public long GetBookmarkIDByUrl(string bookmarkUrl) { long result = -1; try { using (BookmarksDL _bookmarksDL = new BookmarksDL()) { Bookmark bkmrk = new Bookmark { Url = bookmarkUrl }; DataTable dt = _bookmarksDL.GetChangeColumnList(bkmrk); foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows) { result = item["ID"].ToLong(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { result = -1; FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, "BookmarkManager", "GetBookmarkIDByUrl"); } return(result); }
public FrmRunWith(string url, bool isRegistered) { try { InitializeComponent(); bookMan = new BookmarkManager(); _isRegistered = isRegistered; _url = url; List <Browser> browsers = new List <Browser>(); if (_isRegistered) { browsers = GetBrowsers(); } else { browsers = bookMan.GetExternalBrowsers(); } cmbxBrowsers.DataSource = browsers; cmbxBrowsers.DisplayMember = "Name"; cmbxBrowsers.ValueMember = "Path"; cmbxBrowsers.SelectedIndex = -1; cmbxBrowsers.Refresh(); } catch (Exception ex) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "Ctor"); MessageUtil.Error("Run With Form could not be opened."); } }
private List <Browser> GetBrowsers() { List <Browser> _browsers = new List <Browser>(); try { string browserListKey = @"SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet"; using (var clients = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(browserListKey)) { foreach (var client in clients.GetSubKeyNames()) { using (var clientKey = clients.OpenSubKey(client)) { string name = (string)clientKey.GetValue(string.Empty); using (var commandKey = clientKey.OpenSubKey(@"shell\open\command")) { string exe = (string)commandKey.GetValue(string.Empty); _browsers.Add(new Browser() { Name = name, Path = exe }); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "GetBrowsers"); _browsers = new List <Browser>(); } return(_browsers); }
public FrmBookmarkList() { try { InitializeComponent(); bookMan = new BookmarkManager(); exportMan = new ExportManager(); rdbtnCreationtime.Checked = true; rdbtnStartsWith.Checked = true; IsDateFilteringChecked(false); grdVwBookmarks.ColumnHeaderTextList = "ID[i]-Name-Description-Url-Creation Time-Update Time-Table[i]-ChangeSetCount[i]"; cmbxSearchType.SetItemSource("Name*Name-Url*Url-Description*Description", '-', '*'); if (cmbxSearchType.Items.Count > 0) { cmbxSearchType.SelectedIndex = 0; } } catch (Exception ex) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "Ctor"); MessageUtil.Error("Bookmark List could not be opened."); } }
void DeleteObj() { try { if (grdBrowsers.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { DialogResult dr = MessageUtil.Confirm("External Browser will be deleted. are you sure?"); if (dr == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { int browserId = grdBrowsers.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Id"].Value.ToInt(); Browser br = new Browser { Id = browserId }; br.Delete(); UpdateForm(); } return; } return; } catch (Exception ex) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "DeleteObj"); MessageUtil.Error("Object could not be deleted."); } }
private void LoadForm() { try { _isFormLoaded = false; if (_bookmarkId != -1) { bookmark = bookMan.GetById(_bookmarkId); if (bookmark != null) { txtName.Text = bookmark.Name; txtDescription.Text = bookmark.Description; txtUrl.Text = bookmark.Url; } } _isFormLoaded = true; } catch (Exception ex) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "FormLoad"); MessageUtil.Error("Bookmark could not be loaded."); } finally { bookmark = new Bookmark(); if (_bookmarkId != -1) { bookmark.ID = _bookmarkId; } } }
private void BkmrkChanged(Bookmark bkmrk, bool isInsert) { try { if (isInsert) { bookmarkList.Add(bkmrk); } else { Bookmark bk = bookMan.GetById((int)bkmrk.ID); for (int bookmarkCounter = 0; bookmarkCounter < bookmarkList.Count; bookmarkCounter++) { if (bookmarkList[bookmarkCounter].ID == bkmrk.ID) { bookmarkList[bookmarkCounter].Name = bk.Name; bookmarkList[bookmarkCounter].Description = bk.Description; bookmarkList[bookmarkCounter].Url = bk.Url; bookmarkList[bookmarkCounter].UpdateTime = bk.UpdateTime; } } } SetDataSourceOfGRid(); } catch (Exception ex) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "BkmrkChanged"); } }
private void Add() { try { FrmBookmark bkrmrk = new FrmBookmark(); bkrmrk.BookmarkChanged += new FrmBookmark.BookmarkChange(this.BkmrkChanged); bkrmrk.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "Add"); } }
void UpdateForm() { try { RefreshSource(); } catch (Exception ex) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "UpdateForm"); MessageUtil.Error("List could not be refreshed."); } }
public FrmBookmark(int bookmarkId) { try { InitializeComponent(); bookmark = new Bookmark(); bookMan = new BookmarkManager(); _bookmarkId = bookmarkId; } catch (Exception ex) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "FrmBookmark Ctor"); MessageUtil.Error("Bookmark could not be opened."); } }
private void IsStartToggleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { isStartToggle = (sender as RadioButton).Tag.ToInt(); } catch (Exception ex) { isStartToggle = 0; FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "IsStartToggleChanged"); } finally { Search(); } }
void Save() { try { if (browser.Name.Replace(" ", "").Length == 0) { MessageUtil.Message("Browser name can not be empty."); return; } if (browser.Path.Replace(" ", "").Length == 0) { MessageUtil.Message("Browser path can not be empty."); return; } if (_browserId == -1) { browser.Insert(); if (ExternalBrowserChanged != null) { ExternalBrowserChanged(); } } else { if (browser.ChangeSetCount > 1) { browser.Update(); if (ExternalBrowserChanged != null) { ExternalBrowserChanged(); } } } this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "Save"); MessageUtil.Error("Browser could not be saved."); } }
public Bookmark GetById(int bookmarkId) { Bookmark bkmrk = null; try { using (BookmarksDL bkmrksDL = new BookmarksDL()) { bkmrk = bkmrksDL.GetObjectById <Bookmark>(bookmarkId); } } catch (Exception ex) { bkmrk = null; FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, "BookmarkManager", "GetById"); } return(bkmrk); }
public List <Browser> GetExternalBrowsers() { List <Browser> _browsers = new List <Browser>(); try { using (BookmarksDL bkmrksDL = new BookmarksDL()) { _browsers = bkmrksDL.GetTableAsList <Browser>(); } } catch (Exception ex) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, "BookmarkManager", "GetExternalBrowsers"); _browsers = new List <Browser>(); } return(_browsers); }
private void ExportToExcel() { try { DataTable dt2Export = new DataTable(); using (BookmarksDL bkmrkDL = new BookmarksDL()) { dt2Export = bkmrkDL.GetTable(new Bookmark { }); } exportMan.Export2Excel(dt2Export, "Bookmarks", "D:/Bookmarks.xls"); } catch (Exception ex) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "ExportToExcel"); MessageUtil.Error("Export Operation failed"); } }
private void FormLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { using (BookmarksDL bookmrksDL = new BookmarksDL()) { bookmarkList = bookmrksDL.GetTableAsList <Bookmark>(); SetDataSourceOfGRid(); } } catch (Exception ex) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "FormLoad"); MessageUtil.Error("Bookmark List could not be loaded."); } }
private void CreateShortCut(Environment.SpecialFolder flder, string filePath) { try { IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShortcut shortCut; WshShell ws = new WshShell(); shortCut = (IWshShortcut)ws.CreateShortcut(Environment.GetFolderPath(flder) + filePath); shortCut.TargetPath = Application.ExecutablePath; shortCut.Description = "This software has been made for managing all bookmarks in one program. Use for good days.\nMade By : Musty\nPath : " + Application.ExecutablePath; shortCut.IconLocation = Application.StartupPath + @"\monitor.ico"; shortCut.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageUtil.Error("Shortcut could not be created."); FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "CreateShortCut"); } }
private void UpdateObj() { try { if (grdVwBookmarks.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { int bkmrkId = grdVwBookmarks.SelectedRows[0].Cells["ID"].Value.ToInt(); FrmBookmark bkrmrk = new FrmBookmark(bkmrkId); bkrmrk.BookmarkChanged += new FrmBookmark.BookmarkChange(this.BkmrkChanged); bkrmrk.ShowDialog(); } } catch (Exception ex) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "Update"); MessageUtil.Error("Object could not be updated"); } }
private void ExportToExcelSearch() { try { DataTable dt2Export = new DataTable(); int rowCount = grdVwBookmarks.Rows.Count; if (rowCount > 0) { int colCount = grdVwBookmarks.ColumnCount; for (int colCounter = 0; colCounter < colCount; colCounter++) { if (object.ReferenceEquals(typeof(Bookmark).GetProperty(grdVwBookmarks.Columns[colCounter].Name).PropertyType, typeof(DateTime)) == false && grdVwBookmarks.Columns[colCounter].Visible == true) { dt2Export.Columns.Add(grdVwBookmarks.Columns[colCounter].Name, typeof(string)); } } colCount = dt2Export.Columns.Count; DataRow row; for (int rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < rowCount; rowCounter++) { row = null; row = dt2Export.NewRow(); for (int colcounter = 0; colcounter < colCount; colcounter++) { row[dt2Export.Columns[colcounter].ColumnName] = grdVwBookmarks.Rows[rowCounter].Cells[dt2Export.Columns[colcounter].ColumnName].Value.ToStr(); } dt2Export.Rows.Add(row); } } exportMan.Export2Excel(dt2Export, "Bookmarks", "D:/Bookmarks.xls"); } catch (Exception ex) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "ExportToExcel"); MessageUtil.Error("Export Operation failed"); } }
private void grdVwBookmarks_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { txtDetails.Text = string.Empty; if (grdVwBookmarks.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { DataGridViewCellCollection rowCells = grdVwBookmarks.SelectedRows[0].Cells; StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); strBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format("{0} : {1}", "İsim", rowCells["Name"].Value.ToStr())); strBuilder.AppendLine("-------------------"); strBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format("{0} : {1}", "Açıklama", rowCells["Description"].Value.ToStr())); strBuilder.AppendLine("-------------------"); strBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format("{0} : {1}", "Adres", rowCells["Url"].Value.ToStr())); txtDetails.Text = strBuilder.ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "grdVwBookmarks_SelectionChanged"); } }
void FormLoad() { try { isFormLoaded = false; if (_browserId != -1) { if (dtBrowserList != null) { for (int rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < dtBrowserList.Rows.Count; rowCounter++) { if (dtBrowserList.Rows[rowCounter]["Id"].ToInt() == _browserId) { txtName.Text = dtBrowserList.Rows[rowCounter]["Name"].ToStr(); txtPath.Text = dtBrowserList.Rows[rowCounter]["Path"].ToStr(); break; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "FormLoad"); MessageUtil.Error("Browser List could not be loaded."); } finally { isFormLoaded = true; browser = new Browser(); if (_browserId != -1) { browser.Id = _browserId; } } }
public virtual int LogDelete(int userId, string tableName, int logObjectId) { int result = 0; try { result = Log(userId, tableName, TransactionTypes.Delete, logObjectId); } catch (Exception ex) { result = -2; if (!this.handleErrors) { throw; } else { FreeLogger.LogException(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), userId); } } return(result); }
private void Delete() { try { if (grdVwBookmarks.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { if (MessageUtil.Confirm("Bookmark will be deleted. Are you sure?") == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { int bkmrkId = grdVwBookmarks.SelectedRows[0].Cells["ID"].Value.ToInt(); Bookmark bkmrk = null; for (int bookmarkCounter = 0; bookmarkCounter < bookmarkList.Count; bookmarkCounter++) { if (bkmrkId == bookmarkList[bookmarkCounter].ID) { bkmrk = bookmarkList[bookmarkCounter]; break; } } if (bkmrk != null) { bkmrk.Delete(); bookmarkList.Remove(bkmrk); SetDataSourceOfGRid(); MessageUtil.Message("Bookmark deleted successfully."); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "Delete"); MessageUtil.Error("Object could not be deleted."); } }
public void RunWithForm(bool isRegistered) { try { string url = string.Empty; if (grdVwBookmarks.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { url = grdVwBookmarks.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Url"].Value.ToStr(); } if (url.IsNullOrSpace() == false) { FrmRunWith frw = new FrmRunWith(url, isRegistered); frw.ShowDialog(); } } catch (Exception ex) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "RunWithForm"); MessageUtil.Error("Object could not be runned."); } }
void RunWith() { try { if (_url.IsNullOrSpace()) { MessageUtil.Message("Url can not be null!.."); return; } if (cmbxBrowsers.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageUtil.Message("Select Browser!.."); return; } if (cmbxBrowsers.SelectedValue == null) { MessageUtil.Message("Select Browser!.."); return; } using (Process p = new Process()) { p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true; p.StartInfo.FileName = cmbxBrowsers.SelectedValue.ToString(); p.StartInfo.Arguments = "\"" + _url + "\""; p.Start(); } this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "RunWith"); MessageUtil.Error("Object could not be runned."); } }
private void Search(string strSearch, string searchColumn, bool isDateFiltering, int isCreationTime, int dateFilterSelection) { try { List <Bookmark> searchList = new List <Bookmark>(); searchList = bookmarkList; if (searchList != null) { try { if (strSearch.IsNullOrSpace() == false) { switch (searchColumn) { case "Name": searchList = searchList.AsQueryable <Bookmark>().Where <Bookmark>(b => b.Name.Contains(strSearch)).ToList <Bookmark>(); break; case "Description": searchList = searchList.AsQueryable <Bookmark>().Where <Bookmark>(b => b.Description.Contains(strSearch)).ToList <Bookmark>(); break; case "Url": searchList = searchList.AsQueryable <Bookmark>().Where <Bookmark>(b => b.Url.Contains(strSearch)).ToList <Bookmark>(); break; default: break; } } if (isDateFiltering) { DateTime dtStart = new DateTime(dtpStartDate.Value.Year, dtpStartDate.Value.Month, dtpStartDate.Value.Day, dtpStartTime.Value.Hour, dtpStartTime.Value.Minute, dtpStartTime.Value.Second); DateTime dtEnd = new DateTime(dtpEndDate.Value.Year, dtpEndDate.Value.Month, dtpEndDate.Value.Day, dtpEndTime.Value.Hour, dtpEndTime.Value.Minute, dtpEndTime.Value.Second); switch (isCreationTime) { case 1: switch (dateFilterSelection) { case 1: searchList = searchList.AsQueryable <Bookmark>().Where <Bookmark>(b => b.CreationTime >= dtStart).ToList <Bookmark>(); break; case 2: searchList = searchList.AsQueryable <Bookmark>().Where <Bookmark>(b => b.CreationTime >= dtStart && b.CreationTime <= dtEnd).ToList <Bookmark>(); break; case 3: searchList = searchList.AsQueryable <Bookmark>().Where <Bookmark>(b => b.CreationTime <= dtEnd).ToList <Bookmark>(); break; default: break; } break; case 2: switch (dateFilterSelection) { case 1: searchList = searchList.AsQueryable <Bookmark>().Where <Bookmark>(b => b.UpdateTime >= dtStart).ToList <Bookmark>(); break; case 2: searchList = searchList.AsQueryable <Bookmark>().Where <Bookmark>(b => b.UpdateTime >= dtStart && b.UpdateTime <= dtEnd).ToList <Bookmark>(); break; case 3: searchList = searchList.AsQueryable <Bookmark>().Where <Bookmark>(b => b.UpdateTime <= dtEnd).ToList <Bookmark>(); break; default: break; } break; default: break; } } } catch (Exception exInner) { searchList = new List <Bookmark>(); FreeLogger.LogMethod(exInner, this.Name, "Search_Inner"); } } SetDataSourceOfGRid(searchList); } catch (Exception exOuter) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(exOuter, this.Name, "Search_Outer"); } }
private void Save() { try { if (txtUrl.Text.IsNullOrSpace()) { MessageUtil.Warn("Url can not be empty."); return; } if (txtName.Text.IsNullOrSpace()) { MessageUtil.Warn("Name can not be empty."); return; } long id = bookMan.GetBookmarkIDByName(bookmark.Name); if (id != -1 && id != _bookmarkId) { MessageUtil.Warn("Bookmark is exist with given name."); return; } id = bookMan.GetBookmarkIDByUrl(bookmark.Url); if (id != -1 && id != _bookmarkId) { MessageUtil.Warn("Bookmark is exist with given Url."); return; } if (_bookmarkId == -1) { bookmark.CreationTime = DateTime.Now; bookmark.ID = bookmark.InsertAndGetId(); if (BookmarkChanged != null) { BookmarkChanged(bookmark, true); } txtName.ResetText(); txtDescription.ResetText(); txtUrl.ResetText(); bookmark = new Bookmark(); } else { if (bookmark.ChangeSetCount > 1) { bookmark.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; bookmark.Update(); isUpdated = true; if (BookmarkChanged != null) { BookmarkChanged(bookmark, false); } btnSave.Enabled = false; btnCancel.Text = "Close"; } } MessageUtil.Message("Boomark Saved."); } catch (Exception ex) { FreeLogger.LogMethod(ex, this.Name, "Save"); } }