コード例 #1
ファイル: converter.cs プロジェクト: Sciumo/gaigen
 public Converter(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, G25.fgs F)
     m_specification = S;
     m_cgd = cgd;
     m_fgs = F;
コード例 #2
        } // end of WriteSetCopy()

        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a function to copy the value of one SMV struct to another with a different floating point type, for all combinations of floating point types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">Used for basis vector names and output language.</param>
        /// <param name="cgd">Intermediate data for code generation. Also contains plugins and cog.</param>
        public static void WriteSetCopyCrossFloat(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, G25.FloatType dstFT, G25.SMV smv)
            foreach (G25.FloatType srcFT in S.m_floatTypes)
                if (srcFT.type == dstFT.type)


                //string srcClassName = srcFT.GetMangledName(smv.Name);
                //string dstClassName = dstFT.GetMangledName(S, smv.Name);
                string funcName = GMV.GetSetFuncName(S);
                bool   mustCast = dstFT.MustCastIfAssigned(S, srcFT);

                G25.fgs F = new G25.fgs(funcName, funcName, "", new String[] { smv.Name }, null, new String[] { srcFT.type }, null, null, null); // null, null, null = metricName, comment, options
                bool computeMultivectorValue = false;
                int  nbArgs = 1;
                G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI = G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo.GetAllFuncArgInfo(S, F, nbArgs, srcFT, null, computeMultivectorValue);

                RefGA.Multivector value = G25.CG.Shared.Symbolic.SMVtoSymbolicMultivector(S, smv, FAI[0].Name, FAI[0].Pointer);

                string dstName = G25.CG.Shared.SmvUtil.THIS;
                bool   dstPtr  = false;

                bool staticFunc = false;
                G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteAssignmentFunction(S, cgd,
                                                                S.m_inlineSet, staticFunc, "void", null, funcName, null, FAI, dstFT, mustCast, smv, dstName, dstPtr, value);
        } // end of WriteSetCopyCrossFloat()
コード例 #3
        private static string GetComment(Specification S, bool declOnly, G25.fgs FGS, G25.Operator op, G25.FloatType FT, bool assign)
            StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder();

            if ((S.OutputCpp()) && op.IsUnaryInPlace())
                if (op.IsPrefix)
                    SB.Append("returns (" + FGS.ArgumentVariableNames[0] + " = " + FGS.OutputName + "(" + FGS.ArgumentVariableNames[0] + "))");
                    SB.Append("returns input value of " + FGS.ArgumentVariableNames[0] + ", but sets " + FGS.ArgumentVariableNames[0] + " to " + FGS.OutputName + "(" + FGS.ArgumentVariableNames[0] + ")");
            else if (assign)
                SB.Append("returns (" + FGS.ArgumentVariableNames[0] + " = " + FGS.OutputName + "(" + FGS.ArgumentVariableNames[0]);
                SB.Append(", " + FGS.ArgumentVariableNames[1]);
                SB.Append("returns " + FGS.OutputName + "(" + FGS.ArgumentVariableNames[0]);
                if (op.IsBinary())
                    SB.Append(", " + FGS.ArgumentVariableNames[1]);

コード例 #4
        private static string GetXMLstring(Specification S, G25.fgs F, FuncArgInfo[] FAI)
            // no return forced type in XML
            string returnTypeName = null;

            // get placeholder arguments for XML
            string[] argumentTypeNames = new string[FAI.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < FAI.Length; i++)
                argumentTypeNames[i] = GetPlaceHolderString(i);

            // use a single float type only in XML
            string[] floatNames = new string[1] {

            // get a copy of F, but put insert placeholders for the typenames
            G25.fgs tmpF = new G25.fgs(F.Name, F.OutputName, returnTypeName, argumentTypeNames,
                                       F.ArgumentVariableNames, floatNames, F.MetricName, F.Comment, F.Options);

            string XMLstr = XML.FunctionToXmlString(S, tmpF);

コード例 #5
        protected Dictionary <string, string> m_funcName = new Dictionary <string, string>(); ///< generated function name with full mangling, etc

        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if this FunctionGenerator can implement a certain function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">The specification of the algebra.</param>
        /// <param name="F">The function to be implemented.</param>
        /// <returns>true if 'F' can be implemented</returns>
        public override bool CanImplement(Specification S, G25.fgs F)
            //String type F.GetArgumentTypeName(0, S.m_GMV.Name);
            return((F.Name == "equals") && (F.MatchNbArguments(NB_ARGS)) &&
                   G25.CG.Shared.Functions.NotMixSmvGmv(S, F, NB_ARGS, S.m_GMV.Name) &&
                   G25.CG.Shared.Functions.NotUseOm(S, F, NB_ARGS, S.m_GMV.Name));
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        ///  Prints out a report of all the missing dependencies recorded in m_missingDependencies.
        /// The report consists of XML that can be added directly to the specification XML.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S"></param>
        public void PrintMissingDependencies(Specification S)
            lock (m_missingDependencies)
                if (m_missingDependencies.Count != 0)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Missing dependencies detected.");
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Add the following XML to the specification to fix them:");

                    // sort missing deps (this is nicer for the user who pastes them into the specification XML
                    G25.fgs[] D = new G25.fgs[m_missingDependencies.Count];
                        int idx = 0;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<G25.fgs, G25.fgs> KVP in m_missingDependencies)
                            D[idx++] = KVP.Key;

                    // print deps to console:
                    for (int i = 0; i < D.Length; i++)
                        System.Console.WriteLine(XML.FunctionToXmlString(S, D[i]));
        } // end of PrintMissingDependencies
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a function to set an SMV struct to zero, for all floating point types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">Used for basis vector names and output language.</param>
        /// <param name="cgd">Results go here. Also intermediate data for code generation. Also contains plugins and cog.</param>
        public static void WriteSetZero(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd)
            StringBuilder declSB = cgd.m_declSB;
            StringBuilder defSB  = (S.m_inlineSet) ? cgd.m_inlineDefSB : cgd.m_defSB;


            foreach (G25.FloatType FT in S.m_floatTypes)
                foreach (G25.SMV smv in S.m_SMV)
                    if (smv.NbNonConstBasisBlade == 0)

                    string typeName = FT.GetMangledName(S, smv.Name);
                    string funcName = typeName + "_setZero";
                    bool   mustCast = false;

                    G25.fgs F = new G25.fgs(funcName, funcName, "", null, null, new string[] { FT.type }, null, null, null); // null, null = metricName, comment, options
                    bool computeMultivectorValue             = false;
                    G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo returnArgument = new G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo(S, F, -1, FT, smv.Name, computeMultivectorValue);

                    declSB.AppendLine("/** Sets " + typeName + " to zero */");

                    string returnVarName = null;
                    bool   staticFunc    = false;
                    G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteAssignmentFunction(S, cgd,
                                                                    S.m_inlineSet, staticFunc, "void", returnVarName, funcName, returnArgument, null, FT, mustCast, smv, returnArgument.Name, returnArgument.Pointer, new RefGA.Multivector(0.0));
        } // end of WriteSetZero()
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Write the declaration/definition of 'F' to 'm_declSB', 'm_defSB' and 'm_inlineDefSB',
        /// taking into account parameters specified in specification 'S'.
        /// </summary>
        public override void WriteFunction()
            foreach (string floatName in m_fgs.FloatNames)
                FloatType FT = m_specification.GetFloatType(floatName);
                bool      computeMultivectorValue = true;
                G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI   = G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo.GetAllFuncArgInfo(m_specification, m_fgs, NB_ARGS, FT, m_specification.m_GMV.Name, computeMultivectorValue);

                // comment
                Comment comment = new Comment(m_fgs.AddUserComment("Returns " + FAI[0].TypeName + (IsAdd(m_fgs) ? " + " : " - ") + FAI[1].TypeName + "."));

                // if scalar or specialized: generate specialized function
                if (m_gmvFunc)
                    m_funcName[FT.type] = G25.CG.Shared.GmvCASNparts.WriteAddSubHpFunction(m_specification, m_cgd, FT, FAI, m_fgs, comment,
                                                                                           IsAdd(m_fgs) ? G25.CG.Shared.CANSparts.ADD_SUB_HP_TYPE.ADD : G25.CG.Shared.CANSparts.ADD_SUB_HP_TYPE.SUB);
                { // write simple specialized function:
                    // because of lack of overloading, function names include names of argument types
                    G25.fgs CF = G25.CG.Shared.Util.AppendTypenameToFuncName(m_specification, FT, m_fgs, FAI);
                    m_funcName[FT.type] = CF.OutputName;

                    // write out the function:
                    G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteSpecializedFunction(m_specification, m_cgd, CF, FT, FAI, m_returnValue, comment);
        } // end of WriteFunction
コード例 #9
        } // end of CompleteFGS()

        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the declaration/definitions of 'F' to StringBuffer 'SB', taking into account parameters specified in specification 'S'.
        /// </summary>
        public override void WriteFunction()
            foreach (String floatName in m_fgs.FloatNames)
                FloatType FT = m_specification.GetFloatType(floatName);

                bool computeMultivectorValue    = true;
                G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI = G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo.GetAllFuncArgInfo(m_specification, m_fgs, NB_ARGS, FT,
                                                                                              m_specification.m_GMV.Name, computeMultivectorValue);

                // because of lack of overloading, function names include names of argument types
                G25.fgs CF = G25.CG.Shared.Util.AppendTypenameToFuncName(m_specification, FT, m_fgs, FAI);

                m_funcName[FT.type] = CF.OutputName;

                Comment comment;
                if (IsDistance(m_fgs))
                    comment = new Comment(m_fgs.AddUserComment("Returns distance of two conformal points."));
                    comment = new Comment(m_fgs.AddUserComment("Returns distance squared of two conformal points."));

                // write out the function:
                G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteSpecializedFunction(m_specification, m_cgd, CF, FT, FAI, m_returnValue, comment);
        } // end of WriteFunction
コード例 #10
ファイル: dependencies.cs プロジェクト: Sciumo/gaigen
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves a converter (underscore constructor) dependency.
        /// Searches for a converter from 'fromType' to 'toType'.
        /// If the function is not found, this is also enlisted in cgd.m_missingDependencies.
        /// Call cgd.PrintMissingDependencies() should be called to report the missing dependencies
        /// to the end-user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">The spec.</param>
        /// <param name="cgd">Missing dependencies go into cgd.m_missingDependencies.</param>
        /// <param name="fromType"></param>
        /// <param name="toType"></param>
        /// <param name="FT"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetConverterDependency(Specification S, CGdata cgd, string fromType, string toType, G25.FloatType FT)
            // look for 'funcName' in all G25.fgs in the spec
            //                    string funcName = "_" + FT.GetMangledName(S, toType);
            string funcName = "_" + toType;
            foreach (G25.fgs F in S.m_functions)
                if (F.IsConverter(S)) // is 'F' a converter (underscore constructor)?
                    if ((F.Name == funcName) &&
                        (F.ArgumentTypeNames[0] == fromType))
                        return G25.CG.Shared.Converter.GetConverterName(S, F, FT.GetMangledName(S, fromType), FT.GetMangledName(S, toType));

            // converter not found: add it to missing deps:
                // add dependency to list of missing deps:
                string outputName = null;
                string[] argumentTypes = new string[] { fromType };
                string[] argVarNames = null;
                string returnTypeName = null;
                string metricName = null;
                string comment = null;
                Dictionary<string, string> options = null;
                G25.fgs F = new G25.fgs(funcName, outputName, returnTypeName, argumentTypes, argVarNames, new string[] { FT.type }, metricName, comment, options);
                cgd.AddMissingDependency(S, F);

            // return fictional name:
            G25.fgs tmpF = null;
            return "missingFunction_" + G25.CG.Shared.Converter.GetConverterName(S, tmpF, FT.GetMangledName(S, fromType), FT.GetMangledName(S, toType));
コード例 #11
        } // end of WriteSetArray()

        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a function to copy the value of one SMV struct to another, for all floating point types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">Used for basis vector names and output language.</param>
        /// <param name="cgd">Intermediate data for code generation. Also contains plugins and cog.</param>
        public static void WriteCopy(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd)
            //StringBuilder declSB = cgd.m_declSB;
            StringBuilder defSB = (S.m_inlineSet) ? cgd.m_inlineDefSB : cgd.m_defSB;


            foreach (G25.FloatType FT in S.m_floatTypes)
                foreach (G25.SMV smv in S.m_SMV)
//                            if (smv.NbNonConstBasisBlade == 0) continue;

                    string className = FT.GetMangledName(S, smv.Name);
                    string funcName  = className + "::set";
                    bool   mustCast  = false;

                    G25.fgs F = new G25.fgs(funcName, funcName, "", new String[] { smv.Name }, null, new String[] { FT.type }, null, null, null); // null, null, null = metricName, comment, options
                    bool computeMultivectorValue = false;
                    int  nbArgs = 1;
                    G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI = G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo.GetAllFuncArgInfo(S, F, nbArgs, FT, null, computeMultivectorValue);

                    RefGA.Multivector value = G25.CG.Shared.Symbolic.SMVtoSymbolicMultivector(S, smv, FAI[0].Name, FAI[0].Pointer);

                    string dstName = G25.CG.Shared.SmvUtil.THIS;
                    bool   dstPtr  = true;

                    bool staticFunc = false;
                    G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteAssignmentFunction(S, cgd,
                                                                    S.m_inlineSet, staticFunc, "void", null, funcName, null, FAI, FT, mustCast, smv, dstName, dstPtr, value);
        } // end of WriteCopy()
コード例 #12
 public Converter(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, G25.fgs F)
     m_specification = S;
     m_cgd           = cgd;
     m_fgs           = F;
コード例 #13
ファイル: smv.cs プロジェクト: Sciumo/gaigen
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a function to copy the value of one SMV struct to another, for all floating point types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">Used for basis vector names and output language.</param>
        /// <param name="cgd">Intermediate data for code generation. Also contains plugins and cog.</param>
        public static void WriteCopy(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd)
            StringBuilder declSB = cgd.m_declSB;
            StringBuilder defSB = (S.m_inlineSet) ? cgd.m_inlineDefSB : cgd.m_defSB;

            foreach (G25.FloatType FT in S.m_floatTypes)
                foreach (G25.SMV smv in S.m_SMV)
                    if (smv.NbNonConstBasisBlade == 0) continue;

                    String typeName = FT.GetMangledName(S, smv.Name);
                    String funcName = typeName + "_copy";
                    bool mustCast = false;

                    G25.fgs F = new G25.fgs(funcName, funcName, "", new String[] { smv.Name }, null, new String[] { FT.type }, null, null, null); // null, null, null = metricName, comment, options
                    bool computeMultivectorValue = false;
                    G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo returnArgument = new G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo(S, F, -1, FT, smv.Name, computeMultivectorValue);
                    int nbArgs = 1;
                    G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI = G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo.GetAllFuncArgInfo(S, F, nbArgs, FT, null, computeMultivectorValue);

                    declSB.AppendLine("/** Copies " + typeName + ": " + FAI[0].Name + " = " + returnArgument.Name + " */");

                    RefGA.Multivector value = G25.CG.Shared.Symbolic.SMVtoSymbolicMultivector(S, smv, FAI[0].Name, FAI[0].Pointer);

                    bool staticFunc = false;
                    G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteAssignmentFunction(S, cgd,
                        S.m_inlineSet, staticFunc, "void", null, funcName, returnArgument, FAI, FT, mustCast, smv, returnArgument.Name, returnArgument.Pointer, value);
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the declaration/definitions of 'F' to StringBuffer 'SB', taking into account parameters specified in specification 'S'.
        /// </summary>
        public override void WriteFunction()
            foreach (String floatName in m_fgs.FloatNames)
                FloatType FT = m_specification.GetFloatType(floatName);

                bool computeMultivectorValue    = true;
                G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI = G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo.GetAllFuncArgInfo(m_specification, m_fgs, NB_ARGS, FT, m_specification.m_GMV.Name, computeMultivectorValue);

                // comment
                Comment comment = new Comment(
                    m_fgs.AddUserComment("Returns outer product of " + FAI[0].TypeName + " and " + FAI[1].TypeName + "."));

                // if scalar or specialized: generate specialized function
                if (m_gmvFunc)
                    m_funcName[FT.type] = G25.CG.Shared.GmvGpParts.WriteGMVgpFunction(m_specification, m_cgd, FT, m_specification.GetMetric(XML.XML_DEFAULT), FAI, m_fgs, comment, G25.CG.Shared.GPparts.ProductTypes.OUTER_PRODUCT);
                {// write simple specialized function:
                    // because of lack of overloading, function names include names of argument types
                    G25.fgs CF = G25.CG.Shared.Util.AppendTypenameToFuncName(m_specification, FT, m_fgs, FAI);
                    m_funcName[FT.type] = CF.OutputName;

                    // write out the function:
                    G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteSpecializedFunction(m_specification, m_cgd, CF, FT, FAI, m_returnValue, comment);
        } // end of WriteFunction
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the name of a generated function (for example <c>gp_mv_mv</c>).
        /// The function is found by looking through all G25.FGS in the Specification.
        /// If the function is not found, a fictional name is returned, i.e. "missingFunction_" + functionName.
        /// This name will then show up in the generated code, which will not compile as a result.
        /// If the function is not found, this is also enlisted in cgd.m_missingDependencies.
        /// Call cgd.PrintMissingDependencies() should be called to report the missing dependencies
        /// to the end-user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">The spec.</param>
        /// <param name="cgd">Missing dependencies go into cgd.m_missingDependencies.</param>
        /// <param name="functionName">Basic name of the function to be found.</param>
        /// <param name="argumentTypes">Names of the arguments types (not mangled).</param>
        /// <param name="returnTypeName">Name of the return type (can be null or "" for default return type).</param>
        /// <param name="FT">Floating point type.</param>
        /// <param name="metricName">(optional, can be null for don't care)</param>
        /// <returns>The mangled name of the function.</returns>
        public static string GetDependency(Specification S, CGdata cgd, string functionName,
                                           string[] argumentTypes, string returnTypeName, G25.FloatType FT, string metricName)
            // bool returnTrueName = dependent on cgd.mode
                return(GetFunctionName(S, functionName, argumentTypes, returnTypeName, FT, metricName));
            catch (DependencyException)
            { // function not found, return a fictional name, and remember dependency
                G25.fgs F = null;
                    // get name of dep, and make sure it does not get mangled
                    string outputName = functionName + cgd.GetDontMangleUniqueId();
                    if (returnTypeName != null)
                        outputName = outputName + "_returns_" + returnTypeName;

                    // add dependency to list of missing deps:
                    string[] argVarNames = null;
                    Dictionary <String, String> options = null;
                    string  comment = null;
                    G25.fgs tmpF    = new G25.fgs(functionName, outputName, returnTypeName, argumentTypes, argVarNames, new String[] { FT.type }, metricName, comment, options);

                    F = cgd.AddMissingDependency(S, tmpF);

                return(cgd.m_dependencyPrefix + F.OutputName);
        } // end of GetDependency()
コード例 #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if this FunctionGenerator can implement a certain function.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="S">The specification of the algebra.</param>
 /// <param name="F">The function to be implemented.</param>
 /// <returns>true if 'F' can be implemented</returns>
 public override bool CanImplement(Specification S, G25.fgs F)
     return(((F.Name == "hp") || (F.Name == "ihp")) && (F.MatchNbArguments(NB_ARGS)) &&
            G25.CG.Shared.Functions.NotMixScalarGmv(S, F, NB_ARGS, S.m_GMV.Name) &&
            G25.CG.Shared.Functions.NotMixSmvGmv(S, F, NB_ARGS, S.m_GMV.Name) &&
            G25.CG.Shared.Functions.NotUseOm(S, F, NB_ARGS, S.m_GMV.Name));
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a shortcut for 'type', 'fgs'.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SB">Where the code goes.</param>
        /// <param name="S">Used for basis vector names and output language.</param>
        /// <param name="cgd">Not used yet.</param>
        /// <param name="FT">Float point type of 'type'.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type for which shortcuts should be written.</param>
        /// <param name="fgs"></param>
        /// <param name="FAI"></param>
        public static void WriteFunctionShortcut(StringBuilder SB, Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, FloatType FT, G25.VariableType type,
                                                 G25.fgs fgs, FuncArgInfo[] FAI)
            int nbTabs = 1;

            FuncArgInfo[] tailFAI = getTail(FAI);

            string shortcutCall = getShortcutCall(S, fgs, tailFAI);


            // output comment
            new Comment("shortcut to " + shortcutCall).Write(SB, S, nbTabs);

            bool        inline         = false;
            bool        staticFunc     = false;
            string      returnType     = FT.GetMangledName(S, fgs.ReturnTypeName);
            FuncArgInfo returnArgument = null;

            SB.Append('\t', nbTabs);
            Functions.WriteDeclaration(SB, S, cgd,
                                       inline, staticFunc, returnType, fgs.OutputName,
                                       returnArgument, tailFAI);
            SB.AppendLine(" {");

            SB.Append('\t', nbTabs + 1);
            SB.Append("return ");

            SB.Append('\t', nbTabs);
コード例 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if this FunctionGenerator can implement a certain function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">The specification of the algebra.</param>
        /// <param name="F">The function to be implemented.</param>
        /// <returns>true if 'F' can be implemented</returns>
        public override bool CanImplement(Specification S, G25.fgs F)
            string arg1Type = F.GetArgumentTypeName(0, S.m_GMV.Name);

            return((IsIncrement(F) || IsDecrement(F)) && (F.MatchNbArguments(1) &&
                                                          (S.IsSpecializedMultivectorName(arg1Type) || (arg1Type == S.m_GMV.Name))));
コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a increment or decrement function.
        /// (not based on CASN parts code, but put here anyway).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S"></param>
        /// <param name="cgd"></param>
        /// <param name="FT"></param>
        /// <param name="FAI"></param>
        /// <param name="F"></param>
        /// <param name="comment"></param>
        /// <param name="increment"></param>
        public static string WriteIncrementFunction(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, FloatType FT,
                                                    G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI, G25.fgs F, Comment comment, bool increment)
            // setup instructions
            System.Collections.Generic.List <G25.CG.Shared.Instruction> I = new System.Collections.Generic.List <G25.CG.Shared.Instruction>();
            int nbTabs = 1;

            // write this function:
            string code = G25.CG.Shared.CANSparts.GetIncrementCode(S, cgd, FT, FAI, fgs.RETURN_ARG_NAME, increment);

            // add one instruction (verbatim code)
            I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs, code));

            // because of lack of overloading, function names include names of argument types
            G25.fgs CF = G25.CG.Shared.Util.AppendTypenameToFuncName(S, FT, F, FAI);

            // setup return type and argument:
            string returnTypeName = FT.GetMangledName(S, S.m_GMV.Name);

            G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo returnArgument = null;
            if (S.OutputC())
                returnArgument = new G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo(S, CF, -1, FT, S.m_GMV.Name, false); // false = compute value
            // write function
            bool inline     = false; // never inline GMV functions
            bool staticFunc = Functions.OutputStaticFunctions(S);

            G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteFunction(S, cgd, F, inline, staticFunc, returnTypeName, CF.OutputName, returnArgument, FAI, I, comment);

コード例 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the declaration/definitions of 'F' to StringBuffer 'SB', taking into account parameters specified in specification 'S'.
        /// </summary>
        public override void WriteFunction()
            const int nbArgs = 1;

            foreach (string floatName in m_fgs.FloatNames)
                FloatType FT = m_specification.GetFloatType(floatName);

                bool computeMultivectorValue    = true;
                G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI = G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo.GetAllFuncArgInfo(m_specification, m_fgs, nbArgs, FT, m_specification.m_GMV.Name, computeMultivectorValue);

                // comment
                Comment comment = new Comment(
                    m_fgs.AddUserComment("Returns " + m_fgs.Name + " of " + FAI[0].TypeName + " using " + m_G25M.m_name + " metric."));

                // if scalar or specialized: generate specialized function
                if (m_gmvFunc)
                    bool dual = IsDual(m_fgs);
                    m_funcName[FT.type] = G25.CG.Shared.GmvDualParts.WriteDualFunction(m_specification, m_cgd, FT, m_G25M, FAI, m_fgs, comment, dual);
                {// write simple specialized function:
                    // because of lack of overloading, function names include names of argument types
                    G25.fgs CF = G25.CG.Shared.Util.AppendTypenameToFuncName(m_specification, FT, m_fgs, FAI);

                    m_funcName[FT.type] = CF.OutputName;

                    // write out the function:
                    G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteSpecializedFunction(m_specification, m_cgd, CF, FT, FAI, m_returnValue, comment);
        } // end of WriteFunction
コード例 #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts the name of the function to a RefGA.BasisBlade.InnerProductType.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="S"></param>
 /// <param name="F">Function (used for <c>F.name</c>).</param>
 /// <returns>identifier for inner product type.</returns>
 public static RefGA.BasisBlade.InnerProductType GetIpType(Specification S, G25.fgs F)
     if (IsHip(F))
     else if (IsMHip(F))
     else if (IsLc(F))
     else if (IsRc(F))
     else if (IsSp(F))
         throw new G25.UserException("Unknown inner product type: " + F.Name, XML.FunctionToXmlString(S, F));
コード例 #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts the name of the function to a human readable name.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="S"></param>
 /// <param name="F">Function (used for <c>F.name</c>).</param>
 /// <returns>Human readable version of Function <c>F.name</c>.</returns>
 public static String GetIpName(Specification S, G25.fgs F)
     if (IsHip(F))
         return("Hestenes inner product");
     else if (IsMHip(F))
         return("Modified Hestenes inner product");
     else if (IsLc(F))
         return("left contraction");
     else if (IsRc(F))
         return("right contraction");
     else if (IsSp(F))
         return("scalar product");
         throw new G25.UserException("G25.CG.C.IP.GetIpName(): unknown inner product type: " + F.Name, XML.FunctionToXmlString(S, F));
コード例 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a zero or equality test function for general multivectors,
        /// based on CASN parts code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S"></param>
        /// <param name="cgd"></param>
        /// <param name="FT"></param>
        /// <param name="FAI"></param>
        /// <param name="F"></param>
        /// <param name="comment"></param>
        /// <param name="writeZero">When true, a function to test for zero is written.</param>
        /// <returns>full (mangled) name of generated function</returns>
        public static string WriteEqualsOrZeroOrGradeBitmapFunction(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, FloatType FT,
                                                                    G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI, G25.fgs F,
                                                                    Comment comment, G25.CG.Shared.CANSparts.EQUALS_ZERO_GRADEBITMAP_TYPE funcType)
            // setup instructions
            System.Collections.Generic.List <G25.CG.Shared.Instruction> I = new System.Collections.Generic.List <G25.CG.Shared.Instruction>();
            int nbTabs = 1;

            // write this function:
            string code = "";

            if (funcType == G25.CG.Shared.CANSparts.EQUALS_ZERO_GRADEBITMAP_TYPE.EQUALS)
                code = G25.CG.Shared.CANSparts.GetEqualsCode(S, cgd, FT, FAI);
            else if (funcType == G25.CG.Shared.CANSparts.EQUALS_ZERO_GRADEBITMAP_TYPE.ZERO)
                code = G25.CG.Shared.CANSparts.GetZeroCode(S, cgd, FT, FAI);
            else if (funcType == G25.CG.Shared.CANSparts.EQUALS_ZERO_GRADEBITMAP_TYPE.GRADE_BITMAP)
                code = G25.CG.Shared.CANSparts.GetGradeBitmapCode(S, cgd, FT, FAI);

            // add one instruction (verbatim code)
            I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs, code));

            // because of lack of overloading, function names include names of argument types
            G25.fgs CF = G25.CG.Shared.Util.AppendTypenameToFuncName(S, FT, F, FAI);

            // setup return type and argument:
            string returnTypeName = null;

            if (S.OutputC())
                returnTypeName = G25.IntegerType.INTEGER;
                if (funcType == G25.CG.Shared.CANSparts.EQUALS_ZERO_GRADEBITMAP_TYPE.GRADE_BITMAP)
                    returnTypeName = G25.IntegerType.INTEGER;
                    returnTypeName = CodeUtil.GetBoolType(S);

            G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo returnArgument = null;

            // write function
            bool inline     = false; // never inline GMV functions
            bool staticFunc = Functions.OutputStaticFunctions(S);

            G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteFunction(S, cgd, F, inline, staticFunc, returnTypeName, CF.OutputName, returnArgument, FAI, I, comment);

コード例 #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Return true if argument 'argIdx' in 'F' is a multivector type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="S">Specification of algebra</param>
 /// <param name="F">Function specification</param>
 /// <param name="argIdx">Index of argument. If out of range, false is returned.</param>
 /// <returns>true if argument 'argIdx' in 'F' is an multivector type.</returns>
 public static bool IsSmv(Specification S, G25.fgs F, int argIdx)
     if (argIdx >= F.NbArguments)
     return(S.IsSpecializedMultivectorName(F.GetArgumentTypeName(argIdx, "")));
コード例 #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Return true if argument 'argIdx' in 'F' is a specialized outermorphism type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="S">Specification of algebra</param>
 /// <param name="F">Function specification</param>
 /// <param name="argIdx">Index of argument. If out of range, false is returned.</param>
 /// <returns>true if argument 'argIdx' in 'F' is an outermorphism type.</returns>
 public static bool IsSom(Specification S, G25.fgs F, int argIdx)
     if (argIdx >= F.NbArguments)
     return(S.IsSpecializedOutermorphismName(F.GetArgumentTypeName(argIdx, "")));
コード例 #26
        } // end of WriteSet()

        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a function to set an SMV struct to an array of specified coordinates, for all floating point types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">Used for basis vector names and output language.</param>
        /// <param name="cgd">Intermediate data for code generation. Also contains plugins and cog.</param>
        public static void WriteSetArray(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd)
            StringBuilder declSB = cgd.m_declSB;
            StringBuilder defSB  = (S.m_inlineSet) ? cgd.m_inlineDefSB : cgd.m_defSB;


            foreach (G25.FloatType FT in S.m_floatTypes)
                foreach (G25.SMV smv in S.m_SMV)
                    if (smv.NbNonConstBasisBlade == 0)

                    string typeName = FT.GetMangledName(S, smv.Name);
                    string funcName = typeName + "_setArray";
                    bool   mustCast = false;

                    string[] argTypename = new string[1] {
                    string[] argName = new string[1] {

                    System.Collections.ArrayList L = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
                    for (int i = 0; i < smv.NbNonConstBasisBlade; i++)
                        RefGA.BasisBlade B = smv.NonConstBasisBlade(i);
                        //argTypename[i] = FT.type;
                        String coordStr = argName[0] + "[" + i + "]";
                        //argName[i] = coordStr;
                        L.Add(new RefGA.BasisBlade(B.bitmap, B.scale, coordStr));
                    RefGA.Multivector mvValue = new RefGA.Multivector(L);

                    G25.fgs F = new G25.fgs(funcName, funcName, "", argTypename, argName, new String[] { FT.type }, null, null, null); // null, null, null = metricName, comment, options
                    F.SetArgumentPtr(0, true);                                                                                         // first argument is a pointer to array

                    bool computeMultivectorValue             = false;
                    G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo returnArgument = new G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo(S, F, -1, FT, smv.Name, computeMultivectorValue);
                    int nbArgs = 1; // one array of coordinates
                    G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI = G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo.GetAllFuncArgInfo(S, F, nbArgs, FT, null, computeMultivectorValue);

                    declSB.AppendLine("/** Sets " + typeName + " to specified coordinates */");

                    bool staticFunc = false;
                    G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteAssignmentFunction(S, cgd,
                                                                    S.m_inlineSet, staticFunc, "void", null, funcName, returnArgument, FAI, FT, mustCast, smv, returnArgument.Name, returnArgument.Pointer, mvValue);
        } // end of WriteSetArray()
コード例 #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs an array of func arg info for all arguments of an G25.fgs.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="S">Used for retrieving the G25.VariableType of 'm_typeName'.</param>
 /// <param name="F">Function for which you want an array of FuncArgInfo.</param>
 /// <param name="nbArgs">Default number of arguments. (the user may not specified arguments and then a default is used).</param>
 /// <param name="FT">Floating point type of arguments.</param>
 /// <param name="defaultTypeName">When the user does not specify arguments, this is the default type used.</param>
 /// <param name="computeMultivectorValue">Set to true to expand all multivector values to symbolic RefGA.Multivectors.</param>
 /// <returns>Array of FuncArgInfo describing the arguments of 'F'.</returns>
 public static FuncArgInfo[] GetAllFuncArgInfo(G25.Specification S, G25.fgs F, int nbArgs, G25.FloatType FT, string defaultTypeName, bool computeMultivectorValue)
     FuncArgInfo[] FAI = new FuncArgInfo[nbArgs];
     for (int i = 0; i < nbArgs; i++)
         FAI[i] = new FuncArgInfo(S, F, i, FT, defaultTypeName, computeMultivectorValue);
コード例 #28
        public static void WriteSetCopy(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, FloatType FT, G25.SOM som)
            StringBuilder declSB = cgd.m_declSB;
            StringBuilder defSB  = (S.m_inlineSet) ? cgd.m_inlineDefSB : cgd.m_defSB;

            if (S.OutputC())

            string typeName = FT.GetMangledName(S, som.Name);
            string funcName = GetFunctionName(S, typeName, "set", "_set");

            bool mustCast = false;

            const int NB_ARGS = 1;
            string    srcName = "src";
            bool      srcPtr  = S.OutputC();

            G25.fgs F = new G25.fgs(funcName, funcName, "", new String[] { som.Name }, new String[] { srcName }, new String[] { FT.type }, null, null, null); // null, null = metricName, comment, options
            bool computeMultivectorValue = false;

            G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI = G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo.GetAllFuncArgInfo(S, F, NB_ARGS, FT, S.m_GMV.Name, computeMultivectorValue);

            G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo returnArgument = null;
            if (S.OutputC())
                returnArgument = new G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo(S, F, -1, FT, som.Name, computeMultivectorValue);

            // setup instructions
            List <G25.CG.Shared.Instruction> I = new List <G25.CG.Shared.Instruction>();
                int nbTabs = 1;
                mustCast = false;
                string dstName    = (S.OutputC()) ? G25.fgs.RETURN_ARG_NAME : SmvUtil.THIS;
                bool   dstPtr     = (S.OutputCppOrC());
                bool   declareDst = false;
                for (int g = 1; g < som.Domain.Length; g++)
                    for (int c = 0; c < som.DomainForGrade(g).Length; c++)
                        G25.SMVOM         smvOM    = som.DomainSmvForGrade(g)[c];
                        RefGA.Multivector srcValue = G25.CG.Shared.Symbolic.SMVtoSymbolicMultivector(S, smvOM, srcName, srcPtr);
                        I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.AssignInstruction(nbTabs, smvOM, FT, mustCast, srcValue, dstName, dstPtr, declareDst));

            Comment comment    = new Comment("Copies " + typeName + ".");;
            bool    writeDecl  = (S.OutputC());
            bool    staticFunc = false;

            G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteFunction(S, cgd, F, S.m_inlineSet, staticFunc, "void", funcName, returnArgument, FAI, I, comment, writeDecl);
コード例 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if this FunctionGenerator can implement a certain function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">The specification of the algebra.</param>
        /// <param name="F">The function to be implemented.</param>
        /// <returns>true if 'F' can be implemented.</returns>
        public override bool CanImplement(Specification S, G25.fgs F)
            int NB_ARGS = 2;

            return((IsAdd(F) || IsSubtract(F)) && (F.MatchNbArguments(NB_ARGS)) &&
                   G25.CG.Shared.Functions.NotMixSmvGmv(S, F, NB_ARGS, S.m_GMV.Name) &&
                   G25.CG.Shared.Functions.NotMixScalarGmv(S, F, NB_ARGS, S.m_GMV.Name) &&
                   G25.CG.Shared.Functions.NotUseOm(S, F, NB_ARGS, S.m_GMV.Name));
コード例 #30
        protected RefGA.Multivector m_returnValue; ///< returned value (symbolic multivector)

        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if this FunctionGenerator can implement a certain function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">The specification of the algebra.</param>
        /// <param name="F">The function to be implemented.</param>
        /// <returns>true if 'F' can be implemented</returns>
        public override bool CanImplement(Specification S, G25.fgs F)
            String arg1Type = F.GetArgumentTypeName(0, S.m_GMV.Name);

            return((F.Name == "sas") && (F.MatchNbArguments(3) &&
                                         (S.IsSpecializedMultivectorName(arg1Type) || (arg1Type == S.m_GMV.Name)) &&
                                         S.IsFloatType(F.GetArgumentTypeName(1, S.m_GMV.Name)) &&
                                         S.IsFloatType(F.GetArgumentTypeName(2, S.m_GMV.Name))));
コード例 #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes generic function based on Instructions.
        /// The other WriteFunction() can figure out the return type automatically, so
        /// it is preferred over this more verbose version.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">Specification of algebra.</param>
        /// <param name="cgd">Results go into cgd.m_defSB, and so on</param>
        /// <param name="F">Function specification.</param>
        /// <param name="inline">When true, the code is inlined.</param>
        /// <param name="staticFunc">Static function?</param>
        /// <param name="returnType">The type to return (String, can also be e.g. <c>"code"</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="functionName">Name of generated function.</param>
        /// <param name="returnArgument">For use with the 'C' language, an extra argument can be used to return results.</param>
        /// <param name="arguments">Arguments of function (any `return argument' used for the C language is automatically generated).</param>
        /// <param name="instructions">List of GA-instructions which make up the function.</param>
        /// <param name="comment">Comment to go into generated code (used for decl only).</param>
        /// <param name="writeDecl">When false, no declaration is written</param>
        public static void WriteFunction(
            Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, G25.fgs F,
            bool inline, bool staticFunc, string returnType, string functionName,
            FuncArgInfo returnArgument, FuncArgInfo[] arguments,
            System.Collections.Generic.List <Instruction> instructions, Comment comment, bool writeDecl)
            // where the definition goes:
            StringBuilder defSB = (inline) ? cgd.m_inlineDefSB : cgd.m_defSB;

            // declaration:
            if (writeDecl)
                if (comment != null)
                    comment.Write(cgd.m_declSB, S, 0);
                bool inlineDecl = false; // never put inline keywords in declaration
                WriteDeclaration(cgd.m_declSB, S, cgd, inlineDecl, staticFunc, returnType, functionName, returnArgument, arguments);

            if (S.OutputCSharpOrJava())
                comment.Write(defSB, S, 0);

            WriteDeclaration(defSB, S, cgd, inline, staticFunc, returnType, functionName, returnArgument, arguments);

            // open function

            // add extra instruction for reporting usage of SMVs
            if (S.m_reportUsage)
                instructions.Insert(0, ReportUsage.GetReportInstruction(S, F, arguments));

            if (returnArgument != null)
                int nbTabs = 1;
                instructions.Add(new VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs, "return " + returnArgument.Name + ";"));

            // write all instructions
            foreach (Instruction I in instructions)
                I.Write(defSB, S, cgd);

            // close function
        } // end of WriteFunction()
コード例 #32
 /// <summary>
 /// Must be called before CompleteFGS(), CheckDepencies() or WriteFunction() is called.
 /// Subclass can override, but if so, must always call superclass version of Init()
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="S"></param>
 /// <param name="F"></param>
 /// <param name="cgd">Where the generate code goes.</param>
 public virtual void Init(Specification S, G25.fgs F, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd)
     m_specification = S;
     m_fgs           = F;
     m_cgd           = cgd;
     m_gmv           = m_specification.m_GMV;
     m_G25M          = m_specification.GetMetric(m_fgs.MetricName);
     m_M             = m_G25M.m_metric;
     m_sane          = true;
コード例 #33
        } // end of WriteFunction()

        public static void WriteFunction(
            Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, G25.fgs F,
            bool inline, bool staticFunc, string returnType, string functionName,
            FuncArgInfo returnArgument, FuncArgInfo[] arguments,
            System.Collections.Generic.List <Instruction> instructions, Comment comment)
            bool writeDecl = S.OutputCppOrC();

            WriteFunction(S, cgd, F, inline, staticFunc, returnType, functionName, returnArgument, arguments, instructions, comment, writeDecl);
コード例 #34
ファイル: om_init.cs プロジェクト: Sciumo/gaigen
        public static void WriteSetMatrix(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, FloatType FT, G25.SOM som, bool transpose)
            int NB_ARGS = 1;
            string[] argTypes = new string[NB_ARGS];
            string[] argNames = new string[NB_ARGS];
            argTypes[0] = FT.type;
            argNames[0] = "M";

            // construct image values
            RefGA.Multivector[] imageValue = new RefGA.Multivector[som.DomainVectors.Length];
            for (int d = 0; d < som.DomainVectors.Length; d++)
                //imageValue[d] = RefGA.Multivector.ZERO;
                RefGA.BasisBlade[] IV = new RefGA.BasisBlade[som.RangeVectors.Length];
                for (int r = 0; r < som.RangeVectors.Length; r++)
                    int matrixIdx = (transpose) ? (d * som.RangeVectors.Length + r) : (r * som.DomainVectors.Length + d);
                    string entryName = argNames[0] + "[" + matrixIdx + "]";
                    IV[r] = new RefGA.BasisBlade(som.RangeVectors[r].bitmap, 1.0, entryName);
                imageValue[d] = new RefGA.Multivector(IV);

            string typeName = FT.GetMangledName(S, som.Name);
            string funcName = GetFunctionName(S, typeName, "set", "_setMatrix");
            if (transpose) funcName = funcName + "Transpose";

            //argNames[0] = "*" + argNames[0]; // quick hack: add pointer to name instead of type!
            G25.fgs F = new G25.fgs(funcName, funcName, "", argTypes, argNames, new String[] { FT.type }, null, null, null); // null, null = metricName, comment, options
            if (S.OutputCppOrC())
                F.m_argumentPtr[0] = true;
            else F.m_argumentArr[0] = true;
            bool computeMultivectorValue = false;
            G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI = G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo.GetAllFuncArgInfo(S, F, NB_ARGS, FT, S.m_GMV.Name, computeMultivectorValue);

            G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo returnArgument = null;
            if (S.OutputC())
                returnArgument = new G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo(S, F, -1, FT, som.Name, computeMultivectorValue);

            // setup instructions
            List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction> I = new List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction>();
                bool mustCast = false;
                int nbTabs = 1;
                string dstName = (S.OutputC()) ? G25.fgs.RETURN_ARG_NAME : SmvUtil.THIS;
                bool dstPtr = S.OutputCppOrC();
                bool declareDst = false;
                for (int g = 1; g < som.Domain.Length; g++)
                    for (int c = 0; c < som.DomainForGrade(g).Length; c++)
                        G25.SMVOM smvOM = som.DomainSmvForGrade(g)[c];
                        RefGA.BasisBlade domainBlade = som.DomainForGrade(g)[c];
                        RefGA.Multivector value = new RefGA.Multivector(new RefGA.BasisBlade(domainBlade, 0)); // copy the scalar part, ditch the basis blade
                        for (uint v = 0; v < som.DomainVectors.Length; v++)
                            if ((domainBlade.bitmap & som.DomainVectors[v].bitmap) != 0)
                                value = RefGA.Multivector.op(value, imageValue[v]);

                        I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.CommentInstruction(nbTabs, "Set image of " + domainBlade.ToString(S.m_basisVectorNames)));
                        I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.AssignInstruction(nbTabs, smvOM, FT, mustCast, value, dstName, dstPtr, declareDst));


            Comment comment = new Comment("Sets " + typeName + " from a " + (transpose ? "transposed " : "") + "matrix.");
            bool writeDecl = (S.OutputC());
            bool staticFunc = false;
            G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteFunction(S, cgd, F, S.m_inlineSet, staticFunc, "void", funcName, returnArgument, FAI, I, comment, writeDecl);
コード例 #35
ファイル: om_init.cs プロジェクト: Sciumo/gaigen
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a function to set an SOM struct/class to identity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">Used for basis vector names and output language.</param>
        /// <param name="cgd">Results go here. Also intermediate data for code generation. Also contains plugins and cog.</param>
        /// <param name="FT"></param>
        /// <param name="som"></param>
        public static void WriteSetIdentity(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, FloatType FT, G25.SOM som)
            StringBuilder declSB = cgd.m_declSB;
            StringBuilder defSB = (S.m_inlineSet) ? cgd.m_inlineDefSB : cgd.m_defSB;

            if (S.OutputC())

            string typeName = FT.GetMangledName(S, som.Name);
            string funcName = GetFunctionName(S, typeName, "setIdentity", "_setIdentity");

            bool mustCast = false;

            G25.fgs F = new G25.fgs(funcName, funcName, "", null, null, new String[] { FT.type }, null, null, null); // null, null = metricName, comment, options
            bool computeMultivectorValue = false;

            G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo returnArgument = null;
            if (S.OutputC())
                returnArgument = new G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo(S, F, -1, FT, som.Name, computeMultivectorValue);

            // setup instructions
            List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction> I = new List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction>();
                int nbTabs = 1;
                mustCast = false;
                string valueName = (S.OutputC()) ? G25.fgs.RETURN_ARG_NAME : SmvUtil.THIS;
                bool valuePtr = S.OutputCppOrC();
                bool declareValue = false;
                for (int g = 1; g < som.Domain.Length; g++)
                    for (int c = 0; c < som.DomainForGrade(g).Length; c++)
                        G25.SMVOM smvOM = som.DomainSmvForGrade(g)[c];
                        I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.AssignInstruction(nbTabs, smvOM, FT, mustCast, new RefGA.Multivector(som.DomainForGrade(g)[c]), valueName, valuePtr, declareValue));

            Comment comment = new Comment("Sets " + typeName + " to identity.");
            bool writeDecl = S.OutputC();
            bool staticFunc = false;
            G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteFunction(S, cgd, F, S.m_inlineSet, staticFunc, "void", funcName, returnArgument, new G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[0], I, comment, writeDecl);
コード例 #36
ファイル: om_init.cs プロジェクト: Sciumo/gaigen
        public static void WriteSetCopy(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, FloatType FT, G25.SOM som)
            StringBuilder declSB = cgd.m_declSB;
            StringBuilder defSB = (S.m_inlineSet) ? cgd.m_inlineDefSB : cgd.m_defSB;

            if (S.OutputC())

            string typeName = FT.GetMangledName(S, som.Name);
            string funcName = GetFunctionName(S, typeName, "set", "_set");

            bool mustCast = false;

            const int NB_ARGS = 1;
            string srcName = "src";
            bool srcPtr = S.OutputC();
            G25.fgs F = new G25.fgs(funcName, funcName, "", new String[] { som.Name }, new String[] { srcName }, new String[] { FT.type }, null, null, null); // null, null = metricName, comment, options
            bool computeMultivectorValue = false;
            G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI = G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo.GetAllFuncArgInfo(S, F, NB_ARGS, FT, S.m_GMV.Name, computeMultivectorValue);

            G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo returnArgument = null;
            if (S.OutputC())
                returnArgument = new G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo(S, F, -1, FT, som.Name, computeMultivectorValue);

            // setup instructions
            List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction> I = new List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction>();
                int nbTabs = 1;
                mustCast = false;
                string dstName = (S.OutputC()) ? G25.fgs.RETURN_ARG_NAME : SmvUtil.THIS;
                bool dstPtr = (S.OutputCppOrC());
                bool declareDst = false;
                for (int g = 1; g < som.Domain.Length; g++)
                    for (int c = 0; c < som.DomainForGrade(g).Length; c++)
                        G25.SMVOM smvOM = som.DomainSmvForGrade(g)[c];
                        RefGA.Multivector srcValue = G25.CG.Shared.Symbolic.SMVtoSymbolicMultivector(S, smvOM, srcName, srcPtr);
                        I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.AssignInstruction(nbTabs, smvOM, FT, mustCast, srcValue, dstName, dstPtr, declareDst));

            Comment comment = new Comment("Copies " + typeName + "."); ;
            bool writeDecl = (S.OutputC());
            bool staticFunc = false;
            G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteFunction(S, cgd, F, S.m_inlineSet, staticFunc, "void", funcName, returnArgument, FAI, I, comment, writeDecl);
コード例 #37
ファイル: smv.cs プロジェクト: Sciumo/gaigen
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a function to copy the value of one SMV struct to another, for all floating point types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">Used for basis vector names and output language.</param>
        /// <param name="cgd">Intermediate data for code generation. Also contains plugins and cog.</param>
        public static void WriteSetCopy(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, G25.FloatType FT, G25.SMV smv)

            //string className = FT.GetMangledName(S, smv.Name);
            string funcName = GMV.GetSetFuncName(S);
            bool mustCast = false;

            G25.fgs F = new G25.fgs(funcName, funcName, "", new string[] { smv.Name }, null, new string[] { FT.type }, null, null, null); // null, null, null = metricName, comment, options
            bool computeMultivectorValue = false;
            int nbArgs = 1;
            G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI = G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo.GetAllFuncArgInfo(S, F, nbArgs, FT, null, computeMultivectorValue);

            RefGA.Multivector value = G25.CG.Shared.Symbolic.SMVtoSymbolicMultivector(S, smv, FAI[0].Name, FAI[0].Pointer);

            string dstName = G25.CG.Shared.SmvUtil.THIS;
            bool dstPtr = false;

            bool staticFunc = false;
            G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteAssignmentFunction(S, cgd,
                S.m_inlineSet, staticFunc, "void", null, funcName, null, FAI, FT, mustCast, smv, dstName, dstPtr, value);
コード例 #38
ファイル: cg_data.cs プロジェクト: Sciumo/gaigen
        /// <summary>
        ///  Prints out a report of all the missing dependencies recorded in m_missingDependencies.
        /// The report consists of XML that can be added directly to the specification XML.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S"></param>
        public void PrintMissingDependencies(Specification S)
            lock (m_missingDependencies)
                if (m_missingDependencies.Count != 0)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Missing dependencies detected.");
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Add the following XML to the specification to fix them:");

                    // sort missing deps (this is nicer for the user who pastes them into the specification XML
                    G25.fgs[] D = new G25.fgs[m_missingDependencies.Count];
                        int idx = 0;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<G25.fgs, G25.fgs> KVP in m_missingDependencies)
                            D[idx++] = KVP.Key;

                    // print deps to console:
                    for (int i = 0; i < D.Length; i++)
                        System.Console.WriteLine(XML.FunctionToXmlString(S, D[i]));
コード例 #39
ファイル: smv.cs プロジェクト: Sciumo/gaigen
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a function to set an SMV struct to a scalar coordinate, for all floating point types which have a non-constant scalar coordinate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">Used for basis vector names and output language.</param>
        /// <param name="cgd">Intermediate data for code generation. Also contains plugins and cog.</param>
        public static void WriteSetScalar(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd)
            StringBuilder declSB = cgd.m_declSB;
            StringBuilder defSB = (S.m_inlineSet) ? cgd.m_inlineDefSB : cgd.m_defSB;

            foreach (G25.FloatType FT in S.m_floatTypes)
                foreach (G25.SMV smv in S.m_SMV)
                    if (smv.GetElementIdx(RefGA.BasisBlade.ONE) < 0) continue; // if no scalar coordinate, continue

                    string className = FT.GetMangledName(S, smv.Name);
                    string funcName = className + "::set";
                    bool mustCast = false;

                    System.Collections.ArrayList L = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
                    const int NB_COORDS = 1;
                    string[] argTypename = new String[NB_COORDS];
                    string[] argName = new String[NB_COORDS];
                        RefGA.BasisBlade B = RefGA.BasisBlade.ONE;
                        argTypename[0] = FT.type;
                        argName[0] = "scalarVal";
                        L.Add(new RefGA.BasisBlade(B.bitmap, B.scale, argName[0]));
                    RefGA.Multivector mvValue = new RefGA.Multivector(L);

                    G25.fgs F = new G25.fgs(funcName, funcName, "", argTypename, argName, new String[] { FT.type }, null, null, null); // null, null = metricName, comment, options
                    bool computeMultivectorValue = false;
                    //G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo returnArgument = new G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo(S, F, -1, FT, smv.Name, computeMultivectorValue);
                    G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI = G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo.GetAllFuncArgInfo(S, F, NB_COORDS, FT, null, computeMultivectorValue);

                    string dstName = G25.CG.Shared.SmvUtil.THIS;
                    bool dstPtr = true;

                    G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteAssignmentFunction(S, cgd,
                        S.m_inlineSet, "void", null, funcName, null, FAI, FT, mustCast, smv, dstName, dstPtr, mvValue);
コード例 #40
ファイル: smv.cs プロジェクト: Sciumo/gaigen
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a function to set an SMV struct to an array of specified coordinates, for all floating point types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">Used for basis vector names and output language.</param>
        /// <param name="cgd">Intermediate data for code generation. Also contains plugins and cog.</param>
        public static void WriteSetArray(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd)
            StringBuilder defSB = (S.m_inlineSet) ? cgd.m_inlineDefSB : cgd.m_defSB;

            foreach (G25.FloatType FT in S.m_floatTypes)
                foreach (G25.SMV smv in S.m_SMV)
                    if (smv.NbNonConstBasisBlade == 0) continue;

                    String className = FT.GetMangledName(S, smv.Name);
                    String funcName = className + "::set";
                    bool mustCast = false;

                    String[] argTypename = new String[2] { G25.CG.Shared.SmvUtil.COORDINATE_ORDER_ENUM, FT.type };
                    String[] argName = new String[2]{"co", "A"};

                    System.Collections.ArrayList L = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
                    for (int i = 0; i < smv.NbNonConstBasisBlade; i++)
                        RefGA.BasisBlade B = smv.NonConstBasisBlade(i);
                        String coordStr = argName[1] + "[" + i + "]";
                        L.Add(new RefGA.BasisBlade(B.bitmap, B.scale, coordStr));
                    RefGA.Multivector mvValue = new RefGA.Multivector(L);

                    G25.fgs F = new G25.fgs(funcName, funcName, "", argTypename, argName, new String[] { FT.type }, null, null, null); // null, null, null = metricName, comment, options
                    F.SetArgumentPtr(1, true); // second argument is a pointer to array

                    bool computeMultivectorValue = false;
                    int NB_ARGS = 2; // enum + one array of coordinates
                    G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI = G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo.GetAllFuncArgInfo(S, F, NB_ARGS, FT, null, computeMultivectorValue);

                    string dstName = G25.CG.Shared.SmvUtil.THIS;
                    bool dstPtr = true;

                    G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteAssignmentFunction(S, cgd,
                        S.m_inlineSet, "void", null, funcName, null, FAI, FT, mustCast, smv, dstName, dstPtr, mvValue);
コード例 #41
ファイル: smv.cs プロジェクト: Sciumo/gaigen
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a function to set an SMV struct to specified coordinates, for all floating point types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">Used for basis vector names and output language.</param>
        /// <param name="cgd">Intermediate data for code generation. Also contains plugins and cog.</param>
        public static void WriteSet(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd)
            StringBuilder defSB = (S.m_inlineSet) ? cgd.m_inlineDefSB : cgd.m_defSB;

            foreach (G25.FloatType FT in S.m_floatTypes)
                foreach (G25.SMV smv in S.m_SMV)
                    if (smv.NbNonConstBasisBlade == 0) continue;

                    string className = FT.GetMangledName(S, smv.Name);
                    string funcName = className + "::set";
                    bool mustCast = false;

                    System.Collections.ArrayList L = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
                    int NB_ARGS = 1 + smv.NbNonConstBasisBlade;
                    string[] argTypename = new String[NB_ARGS];
                    string[] argName = new String[NB_ARGS];
                    argTypename[0] = G25.CG.Shared.SmvUtil.COORDINATE_ORDER_ENUM;
                    argName[0] = "co";
                    for (int i = 0; i < smv.NbNonConstBasisBlade; i++)
                        RefGA.BasisBlade B = smv.NonConstBasisBlade(i);
                        argTypename[i + 1] = FT.type;
                        string coordStr = "_" + smv.GetCoordLangID(i, S, COORD_STORAGE.VARIABLES);
                        argName[i + 1] = coordStr;
                        L.Add(new RefGA.BasisBlade(B.bitmap, B.scale, coordStr));
                    RefGA.Multivector mvValue = new RefGA.Multivector(L);

                    G25.fgs F = new G25.fgs(funcName, funcName, "", argTypename, argName, new String[] { FT.type }, null, null, null); // null, null, null = metricName, comment, options
                    bool computeMultivectorValue = false;
                    //G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo returnArgument = new G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo(S, F, -1, FT, smv.Name, computeMultivectorValue);
                    G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI = G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo.GetAllFuncArgInfo(S, F, NB_ARGS, FT, null, computeMultivectorValue);

                    string dstName = G25.CG.Shared.SmvUtil.THIS;
                    bool dstPtr = true;

                    G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteAssignmentFunction(S, cgd,
                        S.m_inlineSet, "void", null, funcName, null, FAI, FT, mustCast, smv, dstName, dstPtr, mvValue);
コード例 #42
ファイル: smv.cs プロジェクト: Sciumo/gaigen
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a function to copy the value of one SMV struct to another with a different floating point type, for all combinations of floating point types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">Used for basis vector names and output language.</param>
        /// <param name="cgd">Intermediate data for code generation. Also contains plugins and cog.</param>
        public static void WriteCopyCrossFloat(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd)
            StringBuilder defSB = (S.m_inlineSet) ? cgd.m_inlineDefSB : cgd.m_defSB;

            foreach (G25.FloatType srcFT in S.m_floatTypes)
                foreach (G25.FloatType dstFT in S.m_floatTypes)
                    if (srcFT.type == dstFT.type) continue;
                    foreach (G25.SMV smv in S.m_SMV)
                        if (smv.NbNonConstBasisBlade == 0) continue;

                        //string srcClassName = srcFT.GetMangledName(smv.Name);
                        string dstClassName = dstFT.GetMangledName(S, smv.Name);
                        string funcName = dstClassName + "::set";
                        bool mustCast = dstFT.MustCastIfAssigned(S, srcFT);

                        G25.fgs F = new G25.fgs(funcName, funcName, "", new String[] { smv.Name }, null, new String[] { srcFT.type }, null, null, null); // null, null, null = metricName, comment, options
                        bool computeMultivectorValue = false;
                        int nbArgs = 1;
                        G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI = G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo.GetAllFuncArgInfo(S, F, nbArgs, srcFT, null, computeMultivectorValue);

                        RefGA.Multivector value = G25.CG.Shared.Symbolic.SMVtoSymbolicMultivector(S, smv, FAI[0].Name, FAI[0].Pointer);

                        string dstName = G25.CG.Shared.SmvUtil.THIS;
                        bool dstPtr = true;

                        G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteAssignmentFunction(S, cgd,
                            S.m_inlineSet, "void", null, funcName, null, FAI, dstFT, mustCast, smv, dstName, dstPtr, value);
コード例 #43
ファイル: report_usage.cs プロジェクト: Sciumo/gaigen
        private static string GetXMLstring(Specification S, G25.fgs F, FuncArgInfo[] FAI)
            // no return forced type in XML
            string returnTypeName = null;

            // get placeholder arguments for XML
            string[] argumentTypeNames = new string[FAI.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < FAI.Length; i++)
                argumentTypeNames[i] = GetPlaceHolderString(i);

            // use a single float type only in XML
            string[] floatNames = new string[1] { FAI[0].FloatType.type };

            // get a copy of F, but put insert placeholders for the typenames
            G25.fgs tmpF = new G25.fgs(F.Name, F.OutputName, returnTypeName, argumentTypeNames,
                F.ArgumentVariableNames, floatNames, F.MetricName, F.Comment, F.Options);

            string XMLstr = XML.FunctionToXmlString(S, tmpF);

            return XMLstr;
コード例 #44
ファイル: om_init.cs プロジェクト: Sciumo/gaigen
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a function to set a GOM struct according to vector images, for all floating point types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">Used for basis vector names and output language.</param>
        /// <param name="cgd">Results go here. Also intermediate data for code generation. Also contains plugins and cog.</param>
        /// <param name="FT">Float type.</param>
        /// <param name="matrixMode">When true, generates code for setting from matrix instead of vector images.</param>
        /// <param name="transpose">When this parameter is true and <c>matrixMode</c> is true, generates code for setting from transpose matrix.</param>
        public static void WriteSetVectorImages(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, FloatType FT, bool matrixMode, bool transpose)
            G25.GOM gom = S.m_GOM;

            // get the 'plan' on how to initialize all domain basis blades efficiently:
            uint[][][] plan = G25.CG.Shared.OMinit.ComputeOmInitFromVectorsPlan(S, gom);
            double[][] signs = G25.CG.Shared.OMinit.ComputeOmInitFromVectorsSigns(S, gom, plan);

            // get range vector type
            G25.SMV rangeVectorType = G25.CG.Shared.OMinit.GetRangeVectorType(S, FT, cgd, gom);

            // setup array of arguments, function specification, etc
            int NB_ARGS = (matrixMode) ? 1 : gom.DomainVectors.Length;
            string[] argTypes = new string[NB_ARGS], argNames = new string[NB_ARGS];
            RefGA.Multivector[] symbolicBBvalues = new RefGA.Multivector[1 << S.m_dimension]; // symbolic basis blade values go here
            if (matrixMode)
                argTypes[0] = FT.type;
                argNames[0] = "M";

                // convert matrix columns to symbolic Multivector values
                for (int d = 0; d < gom.DomainVectors.Length; d++)
                    RefGA.BasisBlade[] IV = new RefGA.BasisBlade[gom.RangeVectors.Length];
                    for (int r = 0; r < gom.RangeVectors.Length; r++)
                        int matrixIdx = (transpose) ? (d * gom.RangeVectors.Length + r) : (r * gom.DomainVectors.Length + d);
                        string entryName = argNames[0] + "[" + matrixIdx + "]";
                        IV[r] = new RefGA.BasisBlade(gom.RangeVectors[r].bitmap, 1.0, entryName);
                    symbolicBBvalues[gom.DomainVectors[d].bitmap] = new RefGA.Multivector(IV);
                for (int d = 0; d < NB_ARGS; d++)
                    argTypes[d] = rangeVectorType.Name;
                    argNames[d] = "i" + gom.DomainVectors[d].ToLangString(S.m_basisVectorNames);
                    bool ptr = S.OutputC();

                    symbolicBBvalues[gom.DomainVectors[d].bitmap] = G25.CG.Shared.Symbolic.SMVtoSymbolicMultivector(S, rangeVectorType, argNames[d], ptr);

            // generate function names for all grades (basis blade names not included)
            string typeName = FT.GetMangledName(S, gom.Name);
            string[] funcNames = GetSetFromLowerGradeFunctionNames(S, FT, matrixMode);

            // setup instructions (for main function, and subfunctions for grades)
            List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction> mainI = new List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction>();
            List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction>[] bladeI = new List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction>[1 << S.m_dimension];
                bool mustCast = false;
                int nbTabs = 1;
                string dstName = (S.OutputC()) ? G25.fgs.RETURN_ARG_NAME : SmvUtil.THIS;
                bool dstPtr = S.OutputCppOrC();
                bool declareDst = false;
                for (int g = 1; g < gom.Domain.Length; g++)

                    for (int d = 0; d < gom.DomainForGrade(g).Length; d++)
                        G25.SMVOM smvOM = gom.DomainSmvForGrade(g)[d];
                        RefGA.BasisBlade domainBlade = gom.DomainForGrade(g)[d];

                        if (g > 1)
                            bladeI[domainBlade.bitmap] = new List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction>();

                            string funcCallCode = funcNames[g] + "_" + d + "(";
                            if (S.OutputC()) funcCallCode += G25.fgs.RETURN_ARG_NAME;
                            funcCallCode += ");";
                            mainI.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs, funcCallCode));

                        // follow the plan
                        RefGA.Multivector value = new RefGA.Multivector(signs[g][d]);
                        uint[] P = plan[g][d];
                        for (int p = 0; p < P.Length; p++)
                            value = RefGA.Multivector.op(value, symbolicBBvalues[P[p]]);

                        // add instructions
                        List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction> I = (g == 1) ? mainI : bladeI[domainBlade.bitmap];
                        I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.CommentInstruction(nbTabs, "Set image of " + domainBlade.ToString(S.m_basisVectorNames)));
                        I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.AssignInstruction(nbTabs, smvOM, FT, mustCast, value, dstName, dstPtr, declareDst));

                        // store symbolic value
                        symbolicBBvalues[domainBlade.bitmap] = G25.CG.Shared.Symbolic.SMVtoSymbolicMultivector(S, smvOM, dstName, dstPtr);

            // output grade > 1 functions
            if (cgd.generateOmInitCode(FT.type))
                for (int g = 2; g < gom.Domain.Length; g++)
                    for (int d = 0; d < gom.DomainForGrade(g).Length; d++)
                        RefGA.BasisBlade domainBlade = gom.DomainForGrade(g)[d];

                        string funcName = funcNames[g] + "_" + d;
                        G25.fgs F = new G25.fgs(funcName, funcName, "", new string[0], new string[0], new string[] { FT.type }, null, null, null); // null, null = metricName, comment, options

                        bool computeMultivectorValue = false;

                        G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo returnArgument = null;
                        if (S.OutputC())
                            returnArgument = new G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo(S, F, -1, FT, gom.Name, computeMultivectorValue);

                        int nbArgs = 0;
                        G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI = G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo.GetAllFuncArgInfo(S, F, nbArgs, FT, S.m_GMV.Name, computeMultivectorValue);

                        Comment comment;
                        comment = new Comment("Sets grade " + g + " part of outermorphism matrix based on lower grade parts.");
                        bool inline = false; // do not inline this potentially huge function
                        bool staticFunc = false;
                        bool writeDecl = S.OutputC();
                        G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteFunction(S, cgd, F, inline, staticFunc, "void", funcName, returnArgument, FAI, bladeI[domainBlade.bitmap], comment, writeDecl);

            { // output grade 1 function
                G25.fgs F = new G25.fgs(funcNames[1], funcNames[1], "", argTypes, argNames, new string[] { FT.type }, null, null, null); // null, null = metricName, comment, options
                if (matrixMode)
                    F.m_argumentPtr[0] = S.OutputCppOrC();
                    F.m_argumentArr[0] = S.OutputCSharpOrJava();

                bool computeMultivectorValue = false;

                G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo returnArgument = null;
                if (S.OutputC())
                    returnArgument = new G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo(S, F, -1, FT, gom.Name, computeMultivectorValue);

                G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI = G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo.GetAllFuncArgInfo(S, F, NB_ARGS, FT, S.m_GMV.Name, computeMultivectorValue);

                Comment comment;
                if (!matrixMode) comment = new Comment("Sets " + typeName + " from images of the domain vectors.");
                else comment = new Comment("Sets " + typeName + " from a " + (transpose ? "transposed " : "") + "matrix");
                bool inline = false; // do not inline this potentially huge function
                bool staticFunc = false;
                bool writeDecl = S.OutputC();
                G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteFunction(S, cgd, F, inline, staticFunc, "void", funcNames[1], returnArgument, FAI, mainI, comment, writeDecl);
コード例 #45
ファイル: om_init.cs プロジェクト: Sciumo/gaigen
        public static void WriteSetVectorImages(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd, G25.FloatType FT, G25.SOM som)
            G25.SMV rangeVectorType = G25.CG.Shared.OMinit.GetRangeVectorType(S, FT, cgd, som);

            // loop over som.DomainVectors
            // setup array of arguments, function specification, etc
            int NB_ARGS = som.DomainVectors.Length;
            string[] argTypes = new string[NB_ARGS];
            string[] argNames = new string[NB_ARGS];
            RefGA.Multivector[] argValue = new RefGA.Multivector[NB_ARGS];
            for (int d = 0; d < NB_ARGS; d++)
                argTypes[d] = rangeVectorType.Name;
                argNames[d] = "i" + som.DomainVectors[d].ToLangString(S.m_basisVectorNames);
                bool ptr = (S.OutputC());
                argValue[d] = G25.CG.Shared.Symbolic.SMVtoSymbolicMultivector(S, rangeVectorType, argNames[d], ptr);

            string typeName = FT.GetMangledName(S, som.Name);
            string funcName = GetFunctionName(S, typeName, "set", "_setVectorImages");

            G25.fgs F = new G25.fgs(funcName, funcName, "", argTypes, argNames, new String[] { FT.type }, null, null, null); // null, null = metricName, comment, options
            bool computeMultivectorValue = false;
            G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI = G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo.GetAllFuncArgInfo(S, F, NB_ARGS, FT, S.m_GMV.Name, computeMultivectorValue);

            G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo returnArgument = null;
            if (S.OutputC())
                returnArgument = new G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo(S, F, -1, FT, som.Name, computeMultivectorValue);

            // setup instructions
            List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction> I = new List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction>();
                bool mustCast = false;
                int nbTabs = 1;
                string dstName = (S.OutputC()) ? G25.fgs.RETURN_ARG_NAME : SmvUtil.THIS;
                bool dstPtr = S.OutputCppOrC();
                bool declareDst = false;
                for (int g = 1; g < som.Domain.Length; g++)
                    for (int c = 0; c < som.DomainForGrade(g).Length; c++)
                        G25.SMVOM smvOM = som.DomainSmvForGrade(g)[c];
                        RefGA.BasisBlade domainBlade = som.DomainForGrade(g)[c];
                        RefGA.Multivector value = new RefGA.Multivector(new RefGA.BasisBlade(domainBlade, 0)); // copy the scalar part, ditch the basis blade
                        for (uint v = 0; v < som.DomainVectors.Length; v++)
                            if ((domainBlade.bitmap & som.DomainVectors[v].bitmap) != 0)
                                value = RefGA.Multivector.op(value, argValue[v]);

                        I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.CommentInstruction(nbTabs, "Set image of " + domainBlade.ToString(S.m_basisVectorNames)));
                        I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.AssignInstruction(nbTabs, smvOM, FT, mustCast, value, dstName, dstPtr, declareDst));


            Comment comment = new Comment("Sets " + typeName + " from images of the domain vectors.");
            bool writeDecl = false;
            bool staticFunc = false;
            G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteFunction(S, cgd, F, S.m_inlineSet, staticFunc, "void", funcName, returnArgument, FAI, I, comment, writeDecl);
コード例 #46
ファイル: smv.cs プロジェクト: Sciumo/gaigen
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a function to set an SMV struct to zero, for all floating point types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">Used for basis vector names and output language.</param>
        /// <param name="cgd">Results go here. Also intermediate data for code generation. Also contains plugins and cog.</param>
        public static void WriteSetZero(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd)
            StringBuilder declSB = cgd.m_declSB;
            StringBuilder defSB = (S.m_inlineSet) ? cgd.m_inlineDefSB : cgd.m_defSB;

            foreach (G25.FloatType FT in S.m_floatTypes)
                foreach (G25.SMV smv in S.m_SMV)
                    if (smv.NbNonConstBasisBlade == 0) continue;

                    string typeName = FT.GetMangledName(S, smv.Name);
                    string funcName = typeName + "_setZero";
                    bool mustCast = false;

                    G25.fgs F = new G25.fgs(funcName, funcName, "", null, null, new string[] { FT.type }, null, null, null); // null, null = metricName, comment, options
                    bool computeMultivectorValue = false;
                    G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo returnArgument = new G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo(S, F, -1, FT, smv.Name, computeMultivectorValue);

                    declSB.AppendLine("/** Sets " + typeName + " to zero */");

                    string returnVarName = null;
                    bool staticFunc = false;
                    G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteAssignmentFunction(S, cgd,
                            S.m_inlineSet, staticFunc, "void", returnVarName, funcName, returnArgument, null, FT, mustCast, smv, returnArgument.Name, returnArgument.Pointer, new RefGA.Multivector(0.0));
コード例 #47
ファイル: random_smv.cs プロジェクト: Sciumo/gaigen
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the 'explicit' declaration/definitions of 'F' to StringBuffer 'SB', taking into account parameters specified in specification 'S'.
        /// This function is called by the non-explicit version of the function.
        /// </summary>
        public void WriteExFunction(FloatType FT, string exFuncName)
            G25.SMV smv = m_specification.GetSMV(m_SMVname);

            string randFuncCall = FT.DoubleToString(m_specification, -1.0) + " + " + FT.DoubleToString(m_specification, 2.0) + " * " + m_randomScalarFunc[FT.type] + "()";

            // construct a explicit FGS
            string[] exArgumentTypeNames = new string[] { FT.type, FT.type, FT.type };
            string[] exVariableNames = { m_fgs.ArgumentVariableNames[0], MINIMUM_NORM, LARGEST_COORDINATE };
            fgs exFgs = new fgs(m_fgs.Name, m_fgs.OutputName, m_fgs.ReturnTypeName, exArgumentTypeNames, exVariableNames, m_fgs.FloatNames, m_fgs.MetricName, m_fgs.Comment, m_fgs.Options);

            bool computeMultivectorValue = false;
            int nbArgs = 3;
            G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI = G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo.GetAllFuncArgInfo(m_specification, exFgs, nbArgs, FT, FT.type, computeMultivectorValue);

            // because of lack of overloading, function names include names of argument types
            //G25.fgs CF = G25.CG.Shared.Util.AppendTypenameToFuncName(m_specification, FT, exFgs, FAI);
            G25.fgs CF = new G25.fgs(exFgs, exFuncName);
            //string exFuncName = funcName;

            // setup code to recursively call exFuncName
            string exFuncCall = "";
                StringBuilder exFuncCallSB = new StringBuilder();
                if (!m_specification.OutputC())
                    exFuncCallSB.Append("return ");

                if (m_specification.OutputC())
                    exFuncCallSB.Append(", ");
                for (int i = 0; i < exVariableNames.Length; i++)
                    if (i > 0) exFuncCallSB.Append(", ");
                if (m_specification.OutputC())
                exFuncCall = exFuncCallSB.ToString();

            // generate a random SMV:
            RefGA.Multivector randomSMV = null;

            // get highest grade and bitmap of
            int hg = smv.HighestGrade(); // what is the highest non-zero grade of the type?
            uint bvBitmap = smv.BasisVectorBitmap(); // which basis vectors are used in the type?

            // setup random value to be returned
            if (InitWithRandomCoordinates(m_specification, smv))
                // set all coordinates to random values
                randomSMV = RefGA.Multivector.ZERO;
                for (int b = 0; b < smv.NbNonConstBasisBlade; b++)
                    randomSMV = RefGA.Multivector.Add(randomSMV,
                        RefGA.Multivector.gp(new RefGA.Multivector(smv.NonConstBasisBlade(b)),
                        new RefGA.Multivector("r" + smv.NonConstBasisBlade(b).ToLangString(m_specification.m_basisVectorNames))));
                // set to geometric product of random vectors
                randomSMV = RefGA.Multivector.ONE;
                RefGA.Multivector randomVector;
                RefGA.BasisBlade[] B = new RefGA.BasisBlade[(int)RefGA.Bits.BitCount(bvBitmap)];
                for (int g = 0; g < hg; g++)
                    int cnt = 0;
                    for (int v = 0; v < m_specification.m_dimension; v++)
                        if ((bvBitmap & (uint)(1 << v)) != 0)
                            B[cnt] = new RefGA.BasisBlade((uint)(1 << v), 1.0, "r" + g + "_" + m_specification.m_basisVectorNames[v]);
                    randomVector = new RefGA.Multivector(B);
                    randomSMV = RefGA.Multivector.gp(randomSMV, randomVector, m_G25M.m_metric);

                // round value if required by metric
                if (m_G25M.m_round) randomSMV = randomSMV.Round(1e-14);

            // setup instructions
            System.Collections.Generic.List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction> I = new System.Collections.Generic.List<G25.CG.Shared.Instruction>();
                int nbTabs = 1;

                if (!smv.IsConstant())
                    string smvTypeName = FT.GetMangledName(m_specification, m_SMVname);

                    // SMV tmp;
                    // double n, mul, lc;
                    if (m_specification.OutputCppOrC())
                        I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs, smvTypeName + " tmp;"));
                    else I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs, smvTypeName + " tmp = new " + smvTypeName  + "();"));
                    I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs, FT.type + " n, mul, lc;"));
                    I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs, CodeUtil.GetBoolType(m_specification) + " nullBlade;"));

                    // double rCoord = randomValue(), ....;
                    StringBuilder randSB = new StringBuilder();
                    randSB.Append(" ");
                    if (InitWithRandomCoordinates(m_specification, smv))
                    { // random coordinates
                        for (int b = 0; b < smv.NbNonConstBasisBlade; b++)
                            if (b > 0) randSB.Append(", ");
                            randSB.Append("r" + smv.NonConstBasisBlade(b).ToLangString(m_specification.m_basisVectorNames));
                            randSB.Append(" = ");
                    { // random vectors
                        bool first = true;
                        for (int g = 0; g < hg; g++)
                            for (int v = 0; v < m_specification.m_dimension; v++)
                                if (!first) randSB.Append(", "); first = false;
                                if ((g > 0) && (v == 0))
                                    randSB.AppendLine(""); // newline
                                randSB.Append("r" + g + "_" + m_specification.m_basisVectorNames[v]);
                                randSB.Append(" = ");
                    I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs, randSB.ToString()));

                    // SMV tmp = random;
                    bool mustCast = false;
                    bool randomPtr = false;
                    bool declareRandom = false;
                    I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.AssignInstruction(nbTabs, smv, FT, mustCast, randomSMV, "tmp", randomPtr, declareRandom));

                    // n = norm_ret_scalar(tmp);
                    string emp = (m_specification.OutputC()) ? "&" : "";
                    I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs, "n = " + m_normFunc[FT.type] + "(" + emp + "tmp);"));

                    // lc = largestCoordinate(tmp);
                    if (m_specification.OutputC())
                        I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs, "lc = " + smvTypeName + "_largestCoordinate(&tmp);"));
                        string lcStr = "largestCoordinate";
                        if (m_specification.OutputCSharp()) lcStr = "LargestCoordinate";
                        I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs, "lc = tmp." + lcStr + "();"));

                    // null = (n == 0) && (lc ! 0)
                    if ((m_smvType.MvType == SMV.MULTIVECTOR_TYPE.ROTOR) || (m_smvType.MvType == SMV.MULTIVECTOR_TYPE.VERSOR))
                        I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs, "nullBlade = " + (m_specification.OutputC() ? "0" : "false") + ";"));
                    else I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs, "nullBlade = ((n == " + FT.DoubleToString(m_specification, 0.0) + ") && (lc != " + FT.DoubleToString(m_specification, 0.0) + "));"));

                    // test minimumNorm
                    I.Add(new CommentInstruction(nbTabs, "Recurse if generated random value has a norm below user-supplied limit, unless this is a null blade"));
                    I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.IfElseInstruction(nbTabs, "(n < " + exVariableNames[1] + ") && (!nullBlade)",
                        new List<Instruction>() {new G25.CG.Shared.VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs + 1, exFuncCall)},  // if instructions
                        new List<Instruction>())); // else instructions

                    // compute multiplier
                    string lcCondition = "(lc * " + CodeUtil.OpNameToLangString(m_specification, FT, "abs") + "(mul)) > largestCoordinate ";
                    I.Add(new CommentInstruction(nbTabs, "Compute multiplier"));
                    I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.IfElseInstruction(nbTabs, "n < " + FT.DoubleToString(m_specification, 0.0001),
                        new List<Instruction>() { new G25.CG.Shared.VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs + 1, "mul = " + FT.DoubleToString(m_specification, 1.0) + ";") }, // if instructions
                        new List<Instruction>() { // else instructions
                            new G25.CG.Shared.VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs + 1, "mul = " + exFgs.ArgumentVariableNames[0] + " * (" + randFuncCall + ") / n;"),
                            new CommentInstruction(nbTabs+1, "Test largest coordinate"),
                            new G25.CG.Shared.IfElseInstruction(nbTabs+1, lcCondition,
                                new List<Instruction>() { new G25.CG.Shared.VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs + 2, exFuncCall) },  // if instructions
                                new List<Instruction>())

                    // test largest coordinate
                    //I.Add(new CommentInstruction(nbTabs, "Test largest coordinate"));
                    //I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.IfElseInstruction(nbTabs, lcCondition,
                    //   new List<Instruction>() { new G25.CG.Shared.VerbatimCodeInstruction(nbTabs + 1, exFuncCall) },  // if instructions
                    //    new List<Instruction>())); // else instructions

                    // return tmp*mul;
                    I.Add(new CommentInstruction(nbTabs, "Apply multiplier, return"));
                    RefGA.Multivector tmpValue = G25.CG.Shared.Symbolic.SMVtoSymbolicMultivector(m_specification, smv, "tmp", false);
                    RefGA.Multivector returnValue = RefGA.Multivector.gp(tmpValue, new RefGA.Multivector("mul"));
                    I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.ReturnInstruction(nbTabs, smv, FT, mustCast, returnValue));
                } // end of '!IsConstant()'?
                    // the user wants a 'random' constant: simply return the constant itself.
                    RefGA.Multivector returnValue = G25.CG.Shared.Symbolic.SMVtoSymbolicMultivector(m_specification, smv, "tmp", false);
                    bool mustCast = false;
                    I.Add(new G25.CG.Shared.ReturnInstruction(nbTabs, smv, FT, mustCast, returnValue));


            // because of lack of overloading, function names include names of argument types
            //G25.fgs CF = G25.CG.Shared.Util.AppendTypenameToFuncName(m_specification, FT, exFgs, FAI);

            // generate comment
            Comment comment = new Comment(exFgs.AddUserComment("Returns random " + m_SMVname + " with a scale in the interval [0, scale)"));

            bool staticFunc = Functions.OutputStaticFunctions(m_specification);
            G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteFunction(m_specification, m_cgd, CF, m_specification.m_inlineFunctions, staticFunc, exFuncName, FAI, I, comment);
コード例 #48
ファイル: smv.cs プロジェクト: Sciumo/gaigen
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a function to set an SMV struct to an array of specified coordinates, for all floating point types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">Used for basis vector names and output language.</param>
        /// <param name="cgd">Intermediate data for code generation. Also contains plugins and cog.</param>
        public static void WriteSetArray(Specification S, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd)
            StringBuilder declSB = cgd.m_declSB;
            StringBuilder defSB = (S.m_inlineSet) ? cgd.m_inlineDefSB : cgd.m_defSB;

            foreach (G25.FloatType FT in S.m_floatTypes)
                foreach (G25.SMV smv in S.m_SMV)
                    if (smv.NbNonConstBasisBlade == 0) continue;

                    string typeName = FT.GetMangledName(S, smv.Name);
                    string funcName = typeName + "_setArray";
                    bool mustCast = false;

                    string[] argTypename = new string[1] { FT.type };
                    string[] argName = new string[1] { "A" };

                    System.Collections.ArrayList L = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
                    for (int i = 0; i < smv.NbNonConstBasisBlade; i++)
                        RefGA.BasisBlade B = smv.NonConstBasisBlade(i);
                        //argTypename[i] = FT.type;
                        String coordStr = argName[0] + "[" + i + "]";
                        //argName[i] = coordStr;
                        L.Add(new RefGA.BasisBlade(B.bitmap, B.scale, coordStr));
                    RefGA.Multivector mvValue = new RefGA.Multivector(L);

                    G25.fgs F = new G25.fgs(funcName, funcName, "", argTypename, argName, new String[] { FT.type }, null, null, null); // null, null, null = metricName, comment, options
                    F.SetArgumentPtr(0, true); // first argument is a pointer to array

                    bool computeMultivectorValue = false;
                    G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo returnArgument = new G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo(S, F, -1, FT, smv.Name, computeMultivectorValue);
                    int nbArgs = 1; // one array of coordinates
                    G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo[] FAI = G25.CG.Shared.FuncArgInfo.GetAllFuncArgInfo(S, F, nbArgs, FT, null, computeMultivectorValue);

                    declSB.AppendLine("/** Sets " + typeName + " to specified coordinates */");

                    bool staticFunc = false;
                    G25.CG.Shared.Functions.WriteAssignmentFunction(S, cgd,
                        S.m_inlineSet, staticFunc, "void", null, funcName, returnArgument, FAI, FT, mustCast, smv, returnArgument.Name, returnArgument.Pointer, mvValue);
コード例 #49
ファイル: dependencies.cs プロジェクト: Sciumo/gaigen
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the name of a generated function (for example <c>gp_mv_mv</c>).
        /// The function is found by looking through all G25.FGS in the Specification.
        /// If the function is not found, a fictional name is returned, i.e. "missingFunction_" + functionName.
        /// This name will then show up in the generated code, which will not compile as a result.
        /// If the function is not found, this is also enlisted in cgd.m_missingDependencies.
        /// Call cgd.PrintMissingDependencies() should be called to report the missing dependencies
        /// to the end-user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">The spec.</param>
        /// <param name="cgd">Missing dependencies go into cgd.m_missingDependencies.</param>
        /// <param name="functionName">Basic name of the function to be found.</param>
        /// <param name="argumentTypes">Names of the arguments types (not mangled).</param>
        /// <param name="returnTypeName">Name of the return type (can be null or "" for default return type).</param>
        /// <param name="FT">Floating point type.</param>
        /// <param name="metricName">(optional, can be null for don't care)</param>
        /// <returns>The mangled name of the function.</returns>
        public static string GetDependency(Specification S, CGdata cgd, string functionName, 
            string[] argumentTypes, string returnTypeName, G25.FloatType FT, string metricName)
            // bool returnTrueName = dependent on cgd.mode
                return GetFunctionName(S, functionName, argumentTypes, returnTypeName, FT, metricName);
            catch (DependencyException)
            { // function not found, return a fictional name, and remember dependency
                G25.fgs F = null;
                    // get name of dep, and make sure it does not get mangled
                    string outputName = functionName + cgd.GetDontMangleUniqueId();
                    if (returnTypeName != null) outputName = outputName + "_returns_" + returnTypeName;

                    // add dependency to list of missing deps:
                    string[] argVarNames = null;
                    Dictionary<String, String> options = null;
                    string comment = null;
                    G25.fgs tmpF = new G25.fgs(functionName, outputName, returnTypeName, argumentTypes, argVarNames, new String[] { FT.type }, metricName, comment, options);

                    F = cgd.AddMissingDependency(S, tmpF);

                return cgd.m_dependencyPrefix + F.OutputName;
コード例 #50
 /// <summary>
 /// Must be called before CompleteFGS(), CheckDepencies() or WriteFunction() is called.
 /// Subclass can override, but if so, must always call superclass version of Init()
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="S"></param>
 /// <param name="F"></param>
 /// <param name="cgd">Where the generate code goes.</param>
 public virtual void Init(Specification S, G25.fgs F, G25.CG.Shared.CGdata cgd)
     m_specification = S;
     m_fgs = F;
     m_cgd = cgd;
     m_gmv = m_specification.m_GMV;
     m_G25M = m_specification.GetMetric(m_fgs.MetricName);
     m_M = m_G25M.m_metric;
     m_sane = true;