public static void Drawing_OnDraw(EventArgs args) { try { if (Player.IsDead) { return; } if (getCheckBoxItem(DrawMenu, "Blitzcrank_Draw_Q")) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(Player.Position, _Q.Range, Color.White, 1); } if (getCheckBoxItem(DrawMenu, "Blitzcrank_Draw_R")) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(Player.Position, _R.Range, Color.White, 1); } var QTarget = TargetSelector.GetTarget(_Q.Range, DamageType.Magical); if (QTarget != null) { Drawing.DrawCircle(QTarget.Position, 150, Color.Green); } } catch (Exception) { if (FreshCommon.NowTime() > ErrorTime) { Chat.Print(ChampName + " in FreshBooster isn't Load. Error Code 03"); ErrorTime = FreshCommon.TickCount(10000); } } }
private static void Obj_AI_Base_OnIssueOrder(Obj_AI_Base sender, PlayerIssueOrderEventArgs args) { try { } catch (Exception) { if (FreshCommon.NowTime() > ErrorTime) { Chat.Print(ChampName + " in FreshBooster isn't Load. Error Code 11"); ErrorTime = FreshCommon.TickCount(10000); } } }
private static void Orbwalking_BeforeAttack(AttackableUnit target, Orbwalker.PreAttackArgs args) { try { } catch (Exception) { if (FreshCommon.NowTime() > ErrorTime) { Chat.Print(ChampName + " in FreshBooster isn't Load. Error Code 10"); ErrorTime = FreshCommon.TickCount(10000); } } }
private static void OnProcessSpell(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args) { try { } catch (Exception) { if (FreshCommon.NowTime() > ErrorTime) { Chat.Print(ChampName + " in FreshBooster isn't Load. Error Code 08"); ErrorTime = FreshCommon.TickCount(10000); } } }
private static void AntiGapcloser_OnEnemyGapcloser(AIHeroClient sender, Gapcloser.GapcloserEventArgs e) { try { } catch (Exception) { if (FreshCommon.NowTime() > ErrorTime) { Chat.Print(ChampName + " in FreshBooster isn't Load. Error Code 07"); ErrorTime = FreshCommon.TickCount(10000); } } }
private static void Interrupter2_OnInterruptableTarget(Obj_AI_Base sender, Interrupter.InterruptableSpellEventArgs e) { try { if (Player.IsDead) { return; } if (!sender.IsEnemy || !sender.IsValid <AIHeroClient>()) { return; } if (getCheckBoxItem(MiscMenu, "Blitzcrank_InterQ") && _Q.IsReady()) { if (sender.Distance(Player.ServerPosition, true) <= _Q.RangeSqr) { _Q.Cast(sender); } } if (getCheckBoxItem(MiscMenu, "Blitzcrank_InterR") && _R.IsReady()) { if (sender.Distance(Player.ServerPosition, true) <= _R.RangeSqr) { _R.Cast(); } } if (getCheckBoxItem(MiscMenu, "Blitzcrank_InterE") && _E.IsReady()) { if (sender.Distance(Player.ServerPosition, true) <= _E.RangeSqr) { _E.CastOnUnit(Player); } } } catch (Exception) { if (FreshCommon.NowTime() > ErrorTime) { Chat.Print(ChampName + " in FreshBooster isn't Load. Error Code 09"); ErrorTime = FreshCommon.TickCount(10000); } } }
// Default Setting private static void SkillSet() { try { _Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 950f); _Q.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 70f, 1800f, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine); _W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 700f); _E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 150f); _R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 540f); } catch (Exception) { if (FreshCommon.NowTime() > ErrorTime) { Chat.Print(ChampName + " in FreshBooster isn't Load. Error Code 01"); ErrorTime = FreshCommon.TickCount(10000); } } }
private static void Menu() { try { _Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Blitzcrank", "Blitzcrank"); ComboMenu = _Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo"); ComboMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_CUse_Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ComboMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_CUse_W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ComboMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_CUse_E", new CheckBox("Use E")); ComboMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_CUse_R", new CheckBox("Use R")); ComboMenu.AddSeparator(); ComboMenu.AddLabel("1 : Out of Range"); ComboMenu.AddLabel("2 : Impossible"); ComboMenu.AddLabel("3 : Low"); ComboMenu.AddLabel("4 : Medium"); ComboMenu.AddLabel("5 : High"); ComboMenu.AddLabel("6 : Very High"); ComboMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_CUseQ_Hit", new Slider("Q HitChance", 6, 1, 6)); HarassMenu = _Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass"); HarassMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_HUse_Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); HarassMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_HUse_W", new CheckBox("Use W")); HarassMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_HUse_E", new CheckBox("Use E")); HarassMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_AManarate", new Slider("Mana %", 20)); KSMenu = _Menu.AddSubMenu("KillSteal", "KillSteal"); KSMenu.Add("Blitzcran_KUse_Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); KSMenu.Add("Blitzcran_KUse_R", new CheckBox("Use R")); MiscMenu = _Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc"); MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Grab Settings"); foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>()) { if (enemy.Team != Player.Team) { MiscMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_GrabSelect" + enemy.ChampionName, new Slider("Grab Mode (0 : Enable | 1 : Don't | 2 : Auto) " + enemy.ChampionName, 0, 0, 2)); MiscMenu.AddSeparator(); } } MiscMenu.AddSeparator(); MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Interrupt Settings"); MiscMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_InterQ", new CheckBox("Use Q")); MiscMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_InterE", new CheckBox("Use E")); MiscMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_InterR", new CheckBox("Use R")); MiscMenu.AddSeparator(); MiscMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_GrabDash", new CheckBox("Grab to dashing enemy")); DrawMenu = _Menu.AddSubMenu("Draw", "Draw"); DrawMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_Draw_Q", new CheckBox("Use Q", false)); DrawMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_Draw_R", new CheckBox("Use R", false)); DrawMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_Indicator", new CheckBox("Use Damage Indicator")); } catch (Exception) { if (FreshCommon.NowTime() > ErrorTime) { Chat.Print(ChampName + " in FreshBooster isn't Load. Error Code 02"); ErrorTime = FreshCommon.TickCount(10000); } } }
private static void OnGameUpdate(EventArgs args) { try { if (Player.IsDead) { return; } var QTarget = TargetSelector.GetTarget(_Q.Range, DamageType.Magical); var WTarget = TargetSelector.GetTarget(1500, DamageType.Physical); var RTarget = TargetSelector.GetTarget(_R.Range, DamageType.Magical); if (getCheckBoxItem(MiscMenu, "Blitzcrank_GrabDash") && _Q.IsReady()) { if (QTarget != null && _Q.GetPrediction(QTarget).Hitchance == HitChance.Dashing) { _Q.CastIfHitchanceEquals(QTarget, HitChance.Dashing, true); } } //killsteal if (getCheckBoxItem(KSMenu, "Blitzcran_KUse_Q") && QTarget != null && QTarget.Health < _Q.GetDamage(QTarget) && _Q.IsReady()) { _Q.CastIfHitchanceEquals(QTarget, HitChance.VeryHigh, true); return; } if (getCheckBoxItem(KSMenu, "Blitzcran_KUse_R") && RTarget != null && RTarget.Health < _E.GetDamage(RTarget) && _R.IsReady()) { _R.Cast(true); return; } if (QTarget == null) { return; // auto grab } foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>()) { if (enemy.Team != Player.Team && QTarget != null && getSliderItem(MiscMenu, "Blitzcrank_GrabSelect" + enemy.ChampionName) == 2 && _Q.IsReady() && QTarget.ChampionName == enemy.ChampionName) { if (QTarget.CanMove && QTarget.Distance(Player.Position) < _Q.Range * 0.9) { _Q.CastIfHitchanceEquals(QTarget, FreshCommon.Hitchance("Blitzcrank_CUseQ_Hit"), true); } if (!QTarget.CanMove) { _Q.CastIfHitchanceEquals(QTarget, FreshCommon.Hitchance("Blitzcrank_CUseQ_Hit"), true); } } } // Combo if (Orbwalker.ActiveModesFlags.HasFlag(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.Combo)) { if (getCheckBoxItem(ComboMenu, "Blitzcrank_CUse_Q") && _Q.IsReady() && QTarget != null && getSliderItem(MiscMenu, "Blitzcrank_GrabSelect" + QTarget.ChampionName) != 1) { _Q.CastIfHitchanceEquals(QTarget, FreshCommon.Hitchance("Blitzcrank_CUseQ_Hit"), true); } if (getCheckBoxItem(ComboMenu, "Blitzcrank_CUse_W") && _W.IsReady() && WTarget != null) { _W.Cast(Player, true); } if (getCheckBoxItem(ComboMenu, "Blitzcrank_CUse_E") && _E.IsReady() && QTarget.Distance(Player.ServerPosition) < 230) { _E.Cast(Player); } if (getCheckBoxItem(ComboMenu, "Blitzcrank_CUse_R") && _R.IsReady() && RTarget != null) { _R.Cast(); } } // Harass if (Orbwalker.ActiveModesFlags.HasFlag(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.Harass) && getSliderItem(HarassMenu, "Blitzcrank_AManarate") < Player.ManaPercent) { if (getCheckBoxItem(HarassMenu, "Blitzcrank_HUse_Q") && _Q.IsReady() && QTarget != null && getSliderItem(MiscMenu, "Blitzcrank_GrabSelect" + QTarget.ChampionName) != 1) { _Q.CastIfHitchanceEquals(QTarget, FreshCommon.Hitchance("Blitzcrank_CUseQ_Hit"), true); } if (getCheckBoxItem(HarassMenu, "Blitzcrank_HUse_W") && _W.IsReady() && WTarget != null) { _W.Cast(Player, true); } if (getCheckBoxItem(HarassMenu, "Blitzcrank_HUse_E") && _E.IsReady() && QTarget.Distance(Player.ServerPosition) < 230) { _E.Cast(Player); } } } catch (Exception) { if (FreshCommon.NowTime() > ErrorTime) { Chat.Print(ChampName + " in FreshBooster isn't Load. Error Code 06"); ErrorTime = FreshCommon.TickCount(10000); } } }
private static void Menu() { try { _Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("机器人", "Blitzcrank"); ComboMenu = _Menu.AddSubMenu("连招", "Combo"); ComboMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_CUse_Q", new CheckBox("使用 Q")); ComboMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_CUse_W", new CheckBox("使用 W")); ComboMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_CUse_E", new CheckBox("使用 E")); ComboMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_CUse_R", new CheckBox("使用 R")); ComboMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_CUse_FlashQ", new KeyBind("闪现 Q (不好用)", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T')); ComboMenu.AddSeparator(); ComboMenu.AddLabel("1 : 范围外"); ComboMenu.AddLabel("2 : 不可能"); ComboMenu.AddLabel("3 : 低"); ComboMenu.AddLabel("4 : 中"); ComboMenu.AddLabel("5 : 高"); ComboMenu.AddLabel("6 : 非常高"); ComboMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_CUseQ_Hit", new Slider("Q 命中率", 6, 1, 6)); HarassMenu = _Menu.AddSubMenu("骚扰", "Harass"); HarassMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_HUse_Q", new CheckBox("使用 Q")); HarassMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_HUse_W", new CheckBox("使用 W")); HarassMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_HUse_E", new CheckBox("使用 E")); HarassMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_AManarate", new Slider("蓝量 %", 20)); KSMenu = _Menu.AddSubMenu("抢头", "KillSteal"); KSMenu.Add("Blitzcran_KUse_Q", new CheckBox("使用 Q")); KSMenu.Add("Blitzcran_KUse_R", new CheckBox("使用 R")); MiscMenu = _Menu.AddSubMenu("杂项", "Misc"); MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("抓人设置"); foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>()) { if (enemy.Team != Player.Team) { MiscMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_GrabSelect" + enemy.NetworkId, new Slider("抓人模式 (0 : 开启 | 1 : 不抓 | 2 : 自动) " + enemy.ChampionName, 0, 0, 2)); MiscMenu.AddSeparator(); } } MiscMenu.AddSeparator(); MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("技能打断"); MiscMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_InterQ", new CheckBox("使用 Q")); MiscMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_InterE", new CheckBox("使用 E")); MiscMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_InterR", new CheckBox("使用 R")); MiscMenu.AddSeparator(); MiscMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_GrabDash", new CheckBox("抓冲刺的敌人")); DrawMenu = _Menu.AddSubMenu("线圈", "Draw"); DrawMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_Draw_Q", new CheckBox("使用 Q", false)); DrawMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_Draw_R", new CheckBox("使用 R", false)); DrawMenu.Add("Blitzcrank_Indicator", new CheckBox("显示伤害指示器")); } catch (Exception) { if (FreshCommon.NowTime() > ErrorTime) { Chat.Print(ChampName + " in FreshBooster isn't Load. Error Code 02"); ErrorTime = FreshCommon.TickCount(10000); } } }