コード例 #1
        public void FromCataloguesExtractionRequestFulfiller_NormalMatching_SeriesInstanceUIDOnly(DatabaseType databaseType)
            var db = GetCleanedServer(databaseType);

            var dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Columns.Add("Extractable", typeof(bool));

            dt.Rows.Add("123", true, "/images/1.dcm");
            dt.Rows.Add("123", false, "/images/2.dcm");
            dt.Rows.Add("1234", false, "/images/3.dcm");
            dt.Rows.Add("1234", true, "/images/4.dcm");


            var tbl       = db.CreateTable("FromCataloguesExtractionRequestFulfillerTests", dt);
            var catalogue = Import(tbl);

            var fulfiller = new FromCataloguesExtractionRequestFulfiller(new[] { catalogue });

            var matching = fulfiller.GetAllMatchingFiles(new ExtractionRequestMessage()
                KeyTag = "SeriesInstanceUID",
                ExtractionIdentifiers = new List <string>(new string[] { "123" }),
            }, new NullAuditExtractions()).ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, matching.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, matching[0].Accepted.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(1, matching[0].Accepted.Count(f => f.FilePathValue.Equals("/images/1.dcm")));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, matching[0].Accepted.Count(f => f.FilePathValue.Equals("/images/2.dcm")));
コード例 #2
        public void Test_FromCataloguesExtractionRequestFulfiller_NoFilterExtraction(DatabaseType databaseType, bool isNoFiltersExtraction)
            DiscoveredDatabase db = GetCleanedServer(databaseType);

            var dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Columns.Add("Extractable", typeof(bool));
            dt.Rows.Add("1.1", "123.1", "1.1", true, "/images/1.dcm");

            DiscoveredTable tbl       = db.CreateTable("FromCataloguesExtractionRequestFulfillerTests", dt);
            ICatalogue      catalogue = Import(tbl);

            ExtractionInformation ei = catalogue.GetAllExtractionInformation(ExtractionCategory.Any).First();
            var filter = new ExtractionFilter(CatalogueRepository, "Extractable only", ei)
                IsMandatory = true,
                WhereSQL    = "Extractable = 1"

            var fulfiller = new FromCataloguesExtractionRequestFulfiller(new[] { catalogue });

            fulfiller.Rejectors.Add(new RejectAll());

            var message = new ExtractionRequestMessage
                KeyTag = "SeriesInstanceUID",
                ExtractionIdentifiers = new List <string>(new [] { "123.1" }),
                IsNoFilterExtraction  = isNoFiltersExtraction,

            ExtractImageCollection[] matching = fulfiller.GetAllMatchingFiles(message, new NullAuditExtractions()).ToArray();

            int expected = isNoFiltersExtraction ? 1 : 0;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, matching.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, matching[0].Accepted.Count);
コード例 #3
        public void FromCataloguesExtractionRequestFulfiller_MandatoryFilter(DatabaseType databaseType)
            var db = GetCleanedServer(databaseType);

            var dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Columns.Add("Extractable", typeof(bool));

            dt.Rows.Add("1.1", "123.1", "1.1", true, "/images/1.dcm");
            dt.Rows.Add("1.1", "123.1", "2.1", false, "/images/2.dcm");
            dt.Rows.Add("1.1", "1234.1", "3.1", false, "/images/3.dcm");
            dt.Rows.Add("1.1", "1234.1", "4.1", true, "/images/4.dcm");


            var tbl       = db.CreateTable("FromCataloguesExtractionRequestFulfillerTests", dt);
            var catalogue = Import(tbl);

            var ei     = catalogue.GetAllExtractionInformation(ExtractionCategory.Any).First();
            var filter = new ExtractionFilter(CatalogueRepository, "Extractable only", ei);

            filter.IsMandatory = true;
            filter.WhereSQL    = "Extractable = 1";
            var fulfiller = new FromCataloguesExtractionRequestFulfiller(new[] { catalogue });

            var matching = fulfiller.GetAllMatchingFiles(new ExtractionRequestMessage()
                KeyTag = "SeriesInstanceUID",
                ExtractionIdentifiers = new List <string>(new string[] { "123.1" }),
            }, new NullAuditExtractions()).ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, matching.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, matching[0].Accepted.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, matching[0].Accepted.Count(f => f.FilePathValue.Equals("/images/1.dcm")));
コード例 #4
        public void Test_OnlyExtractableImages(DatabaseType dbType, bool useDynamic)
            var db = GetCleanedServer(dbType);

            //create table with 300 rows to ensure at least two studies
            const int testrows = 300;
            var       tbl      = BuildExampleExtractionTable(db, "CT", testrows, true);

            Assert.AreEqual(testrows, tbl.GetRowCount());

            var cata = Import(tbl);

            List <string> studies;

            //fetch all unique studies from the database
            using (var dt = tbl.GetDataTable())
                studies = dt.Rows.Cast <DataRow>().Select(r => r["StudyInstanceUID"]).Cast <string>().Distinct().ToList();

            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(studies.Count, 2, "Expected at least 2 studies to be randomly generated in database");

            //Create message to extract all the studies by StudyInstanceUID
            var msgIn = new ExtractionRequestMessage();

            msgIn.KeyTag = DicomTag.StudyInstanceUID.DictionaryEntry.Keyword;
            msgIn.ExtractionIdentifiers = studies;

            int matches = 0;

            //The strategy pattern implementation that goes to the database but also considers reason
            var fulfiller = new FromCataloguesExtractionRequestFulfiller(new[] { cata });

            fulfiller.Rejectors.Add(useDynamic? (IRejector) new DynamicRejector():new TestRejector());

            foreach (ExtractImageCollection msgOut in fulfiller.GetAllMatchingFiles(msgIn, new NullAuditExtractions()))
                matches += msgOut.Accepted.Count();

            //currently all images are extractable
            Assert.AreEqual(testrows, matches);

            //now make 10 not extractable
            using (var con = tbl.Database.Server.GetConnection())

                string sql = GetUpdateTopXSql(tbl, 10, "Set IsExtractableToDisk=0, IsExtractableToDisk_Reason = 'We decided NO!'");

                //make the top 10 not extractable
                using (var cmd = tbl.Database.Server.GetCommand(sql, con))

            matches = 0;
            int rejections = 0;

            foreach (ExtractImageCollection msgOut in fulfiller.GetAllMatchingFiles(msgIn, new NullAuditExtractions()))
                matches    += msgOut.Accepted.Count;
                rejections += msgOut.Rejected.Count;

                Assert.IsTrue(msgOut.Rejected.All(v => v.RejectReason.Equals("We decided NO!")));

            Assert.AreEqual(testrows - 10, matches);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, rejections);
コード例 #5
        public void Test_OnlyListedModalities(DatabaseType dbType)
            var db = GetCleanedServer(dbType);

            //create table with 100 rows
            var tblCT = BuildExampleExtractionTable(db, "CT", 70, true);
            var tblMR = BuildExampleExtractionTable(db, "MR", 30, true);

            var cataCT = Import(tblCT);
            var cataMR = Import(tblMR);

            List <string> studies = new List <string>();

            //fetch all unique studies from the database
            using (var dt = tblCT.GetDataTable())
                studies.AddRange(dt.Rows.Cast <DataRow>().Select(r => r["StudyInstanceUID"]).Cast <string>().Distinct());
            using (var dt = tblMR.GetDataTable())
                studies.AddRange(dt.Rows.Cast <DataRow>().Select(r => r["StudyInstanceUID"]).Cast <string>().Distinct());

            //Create message to extract all the series by StudyInstanceUID
            var msgIn = new ExtractionRequestMessage();

            msgIn.KeyTag = DicomTag.StudyInstanceUID.DictionaryEntry.Keyword;

            //extract only MR (this is what we are actually testing).
            msgIn.Modality = "MR";
            msgIn.ExtractionIdentifiers = studies;

            int matches = 0;

            //The strategy pattern implementation that goes to the database but also considers reason

            var fulfiller = new FromCataloguesExtractionRequestFulfiller(new[] { cataCT, cataMR })
                //Give it the default modality pattern (table prefix)
                ModalityRoutingRegex = new Regex(new CohortExtractorOptions().ModalityRoutingRegex)

            foreach (ExtractImageCollection msgOut in fulfiller.GetAllMatchingFiles(msgIn, new NullAuditExtractions()))
                matches += msgOut.Accepted.Count();

            //expect only the MR images to be returned
            Assert.AreEqual(30, matches);

            // Ask for something that doesn't exist
            msgIn.Modality = "Hello";
            var ex = Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => fulfiller.GetAllMatchingFiles(msgIn, new NullAuditExtractions()).ToArray());

            StringAssert.Contains("Modality=Hello", ex.Message);

            // Ask for all modalities at once by not specifying any
            msgIn.Modality = null;
            Assert.AreEqual(100, fulfiller.GetAllMatchingFiles(msgIn, new NullAuditExtractions()).Sum(r => r.Accepted.Count));

            // Ask for both modalities specifically
            msgIn.Modality = "CT,Hello";
            Assert.AreEqual(70, fulfiller.GetAllMatchingFiles(msgIn, new NullAuditExtractions()).Sum(r => r.Accepted.Count));

            // Ask for both modalities specifically
            msgIn.Modality = "CT,MR";
            Assert.AreEqual(100, fulfiller.GetAllMatchingFiles(msgIn, new NullAuditExtractions()).Sum(r => r.Accepted.Count));

            //when we don't have that flag anymore the error should tell us that
            msgIn.Modality = "CT,MR";

            ex = Assert.Throws(Is.AssignableTo(typeof(Exception)), () => fulfiller.GetAllMatchingFiles(msgIn, new NullAuditExtractions()).ToArray());
            StringAssert.Contains("IsOriginal", ex.Message);