private void btnImportMovieData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // //if (OnImportMovie is null) return; //OnImportMovie(sender, e); var currentPoster = DAL.TmpPoster; if (DAL.NewMTD != null) { if (MsgBox.Show( "The previous movie details and all changes made by hand (except the poster) will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No) { return; } currentPoster = DAL.NewMTD.Poster; } using (var rParam = new FrmMTDFromFile(true, false) { Owner = this }) { if (rParam.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } if (rParam.mtd == null) { MsgBox.Show("An error occurred while determining the file (movie) details. No additional data available!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } DAL.NewMTD = rParam.mtd; } DAL.NewMTD.Poster = currentPoster; DAL.TmpPoster = null; ucMovieInfo1.RefreshControls(DAL.NewMTD); if (DAL.NewMTD.MovieStills.Count > 0) { ucMovieInfo1.SetMovieStills(DAL.NewMTD.MovieStills); Size = new Size(900, 625); } else { Size = new Size(900, 430); } btnSave.Enabled = true; //btnLoadPoster.Enabled = true; }
private void btnRefreshEpisodeData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var sesi = (SeriesEpisodesShortInfo)_prevSelectedNode.Tag; if (!sesi.IsEpisode) { MsgBox.Show("There are no episode related information that need to be preserved, so please remove the season and re-import.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (!Utils.Helpers.ConfirmDiscardChanges()) { return; } using (var rParam = new FrmMTDFromFile(false, true) { Owner = _parent }) { if (rParam.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } var prevInstance = pSeriesDetailsContainer.Controls.Find("ucEpisodeDetails", false); if (prevInstance.Any()) { Desene.DAL.CurrentMTD = rParam.mtd; var opRes = SaveChanges(); if (opRes.Success) { ((ucEpisodeDetails)prevInstance[0]).LoadControls2(true); } } else { MsgBox.Show("The previous UserControl instance could not be found!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
private void btnRefreshEpisodeData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Helpers.UnsavedChanges && !SaveChanges().Success) { return; } using (var rParam = new FrmMTDFromFile(false, true) { Owner = _parent }) { if (rParam.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } if (rParam.mtd == null) { MsgBox.Show("An error occurred while determining the file (movie) details. No additional data available!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } var opRes = DAL.RemoveMovieOrEpisode(((SeriesEpisodesShortInfo)_prevSelectedNode.Tag).Id); if (!opRes.Success) { MsgBox.Show( string.Format("The following error occurred while removing the previous movie details:{0}{0}{1}{0}{0}The current operation cannot continue!", Environment.NewLine, opRes.CustomErrorMessage), "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } rParam.mtd.DescriptionLink = DAL.CurrentMTD.DescriptionLink; rParam.mtd.Recommended = DAL.CurrentMTD.Recommended; rParam.mtd.RecommendedLink = DAL.CurrentMTD.RecommendedLink; rParam.mtd.Year = DAL.CurrentMTD.Year; rParam.mtd.Theme = DAL.CurrentMTD.Theme; rParam.mtd.Notes = DAL.CurrentMTD.Notes; rParam.mtd.Trailer = DAL.CurrentMTD.Trailer; rParam.mtd.StreamLink = DAL.CurrentMTD.StreamLink; rParam.mtd.Poster = DAL.CurrentMTD.Poster; rParam.mtd.InsertedDate = DAL.CurrentMTD.InsertedDate; rParam.mtd.LastChangeDate = DateTime.Now; //not using UpdateMTD in order to avoud additional check regarding the number of streams opRes = DAL.InsertMTD( rParam.mtd, new FilesImportParams { Year = rParam.mtd.Year, Season = "", ParentId = ((SeriesEpisodesShortInfo)_prevSelectedNode.Tag).SeriesId }); if (!opRes.Success) { MsgBox.Show( string.Format("The following error occurred while inserting the new movie details into the database:{0}{0}{1}{0}{0}", Environment.NewLine, opRes.CustomErrorMessage), "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } rParam.mtd.Id = (int)opRes.AdditionalDataReturn; DAL.CurrentMTD = rParam.mtd; ReloadTreeView(((SeriesEpisodesShortInfo)_prevSelectedNode.Tag).SeriesId, rParam.mtd.Id); LoadSelectionDetails(); } }
private void btnRefreshMovieData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Helpers.UnsavedChanges && !SaveChanges()) { return; } using (var rParam = new FrmMTDFromFile(false, false) { Owner = _parent }) { if (rParam.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } if (rParam.mtd == null) { MsgBox.Show("An error occurred while determining the file (movie) details. No additional data available!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } OperationResult opRes = null; CSMScrapeResult csmData = null; if (DAL.CurrentMTD.HasRecommendedDataSaved) { opRes = DAL.LoadCSMData(DAL.CurrentMTD.Id); if (opRes.Success) { csmData = (CSMScrapeResult)opRes.AdditionalDataReturn; } } opRes = DAL.RemoveMovieOrEpisode(_previousSelectedMsi.Id); if (!opRes.Success) { MsgBox.Show( string.Format("The following error occurred while removing the previous movie details:{0}{0}{1}{0}{0}The current operation cannot continue!", Environment.NewLine, opRes.CustomErrorMessage), "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } //not using UpdateMTD in order to avoud additional check regarding the number of streams opRes = DAL.InsertMTD(rParam.mtd, null); if (!opRes.Success) { MsgBox.Show( string.Format("The following error occurred while inserting the new movie details into the database:{0}{0}{1}{0}{0}", Environment.NewLine, opRes.CustomErrorMessage), "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } rParam.mtd.Id = (int)opRes.AdditionalDataReturn; if (csmData != null) { DAL.SaveCommonSenseMediaData(rParam.mtd.Id, csmData); } try { _preventEvent = true; DAL.CurrentMTD = rParam.mtd; var movieObj = DAL.MoviesData.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == _previousSelectedMsi.Id); DAL.MoviesData.Remove(movieObj); var msi = new MovieShortInfo { Id = DAL.CurrentMTD.Id, FileName = DAL.CurrentMTD.FileName, //Cover = DAL.CurrentMTD.Poster, HasPoster = DAL.CurrentMTD.Poster != null, HasSynopsis = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(DAL.CurrentMTD.Synopsis) }; DAL.MoviesData.Add(msi); DAL.MoviesData = new BindingList <MovieShortInfo>(DAL.MoviesData.OrderBy(o => o.FileName).ToList()); RefreshGrid(); _previousSelectedMsi = msi; //not needed? } finally { _preventEvent = false; FocusCurrentMovieInGrid(_previousSelectedMsi); } } }