コード例 #1
        public DotNetLambdaWithApiGetway(Stack scope, string id, DotNetLambdaWithApiGetwayProps props) : base(scope, id)
            // domain and certificate have been created manually on AWS Console for security purposes

            var snsTopic = new Topic(this, "WorkSplitRequest", new TopicProps()
                TopicName   = "work-split-request",
                DisplayName = "Work Split Request"

            snsTopic.AddSubscription(new EmailSubscription("*****@*****.**", new EmailSubscriptionProps()));

            var queue = new Queue(this, "QueueProcessor", new QueueProps()
                RetentionPeriod = Duration.Days(2)

            snsTopic.AddSubscription(new SqsSubscription(queue));

            var dotnetWebApiLambda = new Function(this, "WebLambda", new FunctionProps
                Runtime = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code    = props.Code,
                Handler = "Web::Web.LambdaEntryPoint::FunctionHandlerAsync"

            dotnetWebApiLambda.AddEnvironment("Region", scope.Region);
            dotnetWebApiLambda.AddEnvironment("SnsTopic", snsTopic.TopicArn);

            var fullDomain = $"{props.SiteSubDomain}.{props.DomainName}";

            var apiGetway = new LambdaRestApi(this, fullDomain, new LambdaRestApiProps()
                Handler = dotnetWebApiLambda

            var apiDomain = apiGetway.AddDomainName("customDomain", new DomainNameOptions()
                DomainName     = fullDomain,
                Certificate    = props.Certificate,
                SecurityPolicy = SecurityPolicy.TLS_1_2,
                EndpointType   = EndpointType.EDGE

            new ARecord(this, "ApiGateway-ARecord", new ARecordProps()
                Zone       = props.Zone,
                RecordName = fullDomain,
                Target     = RecordTarget.FromAlias(new ApiGateway(apiGetway)),

            scope.Log($"ApiGateway Url {id}", apiGetway.Url);
            scope.Log($"ApiGateway public domain {id}", apiDomain.DomainNameAliasDomainName);
コード例 #2
        internal SimpleWebServiceStack(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props)
            var userTable = new Table(this, "questions", new TableProps
                PartitionKey = new Attribute
                    Name = "id",
                    Type = AttributeType.STRING

            var api = new RestApi(this, "Simple Web service API", new RestApiProps {

            var handler = new Function(this, "SimpleServiceApiHandler", new FunctionProps {
                Runtime = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code    = Code.FromAsset("src/SimpleWebService/resources"), // path from CDK app root (foler that contains cdk.json)
                Handler = "LambdaService.handler"                           // LambdaService is the name of the source file, without the extension;
                                                                            // handler is the function within simpleWebService.cs that is called to invoke the Lambda function.

            // So Lambda function can access the table
            handler.AddEnvironment("TABLE_NAME", userTable.TableName);

            // So Lambda function can read/write to table

            var apiHandler = new LambdaIntegration(handler);

            var user = api.Root.AddResource("user").AddResource("{id}");

            user.AddMethod("GET", apiHandler);
コード例 #3
        internal LambdaQuipToS3ExporterCdkStack(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props)
            var s3Bucket = new Bucket(this, "bucket", new BucketProps
                RemovalPolicy     = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,
                BlockPublicAccess = BlockPublicAccess.BLOCK_ALL

            var cloudFrontDistribution = new Distribution(this, "cloudfront", new DistributionProps()
                DefaultBehavior = new BehaviorOptions()
                    Origin               = new S3Origin(s3Bucket),
                    CachePolicy          = CachePolicy.CACHING_DISABLED,
                    ViewerProtocolPolicy = ViewerProtocolPolicy.REDIRECT_TO_HTTPS
                DefaultRootObject = "index.html",
                ErrorResponses    = new[] {
                    new ErrorResponse()
                        HttpStatus         = 403,
                        Ttl                = Duration.Seconds(0),
                        ResponsePagePath   = "/index.html",
                        ResponseHttpStatus = 200

            var function = new Function(this, "function", new FunctionProps
                Runtime       = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code          = Code.FromAsset("src/LambdaQuipToS3Exporter/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/publish"),
                Handler       = "LambdaQuipToS3Exporter::LambdaQuipToS3Exporter.Function::FunctionHandler",
                MemorySize    = 256,
                RetryAttempts = 0,
                ReservedConcurrentExecutions = 1,
                Timeout = Duration.Seconds(60)

            function.AddEnvironment("S3BucketOutput", s3Bucket.BucketName);


            var scheduleRule = new Rule(this, "schedule-rule", new RuleProps
                Schedule = Schedule.Rate(Duration.Minutes(2)),
                Targets  = new[] { new LambdaFunction(function) }
コード例 #4
        internal ColdStartSimulatorStack(Construct scope, string id, StackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props)
            var coldStartSimulatorLambdaPolicy = new Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM.PolicyStatement
                Effect = Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM.Effect.ALLOW


            var coldStartSimulatorSetupFunction = new Function(this, "coldstartsimulator-setup", new FunctionProps
                FunctionName = "coldstartsimulator-setup",
                Runtime      = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code         = Code.FromAsset("../lambdas/coldstartsimulator/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/publish"),
                Handler      = "ColdStartSimulator::ColdStartSimulator.StepFunctionTasks::Setup",
                Timeout      = Duration.Seconds(31),
                MemorySize   = 512

            var coldStartSimulatorInvokeLambdaFunction = new Function(this, "coldstartsimulator-invokelambda", new FunctionProps
                FunctionName = "coldstartsimulator-invokelambda",
                Runtime      = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code         = Code.FromAsset("../lambdas/coldstartsimulator/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/publish"),
                Handler      = "ColdStartSimulator::ColdStartSimulator.StepFunctionTasks::InvokeLambda",
                Timeout      = Duration.Seconds(31),
                MemorySize   = 512


            var coldStartSimulatorTouchLambdaFunction = new Function(this, "coldstartsimulator-touchlambda", new FunctionProps
                FunctionName = "coldstartsimulator-touchlambda",
                Runtime      = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code         = Code.FromAsset("../lambdas/coldstartsimulator/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/publish"),
                Handler      = "ColdStartSimulator::ColdStartSimulator.StepFunctionTasks::TouchLambda",
                Timeout      = Duration.Seconds(31),
                MemorySize   = 512


            var metricS3Bucket = new Bucket(this, "metric-bucket", new BucketProps
                BucketName = "coldstart-metric-bucket",

            var coldStartSimulatorCollectMetricsFunction = new Function(this, "coldstartsimulator-collectmetrics", new FunctionProps
                FunctionName = "coldstartsimulator-collectmetrics",
                Runtime      = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code         = Code.FromAsset("../lambdas/coldstartsimulator/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/publish"),
                Handler      = "ColdStartSimulator::ColdStartSimulator.StepFunctionTasks::CollectMetrics",
                Timeout      = Duration.Seconds(31),
                MemorySize   = 512

            coldStartSimulatorCollectMetricsFunction.AddEnvironment("MetricS3BucketName", metricS3Bucket.BucketName);

            var setup = new LambdaInvoke(this, "Setup", new LambdaInvokeProps
                LambdaFunction = coldStartSimulatorSetupFunction,
                OutputPath     = "$.Payload"

            var touch = new LambdaInvoke(this, "Touch", new LambdaInvokeProps
                LambdaFunction = coldStartSimulatorTouchLambdaFunction,
                OutputPath     = "$.Payload"

            var invoke = new LambdaInvoke(this, "Invoke", new LambdaInvokeProps
                LambdaFunction = coldStartSimulatorInvokeLambdaFunction,
                OutputPath     = "$.Payload"

            var collectMetrics = new LambdaInvoke(this, "Collect Metrics", new LambdaInvokeProps
                LambdaFunction = coldStartSimulatorCollectMetricsFunction,
                OutputPath     = "$.Payload"

            var wait3Seconds = new Wait(this, "Wait 3 seconds", new WaitProps
                Time = WaitTime.Duration(Duration.Seconds(3))

            var wait30Seconds = new Wait(this, "Wait 30 seconds", new WaitProps
                Time = WaitTime.Duration(Duration.Seconds(30))

            var invokeAgainChoice = new Choice(this, "Invoke again?");

            invokeAgainChoice.When(Condition.BooleanEquals("$.Continue", true), touch);


            var definition = setup

            new StateMachine(this, "ColdStartSimulatorStateMachine", new StateMachineProps
                Definition = definition,
                Timeout    = Duration.Minutes(10)
コード例 #5
        internal StepFunctionDemoStack(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props)
            Bucket stepFunctionDemoBucket = new Bucket(this, "StepFunctionDemoBucket", new BucketProps
                Encryption    = BucketEncryption.S3_MANAGED,
                RemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicy.RETAIN

             * //Step Function invoking Lambda function
             * Function invokeOddEvenStepFunction = new Function(this, "InvokeOddEvenStepFunction", new FunctionProps
             * {
             *  Runtime = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
             *  Code = Code.FromAsset("src/Demo.Services.Lambda/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/Demo.Services.Lambda.zip"),
             *  Handler = "Demo.Services.Lambda::Demo.Services.Lambda.Functions::InvokeOddEvenStepFunction",
             *  Timeout = Duration.Minutes(5),
             *  MemorySize = 512,
             *  Description = "Lambda Function that invokes the Demo Step Function",
             * });

            //Function to calculate Odd or Even
            Function oddOrEvenFunction = new Function(this, "OddOrEvenFunction", new FunctionProps
                Runtime     = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code        = Code.FromAsset("src/Demo.Services.Lambda/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/Demo.Services.Lambda.zip"),
                Handler     = "Demo.Services.Lambda::Demo.Services.Lambda.Functions::OddOrEvenFunction",
                Timeout     = Duration.Minutes(5),
                MemorySize  = 512,
                Description = "Lambda Function that calculates odd or even",

            //Demo Lambda to perform Process 1
            Function process1Function = new Function(this, "Process1Function", new FunctionProps
                Runtime     = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code        = Code.FromAsset("src/Demo.Services.Lambda/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/Demo.Services.Lambda.zip"),
                Handler     = "Demo.Services.Lambda::Demo.Services.Lambda.Functions::Process1Function",
                Timeout     = Duration.Minutes(5),
                MemorySize  = 512,
                Description = "Demo Lambda Function that runs process1",

            //Demo Lambda to perform Process 2
            Function process2Function = new Function(this, "Process2Function", new FunctionProps
                Runtime     = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code        = Code.FromAsset("src/Demo.Services.Lambda/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/Demo.Services.Lambda.zip"),
                Handler     = "Demo.Services.Lambda::Demo.Services.Lambda.Functions::Process2Function",
                Timeout     = Duration.Minutes(5),
                MemorySize  = 512,
                Description = "Demo Lambda Function that runs process2",

            //Demo Lambda to perform Process 1
            Function process11Function = new Function(this, "Process11Function", new FunctionProps
                Runtime     = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code        = Code.FromAsset("src/Demo.Services.Lambda/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/Demo.Services.Lambda.zip"),
                Handler     = "Demo.Services.Lambda::Demo.Services.Lambda.Functions::Process11Function",
                Timeout     = Duration.Minutes(5),
                MemorySize  = 512,
                Description = "Demo Lambda Function that runs job process1",

            //Demo Lambda to perform Process 2
            Function process12Function = new Function(this, "Process12Function", new FunctionProps
                Runtime     = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code        = Code.FromAsset("src/Demo.Services.Lambda/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/Demo.Services.Lambda.zip"),
                Handler     = "Demo.Services.Lambda::Demo.Services.Lambda.Functions::Process12Function",
                Timeout     = Duration.Minutes(5),
                MemorySize  = 512,
                Description = "Demo Lambda Function that runs job process2",

 *          //State Machines that operates on odd or even logic
 *          //lambda Invoke that calculates odd or even
 *          //var startStep = new LambdaInvoke(this, "Start", new LambdaInvokeProps
 *          //{
 *          //    LambdaFunction = oddOrEvenFunction.LatestVersion,
 *          //});
 *          var oddEvenFunction = new Task(this, "OddEvenFunction", new TaskProps
 *          {
 *              Task = new InvokeFunction(oddOrEvenFunction.LatestVersion)
 *          });
 *          //lambda Invoke that does Process 1
 *          //var process1 = new LambdaInvoke(this, "Process1", new LambdaInvokeProps
 *          //{
 *          //    LambdaFunction = process1Function.LatestVersion,
 *          //});
 *          var process1 = new Task(this, "Process1", new TaskProps
 *          {
 *              Task = new InvokeFunction(process1Function.LatestVersion)
 *          });
 *          //lambda Invoke that does Process 2
 *          //var process2 = new LambdaInvoke(this, "Process2", new LambdaInvokeProps
 *          //{
 *          //    LambdaFunction = process2Function.LatestVersion,
 *          //});
 *          var process2 = new Task(this, "Process2", new TaskProps
 *          {
 *              Task = new InvokeFunction(process2Function.LatestVersion)
 *          });
 *          //Choice to go to Process 1 or Process 2 based on input number is odd or even.
 *          var isEven = new Choice(this, "Is the number Even?");
 *          var chain = Chain.Start(oddEvenFunction).Next(
 *              isEven
 *                  .When(Condition.StringEquals("$.Result", "Even"), process1)
 *                  .When(Condition.StringEquals("$.Result", "Even"), process2)
 *          );
            //State Machine

             * var stateMachine = new StateMachine(this, "DemoStepFunction", new StateMachineProps
             * {
             *  StateMachineName = "Demo-State-Machine",
             *  Timeout = Duration.Minutes(5),
             *  Definition = chain
             * });

            //All Policies
            // 1. Invoke function policies

             * invokeOddEvenStepFunction.Role?.AddManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.FromManagedPolicyArn(this, "InvokeLambdaPolicy", "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaFullAccess"));
             * var policyStatement = new PolicyStatement
             * {
             *  Sid = "CanInvokeStepFunctions",
             *  Effect = Effect.ALLOW
             * };
             * policyStatement.AddActions(new[] { "states:StartExecution" });
             * invokeOddEvenStepFunction.AddToRolePolicy(policyStatement);
             * policyStatement.AddResources(stateMachine.StateMachineArn);
             * invokeOddEvenStepFunction.AddEnvironment(Functions.OddEvenStateMachineArnKey, stateMachine.StateMachineArn);
            process12Function.AddEnvironment(Functions.StepFunctionDemoBucketKey, stepFunctionDemoBucket.BucketName);
コード例 #6
        internal StepFunctionDemoStack(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props)
            Bucket stepFunctionDemoBucket = new Bucket(this, "StepFunctionDemoBucket", new BucketProps
                Encryption    = BucketEncryption.S3_MANAGED,
                RemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicy.RETAIN

            Table stepFunctionDemoTable = new Table(this, "StepFunctionDemoTable", new TableProps {
                BillingMode  = BillingMode.PROVISIONED,
                PartitionKey = new Amazon.CDK.AWS.DynamoDB.Attribute
                    Name = "Id",
                    Type = AttributeType.STRING
                RemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY

            //Step Function invoking Lambda function
            Function invokeOddEvenStepFunction = new Function(this, "InvokeOddEvenStepFunction", new FunctionProps
                Runtime     = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code        = Code.FromAsset("src/Demo.Services.Lambda/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/Demo.Services.Lambda.zip"),
                Handler     = "Demo.Services.Lambda::Demo.Services.Lambda.Functions::InvokeOddEvenStepFunction",
                Timeout     = Duration.Minutes(5),
                MemorySize  = 512,
                Description = "Lambda Function that invokes the Demo Step Function",

            //Function to calculate Odd or Even
            Function oddOrEvenFunction = new Function(this, "OddOrEvenFunction", new FunctionProps
                Runtime     = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code        = Code.FromAsset("src/Demo.Services.Lambda/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/Demo.Services.Lambda.zip"),
                Handler     = "Demo.Services.Lambda::Demo.Services.Lambda.Functions::OddOrEvenFunction",
                Timeout     = Duration.Minutes(5),
                MemorySize  = 512,
                Description = "Lambda Function that calculates odd or even",

            //Demo Lambda to perform Process 1
            Function process1Function = new Function(this, "Process1Function", new FunctionProps
                Runtime     = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code        = Code.FromAsset("src/Demo.Services.Lambda/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/Demo.Services.Lambda.zip"),
                Handler     = "Demo.Services.Lambda::Demo.Services.Lambda.Functions::Process1Function",
                Timeout     = Duration.Minutes(5),
                MemorySize  = 512,
                Description = "Demo Lambda Function that runs process1",

            Function processAFunction = new Function(this, "ProcessAFunction", new FunctionProps
                Runtime     = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code        = Code.FromAsset("src/Demo.Services.Lambda/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/Demo.Services.Lambda.zip"),
                Handler     = "Demo.Services.Lambda::Demo.Services.Lambda.Functions::Process1Function",
                Timeout     = Duration.Minutes(5),
                MemorySize  = 512,
                Description = "Demo Lambda Function that runs process1",

            //Demo Lambda to perform Process 2
            Function process2Function = new Function(this, "Process2Function", new FunctionProps
                Runtime     = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code        = Code.FromAsset("src/Demo.Services.Lambda/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/Demo.Services.Lambda.zip"),
                Handler     = "Demo.Services.Lambda::Demo.Services.Lambda.Functions::Process2Function",
                Timeout     = Duration.Minutes(5),
                MemorySize  = 512,
                Description = "Demo Lambda Function that runs process2",

            //Demo Lambda to perform Process 1
            Function process11Function = new Function(this, "Process11Function", new FunctionProps
                Runtime     = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code        = Code.FromAsset("src/Demo.Services.Lambda/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/Demo.Services.Lambda.zip"),
                Handler     = "Demo.Services.Lambda::Demo.Services.Lambda.Functions::Process11Function",
                Timeout     = Duration.Minutes(5),
                MemorySize  = 512,
                Description = "Demo Lambda Function that runs job process1",

            //Demo Lambda to perform Process 2
            Function process12Function = new Function(this, "Process12Function", new FunctionProps
                Runtime     = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code        = Code.FromAsset("src/Demo.Services.Lambda/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/Demo.Services.Lambda.zip"),
                Handler     = "Demo.Services.Lambda::Demo.Services.Lambda.Functions::Process12Function",
                Timeout     = Duration.Minutes(5),
                MemorySize  = 512,
                Description = "Demo Lambda Function that runs job process2",

            Function taskTokenExecutorFunction = new Function(this, "TaskTokenExecutorFunction", new FunctionProps
                Runtime     = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code        = Code.FromAsset("src/Demo.Services.Lambda/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/Demo.Services.Lambda.zip"),
                Handler     = "Demo.Services.Lambda::Demo.Services.Lambda.Functions::TaskTokenExecutor",
                Timeout     = Duration.Minutes(5),
                MemorySize  = 512,
                Description = "Demo Lambda Function that executes Task Token Step",
                Environment = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    ["STEP_FUNCTION_DEMO_BUCKET"] = stepFunctionDemoBucket.BucketName


            var oddEvenFunction = new Task(this, "OddEvenFunction", new TaskProps
                Task = new InvokeFunction(oddOrEvenFunction.LatestVersion)

            var process1 = new Task(this, "Process1", new TaskProps
                Task = new InvokeFunction(process1Function.LatestVersion)

            var processA = new Task(this, "ProcessA", new TaskProps
                Task = new InvokeFunction(processAFunction.LatestVersion)

            var process2 = new Task(this, "Process2", new TaskProps
                Task = new InvokeFunction(process2Function.LatestVersion)

            var process11 = new Task(this, "Process11", new TaskProps
                Task       = new InvokeFunction(process11Function.LatestVersion),
                ResultPath = "$.Resolved"

            var process12 = new Task(this, "Process12", new TaskProps
                Task = new InvokeFunction(process12Function.LatestVersion)

            var taskTokenExecutor = new Task(this, "TaskTokenExecutor", new TaskProps
                Task = new RunLambdaTask(taskTokenExecutorFunction.LatestVersion, new RunLambdaTaskProps()
                    IntegrationPattern = ServiceIntegrationPattern.WAIT_FOR_TASK_TOKEN,
                    Payload            = TaskInput.FromContextAt("$$.Task.Token")
                Parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    ["Payload"] = new Dictionary <string, object>
                        ["TaskToken.$"] = "$$.Task.Token",
                        ["State.$"]     = "$"

            //Choice to go to Process 1 or Process 2 based on input number is odd or even.
            var isEven = new Choice(this, "Is the number Even?");
            var isResolvedOrOverriden = new Choice(this, "Is Resolved Or Overriden?");

            //var chain1 = Chain.Start(oddEvenFunction)
            //    .Next(isEven
            //            .When(
            //                Condition.StringEquals("$.Result", "Even"),
            //                Chain.Start(process1)
            //                    .Next(process11)
            //                    .Next(isResolvedOrOverriden
            //                        .When(
            //                            Condition.Or(
            //                                new[]
            //                                {
            //                                    Condition.BooleanEquals("$.Resolved", true),
            //                                    Condition.BooleanEquals("$.Override", true)
            //                                }), process12)
            //                        .Otherwise(process2)))
            //            .When(Condition.StringEquals("$.Result", "Odd"), process2));

            var chain1 = Chain.Start(oddEvenFunction)
                                   Condition.StringEquals("$.Result", "Even"),
                Condition.BooleanEquals("$.Resolved", true),
                Condition.BooleanEquals("$.Override", true)
            }), process12)
                               .When(Condition.StringEquals("$.Result", "Odd"), process2));

            //State Machine

            var stateMachine = new StateMachine(this, "JobDemoStateMachine", new StateMachineProps
                StateMachineName = "JobDemoStateMachine",
                Timeout          = Duration.Minutes(5),
                Definition       = chain1

            stateMachine.Role?.AddManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.FromManagedPolicyArn(this, "DynamoDBFullAccessForStepFunction", "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess"));

            stateMachine.Role?.AddManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.FromManagedPolicyArn(this, "LambdaFullAccessForStepFunction", "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaFullAccess"));

            var demofargateTask1 = new FargateTaskDefinition(this,
                                                             "demoECSTask1Definition", new FargateTaskDefinitionProps
                MemoryLimitMiB = 4096,
                Cpu            = 2048
            var demofargateTask2 = new FargateTaskDefinition(this,
                                                             "demoECSTask2Definition", new FargateTaskDefinitionProps
                MemoryLimitMiB = 4096,
                Cpu            = 2048


            IVpc publicVpc = Vpc.FromLookup(this, "PublicVPC", new VpcLookupOptions
                Tags = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    ["Paces:VpcType"] = "Public"
            var cluster = Cluster.FromClusterAttributes(this, "PublicCluster", new ClusterAttributes
                ClusterName    = "OHC-PACES",
                Vpc            = publicVpc,
                SecurityGroups = new[]
                { SecurityGroup.FromSecurityGroupId(this, "SecurityGroup", "sg-0a1bab8166d8fb715") }

            var container1 = demofargateTask1.AddContainer("app", new ContainerDefinitionOptions
                Image = ContainerImage.FromAsset(".", new AssetImageProps
                    File = "Dockerfile"
                Logging = LogDriver.AwsLogs(new AwsLogDriverProps
                    LogGroup = new LogGroup(this, "demoECSTask1LogGroup", new LogGroupProps
                        LogGroupName = "/ecs/demoECSTask1-" + RandomString.Generate(10, StackId),
                    StreamPrefix = "logs"

            var container2 = demofargateTask2.AddContainer("app", new ContainerDefinitionOptions
                Image = ContainerImage.FromAsset(".", new AssetImageProps
                    File = "Dockerfile.1"
                Environment = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    ["STEP_FUNCTION_DEMO_BUCKET"] = stepFunctionDemoBucket.BucketName
                Logging = LogDriver.AwsLogs(new AwsLogDriverProps
                    LogGroup = new LogGroup(this, "demoECSTask2LogGroup", new LogGroupProps
                        LogGroupName = $"/ecs/demoECSTask2-{RandomString.Generate(10, StackId)}",
                    StreamPrefix = "logs"

            Rule rule = new Rule(this, "DemoJobRule", new RuleProps
                Schedule = Schedule.Cron(new CronOptions
                    Day    = "*",
                    Hour   = "*",
                    Minute = "1",
                    Month  = "*",
                    Year   = "*"
                Description = "Runs demo job fargate task",
                Targets     = new IRuleTarget[]
                    new EcsTask(
                        new EcsTaskProps
                        Cluster         = cluster,
                        TaskDefinition  = demofargateTask2,
                        SubnetSelection = new SubnetSelection
                            OnePerAz = true

            //var ecsTask1 = new Task(this, "ecsTask1", new TaskProps
            //    InputPath = "$",
            //    Task = new CustomTask(new RunEcsFargateTaskProps
            //    {

            //        Cluster = Cluster.FromClusterAttributes(this, "PublicCluster", new ClusterAttributes
            //        {
            //            ClusterName = "OHC-PACES",
            //            Vpc = publicVpc,
            //            SecurityGroups = new[] { SecurityGroup.FromSecurityGroupId(this, "SecurityGroup", "sg-0a1bab8166d8fb715") }
            //        }),
            //        TaskDefinition = fargateTask1,

            //        ContainerOverrides = new[]
            //        {
            //            new ContainerOverride
            //            {
            //               ContainerDefinition = container,
            //               Command = new []{"$.Data"}
            //            },

            //        }
            //    })

            var ecsTask1 = new Task(this, "EcsTask1", new TaskProps
                InputPath = "$",
                Task      = new RunEcsFargateTask(new RunEcsFargateTaskProps
                    Cluster        = cluster,
                    TaskDefinition = demofargateTask1,

                    //ContainerOverrides = new[]
                    //    new ContainerOverride
                    //    {
                    //        ContainerDefinition = container,
                    //    },

                Parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    ["Overrides"] = new Dictionary <string, object>
                        ["ContainerOverrides"] = new Dictionary <string, string>[]
                            new Dictionary <string, string> {
                                ["Name"]      = "app",
                                ["Command.$"] = "$.ECSPayload"

            var chain2 = Chain.Start(processA).Next(ecsTask1);

            var stateMachineWithTask = new StateMachine(this, "JobDemoStateMachine-1", new StateMachineProps
                StateMachineName = "JobDemoStateMachine-1",
                Timeout          = Duration.Minutes(15),
                Definition       = chain2,
                Role             = Role.FromRoleArn(this, "StateMachineWithTaskRole",

            //All Policies
            // 1. Invoke function policies

            invokeOddEvenStepFunction.Role?.AddManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.FromManagedPolicyArn(this, "InvokeLambdaPolicy", "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaFullAccess"));

            var policyStatement = new PolicyStatement
                Sid    = "CanInvokeStepFunctions",
                Effect = Effect.ALLOW

            policyStatement.AddActions(new[] { "states:StartExecution" });

            invokeOddEvenStepFunction.AddEnvironment(Functions.StateMachineArnKey, stateMachine.StateMachineArn);

            process12Function.AddEnvironment(Functions.StepFunctionDemoBucketKey, stepFunctionDemoBucket.BucketName);


            var policyStatementDemofargateTask2 = new PolicyStatement
                Sid    = "CanNotifyStepFunction",
                Effect = Effect.ALLOW

            policyStatementDemofargateTask2.AddActions(new[] { "states:SendTask*" });
