private void GetNewForecast(string stodvaNr) { Forecast textaInfo = ForecastService.GetForecast(stodvaNr); forecastTextBox.Text = textaInfo.Content; DateTime parsed; if (DateTime.TryParse(textaInfo.Creation, out parsed)) { parsed = DateTime.Parse(textaInfo.Creation); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan span = now.Subtract(parsed); if (span.Hours > 0) { forecastInfoBox.Text = $"Spá skrifuð fyrir {span.Hours} klst"; } else { forecastInfoBox.Text = $"Spá skrifuð fyrir {span.Minutes} min"; } } else { forecastInfoBox.Text = $"Reynið aftur síðar"; } var validTo = textaInfo.Valid_to; var validFrom = textaInfo.Valid_from; }
public void TestFacebookService() { var forecast = ForecastService.GetForecast(); var sunriseSunset = SunriseSunsetService.GetSunriseSunset(); var report = ReportBuilder.Build(forecast, sunriseSunset); FacebookService.PostText(report); }
public void GetForecastTest() { ForecastService forecastService = new ForecastService(); string location = "Stuttgart"; ForecastModel forecastModel = new ForecastModel(); forecastModel = forecastService.GetForecast(location); Assert.NotNull(forecastModel); }
public static void Run([TimerTrigger("0 0 4 * * *")] TimerInfo myTimer, TraceWriter log) { log.Info($"Timer trigger function executed at: {DateTime.Now}"); var forecast = ForecastService.GetForecast(); var sunriseSunset = SunriseSunsetService.GetSunriseSunset(); var report = ReportBuilder.Build(forecast, sunriseSunset); FacebookService.PostText(report); }
public void GetForecastTest() { // TODO: IRL I would use mocking to bypass the communication to the server on the unit tests, and use integrations tests to validate the end to end, but due to the time limitations I will skip mocking in this code var service = new ForecastService(); var result = service.GetForecast(LondonId).Result; Assert.IsNotNull(result, "result != null"); Assert.IsNotNull(result.ForecastDay1, "result != null"); Assert.IsNotNull(result.ForecastDay2, "result.ForecastDay2 != null"); Assert.IsNotNull(result.ForecastDay3, "result.ForecastDay3 != null"); Assert.IsNotNull(result.ForecastDay4, "result.ForecastDay4 != null"); Assert.IsNotNull(result.ForecastDay5, "result.ForecastDay5 != null"); // Avoiding strong typing every single validation, reflection is a nifty tool to use in cirurgical spots Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => ReadAllProperties(result, result.ForecastDay1, result.ForecastDay2, result.ForecastDay3, result.ForecastDay4, result.ForecastDay5)); }
public void TestReportBuilder() { var result = ReportBuilder.Build(ForecastService.GetForecast(), SunriseSunsetService.GetSunriseSunset()); }
/// <summary> /// Diese Funktion schreibt alle Wetterdaten in die Properties für die Oberfläche. /// Task läuft asynchron /// </summary> private async void ShowWeather() { //CurrentWeather CurrentWeatherModel model = new CurrentWeatherModel(); //Await und LambdaExpression triggert den Service für das jetzige Wetter model = await Task.Run(() => currentWeatherService.GetCurrentWeather(Location)); MainViewModel.city_name =; //Modelle werden ausgelesen Temperature = model.main.temp + " C°"; Description = "Description: " +[0].description; TempFeelsLike = "Feels Like: " + model.main.feels_like + "C°"; TempMin = "Min Temperature: " + model.main.temp_min + "C°"; TempMax = "Max Temperature: " + model.main.temp_max + "C°"; WindSpeed = "Wind Speed: " + model.wind.speed + "m/s"; City =; Sunrise = "sunrise: " + calcuteConverter.UnixTimeStampConverter(model.sys.sunrise); Sunset = "sunset: " + calcuteConverter.UnixTimeStampConverter(model.sys.sunset); WeatherIcon = iconPick.pickIcon([0].icon); //WeatherForecast ForecastModel modelForecast = new ForecastModel(); //Await und LambdaExpression triggert den Service für den Forecast modelForecast = await Task.Run(() => forecastService.GetForecast(Location)); //Modelle werden ausgelesen DateTime thisDay = DateTime.Now; string date = thisDay.GetDateTimeFormats('D')[0]; Day1 = "Heute"; Icon1 = iconPick.pickIcon(modelForecast.list[4].weather[0].icon); Description1 = modelForecast.list[4].weather[0].description; Degree1 = Convert.ToString(modelForecast.list[4].main.temp_min) + "C°"; TempMax1 = Convert.ToString(modelForecast.list[4].main.temp_max) + "C°"; string date2 = thisDay.AddDays(1).GetDateTimeFormats('D')[0]; Day2 = date2.Split(',')[0]; Icon2 = iconPick.pickIcon(modelForecast.list[12].weather[0].icon); Description2 = modelForecast.list[12].weather[0].description; Degree2 = Convert.ToString(modelForecast.list[12].main.temp_min) + "C°"; TempMax2 = Convert.ToString(modelForecast.list[12].main.temp_max) + "C°"; string date3 = thisDay.AddDays(2).GetDateTimeFormats('D')[0]; Day3 = date3.Split(',')[0]; Icon3 = iconPick.pickIcon(modelForecast.list[20].weather[0].icon); Description3 = modelForecast.list[20].weather[0].description; Degree3 = Convert.ToString(modelForecast.list[20].main.temp_min) + "C°"; TempMax3 = Convert.ToString(modelForecast.list[20].main.temp_max) + "C°"; string date4 = thisDay.AddDays(3).GetDateTimeFormats('D')[0]; Day4 = date4.Split(',')[0]; Icon4 = iconPick.pickIcon(modelForecast.list[28].weather[0].icon); Description4 = modelForecast.list[28].weather[0].description; Degree4 = Convert.ToString(modelForecast.list[28].main.temp_min) + "C°"; TempMax4 = Convert.ToString(modelForecast.list[28].main.temp_max) + "C°"; string date5 = thisDay.AddDays(4).GetDateTimeFormats('D')[0]; Day5 = date5.Split(',')[0]; Icon5 = iconPick.pickIcon(modelForecast.list[36].weather[0].icon); Description5 = modelForecast.list[36].weather[0].description; Degree5 = Convert.ToString(modelForecast.list[36].main.temp_min) + "C°"; TempMax5 = Convert.ToString(modelForecast.list[36].main.temp_max) + "C°"; }