protected void gvEst_SelectedIndexChanged1(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <tempcomment> tclist = new List <tempcomment>(); Panel1.Visible = true; allelist = ForumEstablishmentsDB.getAllForumEstablishment(); ForumEstablishments fe = allelist[gvEst.PageSize * gvEst.PageIndex + gvEst.SelectedIndex]; gvEst.SelectedIndex = -1; Session["forumID"] = fe.forumID; lbltitle.Text = fe.Title; lblmessage.Text = fe.message; lblUser.Text = fe.estID.ID; lblDate.Text = string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}",; List <ForumEstCommentbyUser> fecu = ForumEstCommentbyUserDB.getoneForumAllCommentbyID(fe.forumID); List <ForumEstCommentbyEst> fece = ForumEstCommentbyEstDB.getoneForumAllCommentbyID(fe.forumID); foreach (ForumEstCommentbyUser f in fecu) { tempcomment tc = new tempcomment(); tc.comentID = f.forumcommentID; tc.comment = f.comments; tc.commentby =; tc.time =; tc.status = f.status; tc.timeshow = datesub(; tclist.Add(tc); } foreach (ForumEstCommentbyEst g in fece) { tempcomment tc = new tempcomment(); tc.comentID = g.forumcommentID; tc.comment = g.comments; tc.commentby = g.commentby.Name.ToString(); tc.time =; tc.status = g.status; tc.timeshow = datesub(; tclist.Add(tc); } if (tclist.Count == 0) { lblNotFound.Visible = true; } else { tclist = tclist.OrderBy(x => x.time).ToList(); tclist.Reverse(); lblNotFound.Visible = false; GridView1.DataSource = tclist; GridView1.DataBind(); } }
protected void btnSumbit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tbxComment.Text == "") { lbloutput.Text = "The Comment field cannot be blank."; return; } else { lbloutput.Text = ""; if (Session["hyper1"].ToString() == "1") { ForumUser fu = ForumUserDB.getForumUserbyID(Session["hyper"].ToString()); Users u = UsersDB.getUserbyEmail(Session["email"].ToString()); ForumUserCommentbyUser fuc = new ForumUserCommentbyUser(fu, tbxComment.Text, u, System.DateTime.Now, "allow"); int num = ForumUserCommentbyUserDB.insertForumCommentUser(fuc); if (num != 1) { lbloutput.Text = "Fail to comment!"; return; } else { Response.Redirect("ForumComments.aspx", true); } } else { ForumEstablishment fe = ForumEstablishmentDB.getForumEstbyID(Session["hyper1"].ToString()); Users u = UsersDB.getUserbyEmail(Session["email"].ToString()); ForumEstCommentbyUser fec = new ForumEstCommentbyUser(fe, tbxComment.Text, u, System.DateTime.Now, "allow"); int num = ForumEstCommentbyUserDB.insertForumCommentUser(fec); if (num != 1) { lbloutput.Text = "Fail to comment!"; return; } else { Response.Redirect("ForumComments.aspx", true); } } } }
protected void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string id = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells[0].Text; int enumber = 0, unumber = 0; if (ddlFBChoose.SelectedIndex == 1) { List <ForumUserCommentbyEst> uelist = ForumUserCommentbyEstDB.getAlloneForumAllComment(); List <ForumUserCommentbyUser> uulist = ForumUserCommentbyUserDB.getalloneForumAllComment(); foreach (ForumUserCommentbyEst ue in uelist) { if (ue.forumcommentID == id) { ufound = true; unumber = 1; break; } else { efound = false; } } if (efound == false) { foreach (ForumUserCommentbyUser uu in uulist) { if (uu.forumcommentID == id) { efound = true; unumber = 2; break; } else { efound = false; } } } if (unumber == 1) { ForumUserCommentbyEst uecomment = ForumUserCommentbyEstDB.getoneForumCommentbyID(id); if (uecomment.status == "allow") { uecomment.status = "ban"; } else { uecomment.status = "allow"; } ForumUserCommentbyEstDB.updateComment(uecomment); } else { ForumUserCommentbyUser uucomment = ForumUserCommentbyUserDB.getoneForumCommentbyID(id); if (uucomment.status == "allow") { uucomment.status = "ban"; } else { uucomment.status = "allow"; } ForumUserCommentbyUserDB.updateComment(uucomment); } } else { List <ForumEstCommentbyEst> eelist = ForumEstCommentbyEstDB.getalloneForumAllComment(); List <ForumEstCommentbyUser> eulist = ForumEstCommentbyUserDB.getalloneForumAllComment(); foreach (ForumEstCommentbyEst ee in eelist) { if (ee.forumcommentID == id) { efound = true; enumber = 1; break; } else { efound = false; } } if (efound == false) { foreach (ForumEstCommentbyUser eu in eulist) { if (eu.forumcommentID == id) { efound = true; enumber = 2; break; } else { efound = false; } } } if (enumber == 1) { ForumEstCommentbyEst eecomment = ForumEstCommentbyEstDB.getoneForumCommentbyID(id); if (eecomment.status == "allow") { eecomment.status = "ban"; } else { eecomment.status = "allow"; } ForumEstCommentbyEstDB.updateComment(eecomment); } else { ForumEstCommentbyUser eucomment = ForumEstCommentbyUserDB.getoneForumCommentbyID(id); if (eucomment.status == "allow") { eucomment.status = "ban"; } else { eucomment.status = "allow"; } ForumEstCommentbyUserDB.updateComment(eucomment); } } //delete the individual comment on each forum if (Session["u"] != null) { List <tempcomment> tclist = new List <tempcomment>(); List <ForumUserCommentbyEst> fuce = ForumUserCommentbyEstDB.getoneForumAllCommentbyID(Session["forumID"].ToString()); List <ForumUserCommentbyUser> fucu = ForumUserCommentbyUserDB.getoneForumAllCommentbyID(Session["forumID"].ToString()); foreach (ForumUserCommentbyEst f in fuce) { tempcomment tc = new tempcomment(); tc.comentID = f.forumcommentID; tc.comment = f.comments; tc.commentby = f.commentby.Name.ToString(); tc.time =; tc.status = f.status; tc.timeshow = datesub(; tclist.Add(tc); } foreach (ForumUserCommentbyUser g in fucu) { tempcomment tc = new tempcomment(); tc.comentID = g.forumcommentID; tc.comment = g.comments; tc.commentby = g.commentby.username.ToString(); tc.time =; tc.status = g.status; tc.timeshow = datesub(; tclist.Add(tc); } if (tclist.Count == 0) { lblNotFound.Visible = true; } else { tclist = tclist.OrderBy(x => x.time).ToList(); tclist.Reverse(); lblNotFound.Visible = false; GridView1.DataSource = tclist; GridView1.DataBind(); } } else { List <ForumEstCommentbyUser> fecu = ForumEstCommentbyUserDB.getoneForumAllCommentbyID(Session["forumID"].ToString()); List <ForumEstCommentbyEst> fece = ForumEstCommentbyEstDB.getoneForumAllCommentbyID(Session["forumID"].ToString()); foreach (ForumEstCommentbyUser f in fecu) { tempcomment tc = new tempcomment(); tc.comentID = f.forumcommentID; tc.comment = f.comments; tc.commentby =; tc.time =; tc.status = f.status; tc.timeshow = datesub(; tclist.Add(tc); } foreach (ForumEstCommentbyEst g in fece) { tempcomment tc = new tempcomment(); tc.comentID = g.forumcommentID; tc.comment = g.comments; tc.commentby = g.commentby.Name.ToString(); tc.time =; tc.status = g.status; tc.timeshow = datesub(; tclist.Add(tc); } if (tclist.Count == 0) { lblNotFound.Visible = true; } else { tclist = tclist.OrderBy(x => x.time).ToList(); tclist.Reverse(); lblNotFound.Visible = false; GridView1.DataSource = tclist; GridView1.DataBind(); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((Establishment)Session["establishment"] == null) { Server.Transfer("Login.aspx"); } else { if (Session["hyper"].ToString() == "1") { if (Session["hyper1"].ToString() == "1") { Server.Transfer("EstForum.aspx"); } else { lblNotFound.Visible = false; ForumEstablishment fe = ForumEstablishmentDB.getForumEstbyID(Session["hyper1"].ToString()); lblheading.Text = "ForumID: #" + fe.forumID; List <ForumEstablishment> felist = new List <ForumEstablishment>(); felist.Add(fe); lbltitle.Text = fe.Title; lblmessage.Text = fe.message; lblUser.Text = fe.estID.ID; lblDate.Text = string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}",; List <ForumEstCommentbyUser> fecu = ForumEstCommentbyUserDB.getoneForumAllCommentbyID(fe.forumID); List <ForumEstCommentbyEst> fece = ForumEstCommentbyEstDB.getoneForumAllCommentbyID(fe.forumID); foreach (ForumEstCommentbyUser f in fecu) { tempcomment tc = new tempcomment(); tc.comment = f.comments; tc.commentby = f.commentby.Name.ToString(); tc.time =; tc.timeshow = datesub(; if (f.status == "allow") { tclist.Add(tc); } } foreach (ForumEstCommentbyEst g in fece) { tempcomment tc = new tempcomment(); tc.comment = g.comments; tc.commentby = g.commentby.Name.ToString(); tc.time =; tc.timeshow = datesub(; if (g.status == "allow") { tclist.Add(tc); } } if (tclist.Count == 0) { lblNotFound.Visible = true; lblNotFound.Text = "There is no comment"; PanelCMT.Visible = false; } else { tclist = tclist.OrderBy(x => x.time).ToList(); tclist.Reverse(); lblNotFound.Text = ""; PanelCMT.Visible = true; GridView1.DataSource = tclist; GridView1.DataBind(); } } } else { ForumUser fu = ForumUserDB.getForumUserbyID(Session["hyper"].ToString()); lblheading.Text = "ForumID: #" + fu.forumID; List <ForumUser> flist = new List <ForumUser>(); flist.Add(fu); lbltitle.Text = fu.Title; lblmessage.Text = fu.message; lblUser.Text = fu.userID.username; lblDate.Text = string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}",; List <ForumUserCommentbyEst> fuce = ForumUserCommentbyEstDB.getoneForumAllCommentbyID(fu.forumID); List <ForumUserCommentbyUser> fucu = ForumUserCommentbyUserDB.getoneForumAllCommentbyID(fu.forumID); foreach (ForumUserCommentbyEst f in fuce) { tempcomment tc = new tempcomment(); tc.comment = f.comments; tc.commentby = f.commentby.Name.ToString(); tc.time =; tc.timeshow = datesub(; if (f.status == "allow") { tclist.Add(tc); } } foreach (ForumUserCommentbyUser g in fucu) { tempcomment tc = new tempcomment(); tc.comment = g.comments; tc.commentby = g.commentby.username.ToString(); tc.time =; tc.timeshow = datesub(; if (g.status == "allow") { tclist.Add(tc); } } if (tclist.Count == 0) { lblNotFound.Visible = true; lblNotFound.Text = "There is no comment"; PanelCMT.Visible = false; } else { tclist = tclist.OrderBy(x => x.time).ToList(); tclist.Reverse(); lblNotFound.Text = ""; PanelCMT.Visible = true; GridView1.DataSource = tclist; GridView1.DataBind(); } } } }