public void saveTaskFields(string result) { string text = FormatFunctions.createValuePairs(FormatFunctions.SplitToPairs(result))["IDKey"][0]; string text2 = "INSERT INTO taskfields (taskfields.Index,taskfields.Value,TaskID) VALUES "; for (int i = 0; i < this.Names.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Names[i].Text)) { string stripped1 = FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(Names[i].Text); string stripped2 = FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(Values[i].Text); text2 = string.Concat(new string[] { text2, "('", stripped1, "', '", stripped2, "', '", text, "')," }); } } text2 = text2 + "('', '', '" + text + "')"; DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp(text2); Tasks_Page page = new Tasks_Page(); ClientData.mainFrame.Navigate(page); }
public void onClickedCreate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string sql = "INSERT INTO tasks (Name,AgentID,Start) VALUES ('" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(taskName.Text) + "','" + agent.getSelectID() + "','" + Datepick.Text + ");"; DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp(sql); DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp(false, "SELECT IDKey FROM tasks ORDER BY IDKey DESC LIMIT 1;", new TaskCallback(this.saveTaskFields)); }
public void onClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { foreach (DataPair dataPair in this.entryDict) { if (dataPair.isNew) { DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp(string.Concat(new object[] { "INSERT INTO cusfields (cusfields.Value,cusfields.Index,CusID) VALUES('", FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dataPair.Value.Text), "','", FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dataPair.Index.Text), "','", this.customer, "')" })); dataPair.isNew = false; } else if (dataPair.Index.Text != dataPair.Index.GetInit()) { DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp(string.Concat(new object[] { "UPDATE cusfields SET Value = '", FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dataPair.Value.Text), "',Index='", FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dataPair.Index.Text), "' WHERE (IDKey= '", dataPair.Index.GetInt(), "');" })); } } }
public void onClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List <string> batch = new List <string>(); foreach (DataPair dataPair in this.entryDict) { if (dataPair.isNew) { string s = "INSERT INTO cusfields (cusfields.Value,cusfields.Index,CusID) VALUES('" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dataPair.Value.Text) + "','" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dataPair.Index.Text) + "','" + this.customer + "')"; batch.Add(s); dataPair.isNew = false; } else if (!dataPair.Index.Text.Equals(dataPair.Index.GetInit()) || !dataPair.Value.Text.Equals(dataPair.Value.GetInit())) { string s = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.Value = '" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dataPair.Value.Text) + "',cusfields.Index='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dataPair.Index.Text) + "' WHERE (IDKey= '" + dataPair.Index.GetInt() + "');"; batch.Add(s); } } string sql = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(noteLabel.Text) + "' WHERE cusfields.Index LIKE'%otes%' AND CusID= '" + customer + "'"; batch.Add(sql); string sql2 = "UPDATE cusindex SET Name='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(nameLabel.Text) + "' WHERE IDKey= '" + customer + "'"; batch.Add(sql2); string sql3 = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(BookingDate.Text) + "' WHERE cusfields.Index LIKE '%ookin%' AND CusID= '" + customer + "'"; batch.Add(sql3); string sql4 = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanPhone(phoneLabel.Text) + "' WHERE cusfields.Index LIKE '%hone%' AND CusID= '" + customer + "'"; batch.Add(sql4); string sql5 = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/M/d h:mm:ss")) + "' WHERE cusfields.Index LIKE '%odified On%' AND CusID= '" + customer + "'";//'Modified On','" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/M/d h:mm:ss")) + "' batch.Add(sql5); DatabaseFunctions.SendBatchToPHP(batch); }
public void onClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { foreach (DataPair dataPair in entryDict) { if (dataPair.isNew) { DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp(string.Concat(new object[] { "INSERT INTO cusfields (cusfields.Value,cusfields.Index,CusID) VALUES('", FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dataPair.Value.Text), "','", FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dataPair.Index.Text), "','", this.customer, "')" })); dataPair.isNew = false; } else if (!dataPair.Index.Text.Equals(dataPair.Index.GetInit()) || !dataPair.Value.Text.Equals(dataPair.Value.GetInit())) { DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp(string.Concat(new object[] { "UPDATE cusfields SET Value = '", FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dataPair.Value.Text), "', Cusfields.Index='", FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dataPair.Index.Text), "' WHERE (IDKey= '", dataPair.Index.GetInt(), "');" })); } } string sql = "DELETE FROM cusfields WHERE CusID='" + customer + "' AND cusfields.Index='INVOICEFIELD'"; DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp(sql); foreach (DataPair dp in entryDictQ) { if (dp.Value.Text != "" && dp.Index.Text != "") { string sql2 = "INSERT INTO cusfields(cusfields.Value,cusfields.Index,CusID,cusfields.AdvValue) VALUES ('" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dp.Value.Text) + "','INVOICEFIELD','" + customer + "','" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dp.Index.Text) + "')"; DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp(sql2); } } List <string> batch = new List <string>(); string sql5 = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/M/d h:mm:ss")) + "' WHERE cusfields.Index LIKE '%odified On%' AND CusID= '" + customer + "'";//'Modified On','" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/M/d h:mm:ss")) + "' batch.Add(sql5); string sql3 = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(contactLabel.Text) + "' WHERE cusfields.Index LIKE '%ookin%' AND CusID= '" + customer + "'"; batch.Add(sql3); string sql4 = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanPhone(phoneLabel.Text) + "' WHERE cusfields.Index LIKE '%hone%' AND CusID= '" + customer + "'"; batch.Add(sql4); string sql6 = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.value='" + salesmen[SalemanCombo.SelectedIndex] + "' WHERE cusfields.Index LIKE '%alesman%' AND CusID= '" + customer + "'"; batch.Add(sql6); string sql7 = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/M/d h:mm:ss")) + "' WHERE cusfields.Index LIKE '%odified On%' AND CusID= '" + customer + "'";//'Modified On','" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/M/d h:mm:ss")) + "' batch.Add(sql7); string sql8 = "UPDATE cusindex SET Name='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(nameLabel.Text) + "' WHERE IDKey='" + customer + "'"; batch.Add(sql8); DatabaseFunctions.SendBatchToPHP(batch); Install_Page page = new Install_Page(customer, stage); ClientData.mainFrame.Navigate(page); }
public void onClickOverrideTime(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { DataButton b = (DataButton)sender; string sql = "UPDATE punchclock SET TimeStamp='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(Timepick.Text) + "' WHERE IDKey='" + b.GetInt() + "'"; DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp(sql); b.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(213, 213, 213)); }
public void OnClickSendMsg(object sender, EventArgs e) { int num = int.Parse(DatabaseFunctions.lookupInDictionary((string)Target.SelectedItem, "Name", "IDKey", this.pickerIndex)); int num2 = int.Parse(DatabaseFunctions.lookupInDictionary((string)Target.SelectedItem, "Name", "g", this.pickerIndex)); string text = FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/M/d HH:mm:ss")); string sql = "INSERT INTO chat (Message,AgentID,TargetID,Global,Timestamp) VALUES ('" + Message.Text + "','" + ClientData.AgentIDK + "','" + num + "','" + num2 + "','" + text + "')"; DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp(sql); this.getChatMessages(); }
public void onClickSave(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = "UPDATE cusfields SET Value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(Address.Text) + "' WHERE Index LIKE '%Address%' AND CusID='" + CusID + "'"; string sql2 = "UPDATE cusfields SET Value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(Phone.Text) + "' WHERE Index LIKE '%Phone%' AND CusID='" + CusID + "'"; string sql3 = "UPDATE cusfields SET Value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(Email.Text) + "' WHERE Index LIKE '%Email%' AND CusID='" + CusID + "'"; string sql4 = "UPDATE cusfields SET Value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(Region.Text) + "' WHERE Index LIKE '%Region%' AND CusID='" + CusID + "'"; string sql5 = "UPDATE cusfields SET Value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(LastContact.Date.ToString()) + "' WHERE Index LIKE '%Address%' AND CusID='" + CusID + "'"; string sql6 = "UPDATE cusindex SET Name='" + Name.Text + "' WHERE IDKey='" + CusID + "'"; string sql7 = "UPDATE cusfields SET Value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(Source.Text) + "' WHERE Index LIKE '%Source%' AND CusID='" + CusID + "'"; List <string> batch = new List <string>() { sql, sql2, sql3, sql4, sql5, sql6 }; DatabaseFunctions.SendBatchToPHP(batch); }
public void onClickSave(object sender, EventArgs e) { DateTime x = Convert.ToDateTime(LastContact.Text); string sql = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.Value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(Address.Text) + "' WHERE cusfields.Index LIKE '%Address%' AND CusID='" + CusID + "'"; string sql2 = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.Value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanPhone(Phone.Text) + "' WHERE cusfields.Index LIKE '%Phone%' AND CusID='" + CusID + "'"; string sql3 = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.Value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(Email.Text) + "' WHERE cusfields.Index LIKE '%Email%' AND CusID='" + CusID + "'"; string sql4 = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.Value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(Region.Text) + "' WHERE cusfields.Index LIKE '%Region%' AND CusID='" + CusID + "'"; string sql5 = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.Value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(x.ToString("yyyy/M/d h:mm:ss")) + "' WHERE cusfields.Index LIKE '%ast Contac%' AND CusID='" + CusID + "'"; string sql6 = "UPDATE cusindex SET Name='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(NameEntry.Text) + "' WHERE IDKey='" + CusID + "'"; string sql7 = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.Value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(Source.Text) + "' WHERE cusfields.Index LIKE '%Source%' AND CusID='" + CusID + "'"; string sql8 = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/M/d h:mm:ss")) + "' WHERE cusfields.Index LIKE '%odified On%' AND CusID= '" + CusID + "'";//'Modified On','" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/M/d h:mm:ss")) + "' string sql9 = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.Value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(Postal.Text) + "' WHERE cusfields.Index LIKE '%Postal%' AND CusID='" + CusID + "'"; List <string> batch = new List <string>() { sql, sql2, sql3, sql4, sql5, sql6, sql7, sql8, sql9 }; DatabaseFunctions.SendBatchToPHP(batch); }
//TODO Add Populate File list here public void onClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <string> batch = new List <string>(); foreach (DataPair dataPair in this.entryDict) { if (dataPair.isNew) { DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp(string.Concat(new object[] { "INSERT INTO cusfields (cusfields.Value,cusfields.Index,CusID) VALUES('", dataPair.Value.Text, "','", dataPair.Index.Text, "','", this.customer, "')" })); dataPair.isNew = false; } else if (dataPair.Index.Text != dataPair.Index.GetInit() || dataPair.Value.Text != dataPair.Value.GetInit()) { DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp(string.Concat(new object[] { "UPDATE cusfields SET Value = '", dataPair.Value.Text, "',Index='", dataPair.Index.Text, "' WHERE (IDKey= '", dataPair.Index.GetInt(), "');" })); } } string sql = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(noteLabel.Text) + "' WHERE cusfields.Index LIKE'%otes%' AND CusID= '" + customer + "'"; batch.Add(sql); string sql2 = "UPDATE cusindex SET Name='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(nameLabel.Text) + "' WHERE IDKey= '" + customer + "'"; batch.Add(sql2); string sql3 = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(addressLabel.Text) + "' WHERE cusfields.Index LIKE '%dress%' AND CusID= '" + customer + "'"; batch.Add(sql3); string sql4 = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(phoneLabel.Text) + "' WHERE cusfields.Index LIKE '%hone%' AND CusID= '" + customer + "'"; batch.Add(sql4); string sql5 = "UPDATE cusfields SET cusfields.value='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/M/d h:mm:ss")) + "' WHERE cusfields.Index LIKE '%odified On%' AND CusID= '" + customer + "'";//'Modified On','" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/M/d h:mm:ss")) + "' batch.Add(sql5); DatabaseFunctions.SendBatchToPHP(batch); }
public void saveTemplateFields(string result) { string text = FormatFunctions.createValuePairs(FormatFunctions.SplitToPairs(result))["IDKey"][0]; string text2 = "INSERT INTO taskfields (taskfields.Index,taskfields.Value,TemplateID) VALUES "; int ID = highestTID + 1; for (int i = 0; i < this.Names.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Names[i].Text)) { string stripped1 = FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(Names[i].Text); string stripped2 = FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(Values[i].Text); text2 = text2 + "('" + stripped1 + "', '" + stripped2 + "', '" + ID + "'),"; } } text2 = text2 + "('', '', '" + ID + "')"; DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp(text2); Tasks_Page page = new Tasks_Page(); ClientData.mainFrame.Navigate(page); }
public void populateFields(string result) { Dictionary <string, List <string> > dictionary = FormatFunctions.createValuePairs(FormatFunctions.SplitToPairs(result)); this.entryDict = new List <DataPair>(); if (dictionary.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dictionary["Index"].Count; i++) { DataPair dataPair = new DataPair(int.Parse(dictionary["IDKey"][i]), FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dictionary["Value"][i]), FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dictionary["Index"][i])); dataPair.Value.Text = FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dictionary["Value"][i]); dataPair.Value.ToolTip = "Value here"; dataPair.Index.Text = FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dictionary["Index"][i]); dataPair.Index.ToolTip = "Index here"; this.entryDict.Add(dataPair); List <UIElement> list = new List <UIElement>(); list.Add(dataPair.Value); list.Add(dataPair.Index); GridFiller.rapidFillPremadeObjects(list, TSection, new bool[] { true, true }); } } }
public void onCreateStageSpecificData(string cusID) { List <string> batch = new List <string>(); string noteSQL = "INSERT INTO jobfields (cusfields.Index,cusfields.Value,CusID) VALUES ('Notes:','','" + cusID + "'),('Created On','" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/M/d h:mm:ss")) + "','" + cusID + "'),('Modified On','" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/M/d h:mm:ss")) + "','" + cusID + "')";//'"+ClientData.AgentIDK+"','"+FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/M/d h:mm:ss"))+"' batch.Add(noteSQL); string sql2 = "INSERT INTO cusfields (cusfields.Index,cusfields.Value,CusID) VALUES ('PhoneNumber','','" + cusID + "')"; batch.Add(sql2); if (NewPicker.SelectedIndex == 0)//For creating leads { //BookingDate, Notes string sql = "INSERT INTO jobfields (cusfields.Index,cusfields.Value,CusID) VALUES ('BookingDate','','" + cusID + "')"; batch.Add(sql); } else if (NewPicker.SelectedIndex == 1)//Booked! { string sql = "INSERT INTO jobfields (cusfields.Index,cusfields.Value,CusID) VALUES ('BookingDate','','" + cusID + "'),('Salesman','','" + cusID + "')"; batch.Add(sql); } else if (NewPicker.SelectedIndex == 2)//Quoted! { string sql = "INSERT INTO jobfields (cusfields.Index,cusfields.Value,CusID) VALUES ('BookingDate','','" + cusID + "'),('Salesman','','" + cusID + "'),('QuoteTotal','','" + cusID + "'),('Signature','False','" + cusID + "'),('Deposit Received','False','" + cusID + "'),('Payment Method','Fill Me Out!','" + cusID + "')"; batch.Add(sql); } else if (NewPicker.SelectedIndex == 3)//Followup on Quote { string sql = "INSERT INTO jobfields (cusfields.Index,cusfields.Value,CusID) VALUES ('BookingDate','','" + cusID + "'),('Salesman','','" + cusID + "'),('QuoteTotal','','" + cusID + "'),('Signature','False','" + cusID + "'),('Deposit Received','False','" + cusID + "'),('Payment Method','Fill Me Out!','" + cusID + "'),('LastContact','mm/dd','" + cusID + "')"; batch.Add(sql); } else if (NewPicker.SelectedIndex == 4)//Sold! { string sql = "INSERT INTO jobfields (cusfields.Index,cusfields.Value,CusID) VALUES ('BookingDate','','" + cusID + "'),('Salesman','','" + cusID + "'),('QuoteTotal','','" + cusID + "'),('Signature','True','" + cusID + "'),('Deposit Received','True','" + cusID + "'),('Payment Method','Fill Me Out!','" + cusID + "')"; batch.Add(sql); } else if (NewPicker.SelectedIndex == 5)//Install! { string sql = "INSERT INTO jobfields (cusfields.Index,cusfields.Value,CusID) VALUES ('Salesman','','" + cusID + "'),('QuoteTotal','','" + cusID + "'),('Signature','True','" + cusID + "'),('Deposit Received','True','" + cusID + "'),('Payment Method','Fill Me Out!','" + cusID + "'),('InstallDate','','" + cusID + "')"; batch.Add(sql); } DatabaseFunctions.SendBatchToPHP(batch); }
public void writeState(string result) { Dictionary <string, List <string> > dictionary = FormatFunctions.createValuePairs(FormatFunctions.SplitToPairs(result)); if (dictionary.Count > 0) { PunchedIn = bool.Parse(dictionary["State"][0]); if (((PunchedIn && !createPunchOnResult) || (!PunchedIn && createPunchOnResult)) && !statelessPunch) { PunchButton.Background = new SolidColorBrush(ClientData.rotatingConfirmationColors[0]); ClockState.Content = "Current State: Clocked In"; } else if (!statelessPunch) { PunchButton.Background = new SolidColorBrush(ClientData.rotatingNegativeColors[0]); ClockState.Content = "Current State: Clocked Out"; } } if (createPunchOnResult) { createPunchOnResult = false; string sql = "INSERT INTO punchclock (AgentID,Timestamp,Coordinates,State,Note) VALUES('" + ClientData.AgentIDK + "','" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/M/d HH:mm:ss")) + "','Desktop','" + !PunchedIn + "','" + TextEntry.Text + "')"; DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp(sql); } if (statelessPunch) { statelessPunch = false; string sql = "INSERT INTO punchclock (AgentID,Timestamp,Coordinates,State,Note) VALUES('" + ClientData.AgentIDK + "','" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/M/d HH:mm:ss")) + "','Desktop','less','" + TextEntry.Text + "')"; DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp(sql); } getPunches(); }
public async void writeState(string result) { Dictionary <string, List <string> > dictionary = FormatFunctions.createValuePairs(FormatFunctions.SplitToPairs(result)); if (dictionary.Count > 0) { PunchedIn = bool.Parse(dictionary["State"][0]); if (((PunchedIn && !createPunchOnResult) || (!PunchedIn && createPunchOnResult)) && !statelessPunch) { ClockState.Text = "Current State: Clocked In"; } else if (!statelessPunch) { ClockState.Text = "Current State: Clocked Out"; } } if (createPunchOnResult) { createPunchOnResult = false; var request = new GeolocationRequest(GeolocationAccuracy.Medium); Location location = await Geolocation.GetLocationAsync(request); var placemark = await Geocoding.GetPlacemarksAsync(location.Latitude, location.Longitude); var x = placemark?.FirstOrDefault(); string sql = "INSERT INTO punchclock (AgentID,Timestamp,Coordinates,State,Note) VALUES('" + ClientData.AgentIDK + "','" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/M/d HH:mm:ss")) + "','" + x.SubLocality + "< " + x.SubThoroughfare + x.Thoroughfare + "< " + x.PostalCode + "','" + !PunchedIn + "','" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(TextEntry.Text) + "')"; DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp(sql); } if (statelessPunch) { statelessPunch = false; var request = new GeolocationRequest(GeolocationAccuracy.Medium); var location = await Geolocation.GetLocationAsync(request); var placemark = await Geocoding.GetPlacemarksAsync(location.Latitude, location.Longitude); var x = placemark?.FirstOrDefault(); string sql = "INSERT INTO punchclock (AgentID,Timestamp,Coordinates,State,Note) VALUES('" + ClientData.AgentIDK + "','" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/M/d HH:mm:ss")) + "','" + x.SubLocality + "< " + x.SubThoroughfare + x.Thoroughfare + "< " + x.PostalCode + "','less','" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(TextEntry.Text) + "')"; DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp(sql); } getPunches(); }
public void onClickSave(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (DataPair dataPair in this.dp) { if (dataPair.isNew) { string sql = "INSERT INTO jobfields (jobfields.Value,jobfields.Index,JobID) VALUES('" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dataPair.Value.Text) + "','" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dataPair.Index.Text) + "','" + this.JobID + "')"; DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp(sql); dataPair.isNew = false; } else if (dataPair.Index.Text != dataPair.Index.GetInit() || dataPair.Value.Text != dataPair.Value.GetInit()) { DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp(string.Concat(new object[] { "UPDATE jobfields SET jobfields.Value = '", FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dataPair.Value.Text), "',jobfields.Index='", FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dataPair.Index.Text), "' WHERE (IDKey= '", dataPair.Index.GetInt(), "');" })); } } string nsql = "UPDATE jobindex SET Name='" + NameBox.Text + "' WHERE IDKey='" + JobID + "'"; DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp(nsql); }
public void onClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { foreach (DataPair dataPair in this.entryDict) { if (dataPair.isNew) { DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp( "INSERT INTO taskfields (taskfields.Value,taskfields.Index,TaskID) VALUES('" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dataPair.Value.Text) + "','" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dataPair.Index.Text) + "','" + this.task + "')"); dataPair.isNew = false; } else if (dataPair.Index.Text != dataPair.Index.GetInit() || dataPair.Value.Text != dataPair.Value.GetInit()) { DatabaseFunctions.SendToPhp("UPDATE taskfields SET taskfields.Value = '" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dataPair.Value.Text) + "', taskfields.Index='" + FormatFunctions.CleanDateNew(dataPair.Index.Text) + "' WHERE (IDKey= '" + dataPair.Index.GetInt() + "');"); } } }