コード例 #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> SaveVehicleWithImage(GDViewModel model)
                var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(model.userName);

                string        gdNumber      = RandomString(6);
                GDInformation gDInformation = new GDInformation
                    ApplicationUserId = user.Id,
                    gdFor             = "Own",
                    gdDate            = DateTime.Now,
                    gdNumber          = gdNumber,
                    gDTypeId          = model.gdTypeId,
                    productTypeId     = 1,
                    //documentTypeId = model.documentTypeId == 0 ? null : model.documentTypeId,
                    //documentDescription = model.documentDescription,
                    statusId = 1

                int gdId = await lostAndFoundService.SaveGDInformation(gDInformation);

                VehicleInformation vehicleInformation = new VehicleInformation
                    gDInformationId = gdId,
                    vehicleTypeId   = model.vehicleTypeId,
                    vehicleBrandId  = model.vehicleBrandId,
                    vehicleRegNo    = model.regNoFirstPart + " " + model.regNoSecondPart + " " + model.regNoThiredPart,
                    regNoFirstPart  = model.regNoFirstPart,
                    regNoSecondPart = model.regNoSecondPart,
                    regNoThiredPart = model.regNoThiredPart,
                    //madeBy = model.madeBy,
                    //madeIn = model.madeIn,
                    //modelNo = model.modelNo,
                    //mfcDate = model.mfcDate,
                    engineNo = model.engineNo,
                    //chasisNo = model.chasisNo,
                    //ccNo = model.ccNo,
                    vehicleModelNo = model.modelNo

                int vchid = await lostAndFoundService.SaveVehicleInformation(vehicleInformation);

                AttachmentInformation attachment = new AttachmentInformation
                    gDInformationId = gdId,
                    encodedImage    = model.encodedImage,
                    fileSubject     = model.vehicleDescription

                int imageId = await lostAndFoundService.SaveAttachmentInformation(attachment);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
コード例 #2
        public async Task <int> SaveGDInformation(GDInformation gDInformation)
            if (gDInformation.Id != 0)

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                await _context.GDInformation.AddAsync(gDInformation);

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

コード例 #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> SaveComputerInfo(ComputerInfoViewModel model)
            string msg = "error";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.model) ||
                    !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.serialNo) ||
                    !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.serviceCode) ||
                    !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(model.districtId)) ||
                    var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(model.userName);

                    string        gdNumber      = RandomString(6);
                    GDInformation gDInformation = new GDInformation
                        ApplicationUserId   = user.Id,
                        gdFor               = model.gdFor,
                        gdDate              = DateTime.Now,
                        gdNumber            = gdNumber,
                        gDTypeId            = model.gDTypeId,
                        productTypeId       = model.productTypeId,
                        documentTypeId      = model.documentTypeId == 0 ? null : model.documentTypeId,
                        documentDescription = model.documentDescription,
                        statusId            = 1

                    int masterId = await lostAndFoundService.SaveGDInformation(gDInformation);

                    if (model.gdFor == "OTHERS")
                        OtherPersonInformation otherPerson = new OtherPersonInformation
                            gDInformationId        = masterId,
                            nationalIdentityTypeId = model.nationalIdentityTypeId == 0 ? null : model.nationalIdentityTypeId,
                            identityNo             = model.identityNo,
                            mobileNo = model.mobileNo
                        int opi = await lostAndFoundService.SaveOtherPersonInformation(otherPerson);

                    OtherDocumentDetail otherDocumentDetail = new OtherDocumentDetail
                        gDInformationId = masterId,
                        modelName       = model.model,
                        serialNo        = model.serialNo,
                        productNumber   = model.serviceCode,
                        colorsId        = model.colorId,
                        price           = model.price,
                        currency        = model.currency

                    IndentifyInfo indentifyInfo = new IndentifyInfo
                        gDInformationId = masterId,
                        identifySign    = model.identificationMark,
                        colorsId        = model.colorId

                    SpaceAndTime spaceAndTime = new SpaceAndTime
                        gDInformationId = masterId,
                        districtId      = model.districtId,
                        thanaId         = model.thanaId,
                        village         = model.village,
                        placeDetails    = model.addressDetails,
                        lafDate         = model.date,
                        lafTime         = model.time

                    await otherDocumentService.SaveOtherDocumentDetail(otherDocumentDetail);

                    await lostAndFoundService.SaveIndentifyInfo(indentifyInfo);

                    await lostAndFoundService.SaveSpaceAndTime(spaceAndTime);

                    msg = gdNumber;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
コード例 #4
        public async Task <IActionResult> SaveGDManInformation([FromBody] GDManInformationViewModel model)
            //return Ok("Success");
                var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(model.userName);

                string        gdNumber      = RandomString(6);
                GDInformation gDInformation = new GDInformation
                    ApplicationUserId   = user.Id,
                    gdFor               = model.gdFor,
                    gdDate              = DateTime.Now,
                    gdNumber            = gdNumber,
                    gDTypeId            = model.gDTypeId,
                    productTypeId       = model.productTypeId,
                    documentTypeId      = model.documentTypeId == 0 ? null : model.documentTypeId,
                    documentDescription = model.documentDescription,
                    statusId            = 1

                int gdId = await lostAndFoundService.SaveGDInformation(gDInformation);

                ManInformation manInformation = new ManInformation
                    gDInformationId        = gdId,
                    relationTypeId         = model.relationTypeId,
                    name                   = model.name,
                    aproxAge               = model.aproxAge,
                    agePeriodId            = model.agePeriodId,
                    genderId               = model.genderId,
                    isHealthDisabled       = model.isHealthDisabled,
                    fatherName             = model.fatherName,
                    motherName             = model.motherName,
                    spouseName             = model.spouseName,
                    nationalIdentityTypeId = model.manNationalIdentityTypeId,
                    identityNo             = model.identityNo,
                    numberTypeId           = model.numberTypeId,
                    number                 = model.number

                int manid = await lostAndFoundService.SaveManInformation(manInformation);

                if (model.gdFor == "OTHERS")
                    OtherPersonInformation otherPerson = new OtherPersonInformation
                        gDInformationId        = gdId,
                        nationalIdentityTypeId = model.nationalIdentityTypeId == 0 ? null : model.nationalIdentityTypeId,
                        identityNo             = model.identityNo,
                        mobileNo = model.mobileNo
                    int opi = await lostAndFoundService.SaveOtherPersonInformation(otherPerson);

                IndentifyInfo indentifyInfo = new IndentifyInfo
                    gDInformationId           = gdId,
                    colorsId                  = model.colorsId,
                    identifySign              = model.identifySign,
                    descriptionCircumcisionId = model.descriptionCircumcisionId,
                    religionId                = model.religionId,
                    bloodGroup                = model.bloodGroup,
                    occupationId              = model.occupationId,
                    maritalStatusId           = model.maritalStatusId
                int identityid = await lostAndFoundService.SaveIndentifyInfo(indentifyInfo);

                AddressInformation addressInformation = new AddressInformation
                    districtId     = model.manDistrictId,
                    thanaId        = model.thanaId,
                    houseVillage   = model.postOffice,
                    addressDetails = model.addressDetails,
                    type           = model.addressType,
                    oneLineAddress = model.oneLineAddress,
                int addressId = await addressInformationService.SaveAddressInformation(addressInformation);

                PhysicalDescription physical = new PhysicalDescription
                    manInformationId                   = manid,
                    eyeTypeId                          = model.eyeTypeId,
                    noseTypeId                         = model.noseTypeId,
                    hairTypeId                         = model.hairTypeId,
                    foreHeadTypeId                     = model.foreHeadTypeId,
                    beardTypeId                        = model.beardTypeId,
                    weight                             = model.weight,
                    bodyStructureId                    = model.bodyStructureId,
                    faceShapeTypeId                    = model.faceShapeTypeId,
                    bodyChinTypeId                     = model.bodyChinTypeId,
                    bodyColorId                        = model.bodyColorId,
                    moustacheTypeId                    = model.moustacheTypeId,
                    earTypeId                          = model.earTypeId,
                    neckTypeId                         = model.neckTypeId,
                    heightFeet                         = model.heightFeet,
                    heightInch                         = model.heightInch,
                    specialBirthMarkTypeId             = model.specialBirthMarkTypeId,
                    specialBirthMarkBodyPartId         = model.specialBirthMarkBodyPartId,
                    specialBirthMarkBodyPartPositionId = model.specialBirthMarkBodyPartPositionId,
                    visibleTatto                       = model.visibleTatto,
                    otherIdentityfyMark                = model.otherIdentityfyMark,
                    teethTypeId                        = model.teethTypeId,
                    specialBodyConditionId             = model.specialBodyConditionId,
                int phyId = await lostAndFoundService.SavePhysicalDescription(physical);

                DressDescription dress = new DressDescription
                    manInformationId   = manid,
                    inTheHeadId        = model.inTheHeadId,
                    inTheHeadColorId   = model.inTheHeadColorId,
                    inTheBodyId        = model.inTheBodyId,
                    inTheBodyColorId   = model.inTheBodyColorId,
                    inTheThroatId      = model.inTheThroatId,
                    inTheThroatColorId = model.inTheThroatColorId,
                    inTheWaistId       = model.inTheWaistId,
                    inTheWaistColorId  = model.inTheWaistColorId,
                    inTheLegsId        = model.inTheLegsId,
                    inTheLegsColorId   = model.inTheLegsColorId,
                    inTheEyeId         = model.inTheEyeId,
                    inTheEyeColorId    = model.inTheEyeColorId,
                    shoesSize          = model.shoesSize,
                    shoesSizeType      = model.shoesSizeType,
                int dressId = await lostAndFoundService.SaveDressDescription(dress);

                SpaceAndTime spaceAndTime = new SpaceAndTime
                    gDInformationId = gdId,
                    placeDetails    = model.placeDetails,
                    lafDate         = model.lafDate,
                    lafTime         = model.lafTime,
                    postOfficeId    = model.postOfficeId,
                    thanaId         = model.thanaId,
                    districtId      = model.districtId,
                    divisionId      = model.divisionId
                int sdid = await lostAndFoundService.SaveSpaceAndTime(spaceAndTime);

                if (model.dNAProfileViewModels != null)
                    List <DNAProfileDetails> lstDNAProfile = new List <DNAProfileDetails>();
                    foreach (var item in model.dNAProfileViewModels)
                        DNAProfileDetails dNAProfileDetails = new DNAProfileDetails
                            manInformationId = manid,
                            locous           = item.locous,
                            genotype1        = item.genotype1,
                            genotype2        = item.genotype2

                    int dnaId = await lostAndFoundService.SaveDNAProfileDetails(lstDNAProfile);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
コード例 #5
        public async Task <IEnumerable <GDInformation> > GetGDInformationByUser(string userName)
            var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(userName);

            var result = await lostAndFoundService.GetAllGDInformationByUser(user.Id);

            List <GDInformation> lstGD = new List <GDInformation>();

            GDInformation gD7 = new GDInformation();

            gD7.documentDescription = "Upload/Attachment/vehicle/vic8.jpg";
            gD7.gdFor    = "Aria";
            gD7.status   = "Lost from Japan Garden city garrage  Yard. There are a  scratch on the right door . Well organized";
            gD7.date     = "6 hours";
            gD7.gdNumber = "Upload/Attachment/profilepic/pf8w.png";

            GDInformation gD1 = new GDInformation();

            gD1.documentDescription = "Upload/Attachment/vehicle/vic2.jpg";
            gD1.gdFor    = "Mohammad Abdullah";
            gD1.status   = "Lost from Bashabo Sobujbagh Market Front Yard. There are no scratch on the body .  With second hand purchase , I use the car above for 3 years.";
            gD1.date     = "10 hours";
            gD1.gdNumber = "Upload/Attachment/profilepic/pf2.png";

            GDInformation gD8 = new GDInformation();

            gD8.documentDescription = "Upload/Attachment/vehicle/vic9.jpg";
            gD8.gdFor    = "Layla";
            gD8.status   = "Lost from Khilgaw taltola.Single & four wheelar. There are  scratch on left back door and front right door  on the car . Well organized";
            gD8.date     = "1 hours";
            gD8.gdNumber = "Upload/Attachment/profilepic/pf9w.png";

            GDInformation gD11 = new GDInformation();

            gD11.documentDescription = "Upload/Attachment/vehicle/vim12.jpg";
            gD11.gdFor    = "Steven";
            gD11.status   = "My pulser 150 red was lost today from Mohakhali, It was approximate 3.30pm lost from wari. My bike reg. Number Dhaka metro ha-542321";
            gD11.date     = "12 days";
            gD11.gdNumber = "Upload/Attachment/profilepic/pf12.png";

            GDInformation gD5 = new GDInformation();

            gD5.documentDescription = "Upload/Attachment/vehicle/vic6.jpg";
            gD5.gdFor    = "Emily";
            gD5.status   = "Lost from Japan Garden city garrage  Yard. There are a  scratch on the right door . Well organized";
            gD5.date     = "10 hours";
            gD5.gdNumber = "Upload/Attachment/profilepic/pf6w.png";

            GDInformation gD12 = new GDInformation();

            gD12.documentDescription = "Upload/Attachment/vehicle/vim13.jpg";
            gD12.gdFor    = "Adabor Thana";
            gD12.status   = "আমার হিরো স্প্লেন্ডার বাইক আজ হারানো গিয়েছে আদাবর থেকে। বাইকটিকালোরংনিলস্টিকারবাইকেরসামনেএক্তিহলুদস্টিকারআছেলেখাসাংবাদিক, গাড়ীরনম্বরখুলনামেট্রো হ- ৩৩১৬১২";
            gD12.date     = "3 hours";
            gD12.gdNumber = "Upload/Attachment/profilepic/pfs1.jpg";

            GDInformation gD4 = new GDInformation();

            gD4.documentDescription = "Upload/Attachment/vehicle/vic5.jpg";
            gD4.gdFor    = "Elizabeth";
            gD4.status   = "Lost from Japan mascot plaza uttora. There are no scratch on the car . Well organized";
            gD4.date     = "10 hours";
            gD4.gdNumber = "Upload/Attachment/profilepic/pf5w.png";

            GDInformation gD13 = new GDInformation();

            gD13.documentDescription = "Upload/Attachment/vehicle/vim14.jpg";
            gD13.gdFor    = "Ronald";
            gD13.status   = "My Fzs version 3 newly edition just been theft today. I went puran Dhaka to buy biryani from star kebab when I come back I saw my bike wasn’t there. Though I locked it properly. If any one see this bike registration numberDinajpur metro ha- 221201";
            gD13.date     = "9 hours";
            gD13.gdNumber = "Upload/Attachment/profilepic/pfs2.png";

            GDInformation gD3 = new GDInformation();

            gD3.documentDescription = "Upload/Attachment/vehicle/vic4.jpg";
            gD3.gdFor    = "Sofia";
            gD3.status   = "Lost from Tejgaw love road.Single & four wheelar. There are no scratch on the car . Well organized";
            gD3.date     = "10 hours";
            gD3.gdNumber = "Upload/Attachment/profilepic/pf4w.png";

            GDInformation gD10 = new GDInformation();

            gD10.documentDescription = "Upload/Attachment/vehicle/vic11.jpg";
            gD10.gdFor    = "Jeffrey";
            gD10.status   = "Lost from Japan Gazipur adomali market front site. There are no scratch on the car . Well organized";
            gD10.date     = "15 days";
            gD10.gdNumber = "Upload/Attachment/profilepic/pf11.png";

            GDInformation gD = new GDInformation();

            gD.documentDescription = "Upload/Attachment/vehicle/vic1.jpg";
            gD.gdFor    = "Suzauddaula Suza";
            gD.status   = "Lost from Bashabo Sobujbagh Market Front Yard. There are no scratch on the body .  With second hand purchase , I use the car above for 3 years.";
            gD.date     = "10 hours";
            gD.gdNumber = "Upload/Attachment/profilepic/pf1.png";

            GDInformation gD14 = new GDInformation();

            gD14.documentDescription = "Upload/Attachment/vehicle/vim15.jpg";
            gD14.gdFor    = "Banani Thana";
            gD14.status   = "বানানীথানায়একটিপালসারবাইকউদ্ধারহয়েছে। বাইকেরনম্বরঢাকামেট্রো হ- ৪২১২১২, চেসিসনাম্বার ১০৩৯৫৩৮৩৪২৩৮৮, বাইকটিরহেডলাইটএকটুভাঙাআছে। বাইকেরআসলমালিকউপযূক্তপ্রমানদিয়েনিয়েযাবেন।";
            gD14.date     = "2 days";
            gD14.gdNumber = "Upload/Attachment/profilepic/pfs3.png";

            GDInformation gD6 = new GDInformation();

            gD6.documentDescription = "Upload/Attachment/vehicle/vic7.jpg";
            gD6.gdFor    = "Camila";
            gD6.status   = "Lost from Bashundhora city Market Front Yard. There are a  scratch on the left door and windshield . There will be propelar on the back side and well organized";
            gD6.date     = "5 days";
            gD6.gdNumber = "Upload/Attachment/profilepic/pf7w.png";

            GDInformation gD2 = new GDInformation();

            gD2.documentDescription = "Upload/Attachment/vehicle/vic3.jpg";
            gD2.gdFor    = "Sadaf Rassel";
            gD2.status   = "Lost from Khilgaw taltola.Single & four wheelar. There are  scratch on left back door and front right door  on the car . Well organized";
            gD2.date     = "10 hours";
            gD2.gdNumber = "Upload/Attachment/profilepic/pf3.png";

            GDInformation gD15 = new GDInformation();

            gD15.documentDescription = "Upload/Attachment/vehicle/vim16.jpg";
            gD15.gdFor    = "Badda Thana";
            gD15.status   = "তুরাগথানায়একটিইয়ামাহাগ্লাডিয়েটর ১২৫ সিসিবাইকজব্দহয়েছে। বাইকেরনম্বরঢাকামেট্রো হ- ৫০৬৭৩৬, চেসিসনাম্বার৫৭৪৪২৩২৩৮৮, বাইকেরআসলমালিকউপযূক্তপ্রমানদিয়েনিয়েযাবারঅনুরোধজানানোহচ্ছে।";
            gD15.date     = "2 days";
            gD15.gdNumber = "Upload/Attachment/profilepic/pfs4.png";

            GDInformation gD16 = new GDInformation();

            gD16.documentDescription = "Upload/Attachment/vehicle/vim17.jpg";
            gD16.gdFor    = "Nicholas";
            gD16.status   = "I just lost my bike today near from Bashundhara.I am feeling really pained. It was a green hero hunk 150 green color one big scratch in fron side tank.Registration number: Dhaka metro Ha - 202529";
            gD16.date     = "12 days";
            gD16.gdNumber = "Upload/Attachment/profilepic/pf13.png";

            GDInformation gD9 = new GDInformation();

            gD9.documentDescription = "Upload/Attachment/vehicle/vic10.jpg";
            gD9.gdFor    = "Abu Rayhan";
            gD9.status   = "Lost from Tejgaw love road.Single & four wheelar. There are no scratch on the car . Well organized";
            gD9.date     = "1 hours";
            gD9.gdNumber = "Upload/Attachment/profilepic/pf10.png";
