コード例 #1
		public bool Equals (FormatItem other)
			if (other == null)
				return false;
			return FieldsEquals (other);
コード例 #2
		bool FieldsEquals (FormatItem other)
			return Index == other.Index &&
				Alignment == other.Alignment &&
				FormatString == other.FormatString &&
				StartLocation == other.StartLocation &&
				EndLocation == other.EndLocation;
コード例 #3
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Changed sealed class {0} from unsealed to sealed which will cause derived classes to not compile.",
                        FormatItem.MemberName(NewType, StyleFlags.Bold));
コード例 #4
        private void Parse ( )
            const int GO_BACK_ONE_CHARACTER = 1;

            _intHighestFormatItemIndex = FormatItem.INVALID_INDEX;
            State enmState = State.NotStarted;
            int intCharPos = FormatItem.INVALID_OFFSET;
            FormatItem fiCurrent = null;
            _ficoll = null;
            StringBuilder sbFormatComponent = null;

            if ( _lstFormatStringErrors != null )
            {   // Object is being recycled, and a previous use foud at least one error.
                _lstFormatStringErrors.Clear ( );
            }   // if ( _lstFormatStringErrors != null )

            foreach ( char chr in _strFormatString )

                switch ( enmState )
                    case State.NotStarted:
                        if ( chr == ITEM_BEGIN )
                        {   // The first character is a left French brace.
                            enmState = State.ItemBegin;
                        }   // TRUE block, if ( chr == ITEM_BEGIN )
                        {   // The first character is something else.
                            enmState = State.ProcessingLiterals;
                        }   // FALSE block, if ( chr == ITEM_BEGIN )

                        break;  // case State.NotStarted

                    case State.ProcessingLiterals:
                        if ( chr == ITEM_BEGIN )
                        {   // Found a left French brace. 
                            enmState = State.ItemBegin;
                        }   // if ( chr == ITEM_BEGIN )

                        break;  // case State.ProcessingLiterals

                    case State.ItemBegin:
                        //  ----------------------------------------------------
                        //  If the current character is a left French brace and
                        //  the last was an escape. Disregard both, and resume
                        //  sccanning for left braces.
                        //  The item cannot officially begin until the first
                        //  character immediately following the left brace is
                        //  evaluated, because it is unknown until then whether
                        //  the left brace is escaped, and is to be treated as a
                        //  literal. As a consequence, the reported starting
                        //  position must allow for the fact that the carat is
                        //  already on the next character.
                        //  ----------------------------------------------------

                        if ( chr == ITEM_BEGIN )
                        {   // Left brace is escaped. Revert to scanning.
                            enmState = State.ProcessingLiterals;
                        }   // if ( chr == ITEM_BEGIN )
                        else if ( char.IsDigit ( chr ) )
                        {   // Found a digit. This is expected.
                            enmState = State.IndexComponet;
                            fiCurrent = new FormatItem (
                                ( intCharPos - GO_BACK_ONE_CHARACTER ) ,
                                ( int ) Char.GetNumericValue ( chr ) );
                        }   // else if ( char.IsDigit ( chr ) )
                        {   // Character is not a digit. Report the error and stop procesing this format item.
                            ReportNewError (
                                intCharPos ,
                                chr ,
                                enmState ,
                                Properties.Resources.ERRMSG_NONDIGIT_AFTER_LEFTBRACE );
                            enmState = State.ProcessingLiterals;
                        }   // FALSE block, if ( chr == ITEM_BEGIN ) AND else if ( char.IsDigit ( chr ) )

                        break;  // case State.ItemBegin

                    case State.IndexComponet:
                        if ( chr == ITEM_END )
                        {   // The unmodified single-digit format item is the simplest case.
                            SaveFormatItem (
                                ref enmState ,          // On return, this is always State.ProcessingLiterals.
                                intCharPos ,            // On return, this is always unchanged.
                                ref fiCurrent );        // On return, this is always null.
                        }   // TRUE block, if ( chr == ITEM_END )
                        else if ( char.IsDigit ( chr ) )
                        {   // Item index has more digits.
                            fiCurrent.UpdateIndex ( chr );
                        }   // else if ( char.IsDigit ( chr ) )
                        else if ( chr == ITEM_HAS_ALIGNMENT_ATTRIBUTE )
                        {   // This is a flag, whose only effect is to cause a state change.
                            enmState = State.AlignmentBegin;
                        }   // else if ( chr == ITEM_HAS_ALIGNMENT_ATTRIBUTE )
                        else if ( chr == ITEM_HAS_FORMAT_STRING_ATTRIBUTE )
                        {   // This is a flag, whose only effect is to cause a state change.
                            enmState = State.FormatBegin;
                        }   // else if ( chr == ITEM_HAS_FORMAT_STRING_ATTRIBUTE )
                        {   // Format item is invalid. Report the error and stop procesing this format item.
                            ReportNewError (
                                intCharPos ,
                                chr ,
                                enmState ,
                                Properties.Resources.ERRMSG_NONDIGIT_AFTER_LEFTBRACE );
                            enmState = State.ProcessingLiterals;
                        }   // ELSE block for all of the above.

                        break;  // case State.IndexComponet

                    case State.AlignmentBegin:
                        if ( char.IsDigit ( chr ) )
                        {   // The Alignment component delimiter is most likely to be followed by one or more digits.
                            fiCurrent.UpdateMinimumWidth ( chr );
                            fiCurrent.TextAlignment = FormatItem.Alignment.Right;
                            enmState = State.AlignmentComponent;
                        }   // if ( char.IsDigit ( chr ) )
                        else if ( chr == ITEM_IS_LEFT_ALIGNED )
                        {   // Item is left aligned.
                            fiCurrent.TextAlignment = FormatItem.Alignment.Left;
                            enmState = State.AlignmentFlag;
                        }   // else if ( chr == ITEM_IS_LEFT_ALIGNED )
                        else if ( chr == ITEM_IS_RIGHT_ALIGNED )
                        {   // Item is right aligned.
                            fiCurrent.TextAlignment = FormatItem.Alignment.Right;
                            enmState = State.AlignmentFlag;
                        }   // else if ( chr == ITEM_IS_RIGHT_ALIGNED )
                        {   // Format item is invalid. Report the error and stop procesing this format item.
                            ReportNewError (
                                intCharPos ,
                                chr ,
                                enmState ,
                                Properties.Resources.ERRMSG_NONDIGIT_AFTER_LEFTBRACE );
                            enmState = State.ProcessingLiterals;
                        }   // ELSE block for all of the above.

                        break;  // case State.AlignmentBegin

                    case State.AlignmentFlag:
                        if ( char.IsDigit ( chr ) )
                        {   // The alignment flag (+/-) must be followed by at least one digit.
                            fiCurrent.MinimumWidth = ( int ) char.GetNumericValue ( chr );
                            enmState = State.AlignmentComponent;
                        }   // TRUE (normal outcome) block, if ( char.IsDigit ( chr ) )
                        {   // Format item is invalid. Report the error and stop procesing this format item.
                            ReportNewError (
                                intCharPos ,
                                chr ,
                                enmState ,
                                Properties.Resources.ERRMSG_NONDIGIT_AFTER_LEFTBRACE );
                            enmState = State.ProcessingLiterals;
                        }   // FALSE (exception outcome) block, if ( char.IsDigit ( chr ) )

                        break;  // case State.AlignmentFlag

                    case State.AlignmentComponent:
                        if ( char.IsDigit ( chr ) )
                        {   // Update the MinimumWidth property.
                            fiCurrent.UpdateMinimumWidth ( chr );
                        }   // if ( char.IsDigit ( chr ) )
                        else if ( chr == ITEM_HAS_FORMAT_STRING_ATTRIBUTE )
                        {   // This is a flag, whose only effect is to cause a state change.
                            enmState = State.FormatBegin;
                        }   // else if ( chr == ITEM_HAS_FORMAT_STRING_ATTRIBUTE )
                        else if ( chr == ITEM_END )
                        {   // Add the fully populated item to the collection, change the State flag, and discard the FormatItem.
                            SaveFormatItem (
                                ref enmState ,          // On return, this is always State.ProcessingLiterals.
                                intCharPos ,            // On return, this is always unchanged.
                                ref fiCurrent );        // On return, this is always null.
                        }   // else if ( chr == ITEM_END )
                        {   // Format item is invalid. Report the error and stop procesing this format item.
                            ReportNewError (
                                intCharPos ,
                                chr ,
                                enmState ,
                                Properties.Resources.ERRMSG_NONDIGIT_AFTER_LEFTBRACE );
                            enmState = State.ProcessingLiterals;
                        }   // FALSE (exception outcome) block, if ( char.IsDigit ( chr ) )

                        break;  // case State.AlignmentComponent

                    case State.FormatBegin:
                        if ( chr != ITEM_END )
                        {   // Unless it's a closing French brace, use the current character to start a new StringBuilder.
                            sbFormatComponent = new StringBuilder ( chr.ToString ( ) );
                            enmState = State.FormatString;
                        }   // TRUE (expected outcome) block, if ( chr != ITEM_END )
                        {   // Format item is invalid. Report the error and stop procesing this format item.
                            ReportNewError (
                                intCharPos ,
                                chr ,
                                enmState ,
                                Properties.Resources.ERRMSG_FORMAT_COMPONENT_IS_EMPTY );
                            enmState = State.ProcessingLiterals;
                        }   // FALSE (UNexpected outcome) block, if ( chr != ITEM_END )

                        break;  // case State.FormatBegin

                    case State.FormatString:
                        if ( chr == ITEM_END )
                        {   // The format component is complete. Save it, discard the StringBuilder, and save the completed FormatItem.
                            fiCurrent.ItemFormat = sbFormatComponent.ToString ( );
                            sbFormatComponent = null;
                            SaveFormatItem (
                                ref enmState ,          // On return, this is always State.ProcessingLiterals.
                                intCharPos ,            // On return, this is always unchanged.
                                ref fiCurrent );        // On return, this is always null.
                        }   // TRUE block, if ( chr == ITEM_END )
                        {   // Append to string.
                            sbFormatComponent.Append ( chr );
                        }   // FALSE block, if ( chr == ITEM_END )

                        break;  // case State.FormatString
                }   // switch ( enmState )
            }   // foreach ( char chr in _strFormatString )

            if ( enmState != State.ProcessingLiterals )
                ReportNewError (
                    intCharPos ,
                    _strFormatString [ _strFormatString.Length ] ,
                    enmState ,
                    Properties.Resources.ERRMSG_LAST_ITEM_INCOMPLETE );
                enmState = State.ProcessingLiterals;
            }   // if ( enmState != State.ProcessingLiterals )
        }   // private void Parse
コード例 #5
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Removed override of abstract {0} {1} in {2} which may derived classes to not compile.",
                        FormatItem.MemberName(OldMemberOverride, StyleFlags.Italics),
                        FormatItem.MemberName(NewType, StyleFlags.Bold));
コード例 #6
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Removed implementation of interface {0} from {1} which may cause code using the {2} to not compile.",
                        FormatItem.MemberName(OldInterfaceType, StyleFlags.Italics),
                        FormatItem.MemberName(NewType, StyleFlags.Bold),
コード例 #7
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Removed the equivalent to assembly {0} in the new version, which will cause projects referencing the assembly to not compile.",
                        FormatItem.AssemblyName(OldAssembly, StyleFlags.Bold));
コード例 #8
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Added or removed the static modifier of {0} {1} which may cause code using the {0} to not compile.",
                        FormatItem.MemberName(NewMember, StyleFlags.Bold));
コード例 #9
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Changed non-static sealed class {0} to static which will cause instantiations of the sealed class to not compile.",
                        FormatItem.MemberName(NewType, StyleFlags.Bold));
コード例 #10
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Changed read-write field {0} to read-only which will cause writes to the field to not compile.",
                        FormatItem.MemberName(NewField, StyleFlags.Bold));
コード例 #11
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Changed accessibility of {0} from public to protected which may cause code to not compile.",
                        FormatItem.MemberName(NewMember, StyleFlags.Bold));
コード例 #12
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Added a new interface {0} {1} which will cause implementing types to not compile.",
                        FormatItem.MemberName(NewMember, StyleFlags.Bold));
コード例 #13
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Added a new base interface {1} to {0} which will cause implementing types to not compile.",
                        FormatItem.MemberName(NewType, StyleFlags.Bold),
                        FormatItem.MemberName(NewInterfaceType, StyleFlags.Italics));
コード例 #14
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Added a new abstract {0} {1} which will cause derived classes to not compile.",
                        FormatItem.MemberName(NewMember, StyleFlags.Bold));
コード例 #15
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Changed the name of a parameter from '{0}' to '{1}' in {2} which will cause named arguments in invocations to not compile.",
                        FormatItem.ParameterName(OldParameter, StyleFlags.Italics),
                        FormatItem.ParameterName(NewParameter, StyleFlags.Italics),
                        FormatItem.ParameterizedItemName(NewParameterizedItem, StyleFlags.Bold));
コード例 #16
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Changed the type of parameter '{0}' in {1} in a way which may cause invocations to not compile. Type was changed from {2} to {3}.",
                        FormatItem.ParameterName(NewParameter, StyleFlags.Italics),
                        FormatItem.ParameterizedItemName(NewParameterizedItem, StyleFlags.Bold),
                        FormatItem.TypedItemTypeName(OldParameter, StyleFlags.Italics),
                        FormatItem.TypedItemTypeName(NewParameter, StyleFlags.Italics));
コード例 #17
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Changed constraints for the generic type parameter {0} in {1} {2} which may cause constructions of the entity to not compile.",
                        FormatItem.MemberName(NewGenericParameter, StyleFlags.Italics),
                        FormatItem.MemberName(NewGenericParameter.GenericDeclaringMember, StyleFlags.Bold));
コード例 #18
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Changed the base sealed class of {0} to something not derived from the previous base sealed class which may cause code using the sealed class to not compile. The base sealed class was changed from {1} to {2}.",
                        FormatItem.MemberName(NewType, StyleFlags.Bold),
                        FormatItem.MemberName(OldType.BaseType, StyleFlags.Italics),
                        FormatItem.MemberName(NewType.BaseType, StyleFlags.Italics));
コード例 #19
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Changed variance (in or out modifier) for the generic type parameter {0} in {1} {2} which may cause implicit conversions of the {1} to not compile.",
                        FormatItem.MemberName(NewGenericParameter, StyleFlags.Italics),
                        FormatItem.MemberName(NewGenericParameter.GenericDeclaringMember, StyleFlags.Bold));
コード例 #20
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Removed the 'this' modifier from the first parameter of {0} which will cause code using the method as an extension method to not compile.",
                        FormatItem.MemberName(NewMethod, StyleFlags.Bold));
コード例 #21
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Changed virtual {0} {1} to non-virtual which will cause derived classes overriding the {0} to not compile.",
                        FormatItem.MemberName(NewMember, StyleFlags.Bold));
コード例 #22
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Removed {0} {1} which will cause code using the {0} to not compile.",
                        FormatItem.MemberName(OldMember, StyleFlags.Bold));
コード例 #23
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Changed the type of {0} {1} in a way which may cause code using the {0} to not compile. Type was changed from {2} to {3}.",
                        FormatItem.TypedItemName(NewTypedItem, StyleFlags.Bold),
                        FormatItem.TypedItemTypeName(OldTypedItem, StyleFlags.Italics),
                        FormatItem.TypedItemTypeName(NewTypedItem, StyleFlags.Italics));
コード例 #24
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Removed or changed the visibility of the get or set accessor of {0} {1} which may code using the {0} to not compile.",
                        FormatItem.MemberName(NewProperty, StyleFlags.Bold));
コード例 #25
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Changed the parameter count of {0} in a way which may cause invocations to not compile. Previous declaration was {1}.",
                        FormatItem.ParameterizedItemName(NewParameterizedItem, StyleFlags.Bold),
                        FormatItem.ParameterizedItemName(OldParameterizedItem, StyleFlags.Italics));
コード例 #26
 protected FormatItem(FormatItem parent, int startIndex) : this(parent.baseString, startIndex, parent.baseString.Length)
 { }
コード例 #27
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Changed default value of parameter '{0}' in {1} which may cause an unintentional behavioral change in code. The value was changed from '{2}' to '{3}'.",
                        FormatItem.ParameterName(NewParameter, StyleFlags.Italics),
                        FormatItem.ParameterizedItemName(NewParameterizedItem, StyleFlags.Bold),
                        FormatItem.DefaultParameterValue(OldParameter, StyleFlags.Italics),
                        FormatItem.DefaultParameterValue(NewParameter, StyleFlags.Italics));
コード例 #28
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatMessage(IBreakingChangeFormatter formatter) =>
 formatter.AppendFormat("Changed the ref or out modifier of parameter '{0}' in {1} which will cause invocations to not compile.",
                        FormatItem.ParameterName(NewParameter, StyleFlags.Italics),
                        FormatItem.ParameterizedItemName(NewParameterizedItem, StyleFlags.Bold));
コード例 #29
ファイル: Importers.cs プロジェクト: quandtm/XNInterface
 private object ParseFormatItems(string attribValue, bool throwOnError)