コード例 #1
        //TODO might just be a string...
        protected override void Start()

            //on start go grab the correct information from the appmodel's loadedFunctions dict
            // use the name of this type as the key into the dictionary
            funcdef = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <AppModel>().LoadedFunctions[this.GetType().FullName];

            //on start add a correctly named input port for each
            //parameter in methodinfo that we've loaded

            foreach (var param in funcdef.Parameters)
            //add 1 output, 1 start, and end trigger
            //TODO support multiout attribute

            CodePointer = CompiledNodeEval;
            Evaluator   = this.gameObject.AddComponent <CsharpEvaluator>();
コード例 #2
        private void AppendMethod(StringBuilder strBuilder, FunctionDescription functionDescription)
            string methodStr = "public ";

            methodStr += functionDescription.ReturnType + " ";
            methodStr += functionDescription.Name + "(";
            if (functionDescription.Arguments.ToList().Count != 0)
                int argNum = 0;
                foreach (var argType in functionDescription.Arguments)
                    methodStr += argType + $" arg{argNum}, ";
                int lastCommaIdx = methodStr.LastIndexOf(",");
                if (lastCommaIdx >= 0)
                    methodStr = methodStr.Substring(0, lastCommaIdx);

            methodStr += ")";

            AppendLine(strBuilder, methodStr);
            AppendLine(strBuilder, "throw new NotImplementedException();");
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Public translation interface.
        /// Translates the given method to GLSL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">Shader type definition.</param>
        /// <param name="m">A method representing a shader to translate.</param>
        /// <param name="attr">The shader type as attribute (either FragmentShaderAttribute or VertexShaderAttribute</param>
        /// <param name="type">The shader type as ShaderType</param>
        /// <returns>The translated GLSL shader source</returns>
        public FunctionDescription Transform(TypeDefinition s, MethodDefinition m, CustomAttribute attr,
                                             ShaderType type)
            if (s == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("s");

            if (m == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("m");

            if (attr == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("attr");

            var ctx = new DecompilerContext(s.Module)
                CurrentType       = s,
                CurrentMethod     = m,
                CancellationToken = CancellationToken.None

            var d = AstMethodBodyBuilder.CreateMethodBody(m, ctx);

            var glsl = new GlslVisitor(d, attr, ctx);


            var sig   = GlslVisitor.GetSignature(m);
            var entry = (bool)attr.ConstructorArguments.FirstOrDefault().Value;
            var code  = glsl.Result;
            var desc  = new FunctionDescription(Shader.GetMethodName(m), sig + code, entry, type);


コード例 #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Enumerate the static methods of all types in an assembly, create nodemodels pointing to these methods
    /// and add them to the appmodels's
    /// dictionaries(this will populate the searchview).  Internally catches exceptions and sends the error
    /// to the console.
    /// </summary>
    /// <Returns>The list of node types which are constructed from the methods loaded from this assembly</Returns>
    /// //TODO possibly change this back to using typeloadData or simplified version to embed search tags, name, etc in search view and appmodel easily
    public override List <Type> LoadNodesFromAssembly(
        Assembly assembly)
        Debug.Log("inside load nodes from specific assembly: " + assembly.FullName);
        var nodeModelTypes = new List <Type>();

        if (assembly == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("assembly");

        Type[] loadedTypes      = null;
        var    loadedMethodDict = new Dictionary <Type, List <MethodInfo> >();

            loadedTypes = assembly.GetTypes();
        catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException e)
            Debug.Log("Could not load types.");
            foreach (var ex in e.LoaderExceptions)
                Debug.Log("Dll Load Exception:");
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.Log("Could not load types.");

        foreach (var t in (loadedTypes ?? Enumerable.Empty <Type>()))
                //load all declared,static,public methods on the type
                loadedMethodDict[t] = t.GetMethods(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static).ToList();
                //now we need to build a nodemodel type that represents each method
                foreach (var method in loadedMethodDict[t])
                    AssemblyName    asmName       = new AssemblyName("ZeroTouchWrappers");
                    string          typename      = t.FullName;
                    AssemblyBuilder asmbuilder    = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(asmName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
                    ModuleBuilder   modulebuilder = asmbuilder.DefineDynamicModule("loadedlib");
                    TypeBuilder     typebuilder   = modulebuilder.DefineType(typename + method.Name + "Node");
                    Type ztnode = typebuilder.CreateType();
                    //define a function descriptor that wraps the needed parameters, type, and method for a specific node
                    var currentFunc = new FunctionDescription(method.GetParameters().ToList(), method, t, ztnode);
                    //push this into the functions dictionary for this loader
                    functions.Add(ztnode.FullName, currentFunc);
                //TODO need to inject the methodinfo,typeinfo,and parameter info somehow or the type is really nothing....
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Log("Failed to load type from " + assembly.FullName);
                Debug.Log("The type was " + t.FullName);

コード例 #5
ファイル: HlslTransform.cs プロジェクト: uzbekdev1/SLSharp
        /// <summary>
        /// Public translation interface.
        /// Translates the given method to HLSL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">Shader type definition.</param>
        /// <param name="m">A method representing a shader to translate.</param>
        /// <param name="attr">The shader type as attribute (either FragmentShaderAttribute or VertexShaderAttribute</param>
        /// <param name="type">The shader type as ShaderType</param>
        /// <returns>The translated GLSL shader source</returns>
        public FunctionDescription Transform(TypeDefinition s, MethodDefinition m, CustomAttribute attr,
                                             ShaderType type)
            if (s == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("s");

            if (m == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("m");

            if (attr == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("attr");

            var sbase = s.BaseType.Resolve();

            while (sbase.MetadataToken.ToInt32() != typeof(Shader).MetadataToken)
                sbase = sbase.BaseType.Resolve();

            var dctx = new DecompilerContext(s.Module)
                CurrentType       = s,
                CurrentMethod     = m,
                CancellationToken = CancellationToken.None
            var d = AstMethodBodyBuilder.CreateMethodBody(m, dctx);

            //var ctx = new CecilTypeResolveContext(sbase.Module);

            var loader   = new CecilLoader();
            var mscorlib = loader.LoadAssemblyFile(typeof(object).Assembly.Location);
            var slsharp  = loader.LoadAssembly(sbase.Module.Assembly);
            var project  = loader.LoadAssembly(s.Module.Assembly);

            var ctx      = new CompositeTypeResolveContext(new[] { project, slsharp, mscorlib });
            var resolver = new CSharpResolver(ctx, CancellationToken.None)
                UsingScope = new UsingScope(project)

             * foreach (var v in m.Body.Variables)
             * {
             *  resolver.AddVariable(v.VariableType, null, v.Name)
             * }*/


            //resolver.LocalVariables = m.Body.Variables;

            // TODO: need a more sane way to get the correct class + member
            var ss = ctx.GetAllTypes().First(c => c.FullName == s.FullName);

            resolver.CurrentTypeDefinition = ss;
            resolver.CurrentMember         = ss.Methods.First(n => SameMethod(m, n, ctx));

            var rv = new ResolveVisitor(resolver, new ParsedFile("memory", resolver.UsingScope), null);

            var glsl = new HlslVisitor(d, attr, rv, dctx);


            var entry = (bool)attr.ConstructorArguments.FirstOrDefault().Value;
            var sig   = HlslVisitor.GetSignature(m);

            var code = glsl.Result;
            var desc = new FunctionDescription(Shader.GetMethodName(m), sig + code, entry, type);

