コード例 #1
        public ActionResult FriendInvite(FriendInviteViewModel model, int?friendId)
            ViewBag.HasFriends = true;

            //find the current logged-on user
            var email           = User.Identity.GetUserName();
            var currContactUser = _contactService.GetContactByEmail(email);
            var currID          = currContactUser.ContactId;

            // Get the Game from the Model
            var game = _gameService.GetGameById(model.GameId);

            // Check model validation before doing anything
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            // get list of friends from logged in user
            List <Friend> friendList = _contactService.GetUsersFriends(currID);

            // Get contact info from friend
            Friend friendinv   = friendList.Find(f => f.FriendID == friendId);
            int    friendInvId = friendinv.FriendContactID;

            var venueName = _venueService.GetVenueNameById(game.VenueId);
            var sportName = _gameService.GetSportNameById(game.SportId);

            var fileContents = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath("~/Content/EmailFormat.html"));
            //add game link to the email
            var directUrl = Url.Action("GameDetails", "Game", new { id = game.GameId }, protocol: Request.Url.Scheme);

            fileContents = fileContents.Replace("{URL}", directUrl);
            fileContents = fileContents.Replace("{URLNAME}", "CHECK");
            fileContents = fileContents.Replace("{VENUE}", venueName);
            fileContents = fileContents.Replace("{SPORT}", sportName);
            fileContents = fileContents.Replace("{STARTTIME}", game.StartTime.ToString());
            fileContents = fileContents.Replace("{ENDTIME}", game.EndTime.ToString());
            fileContents = fileContents.Replace("{TITLE}", "Game Invite");
            fileContents = fileContents.Replace("{INFO}", "Your Friend as invited youi to a game!");
            var subject = "Game Invite";

            // pass Game and ContactFriend to the send email function
            SendInvite(game, friendInvId, fileContents, subject);

            //redirect them back to the changed game detail
            return(RedirectToAction("GameDetails", "Game", new { id = model.GameId }));
コード例 #2
        public ActionResult FriendInvite(int gameId)
            ViewBag.HasFriends = false;

            //find the current logged-on user
            string  email           = User.Identity.GetUserName();
            Contact currContactUser = _contactService.GetContactByEmail(email);

            // Get the id of the user
            int currID = currContactUser.ContactId;

            //Showing error message when the user has no friends on their list
            List <Friend> friendList = _contactService.GetUsersFriends(currContactUser.ContactId);

            if (friendList == null || friendList.Count == 0)
                ViewData.ModelState.AddModelError("NoFriends", "You currently have no friends to invite");
                ViewBag.HasFriends = true;

            // Populate Dropdown list

            // populate model
            FriendInviteViewModel model = new FriendInviteViewModel();

            model.ContactId = currID;
            model.GameId    = gameId;
