public async Task <bool> DownloadAndExtract(string remotePath, FsPath targetDirectory, FsPath fileName, CancellationToken token) { if (!Str.Equals(".7z", fileName.Extension())) { throw new ArgumentException(); } FsPath archiveFileName = targetDirectory.Join(fileName); if (archiveFileName.IsFile()) { try { archiveFileName.DeleteFile(); } catch (Exception ex) { lock (_syncOutput) Console.WriteLine($"Failed to remove {archiveFileName}: {ex.Message}"); return(false); } } bool downloaded = await TryDownloadFile(remotePath, archiveFileName, token); if (!downloaded) { return(false); } if (!archiveFileName.IsFile()) { lock (_syncOutput) Console.WriteLine($"Failed to download {archiveFileName} from {remotePath}"); return(false); } var sevenZip = new SevenZip(silent: true); sevenZip.Extract(archiveFileName, targetDirectory, Enumerable.Empty <FsPath>()); try { archiveFileName.DeleteFile(); } catch (Exception ex) { lock (_syncOutput) Console.WriteLine($"Failed to remove {archiveFileName}: {ex.Message}"); } return(true); }
public void SignImages(string setCodesStr, bool small, bool zoom, bool nonToken, bool token) { foreach (FsPath qualityDir in getQualities(small, zoom)) { foreach ((_, _, FsPath tokenSuffix) in getIsToken(nonToken, token)) { FsPath outputFile = getSignatureFile(qualityDir, tokenSuffix); FsPath packagePath = TargetDir.Join(qualityDir).Concat(tokenSuffix); new ImageDirectorySigner().SignFiles(packagePath, outputFile, setCodesStr); FsPath signatureFile = getSignatureFile(qualityDir, tokenSuffix); FsPath compressedSignatureFile = signatureFile .Parent() .Join(signatureFile.Basename(extension: false)) .Concat(SevenZipExtension); if (compressedSignatureFile.IsFile()) { compressedSignatureFile.DeleteFile(); } new SevenZip(false).Compress(signatureFile, compressedSignatureFile) .Should().BeTrue(); } } }
private static void ensureFileDeleted(FsPath file) { if (file.IsFile()) { file.DeleteFile(); } }
public bool CreateShortcut(FsPath exePath, FsPath iconPath, FsPath shortcutPath) { bool useBackup = false; FsPath backupPath = FsPath.None; if (shortcutPath.IsFile()) { backupPath = shortcutPath.WithName(_ => _ + ".bak"); useBackup = !backupPath.IsFile(); if (useBackup) { shortcutPath.MoveFileTo(backupPath); } else { shortcutPath.DeleteFile(); } } bool success = run($"\"{_script}\" \"{shortcutPath}\" \"{exePath}\" \"{iconPath}\""); if (!success && useBackup) { backupPath.MoveFileTo(shortcutPath); } return(success); }
public void Invalidate() { if (_completionLabelFile.IsFile()) { _completionLabelFile.DeleteFile(); } }
public void CreateApplicationShortcut(FsPath shortcutLocation) { string appVersionInstalled = GetAppVersionInstalled(); // var prefix = "Mtgdb.Gui."; var postfix = ".zip"; var versionDir = appVersionInstalled.Substring(prefix.Length, appVersionInstalled.Length - prefix.Length - postfix.Length); FsPath currentBin = AppDir.BinVersion.Parent().Join(versionDir); // may be different from currently running executable because of just installed upgrade FsPath execPath = currentBin.Join(ExecutableFileName); FsPath iconPath = currentBin.Join("mtg64.ico"); FsPath shortcutPath = shortcutLocation.Join(ShortcutFileName); if (createApplicationShortcut(shortcutPath, execPath, iconPath)) { return; } // workaround a problem with WshShell unable to create the link within desktop directory // due to a mismatch between physical and localized directory names var tempLocation = new FsPath(Path.GetTempPath()); FsPath tempPath = tempLocation.Join(ShortcutFileName); if (createApplicationShortcut(tempPath, execPath, iconPath)) { try { if (shortcutPath.IsFile()) { shortcutPath.DeleteFile(); } tempPath.MoveFileTo(shortcutPath); Console.WriteLine("Moved application shortcut from {0} to {1}", tempLocation, shortcutLocation); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to move application shortcut from {0} to {1}: {2}", tempLocation, shortcutLocation, ex); try { tempPath.DeleteFile(); } catch (Exception cleanupEx) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to remove application shortcut from {0}: {1}", tempLocation, cleanupEx); } } } }
public static void CreateApplicationShortcut(FsPath exePath, FsPath iconPath, FsPath shortcutPath) { if (shortcutPath.IsFile()) { shortcutPath.DeleteFile(); } var wsh = new WshShell(); IWshShortcut shortcut; try { shortcut = wsh.CreateShortcut(shortcutPath.Value) as IWshShortcut; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine( "Failed to create shortcut object {0} at {1}: {2}", exePath, shortcutPath, ex); return; } FsPath bin = exePath.Parent(); if (shortcut == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to create shortcut {0} at {1}: {2}.{3} returned null", exePath, shortcutPath, nameof(WshShell), nameof(wsh.CreateShortcut)); return; } shortcut.Arguments = ""; shortcut.TargetPath = exePath.Value; shortcut.WindowStyle = 1; shortcut.Description = "Application to search MTG cards and build decks"; shortcut.WorkingDirectory = bin.Value; if (iconPath.HasValue()) { shortcut.IconLocation = iconPath.Value; } try { shortcut.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to create shortcut {0} at {1}: {2}", exePath, shortcutPath, ex); } }
private async Task downloadSignatures(QualityGroupConfig qualityGroup, CancellationToken token) { if (qualityGroup.FileListMegaId == null && qualityGroup.YandexName == null) { return; } (FsPath signaturesDir, FsPath signaturesFile) = getSignaturesFile(qualityGroup); FsPath signaturesFileBak = signaturesFile.Concat(".bak"); if (signaturesFile.IsFile()) { if (signaturesFileBak.IsFile()) { signaturesFileBak.DeleteFile(); } signaturesFile.MoveFileTo(signaturesFileBak); } signaturesDir.CreateDirectory(); if (qualityGroup.FileListMegaId != null) { string megaUrl = _config.MegaPrefix + qualityGroup.FileListMegaId; await _megatools.Download(megaUrl, signaturesDir, name : $"Signatures for {qualityGroup.Quality} images", silent : true, token : token); } else if (qualityGroup.YandexName != null) { FsPath fileListArchive = signaturesDir.Join("filelist.7z"); var client = new YandexDiskClient(); Console.Write("{0} filelist.7z: get YandexDisk download url ... ", qualityGroup.Name); var url = await client.GetFilelistDownloadUrl(_config, qualityGroup, token); Console.Write("downloading ... "); bool success; try { await client.DownloadFile(url, fileListArchive, token); Console.WriteLine($"done"); success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"failed: {ex.Message}"); _log.Warn(ex, $"Failed download {fileListArchive} from {url}"); success = false; } if (success) { if (fileListArchive.IsFile()) { new SevenZip(silent: true).Extract(fileListArchive, signaturesDir); } } } else { throw new ArgumentException($"No downloader can get filelist for quality {qualityGroup.Quality}"); } if (!signaturesFile.IsFile()) { if (signaturesFileBak.IsFile()) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to unzip signatures"); Console.WriteLine("Move {0} {1}", signaturesFileBak, signaturesFile); signaturesFileBak.MoveFileTo(signaturesFile); } } else { signaturesFileBak.DeleteFile(); } }
private static bool isAlreadyDownloaded(ImageDownloadProgress progress) { FsPath targetSubdirectory = progress.TargetSubdirectory; targetSubdirectory.CreateDirectory(); if (progress.FilesOnline == null) { return(false); } bool alreadyDownloaded = true; var existingFiles = new HashSet <FsPath>( targetSubdirectory.EnumerateFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)); var existingSignatures = new Dictionary <FsPath, FileSignature>(); foreach (var fileOnline in progress.FilesOnline.Values) { FsPath filePath = targetSubdirectory.Join(fileOnline.Path); if (!existingFiles.Contains(filePath)) { alreadyDownloaded = false; continue; } FileSignature tempQualifier = Signer.CreateSignature(filePath, useAbsolutePath: true); var existingSignature = progress.FilesCorrupted.TryGet(fileOnline.Path) ?? progress.FilesDownloaded.TryGet(fileOnline.Path) ?? new FileSignature { Path = tempQualifier.Path.RelativeTo(targetSubdirectory).Intern(true), Md5Hash = tempQualifier.Md5Hash }; if (existingSignature.Md5Hash != fileOnline.Md5Hash) { alreadyDownloaded = false; Console.WriteLine("Deleting modified or corrupted file {0}", filePath); lock (ImageLoader.SyncIo) { try { filePath.DeleteFile(); } catch (IOException ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to remove {filePath}. {ex.Message}"); } } } else { existingSignatures.Add(existingSignature.Path, existingSignature); } } foreach (FsPath file in existingFiles) { var relativePath = file.RelativeTo(targetSubdirectory); if (!progress.FilesOnline.ContainsKey(relativePath) && relativePath != Signer.SignaturesFile) { Console.WriteLine("Deleting {0}", file); file.DeleteFile(); } } if (alreadyDownloaded) { ImageDownloadProgressReader.WriteExistingSignatures(progress, existingSignatures.Values); } return(alreadyDownloaded); }