private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (fuse != null) { return; } Fuse f = other.gameObject.GetComponent <Fuse>(); if (f != null) { fuse = f; isMoving = true; t = 0.0f; // Ungrab si es un grabbable GrabableObj grabbable = fuse.gameObject.GetComponent <GrabableObj>(); if (grabbable != null) { Grabber hand = grabbable.GetGrabber(); if (hand != null) { hand.Ungrab(); // No es force ungrab porque no lo cogemos con la otra mano } } // Desactivar rigidbody (recordar que el ungrab lo activa) fuse.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true; // Impedir que pueda ser agarrado de nuevo GrabableObj gro = fuse.gameObject.GetComponent <GrabableObj>(); gro.CanBeGrabbed = false; gro.IsDistanceGrabbable = false; } }
public FuseOperationsTests() { _mountPoint = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); Directory.CreateDirectory(_mountPoint); _mount = Fuse.Mount(_mountPoint, new FileSystem()); }
public Process StartFuse(string[] arguments, bool redirect, bool hide) { return(Fuse.Start( new ProcessStartInfo { Arguments = arguments.Select( s => { if (s.EndsWith("\\")) { return "\"" + s + " \""; } else { return "\"" + s + "\""; } }).Join(" "), WindowStyle = hide ? ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden : ProcessWindowStyle.Normal, CreateNoWindow = hide, UseShellExecute = !redirect, RedirectStandardInput = redirect, RedirectStandardError = redirect, RedirectStandardOutput = redirect })); }
public async Task Unmount_Timeout() { // Mount the file system DummyFileSystem dummyFileSystem = new DummyFileSystem(); string mountPoint = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); Directory.CreateDirectory(mountPoint); IFuseMount mount = Fuse.Mount(mountPoint, dummyFileSystem); // Open a file and try to unmount FileStream openedFile = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(mountPoint, "filename")); long startTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); const int timeout = 1000; bool unmounted = await mount.UnmountAsync(timeout); long endTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); // Unmounting times out. Assert.False(unmounted); Assert.True((1000 * (endTime - startTime)) / Stopwatch.Frequency >= timeout); // Close the file and try to unmount openedFile.Close(); // Unmounting succeeds. unmounted = await mount.UnmountAsync(); Assert.True(unmounted); }
public void MountFail_DisposesFileSystem_And_ThrowsFuseException() { DummyFileSystem dummyFileSystem = new DummyFileSystem(); Assert.Throws <FuseException>(() => Fuse.Mount("/tmp/no_such_mountpoint", dummyFileSystem)); Assert.Equal(1, dummyFileSystem.DisposeCount); }
private void btnClearActivity_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.lbxFuseStream.Items.Clear(); ActivityCount = 0; f = new Fuse( (Fuse.FuseBehavior)Enum.Parse(typeof(Fuse.FuseBehavior), this.cbxFuseBehaviorType.Items[this.cbxFuseBehaviorType.SelectedIndex].ToString()), (int)this.nudHitThreshold.Value, (int)this.nudVolThreshold.Value, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, (int)this.nudTimeframeMs.Value), this.chkAutoReset.Checked); }
/// <summary> /// Decode network data. /// </summary> /// <param name="br"></param> public override void Decode(BinaryReader br) { isDirty = true; base.Decode(br); warhead = ( Warhead )br.ReadUInt16(); fuse = ( Fuse )br.ReadUInt16(); quantity = br.ReadUInt16(); rate = br.ReadUInt16(); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { string type = args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : "hello"; if (!Fuse.CheckDependencies()) { Console.WriteLine(Fuse.InstallationInstructions); return; } IFuseFileSystem fileSystem; if (type == "hello") { fileSystem = new HelloFileSystem(); } else if (type == "memory") { fileSystem = new MemoryFileSystem(); } else if (type == "pokemon") { fileSystem = new PokemonFileSystem(); } else { System.Console.WriteLine("Unknown file system type"); return; } string mountPoint = $"/tmp/{type}fs"; System.Console.WriteLine($"Mounting filesystem at {mountPoint}"); Fuse.LazyUnmount(mountPoint); // Ensure mount point directory exists Directory.CreateDirectory(mountPoint); try { using (var mount = Fuse.Mount(mountPoint, fileSystem)) { await mount.WaitForUnmountAsync(); } } catch (FuseException fe) { Console.WriteLine($"Fuse throw an exception: {fe}"); Console.WriteLine("Try unmounting the file system by executing:"); Console.WriteLine($"fuser -kM {mountPoint}"); Console.WriteLine($"sudo umount -f {mountPoint}"); } }
public static int Ping(string host) { Fuse fuse = new Fuse(); fuse.Host(host); fuse.Connect(); int time = Environment.TickCount; fuse.Push("ping"); return(Environment.TickCount - time); }
void Start() { Log("Start"); instance = this; input = new Queue <string>(); output = new Queue <string>(); thread = new Thread(PushAsync); thread.Start(); }
private void Update() { const float distanceThreshold = 5; const float fuseIncrement = 1f / Fuse.FuseTicksPerSecond; const float fuseTimeMax = 10f; if (currentTarget == null) { return; // not active } if (!Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { currentTarget = null; return; // released LMB } // get mouse movement Vector3 newMousePos = Input.mousePosition; Vector3 mouseDelta = newMousePos - prevMousePos; float delta = mouseDelta.x + mouseDelta.y + mouseDelta.z; float distance = Mathf.Abs(delta); if (distance > distanceThreshold) { // calculate fuse time change int increments = Mathf.FloorToInt(distance / distanceThreshold); float change = increments * fuseIncrement * Mathf.Sign(delta); // update fuse float prevFuseTime = currentTarget.timeToDetonate; float newFuseTime = Mathf.Clamp(prevFuseTime + change, 0, fuseTimeMax); if (newFuseTime != prevFuseTime) { if (prevFuseTime <= 0) { currentTarget.GetComponent <Bomb>()?.fuseSparkleEffect.SetActive(true); SimulationState.Instance.OnBombFused(); } else if (newFuseTime <= 0) { currentTarget.GetComponent <Bomb>()?.fuseSparkleEffect.SetActive(false); SimulationState.Instance.OnBombDefused(); } UiSoundFx.GetOrCreate().PlayAdjustFuse(); currentTarget.SetTimeToDetonate(newFuseTime); } // update recorded mouse position, carrying over any remainder prevMousePos = newMousePos; prevMousePos.x -= (distance % distanceThreshold) * Mathf.Sign(delta); } }
/// <summary> /// Interpolate a stream using a specified interpolator at interpolation points /// given by a clock stream. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Type of source messages.</typeparam> /// <typeparam name="TClock">Type of messages on the clock stream.</typeparam> /// <typeparam name="TInterpolation">Type of the interpolation result.</typeparam> /// <param name="source">Source stream.</param> /// <param name="clock">Clock stream that dictates the interpolation points.</param> /// <param name="interpolator">Interpolator to use for generating results.</param> /// <param name="sourceDeliveryPolicy">An optional delivery policy for the source stream.</param> /// <param name="clockDeliveryPolicy">An optional delivery policy for the clock stream.</param> /// <returns>Output stream.</returns> public static IProducer <TInterpolation> Interpolate <T, TClock, TInterpolation>( this IProducer <T> source, IProducer <TClock> clock, Interpolator <T, TInterpolation> interpolator, DeliveryPolicy sourceDeliveryPolicy = null, DeliveryPolicy clockDeliveryPolicy = null) { var fuse = new Fuse <TClock, T, TInterpolation, TInterpolation>(source.Out.Pipeline, interpolator, (clk, data) => data[0]); clock.PipeTo(fuse.InPrimary, clockDeliveryPolicy); source.PipeTo(fuse.InSecondaries[0], sourceDeliveryPolicy); return(fuse); }
public Process StartFuse(string command, params string[] commandArgs) { return(Fuse.Start( new ProcessStartInfo() { Arguments = command + " " + commandArgs.Select(s => "\"" + s + "\"").Join(" "), UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true, WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true, RedirectStandardInput = true })); }
private void btnStartActivity_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ControlEnabling(true); if (f == null) { f = new Fuse( (Fuse.FuseBehavior)Enum.Parse(typeof(Fuse.FuseBehavior), this.cbxFuseBehaviorType.Items[this.cbxFuseBehaviorType.SelectedIndex].ToString()), (int)this.nudHitThreshold.Value, (int)this.nudVolThreshold.Value, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, (int)this.nudTimeframeMs.Value), this.chkAutoReset.Checked); } tmrActivityMaker.Interval = (int)this.nudActivityIntervalMs.Value; tmrActivityMaker.Enabled = true; tmrActivityMaker.Start(); }
public async Task Unmount_DisposesFileSystem() { DummyFileSystem dummyFileSystem = new DummyFileSystem(); string mountPoint = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); Directory.CreateDirectory(mountPoint); IFuseMount mount = Fuse.Mount(mountPoint, dummyFileSystem); bool unmounted = await mount.UnmountAsync(1000); Assert.True(unmounted); Assert.Equal(1, dummyFileSystem.DisposeCount); }
private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { // Ver si el que ha salido es el fusible que tiene if (fuse != null && other.gameObject.GetInstanceID() == fuse.gameObject.GetInstanceID()) { GrabableObj gro = fuse.gameObject.GetComponent <GrabableObj>(); // Activar rigidbody solo si no se esta cogiendo if (gro.GetGrabber() == null) { fuse.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false; } gro.IsDistanceGrabbable = gro.DG; fuse = null; } }
private void SaveFuseSettings() { ClearFuseSettings(); Transform root = GetBombs().transform; for (int i = 0; i < root.childCount; ++i) { Fuse fuse = root.GetChild(i).GetComponent <Fuse>(); if (fuse == null || fuse.timeToDetonate <= 0 || fuse.forbidPlayerInteraction) { continue; } fuseSettings.Add(i, fuse.timeToDetonate); } }
public void ResetEditing() { Debug.Assert(CurrentMode == Mode.Edit); Transform root = GetBombs().transform; for (int i = 0; i < root.childCount; ++i) { Fuse fuse = root.GetChild(i).GetComponent <Fuse>(); if (fuse != null && fuse.timeToDetonate > 0 && !fuse.forbidPlayerInteraction) { fuse.timeToDetonate = 0; } } LoadLevel(Mode.Edit, null); }
public void ExampleUsage1() { // Example copied from the docu of var input = new List <Book>(); input.Add(new Book { title = "The Code of The Wooster", author = "Bob James" }); input.Add(new Book { title = "The Wooster Code", author = "Rick Martin" }); input.Add(new Book { title = "The Code", author = "Jimmy Charles" }); input.Add(new Book { title = "Old Man's War", author = "John Scalzi" }); input.Add(new Book { title = "The Lock Artist", author = "Steve Hamilton" }); var opt = new FuseOptions(); opt.includeMatches = true; opt.includeScore = true; // Here we search through a list of `Book` types but you could search through just a list of strings. var fuse = new Fuse <Book>(input, opt); fuse.AddKey("title"); fuse.AddKey("author"); var searchResult = fuse.Search("woo"); searchResult.ForEach((FuseResult <Book> res) => { Log.d(res.item.title + ": " +; Log.d("Search Result Score: " + res.score); if (res.matches != null) { res.matches.ForEach((b) => { Log.d("{Match}"); Log.d(b.key + ": " + b.value + " (Indicies: " + b.indicies.Count + ")"); }); } }); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { explosion_point = transform.Find("explosion_point"); anim = GetComponent <Animator>(); explode_hash = Animator.StringToHash("Explode"); fuse = transform.parent.GetComponentInChildren <Fuse>(); if (fuse) { fuse.FuseFinishEvent += Explode; } rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); rb.isKinematic = true; rb.interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation2D.Interpolate; end = transform.Find("end"); dir = (end.position - transform.position).normalized; transform.parent.up = dir; rb.velocity = dir * speed; }
void CheckFuseCollision(Collider2D collision) { if (!actionActivated) { return; } if (!collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Fuse")) { return; } Fuse fuse = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <Fuse>(); if (fuse) { fuse.Activate(); } }
private void LoadFuseSettings() { Transform root = GetBombs().transform; foreach (var pair in fuseSettings) { Fuse fuse = root.GetChild(pair.Key).GetComponent <Fuse>(); fuse.SetTimeToDetonate(pair.Value); } foreach (var fuse in GetBombs().GetComponentsInChildren <Fuse>()) { if (fuse.timeToDetonate > 0) { fuse.GetComponent <Bomb>()?.fuseSparkleEffect.SetActive(true); } } playState.fusedBombs = fuseSettings.Count; }
// Append a game object to the scene static public void Append(GameObject prefab) { if (sInstance != null && prefab != null) { GameObject go = Instantiate(prefab) as GameObject; if (go != null) { // Mark fuse animation complete when any new prefab is added foreach (GameObject anim in sInstance.mAnimations) { if (anim != null) { Fuse f = anim.GetComponent <Fuse>(); if (f != null) { f.isComplete = true; } } } // Put game object in hierarchy and fit it to the scene go.transform.parent = sInstance.transform; go.transform.position = sInstance.transform.position; Vector3 p = go.transform.position; p.y += sInstance.offset; go.transform.position = p; go.transform.rotation = sInstance.transform.localRotation * go.transform.localRotation; Vector3 s = sInstance.mScale; s.x *= go.transform.localScale.x; s.y *= go.transform.localScale.y; s.z *= go.transform.localScale.z; go.transform.localScale = s; // Add the new game object to our list of animations sInstance.mAnimations.Add(go); } } }
public void SetState() { SceneState ss = new SceneState(); if (sceneState_dic.ContainsKey(current_scene_name)) { sceneState_dic.TryGetValue(current_scene_name, out ss); } for (int i = 0; i < parent.childCount; i++) { Fuse fuse = parent.GetChild(i).GetComponent <Fuse>(); Box box = parent.GetChild(i).GetComponent <Box>(); Light light = parent.GetChild(i).GetComponent <Light>(); if (fuse != null) { int a = int.Parse(parent.GetChild(i).name); ss.fuseState[a].num = fuse.num; ss.fuseState[a].volume_num = fuse.volume_num; ss.fuseState[a].isPlay = fuse.isPlay; ss.fuseState[a].isVolume = fuse.isVolume; } if (box != null) { int a = int.Parse(parent.GetChild(i).name); ss.boxState[a].num = box.num; ss.boxState[a].volume_num = box.volume_num; ss.boxState[a].isPlay = box.isPlay; ss.boxState[a].isVolume = box.isVolume; ss.boxState[a].isStart = box.isStart; } if (light != null) { ss.lightState.num = light.curremt_num; ss.lightState.isPlay = light.isPlay; } } }
public void BeginInteraction(Fuse fuse) { if (SimulationState.Instance.CurrentMode != SimulationState.Mode.Edit) { return; } if (currentTarget != null) { return; } if (fuse.timeToDetonate <= 0 && !SimulationState.Instance.CanFuseBomb) { fuse.GetComponent <Bomb>()?.PlayNoFuseFx(); return; } currentTarget = fuse; prevMousePos = Input.mousePosition; fuse.GetComponent <Bomb>()?.PlaySelectFx(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { LoadComputer loadComputer = new LoadComputer(); var var1 = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(1, 4); var var2 = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(1, 9); Fuse fuse1 = new Fuse(Variable.Bernoulli(1)); Fuse fuse2 = new Fuse(Variable.Bernoulli(1)); Fuse fuse3 = new Fuse(Variable.Bernoulli(1)); Cable cable1 = new Cable(); cable1.Load = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(10, 0.64); fuse1.Cable = cable1; Cable cable2 = new Cable(); cable2.Load = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(10, 0.64); fuse2.Cable = cable2; Cable cable3 = new Cable(); cable3.Load = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(10, 0.64); fuse3.Cable = cable3; PointMass <double> d = new PointMass <double>(0); Substation substation = new Substation(Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(0, 0.001), fuse1, fuse2, fuse3); loadComputer.ComputeLoad(substation); var loadValue = (Gaussian)loadComputer.InferenceEngine.Infer(substation.Load); Console.WriteLine("Load: " + loadValue); }
// ------------- EXAMPLE USAGE ------------- public static void Main() { try { Log("Ping: " + Ping("")); string key = "TvaaS3cqJhQyK6sn"; string salt = null; Fuse fuse = new Fuse(); fuse.Start(); fuse.Host(""); //Thread.Sleep(100); Log("Time: " + fuse.Time()); Log("Date: " + fuse.Date()); // if no key is stored try /* try { key = fuse.User("fuse"); Log("User: "******"F9hG7K7Jwe1SmtiQ"; //key = "yt4QACtL2uzbyUTT"; //if(key != null) { try { salt = fuse.SignNameKey("fuse", key); } catch(Exception e) { Log(e.Message); return; } //} Log("Sign: " + salt); if(salt != null) { fuse.Pull(salt); // Very important to sleep a bit here // Use coroutines to send fuse.Game("race"); // in Unity. Or send it on the first "noop" in Update()! Thread.Sleep(100); fuse.Game("race"); Thread.Sleep(100); Thread thread = new Thread(FakeLoop); thread.Start(); Thread.Sleep(500); fuse.Chat("root", "hello"); Thread.Sleep(500); Log("Room: " + fuse.Room("race", 4)); Thread.Sleep(500); string[] list = fuse.ListRoom(); if(list != null) { Log("List: " + list.Length); for(int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++) { string[] room = list[i].Split(','); Log(" " + room[0] + " " + room[1] + " " + room[2]); } } Thread.Sleep(500); fuse.Chat("root", "hello"); Thread.Sleep(500); fuse.Send("white+0+0"); } } catch(Exception e) { Log(e.ToString()); } }
private void Start() { _fuse = transform.GetChild(0).GetComponentInChildren <Fuse>(); _bombTrigger = GetComponentInChildren <BombTrigger>(); }
public void GeneratePrison(Vector2 position, GameData data) { const float doorSize = 96; const float doorAscent = 64; const float prisonWidth = 576; const float prisonHeight = 576; const float halfWidth = prisonWidth / 2; const float halfHeight = prisonHeight / 2; const float wallWidth = 16; const float wallHalfWidth = wallWidth / 2; const float doorTopHeight = doorSize + doorAscent; const float wallAboveDoorSize = (prisonHeight - (doorAscent + doorSize)); const float halfWallAboveDoorSize = wallAboveDoorSize / 2; const float cellSize = prisonWidth / 3; const float cellDoorSize = 96; float internalWallHeight = position.Y + halfHeight - cellSize - wallHalfWidth; float internalWallSize = cellSize - cellDoorSize; //floor EntList.Add(new BldgFloor(position, new Vector2(prisonWidth, prisonHeight))); //solid walls EntList.Add(new BldgWall(position + new Vector2(0, halfHeight + wallHalfWidth), new Vector2(prisonWidth + 2 * wallWidth, wallWidth), 0)); EntList.Add(new BldgWall(position - new Vector2(0, halfHeight + wallHalfWidth), new Vector2(prisonWidth + 2 * wallWidth, wallWidth), 0)); EntList.Add(new BldgWall(position + new Vector2(halfWidth + wallHalfWidth, 0), new Vector2(prisonHeight, wallWidth), 3 * MathHelper.PiOver2)); //wall w/ entrance EntList.Add(new BldgWall(position - new Vector2(halfWidth + wallHalfWidth, halfHeight - (doorAscent / 2)), new Vector2(doorAscent, wallWidth), MathHelper.PiOver2)); EntList.Add(new BldgWall(position - new Vector2(halfWidth + wallHalfWidth, halfHeight - doorTopHeight - halfWallAboveDoorSize), new Vector2(wallAboveDoorSize, wallWidth), MathHelper.PiOver2)); //internal walls EntList.Add(new BldgWall(new Vector2(position.X - halfWidth + cellDoorSize + (internalWallSize / 2), internalWallHeight), new Vector2(cellSize - cellDoorSize, wallWidth), 0)); EntList.Add(new BldgWall(new Vector2(position.X - halfWidth + cellSize + cellDoorSize + (internalWallSize / 2), internalWallHeight), new Vector2(cellSize - cellDoorSize, wallWidth), 0)); EntList.Add(new BldgWall(new Vector2(position.X - halfWidth + 2 * cellSize + cellDoorSize + (internalWallSize / 2), internalWallHeight), new Vector2(cellSize - cellDoorSize, wallWidth), 0)); EntList.Add(new BldgWall(new Vector2(position.X - halfWidth + cellSize - wallHalfWidth, internalWallHeight + (cellSize / 2) + wallHalfWidth), new Vector2(cellSize, wallWidth), 3 * MathHelper.PiOver2)); EntList.Add(new BldgWall(new Vector2(position.X - halfWidth + 2 * cellSize - wallHalfWidth, internalWallHeight + (cellSize / 2) + wallHalfWidth), new Vector2(cellSize, wallWidth), 3 * MathHelper.PiOver2)); //key if (!data.PrisonKeyFound) { DoorKey prisonKey = new DoorKey(position + new Vector2(halfWidth, -halfHeight) - new Vector2(32, -32), "prison door key"); PickupTriggers.Add(new TriggerPickup(prisonKey.Position, new Vector2(64, 64), prisonKey)); EntList.Add(prisonKey); } Note n = new Note(position - new Vector2(halfWidth, halfHeight) + new Vector2(64, 64)); EntList.Add(n); ReadingTriggers.Add(new TriggerReading(n.Position, new Vector2(64, 64), Notes.PrisonNote)); //doors Door prisonDoor = new Door(new Vector2(position.X - halfWidth + (cellDoorSize / 2), internalWallHeight), 0, "prison door"); if (!data.PrisonDoorOpened) { EntList.Add(prisonDoor); } else { prisonDoor.Unload(); } EntList.Add(new Door(new Vector2(position.X - halfWidth + cellSize + (cellDoorSize / 2), internalWallHeight), 0)); EntList.Add(new Door(new Vector2(position.X - halfWidth + cellSize * 2 + (cellDoorSize / 2), internalWallHeight), 0)); DoorOpenTriggers.Add(new TriggerDoorOpen(prisonDoor.Position, new Vector2(96, 96), prisonDoor, "prison door key")); //fuse if (!data.FuseFound) { Fuse f = new Fuse(new Vector2(position.X - halfWidth + (cellSize / 2), internalWallHeight + (cellSize / 2))); EntList.Add(f); PickupTriggers.Add(new TriggerPickup(f.Position, new Vector2(64, 64), f)); } }
public static int Ping(string host) { Fuse fuse = new Fuse(); fuse.Host(host); fuse.Connect(); int time = Environment.TickCount; fuse.Push("ping"); return Environment.TickCount - time; }
void Start() { Log("Start"); instance = this; input = new Queue<string>(); output = new Queue<string>(); thread = new Thread(PushAsync); thread.Start(); }
public void Initialize(Fuse pairedFuse, int fuseIndex, int pairedFuseIndex) { this.pairedFuse = pairedFuse; FuseIndex = fuseIndex; PairedFuseIndex = pairedFuseIndex; }
private void Update() { // Fade in the background music if (mAudioSource != null) { mAudioSource.volume = mStartTime > 0.0f ? Mathf.Clamp((Time.realtimeSinceStartup - mStartTime) / audioFadeDuration, 0.0f, 1.0f) * mVolume : 0.0f; } // This value controls the interpolation of the scene // tracking so it won't appear to jump around const float speed = 0.5f; // Align the scene with the plane anchor values set by ARController transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, mPosition, speed); transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.localRotation, mRotation, speed); Vector3 s = mScale; s.x *= mScaleOrigin.x; s.y *= mScaleOrigin.y; s.z *= mScaleOrigin.z; transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(transform.localScale, s, speed); // Walk through animations and determine what needs to be removed if (mAnimations != null) { List <GameObject> completed = new List <GameObject>(); foreach (GameObject go in mAnimations) { if (go != null) { Animator anim = go.GetComponent <Animator>(); Firework firework = go.GetComponent <Firework>(); Fuse fuse = go.GetComponent <Fuse>(); if ((firework != null && firework.isComplete) || (fuse != null && fuse.isComplete)) { completed.Add(go); } else if (anim != null) { int i = anim.GetLayerIndex("Play"); if (i >= 0) { AnimatorStateInfo asi = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(i); if (asi.normalizedTime >= 1.0f) { completed.Add(go); } } } } } for (int i = 0; i < completed.Count; i++) { GameObject go = completed[i]; if (go != null && mAnimations.Contains(go)) { go.transform.parent = null; mAnimations.Remove(go); Destroy(go); } } } }