コード例 #1
        public void CustomLogic(ref string[] scene, ref YamlDocument yamlDocument, FoundScript foundScript)
            // Get all values
            YamlNode yamlNodes = yamlDocument.RootNode.GetChildren()["MonoBehaviour"];

            // Get the value we wish to change, this is the originalValue and has not been changed in the yaml document
            // That's why we need to use the original name to transform the data
            YamlNode originalValue = yamlNodes["testQuaternion"];
            int      line          = originalValue.Start.Line - 1;

            // Transform the data
            Vector3 newValue = new Quaternion(

            // Make the value we want to set
            string valueString = "{ x : " + newValue.x + ", y : " + newValue.y + ", z : " + newValue.z + " }";

            // Get the key that is in the newest version of the scene (this is the changed value so testQuaternion2)
            // When setting values be careful with indenting as yaml uses indents for structure
            // Indents can be set by adding "\t" and new lines can be added by using "\r\n"
            string original = scene[line].Substring(0, scene[line].IndexOf(':'));

            // Replace it in the original file
            scene[line] = original + ": " + valueString;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Change the fields after merging with the merging window
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="originalFoundScripts"></param>
        /// <param name="rootPath"></param>
        /// <param name="scenePath"></param>
        /// <param name="linesToChange"></param>
        /// <param name="mergedFoundScripts"></param>
        private void MergingWizardCompleted(List <FoundScript> originalFoundScripts, string rootPath,
                                            string scenePath,
                                            string[] linesToChange, List <FoundScript> mergedFoundScripts = null)
            if (mergedFoundScripts != null)
                // Merge the MergeWindow changed FoundScripts with the originalFoundScripts
                for (var i = 0; i < originalFoundScripts.Count; i++)
                    FoundScript originalFoundScript = originalFoundScripts[i];
                    FoundScript changedFoundScript  = mergedFoundScripts.FirstOrDefault(script =>
                                                                                        script.oldClassModel.FullName == originalFoundScript.oldClassModel.FullName);
                    if (changedFoundScript != null)
                        originalFoundScripts[i] = changedFoundScript;

            string[] newSceneExport =
                fieldMappingController.ReplaceFieldsByMergeNodes(linesToChange, originalFoundScripts);

            Debug.Log(string.Join("\n", newSceneExport));

            SaveFoundScripts(rootPath, originalFoundScripts);
            SaveFile(rootPath + "/" + Path.GetFileName(scenePath), linesToChange);
            calculationThread = null;
コード例 #3
            public FoundScriptWrapper(FoundScript _foundScript)
                FoundScript          = _foundScript;
                FieldSelectionStates = new bool[_foundScript.MergeNodes.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < FieldSelectionStates.Length; i++)
                    FieldSelectionStates[i] = true;

                OptionSelections = new int[_foundScript.MergeNodes.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < OptionSelections.Length; i++)
                    OptionSelections[i] = 0;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps all foundScripts for all variables and children of the type of the variable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newIDs">The IDs of the new project</param>
        /// <param name="foundScripts">The existing foundScripts that will be looked in and added to</param>
        /// <param name="oldClassModel">Current class data of the old project as this maps to the scene file</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="NullReferenceException"></exception>
        private FoundScript FoundScriptMappingRecursively(List <ClassModel> newIDs,
                                                          ref List <FoundScript> foundScripts, ClassModel oldClassModel)
            if (oldClassModel == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("No old classData found");

            FoundScript existingFoundScript = foundScripts.FirstOrDefault(script =>
                                                                          script.oldClassModel.FullName == oldClassModel.FullName);

            ClassModel replacementClassModel =

            if (replacementClassModel == null && oldClassModel.Fields != null)
                replacementClassModel = findNewID(newIDs, oldClassModel); //todo : testScript gets called double
                if (replacementClassModel == null)
            else if (replacementClassModel != null)

            if (existingFoundScript != null)

            existingFoundScript = new FoundScript
                oldClassModel = oldClassModel,
                newClassModel = replacementClassModel
            MappedState hasBeenMapped = existingFoundScript.CheckHasBeenMapped();

            if (hasBeenMapped == MappedState.NotMapped)


            //If it doesn't exist then create it

            if (oldClassModel.Fields != null && oldClassModel.Fields.Length != 0)
                foreach (FieldModel field in oldClassModel.Fields)
                    // Check if the type is null as this would cause so errors in the mapping
                    if (field.Type == null)
                        throw new NullReferenceException("type of field is null for some reason");

                    FoundScriptMappingRecursively(newIDs, ref foundScripts, field.Type);

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Replaces the GUID and fileID, matching the oldIDs with the currentIDs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="linesToChange"></param>
        /// <param name="oldIDs">List of GUIDs and FileID for all classes in the previous project.</param>
        /// <param name="newIDs">List of GUIDs and FileID for all currently in the project classes.</param>
        /// <param name="foundScripts"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string[] MigrateGUIDsAndFieldIDs(string[] linesToChange, List <ClassModel> oldIDs,
                                                 List <ClassModel> newIDs,
                                                 ref List <FoundScript> foundScripts)
            string sceneContent = string.Join("\r\n", linesToChange);

            YamlStream yamlStream = new YamlStream();

            yamlStream.Load(new StringReader(sceneContent));
            IEnumerable <YamlDocument> yamlDocuments =
                yamlStream.Documents.Where(document => document.GetName() == "MonoBehaviour");

            foreach (YamlDocument document in yamlDocuments)
                YamlNode monoBehaviour = document.RootNode.GetChildren()["MonoBehaviour"];

                YamlNode oldFileIdNode = monoBehaviour["m_Script"]["fileID"];
                YamlNode oldGuidNode   = monoBehaviour["m_Script"]["guid"];

                string oldFileId = oldFileIdNode.ToString();
                string oldGuid   = oldGuidNode.ToString();

                ClassModel oldClassModel =
                    oldIDs.FirstOrDefault(data =>
                                          data.Guid == oldGuid && data.FileID == oldFileId);
                if (oldClassModel == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Could not find class for script with type, not migrating guid : " + oldGuid +
                                   " oldFileID : " + oldFileId);

                    mapping = FoundScriptMappingRecursively(newIDs, ref foundScripts,
                if (mapping == null)
                    Debug.LogError("mapping is null for " + oldClassModel.FullName);

                int line = oldFileIdNode.Start.Line - 1;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mapping.newClassModel.Guid))
                    // Replace the Guid
                    linesToChange[line] = linesToChange[line].ReplaceFirst(oldGuid, mapping.newClassModel.Guid);
                    Debug.Log("Found empty guid");
                    //todo : this should throw an error
                    //todo : this is when a non script is being used or the guid is not available. This should probably be a popup with a warning

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(oldFileId))
                    linesToChange[line] = linesToChange[line].ReplaceFirst(oldFileId, mapping.newClassModel.FileID);
