/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Footnote"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="document">The text document.</param> /// <param name="notetext">The notetext.</param> /// <param name="id">The id.</param> /// <param name="type">The type.</param> public Footnote(IDocument document, string notetext, string id, FootnoteType type) { Document = document; Node = new XElement(Ns.Text + "note"); XAttribute xa = new XAttribute(Ns.Text + "id", "ftn" + id); Node.Add(xa); xa = new XAttribute(Ns.Text + "note-class", type.ToString()); Node.Add(xa); //Node citation XElement node = new XElement(Ns.Text + "note-citation", id); Node.Add(node); //Node Footnode body XElement nodebody = new XElement(Ns.Text + "note-body"); //Node Footnode text node = new XElement(Ns.Text + "p", notetext); xa = new XAttribute(Ns.Text + "style-name", (type == FootnoteType.Footnode) ? "Footnote" : "Endnote"); node.Add(xa); nodebody.Add(node); Node.Add(nodebody); InitStandards(); }
internal static void smethod_0(Class421 A_0, FootnoteType A_1, AttrCollection A_2, bool A_3) { int num = 0; bool flag = A_1 == FootnoteType.Endnote; object obj2 = A_2.method_31(2); object obj3 = A_2.method_31(1); object obj4 = A_2.method_31(4); object obj5 = A_2.method_31(3); if ((((obj2 != null) || (obj3 != null)) || ((obj4 != null) || (obj5 != null))) || A_3) { Class398 class2 = A_0.Interface52.imethod_1(); class2.method_4(flag ? BookmarkStart.b("儥ሧ伩䈫䨭帯崱䀳匵样䠹", num) : BookmarkStart.b("儥ሧ䰩䌫䄭䐯就嬳䈵崷樹主", num)); if (obj2 != null) { class2.method_24(BookmarkStart.b("儥ሧ娩䌫崭", num), Class339.smethod_7((FootnotePosition)obj2, false)); } class2.method_24(BookmarkStart.b("儥ሧ䐩夫䌭瘯弱䀳", num), Class911.smethod_3(Class911.smethod_12((FootnoteNumberFormat)obj3))); if (obj4 != null) { class2.method_32(BookmarkStart.b("儥ሧ䐩夫䌭振䘱唳䐵䰷", num), (int)obj4, 1); } if (obj5 != null) { class2.method_24(BookmarkStart.b("儥ሧ䐩夫䌭戯圱䜳䈵夷䠹䠻", num), Class339.smethod_1((FootnoteRestartRule)obj5, false)); } if (A_3) { smethod_1(A_0, flag, flag ? FootnoteSeparatorType.EndnoteSeparator : FootnoteSeparatorType.FootnoteSeparator); smethod_1(A_0, flag, flag ? FootnoteSeparatorType.EndnoteContinuation : FootnoteSeparatorType.FootnoteContinuation); } class2.method_5(); } }
private bool method_26(Class762 A_0, FootnoteType A_1, Class537 A_2, int A_3, int A_4, Class1107 A_5, CharacterFormat A_6) { int num = 0; A_0.bool_0 = A_2.method_2()[A_3] == '\x0002'; if (A_0.bool_0 && !A_5.bool_0) { return(false); } string str = null; if (!A_0.bool_0) { str = new string(A_2.method_2(), A_3, A_4 - A_3); if ((A_5.bool_0 && (A_5.char_0 != '\0')) && (str == BookmarkStart.b("ล", num))) { if (A_5.string_0 != null) { A_6.FontName = A_5.string_0; } str = new string(new char[] { Class742.smethod_2(A_5.char_0) }); } } this.class764_0.method_43().imethod_23(A_1, A_0.bool_0, str, A_6); new Class1108(this.class764_0, Class700.smethod_0(A_1)).method_4(A_0.method_2(), A_0.method_6()); this.class764_0.method_43().imethod_24(); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// News the XML node. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">The id.</param> /// <param name="notetext">The notetext.</param> /// <param name="type">The type.</param> private void NewXmlNode(string id, string notetext, FootnoteType type) { this.Node = this.Document.CreateNode("note", "text"); XmlAttribute xa = this.Document.CreateAttribute("id", "text"); xa.Value = "ftn" + id; this.Node.Attributes.Append(xa); xa = this.Document.CreateAttribute("note-class", "text"); xa.Value = type.ToString(); this.Node.Attributes.Append(xa); //Node citation XmlNode node = this.Document.CreateNode("not-citation", "text"); node.InnerText = id; this._node.AppendChild(node); //Node Footnode body XmlNode nodebody = this.Document.CreateNode("note-body", "text"); //Node Footnode text node = this.Document.CreateNode("p", "text"); node.InnerXml = notetext; xa = this.Document.CreateAttribute("style-name", "text"); xa.Value = (type == FootnoteType.footnode)?"Footnote":"Endnote"; node.Attributes.Append(xa); nodebody.AppendChild(node); this._node.AppendChild(nodebody); }
private static void smethod_19(Class857 A_0, Paragraph A_1, CharacterFormat A_2) { int num = 0x11; Class396 class2 = A_0.method_11(); FootnoteType type = (class2.method_12(BookmarkStart.b("夶嘸伺堼ሾ≀⽂⑄㑆㩈", 0x11), BookmarkStart.b("制圸强匼倾㕀♂", 0x11)) == BookmarkStart.b("制圸强匼倾㕀♂", 0x11)) ? FootnoteType.Endnote : FootnoteType.Footnote; Footnote footnote = new Footnote(A_0.method_9()) { FootnoteType = type, IsAutoNumbered = true, CustomMarker = null }; if (A_2 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(BookmarkStart.b("䔶䰸唺洼䴾", num)); } A_2.method_37(footnote.CharacterFormat); while (class2.method_9(BookmarkStart.b("夶嘸伺堼", num))) { string str2 = class2.method_1(); if (str2 != null) { if (!(str2 == BookmarkStart.b("夶嘸伺堼ሾ≀⩂ㅄ♆㵈≊≌ⅎ", num))) { if (!(str2 == BookmarkStart.b("夶嘸伺堼ሾ⍀ⱂ⅄㹆", num))) { goto Label_0110; } A_0.method_56(true); Class574.smethod_0(A_0, BookmarkStart.b("夶嘸伺堼ሾ⍀ⱂ⅄㹆", num), footnote); Class857.string_4 = ""; A_0.method_56(false); } else { string str = class2.method_12(BookmarkStart.b("嬶堸夺堼匾", num), null); if (str != null) { footnote.IsAutoNumbered = false; footnote.CustomMarker = str; } } continue; } Label_0110: class2.vmethod_1(); } Paragraph paragraph = smethod_20(footnote.TextBody.ChildObjects); if (paragraph != null) { if (footnote.IsAutoNumbered) { new Class818(); } else { paragraph.method_18(new TextRange(A_0.method_9(), footnote.CustomMarker, A_2), paragraph.FirstChild); } } A_1.method_13(footnote); }
internal static SubDocumentType smethod_0(FootnoteType A_0) { if (A_0 != FootnoteType.Footnote) { return(SubDocumentType.Endnote); } return(SubDocumentType.Footnote); }
private void method_49(bool A_0) { this.bool_2 = A_0; if (A_0) { this.footnoteType_0 = FootnoteType.Footnote; } else { this.footnoteType_0 = FootnoteType.Endnote; } }
private Class762 method_25(int A_0, out FootnoteType A_1) { Class762 class2 = null; A_1 = FootnoteType.Footnote; if (this.subDocumentType_0 == SubDocumentType.Main) { int num = this.class764_0.method_5().method_6(A_0); class2 = this.class764_0.method_10().method_1(num); if (class2 == null) { A_1 = FootnoteType.Endnote; class2 = this.class764_0.method_11().method_1(num); } } return(class2); }
private static void smethod_8(Class581 A_0, FootnoteType A_1) { int num = 9; FootnoteSeparatorType normal = FootnoteSeparatorType.Normal; Class394 class2 = A_0.imethod_1(); while (class2.method_19()) { string str; if (((str = class2.method_1()) != null) && (str == BookmarkStart.b("嬮䠰䌲倴", num))) { bool flag = A_1 == FootnoteType.Endnote; normal = Class911.smethod_10(class2.method_3(), flag); } } if (normal != FootnoteSeparatorType.Normal) { Class8 class3 = new Class8(A_0.Interface50.imethod_0(), normal); A_0.Interface50.imethod_0().FootnoteSeparators.method_1(normal, class3); } }
private void imethod_23(FootnoteType A_0, bool A_1, string A_2, CharacterFormat A_3) { Footnote footnote = new Footnote(this.document_0, A_2) { FootnoteType = A_0, IsAutoNumbered = A_1 }; if (A_3 != null) { footnote.MarkerCharacterFormat.ImportContainer(A_3); } this.method_11(footnote); if (footnote.FootnoteType == FootnoteType.Endnote) { this.document_0.Endnotes.Add(footnote); } else { this.document_0.Footnotes.Add(footnote); } }
private static void smethod_16(Class581 A_0, CharacterFormat A_1, FootnoteType A_2) { Footnote footnote; int num = 12; smethod_4(A_0, A_1); int num2 = -1; bool flag = false; Class394 class2 = A_0.imethod_1(); while (class2.method_19()) { string str = class2.method_1(); if (str != null) { if (str != BookmarkStart.b("嬱倳", num)) { if (str != BookmarkStart.b("䘱䴳䘵崷", num)) { if (!(str == BookmarkStart.b("儱䄳䔵䰷唹儻猽ℿぁ⽃E❇♉⁋⅍❏⅑", num))) { if (str == BookmarkStart.b("䄱䄳䘵䠷䠹夻䴽㌿၁⅃⁅", num)) { flag = class2.method_63(); } } else { flag = class2.method_63(); } } } else { num2 = class2.method_4(); } } } if (A_0.vmethod_5()) { footnote = A_0.vmethod_2(A_2, num2); } else { footnote = new Footnote(A_0.Interface50.imethod_0()) { FootnoteType = A_2 }; Class629.smethod_0(A_0, footnote.TextBody); } if (footnote != null) { footnote.IsAutoNumbered = !flag; footnote.MarkerCharacterFormat.ImportContainer(A_1); if (flag) { smethod_17(A_0, A_1, class2, footnote); } A_0.method_9(footnote); } }
internal void method_13(FootnoteType A_0) { this.footnoteType_0 = A_0; }
internal Class700(FootnoteType A_0, Class703 A_1, BinaryReader A_2) : this(A_0) { bool flag = A_0 == FootnoteType.Footnote; this.class161_0.method_23(A_2, flag ? A_1.class597_0.class1111_2 : A_1.class597_0.class1111_46); this.class151_0.method_23(A_2, flag ? A_1.class597_0.class1111_3 : A_1.class597_0.class1111_47); }
internal Class700(FootnoteType A_0) { this.footnoteType_0 = A_0; this.class161_0 = new Class161(); this.class151_0 = new Class151(); }
/// <summary> /// News the XML node. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">The id.</param> /// <param name="notetext">The notetext.</param> /// <param name="type">The type.</param> private void NewXmlNode(string id, string notetext, FootnoteType type) { this.Node = this.Document.CreateNode("note", "text"); XmlAttribute xa = this.Document.CreateAttribute("id", "text"); xa.Value = "ftn"+id; this.Node.Attributes.Append(xa); xa = this.Document.CreateAttribute("note-class", "text"); xa.Value = type.ToString(); this.Node.Attributes.Append(xa); //Node citation XmlNode node = this.Document.CreateNode("not-citation", "text"); node.InnerText = id; this._node.AppendChild(node); //Node Footnode body XmlNode nodebody = this.Document.CreateNode("note-body", "text"); //Node Footnode text node = this.Document.CreateNode("p", "text"); node.InnerXml = notetext; xa = this.Document.CreateAttribute("style-name", "text"); xa.Value = (type == FootnoteType.footnode)?"Footnote":"Endnote"; node.Attributes.Append(xa); nodebody.AppendChild(node); this._node.AppendChild(nodebody); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Footnote"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="document">The text document.</param> /// <param name="notetext">The notetext.</param> /// <param name="id">The id.</param> /// <param name="type">The type.</param> public Footnote(IDocument document, string notetext, string id, FootnoteType type) { this.Document = document; this.NewXmlNode(id, notetext, type); this.InitStandards(); }
internal override Footnote vmethod_2(FootnoteType A_0, int A_1) { throw new InvalidOperationException(BookmarkStart.b("笴堶䴸ᬺ丼䨾ㅀ㍂⩄㑆ⱈ⽊浌㭎㹐獒㙔㙖㕘㝚絜⭞ॠᙤ䥦", 15)); }
internal abstract Footnote vmethod_2(FootnoteType A_0, int A_1);