コード例 #1
        public Task WriteCloseFragmentAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus closeStatus, string statusDescription)
            TaskCompletionSource <object> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <object>();

            // Callback will always be called (since it is responsible for cleanup), even if completed synchronously
            CompletionCallback callback = (hrError, cbIO, fUtf8Encoded, fFinalFragment, fClose) => {
                try {
                    tcs.TrySetResult(null); // regular completion
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    tcs.TrySetException(ex); // exceptional completion
            IntPtr completionContext = GCUtil.RootObject(callback);

            // Call the underlying implementation; SendConnectionClose should never throw an exception
            bool completionExpected;
            int  hr = _context.SendConnectionClose(
                fAsync: true,
                uStatusCode: (ushort)closeStatus,
                szReason: statusDescription, // don't need to pin string: CLR marshaler handles managed to unmanaged conversion, and IIS makes local copy for duration of async operation
                pfnCompletion: _asyncThunkAddress,
                pvCompletionContext: completionContext,
                pfCompletionExpected: out completionExpected);

            if (!completionExpected)
                // Completed synchronously or error; the thunk and callback together handle cleanup
                AsyncCallbackThunk(hr, completionContext, cbIO: 0, fUtf8Encoded: true, fFinalFragment: true, fClose: false);

コード例 #2
        // Called from native code to get the managed principal for a given request
        // If the return value is non-zero, the caller must free the returned GCHandle
        internal static IntPtr GetManagedPrincipalHandler(IntPtr pRootedObjects, int requestingAppDomainId)
            // DevDiv 375079: Server.TransferRequest can be used to transfer requests to different applications,
            // which means that we might be trying to pass a GCHandle to the IPrincipal object to a different
            // AppDomain, which is disallowed. If this happens, we just tell our caller that we can't give him
            // a managed IPrincipal object.
            if (requestingAppDomainId != AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Id)

            IPrincipal principal = RootedObjects.FromPointer(pRootedObjects).Principal;

コード例 #3
        public Task WriteFragmentAsync(ArraySegment <byte> buffer, bool isUtf8Encoded, bool isFinalFragment)
            TaskCompletionSource <object> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <object>();

            // The buffer will be read from asynchronously by unmanaged code, so we require that it remain pinned
            PinnedArraySegment <byte> pinnedBuffer = new PinnedArraySegment <byte>(buffer);

            // Callback will always be called (since it is responsible for cleanup), even if completed synchronously
            CompletionCallback callback = (hrError, cbIO, fUtf8Encoded, fFinalFragment, fClose) => {
                try {
                    tcs.TrySetResult(null); // regular completion
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    tcs.TrySetException(ex); // exceptional completion
                finally {
                    // Always free the buffer to prevent a memory leak
            IntPtr completionContext = GCUtil.RootObject(callback);

            // update perf counter with count of data written to wire
            _perfCounters.IncrementCounter(AppPerfCounter.REQUEST_BYTES_OUT_WEBSOCKETS, pinnedBuffer.Count);

            // Call the underlying implementation; WriteFragment should never throw an exception
            int  bytesSent = pinnedBuffer.Count;
            bool completionExpected;
            int  hr = _context.WriteFragment(
                pData: pinnedBuffer.Pointer,
                pcbSent: ref bytesSent,
                fAsync: true,
                fUtf8Encoded: isUtf8Encoded,
                fFinalFragment: isFinalFragment,
                pfnCompletion: _asyncThunkAddress,
                pvCompletionContext: completionContext,
                pfCompletionExpected: out completionExpected);

            if (!completionExpected)
                // Completed synchronously or error; the thunk and callback together handle cleanup
                AsyncCallbackThunk(hr, completionContext, bytesSent, isUtf8Encoded, isFinalFragment, fClose: false);

コード例 #4
        public Task <WebSocketReceiveResult> ReadFragmentAsync(ArraySegment <byte> buffer)
            TaskCompletionSource <WebSocketReceiveResult> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <WebSocketReceiveResult>();

            // The buffer will be written to asynchronously by unmanaged code, so we require that it remain pinned
            PinnedArraySegment <byte> pinnedBuffer = new PinnedArraySegment <byte>(buffer);

            // Callback will always be called (since it is responsible for cleanup), even if completed synchronously
            CompletionCallback callback = (hrError, cbIO, fUtf8Encoded, fFinalFragment, fClose) => {
                try {

                    WebSocketCloseStatus?closeStatus = null;
                    string closeStatusDescription    = null;
                    WebSocketMessageType messageType = (fUtf8Encoded) ? WebSocketMessageType.Text : WebSocketMessageType.Binary;

                    if (fClose)
                        // this is a CLOSE frame
                        messageType = WebSocketMessageType.Close;
                        WebSocketCloseStatus statusCode;
                        GetCloseStatus(out statusCode, out closeStatusDescription);
                        closeStatus = statusCode;
                        // this is a data frame, so update perf counter with count of data read from wire
                        _perfCounters.IncrementCounter(AppPerfCounter.REQUEST_BYTES_IN_WEBSOCKETS, cbIO);

                    tcs.TrySetResult(new WebSocketReceiveResult(
                                         count: cbIO,
                                         messageType: messageType,
                                         endOfMessage: fFinalFragment,
                                         closeStatus: closeStatus,
                                         closeStatusDescription: closeStatusDescription));
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    tcs.TrySetException(ex); // exceptional completion
                finally {
                    // Always free the buffer to prevent a memory leak
            IntPtr completionContext = GCUtil.RootObject(callback);

            // Call the underlying implementation; ReadFragment should never throw an exception
            int  bytesRead = pinnedBuffer.Count;
            bool isUtf8Encoded;
            bool isFinalFragment;
            bool isConnectionClose;
            bool completionExpected;
            int  hr = _context.ReadFragment(
                pData: pinnedBuffer.Pointer,
                pcbData: ref bytesRead,
                fAsync: true,
                pfUtf8Encoded: out isUtf8Encoded,
                pfFinalFragment: out isFinalFragment,
                pfConnectionClose: out isConnectionClose,
                pfnCompletion: _asyncThunkAddress,
                pvCompletionContext: completionContext,
                pfCompletionExpected: out completionExpected);

            if (!completionExpected)
                // Completed synchronously or error; the thunk and callback together handle cleanup
                AsyncCallbackThunk(hr, completionContext, bytesRead, isUtf8Encoded, isFinalFragment, isConnectionClose);
