コード例 #1
ファイル: RowlandsAnalysis.cs プロジェクト: RBSystems/LoT
        public RowlandsAnalysis(string dataFilePath, int width)
            this.width                   = width;
            this.dataFilePath            = dataFilePath;
            count                        = 0;
            timestamp_energy_temperature = new List <Tuple <DateTime, double, double> >();

            File.Delete(".\\result-width-" + width + ".txt");

            StreamFactory streamFactory = StreamFactory.Instance;

            FqStreamID fq_sid = new FqStreamID("RowlandsAnalysis" + width, "A", "TestBS");
            CallerInfo ci     = new CallerInfo(null, "A", "A", 1);

            streamFactory.deleteStream(fq_sid, ci);
            dataStream = streamFactory.openValueDataStream <DoubleKey, ByteValue>(fq_sid, ci, null, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Write, mdserveraddress: null, ChunkSizeForUpload: 4 * 1024 * 1024, ThreadPoolSize: 1, log: new Logger());
            string line;

            System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(dataFilePath);
            while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                string[] words       = line.Split(',');
                DateTime date        = Convert.ToDateTime(words[0]);
                double   energy      = Double.Parse(words[1]);
                double   temperature = Double.Parse(words[2]);
                timestamp_energy_temperature.Add(new Tuple <DateTime, double, double>(date, energy, temperature));
コード例 #2
        public void Setup()
            StreamFactory sf         = StreamFactory.Instance;
            DateTime      Date       = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks);
            string        HomeName   = String.Format("TestHome-{0}", Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
            string        Caller     = String.Format("{0}", Date.ToString("HH-mm-ss"));
            string        AppName    = Caller;
            Random        rnd        = new Random();
            string        StreamName = String.Format("{0}", rnd.Next());

            FqStreamID fqstreamid = new FqStreamID(HomeName, AppName, StreamName);
            CallerInfo ci         = new CallerInfo(null, Caller, Caller, 1);

            sf.deleteStream(fqstreamid, ci);

            vds = sf.openValueDataStream <StrKey, ByteValue>(fqstreamid, ci,
                                                             mdserveraddress: "http://localhost:23456/MetadataServer");

            k1 = new StrKey("k1");
            k2 = new StrKey("k2");
コード例 #3
        public NaivePreHeat_remoteread(string dataFilePath, int K, string outputFilePath, int chunkSize, string mdserver, LocationInfo li, int endSlotIndex)
            this.dataFilePath   = dataFilePath;
            occupancyKey        = new StrKey("occupancy");
            random              = new Random();
            this.constK         = K;
            this.outputFilePath = outputFilePath;
            this.chunkSize      = chunkSize;
            this.mdserver       = mdserver;
            this.li             = li;

            int           slotIndex     = 0;
            StreamFactory streamFactory = StreamFactory.Instance;
            FqStreamID    fq_sid        = new FqStreamID(fqsidprefix + chunkSize, "A", "TestBS");
            CallerInfo    ci            = new CallerInfo(null, "A", "A", 1);

            streamFactory.deleteStream(fq_sid, ci);
            IStream occupancyGroundTruthStream = streamFactory.openValueDataStream <StrKey, ByteValue>(fq_sid, ci, li, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Write, mdserver, chunkSize, 1, new Logger());

            while (true)
                occupancyGroundTruthStream.Append(occupancyKey, new ByteValue(BitConverter.GetBytes(random.Next(2))), slotIndexBase + slotIndex);
                if (slotIndex == endSlotIndex)
コード例 #4
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: dhakalsamip/LoT
        static void Main(string[] args)
                StreamFactory sf         = StreamFactory.Instance;
                FqStreamID    fqsid      = new FqStreamID("new5", "A0", "Test");
                CallerInfo    callerinfo = new CallerInfo(null, "A0", "A0", 1);
                String        mdserver   = "http://localhost:23456/MetaDataServer/";

                //sf.deleteStream(fqsid, callerinfo, mdserver);
                IStream stream = sf.openValueDataStream <StrKey, ByteValue>(fqsid,
                                                                            StreamFactory.StreamOp.Write, mdserver, 4 * 1024 * 1024, 1, null, false, WriteFrequencySeconds);

                Thread writerthread = new Thread(() => Write(stream));
                isWriting = true;
                Console.WriteLine("Starting Writer .... (press enter to stop) ");
                isWriting = false;

            catch (Exception e)
コード例 #5
        public void ExportData(bool remote, DateTime dtbegin, DateTime dtend, String outputFileName)
            //read the settings
            string accountName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("AccountName");
            string accountKey  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("AccountSharedKey");
            string homeId      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("HomeId");
            string appId       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("AppId");
            string streamId    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("StreamId");

            IStream      datastream;
            FileStream   fs    = new FileStream(outputFileName, FileMode.Append);
            StreamWriter swOut = new StreamWriter(fs);

            StreamFactory sf = StreamFactory.Instance;

            CallerInfo ci     = new CallerInfo(null, appId, appId, 0);
            FqStreamID fq_sid = new FqStreamID(homeId, appId, streamId);

            if (remote)
                LocationInfo li = new LocationInfo(accountName, accountKey, SynchronizerType.Azure);
                datastream = sf.openValueDataStream <StrKey, StrValue>
                                 (fq_sid, ci, li, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Read,
                                 null, 4 * 1024 * 1024, 1, null, true);
                datastream = sf.openValueDataStream <StrKey, StrValue>
                                 (fq_sid, ci, null, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Read,
                                 null, 4 * 1024 * 1024, 1, null);

            DateTime dtbeginutc = dtbegin.ToUniversalTime();
            DateTime dtendutc   = dtend.ToUniversalTime();

//            StrKey tmpKey = new StrKey("envih1:sensormultilevel:");

            HashSet <IKey> keys = datastream.GetKeys(null, null);

            foreach (IKey key in keys)
                // IEnumerable<IDataItem> dataItemEnum = datastream.GetAll(key);
                //                                                dtendutc.Ticks);
                IEnumerable <IDataItem> dataItemEnum = datastream.GetAll(key,
                if (dataItemEnum != null)
                    foreach (IDataItem di in dataItemEnum)
                        DateTime ts = new DateTime(di.GetTimestamp());
                        swOut.WriteLine(key + ", " + ts.ToLocalTime() + ", " + di.GetVal().ToString());

コード例 #6
        public Export(bool remote)
            IStream datastream;

            string accountName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("AccountName");
            string accountKey  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("AccountSharedKey");
            string homeId      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("HomeId");
            string appId       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("AppId");
            string streamId    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("StreamId");

            StreamFactory sf = StreamFactory.Instance;

            CallerInfo ci     = new CallerInfo(null, appId, appId, 0);
            FqStreamID fq_sid = new FqStreamID(homeId, appId, streamId);

            if (remote)
                LocationInfo li = new LocationInfo(accountName, accountKey, SynchronizerType.Azure);
                datastream = sf.openValueDataStream <StrKey, StrValue>
                                 (fq_sid, ci, li, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Read,
                                 null, 4 * 1024 * 1024, 1, null, true);
                datastream = sf.openValueDataStream <StrKey, StrValue>
                                 (fq_sid, ci, null, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Read,
                                 null, 4 * 1024 * 1024, 1, null);

             * StrKey key = new StrKey("foo");
             * if (datastream != null)
             * {
             *  datastream.Append(key, new StrValue("bar"));
             *  datastream.Append(key, new StrValue("baz"));
             * }
             * */

            HashSet <IKey> keys = datastream.GetKeys(null, null);

            foreach (IKey key in keys)
                IEnumerable <IDataItem> dataItemEnum = datastream.GetAll(key);
                foreach (IDataItem di in dataItemEnum)
                        DateTime ts = new DateTime(di.GetTimestamp());
                        Console.WriteLine(key + ", " + ts + ", " + di.GetVal().ToString());
                    catch (Exception e)

コード例 #7
ファイル: OldDataDirStream.cs プロジェクト: dhakalsamip/LoT
 public OldDataDirStream(FqStreamID FQSID, StreamFactory.StreamOp Op, CallerInfo Ci, ISync sync)
     : base(FQSID, Op, Ci, sync)
     if (!typeof(IValue).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(ValType)))
         throw new InvalidDataException("ValType must implement IValue");
コード例 #8
        public List <RetVal> PredictOccupancy(long startSlotIndex, long endSlotIndex)
            long average = 0;

            List <RetVal> retVal = new List <RetVal>();

            StreamFactory streamFactory = StreamFactory.Instance;
            FqStreamID    fq_sid        = new FqStreamID(fqsidprefix + chunkSize, "A", "TestBS");
            CallerInfo    ci            = new CallerInfo(null, "A", "A", 1);

            Directory.Delete(fq_sid.HomeId, true);

            int     slotIndex = Convert.ToInt32(startSlotIndex); long startTime = 0, retrievelTime = 0, computeTime = 0;
            IStream occupancyGroundTruthStream = streamFactory.openValueDataStream <StrKey, ByteValue>(fq_sid, ci, li, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Read, mdserver, chunkSize, 1, new Logger());

            while (true)
                List <int>         currentPOV      = new List <int>();
                List <List <int> > previousDaysPOV = new List <List <int> >();

                    startTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

                    currentPOV      = ConstructCurrentPOV(occupancyGroundTruthStream, slotIndex);
                    previousDaysPOV = ConstructPreviousPOV(occupancyGroundTruthStream, slotIndex);
                    retrievelTime   = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;

                    startTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                    int predictedOccupancy = Predict(currentPOV, previousDaysPOV);
                    computeTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
                catch (Exception e)

                Console.WriteLine("Slot number {0} {1} ", slotIndex, retrievelTime);
                using (results = File.AppendText(outputFilePath))
                    results.WriteLine("Slot number {0} {1}", slotIndex, retrievelTime);
                average += retrievelTime;

                if (slotIndex == endSlotIndex)
            average = average / (endSlotIndex - startSlotIndex + 1);

            retVal.Add(new RetVal(0, Convert.ToInt32(average)));
コード例 #9
ファイル: MainClass.cs プロジェクト: dhakalsamip/LoT
        private static void UploadDataAsStreams(int UploadCount)
            string directory = @"..\\..\\data\\meter-data";
            int    count     = 0;

            Dictionary <DateTime, double> ts_temperature = new Dictionary <DateTime, double>();
            StreamReader wfile = new System.IO.StreamReader(@"..\\..\\data\\weather.txt");
            string       wline;

            while ((wline = wfile.ReadLine()) != null)
                string[] words = wline.Split('\t');
                DateTime date  = Convert.ToDateTime(words[4]);
                date = date.AddHours(Int32.Parse(words[5]));
                double temperature = Double.Parse(words[0]);
                ts_temperature[date] = temperature;

            foreach (string filePath in Directory.GetFiles(directory))
                Console.WriteLine("file name:" + filePath);
                string line;
                System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(filePath);

                LocationInfo li = new LocationInfo(AzureaccountName, AzureaccountKey, SynchronizerType.Azure);

                FqStreamID fq_sid = new FqStreamID("crrealhome" + count, "A", "TestBS");
                CallerInfo ci     = new CallerInfo(null, "A", "A", 1);

                StreamFactory sf = StreamFactory.Instance;
                sf.deleteStream(fq_sid, ci);
                IStream dfs_byte_val = sf.openValueDataStream <DoubleKey, ByteValue>(fq_sid, ci, li, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Write, mdserveraddress: mdServer, ChunkSizeForUpload: 4 * 1024 * 1024, ThreadPoolSize: 1, log: new Logger());

                while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                    string[] words = line.Split('\t');
                    DateTime date  = Convert.ToDateTime(words[0]);
                    date = date.AddHours(int.Parse(words[1]) / 100);
                    DoubleKey key = new DoubleKey(((int)(ts_temperature[date])));
                    dfs_byte_val.Append(key, new ByteValue(BitConverter.GetBytes(Double.Parse(words[2]))), DateTimeToUnixTimestamp(date));
                    // Console.WriteLine(DateTimeToUnixTimestamp(date) + "," + words[2]);

                if (count == UploadCount)
コード例 #10
ファイル: MainClass.cs プロジェクト: dhakalsamip/LoT
        private static long RemoteRead(int numberOfHomes, DateTime start, DateTime end, string tag)
            Dictionary <int, List <double> > temp_energy_allhomes = new Dictionary <int, List <double> >();
            Dictionary <int, List <double> > temp_energy_home;
            long retVal = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfHomes; i++)
                temp_energy_home = new Dictionary <int, List <double> >();

                LocationInfo  li     = new LocationInfo(AzureaccountName, AzureaccountKey, SynchronizerType.Azure);
                FqStreamID    fq_sid = new FqStreamID("crrealhome" + i, "A", "TestBS");
                CallerInfo    ci     = new CallerInfo(null, "A", "A", 1);
                StreamFactory sf     = StreamFactory.Instance;

                IStream dfs_byte_val = sf.openValueDataStream <DoubleKey, ByteValue>(fq_sid, ci, li, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Read, mdServer, 4 * 1024 * 1024, 1, new Logger());

                long start_ticks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                for (int temp = -30; temp <= 40; temp++)
                    IEnumerable <IDataItem> vals = dfs_byte_val.GetAll(new DoubleKey(temp), DateTimeToUnixTimestamp(start), DateTimeToUnixTimestamp(end));
                    if (vals != null)
                        foreach (IDataItem val in vals)
                            if (!temp_energy_home.ContainsKey(temp))
                                temp_energy_home[temp] = new List <double>();

                            if (!temp_energy_allhomes.ContainsKey(temp))
                                temp_energy_allhomes[temp] = new List <double>();

                            temp_energy_home[temp].Add(BitConverter.ToDouble(val.GetVal().GetBytes(), 0));
                            temp_energy_allhomes[temp].Add(BitConverter.ToDouble(val.GetVal().GetBytes(), 0));
                long end_ticks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                retVal += end_ticks - start_ticks;

                WriteToFile(".\\result-realhome-" + i + "-n-" + numberOfHomes + "-" + tag, temp_energy_home);
            WriteToFile(".\\result-allhomes-n-" + numberOfHomes + "-" + tag, temp_energy_allhomes);
コード例 #11
ファイル: FileDataStreamTest.cs プロジェクト: RBSystems/LoT
        public void Setup()
            k1 = new StrKey("k1");
            k2 = new StrKey("k2");
            string AzureaccountName = "testdrive";
            string AzureaccountKey  = "zRTT++dVryOWXJyAM7NM0TuQcu0Y23BgCQfkt7xh2f/Mm+r6c8/XtPTY0xxaF6tPSACJiuACsjotDeNIVyXM8Q==";

            locationInfo       = new LocationInfo(AzureaccountName, AzureaccountKey, SynchronizerType.Azure);
            streamID           = new FqStreamID("99-a2000", "A0", "TestDS");
            callerInfo         = new CallerInfo(null, "A0", "A0", 1);
            streamSecurityType = StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain;
            streamFactory      = StreamFactory.Instance;
コード例 #12
ファイル: ModuleBase.cs プロジェクト: dhakalsamip/LoT
        protected IStream CreateFileDataStream <KeyType, ValType>(string streamId, bool remoteSync, int syncIntervalSec = -1)
            where KeyType : IKey, new()
            CallerInfo ci     = new CallerInfo(this.moduleInfo.WorkingDir(), this.moduleInfo.FriendlyName(), this.moduleInfo.AppName(), this.Secret());
            FqStreamID fq_sid = new FqStreamID(GetConfSetting("HomeId"), this.moduleInfo.FriendlyName(), streamId);

            if (remoteSync)
                LocationInfo Li = new LocationInfo(GetConfSetting("DataStoreAccountName"), GetConfSetting("DataStoreAccountKey"), SynchronizerType.Azure);
                return(this.streamFactory.openFileDataStream <KeyType>(
                           fq_sid, ci, Li, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Write, syncIntervalSec: syncIntervalSec));
                return(this.streamFactory.openFileDataStream <KeyType>(
                           fq_sid, ci, null, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Write, syncIntervalSec: syncIntervalSec));
コード例 #13
ファイル: DNS-legacy.cs プロジェクト: dhakalsamip/LoT
        public DNW_legacy(int numberOfStreams, int window, string outputFilePath)
            this.numberOfStreams = numberOfStreams;
            this.window          = window;
            this.count           = 0;
            this.outputFilePath  = outputFilePath;
            StreamFactory streamFactory = StreamFactory.Instance;

            FqStreamID fq_sid = new FqStreamID("dnw-" + window + "-" + numberOfStreams, "A", "TestBS");
            CallerInfo ci     = new CallerInfo(null, "A", "A", 1);

            streamFactory.deleteStream(fq_sid, ci);
            dataStreams = new List <IStream>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfStreams; i++)
                dataStreams.Add(streamFactory.openValueDataStream <StrKey, ByteValue>(fq_sid, ci, null, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Write, null, 4 * 1024 * 1024, 1, new Logger()));
コード例 #14
        public DNW(int numberOfStreams, int window, LocationInfo li, string mdserver, int chunkSize)
            this.li = li;
            this.numberOfStreams = numberOfStreams;
            this.window          = window;
            this.count           = 0;
            this.mdServer        = mdserver;
            this.chunkSize       = chunkSize;
            StreamFactory streamFactory = StreamFactory.Instance;
            CallerInfo    ci            = new CallerInfo(null, "A", "A", 1);

            dataStreams = new List <IStream>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfStreams; i++)
                FqStreamID fq_sid = new FqStreamID(fqprefix + "-" + window + "-" + i + "/" + numberOfStreams + "-" + chunkSize, "A", "TestBS");
                streamFactory.deleteStream(fq_sid, ci);
                dataStreams.Add(streamFactory.openValueDataStream <StrKey, ByteValue>(fq_sid, ci, li, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Write, mdserveraddress: mdServer, ChunkSizeForUpload: chunkSize, ThreadPoolSize: 1, log: new Logger()));
コード例 #15
        public long RemoteMatch(List <int> targetSMPCvector)

            StreamFactory sf = StreamFactory.Instance;

            for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfStreams; i++)
                CallerInfo ci           = new CallerInfo(null, "A", "A", 1);
                FqStreamID fq_sid       = new FqStreamID(fqprefix + "-" + window + "-" + i + "/" + numberOfStreams + "-" + chunkSize, "A", "TestBS");
                IStream    dfs_byte_val = sf.openValueDataStream <StrKey, ByteValue>(fq_sid, ci, li, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Read, mdserveraddress: mdServer, ChunkSizeForUpload: chunkSize, ThreadPoolSize: 1, log: new Logger());
            long start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            long time = DateTime.Now.Ticks - start;

コード例 #16
        public async Task SetupDataStream(bool remote, string accountName, string accountKey, string homeId, string appId, string streamId)
            StreamFactory sf = StreamFactory.Instance;

            CallerInfo ci     = new CallerInfo(null, appId, appId, 0);
            FqStreamID fq_sid = new FqStreamID(homeId, appId, streamId);

            if (remote)
                LocationInfo li = new LocationInfo(accountName, accountKey, SynchronizerType.Azure);
                datastream = await Task.Run(() => sf.openValueDataStream <StrKey, StrValue>
                                                (fq_sid, ci, li, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Read,
                                                null, 4 * 1024 * 1024, 1, null, true));
                datastream = await Task.Run(() => sf.openValueDataStream <StrKey, StrValue>
                                                (fq_sid, ci, null, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Read,
                                                null, 4 * 1024 * 1024, 1, null));
コード例 #17
ファイル: SmartPreHeat.cs プロジェクト: dhakalsamip/LoT
        new public List <RetVal> PredictOccupancy(long startSlotIndex, long endSlotIndex)
            List <RetVal> retVal = new List <RetVal>();

            System.IO.StreamReader datafile = null;

            if (dataFilePath != null) //assuming datafile has one occupancy value per line read to startSlotIndex
                string line;
                int    counter = 0;
                datafile = new System.IO.StreamReader(this.dataFilePath);
                if (startSlotIndex != 0)
                    while ((line = datafile.ReadLine()) != null)
                        if (counter == startSlotIndex)

            StreamFactory streamFactory = StreamFactory.Instance;

            FqStreamID fq_sid = new FqStreamID("smartpreheat", "A", "TestBS");
            CallerInfo ci     = new CallerInfo(null, "A", "A", 1);

            streamFactory.deleteStream(fq_sid, ci);
            IStream occupancyGroundTruthStream = streamFactory.openValueDataStream <StrKey, ByteValue>(fq_sid, ci, null, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Write, null, 4 * 1024 * 1024, 1, new Logger());

            int slotIndex = 0; long startTime, retrievelTime, computeTime, insertTime;

            while (true)
                startTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                List <int>         currentPOV      = SmartConstructCurrentPOV(occupancyGroundTruthStream, slotIndex);
                List <List <int> > previousDaysPOV = SmartConstructPreviousPOV(occupancyGroundTruthStream, slotIndex);
                retrievelTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;

                startTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                int predictedOccupancy = Predict(currentPOV, previousDaysPOV);
                computeTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;

                startTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                int groundTruth;
                if (datafile == null) // if no datafile to read the ground truth from just append randomly
                    groundTruth = random.Next(2);
                    string line = datafile.ReadLine();
                    groundTruth = int.Parse(line);

                List <int> temp = new List <int>();
                foreach (List <int> previousPOV in previousDaysPOV)
                    temp = temp.Concat(previousPOV).ToList();
                temp = temp.Concat(currentPOV).ToList();
                occupancyGroundTruthStream.Append(occupancyKey, new ByteValue(temp.SelectMany(BitConverter.GetBytes).ToArray()), slotIndexBase + slotIndex);

                insertTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime;
                Console.WriteLine("Slot number {0} {1} {2} {3}", slotIndex, retrievelTime, computeTime, insertTime);

                using (results = File.AppendText(outputFilePath))
                    results.WriteLine("Slot number {0} {1} {2} {3}", slotIndex, retrievelTime, computeTime, insertTime);

                //retVal.Add(new RetVal(endTime - startTime, predictedOccupancy));

                if (slotIndex == endSlotIndex)
コード例 #18
ファイル: OldDataFileStream.cs プロジェクト: RBSystems/LoT
        public OldDataFileStream(FqStreamID FQSID, StreamFactory.StreamOp Op, CallerInfo Ci, ISync sync)
            if (!typeof(IKey).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(KeyType)))
                throw new InvalidDataException("KeyType must implement IKey");
            if (!typeof(IValue).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(ValType)))
                throw new InvalidDataException("ValType must implement IValue");

            callerId     = Ci.friendlyName;
            callerSecret = Ci.secret;

            synchronizer = sync;

            isClosed = false;
            disposed = false;
            sha1     = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();
            index    = new Dictionary <IKey, List <TS_Offset> >();
            /* ts_index = new List<TS_Offset>(); */

            latest_tso = new TS_Offset(0, 0);

            // Get the current directory.
            string BaseDir = Path.GetFullPath((null != Ci.workingDir) ? Ci.workingDir : Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());

            targetDir = BaseDir + "/" + FQSID.ToString();
            if (!Directory.Exists(targetDir))

            if (synchronizer != null)

            md = new OldMetaData(targetDir, ".md");

            // Check if stream has to be CREATED
            if (!md.load)
                if (FQSID.AppId == callerId)
                    Console.WriteLine("Created stream " + targetDir + " for " + callerId);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(callerId + " not permitted to create stream for " + FQSID.AppId);

            // Open stream for read or write
            if (Op == StreamFactory.StreamOp.Read)
                if (!OpenForRead())
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Couldn't open stream for reading");
                if (!OpenForWrite())
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Couldn't open stream for writing");

            // Build index
                // permission checks succeeded

                // load index from file if present
                // TODO: if not and stream.dat is present: recreate index from stream.dat
                string IndexFQN = targetDir + "/index.dat";
                if (File.Exists(IndexFQN))
                    FileStream iout = new FileStream(IndexFQN, FileMode.Open,
                                                     FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);

                    BinaryReader index_br = new BinaryReader(iout);

                        while (true)
                            string key  = index_br.ReadString();
                            IKey   ikey = SerializerHelper <KeyType> .DeserializeFromJsonStream(key) as IKey;

                            int num_offsets          = index_br.ReadInt32();
                            List <TS_Offset> offsets = new List <TS_Offset>(num_offsets);
                            for (int i = 0; i < num_offsets; i++)
                                long      ts     = index_br.ReadInt64();
                                long      offset = index_br.ReadInt64();
                                TS_Offset tso    = new TS_Offset(ts, offset);
                                if (ts > latest_tso.ts)
                                    latest_tso = tso;
                            index[ikey] = offsets;
                    catch (EndOfStreamException)
                        // done

                 * // load ts_index
                 * string TsIndexFQN = targetDir + "/ts_index.dat";
                 * if (File.Exists(TsIndexFQN))
                 * {
                 *  FileStream iout = new FileStream(TsIndexFQN, FileMode.Open,
                 *                                   FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
                 *  BinaryReader index_br = new BinaryReader(iout);
                 *  try
                 *  {
                 *      while (true)
                 *      {
                 *          long ts = index_br.ReadInt64();
                 *          long offset = index_br.ReadInt64();
                 *          ts_index.Add(new TS_Offset(ts, offset));
                 *      };
                 *  }
                 *  catch (EndOfStreamException)
                 *  {
                 *      // done
                 *  }
                 *  finally
                 *  {
                 *      index_br.Close();
                 *  }
                 * }

                // create the FileStream
                fout = new FileStream(targetDir + "/stream.dat", FileMode.OpenOrCreate,
                                      FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite);
                fout.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);

                fs_bw = new BinaryWriter(fout);

                fin = new FileStream(targetDir + "/stream.dat", FileMode.Open,
                                     FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);

                fs_br = new BinaryReader(fin);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to open file: " + targetDir + "/stream.dat");
                Console.WriteLine("{0} Exception caught.", e);
コード例 #19
ファイル: Experiment.cs プロジェクト: dhakalsamip/LoT
        public void Run(string CallerName,
                        string HomeName, string AppName, string StreamName,
                        string RandName,
                        long stime, long etime,
                        StreamType stream_type,
                        StreamOperation stream_op,
                        StreamFactory.StreamDataType ptype,
                        CompressionType ctype, int ChunkSize, int ThreadPoolSize,
                        Byte[] value, int num_operations,
                        SynchronizerType synctype,
                        int max_key    = 0,
                        string address = null,
                        bool doCosts   = false,
                        bool doRaw     = false)
            // Set experiment directory
            CallerInfo ci = new CallerInfo(null, CallerName, CallerName, 1);

            exp_directory = Path.GetFullPath((null != ci.workingDir) ? ci.workingDir : Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
            exp_directory = exp_directory + "/" + HomeName + "/" + AppName + "/" + StreamName;

            if (max_key == 0)
                max_key = num_operations;

            // Set a description/tag for the experiment
            this.exp_id = "Directory: " + HomeName + "/" + AppName + "/" + StreamName +
                          " Caller:" + CallerName
                          + " Stream Type:" + stream_type + " Stream Op: " + stream_op + " Stream Ptype: " + ptype + " Compression Type: " + ctype
                          + " Value size: " + value.Length
                          + " num_operations: " + max_key
                          + " actual_num_ops: " + num_operations
                          + " Sync type: " + synctype
                          + " Do costs? " + doCosts + "Chunk Size: " + ChunkSize + " ThreadPool Size:" + ThreadPoolSize;

            this.compressed_exp_id =
                " ST:" + stream_type + " OP: " + stream_op + " PT: " + ptype + " CT: " + ctype
                + " VS: " + value.Length
                + " I:" + num_operations
                + " MK:" + max_key
                + " SYNC: " + synctype + " chsize: " + ChunkSize + " nThreads: " + ThreadPoolSize;

            // Set remote storage server account info
            string AzureaccountName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("AccountName");
            string AzureaccountKey  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("AccountSharedKey");

            string S3accountName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("S3AccountName");
            string S3accountKey  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("S3AccountSharedKey");

            LocationInfo Li;

            if (synctype == SynchronizerType.Azure)
                Li = new LocationInfo(AzureaccountName, AzureaccountKey, SynchronizerType.Azure);
            else if (synctype == SynchronizerType.AmazonS3)
                Li = new LocationInfo(S3accountName, S3accountKey, SynchronizerType.AmazonS3);
                Li = null;

            StreamFactory sf = StreamFactory.Instance;

            IStream    stream   = null;
            FqStreamID streamid = new FqStreamID(HomeName, AppName, StreamName);

            // Set op : R/W
            StreamFactory.StreamOp rw;
            if (stream_op == StreamOperation.RandomKeyRandomValueAppend ||
                stream_op == StreamOperation.RandomKeySameValueAppend ||
                stream_op == StreamOperation.SameKeyRandomValueAppend ||
                stream_op == StreamOperation.SameKeySameValueAppend)
                rw = StreamFactory.StreamOp.Write;
                rw = StreamFactory.StreamOp.Read;

            // Initialize costs
            CostsHelper costhelper        = null;
            double      baselineStorageKV = 0;

            if (doCosts)
                costhelper = new CostsHelper();

            if (stream_type == StreamType.CloudRaw)
                if (!Directory.Exists(exp_directory))
                Logger logger = new Logger();
                Byte[] val    = new Byte[value.Length * num_operations];
                // DateTime Date = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks);
                // string cname = String.Format("CloudRaw-{0}", Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                // string bname = String.Format("{0}", Date.ToString("HH-mm-ss"));
                // string cname = String.Format("cloudraw-{0}", RandomString(4));
                // string bname = String.Format("{0}", RandomString(4));
                string cname = String.Format("cloudraw-{0}", RandName);
                string bname = String.Format("{0}", RandName);

                if (stream_op == StreamOperation.RandomKeyGet ||
                    stream_op == StreamOperation.RandomKeyGetMultipleSegments ||
                    stream_op == StreamOperation.RandomKeyGetAll)
                    doRawCloudPerf(val, SynchronizerType.Azure,
                                   SynchronizeDirection.Download, exp_directory, logger, containerName: cname, blobName: bname);
                    logger.Dump(exp_directory + "/log");
                    doRawCloudPerf(val, SynchronizerType.Azure,
                                   SynchronizeDirection.Upload, exp_directory, logger, containerName: cname, blobName: bname);
                    logger.Dump(exp_directory + "/log");

            if (stream_type == StreamType.DiskRaw)
                if (!Directory.Exists(exp_directory))
                Logger logger = doDiskRaw(stream_op, num_operations, value.Length, ptype, exp_directory);
                logger.Dump(exp_directory + "/log");

            // Are we getting raw disk throughput?
            if (stream_type == StreamType.Raw)
                string ret = doDiskSpeed((value.Length * num_operations) / 1000 + "K", value.Length / 1000 + "K", rw);
                if (!Directory.Exists(exp_directory))
                File.WriteAllText(exp_directory + "/log", ret);

            // Populate the keys and the values
            Random random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

            StrKey[] keys = new StrKey[max_key];
            for (int i = 0; i < max_key; ++i)
                keys[i] = new StrKey("" + i);

             * List<ByteValue> vals = new List<ByteValue>(num_operations);
             * Byte[][] tmp = new Byte[num_operations][];
             * for (int i = 0; i < num_operations; ++i)
             * {
             *  tmp[i] = new Byte[value.Length];
             *  random.NextBytes(tmp[i]);
             * }
             * for (int i = 0; i < num_operations; ++i)
             * {
             *  keys[i] = new StrKey("" + i);
             *  vals.Add(new ByteValue(tmp[i]));
             *  // vals[i] = new ByteValue(tmp);
             * }

            Logger log = new Logger();

            // Open stream for different types of experiments
            if (stream_type == StreamType.Local && ptype == StreamFactory.StreamDataType.Values)
                stream = sf.openValueDataStream <StrKey, ByteValue>(streamid, ci, null, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, ctype, rw, address, ChunkSize, ThreadPoolSize, log);

            else if (stream_type == StreamType.LocalEnc && ptype == StreamFactory.StreamDataType.Values)
                stream = sf.openValueDataStream <StrKey, ByteValue>(streamid, ci, null, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Secure, ctype, rw, address, ChunkSize, ThreadPoolSize, log);

            else if (stream_type == StreamType.Remote && ptype == StreamFactory.StreamDataType.Values)
                stream = sf.openValueDataStream <StrKey, ByteValue>(streamid, ci, Li, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, ctype, rw, address, ChunkSize, ThreadPoolSize, log);

            else if (stream_type == StreamType.RemoteEnc && ptype == StreamFactory.StreamDataType.Values)
                stream = sf.openValueDataStream <StrKey, ByteValue>(streamid, ci, Li, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Secure, ctype, rw, address, ChunkSize, ThreadPoolSize, log);

            else if (stream_type == StreamType.Local && ptype == StreamFactory.StreamDataType.Files)
                stream = sf.openFileDataStream <StrKey>(streamid, ci, null, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, ctype, rw, address, ChunkSize, ThreadPoolSize, log);

            else if (stream_type == StreamType.LocalEnc && ptype == StreamFactory.StreamDataType.Files)
                stream = sf.openFileDataStream <StrKey>(streamid, ci, null, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Secure, ctype, rw, address, ChunkSize, ThreadPoolSize, log);
            else if (stream_type == StreamType.Remote && ptype == StreamFactory.StreamDataType.Files)
                stream = sf.openFileDataStream <StrKey>(streamid, ci, Li, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, ctype, rw, address, ChunkSize, ThreadPoolSize, log);
            else if (stream_type == StreamType.RemoteEnc && ptype == StreamFactory.StreamDataType.Files)
                stream = sf.openFileDataStream <StrKey>(streamid, ci, Li, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Secure, ctype, rw, address, ChunkSize, ThreadPoolSize, log);

            if (stream_op == StreamOperation.RandomKeyRandomValueAppend)
                List <ByteValue> vals = new List <ByteValue>(num_operations);
                Byte[][]         tmp  = new Byte[num_operations][];
                for (int i = 0; i < num_operations; ++i)
                    tmp[i] = new Byte[value.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < num_operations; ++i)
                    vals.Add(new ByteValue(tmp[i]));

                for (int i = 0; i < num_operations; ++i)
                    baselineStorageKV += keys[i].Size();
                    baselineStorageKV += vals[i].Size();
                    stream.Append(keys[i], vals[i]);

            else if (stream_op == StreamOperation.RandomKeySameValueAppend)
                Byte[] singleval = new Byte[value.Length];
                ByteValue singlebv = new ByteValue(singleval);
                for (int i = 0; i < num_operations; ++i)
                    baselineStorageKV += keys[i].Size();
                    baselineStorageKV += value.Length;
                    stream.Append(keys[i], singlebv);

            else if (stream_op == StreamOperation.SameKeySameValueAppend)
                StrKey key       = new StrKey("ExpKey");
                Byte[] singleval = new Byte[value.Length];
                ByteValue singlebv = new ByteValue(singleval);
                for (int i = 0; i < num_operations; ++i)
                    stream.Append(key, singlebv);
                    // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10);

            else if (stream_op == StreamOperation.RandomKeyGet || stream_op == StreamOperation.RandomKeyGetMultipleSegments)
                for (int i = 0; i < num_operations; ++i)
                    stream.Get(keys[random.Next(0, max_key)]);

            else if (stream_op == StreamOperation.RandomKeyGetAll)
                StrKey key = new StrKey("ExpKey");
                for (int i = 0; i < num_operations;)
                    long st = 0;
                    long et = -1;
                    Console.WriteLine(stime + ":" + etime);
                    while (et < st)
                        st = RandomLong(stime, etime, random);
                        // et = RandomLong(stime, etime, random);
                        et = st + (10 * 10 * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond);
                    Console.WriteLine(st + ":" + et);
                    IEnumerable <IDataItem> iterator = stream.GetAll(key, st, et);
                    foreach (IDataItem data in iterator)

                        if (i == num_operations)

            else if (stream_op == StreamOperation.SameKeyRandomValueAppend)
                StrKey key = new StrKey("ExpKey");
                for (int i = 0; i < num_operations; ++i)
                    baselineStorageKV += key.Size();
                    // baselineStorageKV += vals[i].Size();
                    // stream.Append(key, vals[i]);
                for (int i = 0; i < num_operations; ++i)
                    stream.Get(new StrKey("" + random.Next(0, num_operations - 1)));

            // Dump the instrumentation logs
            stream.DumpLogs(exp_directory + "/log");

            // Collect costs usage
            List <string> costs = new List <string>();

            if (doCosts)
                costs.Add(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks + ": CPU: " + costhelper.getCurrentCpuUsage());
                costs.Add(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks + ": Network: " + costhelper.getNetworkUsage());
                costs.Add(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks + ": DataRelated Storage: " + costhelper.getStorageUsage(this.exp_directory, dataRelated: true) / 1000.0f);
                costs.Add(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks + ": Constant Storage: " + costhelper.getStorageUsage(this.exp_directory, dataRelated: false) / 1000.0f);
                costs.Add(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks + ": Baseline Storage: " + baselineStorageKV / 1000.0f);
            File.AppendAllLines(exp_directory + "/log", costs);

            // sf.deleteStream(streamid, ci);
コード例 #20
ファイル: HDS_Test.cs プロジェクト: dhakalsamip/LoT
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string       AzureaccountName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("AccountName");
            string       AzureaccountKey  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("AccountSharedKey");
            LocationInfo li = new LocationInfo(AzureaccountName, AzureaccountKey, SynchronizerType.Azure);

             * string dataFile = "D:\\b";
             * int KB = 1024;
             * int[] chunk_sizes = { 4*1024*KB , 8*1024*KB };
             * for (int i = 1; i <= 1; i++)
             * {
             *  for (int threads = 1; threads <= 1; threads++)
             *  {
             *      foreach (int csize in chunk_sizes)
             *      {
             *          Console.Write(">");
             *          File.Copy(dataFile, dataFile + threads + "," + csize);
             *          AzureHelper helper = new AzureHelper(AzureaccountName, AzureaccountKey, "foo123123", CompressionType.None, EncryptionType.None, null, null, new Logger(), csize, threads);
             *          long start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
             *          helper.UploadFileAsChunks(dataFile + threads + "," + csize);
             *          long end = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
             *          Console.WriteLine(threads + "," + csize + "," + (((double)(end - start) / (double)10000000)) );
             *      }
             *  }
             * }

            li = null;
            FqStreamID fq_sid = new FqStreamID("1299-2716", "A", "TestBS");
            CallerInfo ci     = new CallerInfo(null, "A", "A", 1);

            StreamFactory sf = StreamFactory.Instance;

            sf.deleteStream(fq_sid, ci);

            IStream dfs_byte_val = sf.openValueDataStream <StrKey, ByteValue>(fq_sid, ci, li,

            StrKey k1 = new StrKey("k1");

            dfs_byte_val.Append(k1, new ByteValue(StreamFactory.GetBytes("k1-cmu")));
            dfs_byte_val.Append(k1, new ByteValue(StreamFactory.GetBytes("k1-msr")));

            dfs_byte_val.Append(k1, new ByteValue(StreamFactory.GetBytes("k1-uw")));


            dfs_byte_val = sf.openValueDataStream <StrKey, ByteValue>(fq_sid, ci, li,

            Console.WriteLine("Get in read : " + dfs_byte_val.Get(k1));
            IEnumerable <IDataItem> data = dfs_byte_val.GetAll(k1, 0, StreamFactory.NowUtc());

            foreach (IDataItem dataItem in data)


             * ValueSerializerBase<StrKey> vsb = new ValueSerializerBase<StrKey>();
             * Byte[] buffer1 = vsb.SerializeToByteStream().ToArray();
             * Byte[] buffer2 = SerializerHelper<StrKey>.SerializeToProtoStream(k1).ToArray();
             * FileStream fout = new FileStream("tmp.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite);
             * BinaryWriter fs_bw = new BinaryWriter(fout);
             * fs_bw.Write(buffer1);
             * fs_bw.Write("-----W00t!-----");
             * fs_bw.Write(buffer2);
             * fs_bw.Write("-----W00t!-----");
             * fs_bw.Close();
             * fout.Close();