コード例 #1
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public void update(org.neo4j.causalclustering.core.consensus.outcome.Outcome outcome) throws java.io.IOException
        public virtual void Update(Outcome outcome)
            if (TermState().update(outcome.Term))
            if (VoteState().update(outcome.VotedFor, outcome.Term))

            _leader     = outcome.Leader;
            _leaderInfo = new LeaderInfo(outcome.Leader, outcome.Term);

            _leaderCommit       = outcome.LeaderCommit;
            _votesForMe         = outcome.VotesForMe;
            _preVotesForMe      = outcome.PreVotesForMe;
            _heartbeatResponses = outcome.HeartbeatResponses;
            _lastLogIndexBeforeWeBecameLeader = outcome.LastLogIndexBeforeWeBecameLeader;
            _followerStates = outcome.FollowerStates;
            _isPreElection  = outcome.PreElection;

            foreach (RaftLogCommand logCommand in outcome.LogCommands)
                logCommand.ApplyTo(_entryLog, _log);
                logCommand.ApplyTo(_inFlightCache, _log);
            _commitIndex = outcome.CommitIndex;
コード例 #2
        // TODO: This method is inefficient.. we should not have to update this state by a complete
        // TODO: iteration each time. Instead it should be updated as a direct response to each
        // TODO: append response.
        public static long QuorumAppendIndex <MEMBER>(ISet <MEMBER> votingMembers, FollowerStates <MEMBER> states)
             * Build up a map of tx id -> number of instances that have appended,
             * sorted by tx id.
             * This allows us to then iterate backwards over the values in the map,
             * adding up a total count of how many have appended, until we reach a majority.
             * Once we do, the tx id at the current entry in the map will be the highest one
             * with a majority appended.

            SortedDictionary <long, int> appendedCounts = new SortedDictionary <long, int>();

            foreach (MEMBER member in votingMembers)
                long txId = states.Get(member).MatchIndex;
                appendedCounts.merge(txId, 1, (a, b) => a + b);

            // Iterate over it until we find a majority
            int total = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <long, int> entry in appendedCounts.descendingMap().entrySet())
                total += entry.Value;
                if (MajorityIncludingSelfQuorum.IsQuorum(votingMembers.Count, total))

            // No majority for any appended entry
コード例 #3
ファイル: Follower.cs プロジェクト: ShantanuBhatia/PPTP2019
 void Start()
     currentState         = FollowerStates.NOT_FOLLOWING;
     currentTalkTime      = 0f;
     pxs                  = GetComponent <ParallaxScrollSideways>();
     initialParallaxSpeed = pxs.speedCoefficient;
     gc = GameObject.Find("GameController").GetComponent <GameController>();
コード例 #4
        // TODO: rethink this test, it does too much
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void leaderShouldSpawnMismatchCommandOnFailure() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void LeaderShouldSpawnMismatchCommandOnFailure()
            // given

             * A leader who
             * - has an append index of 100
             * - knows about instance 2
             * - assumes that instance 2 is fully caught up
            Leader        leader         = new Leader();
            MemberId      instance2      = member(2);
            FollowerState instance2State = CreateArtificialFollowerState(100);

            ReadableRaftState state = mock(typeof(ReadableRaftState));

            FollowerStates <MemberId> followerState = new FollowerStates <MemberId>();

            followerState = new FollowerStates <MemberId>(followerState, instance2, instance2State);

            RaftLog log = new InMemoryRaftLog();

            for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
                log.Append(new RaftLogEntry(0, valueOf(i)));

            when(state.Term()).thenReturn(4L);                 // both leader and follower are in the same term

            // when
            // that leader is asked to handle a response from that follower that says that the follower is still missing
            // things
            Org.Neo4j.causalclustering.core.consensus.RaftMessages_AppendEntries_Response response = appendEntriesResponse().failure().appendIndex(0).matchIndex(-1).term(4).from(instance2).build();

            Outcome outcome = leader.Handle(response, state, mock(typeof(Log)));

            // then
            int mismatchCount = 0;

            foreach (ShipCommand shipCommand in outcome.ShipCommands)
                if (shipCommand is ShipCommand.Mismatch)

            assertThat(mismatchCount, greaterThan(0));
コード例 #5
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void leaderShouldRespondToSuccessResponseThatIndicatesLaggingFollowerWithJustWhatItsMissing() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void LeaderShouldRespondToSuccessResponseThatIndicatesLaggingFollowerWithJustWhatItsMissing()
            // given

             * A leader who
             * - has an append index of 100
             * - knows about instance 2
             * - assumes that instance 2 is at an index less than 100 -say 50
            Leader        leader         = new Leader();
            MemberId      instance2      = member(2);
            FollowerState instance2State = CreateArtificialFollowerState(50);

            ReadableRaftState state = mock(typeof(ReadableRaftState));

            FollowerStates <MemberId> followerState = new FollowerStates <MemberId>();

            followerState = new FollowerStates <MemberId>(followerState, instance2, instance2State);

            ReadableRaftLog logMock = mock(typeof(ReadableRaftLog));

            // with commit requests in this test

            when(state.Term()).thenReturn(231L);                 // both leader and follower are in the same term

            // when that leader is asked to handle a response from that follower that says that the follower is still
            // missing things
            Org.Neo4j.causalclustering.core.consensus.RaftMessages_AppendEntries_Response response = appendEntriesResponse().success().matchIndex(89).term(231).from(instance2).build();

            Outcome outcome = leader.Handle(response, state, mock(typeof(Log)));

            // then
            int matchCount = 0;

            foreach (ShipCommand shipCommand in outcome.ShipCommands)
                if (shipCommand is ShipCommand.Match)

            assertThat(matchCount, greaterThan(0));
コード例 #6
    void Start()
        // 设置ID
        target     = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.Leader);
        FollowerAC = this.gameObject.GetComponent <LocomotionFollower>();
        for (int i = 0; i < arraryOfVoices.Length; i++)
            FollowerVoices.Add(arraryOfVoices[i].name, arraryOfVoices[i]);
        voice = this.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>();

        States          = this.gameObject.transform.FindChild("FollowerStates").GetComponent <FollowerStates>();
        m_pStateMachine = new StateMachine <Follower>(this);
コード例 #7
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void leaderShouldIgnoreSuccessResponseThatIndicatesLaggingWhileLocalStateIndicatesFollowerIsCaughtUp() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void LeaderShouldIgnoreSuccessResponseThatIndicatesLaggingWhileLocalStateIndicatesFollowerIsCaughtUp()
            // given

             * A leader who
             * - has an append index of 100
             * - knows about instance 2
             * - assumes that instance 2 is fully caught up
            Leader        leader         = new Leader();
            MemberId      instance2      = member(2);
            int           j              = 100;
            FollowerState instance2State = CreateArtificialFollowerState(j);

            ReadableRaftState state = mock(typeof(ReadableRaftState));

            FollowerStates <MemberId> followerState = new FollowerStates <MemberId>();

            followerState = new FollowerStates <MemberId>(followerState, instance2, instance2State);

            ReadableRaftLog logMock = mock(typeof(ReadableRaftLog));

            //  with commit requests in this test

            when(state.Term()).thenReturn(4L);                 // both leader and follower are in the same term

            // when that leader is asked to handle a response from that follower that says that the follower is still
            // missing things
            Org.Neo4j.causalclustering.core.consensus.RaftMessages_AppendEntries_Response response = appendEntriesResponse().success().matchIndex(80).term(4).from(instance2).build();

            Outcome outcome = leader.Handle(response, state, mock(typeof(Log)));

            // then the leader should not send anything, since this is a delayed, out of order response to a previous append
            // request
            assertTrue(outcome.OutgoingMessages.Count == 0);
            // The follower state should not be touched
            FollowerStates <MemberId> updatedFollowerStates = outcome.FollowerStates;

            assertEquals(100, updatedFollowerStates.Get(instance2).MatchIndex);
コード例 #8
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public void update(org.neo4j.causalclustering.core.consensus.outcome.Outcome outcome) throws java.io.IOException
        public virtual void Update(Outcome outcome)
            TermConflict   = outcome.Term;
            _votedFor      = outcome.VotedFor;
            LeaderConflict = outcome.Leader;
            _votesForMe    = outcome.VotesForMe;
            _lastLogIndexBeforeWeBecameLeader = outcome.LastLogIndexBeforeWeBecameLeader;
            _followerStates = outcome.FollowerStates;
            _isPreElection  = outcome.PreElection;

            foreach (RaftLogCommand logCommand in outcome.LogCommands)
                logCommand.ApplyTo(EntryLogConflict, _log);
                logCommand.ApplyTo(_inFlightCache, _log);

            _commitIndex = outcome.CommitIndex;
コード例 #9
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void leaderShouldNotRespondToSuccessResponseThatIndicatesUpToDateFollower() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void LeaderShouldNotRespondToSuccessResponseThatIndicatesUpToDateFollower()
            // given

             * A leader who
             * - has an append index of 100
             * - knows about instance 2
             * - assumes that instance 2 is at an index less than 100 -say 84
            Leader        leader         = new Leader();
            MemberId      instance2      = member(2);
            FollowerState instance2State = CreateArtificialFollowerState(84);

            ReadableRaftState state = mock(typeof(ReadableRaftState));

            FollowerStates <MemberId> followerState = new FollowerStates <MemberId>();

            followerState = new FollowerStates <MemberId>(followerState, instance2, instance2State);

            ReadableRaftLog logMock = mock(typeof(ReadableRaftLog));


            when(state.Term()).thenReturn(4L);                 // both leader and follower are in the same term

            // when
            // that leader is asked to handle a response from that follower that says that the follower is up to date
            Org.Neo4j.causalclustering.core.consensus.RaftMessages_AppendEntries_Response response = appendEntriesResponse().success().matchIndex(100).term(4).from(instance2).build();

            Outcome outcome = leader.Handle(response, state, mock(typeof(Log)));

            // then
            // The leader should not be trying to send any messages to that instance
            assertTrue(outcome.OutgoingMessages.Count == 0);
            // And the follower state should be updated
            FollowerStates <MemberId> updatedFollowerStates = outcome.FollowerStates;

            assertEquals(100, updatedFollowerStates.Get(instance2).MatchIndex);
コード例 #10
        public Outcome(Role nextRole, long term, MemberId leader, long leaderCommit, MemberId votedFor, ISet <MemberId> votesForMe, ISet <MemberId> preVotesForMe, long lastLogIndexBeforeWeBecameLeader, FollowerStates <MemberId> followerStates, bool renewElectionTimeout, ICollection <RaftLogCommand> logCommands, ICollection <Org.Neo4j.causalclustering.core.consensus.RaftMessages_Directed> outgoingMessages, ICollection <ShipCommand> shipCommands, long commitIndex, ISet <MemberId> heartbeatResponses, bool isPreElection)
            this._nextRole      = nextRole;
            this._term          = term;
            this._leader        = leader;
            this._leaderCommit  = leaderCommit;
            this._votedFor      = votedFor;
            this._votesForMe    = new HashSet <MemberId>(votesForMe);
            this._preVotesForMe = new HashSet <MemberId>(preVotesForMe);
            this._lastLogIndexBeforeWeBecameLeader = lastLogIndexBeforeWeBecameLeader;
            this._followerStates       = followerStates;
            this._renewElectionTimeout = renewElectionTimeout;
            this._heartbeatResponses   = new HashSet <MemberId>(heartbeatResponses);

            this._commitIndex        = commitIndex;
            this._isPreElection      = isPreElection;
            this._steppingDownInTerm = long?.empty();
コード例 #11
ファイル: Follower.cs プロジェクト: ShantanuBhatia/PPTP2019
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (currentState == FollowerStates.NOT_FOLLOWING && Mathf.Abs(leader.transform.position.x - transform.position.x) < leaderConversationDist)
            currentState = FollowerStates.CONVERSATION;
        else if (currentState == FollowerStates.CONVERSATION && Mathf.Abs(leader.transform.position.x - transform.position.x) > leaderConversationDist)
            currentState = FollowerStates.NOT_FOLLOWING;

        if (currentState == FollowerStates.CONVERSATION)
            currentTalkTime += Time.deltaTime;
            if (currentTalkTime >= maxTalkTime)
                Debug.Log("We're convinced, and we're going to follow you now");
                currentState = FollowerStates.FOLLOWING;
            currentTalkTime = 0f;
        if (currentState == FollowerStates.FOLLOWING && Mathf.Abs(transform.position.x - targetX) < targetMargin)
        if (currentState == FollowerStates.REACHED_DEST)
            transform.position   = endingPosition;
            transform.parent     = null;
            pxs.speedCoefficient = initialParallaxSpeed;
コード例 #12
        private void Defaults(Role currentRole, ReadableRaftState ctx)
            _nextRole = currentRole;

            _term   = ctx.Term();
            _leader = ctx.Leader();

            _leaderCommit = ctx.LeaderCommit();

            _votedFor             = ctx.VotedFor();
            _renewElectionTimeout = false;
            _needsFreshSnapshot   = false;

            _isPreElection      = (currentRole == Role.FOLLOWER) && ctx.PreElection;
            _steppingDownInTerm = long?.empty();
            _preVotesForMe      = _isPreElection ? new HashSet <MemberId>(ctx.PreVotesForMe()) : emptySet();
            _votesForMe         = (currentRole == Role.CANDIDATE) ? new HashSet <MemberId>(ctx.VotesForMe()) : emptySet();
            _heartbeatResponses = (currentRole == Role.LEADER) ? new HashSet <MemberId>(ctx.HeartbeatResponses()) : emptySet();

            _lastLogIndexBeforeWeBecameLeader = (currentRole == Role.LEADER) ? ctx.LastLogIndexBeforeWeBecameLeader() : -1;
            _followerStates = (currentRole == Role.LEADER) ? ctx.FollowerStates() : new FollowerStates <MemberId>();

            _commitIndex = ctx.CommitIndex();
コード例 #13
ファイル: Follower.cs プロジェクト: ShantanuBhatia/PPTP2019
 public void TriggerFollowStop()
     currentState = FollowerStates.REACHED_DEST;
     leader.GetComponent <StanBehaviour>().CollectGroup();
コード例 #14
ファイル: Follower.cs プロジェクト: ShantanuBhatia/PPTP2019
 public void TriggerFollowStart()
     currentState = FollowerStates.FOLLOWING;
     pxs.speedCoefficient = 0f;
コード例 #15
ファイル: Follower.cs プロジェクト: ShantanuBhatia/PPTP2019
 public void TriggerConversation()
     currentState = FollowerStates.CONVERSATION;
コード例 #16
 public override RaftMembershipStateMachineEventHandler OnFollowerStateChange(FollowerStates <MemberId> followerStates)
コード例 #17
 public virtual void ReplaceFollowerStates(FollowerStates <MemberId> followerStates)
     this._followerStates = followerStates;
コード例 #18
 public virtual void OnFollowerStateChange(FollowerStates <MemberId> followerStates)
コード例 #19
            public override RaftMembershipStateMachineEventHandler OnFollowerStateChange(FollowerStates <MemberId> followerStates)

                if (CatchupGoalTracker.Finished)
                    if (CatchupGoalTracker.GoalAchieved)
                        ISet <MemberId> updatedVotingMembers = new HashSet <MemberId>(outerInstance.membershipManager.VotingMembers());

                        MovingToConsensus = true;
                        return(new ConsensusInProgress(_outerInstance));
                        return(new Idle(_outerInstance));
コード例 #20
 internal virtual void OnFollowerStateChange(FollowerStates <MemberId> followerStates)