コード例 #1
        public void SendVerificationLinkEmail(string emailID, string activationCode, string emailFor = "VerifyAccount")
            var verifyUrl = "/User/" + emailFor + "/" + activationCode;
            var link      = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Replace(Request.Url.PathAndQuery, verifyUrl);

            string body = string.Empty, subject = string.Empty;

            if (emailFor == "VerifyAccount")
                subject = "Your account is successfully created! Verify Account";
                body    = "Dear " + SessionManager.UserName + ",<br/><br/>We are excited to tell you that your account is" +
                          " successfully created. Please click on the below link to verify your account" +
                          " <br/><br/><a href='" + link + "'>" + link + "</a> " + "<br/><br/> From:<br/> Admin, IRD-SRIC, IITR";
            else if (emailFor == "ResetPassword")
                subject = "Reset Password";
                body    = "Dear " + SessionManager.UserName + ", <br/>br/>We got request for reset your account password. Please click on the below link to reset your password" +
                          "<br/><br/><a href=" + link + ">Reset Password link</a>" + "<br/><br/> From:<br/> Admin, IRD-SRIC, IITR";

            FormServices formServices = new FormServices();

            formServices.SendEmail(emailID, "", subject, body);
コード例 #2
        private void toolCreateServiceToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FormServices frmLunServ = new FormServices();

            frmLunServ.MdiParent = this;
コード例 #3
        public async Task ReturnCorrectDtoWhen_ParamsAreValid()
            var options = Utils.GetOptions(nameof(ReturnCorrectDtoWhen_ParamsAreValid));
            var mockDateTimeProvider = new Mock <IDateTimeProvider>();
            var mockBlobService      = new Mock <IBlobServices>();

            var testId = Guid.NewGuid();

            var form = new Form
                Id          = testId,
                Title       = "TestForm1",
                Description = "TestDescription"

            using (var arrangeContext = new SurvelloContext(options))
                await arrangeContext.Forms.AddAsync(form);

                await arrangeContext.SaveChangesAsync();
            //Act & Assert
            using (var assertContext = new SurvelloContext(options))
                var sut    = new FormServices(assertContext, mockDateTimeProvider.Object, mockBlobService.Object);
                var result = await sut.GetFormAsync(testId);

                Assert.AreEqual(form.Id, result.Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(form.Title, result.Title);
                Assert.AreEqual(form.Description, result.Description);
コード例 #4
        public async Task ThrowException_WhenNoUserFormsFound()
            var options = Utils.GetOptions(nameof(ThrowException_WhenNoUserFormsFound));
            var mockDateTimeProvider = new Mock <IDateTimeProvider>();
            var mockBlobService      = new Mock <IBlobServices>();
            var userId = Guid.NewGuid();

            var user = new User
                Id       = userId,
                UserName = "******"

            using (var arrangeContext = new SurvelloContext(options))
                await arrangeContext.Users.AddAsync(user);

                await arrangeContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            using (var assertContext = new SurvelloContext(options))
                var sut = new FormServices(assertContext, mockDateTimeProvider.Object, mockBlobService.Object);
                await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <BusinessLogicException>(() => sut.GetUserFormsAsync(userId));
コード例 #5
        public static T GetSelectedRow <T>(string Text, string HeaderText, IEnumerable <T> DataSource, T SelectedRow, params SelectItemForm.ColumnDefinition[] Columns)
            if (DataSource == null || DataSource.Count() == 0)
            if (DataSource.Count() == 1)
            using (var form = new SelectItemForm(new SortableBindingList <T>(DataSource), SelectedRow == null ? DataSource.First() : SelectedRow, Columns))
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Text))
                    form.Text = Text;
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(HeaderText))

                if (FormServices.ShowFormDialog(form) == DialogResult.OK && form.bindingSource.Current is T)
コード例 #6
 public static T GetSelectedRow <T>(DataTable DataSource, T SelectedRow, params SelectItemForm.ColumnDefinition[] Columns)
     where T : DataRow
     if (DataSource == null || DataSource.Rows.Count == 0)
     if (DataSource.Rows.Count == 1)
         return(DataSource.Rows[0] as T);
     using (var form = new SelectItemForm(DataSource, SelectedRow ?? DataSource.Rows[0], Columns))
         if (FormServices.ShowFormDialog(form) == DialogResult.OK)
             var drv = form.bindingSource.Current as DataRowView;
             if (drv != null)
                 return(drv.Row as T);
                 return(form.bindingSource.Current as T);
コード例 #7
        public async Task ReturnTrue_WhenFormIsDeleted()
            var options = Utils.GetOptions(nameof(ReturnTrue_WhenFormIsDeleted));
            var mockDateTimeProvider = new Mock <IDateTimeProvider>();
            var mockBlobService      = new Mock <IBlobServices>();

            var form = new Form
                Id    = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Title = "TestForm"

            using (var arrangeContext = new SurvelloContext(options))
                await arrangeContext.Forms.AddAsync(form);

                await arrangeContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            //Act & Assert
            using (var assertContext = new SurvelloContext(options))
                var sut    = new FormServices(assertContext, mockDateTimeProvider.Object, mockBlobService.Object);
                var result = await sut.DeleteFormAsync(form.Id);

コード例 #8
ファイル: FormManage.cs プロジェクト: vDante/PrintShop

        #region SERVICES FUNCTIONS
        //=======================  SERVICES ===================================//
        private void btnAddService_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FormServices f = new FormServices();

            UpdateServiceList("", false);
コード例 #9
        public async Task ReturnCorrectFormDtoWhen_ParamsAreValid()
            var options = Utils.GetOptions(nameof(ReturnCorrectFormDtoWhen_ParamsAreValid));
            var mockDateTimeProvider = new Mock <IDateTimeProvider>();
            var mockBlobService      = new Mock <IBlobServices>();

            var testId  = Guid.NewGuid();
            var testId2 = Guid.NewGuid();
            var testId3 = Guid.NewGuid();

            var form = new Form
                Id          = testId,
                Title       = "TestForm1",
                Description = "TestDescription",
                UserId      = testId3
            var form2 = new Form
                Id          = testId2,
                Title       = "TestForm2",
                Description = "TestDescription2",
                UserId      = testId3

            var user = new User
                Id       = testId3,
                UserName = "******"

            using (var arrangeContext = new SurvelloContext(options))
                await arrangeContext.Users.AddAsync(user);

                await arrangeContext.Forms.AddAsync(form);

                await arrangeContext.Forms.AddAsync(form2);

                await arrangeContext.SaveChangesAsync();
            //Act & Assert
            using (var assertContext = new SurvelloContext(options))
                var sut    = new FormServices(assertContext, mockDateTimeProvider.Object, mockBlobService.Object);
                var result = (await sut.GetUserFormsAsync(testId3)).ToList();

                Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(form.Id, result[0].Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(form.Title, result[0].Title);
                Assert.AreEqual(form.Description, result[0].Description);
                Assert.AreEqual(form2.Id, result[1].Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(form2.Title, result[1].Title);
                Assert.AreEqual(form2.Description, result[1].Description);
コード例 #10
        public void SortByNumberOfFilledFormDesc()
            var options = Utils.GetOptions(nameof(SortByNumberOfFilledFormDesc));
            var mockDateTimeProvider = new Mock <IDateTimeProvider>();
            var mockBlobService      = new Mock <IBlobServices>();

            var testId    = Guid.NewGuid();
            var testId2   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var testId3   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var sortOrder = "numberoffilledforms_desc";

            var form1 = new Form
                Id                  = testId,
                Title               = "FirstPlace",
                UserId              = testId3,
                CreatedOn           = DateTime.Now,
                NumberOfFilledForms = 5
            var form2 = new Form
                Id                  = testId2,
                Title               = "SecondPlace",
                UserId              = testId3,
                CreatedOn           = DateTime.UtcNow,
                NumberOfFilledForms = 3
            var user = new User
                Id       = testId3,
                UserName = "******"

            using (var arrangeContext = new SurvelloContext(options))
            //Act & Assert
            using (var assertContext = new SurvelloContext(options))
                var sut    = new FormServices(assertContext, mockDateTimeProvider.Object, mockBlobService.Object);
                var result = sut.Sort(sortOrder, user.Id).ToArray();

                Assert.AreEqual(form1.Id, result.First().Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(form1.Title, result.First().Title);
                Assert.AreEqual(form1.NumberOfFilledForms, result.First().NumberOfFilledForms);
                Assert.AreEqual(form2.Id, result.Last().Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(form2.Title, result.Last().Title);
                Assert.AreEqual(form2.CreatedOn, result.Last().CreatedOn);
コード例 #11
        public async Task ThrowException_WhenDtoIsNull()
            var options = Utils.GetOptions(nameof(ThrowException_WhenDtoIsNull));
            var mockDateTimeProvider = new Mock <IDateTimeProvider>();
            var mockBlobService      = new Mock <IBlobServices>();
            var id = Guid.NewGuid();

            using (var assertContext = new SurvelloContext(options))
                var sut = new FormServices(assertContext, mockDateTimeProvider.Object, mockBlobService.Object);
                await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <BusinessLogicException>(() => sut.CreateFormAsync(null));
コード例 #12
        public async Task ThrowExcep_WhenNoFormFound()
            var options = Utils.GetOptions(nameof(ThrowExcep_WhenNoFormFound));
            var mockDateTimeProvider = new Mock <IDateTimeProvider>();
            var mockBlobService      = new Mock <IBlobServices>();
            var id = Guid.NewGuid();

            using (var assertContext = new SurvelloContext(options))
                var sut = new FormServices(assertContext, mockDateTimeProvider.Object, mockBlobService.Object);
                await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <BusinessLogicException>(() => sut.GetFormWithAllAnswers(id));
コード例 #13
        public void SortByTitleDesc_Succeed()
            var options = Utils.GetOptions(nameof(SortByTitleDesc_Succeed));
            var mockDateTimeProvider = new Mock <IDateTimeProvider>();
            var mockBlobService      = new Mock <IBlobServices>();

            var testId    = Guid.NewGuid();
            var testId2   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var testId3   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var sortOrder = "title_desc";

            var form1 = new Form
                Id     = testId,
                Title  = "FirstPlace",
                UserId = testId3
            var form2 = new Form
                Id     = testId2,
                Title  = "SecondPlace",
                UserId = testId3
            var user = new User
                Id       = testId3,
                UserName = "******"

            using (var arrangeContext = new SurvelloContext(options))
            //Act & Assert
            using (var assertContext = new SurvelloContext(options))
                var sut    = new FormServices(assertContext, mockDateTimeProvider.Object, mockBlobService.Object);
                var result = sut.Sort(sortOrder, user.Id);

                Assert.AreEqual(form1.Id, result.Last().Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(form1.Title, result.Last().Title);
                Assert.AreEqual(form2.Id, result.First().Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(form2.Title, result.First().Title);
コード例 #14
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="DataSource"></param>
 /// <param name="Text"></param>
 /// <param name="HeaderText"></param>
 /// <param name="Columns"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static void ShowData(object DataSource, string Text, string HeaderText, params SelectItemForm.ColumnDefinition[] Columns)
     using (var form = new SelectItemForm(DataSource, null, Columns))
         if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Text))
             form.Text = Text;
         if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(HeaderText))
コード例 #15
        public ActionResult SendEnquiry(ContactUsViewModels ContactUsViewModels)
            string body = ("Message: " + ContactUsViewModels.Message +
                           "<br/>From:- " +
                           "<br/> Name:" + ContactUsViewModels.Name +
                           "<br/> EmpNo:" + ContactUsViewModels.EmpNo +
                           "<br/> Mobile No:" + ContactUsViewModels.MobileNo +
                           "<br/> Email:" + ContactUsViewModels.Email +
                           "<br/> <br /> Sent by: IRD-SRIC, IIT Roorkee");

            FormServices formServices = new FormServices();

            formServices.SendEmail("*****@*****.**", ContactUsViewModels.Email, ContactUsViewModels.Subject, body);
            ViewBag.Status  = true;
            ViewBag.Message = "Email has been sent successfully. We will contact you soon.";
            return(View("Contact", new ContactUsViewModels()));
コード例 #16
        public ResponseDTO ValidateFormNoBorn([FromBody] QualifiedLead model)
            FormServices formAnswerService = new FormServices();
            var          response          = new ResponseDTO();

                var    retQualified = formAnswerService.CheckQualifieNoBornQuestionForm(model);
                YouAre youAreObj    = (YouAre)Enum.Parse(typeof(YouAre), model.Situation);

                if (retQualified)
                    if (youAreObj == YouAre.PregnantChildLessFiveYears)
                        formAnswerService.InsertQualifiedLeadtoBitrixQueue(model, retQualified, "PLUSS");
                    else if (youAreObj == YouAre.PregnantFirstChild || youAreObj == YouAre.PregnantChildMoreFiveYears)
                        formAnswerService.InsertQualifiedLeadtoBitrixQueue(model, retQualified, "DPP");
                    formAnswerService.InsertDisQualifiedLeadtoBitrixQueue(model, retQualified, "NOQUALIFIED");

                var ret = formAnswerService.InsertLeadToGoogleDoc(model, retQualified);

                if (ret)
                    response.Data = new { sucesso = 1, message = "Formulario validado com sucesso!" };
                    response.Data = new { sucesso = 0, message = "Não foi possível validar o formulário!" };
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Message = ex.Message;

コード例 #17
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Bitrix24Services  objService        = new Bitrix24Services();
            AttendantServices attedantasService = new AttendantServices();
            FormServices      formService       = new FormServices();

            DepartmentServices departmentServices = new DepartmentServices();

            List <Department> lstDepartments = departmentServices.GetDepartments();

            //objService.CreateLead("Silvia Aparecida", 12, "Silvia Aparecida", "1198987787", "*****@*****.**","NEW");
            //objService.CreateLead("Amanda Nunes", 12, "Amanda Nunes", "1198987787", "*****@*****.**", "1");
            //objService.CreateLead("Renata dos Santos", 12, "Renata dos Santos", "1198987787", "*****@*****.**", "IN_PROCESS");
            //List<Attendant> lstAttendants = attedantasService.GetAttendants();
            //List<string> lstString = formService.GetNextUserDepartmentLeadDisQualifield();
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
コード例 #18
ファイル: FormManage.cs プロジェクト: vDante/PrintShop
 private void dgServices_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
     if (dgServices.SelectedRows.Count != 0)
             DBConnector  db = new DBConnector();
             Service      es = db.SearchService("s.id", dgServices.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString(), false)[0];
             FormServices f  = new FormServices();
         catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #19
 internal static DataRow GetSelectedRow(object DataSource, string ValueMember = null, string DisplayMember = null, object SelectedValue = null, bool AutoGenerateColumns = false)
     SelectItemForm.ColumnDefinition[] Columns = null;
     if (!AutoGenerateColumns && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ValueMember) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DisplayMember))
         Columns = new SelectItemForm.ColumnDefinition[] {
             SelectItemForm.CreateColumnDefinition("Value", ValueMember),
             SelectItemForm.CreateColumnDefinition("Name", DisplayMember, FillWeight: 100),
     using (var form = new SelectItemForm(DataSource, SelectedValue, Columns))
             var pos = form.bindingSource.Find(ValueMember, SelectedValue);
             if (pos >= 0)
                 form.bindingSource.Position = pos;
         catch { }
         if (FormServices.ShowFormDialog(form) == DialogResult.OK)
             var drv = form.bindingSource.Current as DataRowView;
             if (drv != null)
                 return(form.bindingSource.Current as DataRow);
コード例 #20
        public async Task ThrowWhen_FormNotFound()
            var options = Utils.GetOptions(nameof(ThrowWhen_FormNotFound));
            var mockDateTimeProvider = new Mock <IDateTimeProvider>();
            var mockBlobService      = new Mock <IBlobServices>();

            var testId  = Guid.NewGuid();
            var testId2 = Guid.NewGuid();

            var form = new Form
                Id          = testId,
                Title       = "TestForm1",
                Description = "TestDescription"

            using (var assertContext = new SurvelloContext(options))
                var sut = new FormServices(assertContext, mockDateTimeProvider.Object, mockBlobService.Object);
                await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <BusinessLogicException>(() => sut.GetFormAsync(testId2));
コード例 #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Columns generator that works on column data descriptions (ColumnDataDescriptor)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dataGrid">DataGridView</param>
 /// <param name="DataSource">Data Source to support data-binding</param>
 /// <param name="Columns">Column data descriptors</param>
 public static void GenerateColumns(this DataGridView dataGrid, object DataSource, params ColumnDataDescriptor[] Columns)
     dataGrid.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
     foreach (var column in Columns)
         if (column.Mode == ColumnEditorMode.TextBox)
             var newColumn = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
             column.GeneratedDataGridViewColumn = newColumn;
             newColumn.SortMode   = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Automatic;
             newColumn.HeaderText = column.HeaderText;
             if (column.MaxLength.HasValue)
                 newColumn.MaxInputLength = column.MaxLength.Value;
             if (newColumn.MaxInputLength > 260)
                 newColumn.DefaultCellStyle = new DataGridViewCellStyle()
                     WrapMode = DataGridViewTriState.True
             if (column.FillWeight.HasValue)
                 newColumn.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
                 newColumn.FillWeight   = column.FillWeight.Value;
                 newColumn.MinimumWidth = column.HeaderText.Length * 10;
                 if (newColumn.MinimumWidth < 50)
                     newColumn.MinimumWidth = 50;
             newColumn.ToolTipText      = column.ColumnName;
             newColumn.DataPropertyName = column.ColumnName;
             if (column.NullValue != null)
                 if (newColumn.DefaultCellStyle != null)
                     newColumn.DefaultCellStyle.NullValue = column.NullValue;
                     newColumn.DefaultCellStyle = new DataGridViewCellStyle()
                         NullValue = column.NullValue
             newColumn.ReadOnly = column.IsReadOnly;
             if (column.Style.HasValue)
                 DataGridViewExtenders.SetEditorDataStyle(newColumn, column.Style.Value);
             if (column.FormatValueMethod != null)
                 newColumn.Tag            = column.FormatValueMethod;
                 dataGrid.CellFormatting += delegate(object sender, DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs e)
                     var _data = newColumn.Tag as FormatValueDelegate;
                     if (_data != null && e.ColumnIndex == newColumn.Index && e.RowIndex >= 0)
                         var _value = _data.Invoke(dataGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataBoundItem, newColumn.DataPropertyName);
                         if (_value != null)
                             e.Value             = _value;
                             e.FormattingApplied = _value is string;
         else if (column.Mode == ColumnEditorMode.CheckBox)
             var newColumn = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn();
             column.GeneratedDataGridViewColumn = newColumn;
             newColumn.SortMode   = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Automatic;
             newColumn.HeaderText = column.HeaderText;
             if (column.FillWeight.HasValue)
                 newColumn.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
                 newColumn.FillWeight   = column.FillWeight.Value;
                 newColumn.MinimumWidth = column.HeaderText.Length * 10;
                 if (newColumn.MinimumWidth < 50)
                     newColumn.MinimumWidth = 50;
             newColumn.ToolTipText      = column.ColumnName;
             newColumn.ThreeState       = column.IsNull;
             newColumn.DataPropertyName = column.ColumnName;
             newColumn.ReadOnly         = column.IsReadOnly;
         else if (column.Mode == ColumnEditorMode.ListBox)
             DataGridViewColumn newColumn;
             if (column.IsReadOnly)
                 var _newColumn = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
                 newColumn = _newColumn;
                 var _newColumn = new DataGridViewLinkColumn();
                 _newColumn.TrackVisitedState = false;
                 _newColumn.LinkBehavior      = LinkBehavior.HoverUnderline;
                 newColumn = _newColumn;
             column.GeneratedDataGridViewColumn = newColumn;
             newColumn.SortMode   = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Automatic;
             newColumn.HeaderText = column.HeaderText;
             if (column.FillWeight.HasValue)
                 newColumn.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
                 newColumn.FillWeight   = column.FillWeight.Value;
                 newColumn.MinimumWidth = column.HeaderText.Length * 10;
                 if (newColumn.MinimumWidth < 50)
                     newColumn.MinimumWidth = 50;
             newColumn.ToolTipText      = column.ColumnName;
             newColumn.DataPropertyName = column.ColumnName;
             newColumn.ReadOnly         = true;
             if (column.Style.HasValue)
                 DataGridViewExtenders.SetEditorDataStyle(newColumn, column.Style.Value);
             newColumn.Tag = Tuple.Create(column.DataSource, column.ValueMember, column.DisplayMember, column.GetListBoxItemsMethod, column.FormatValueMethod);
             dataGrid.CellFormatting += delegate(object sender, DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs e)
                 var _data = newColumn.Tag as Tuple <object, string, string, GetListBoxItemsDelegate, FormatValueDelegate>;
                 if (_data != null && e.ColumnIndex == newColumn.Index && e.RowIndex >= 0)
                     if (_data.Item5 != null)
                         var _value = _data.Item5.Invoke(dataGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataBoundItem, newColumn.DataPropertyName);
                         if (_value != null)
                             e.Value             = _value;
                             e.FormattingApplied = _value is string;
                     else if (dataGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataBoundItem is DataRowView && (_data.Item1 is DataView || _data.Item1 is DataTable))
                         var dataBoundItem = (DataRowView)dataGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataBoundItem;
                         var _data1        = _data.Item1 is DataView ? ((DataView)_data.Item1).Table : (DataTable)_data.Item1;
                         var _row          = _data1.Rows.Find(dataBoundItem[newColumn.DataPropertyName]);
                         e.Value             = _row != null ? _row[_data.Item3].ToString() : string.Empty;
                         e.FormattingApplied = true;
             if (!column.IsReadOnly)
                 dataGrid.CellClick += delegate(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
                     var _data = newColumn.Tag as Tuple <object, string, string, GetListBoxItemsDelegate, FormatValueDelegate>;
                     if (_data != null && e.ColumnIndex == newColumn.Index && e.RowIndex >= 0 && dataGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataBoundItem is DataRowView)
                         var    dataBoundItem = (DataRowView)dataGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataBoundItem;
                         object items         = _data.Item1;
                         bool   agc           = false;
                         if (_data.Item4 != null)
                             items = _data.Item4.Invoke();
                             if (items == null)
                                 FormServices.ShowError("No data exists", true);
                             agc = true;
                         var row = SelectItemForm.GetSelectedRow(items, _data.Item2, _data.Item3, dataBoundItem[newColumn.DataPropertyName], agc);
                         if (row != null)
                             dataBoundItem[newColumn.DataPropertyName] = row[_data.Item2];
         else if (column.Mode == ColumnEditorMode.ComboBox)
             var newColumn = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn();
             column.GeneratedDataGridViewColumn       = newColumn;
             newColumn.DisplayStyleForCurrentCellOnly = true;
             newColumn.DisplayStyle = column.IsReadOnly ? DataGridViewComboBoxDisplayStyle.Nothing : DataGridViewComboBoxDisplayStyle.DropDownButton;
             newColumn.AutoComplete = true;
             if (column.IsNull)
                 newColumn.DefaultCellStyle = new DataGridViewCellStyle()
                     DataSourceNullValue = DBNull.Value
             newColumn.SortMode   = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Automatic;
             newColumn.HeaderText = column.HeaderText;
             if (column.FillWeight.HasValue)
                 newColumn.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
                 newColumn.FillWeight   = column.FillWeight.Value;
                 newColumn.MinimumWidth = column.HeaderText.Length * 10;
                 if (newColumn.MinimumWidth < 50)
                     newColumn.MinimumWidth = 50;
             newColumn.ToolTipText      = column.ColumnName;
             newColumn.DataPropertyName = column.ColumnName;
             newColumn.DataSource       = column.DataSource;
             if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(column.ValueMember))
                 newColumn.ValueMember = column.ValueMember;
             if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(column.DisplayMember))
                 newColumn.DisplayMember = column.DisplayMember;
             newColumn.ReadOnly = column.IsReadOnly;
             if (column.FormatValueMethod != null)
                 newColumn.Tag            = column.FormatValueMethod;
                 dataGrid.CellFormatting += delegate(object sender, DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs e)
                     var _data = newColumn.Tag as FormatValueDelegate;
                     if (_data != null && e.ColumnIndex == newColumn.Index && e.RowIndex >= 0)
                         var _value = _data.Invoke(dataGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataBoundItem, newColumn.DataPropertyName);
                         if (_value != null)
                             e.Value             = _value;
                             e.FormattingApplied = _value is string;
     dataGrid.DataSource = DataSource;
コード例 #22
        public ActionResult UpdateUserDetail(RankUserViewModel rankUserViewModel, string[] MenuList)
            bool Status = false;
            DataCollectionModelDataContext db = new DataCollectionModelDataContext();
            RankUser rankUser = db.RankUsers.Where(a => a.UserID == rankUserViewModel.RankUser.UserID).FirstOrDefault();

            if (rankUser != null)
                rankUser.DeptID         = rankUserViewModel.RankUser.DeptID;
                rankUser.UserDisabledOn = Convert.ToString(rankUserViewModel.RankUser.UserValid) == "N" ? DateTime.Now : (DateTime?)null;
                rankUser.UserEmail      = rankUserViewModel.RankUser.UserEmail;
                rankUser.UserEmpNo      = rankUserViewModel.RankUser.UserEmpNo;
                rankUser.UserMob        = rankUserViewModel.RankUser.UserMob;
                rankUser.UserName       = rankUserViewModel.RankUser.UserName;
                rankUser.UserRole       = rankUserViewModel.RankUser.UserRole;
                rankUser.UserValid      = Convert.ToChar(rankUserViewModel.RankUser.UserValid ?? null);
                rankUser.UserWork       = rankUserViewModel.RankUser.UserWork;

                using (db.Transaction = db.Connection.BeginTransaction())
                        IEnumerable <UserMenu> userMenu = db.UserMenus.Where(a => a.UserID == rankUserViewModel.RankUser.UserID).ToList();
                        if (userMenu != null)
                            var sa = userMenu.Where(a => !MenuList.Contains(a.MenuID)).ToList();
                            if (sa.Any())

                        List <UserMenu> userMenuList = new List <UserMenu>();
                        foreach (string item in MenuList)
                            var sa = userMenu.Where(a => a.MenuID == item).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (sa == null)
                                UserMenu menu = new UserMenu();
                                menu.MenuID = item;
                                menu.UserID = rankUserViewModel.RankUser.UserID;

                        if (userMenuList.Any())

                        Status          = true;
                        ViewBag.Message = "User Updated Successfully.";
                        ViewBag.Status  = true;

                            if (rankUserViewModel.RankUser.UserValid == "Y")
                                string body = "Dear " + rankUserViewModel.RankUser.UserName + ",<br /> You have been authorised by admin now. You can access the system by logging in. <br /><br /> Admin <br /> IRD SRIC";

                                FormServices formServices = new FormServices();
                                body = body.Replace("\r\n", "<br />");
                                string subject = "User Authorised by Admin, IRD-SRIC, IITR";
                                formServices.SendEmail(rankUserViewModel.RankUser.UserEmail, "", subject, body);
                        catch (Exception ex) { }
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        ViewBag.Message = "Failed To Updated User. Error: " + ex.Message;
                        ViewBag.Status  = false;

            return(Json(new { success = Status }));
コード例 #23
        private void buttonOpenServiсes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Form formServices = new FormServices();

コード例 #24
        public async Task CorrectlyGetAllAnswers()
            var options = Utils.GetOptions(nameof(CorrectlyGetAllAnswers));
            var mockDateTimeProvider = new Mock <IDateTimeProvider>();
            var mockBlobService      = new Mock <IBlobServices>();
            var userId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var formId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var multipleChoicOptionId = Guid.NewGuid();

            var form = new Form
                Id            = formId,
                Title         = "TestForm",
                Description   = "TestDescrtiption",
                UserId        = userId,
                TextQuestions = new List <TextQuestion>()
                    new TextQuestion
                        Description  = "Where are you from?",
                        IsLongAnswer = false,
                        IsRequired   = true,
                        Answers      = new List <TextAnswer>()
                            new TextAnswer()
                                Answer = "Bourgas",
                MultipleChoiceQuestions = new List <MultipleChoiceQuestion>()
                    new MultipleChoiceQuestion
                        Description      = "How would you rate your experience with our product?",
                        IsRequired       = true,
                        IsMultipleAnswer = false,
                        Options          = new List <MultipleChoiceOption>()
                            new MultipleChoiceOption
                                Option = "Satisfied",
                                //Answers = new List<MultipleChoiceAnswer>()
                                //    new MultipleChoiceAnswer()
                                //    {
                                //        MultipleChoiceOptionId = multipleChoicOptionId
                                //    }
                DocumentQuestions = new List <DocumentQuestion>()
                    new DocumentQuestion
                        Description     = "TestDescription",
                        FileNumberLimit = 10,
                        FileSize        = 1,
                        Answers         = new List <DocumentAnswer>()
                            new DocumentAnswer()
                                FileName = "TestFilePath"

            var user = new User
                Id       = userId,
                UserName = "******"

            using (var arrangeContext = new SurvelloContext(options))
                await arrangeContext.Forms.AddAsync(form);

                await arrangeContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            //Act & Assert
            using (var assertContext = new SurvelloContext(options))
                var sut = new FormServices(assertContext, mockDateTimeProvider.Object, mockBlobService.Object);
                //await sut.GetFormWithAllAnswers(formId);

                var result        = assertContext.Forms.First();
                var resultTA      = assertContext.TextAnswers.First();
                var resultMCA     = assertContext.MultipleChoiceAnswers.First();
                var resultDA      = assertContext.DocumentAnswers.First();
                var resultOptions = assertContext.MultipleChoiceOptions.First();

                Assert.AreEqual(form.Title, result.Title);
                Assert.AreEqual(form.Description, result.Description);

                foreach (var tq in form.TextQuestions)
                    foreach (var ta in tq.Answers)
                        Assert.AreEqual(ta.Answer, resultTA.Answer);
                foreach (var mcq in form.MultipleChoiceQuestions)
                    foreach (var op in mcq.Options)
                        //foreach (var mcqa in op.Answers)
                        //    Assert.AreEqual(mcqa.MultipleChoiceOptionId,resultMCA.MultipleChoiceOptionId);
                foreach (var dq in form.DocumentQuestions)
                    foreach (var da in dq.Answers)
                        Assert.AreEqual(da.FileName, resultDA.FileName);
コード例 #25
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: stauroskou/OOP-E-Hospital
 private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
コード例 #26
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: stauroskou/OOP-E-Hospital
 private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
コード例 #27
        public async Task CorrectlyCreatedForm()
            var options = Utils.GetOptions(nameof(CorrectlyCreatedForm));
            var mockDateTimeProvider = new Mock <IDateTimeProvider>();
            var mockBlobService      = new Mock <IBlobServices>();
            var userId = Guid.NewGuid();

            var formDto = new FormDTO
                Title         = "TestForm",
                Description   = "TestDescrtiption",
                UserId        = userId,
                TextQuestions = new List <TextQuestionDTO>()
                    new TextQuestionDTO
                        Description  = "Where are you from?",
                        IsLongAnswer = false,
                        IsRequired   = true,
                MultipleChoiceQuestions = new List <MultipleChoiceQuestionDTO>()
                    new MultipleChoiceQuestionDTO
                        Description      = "How would you rate your experience with our product?",
                        IsRequired       = true,
                        IsMultipleAnswer = false,
                        Options          = new List <MultipleChoiceOptionDTO>()
                            new MultipleChoiceOptionDTO
                                OptionDescription = "Satisfied",
                DocumentQuestions = new List <DocumentQuestionDTO>()
                    new DocumentQuestionDTO
                        Description     = "TestDescription",
                        FileNumberLimit = 10,
                        FileSize        = 1,

            var user = new User
                Id       = userId,
                UserName = "******"

            //Act & Assert
            using (var assertContext = new SurvelloContext(options))
                var sut = new FormServices(assertContext, mockDateTimeProvider.Object, mockBlobService.Object);
                await sut.CreateFormAsync(formDto);

                var result        = assertContext.Forms.First();
                var resultTQ      = assertContext.TextQuestions.First();
                var resultMCQ     = assertContext.MultipleChoiceQuestions.First();
                var resultDQ      = assertContext.DocumentQuestions.First();
                var resultOptions = assertContext.MultipleChoiceOptions.First();

                Assert.AreEqual(formDto.Title, result.Title);
                Assert.AreEqual(formDto.Description, result.Description);

                foreach (var tq in formDto.TextQuestions)
                    Assert.AreEqual(tq.Description, resultTQ.Description);
                    Assert.AreEqual(tq.IsLongAnswer, resultTQ.IsLongAnswer);
                    Assert.AreEqual(tq.IsRequired, resultTQ.IsRequired);
                foreach (var mcq in formDto.MultipleChoiceQuestions)
                    Assert.AreEqual(mcq.Description, resultMCQ.Description);
                    Assert.AreEqual(mcq.IsMultipleAnswer, resultMCQ.IsMultipleAnswer);
                    Assert.AreEqual(mcq.IsRequired, resultMCQ.IsRequired);

                    foreach (var op in mcq.Options)
                        Assert.AreEqual(op.OptionDescription, resultOptions.Option);
                foreach (var dq in formDto.DocumentQuestions)
                    Assert.AreEqual(dq.Description, resultDQ.Description);
                    Assert.AreEqual(dq.FileNumberLimit, resultDQ.FileNumberLimit);
                    Assert.AreEqual(dq.FileSize, resultDQ.FileSize);
コード例 #28
 private static void dataGrid_DataError(object sender, DataGridViewDataErrorEventArgs e)
     e.ThrowException = false;
     e.Cancel         = true;
コード例 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Fields generator that works on field data descriptions (FieldDataDescriptor)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataPanel">TableLayoutPanel</param>
        /// <param name="toolTip">ToolTip</param>
        /// <param name="DataSource">Data Source to support data-binding</param>
        /// <param name="Fields">Field data descriptors</param>
        public static void GenerateFields(this TableLayoutPanel dataPanel, ToolTip toolTip, object DataSource, params FieldDataDescriptor[] Fields)
            if (DataSource == null || Fields == null || Fields.Length == 0)
            dataPanel.ColumnCount = 2;
            dataPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize));
            dataPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize));
            dataPanel.RowCount     = 0;
            dataPanel.AutoSize     = true;
            dataPanel.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
            dataPanel.Margin       = new Padding(3, 3, 9, 3);

            int tabIndex = 0;

            foreach (var field in Fields)
                dataPanel.RowCount += 1;
                dataPanel.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize));

                #region creating the label

                var leadLabel = new Label();
                leadLabel.Text      = field.CaptionText; // TODO: add option for generating label in format: column.CaptionText + ":"
                leadLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
                leadLabel.Padding   = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 0);
                if (field.Mode == FieldEditorMode.MultilineTextBox || field.Mode == FieldEditorMode.BitMask || field.Mode == FieldEditorMode.BitMask64)
                    leadLabel.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top;
                    leadLabel.Margin = new Padding(12, 6, 0, 6);
                    leadLabel.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right;
                    leadLabel.Margin = new Padding(12, 1, 0, 1);
                leadLabel.TabIndex = tabIndex++;
                leadLabel.AutoSize = true;
                dataPanel.Controls.Add(leadLabel, 0, dataPanel.RowCount - 1);


                Binding binding = null;
                if (field.Mode == FieldEditorMode.TextBox || field.Mode == FieldEditorMode.MultilineTextBox || field.Mode == FieldEditorMode.DateTimeTextBox)
                    #region creating editor control for text
                    var _textBox = new TextBox();
                    field.GeneratedControl = _textBox;
                    _textBox.Multiline     = field.Mode == FieldEditorMode.MultilineTextBox;
                    _textBox.Size          = new Size(field.SizeWidth.HasValue ? field.SizeWidth.Value : (int)DataDescriptorSizeWidth.Normal, _textBox.Multiline ? 125 : 20);
                    _textBox.Anchor        = AnchorStyles.Left;
                    if (field.MaxLength.HasValue)
                        _textBox.MaxLength = field.MaxLength.Value;
                    _textBox.TabIndex = tabIndex++;
                    if (toolTip != null)
                        toolTip.SetToolTip(_textBox, field.ColumnName);
                    leadLabel.Click += delegate { _textBox.Focus(); };
                    binding          = new Binding("Text", DataSource, field.ColumnName, true, field.IsReadOnly ? DataSourceUpdateMode.Never : DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
                    if (field.FormatValueMethod != null)
                        _textBox.Tag = field.FormatValueMethod;
                        binding.FormattingEnabled = true;
                        binding.Format           += TableLayoutPanelExtenders.BindingFormat;
                    if (field.IsNull)
                        binding.DataSourceNullValue = DBNull.Value;
                    if (field.NullValue != null)
                        binding.NullValue = field.NullValue;
                    if (field.Style.HasValue)
                        TableLayoutPanelExtenders.SetBindingStyle(binding, field.Style.Value);
                        _textBox.TextAlign = field.Style == EditorDataStyle.DateTime || field.Style == EditorDataStyle.Date ? HorizontalAlignment.Center : HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                    _textBox.ReadOnly = field.IsReadOnly;
                    if (field.DataSource != null && field.DataSource is string[])
                        _textBox.AutoCompleteMode         = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;
                        _textBox.AutoCompleteSource       = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource;
                        _textBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource = new AutoCompleteStringCollection();
                    dataPanel.Controls.Add(_textBox, 1, dataPanel.RowCount - 1);
                else if (field.Mode == FieldEditorMode.NumberTextBox)
                    #region creating editor control for numbers
                    var _textBox = new NumericUpDown();
                    field.GeneratedControl      = _textBox;
                    _textBox.Minimum            = field.Minimum.HasValue ? field.Minimum.Value : decimal.MinValue;
                    _textBox.Maximum            = field.Maximum.HasValue ? field.Maximum.Value : decimal.MaxValue;
                    _textBox.DecimalPlaces      = 0;
                    _textBox.ThousandsSeparator = true;
                    _textBox.Size     = new Size(field.SizeWidth.HasValue ? field.SizeWidth.Value : (int)DataDescriptorSizeWidth.Normal, 20);
                    _textBox.Anchor   = AnchorStyles.Left;
                    _textBox.TabIndex = tabIndex++;
                    if (toolTip != null)
                        toolTip.SetToolTip(_textBox, field.ColumnName);
                    leadLabel.Click += delegate { _textBox.Focus(); };
                    binding          = new Binding("Text", DataSource, field.ColumnName, true, field.IsReadOnly ? DataSourceUpdateMode.Never : DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
                    if (field.FormatValueMethod != null)
                        _textBox.Tag = field.FormatValueMethod;
                        binding.FormattingEnabled = true;
                        binding.Format           += TableLayoutPanelExtenders.BindingFormat;
                    if (field.IsNull)
                        binding.DataSourceNullValue = DBNull.Value;
                    if (field.NullValue != null)
                        binding.NullValue = field.NullValue;
                    if (field.Style.HasValue)
                        TableLayoutPanelExtenders.SetBindingStyle(binding, field.Style.Value);
                        _textBox.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                    _textBox.ReadOnly = field.IsReadOnly;
                    dataPanel.Controls.Add(_textBox, 1, dataPanel.RowCount - 1);
                else if (field.Mode == FieldEditorMode.CheckBox)
                    #region creating editor control for booleans
                    var _checkBox = new CheckBox();
                    field.GeneratedControl = _checkBox;
                    _checkBox.Anchor       = AnchorStyles.Left;
                    _checkBox.AutoSize     = false;
                    _checkBox.Size         = new Size(20, 20);
                    _checkBox.TabIndex     = tabIndex++;
                    if (toolTip != null)
                        toolTip.SetToolTip(_checkBox, field.ColumnName);
                    leadLabel.Click += delegate { _checkBox.Checked = !_checkBox.Checked; };
                    if (field.IsNull)
                        _checkBox.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("CheckState", DataSource, field.ColumnName, true, field.IsReadOnly ? DataSourceUpdateMode.Never : DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged, CheckState.Indeterminate));
                        _checkBox.ThreeState = true;
                        _checkBox.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Checked", DataSource, field.ColumnName, false, field.IsReadOnly ? DataSourceUpdateMode.Never : DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged, false));
                    _checkBox.Enabled = !field.IsReadOnly;
                    dataPanel.Controls.Add(_checkBox, 1, dataPanel.RowCount - 1);
                else if (field.Mode == FieldEditorMode.ListBox)
                    #region creating editor control for lists with dialog
                    var _comboBox = new ComboBox();
                    field.GeneratedControl = _comboBox;
                    _comboBox.Size         = new Size(field.SizeWidth.HasValue ? field.SizeWidth.Value : (int)DataDescriptorSizeWidth.Normal, 21);
                    _comboBox.Anchor       = AnchorStyles.Left;
                    if (field.MaxLength.HasValue)
                        _comboBox.MaxLength = field.MaxLength.Value;
                    _comboBox.TabIndex      = tabIndex++;
                    _comboBox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.Simple;
                    if (toolTip != null)
                        toolTip.SetToolTip(_comboBox, field.ColumnName);
                    leadLabel.Click += delegate { _comboBox.Focus(); };
                    if (field.FormatValueMethod != null)
                        binding                   = new Binding("Text", DataSource, field.ColumnName, true, DataSourceUpdateMode.Never);
                        _comboBox.Tag             = field.FormatValueMethod;
                        binding.FormattingEnabled = true;
                        binding.Format           += TableLayoutPanelExtenders.BindingFormat;
                        if (field.IsNull)
                            binding.DataSourceNullValue = DBNull.Value;
                        binding = new Binding("SelectedValue", DataSource, field.ColumnName, true, DataSourceUpdateMode.Never);
                        if (field.IsNull)
                            binding.DataSourceNullValue = DBNull.Value;
                    _comboBox.DataSource = field.DataSource;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(field.ValueMember))
                        _comboBox.ValueMember = field.ValueMember;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(field.DisplayMember))
                        _comboBox.DisplayMember = field.DisplayMember;
                    _comboBox.Enabled = false;
                    if (field.IsReadOnly)
                        dataPanel.Controls.Add(_comboBox, 1, dataPanel.RowCount - 1);
                        var _pnl = new TableLayoutPanel();
                        _pnl.AutoSize     = true;
                        _pnl.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
                        _pnl.Margin       = new Padding(0);
                        _pnl.Padding      = new Padding(0);
                        _pnl.RowCount     = 1;
                        _pnl.ColumnCount  = 2;
                        _pnl.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize));
                        _pnl.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize));
                        _pnl.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize));
                        _pnl.Controls.Add(_comboBox, 0, 0);
                        var _btnSelect = new Button();
                        _btnSelect.Anchor       = AnchorStyles.Left;
                        _btnSelect.MaximumSize  = new Size(128, 128);
                        _btnSelect.Margin       = new Padding(1, 0, 1, 0);
                        _btnSelect.Padding      = new Padding(0);
                        _btnSelect.AutoSize     = true;
                        _btnSelect.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
                        _btnSelect.FlatStyle    = FlatStyle.Flat;
                        _btnSelect.FlatAppearance.BorderSize         = 0;
                        _btnSelect.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = SystemColors.GradientActiveCaption;
                        _btnSelect.FlatAppearance.MouseDownBackColor = SystemColors.ControlLight;
                        _btnSelect.Image      = Settings.Images.SelectRowImage;
                        _btnSelect.ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                        _btnSelect.TextAlign  = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                        _btnSelect.TabIndex   = tabIndex++;
                        _btnSelect.TabStop    = false;
                        if (toolTip != null)
                            toolTip.SetToolTip(_btnSelect, string.Format("Select a value for {0}", field.ColumnName));
                        _pnl.Controls.Add(_btnSelect, 1, 0);
                        _comboBox.Size    = new Size((field.SizeWidth.HasValue ? field.SizeWidth.Value : (int)DataDescriptorSizeWidth.Normal) - _btnSelect.Width - _btnSelect.Margin.Left - _btnSelect.Margin.Right - _comboBox.Margin.Right, _comboBox.Height);
                        _btnSelect.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
                            var cm = binding.BindingManagerBase;
                            if (cm != null)
                                    var col = cm.GetItemProperties().Find(field.ColumnName, false);
                                    if (col != null)
                                        object items = field.DataSource;
                                        bool   agc   = false;
                                        if (field.GetListBoxItemsMethod != null)
                                            items = field.GetListBoxItemsMethod.Invoke();
                                            if (items == null)
                                                FormServices.ShowError("No data exists", true);
                                            agc = true;
                                        var row = SelectItemForm.GetSelectedRow(items, field.ValueMember, field.DisplayMember, col.GetValue(cm.Current), agc);
                                        if (row != null)
                                            col.SetValue(cm.Current, row[field.ValueMember]);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                        dataPanel.Controls.Add(_pnl, 1, dataPanel.RowCount - 1);
                else if (field.Mode == FieldEditorMode.ComboBox || field.Mode == FieldEditorMode.ComboTextBox)
                    #region creating editor control for drop down lists
                    var _comboBox = new ComboBox();
                    field.GeneratedControl = _comboBox;
                    _comboBox.Size         = new Size(field.SizeWidth.HasValue ? field.SizeWidth.Value : (int)DataDescriptorSizeWidth.Normal, 20);
                    _comboBox.Anchor       = AnchorStyles.Left;
                    if (field.MaxLength.HasValue)
                        _comboBox.MaxLength = field.MaxLength.Value;
                    _comboBox.TabIndex      = tabIndex++;
                    _comboBox.DropDownStyle = field.Mode == FieldEditorMode.ComboBox ? ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList : ComboBoxStyle.DropDown;
                    if (toolTip != null)
                        toolTip.SetToolTip(_comboBox, field.ColumnName);
                    leadLabel.Click += delegate { _comboBox.Focus(); if (_comboBox.Enabled)
                                                      _comboBox.DroppedDown = true;
                    binding = new Binding(field.Mode == FieldEditorMode.ComboBox ? "SelectedValue" : "Text", DataSource, field.ColumnName, true, field.IsReadOnly ? DataSourceUpdateMode.Never : DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
                    if (field.IsNull)
                        binding.DataSourceNullValue = DBNull.Value;
                    _comboBox.DataSource = field.DataSource;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(field.ValueMember))
                        _comboBox.ValueMember = field.ValueMember;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(field.DisplayMember))
                        _comboBox.DisplayMember = field.DisplayMember;
                    _comboBox.Enabled = !field.IsReadOnly;
                    if (field.Mode == FieldEditorMode.ComboTextBox)
                        _comboBox.AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.Append;
                        _comboBox.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
                    dataPanel.Controls.Add(_comboBox, 1, dataPanel.RowCount - 1);
                else if (field.Mode == FieldEditorMode.GuidEditor)
                    #region creating editor control for Guid
                    var _textBox = new TextBox();
                    field.GeneratedControl = _textBox;
                    _textBox.Size          = new Size((int)DataDescriptorSizeWidth.Normal, 20);
                    _textBox.Anchor        = AnchorStyles.Left;
                    _textBox.TabIndex      = tabIndex++;
                    if (toolTip != null)
                        toolTip.SetToolTip(_textBox, field.ColumnName);
                    leadLabel.Click += delegate { _textBox.Focus(); };
                    if (DataSource != null)
                        _textBox.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", DataSource, field.ColumnName, true, DataSourceUpdateMode.Never, "(null)"));
                    _textBox.ReadOnly = true;
                    dataPanel.Controls.Add(_textBox, 1, dataPanel.RowCount - 1);
                else if (field.Mode == FieldEditorMode.BitMask || field.Mode == FieldEditorMode.BitMask64)
                    #region creating editor control for mask (bits)
                    var _listBox = new BitMaskCheckedListBox();
                    field.GeneratedControl = _listBox;
                    _listBox.Size          = new Size(field.SizeWidth.HasValue ? field.SizeWidth.Value : (int)DataDescriptorSizeWidth.Normal, 150);
                    _listBox.Anchor        = AnchorStyles.Left;
                    _listBox.TabIndex      = tabIndex++;
                    if (toolTip != null)
                        toolTip.SetToolTip(_listBox, field.ColumnName);
                    leadLabel.Click += delegate { _listBox.Focus(); };
                    binding          = new Binding(field.Mode == FieldEditorMode.BitMask ? "Value" : "LongValue", DataSource, field.ColumnName, true, field.IsReadOnly ? DataSourceUpdateMode.Never : DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
                    if (field.IsNull)
                        binding.DataSourceNullValue = DBNull.Value;
                    if (field.NullValue != null)
                        binding.NullValue = field.NullValue;
                    if (field.Style.HasValue)
                        TableLayoutPanelExtenders.SetBindingStyle(binding, field.Style.Value);
                    _listBox.Enabled = !field.IsReadOnly;
                    if (field.DataSource != null)
                        if (field.DataSource is string[])
                            if (_listBox.Items.Count > 0)
                                var _nHeight = _listBox.Items.Count * (_listBox.GetItemHeight(0) + 4) + 1;
                                if (_nHeight < _listBox.Size.Height)
                                    _listBox.Size = new Size(_listBox.Size.Width, _nHeight);
                            _listBox.DataSource    = field.DataSource;
                            _listBox.DisplayMember = field.DisplayMember;
                    dataPanel.Controls.Add(_listBox, 1, dataPanel.RowCount - 1);
                if (field.IsNull && !field.IsReadOnly && field.Mode != FieldEditorMode.CheckBox || field.Mode == FieldEditorMode.GuidEditor)
                    #region button for clear value
                    if (dataPanel.ColumnCount == 2)
                        dataPanel.ColumnCount = 3;
                        dataPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize));
                    var _btnClear = new Button();
                    _btnClear.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left;
                    if (field.Mode == FieldEditorMode.MultilineTextBox)
                        _btnClear.Anchor |= AnchorStyles.Top;
                    _btnClear.MaximumSize  = new Size(128, 128);
                    _btnClear.Margin       = new Padding(1, 0, 1, 0);
                    _btnClear.Padding      = new Padding(0);
                    _btnClear.AutoSize     = true;
                    _btnClear.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
                    _btnClear.FlatStyle    = FlatStyle.Flat;
                    _btnClear.FlatAppearance.BorderSize         = 0;
                    _btnClear.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = SystemColors.GradientActiveCaption;
                    _btnClear.FlatAppearance.MouseDownBackColor = SystemColors.ControlLight;
                    _btnClear.Image      = Settings.Images.ClearFieldImage;
                    _btnClear.ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                    _btnClear.TextAlign  = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                    _btnClear.TabIndex   = tabIndex++;
                    _btnClear.TabStop    = false;
                    if (toolTip != null)
                        toolTip.SetToolTip(_btnClear, string.Format("Clear value from {0}", field.ColumnName));
                    _btnClear.Click += delegate
                        var cm = binding.BindingManagerBase;
                        if (cm != null)
                                var col = cm.GetItemProperties().Find(binding.BindingMemberInfo.BindingMember, false);
                                if (col != null && cm.Count > 0)
                                    col.SetValue(cm.Current, DBNull.Value);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                    dataPanel.Controls.Add(_btnClear, 2, dataPanel.RowCount - 1);
コード例 #30
        public bool SaveUpdateFormData(object objectData, string action, string menu)
            FormsViewModel formsViewModel = new FormsViewModel();

            if (menu == DataAccess.Enum.Menu.DOSW.ToString() || menu == DataAccess.Enum.Menu.ADIR.ToString())
                stInfo2 info2 = new stInfo2();
                info2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <stInfo2>(objectData.ToString());

                info2.DataUpdatedOn = DateTime.Now;
                info2.DataStatus    = (int)DataAccess.Enum.DataStatus.DataEntryStartedbyOperator;
                if (action == "Finalize")
                    info2.DataStatus = (int)DataAccess.Enum.DataStatus.DataEntryCompletedbyOperator;
                else if (action == "FinalizedByHod")
                    info2.DataStatus = (int)DataAccess.Enum.DataStatus.DataCheckingCompletedbyHOD;

                info2.DataUser      = SessionManager.UserName;
                info2.DeptID        = SessionManager.DeptID;
                info2.DataValid     = "Y";
                info2.DataLocked    = "N";
                info2.DataStatusLog = SessionManager.UserName + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss"); //DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss tt");
                if (menu == DataAccess.Enum.Menu.ADIR.ToString())
                    info2.MenuID = DataAccess.Enum.Menu.ADIR.ToString();
                    info2.MenuID = DataAccess.Enum.Menu.DOSW.ToString();

                formsViewModel.info2 = info2;

                if (formsViewModel.info2.IDNo > 0)
                    formsViewModel.isSaveSuccessfully = formsViewModel.UdpateADIRAndDOSWForm(formsViewModel);
                    formsViewModel.isSaveSuccessfully = formsViewModel.SaveADIRAndDOSWForm(formsViewModel);
            else if (menu == DataAccess.Enum.Menu.DOAA.ToString())
                stInfo info = new stInfo();
                info = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <stInfo>(objectData.ToString());

                info.DataUpdatedOn = DateTime.Now;
                info.DataStatus    = (int)DataAccess.Enum.DataStatus.DataEntryStartedbyOperator;
                if (action == "Finalize")
                    info.DataStatus = (int)DataAccess.Enum.DataStatus.DataEntryCompletedbyOperator;
                else if (action == "FinalizedByHod")
                    info.DataStatus = (int)DataAccess.Enum.DataStatus.DataCheckingCompletedbyHOD;

                info.DataUser      = SessionManager.UserName;
                info.DeptID        = SessionManager.DeptID;
                info.DataValid     = "Y";
                info.DataLocked    = "N";
                info.DataStatusLog = SessionManager.UserName + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss");
                info.MenuID        = DataAccess.Enum.Menu.DOAA.ToString();

                formsViewModel.info = info;

                if (formsViewModel.info.IDNo > 0)
                    formsViewModel.isSaveSuccessfully = formsViewModel.UdpateDOAA1Form(formsViewModel);
                    formsViewModel.isSaveSuccessfully = formsViewModel.SaveDOAA1Form(formsViewModel);
            else if (menu == DataAccess.Enum.Menu.LIBFORM.ToString())
                LibInfo libInfo = new LibInfo();
                libInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LibInfo>(objectData.ToString());

                libInfo.DataUpdatedOn = DateTime.Now;
                libInfo.DataStatus    = (int)DataAccess.Enum.DataStatus.DataEntryStartedbyOperator;
                if (action == "Finalize")
                    libInfo.DataStatus = (int)DataAccess.Enum.DataStatus.DataEntryCompletedbyOperator;
                else if (action == "FinalizedByHod")
                    libInfo.DataStatus = (int)DataAccess.Enum.DataStatus.DataCheckingCompletedbyHOD;

                libInfo.DataUser      = SessionManager.UserName;
                libInfo.DeptID        = SessionManager.DeptID;
                libInfo.DataValid     = "Y";
                libInfo.DataLocked    = "N";
                libInfo.DataStatusLog = SessionManager.UserName + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss");
                libInfo.MenuID        = DataAccess.Enum.Menu.LIBFORM.ToString();

                formsViewModel.libInfo = libInfo;

                if (formsViewModel.libInfo.IDNo > 0)
                    formsViewModel.isSaveSuccessfully = formsViewModel.UdpateLIBForm(formsViewModel);
                    formsViewModel.isSaveSuccessfully = formsViewModel.SaveLIBForm(formsViewModel);

            if (formsViewModel.isSaveSuccessfully && action == "Finalize")
                    string body = "The User: "******", Dept: " + SessionManager.DeptID + " , DataCapt: " + info.DataCaptYM + ", IRD Data has been finalised & sent for your Authorization.  Kindly Check & Authorize/Approve the data."
                                  + "Time Stamp: DateTime Stamp: " + DateTime.Now
                                  + "This is a System generated Email.";

                    string subject = "IRD Data Entry updated by " + SessionManager.UserName;

                    DataCollectionModelDataContext db = new DataCollectionModelDataContext();
                    var    hod    = db.RankUsers.Where(a => a.DeptID.ToLower() == SessionManager.DeptID.ToLower() && a.UserRole.ToLower() == UserRoles.User.ToString().ToLower() && a.UserWork.ToLower() == DataAccess.Enum.UserWork.HOD.ToString().ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();
                    string tomail = "*****@*****.**";
                    if (hod != null)
                        tomail = hod.UserEmail;

                    FormServices formServices = new FormServices();
                    formServices.SendEmail(tomail, "", subject, body);
                catch (Exception ex) { }
