public ActionResult BackLogPendingAction(FormCollection fc) { List <SelectListItem> lstSL = new List <SelectListItem>(); List <SelectListItem> lstI = new List <SelectListItem>(); List <SelectListItem> ttlfreeze = new List <SelectListItem>(); ForwardToIncepector objFTI = new ForwardToIncepector(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fc.Get("ARCSRemarks"))) { = "fill your remarks"; ViewBag.result = "0"; ViewBag.tabResult = "5"; return(View()); } objFTI.Status = 12; objFTI.OfficerCode = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ARCSCode"]); objFTI.SocietyTransId = Convert.ToString(Session["SocietyTransID"]); objFTI.Remarks = fc.Get("ARCSRemarks").ToString(); int result = objARCSD.BackLogOfficerHearingAndApprovalStatus(objFTI); if (result >= 1) { = "Application has been Freezed"; ViewBag.result = "1"; ViewBag.tabResult = "1"; } else { = "Sorry Application isn't Freezed yet."; ViewBag.result = "0"; ViewBag.tabResult = "0"; } lstSL1 = GetSocietyListForApproval(); ViewBag.lstSL1 = lstSL1; lstGD = GetDistrict(); ViewBag.District = lstGD; lstR = GetRelationship(); ViewBag.Relationship = lstR; lstMember = GetAllShareTransferMember(); ViewBag.MemberDetail = lstMember; lstMCDCM = GetMemberCommDesignation(); ViewBag.MemberCommDesignation = lstMCDCM; lstARCSCode = GetsubClassSocieties(); ViewBag.lstARCSCode = lstARCSCode; CommunityofSociety = GetCommunityofSociety(); ViewBag.CommunityofSociety = CommunityofSociety; lstSL = GetSocietyList(); ViewBag.lstSL = lstSL; Inspkl = GetInspectorSocietyList(); ViewBag.Inspkl = Inspkl; lstI = GetInspectorList(); ViewBag.lstI = lstI; return(View()); }
public int BackLogForwardToIncepector(ForwardToIncepector objFTI) { int i; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConStr)) { con.Open(); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("[dbo].[Blog_ForwardToInspector]", con) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OfficerCode", objFTI.OfficerCode); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Remarks", objFTI.Remarks); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SocietyTransId", objFTI.SocietyTransId); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Role", 3); i = com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } return(i); }
public int OfficerHearingAndApprovalStatus(ForwardToIncepector objFTI) { int i; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConStr)) { con.Open(); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("[dbo].[OfficerHearingAndApprovalStatus]", con) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OfficerCode", objFTI.OfficerCode); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Remarks", objFTI.Remarks); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SocietyTransId", objFTI.SocietyTransId); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HearingDate", objFTI.HearingDate); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Status", objFTI.Status); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Role", 3); i = com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } return(i); }
public ActionResult BackLogMemberDetail(FormCollection fc) { try { int result = 0; List <SelectListItem> lstSL = new List <SelectListItem>(); List <SelectListItem> lstI = new List <SelectListItem>(); ARCSData objARCSD = new ARCSData(); InspectorData objID = new InspectorData(); ForwardToIncepector objFTI = new ForwardToIncepector(); if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["RoleId"]) == 3) { string IPAddress = GetIPAddress(); string Browser = GetWebBrowserName(); ForwardToARCSOfficers objFTAO = new ForwardToARCSOfficers { IncepectorCode = Convert.ToInt32(Session["InsceptorCode"]), SocietyTransId = Convert.ToString(Session["SocietyTransID"]), Remarks = fc.Get("ARCSRemarks").ToString() }; if (Convert.ToInt16(Session["InspectorCount"]) >= 1) { Boolean IsCheck = Convert.ToBoolean(fc.Get("Insprctorchk1")); SaveDeclaration savedeclaration = new SaveDeclaration { UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]), IPAddress = IPAddress, BrowserName = Browser, Ischeck = IsCheck, Remark = objFTAO.Remarks, SocietyTransID = objFTAO.SocietyTransId, }; objARCSD.SaveDeclaration(savedeclaration); } result = objID.BackLogForwardToARCS(objFTAO); if (result >= 1) { if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["InspectorCount"]) > 1) { ViewBag.InspectorChange = "Yes"; } = "BackLog Application successfully forwarded to ARCS Officer"; ViewBag.result = "1"; ViewBag.tabResult = "1"; } else { = "BackLog Application not successfully forwarded to ARCS Officer"; ViewBag.result = "0"; ViewBag.tabResult = "0"; } lstSL = GetSocietyList(); ViewBag.lstSL = lstSL; } if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["RoleId"]) == 2) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fc.Get("IncepectorList"))) { = "Kindly Select Inspector"; ViewBag.result = "0"; ViewBag.tabResult = "5"; return(View()); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fc.Get("ARCSRemarks"))) { = "fill your remarks"; ViewBag.result = "0"; ViewBag.tabResult = "5"; return(View()); } objFTI.OfficerCode = Convert.ToInt32(fc.Get("IncepectorList")); var SocietyTransID = Convert.ToString(Session["SocietyTransID"]); Session["SocietyTransID"] = SocietyTransID; objFTI.SocietyTransId = Convert.ToString(Session["SocietyTransID"]); objFTI.Remarks = fc.Get("ARCSRemarks").ToString(); result = objARCSD.BackLogForwardToIncepector(objFTI); if (result >= 1) { = "Application successfully forwarded to incepector"; ViewBag.result = "1"; ViewBag.tabResult = "1"; } else { = "Application not successfully forwarded to incepector"; ViewBag.result = "0"; ViewBag.tabResult = "0"; } lstSL = GetSocietyList(); ViewBag.lstSL = lstSL; lstI = GetInspectorSocietyList(); ViewBag.BcklstI = lstI; } lstGD = GetDistrict(); ViewBag.District = lstGD; lstR = GetRelationship(); ViewBag.Relationship = lstR; lstMember = GetAllShareTransferMember(); ViewBag.MemberDetail = lstMember; lstMCDCM = GetMemberCommDesignation(); ViewBag.MemberCommDesignation = lstMCDCM; lstARCSCode = GetsubClassSocieties(); ViewBag.lstARCSCode = lstARCSCode; CommunityofSociety = GetCommunityofSociety(); ViewBag.CommunityofSociety = CommunityofSociety; lstSL = GetSocietyList(); ViewBag.lstSL = lstSL; Inspkl = GetInspectorSocietyList(); ViewBag.Inspkl = Inspkl; lstI = GetInspectorList(); ViewBag.lstI = lstI; } catch (Exception ex) { return(RedirectToAction("Error", "Unauthorised")); throw ex; } return(View()); }