/// <summary> /// Registers the font face. /// </summary> public static XFontSource RegisterFontFace(byte[] fontBytes) { try { Lock.EnterFontFactory(); ulong key = FontHelper.CalcChecksum(fontBytes); XFontSource fontSource; if (FontSourcesByKey.TryGetValue(key, out fontSource)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Font face already registered."); } fontSource = XFontSource.GetOrCreateFrom(fontBytes); Debug.Assert(FontSourcesByKey.ContainsKey(key)); Debug.Assert(fontSource.Fontface != null); //fontSource.Fontface = new OpenTypeFontface(fontSource); //FontSourcesByKey.Add(checksum, fontSource); //FontSourcesByFontName.Add(fontSource.FontName, fontSource); XGlyphTypeface glyphTypeface = new XGlyphTypeface(fontSource); FontSourcesByName.Add(glyphTypeface.Key, fontSource); GlyphTypefaceCache.AddGlyphTypeface(glyphTypeface); return(fontSource); } finally { Lock.ExitFontFactory(); } }
/// <summary> /// Caches a font source under its face name and its key. /// </summary> public static XFontSource CacheFontSource(XFontSource fontSource) { try { Lock.EnterFontFactory(); // Check whether an identical font source with a different face name already exists. XFontSource existingFontSource; if (FontSourcesByKey.TryGetValue(fontSource.Key, out existingFontSource)) { #if DEBUG // Fonts have same length and check sum. Now check byte by byte identity. int length = fontSource.Bytes.Length; for (int idx = 0; idx < length; idx++) { if (existingFontSource.Bytes[idx] != fontSource.Bytes[idx]) { //Debug.Assert(false,"Two fonts with identical checksum found."); break; //goto FontsAreNotIdentical; } } Debug.Assert(existingFontSource.Fontface != null); #endif return(existingFontSource); //FontsAreNotIdentical: //// Incredible rare case: Two different fonts have the same size and check sum. //// Give the new one a new key until it do not clash with an existing one. //while (FontSourcesByKey.ContainsKey(fontSource.Key)) // fontSource.IncrementKey(); } var fontface = fontSource.Fontface; if (fontface == null) { // Create OpenType fontface for this font source. try { fontSource.Fontface = new OpenTypeFontface(fontSource); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { // todo: log } } if (fontSource.FontName == null) { return(null); } FontSourcesByKey.Add(fontSource.Key, fontSource); FontSourcesByName.Add(fontSource.FontName, fontSource); return(fontSource); } finally { Lock.ExitFontFactory(); } }
/// <summary> /// Caches a font source under its face name and its key. /// </summary> public static XFontSource CacheNewFontSource(string typefaceKey, XFontSource fontSource) { // Debug.Assert(!FontSourcesByFaceName.ContainsKey(fontSource.FaceName)); // Check whether an identical font source with a different face name already exists. XFontSource existingFontSource; if (FontSourcesByKey.TryGetValue(fontSource.Key, out existingFontSource)) { //// Fonts have same length and check sum. Now check byte by byte identity. //int length = fontSource.Bytes.Length; //for (int idx = 0; idx < length; idx++) //{ // if (existingFontSource.Bytes[idx] != fontSource.Bytes[idx]) // { // goto FontsAreNotIdentical; // } //} return(existingFontSource); ////// The bytes are really identical. Register font source again with the new face name ////// but return the existing one to save memory. ////FontSourcesByFaceName.Add(fontSource.FaceName, existingFontSource); ////return existingFontSource; //FontsAreNotIdentical: //// Incredible rare case: Two different fonts have the same size and check sum. //// Give the new one a new key until it do not clash with an existing one. //while (FontSourcesByKey.ContainsKey(fontSource.Key)) // fontSource.IncrementKey(); } OpenTypeFontface fontface = fontSource.Fontface; if (fontface == null) { fontface = new OpenTypeFontface(fontSource); fontSource.Fontface = fontface; // Also sets the font name in fontSource } FontSourcesByName.Add(typefaceKey, fontSource); FontSourcesByName.Add(fontSource.FontName, fontSource); FontSourcesByKey.Add(fontSource.Key, fontSource); return(fontSource); }
public static bool TryGetFontSourceByKey(ulong key, out XFontSource fontSource) { return(FontSourcesByKey.TryGetValue(key, out fontSource)); }
public static bool TryGetFontSourceByKey(ulong key, out XFontSource fontSource) => FontSourcesByKey.TryGetValue(key, out fontSource);