IntRad = inRad - 50;
                    segment.ExtRad = extRad - 50;

                    GDMIndividualRecord father = null, mother = null;
                    GDMFamilyRecord     fam = iRec.GetParentsFamily();
                    if (fam != null && fBase.Context.IsRecordAccess(fam.Restriction))
                        father = fam.Husband.Individual;
                        mother = fam.Wife.Individual;

                    int ps = prevSteps + genSize;

                    if (father != null)
                        v -= (Math.Abs(ang - ro) / 2.0f);
                        segment.FatherSegment = TraverseAncestors(father, v, gen + 1, rad + fGenWidth, ro / 2.0f, ps, groupIndex);

                    if (mother != null)
                        v += (ang / 2.0f);
                        segment.MotherSegment = TraverseAncestors(mother, v, gen + 1, rad + fGenWidth, ro / 2.0f, ps, groupIndex);

コード例 #7
        public void BuildBy(GDMIndividualRecord iRec)
            try {
                fRec = iRec;

                if (iRec != null)
                    if (fModel.PreparedIndividuals.IndexOf(iRec.XRef) < 0)

                    var parts = GKUtils.GetNameParts(iRec);
                    fSurname    = parts.Surname;
                    fName       = parts.Name;
                    fPatronymic = parts.Patronymic;
                    fNick       = GKUtils.GetNickString(iRec);
                    fSex        = iRec.Sex;

                    TreeChartOptions options = fModel.Options;

                    var        lifeDates  = iRec.GetLifeDates();
                    DateFormat dateFormat = (options.OnlyYears) ? DateFormat.dfYYYY : DateFormat.dfDD_MM_YYYY;

                    IsDead     = (lifeDates.DeathEvent != null);
                    fBirthDate = GKUtils.GEDCOMEventToDateStr(lifeDates.BirthEvent, dateFormat, false);
                    fDeathDate = GKUtils.GEDCOMEventToDateStr(lifeDates.DeathEvent, dateFormat, false);

                    if (!options.OnlyYears)
                        if (options.ShowPlaces)
                            string birthPlace = GKUtils.GetPlaceStr(lifeDates.BirthEvent, false);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(birthPlace))
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fBirthDate))
                                    fBirthDate += ", ";
                                fBirthDate += birthPlace;

                            string deathPlace = GKUtils.GetPlaceStr(lifeDates.DeathEvent, false);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deathPlace))
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fDeathDate))
                                    fDeathDate += ", ";
                                fDeathDate += deathPlace;

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fBirthDate))
                            fBirthDate = ImportUtils.STD_BIRTH_SIGN + " " + fBirthDate;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fDeathDate))
                            fDeathDate = ImportUtils.STD_DEATH_SIGN + " " + fDeathDate;

                    if (options.SignsVisible)
                        EnumSet <SpecialUserRef> signs = EnumSet <SpecialUserRef> .Create();

                        int num = fRec.UserReferences.Count;
                        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                            string rs = fRec.UserReferences[i].StringValue;

                            for (var cps = SpecialUserRef.urRI_StGeorgeCross; cps <= SpecialUserRef.urLast; cps++)
                                string sur = LangMan.LS(GKData.SpecialUserRefs[(int)cps].Title);
                                if (rs == sur)

                        fSigns = signs;
                        fSigns = EnumSet <SpecialUserRef> .Create();

                    if (options.PortraitsVisible)
                        try {
                            fPortrait = PortraitsCache.Instance.GetImage(fModel.Base.Context, iRec);

                            if (fPortrait == null && options.DefaultPortraits)
                                string resName = (fSex == GDMSex.svFemale) ? "pi_female_140.png" : "pi_male_140.png";
                                fPortrait = AppHost.GfxProvider.LoadResourceImage(resName, false);
                        } catch (MediaFileNotFoundException) {
                            if (!fModel.HasMediaFail)
                                fModel.HasMediaFail = true;

                    CertaintyAssessment = iRec.GetCertaintyAssessment();
                    fSurname    = "";
                    fName       = "< ? >";
                    fPatronymic = "";
                    fNick       = "";
                    fBirthDate  = "";
                    fDeathDate  = "";
                    IsDead      = false;
                    fSex        = GDMSex.svUnknown;
                    fSigns      = EnumSet <SpecialUserRef> .Create();

                    CertaintyAssessment = 0.0f;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Logger.WriteError("TreeChartPerson.BuildBy()", ex);
コード例 #8
        private void WriteExcessFmt(PedigreePerson person)
            fWriter.AddParagraph(LangMan.LS(LSID.LSID_Sex) + ": " + GKUtils.SexStr(person.IRec.Sex), fTextFont);

            string st = GKUtils.GetLifeExpectancyStr(person.IRec);

            if (st != "?" && st != "")
                fWriter.AddParagraph(LangMan.LS(LSID.LSID_LifeExpectancy) + ": " + st, fTextFont);

            GDMIndividualRecord father, mother;

            fTree.GetParents(person.IRec, out father, out mother);

            if (father != null)
                fWriter.AddParagraphLink(LangMan.LS(LSID.LSID_Father) + ": " + GKUtils.GetNameString(father, true, false) + " ", fTextFont, idLink(father), fLinkFont);

            if (mother != null)
                fWriter.AddParagraphLink(LangMan.LS(LSID.LSID_Mother) + ": " + GKUtils.GetNameString(mother, true, false) + " ", fTextFont, idLink(mother), fLinkFont);

            var evList = new ExtList <PedigreeEvent>(true);

            try {
                int i;
                if (person.IRec.Events.Count > 0)
                    fWriter.AddParagraph(LangMan.LS(LSID.LSID_Events) + ":", fTextFont);

                    int num = person.IRec.Events.Count;
                    for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
                        GDMCustomEvent evt = person.IRec.Events[i];
                        if (!(evt is GDMIndividualAttribute) || fOptions.PedigreeOptions.IncludeAttributes)
                            evList.Add(new PedigreeEvent(person.IRec, evt));
                    WriteEventList(person, evList);

                int num2 = person.IRec.SpouseToFamilyLinks.Count;
                for (i = 0; i < num2; i++)
                    GDMFamilyRecord family = fTree.GetPtrValue(person.IRec.SpouseToFamilyLinks[i]);
                    if (!fBase.Context.IsRecordAccess(family.Restriction))

                    GDMIndividualRecord spRec;
                    string unk;
                    if (person.IRec.Sex == GDMSex.svMale)
                        spRec = fTree.GetPtrValue(family.Wife);
                        st    = LangMan.LS(LSID.LSID_Wife) + ": ";
                        unk   = LangMan.LS(LSID.LSID_UnkFemale);
                        spRec = fTree.GetPtrValue(family.Husband);
                        st    = LangMan.LS(LSID.LSID_Husband) + ": ";
                        unk   = LangMan.LS(LSID.LSID_UnkMale);

                    string sps;
                    if (spRec != null)
                        sps = st + GKUtils.GetNameString(spRec, true, false) + GKUtils.GetPedigreeLifeStr(spRec, fOptions.PedigreeOptions.Format) /* + this.idLink(this.FindPerson(irec))*/;
                        sps = st + unk;

                    fWriter.AddParagraph(sps, fTextFont);

                    int childrenCount = family.Children.Count;
                    for (int j = 0; j < childrenCount; j++)
                        GDMIndividualRecord child = fTree.GetPtrValue(family.Children[j]);
                        evList.Add(new PedigreeEvent(child, child.FindEvent(GEDCOMTagType.BIRT)));
                    WriteEventList(person, evList);
            } finally {

            if (fOptions.PedigreeOptions.IncludeNotes && person.IRec.Notes.Count != 0)
                fWriter.AddParagraph(LangMan.LS(LSID.LSID_RPNotes) + ":", fTextFont);


                int notesCount = person.IRec.Notes.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < notesCount; i++)
                    GDMLines noteLines = fTree.GetNoteLines(person.IRec.Notes[i]);
                    fWriter.AddListItem(" " + GKUtils.MergeStrings(noteLines), fTextFont);

コード例 #9
        private void GenStep(PedigreePerson parent, GDMIndividualRecord iRec, int level, int familyOrder)
            if (iRec == null)

            PedigreePerson res = new PedigreePerson();

            res.Parent      = parent;
            res.IRec        = iRec;
            res.Level       = level;
            res.ChildIdx    = 0;
            res.FamilyOrder = familyOrder;

            if (fOptions.PedigreeOptions.IncludeSources)
                int num = iRec.SourceCitations.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                    var sourceRec = fTree.GetPtrValue <GDMSourceRecord>(iRec.SourceCitations[i]);
                    if (sourceRec == null)

                    int srcIndex = fSourceList.IndexOfObject(sourceRec);
                    if (srcIndex < 0)
                        string srcName  = sourceRec.ShortTitle;
                        string srcTitle = GKUtils.MergeStrings(sourceRec.Title.Lines);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(srcName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(srcTitle))
                            srcName += "\n";
                        srcName += srcTitle;

                        srcIndex = fSourceList.AddObject(srcName, sourceRec);

                    res.Sources.Add((srcIndex + 1).ToString());

            if (fKind == PedigreeKind.Ascend)
                if (iRec.ChildToFamilyLinks.Count > 0)
                    GDMFamilyRecord family = fTree.GetPtrValue(iRec.ChildToFamilyLinks[0]);
                    if (fBase.Context.IsRecordAccess(family.Restriction))
                        GDMIndividualRecord prnt;

                        prnt = fTree.GetPtrValue(family.Wife);
                        GenStep(res, prnt, level + 1, 1);

                        prnt = fTree.GetPtrValue(family.Husband);
                        GenStep(res, prnt, level + 1, 1);
                int num2 = iRec.SpouseToFamilyLinks.Count;
                for (int j = 0; j < num2; j++)
                    GDMFamilyRecord family = fTree.GetPtrValue(iRec.SpouseToFamilyLinks[j]);
                    if (!fBase.Context.IsRecordAccess(family.Restriction))


                    int num3 = family.Children.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < num3; i++)
                        GDMIndividualRecord child = fTree.GetPtrValue(family.Children[i]);
                        GenStep(res, child, level + 1, i + 1);
コード例 #10
 public PedigreeExporter(IBaseWindow baseWin, GDMIndividualRecord root) : base(baseWin, false)
     fRoot        = root;
     fTitle       = LangMan.LS(LSID.LSID_ExpPedigree) + ": " + GKUtils.GetNameString(fRoot, true, false);
     fShieldState = baseWin.Context.ShieldState;
コード例 #11
        private string idLink(GDMIndividualRecord iRec)
            PedigreePerson person = FindPerson(iRec);

            return((person == null) ? "" : person.Id);
コード例 #12
        // The main method that causes the front page to be created.
        public void Create()
            string keywords = "family tree history " + GMConfig.Instance.OwnersName;
            string title    = GMConfig.Instance.SiteTitle;

            HTMLFile f = null;

            try {
                f = new HTMLFile(GMConfig.Instance.FrontPageURL, title, PageDescription, keywords); // Creates a new file, and puts standard header html into it.
                f.WriteLine("  <div id=\"page\"> <!-- page -->");
                f.WriteLine("    <div id=\"cover\"> <!-- cover -->");

                f.WriteLine("<h1>{0}</h1>", EscapeHTML(title, false));

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GMConfig.Instance.FrontPageImageFilename))
                    Rectangle newArea     = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
                    string    pictureFile = CopyMultimedia(GMConfig.Instance.FrontPageImageFilename, "", 0, 0, ref newArea, null);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pictureFile))
                        f.WriteLine("<p><img src=\"{0}\" alt=\"Front page image\" /></p>", pictureFile);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GMConfig.Instance.CommentaryText))
                    if (GMConfig.Instance.CommentaryIsHtml)
                        f.WriteLine("<p>{0}</p>", GMConfig.Instance.CommentaryText);
                        f.WriteLine("<p>{0}</p>", EscapeHTML(GMConfig.Instance.CommentaryText, false));

                if (GMConfig.Instance.ShowFrontPageStats)
                    string individuals = fStats.Individuals == 0 ? "no" : fStats.Individuals.ToString();
                    individuals += " individual";
                    if (fStats.Individuals != 1)
                        individuals += "s";

                    string sources = fStats.Sources == 0 ? "" : string.Concat(", cross-referenced to ", fStats.Sources.ToString(), " source");
                    if (fStats.Sources > 1)
                        sources += "s";

                    string fileType   = fStats.NonPicturesIncluded ? "multimedia file" : "image";
                    string multimedia = fStats.MultimediaFiles == 0 ? "" : string.Concat(". There are links to ", fStats.MultimediaFiles.ToString(), " ", fileType);

                    if (fStats.MultimediaFiles > 1)
                        multimedia += "s";

                    f.WriteLine(string.Concat("       <p>This website contains records on ", individuals, sources, multimedia, ".</p>"));

                f.WriteLine("       <div id=\"links\"> <!-- links -->");
                f.WriteLine(string.Concat("         <p><a href=\"individuals1.", GMConfig.Instance.HtmlExtension, "\">", GMConfig.Instance.IndexTitle, "</a></p>"));
                f.WriteLine("       </div> <!-- links -->");
                if (GMConfig.Instance.KeyIndividuals != null && GMConfig.Instance.KeyIndividuals.Count > 0)
                    // Although in theory you might want a restricted individual as a key individual, (they still form part of the tree), in practice this isn't allowed:
                    var censoredKeyIndividuals = new List <string>(GMConfig.Instance.KeyIndividuals.Count);

                    foreach (string keyXref in GMConfig.Instance.KeyIndividuals)
                        GDMIndividualRecord air = fTree.XRefIndex_Find(keyXref) as GDMIndividualRecord;
                        if (air != null)

                    if (censoredKeyIndividuals.Count > 0)
                        string plural = "";
                        if (censoredKeyIndividuals.Count > 1)
                            plural = "s";
                        f.WriteLine("<div id=\"keyindividuals\">");
                        f.WriteLine("<p>Key Individual{0}:</p>", plural);
                        foreach (string air_link in censoredKeyIndividuals)
                            f.WriteLine("<li>{0}</li>", air_link);
                        f.WriteLine("</div> <!-- keyindividuals -->");

                string byEmail = "";
                // Email contact address
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GMConfig.Instance.UserEmailAddress))
                    byEmail = string.Concat(" by <a href=\"mailto:", GMConfig.Instance.UserEmailAddress, "\">", EscapeHTML(GMConfig.Instance.UserEmailAddress, false), "</a>");

                // Add brand and contact label
                f.WriteLine("<p>Website created{0} using GEDmill.</p>", byEmail);
                // Add last update string
                if (GMConfig.Instance.AddHomePageCreateTime)
                    f.WriteLine("<p>Created on {0}.</p>", GMHelper.GetNowDateStr());

                // Add link to users main website
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GMConfig.Instance.MainWebsiteLink))
                    f.WriteLine("<p><a href=\"{0}\">Return to main site</a></p>", GMConfig.Instance.MainWebsiteLink);

                f.WriteLine("    </div> <!-- cover -->");
                f.WriteLine("  </div> <!-- page -->");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                fLogger.WriteError("Caught IO Exception(7) : ", e);
            } catch (ArgumentException e) {
                fLogger.WriteError("Caught Argument Exception(7) : ", e);
            } finally {
                if (f != null)
                    // Add standard footer to the file
コード例 #13
 public void SetPerson()
     fTempInd = fBase.Context.SelectPerson(null, TargetMode.tmNone, GDMSex.svUnknown);
     fView.Corresponder.Text = ((fTempInd == null) ? "" : GKUtils.GetNameString(fTempInd, true, false));
コード例 #14
 private void DuplicateFoundFunc(GDMIndividualRecord indivA, GDMIndividualRecord indivB)
     fView.CompareOutput.AppendText("    * [" + GKUtils.GetNameString(indivA, true, false) + "]\r\n");
     fView.CompareOutput.AppendText("      [" + GKUtils.GetNameString(indivB, true, false) + "]\r\n\r\n");
コード例 #15
 protected CircleSegment(int generation)
     Gen  = generation;
     IRec = null;
     Path = AppHost.GfxProvider.CreatePath();
コード例 #16
 public PedigreeEvent(GDMIndividualRecord iRec, GDMCustomEvent evt)
     IRec  = iRec;
     Event = evt;
     Date  = (evt == null) ? UDN.CreateEmpty() : evt.Date.GetUDN();
コード例 #17
        public void BuildAncTree()

            const float startRad = CircleChartModel.CENTER_RAD - 50;
            float       inRad    = startRad;

            AncPersonSegment segment = new AncPersonSegment(0);

            DefineSegment(segment, 0, 0, inRad, 0 - 90.0f, 360.0f);

            int maxSteps = 1;

            for (int gen = 1; gen <= fVisibleGenerations; gen++)
                inRad = startRad + ((gen - 1) * fGenWidth);
                float extRad = inRad + fGenWidth;

                maxSteps *= 2;
                float wedgeAngle = (360.0f / maxSteps);

                for (int step = 0; step < maxSteps; step++)
                    float startAngle = (step * wedgeAngle) - 90.0f;

                    segment = new AncPersonSegment(gen);
                    DefineSegment(segment, 0, inRad, extRad, startAngle, wedgeAngle);

            // traverse tree
            fGroupCount       = -1;
            fIndividualsCount = 0;
            if (fRootPerson == null)

            AncPersonSegment rootSegment = SetSegmentParams(0, fRootPerson, 0, -1);

            if (rootSegment == null)

            rootSegment.WedgeAngle = 360.0f;

            GDMIndividualRecord father = null, mother = null;
            GDMFamilyRecord     fam = fRootPerson.GetParentsFamily();

            if (fam != null && fBase.Context.IsRecordAccess(fam.Restriction))
                father = fam.Husband.Individual;
                mother = fam.Wife.Individual;

            if (mother != null)
                rootSegment.MotherSegment = TraverseAncestors(mother, 90f, 1, CircleChartModel.CENTER_RAD, 90.0f, 1, -1);

            if (father != null)
                rootSegment.FatherSegment = TraverseAncestors(father, 270.0f, 1, CircleChartModel.CENTER_RAD, 90.0f, 1, -1);
コード例 #18
ファイル: GKUtilsTests.cs プロジェクト: loxadim/GEDKeeper
        public void Test_GetDescGenerations()
            GDMIndividualRecord iRec = fContext.Tree.XRefIndex_Find("I1") as GDMIndividualRecord;

            Assert.AreEqual(2, GKUtils.GetDescGenerations(iRec));
コード例 #19
ファイル: CircleChartWin.cs プロジェクト: hazzik/GEDKeeper
 private void CircleChartWin_RootChanged(object sender, GDMIndividualRecord person)
コード例 #20
ファイル: GKUtilsTests.cs プロジェクト: loxadim/GEDKeeper
        public void Test_GetMarriagesCount()
            GDMIndividualRecord iRec = fContext.Tree.XRefIndex_Find("I1") as GDMIndividualRecord;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, GKUtils.GetMarriagesCount(iRec));
コード例 #21
ファイル: FlowInputTests.cs プロジェクト: loxadim/GEDKeeper
        public void Test_SourceInput_RS()
            SelectTab("PageControl1", fDialog, 1);

            ClickRadioButton("rbSK_Rev", fDialog); // RS

            var dataGridView1 = new DataGridViewTester("dataGridView1", fDialog);

            dataGridView1.EnterCell(0, 0, fLangMan.LS(FLS.LSID_PLPerson));
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(0, 1, "Иван");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(0, 2, "Иванович");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(0, 3, "Иванов");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(0, 4, "20");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(0, 5, "test comment");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(1, 0, fLangMan.LS(FLS.LSID_Spouse));
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(1, 1, "Анна");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(1, 2, "Васильевна");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(1, 3, "Иванова");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(1, 4, "19");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(1, 5, "test comment2");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(2, 0, fLangMan.LS(FLS.LSID_Father));
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(2, 1, "Иван");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(2, 2, "Петрович");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(2, 3, "Иванов");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(2, 4, "40");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(2, 5, "");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(3, 0, fLangMan.LS(FLS.LSID_Child));
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(3, 1, "Василий");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(3, 2, "Иванович");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(3, 3, "Иванов");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(3, 4, "1");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(3, 5, "");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(4, 0, fLangMan.LS(FLS.LSID_PLGodparent));
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(4, 1, "Иван");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(4, 2, "Григорьевич");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(4, 3, "Иванов");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(4, 4, "60");
            dataGridView1.EnterCell(4, 5, "");

            EnterCombo("cbSource", fDialog, "test source");
            EnterText("edSourceYear", fDialog, "1890");
            EnterText("edPage", fDialog, "12");
            EnterText("edPlace", fDialog, "Сосновка");

            ModalFormHandler = SexCheckDlgTests.SexCheckDlgTests_AcceptM_Handler; // NamesTable not available
            ClickButton("btnParse", fDialog);

            Assert.AreEqual(10, fBase.Context.Tree.RecordsCount);

            GDMIndividualRecord iRec1 = fBase.Context.Tree.XRefIndex_Find("I1") as GDMIndividualRecord;

            Assert.AreEqual("Иван Иванович Иванов", iRec1.GetPrimaryFullName());

            GDMIndividualRecord iRec2 = fBase.Context.Tree.XRefIndex_Find("I2") as GDMIndividualRecord;

            Assert.AreEqual("Анна Васильевна Иванова", iRec2.GetPrimaryFullName());

            GDMIndividualRecord iRec3 = fBase.Context.Tree.XRefIndex_Find("I3") as GDMIndividualRecord;

            Assert.AreEqual("Иван Петрович Иванов", iRec3.GetPrimaryFullName());

            GDMIndividualRecord iRec4 = fBase.Context.Tree.XRefIndex_Find("I4") as GDMIndividualRecord;

            Assert.AreEqual("Василий Иванович Иванов", iRec4.GetPrimaryFullName());
コード例 #22
ファイル: GKUtilsTests.cs プロジェクト: loxadim/GEDKeeper
        public void Test_ShowXInfo()
            StringList summary = new StringList();

            GKUtils.ShowFamilyInfo(fContext, null, null);
            GDMFamilyRecord famRec = fContext.Tree.XRefIndex_Find("F1") as GDMFamilyRecord;

            GKUtils.ShowFamilyInfo(fContext, famRec, summary);

            GKUtils.ShowGroupInfo(null, null);
            GDMGroupRecord grpRec = fContext.Tree.XRefIndex_Find("G1") as GDMGroupRecord;

            GKUtils.ShowGroupInfo(grpRec, summary);

            GKUtils.ShowMultimediaInfo(null, null);
            GDMMultimediaRecord mmRec = fContext.Tree.XRefIndex_Find("O1") as GDMMultimediaRecord;

            GKUtils.ShowMultimediaInfo(mmRec, summary);

            GKUtils.ShowNoteInfo(null, null);
            GDMNoteRecord noteRec = fContext.Tree.XRefIndex_Find("N1") as GDMNoteRecord;

            GKUtils.ShowNoteInfo(noteRec, summary);

            GKUtils.ShowPersonInfo(fContext, null, null);
            GDMIndividualRecord indRec = fContext.Tree.XRefIndex_Find("I1") as GDMIndividualRecord;

            GKUtils.ShowPersonInfo(fContext, indRec, summary);

            GKUtils.ShowSourceInfo(null, null);
            GDMSourceRecord srcRec = fContext.Tree.XRefIndex_Find("S1") as GDMSourceRecord;

            GKUtils.ShowSourceInfo(srcRec, summary);

            GKUtils.ShowRepositoryInfo(null, null);
            GDMRepositoryRecord repRec = fContext.Tree.XRefIndex_Find("R1") as GDMRepositoryRecord;

            GKUtils.ShowRepositoryInfo(repRec, summary);

            GKUtils.ShowResearchInfo(null, null);
            GDMResearchRecord resRec = fContext.Tree.XRefIndex_Find("RS1") as GDMResearchRecord;

            GKUtils.ShowResearchInfo(resRec, summary);

            GKUtils.ShowTaskInfo(null, null);
            GDMTaskRecord taskRec = fContext.Tree.XRefIndex_Find("TK1") as GDMTaskRecord;

            GKUtils.ShowTaskInfo(taskRec, summary);

            GKUtils.ShowCommunicationInfo(null, null);
            GDMCommunicationRecord commRec = fContext.Tree.XRefIndex_Find("CM1") as GDMCommunicationRecord;

            GKUtils.ShowCommunicationInfo(commRec, summary);

            GKUtils.ShowLocationInfo(null, null);
            GDMLocationRecord locRec = fContext.Tree.XRefIndex_Find("L1") as GDMLocationRecord;

            GKUtils.ShowLocationInfo(locRec, summary);
コード例 #23
ファイル: TreeModel.cs プロジェクト: m-kosina/GEDKeeper
 private bool IsProcessed(GDMIndividualRecord indiRec)
コード例 #24
ファイル: GDMExtensions.cs プロジェクト: hazzik/GEDKeeper
        /// <summary>
        /// Attention: returns only the first marriage!
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GDMFamilyRecord GetMarriageFamily(this GDMTree tree, GDMIndividualRecord indiRec)
            GDMFamilyRecord result = (indiRec.SpouseToFamilyLinks.Count < 1) ? null : tree.GetPtrValue(indiRec.SpouseToFamilyLinks[0]);

コード例 #25
 public static void MarkConnected(GDMTree tree, GDMIndividualRecord iRec, List <GDMRecord> marks)
     TreeTools.WalkTree(tree, iRec, TreeTools.TreeWalkMode.twmAll, MarkProc, marks);
コード例 #26
ファイル: GDMExtensions.cs プロジェクト: hazzik/GEDKeeper
        /// <summary>
        /// Attention: returns only the first parents family!
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GDMFamilyRecord GetParentsFamily(this GDMTree tree, GDMIndividualRecord indiRec)
            GDMFamilyRecord result = (indiRec.ChildToFamilyLinks.Count < 1) ? null : tree.GetPtrValue(indiRec.ChildToFamilyLinks[0]);

コード例 #27
ファイル: TreeDrawer.cs プロジェクト: hazzik/GEDKeeper
        // Calculate size required for tree by iterating through individuals and building a data structure.
        protected MiniTreeGroup CreateDataStructure(GDMIndividualRecord irSubject)
            // Add subject's frParents
            GDMFamilyRecord    frParents  = fTree.GetParentsFamily(irSubject);
            MiniTreeGroup      mtgParents = new MiniTreeGroup();
            MiniTreeIndividual mtiFather  = null;

            if (frParents != null)
                mtiFather = AddToGroup(fTree.GetPtrValue(frParents.Husband), mtgParents);

            // Create a group for the subejct and their siblings.
            MiniTreeGroup mtgSiblings = new MiniTreeGroup();

            // Keeps count of subject's siblings (including subject)
            int nSiblings = 0;

            // Keeps track of last added sibling, to hook up to next added sibling.
            MiniTreeIndividual mtiRightmostSibling = null;

            // Keeps track of last added child, to hook up to next added child.
            MiniTreeIndividual mtiRightmostChild = null;

            // For each sibling (including the subject)
            while (true)
                GDMIndividualRecord irSibling = GetChild(frParents, nSiblings, irSubject);
                if (irSibling == null)

                if (irSibling == irSubject)
                    // Add spouses and children of subject, (and subject too, if we need to put wife after them.)
                    MiniTreeGroup           mtgOffspring  = null;
                    bool                    bAddedSubject = false;
                    int                     nSpouses      = 0;
                    MiniTreeGroup.ECrossbar ecbCrossbar   = MiniTreeGroup.ECrossbar.Solid;
                    var                     indiFamilies  = GMHelper.GetFamilyList(fTree, irSubject);

                    foreach (GDMFamilyRecord famRec in indiFamilies)
                        GDMIndividualRecord irSpouse = fTree.GetSpouseBy(famRec, irSubject);

                        if (famRec.Husband.XRef != irSubject.XRef)
                            mtiRightmostSibling = AddToGroup(irSpouse, mtgSiblings);
                            // Subject is female so all but last husband have dotted bars
                            ecbCrossbar = MiniTreeGroup.ECrossbar.DottedLeft;
                        else if (Exists(irSubject) && !bAddedSubject)
                            // Subject is male, so need to put them in now, before their children.
                            // (Otherwise they get added as a regular sibling later)
                            CBoxText boxtext = new CBoxText(irSubject);
                            mtiRightmostSibling = mtgSiblings.AddIndividual(irSubject, boxtext.FirstName, boxtext.Surname, boxtext.Date, false, frParents != null, true, boxtext.Concealed, false);

                            // To stop subject being added as regular sibling.
                            bAddedSubject = true;

                        int nGrandchildren = 0;
                        GDMIndividualRecord irGrandchild = null;

                        // If we have already added an offspring box (from previous marriage) need connect this box to it as its right box.
                        if (mtgOffspring != null)
                            mtgOffspring.RightBox = mtiRightmostSibling;

                        // Create a box for the offspring of this marriage
                        mtgOffspring = new MiniTreeGroup();

                        // Set crossbar that joins subject to spouse according to whether this is subject's first spouse.
                        mtgOffspring.fCrossbar = ecbCrossbar;

                        // Add children by this spouse
                        MiniTreeIndividual mtiChild = null;
                        while ((irGrandchild = GetChild(famRec, nGrandchildren, null)) != null)
                            if (Exists(irGrandchild))
                                CBoxText boxtext = new CBoxText(irGrandchild);
                                mtiChild = mtgOffspring.AddIndividual(irGrandchild, boxtext.FirstName, boxtext.Surname, boxtext.Date, true, true, false, boxtext.Concealed, false);

                                // Hook this up to any children by previous spouses.
                                if (nGrandchildren == 0 && mtiRightmostChild != null)
                                    mtiRightmostChild.RightObjectAlien = mtiChild;
                                    mtiChild.LeftObjectAlien           = mtiRightmostChild;

                        // If we added anything, record it as the right-most child ready to hook to children by next spouse.
                        if (mtiChild != null)
                            mtiRightmostChild = mtiChild;

                        // Add the subjects children to the siblings group

                        // Hook the offspring group to the previous sibling
                        if (mtgOffspring != null)
                            mtgOffspring.LeftBox = mtiRightmostSibling;

                        // If subject is husband then we need to add their wife now.
                        if (famRec.Husband.XRef == irSubject.XRef)
                            ecbCrossbar = MiniTreeGroup.ECrossbar.DottedRight;

                            // Hook up to previous rightmost sibling and set this as new rightmost sibling.
                            mtiRightmostSibling = AddToGroup(irSpouse, mtgSiblings);

                            // Hook the wife up as box on right of offspring box.
                            if (mtgOffspring != null)
                                mtgOffspring.RightBox = mtiRightmostSibling;


                    if (!bAddedSubject)
                        CBoxText           boxtext = new CBoxText(irSubject);
                        MiniTreeIndividual mtiWife = mtgSiblings.AddIndividual(irSubject, boxtext.FirstName, boxtext.Surname, boxtext.Date, false, frParents != null, true, boxtext.Concealed, false);

                        if (mtgOffspring != null)
                            mtgOffspring.fCrossbar = MiniTreeGroup.ECrossbar.Solid;
                            mtgOffspring.RightBox  = mtiWife;
                else if (Exists(irSibling))
                    // A sibling (not the subject).
                    CBoxText boxtext = new CBoxText(irSibling);
                    mtgSiblings.AddIndividual(irSibling, boxtext.FirstName, boxtext.Surname, boxtext.Date, true, frParents != null, true, boxtext.Concealed, false);


            // Add siblings group after subject's father

            // Hook up to subject's father
            mtgSiblings.LeftBox = mtiFather;

            // Add subject's mother
            if (frParents != null)
                MiniTreeIndividual mtiMother = AddToGroup(fTree.GetPtrValue(frParents.Wife), mtgParents);
                mtgSiblings.RightBox = mtiMother;

            // Return the parents group (which contains the other family groups).
コード例 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders a specified <paramref name="segment"/>'s person name within
        /// the segment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gfx">GDI+ context to render on. This member may change
        /// this context's transformation. If it does, it also reverts the
        /// transformation back. Thus, from the point of view of the client code
        /// this member doesn't change the context's transformation.</param>
        /// <param name="segment">Source segment to be drawn on `gfx`.</param>
        private void DrawPersonName(CircleSegment segment)
            int gen = segment.Gen;
            GDMIndividualRecord iRec = segment.IRec;

            string surn, givn;

            if (iRec == null)
                if (gen == 0)
                    givn = "Choose";
                    surn = "subject";
                var parts = GKUtils.GetNameParts(iRec);
                surn = parts.Surname;
                givn = parts.Name;

            var      brush = fCircleBrushes[8];
            ExtSizeF size;
            float    rad        = segment.Rad - 20;
            float    angle      = segment.StartAngle + 90.0f + segment.WedgeAngle / 2;
            float    wedgeAngle = segment.WedgeAngle;

            bool isNarrow = IsNarrowSegment(givn, rad, wedgeAngle, Font);


            if (gen == 0)
                // central circle
                size = fRenderer.GetTextSize(surn, Font);
                fRenderer.DrawString(surn, Font, brush, -size.Width / 2f, -size.Height / 2f - size.Height / 2f);
                size = fRenderer.GetTextSize(givn, Font);
                fRenderer.DrawString(givn, Font, brush, -size.Width / 2f, 0f);
                if (isNarrow)
                    //var debugBrush = fRenderer.CreateSolidBrush(ChartRenderer.Red);

                    // narrow segments of 6-8 generations, radial text
                    float dx = (float)Math.Sin(Math.PI * angle / 180.0f) * rad;
                    float dy = (float)Math.Cos(Math.PI * angle / 180.0f) * rad;
                    fRenderer.TranslateTransform(dx, -dy);

                    if (fOptions.LTRCorrection && (angle >= 180 && angle < 360))
                        angle -= 180.0f;

                    fRenderer.RotateTransform(angle - 90.0f);

                    size = fRenderer.GetTextSize(givn, Font);
                    fRenderer.DrawString(givn, Font, brush, -size.Width / 2f, -size.Height / 2f);
                    if (wedgeAngle < 20)
                        float dx = (float)Math.Sin(Math.PI * angle / 180.0f) * rad;
                        float dy = (float)Math.Cos(Math.PI * angle / 180.0f) * rad;
                        fRenderer.TranslateTransform(dx, -dy);

                        size = fRenderer.GetTextSize(givn, Font);
                        fRenderer.DrawString(givn, Font, brush, -size.Width / 2f, -size.Height / 2f);
                    else if (wedgeAngle < 180)
                        if (fOptions.ArcText)
                            if (gen == 2)
                                size = fRenderer.GetTextSize(surn, Font);
                                fRenderer.DrawArcText(surn, 0.0f, 0.0f, rad + size.Height / 2f,
                                                      segment.StartAngle, segment.WedgeAngle, true, true, Font, brush);

                                size = fRenderer.GetTextSize(givn, Font);
                                fRenderer.DrawArcText(givn, 0.0f, 0.0f, rad - size.Height / 2f,
                                                      segment.StartAngle, segment.WedgeAngle, true, true, Font, brush);
                                fRenderer.DrawArcText(givn, 0.0f, 0.0f, rad,
                                                      segment.StartAngle, segment.WedgeAngle, true, true, Font, brush);
                            float dx = (float)Math.Sin(Math.PI * angle / 180.0f) * rad;
                            float dy = (float)Math.Cos(Math.PI * angle / 180.0f) * rad;
                            fRenderer.TranslateTransform(dx, -dy);

                            size = fRenderer.GetTextSize(surn, Font);
                            fRenderer.DrawString(surn, Font, brush, -size.Width / 2f, -size.Height / 2f);

                            size = fRenderer.GetTextSize(givn, Font);
                            dx   = (float)Math.Sin(Math.PI * angle / 180.0f) * (rad - size.Height);
                            dy   = (float)Math.Cos(Math.PI * angle / 180.0f) * (rad - size.Height);


                            fRenderer.TranslateTransform(dx, -dy);

                            fRenderer.DrawString(givn, Font, brush, -size.Width / 2f, -size.Height / 2f);
                    else if (wedgeAngle < 361)
                        if (fOptions.ArcText)
                            size = fRenderer.GetTextSize(surn, Font);
                            fRenderer.DrawArcText(surn, 0.0f, 0.0f, rad + size.Height / 2f,
                                                  segment.StartAngle, segment.WedgeAngle, true, true, Font, brush);

                            size = fRenderer.GetTextSize(givn, Font);
                            fRenderer.DrawArcText(givn, 0.0f, 0.0f, rad - size.Height / 2f,
                                                  segment.StartAngle, segment.WedgeAngle, true, true, Font, brush);
                            float dx = (float)Math.Sin(Math.PI * angle / 180.0f) * rad;
                            float dy = (float)Math.Cos(Math.PI * angle / 180.0f) * rad;
                            fRenderer.TranslateTransform(dx, -dy);

                            size = fRenderer.GetTextSize(surn, Font);
                            fRenderer.DrawString(surn, Font, brush, -size.Width / 2f, -size.Height / 2f);
                            size = fRenderer.GetTextSize(givn, Font);
                            fRenderer.DrawString(givn, Font, brush, -size.Width / 2f, -size.Height / 2f + size.Height);

コード例 #29
ファイル: Extensions.cs プロジェクト: Akeloya/GEDKeeper
 public static void PruneAncestors(this GDMTree tree, GDMIndividualRecord iRec, bool visible)
     TreeTools.WalkTree(iRec, TreeTools.TreeWalkMode.twmAncestors, PruneProc, ((object)visible));
コード例 #30
        public string GetRelationship(GDMIndividualRecord targetRec, bool fullFormat = false)
            if (targetRec == null)
            Vertex target = fGraph.FindVertex(targetRec.XRef);

            if (target == null)

            try {
                IEnumerable <Edge> edgesPath = fGraph.GetPath(target);

                string       tmp     = "";
                RelationKind prevRel = RelationKind.rkNone;
                RelationKind finRel  = RelationKind.rkNone;
                int          great   = 0;

                GDMIndividualRecord src = null, tgt = null, prev_tgt = null;
                string part, fullRel = "";

                foreach (Edge edge in edgesPath)
                    GDMIndividualRecord xFrom  = (GDMIndividualRecord)edge.Source.Value;
                    GDMIndividualRecord xTo    = (GDMIndividualRecord)edge.Target.Value;
                    RelationKind        curRel = FixLink(xFrom, xTo, (RelationKind)((int)edge.Value));

                    if (src == null)
                        src = xFrom;
                    prev_tgt = tgt;
                    tgt      = xTo;

                    if (tmp != "")
                        tmp += ", ";
                    tmp += xFrom.XRef + ">" + GKData.RelationSigns[(int)curRel] + ">" + xTo.XRef;

                    if (prevRel != RelationKind.rkUndefined)
                        int g, lev;
                        finRel = KinshipsMan.FindKinship(prevRel, curRel, out g, out lev);
                        great += g;

                        // it's gap
                        if (finRel == RelationKind.rkUndefined && fullFormat)
                            part    = GetRelationPart(src, prev_tgt, prevRel, great);
                            src     = prev_tgt;
                            great   = 0;
                            prevRel = RelationKind.rkNone;

                            if (fullRel.Length > 0)
                                fullRel += ", ";
                            fullRel += part;

                            finRel = KinshipsMan.FindKinship(prevRel, curRel, out g, out lev);
                            great += g;

                        prevRel = finRel;

                IndividualsPath = targetRec.XRef + " [" + tmp + "]";

                if (!fullFormat)
                    string relRes = FixRelation(targetRec, finRel, great);
                    part = GetRelationPart(src, tgt, finRel, great);

                    if (fullRel.Length > 0)
                        fullRel += ", ";
                    fullRel += part;

            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Logger.WriteError("KinshipsGraph.GetRelationship()", ex);