public object OnMessageReceived(object sender, NetCoreEventArgs e) { try { //Use setReturnValue to handle returns var message = e.message; var advancedMessage = message as NetCoreAdvancedMessage; switch (e.message.Type) { case "GETSPECDUMPS": StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("Spec Dump from CorruptCore"); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("UISpec"); RTCV.NetCore.AllSpec.UISpec?.GetDump().ForEach(x => sb.AppendLine(x)); sb.AppendLine("CorruptCoreSpec"); RTCV.NetCore.AllSpec.CorruptCoreSpec?.GetDump().ForEach(x => sb.AppendLine(x)); sb.AppendLine("VanguardSpec"); RTCV.NetCore.AllSpec.VanguardSpec?.GetDump().ForEach(x => sb.AppendLine(x)); e.setReturnValue(sb.ToString()); break; //UI sent its spec case REMOTE_PUSHUISPEC: { SyncObjectSingleton.FormExecute(() => { RTCV.NetCore.AllSpec.UISpec = new FullSpec((PartialSpec)advancedMessage.objectValue, !RtcCore.Attached); }); break; } //UI sent a spec update case REMOTE_PUSHUISPECUPDATE: SyncObjectSingleton.FormExecute(() => { RTCV.NetCore.AllSpec.UISpec?.Update((PartialSpec)advancedMessage.objectValue); }); break; //Vanguard sent a copy of its spec case REMOTE_PUSHVANGUARDSPEC: SyncObjectSingleton.FormExecute(() => { if (!RtcCore.Attached) { RTCV.NetCore.AllSpec.VanguardSpec = new FullSpec((PartialSpec)advancedMessage.objectValue, !RtcCore.Attached); } }); break; //Vanguard sent a spec update case REMOTE_PUSHVANGUARDSPECUPDATE: RTCV.NetCore.AllSpec.VanguardSpec?.Update((PartialSpec)advancedMessage.objectValue, false); break; //UI sent a copy of the CorruptCore spec case REMOTE_PUSHCORRUPTCORESPEC: SyncObjectSingleton.FormExecute(() => { //So here's the deal. The UI doesn't actually have the full memory domains (md isn't sent across) so if we take them from it, it results in them going null //Instead, we stick with what we have, then tell the UI to use that. var temp = new FullSpec((PartialSpec)advancedMessage.objectValue, !RtcCore.Attached); //Stick with what we have if it exists to prevent any exceptions if autocorrupt was on or something, then call refresh temp.Update("MEMORYINTERFACES", AllSpec.CorruptCoreSpec?["MEMORYINTERFACES"] ?? new Dictionary <string, MemoryDomainProxy>()); RTCV.NetCore.AllSpec.CorruptCoreSpec = new FullSpec(temp.GetPartialSpec(), !RtcCore.Attached); RTCV.NetCore.AllSpec.CorruptCoreSpec.SpecUpdated += (ob, eas) => { PartialSpec partial = eas.partialSpec; LocalNetCoreRouter.Route(NetcoreCommands.UI, NetcoreCommands.REMOTE_PUSHCORRUPTCORESPECUPDATE, partial, true); }; RTCV.CorruptCore.MemoryDomains.RefreshDomains(); }); e.setReturnValue(true); break; //UI sent an update of the CorruptCore spec case REMOTE_PUSHCORRUPTCORESPECUPDATE: SyncObjectSingleton.FormExecute(() => { RTCV.NetCore.AllSpec.CorruptCoreSpec?.Update((PartialSpec)advancedMessage.objectValue, false); }); break; case REMOTE_EVENT_DOMAINSUPDATED: var domainsChanged = (bool)advancedMessage.objectValue; MemoryDomains.RefreshDomains(domainsChanged); break; case REMOTE_EVENT_RESTRICTFEATURES: { if (!RTCV.NetCore.AllSpec.VanguardSpec?.Get <bool>(VSPEC.SUPPORTS_SAVESTATES) ?? true) { LocalNetCoreRouter.Route(NetcoreCommands.UI, NetcoreCommands.REMOTE_DISABLESAVESTATESUPPORT); } if (!RTCV.NetCore.AllSpec.VanguardSpec?.Get <bool>(VSPEC.SUPPORTS_REALTIME) ?? true) { LocalNetCoreRouter.Route(NetcoreCommands.UI, NetcoreCommands.REMOTE_DISABLEREALTIMESUPPORT); } if (!RTCV.NetCore.AllSpec.VanguardSpec?.Get <bool>(VSPEC.SUPPORTS_KILLSWITCH) ?? true) { LocalNetCoreRouter.Route(NetcoreCommands.UI, NetcoreCommands.REMOTE_DISABLEKILLSWITCHSUPPORT); } if (!RTCV.NetCore.AllSpec.VanguardSpec?.Get <bool>(VSPEC.SUPPORTS_GAMEPROTECTION) ?? true) { LocalNetCoreRouter.Route(NetcoreCommands.UI, NetcoreCommands.REMOTE_DISABLEGAMEPROTECTIONSUPPORT); } break; } case REMOTE_EVENT_SHUTDOWN: { RtcCore.Shutdown(); break; } case REMOTE_OPENHEXEDITOR: { if ((bool?)AllSpec.VanguardSpec[VSPEC.USE_INTEGRATED_HEXEDITOR] ?? false) { LocalNetCoreRouter.Route(NetcoreCommands.VANGUARD, NetcoreCommands.REMOTE_OPENHEXEDITOR, true); } else { //Route it to the plugin if loaded if (RtcCore.PluginHost.LoadedPlugins.Any(x => x.Name == "Hex Editor")) { LocalNetCoreRouter.Route("HEXEDITOR", NetcoreCommands.REMOTE_OPENHEXEDITOR, true); } else { MessageBox.Show("The current Vanguard implementation does not include a\n hex editor & the hex editor plugin isn't loaded. Aborting."); } } } break; case EMU_OPEN_HEXEDITOR_ADDRESS: { if ((bool?)AllSpec.VanguardSpec[VSPEC.USE_INTEGRATED_HEXEDITOR] ?? false) { LocalNetCoreRouter.Route(NetcoreCommands.VANGUARD, NetcoreCommands.EMU_OPEN_HEXEDITOR_ADDRESS, advancedMessage.objectValue, true); } else { //Route it to the plugin if loaded if (RtcCore.PluginHost.LoadedPlugins.Any(x => x.Name == "Hex Editor")) { LocalNetCoreRouter.Route("HEXEDITOR", NetcoreCommands.EMU_OPEN_HEXEDITOR_ADDRESS, advancedMessage.objectValue, true); } else { MessageBox.Show("The current Vanguard implementation does not include a\n hex editor & the hex editor plugin isn't loaded. Aborting."); } } break; } case MANUALBLAST: { RtcCore.GenerateAndBlast(); } break; case GENERATEBLASTLAYER: { var val = advancedMessage.objectValue as object[]; StashKey sk = val[0] as StashKey; bool loadBeforeCorrupt = (bool)val[1]; bool applyBlastLayer = (bool)val[2]; bool backup = (bool)val[3]; BlastLayer bl = null; bool UseSavestates = (bool)AllSpec.VanguardSpec[VSPEC.SUPPORTS_SAVESTATES]; void a() { lock (loadLock) { //Load the game from the main thread if (UseSavestates && loadBeforeCorrupt) { SyncObjectSingleton.FormExecute(() => { StockpileManager_EmuSide.LoadRom_NET(sk); }); } if (UseSavestates && loadBeforeCorrupt) { StockpileManager_EmuSide.LoadState_NET(sk, false); } //We pull the domains here because if the syncsettings changed, there's a chance the domains changed string[] domains = (string[])AllSpec.UISpec["SELECTEDDOMAINS"]; var cpus = Environment.ProcessorCount; if (cpus == 1 || AllSpec.VanguardSpec[VSPEC.SUPPORTS_MULTITHREAD] == null) { bl = RtcCore.GenerateBlastLayer(domains); } else { //if emulator supports multithreaded access of the domains, disregard the emulation thread and just span threads... long reminder = RtcCore.Intensity % (cpus - 1); long splitintensity = (RtcCore.Intensity - reminder) / (cpus - 1); Task <BlastLayer>[] tasks = new Task <BlastLayer> [cpus]; for (int i = 0; i < cpus; i++) { long requestedIntensity = splitintensity; if (i == 0 && reminder != 0) { requestedIntensity = reminder; } tasks[i] = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => RtcCore.GenerateBlastLayer(domains, requestedIntensity)); } Task.WaitAll(tasks); bl = tasks[0] .Result ?? new BlastLayer(); if (tasks.Length > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < tasks.Length; i++) { if (tasks[i] .Result != null) { bl.Layer.AddRange(tasks[i] .Result.Layer); } } } if (bl.Layer.Count == 0) { bl = null; } } if (applyBlastLayer) { bl?.Apply(backup); } } } //If the emulator uses callbacks, we do everything on the main thread and once we're done, we unpause emulation if ((bool?)AllSpec.VanguardSpec[VSPEC.LOADSTATE_USES_CALLBACKS] ?? false) { SyncObjectSingleton.FormExecute(a); e.setReturnValue(LocalNetCoreRouter.Route(NetcoreCommands.VANGUARD, NetcoreCommands.REMOTE_RESUMEEMULATION, true)); } else //We can just do everything on the emulation thread as it'll block { SyncObjectSingleton.EmuThreadExecute(a, true); } if (advancedMessage.requestGuid != null) { e.setReturnValue(bl); } break; } case APPLYBLASTLAYER: { var temp = advancedMessage.objectValue as object[]; BlastLayer bl = (BlastLayer)temp[0]; bool backup = (bool)temp[1]; void a() { bl.Apply(backup, true); } SyncObjectSingleton.EmuThreadExecute(a, true); break; } /* * case STASHKEY: * { * var temp = advancedMessage.objectValue as object[]; * * var sk = temp[0] as StashKey; * var romFilename = temp[1] as String; * var romData = temp[2] as Byte[]; * * if (!File.Exists(CorruptCore.rtcDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "WORKING" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "SKS" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + romFilename)) * File.WriteAllBytes(CorruptCore.rtcDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "WORKING" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "SKS" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + romFilename, romData); * * sk.RomFilename = CorruptCore.rtcDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "WORKING" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "SKS" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + CorruptCore_Extensions.getShortFilenameFromPath(romFilename); * sk.DeployState(); * sk.Run(); * } * break; */ case REMOTE_PUSHRTCSPEC: RTCV.NetCore.AllSpec.CorruptCoreSpec = new FullSpec((PartialSpec)advancedMessage.objectValue, !RtcCore.Attached); e.setReturnValue(true); break; case REMOTE_PUSHRTCSPECUPDATE: RTCV.NetCore.AllSpec.CorruptCoreSpec?.Update((PartialSpec)advancedMessage.objectValue, false); break; case BLASTGENERATOR_BLAST: { List <BlastGeneratorProto> returnList = null; StashKey sk = (StashKey)(advancedMessage.objectValue as object[])[0]; List <BlastGeneratorProto> blastGeneratorProtos = (List <BlastGeneratorProto>)(advancedMessage.objectValue as object[])[1]; bool loadBeforeCorrupt = (bool)(advancedMessage.objectValue as object[])[2]; bool applyAfterCorrupt = (bool)(advancedMessage.objectValue as object[])[3]; bool resumeAfter = (bool)(advancedMessage.objectValue as object[])[4]; void a() { //Load the game from the main thread if (loadBeforeCorrupt) { SyncObjectSingleton.FormExecute(() => { StockpileManager_EmuSide.LoadRom_NET(sk); }); } if (loadBeforeCorrupt) { StockpileManager_EmuSide.LoadState_NET(sk, false); } returnList = BlastTools.GenerateBlastLayersFromBlastGeneratorProtos(blastGeneratorProtos, sk); if (applyAfterCorrupt) { BlastLayer bl = new BlastLayer(); foreach (var p in returnList.Where(x => x != null)) { bl.Layer.AddRange(; } bl.Apply(true); } } //If the emulator uses callbacks, we do everything on the main thread and once we're done, we unpause emulation if ((bool?)AllSpec.VanguardSpec[VSPEC.LOADSTATE_USES_CALLBACKS] ?? false) { SyncObjectSingleton.FormExecute(a); if (resumeAfter) { e.setReturnValue(LocalNetCoreRouter.Route(NetcoreCommands.VANGUARD, NetcoreCommands.REMOTE_RESUMEEMULATION, true)); } } else { SyncObjectSingleton.EmuThreadExecute(a, false); } e.setReturnValue(returnList); break; } case REMOTE_LOADSTATE: { lock (loadLock) { StashKey sk = (StashKey)(advancedMessage.objectValue as object[])[0]; bool reloadRom = (bool)(advancedMessage.objectValue as object[])[1]; bool runBlastLayer = (bool)(advancedMessage.objectValue as object[])[2]; bool returnValue = false; //Load the game from the main thread if (reloadRom) { SyncObjectSingleton.FormExecute(() => { StockpileManager_EmuSide.LoadRom_NET(sk); }); } void a() { returnValue = StockpileManager_EmuSide.LoadState_NET(sk, runBlastLayer); } //If the emulator uses callbacks, we do everything on the main thread and once we're done, we unpause emulation if ((bool?)AllSpec.VanguardSpec[VSPEC.LOADSTATE_USES_CALLBACKS] ?? false) { SyncObjectSingleton.FormExecute(a); e.setReturnValue(LocalNetCoreRouter.Route(NetcoreCommands.VANGUARD, NetcoreCommands.REMOTE_RESUMEEMULATION, true)); } else //We're loading on the emulator thread which'll block { SyncObjectSingleton.EmuThreadExecute(a, false); } e.setReturnValue(returnValue); } } break; case REMOTE_SAVESTATE: { StashKey sk = null; void a() { sk = StockpileManager_EmuSide.SaveState_NET(advancedMessage.objectValue as StashKey); //Has to be nullable cast } SyncObjectSingleton.EmuThreadExecute(a, false); e.setReturnValue(sk); } break; case REMOTE_SAVESTATELESS: { StashKey sk = null; void a() { sk = StockpileManager_EmuSide.SaveStateLess_NET(advancedMessage.objectValue as StashKey); //Has to be nullable cast } SyncObjectSingleton.EmuThreadExecute(a, false); e.setReturnValue(sk); } break; case REMOTE_BACKUPKEY_REQUEST: { //We don't store this in the spec as it'd be horrible to push it to the UI and it doesn't care //if (!LocalNetCoreRouter.QueryRoute<bool>(NetcoreCommands.VANGUARD, NetcoreCommands.REMOTE_ISNORMALADVANCE)) //break; StashKey sk = null; //We send an unsynced command back SyncObjectSingleton.FormExecute(() => { sk = StockpileManager_EmuSide.SaveState_NET(); }); if (sk != null) { LocalNetCoreRouter.Route(NetcoreCommands.UI, REMOTE_BACKUPKEY_STASH, sk, false); } break; } case REMOTE_DOMAIN_GETDOMAINS: e.setReturnValue(LocalNetCoreRouter.Route(NetcoreCommands.VANGUARD, NetcoreCommands.REMOTE_DOMAIN_GETDOMAINS, true)); break; case REMOTE_PUSHVMDPROTOS: MemoryDomains.VmdPool.Clear(); foreach (var proto in (advancedMessage.objectValue as VmdPrototype[])) { MemoryDomains.AddVMD(proto); } break; case REMOTE_DOMAIN_VMD_ADD: MemoryDomains.AddVMD_NET((advancedMessage.objectValue as VmdPrototype)); break; case REMOTE_DOMAIN_VMD_REMOVE: { StepActions.ClearStepBlastUnits(); MemoryDomains.RemoveVMD_NET((advancedMessage.objectValue as string)); } break; case REMOTE_DOMAIN_ACTIVETABLE_MAKEDUMP: { void a() { MemoryDomains.GenerateActiveTableDump((string)(advancedMessage.objectValue as object[])[0], (string)(advancedMessage.objectValue as object[])[1]); } SyncObjectSingleton.EmuThreadExecute(a, false); } break; case REMOTE_BLASTTOOLS_GETAPPLIEDBACKUPLAYER: { var bl = (BlastLayer)(advancedMessage.objectValue as object[])[0]; var sk = (StashKey)(advancedMessage.objectValue as object[])[1]; void a() { e.setReturnValue(BlastTools.GetAppliedBackupLayer(bl, sk)); } SyncObjectSingleton.EmuThreadExecute(a, false); break; } case REMOTE_LONGARRAY_FILTERDOMAIN: { lock (loadLock) { var objValues = (advancedMessage.objectValue as object[]); string domain = (string)objValues[0]; string LimiterListHash = (string)objValues[1]; StashKey sk = objValues[2] as StashKey; //Intentionally nullable void a() { if (sk != null) //If a stashkey was passed in, we want to load then profile { StockpileManager_EmuSide.LoadState_NET(sk, false); } MemoryInterface mi = MemoryDomains.MemoryInterfaces[domain]; List <long> allLegalAdresses = new List <long>(); int listItemSize = Filtering.GetPrecisionFromHash(LimiterListHash); for (long i = 0; i < mi.Size; i += listItemSize) { if (Filtering.LimiterPeekBytes(i, i + listItemSize, mi.Name, LimiterListHash, mi)) { for (int j = 0; j < listItemSize; j++) { allLegalAdresses.Add(i + j); } } } e.setReturnValue(allLegalAdresses.ToArray()); } //If the emulator uses callbacks and we're loading a state, we do everything on the main thread and once we're done, we unpause emulation if (sk != null && ((bool?)AllSpec.VanguardSpec[VSPEC.LOADSTATE_USES_CALLBACKS] ?? false)) { SyncObjectSingleton.FormExecute(a); LocalNetCoreRouter.Route(NetcoreCommands.VANGUARD, NetcoreCommands.REMOTE_RESUMEEMULATION, true); } else //We can just do everything on the emulation thread as it'll block { SyncObjectSingleton.EmuThreadExecute(a, true); } } } break; case REMOTE_KEY_GETRAWBLASTLAYER: { void a() { e.setReturnValue(StockpileManager_EmuSide.GetRawBlastlayer()); } SyncObjectSingleton.EmuThreadExecute(a, false); } break; case REMOTE_BL_GETDIFFBLASTLAYER: { string filename = (advancedMessage.objectValue as string); void a() { e.setReturnValue(BlastDiff.GetBlastLayer(filename)); } SyncObjectSingleton.EmuThreadExecute(a, false); } break; case REMOTE_SET_APPLYUNCORRUPTBL: { void a() { if (StockpileManager_EmuSide.UnCorruptBL != null) { StockpileManager_EmuSide.UnCorruptBL.Apply(true); } } SyncObjectSingleton.EmuThreadExecute(a, false); } break; case REMOTE_SET_APPLYCORRUPTBL: { void a() { if (StockpileManager_EmuSide.CorruptBL != null) { StockpileManager_EmuSide.CorruptBL.Apply(false); } } SyncObjectSingleton.EmuThreadExecute(a, false); } break; case REMOTE_CLEARSTEPBLASTUNITS: SyncObjectSingleton.FormExecute(() => { StepActions.ClearStepBlastUnits(); }); break; case REMOTE_LOADPLUGINS: SyncObjectSingleton.FormExecute(() => { string emuPluginDir = ""; try { emuPluginDir = System.IO.Path.Combine(RtcCore.EmuDir, "RTC", "PLUGINS"); } catch (Exception e) { RTCV.Common.Logging.GlobalLogger.Error(e, "Unable to find plugin dir in {dir}", RtcCore.EmuDir + "\\RTC" + "\\PLUGINS"); } RtcCore.LoadPlugins(new[] { RtcCore.pluginDir, emuPluginDir }); }); break; case REMOTE_REMOVEEXCESSINFINITESTEPUNITS: SyncObjectSingleton.FormExecute(() => { StepActions.RemoveExcessInfiniteStepUnits(); }); break; default: new object(); break; } return(e.returnMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { if (CloudDebug.ShowErrorDialog(ex, true) == DialogResult.Abort) { throw new RTCV.NetCore.AbortEverythingException(); } return(e.returnMessage); } }
public static void PushVanguardSpecRef(FullSpec spec) => RTCV.NetCore.AllSpec.VanguardSpec = spec;