コード例 #1
 protected BaseDataParameters
     string text,
     string classAttribute,
     string toolTipText,
     string placeholder,
     string htmlType,
     TextFieldTemplateParameters textTemplate,
     DropDownTemplateParameters dropDownTemplate,
     MultiSelectTemplateParameters multiSelectTemplate,
     List <DirectiveParameters> directives,
     FormValidationSettingParameters validationSetting,
     Text                = text;
     ClassAttribute      = classAttribute;
     ToolTipText         = toolTipText;
     Placeholder         = placeholder;
     HtmlType            = htmlType;
     TextTemplate        = textTemplate;
     DropDownTemplate    = dropDownTemplate;
     MultiSelectTemplate = multiSelectTemplate;
     Directives          = directives;
     ValidationSetting   = validationSetting;
     ReadOnly            = readOnly;
コード例 #2
        public InputDataParameters
            [Comments("Form label.")]
            string text,

            [Comments("CSS class.")]
            string classAttribute,

            [Comments("Tool tip text.")]
            string toolTipText,

            [Comments("Place holder text.")]
            [NameValue(AttributeNames.DEFAULTVALUE, "(Title) is required.")]
            string placeholder,

            [NameValue(AttributeNames.DEFAULTVALUE, "text")]
            string htmlType,

            [Comments("HTML template applicable to input elements.")]
            TextFieldTemplateParameters textTemplate = null,

            [Comments("HTML template applicable to drop-down elements.")]
            DropDownTemplateParameters dropDownTemplate = null,

            [Comments("HTML template applicable to multi-select elements.")]
            MultiSelectTemplateParameters multiSelectTemplate = null,

            [Comments("Directives for conditionally performing UI actions e.g. hide, disable etc.")]
            List <DirectiveParameters> directives = null,

            [Comments("Defines the field's default value, validation functions (and arguments for the validator where necessary).")]
            FormValidationSettingParameters validationSetting = null,

            [Comments("False if the variable can be modified on the client otherwise true.")]
            bool?readOnly = false
            : base(text, classAttribute, toolTipText, placeholder, htmlType, textTemplate, dropDownTemplate, multiSelectTemplate, directives, validationSetting, readOnly)