コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a report of surveys OR letters sent by date range
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="physicianName"></param>
        /// <param name="startDate"></param>
        /// <param name="endDate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private DataView GetReportsDataView()
            DateTime startDate = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(StartDateField.Value) ? DateTime.Parse(StartDateField.Value) : DateTime.Today;
            DateTime endDate   = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(EndDateField.Value) ? DateTime.Parse(EndDateField.Value) : DateTime.Today;
            string   procType  = this.ProcedureType.SelectedValue;

            string actionItem;

            if (this.GetFormType() == "Survey")
                actionItem = "%" + this.GetFormType() + "% Month Sent";
                actionItem = "%Month " + this.GetFormType() + " Sent";

            FollowUpDA da = new FollowUpDA();
            DataTable  followUpReportTable = da.GetFollowUpReportList(procType, startDate.ToShortDateString(), endDate.ToShortDateString(), actionItem);

            // now we need to create a new datatable so we can loop and add the column for Completed Date
            DataTable myTable = new DataTable();

            string[] colNames = new string[] { "PatientId", "Patient", "Survey", "Month", "Treating Physician", "Sent Date", "Received Date" };
            foreach (string colName in colNames)
                myTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(colName));

            foreach (DataRow dr in followUpReportTable.Rows)
                DataRow newRow = myTable.NewRow();
                string  ptName = dr[Patient.PtFirstName].ToString() + " " + dr[Patient.PtMiddleName].ToString() + " " + dr[Patient.PtLastName].ToString();
                newRow["PatientId"] = dr[Patient.PatientId].ToString();
                newRow["Patient"]   = ptName;

                newRow["Treating Physician"] = da.GetMostRecentTreatingPhysician(int.Parse(dr[Patient.PatientId].ToString()));

                string actionItemStr = dr[Caisis.BOL.Action.ActionItem].ToString();
                string actionId      = dr[Caisis.BOL.Action.ActionId].ToString();

                string fuMonth = FollowUpUtil.GetSurveyMonthNoFromActionItem(actionItemStr);
                newRow["Month"] = fuMonth;

                string formName = FollowUpUtil.GetSurveyNameFromActionItem(actionItemStr);

                if (this.GetFormType() == "Letter")
                    formName += " " + "Follow Up Letter";

                newRow["Survey"]    = formName;
                newRow["Sent Date"] = DateTime.Parse(dr[Caisis.BOL.Action.ActionDate].ToString()).ToShortDateString();

                // Add Survey completed date, if it exists (we check the Surveys table)
                string completedDate = string.Empty;

                //DataTable dtRec = da.GetSurveyReceived(Int32.Parse(dr[Patient.PatientId].ToString()), actionItemExpr);

                DataTable dtRec = da.GetSurveyByActionItem(Int32.Parse(dr[Patient.PatientId].ToString()), actionItemStr);

                if (dtRec.Rows.Count > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtRec.Rows[0][Survey.SurveyDate].ToString()))
                    completedDate = DateTime.Parse(dtRec.Rows[0][Survey.SurveyDate].ToString()).ToShortDateString();
                    completedDate = "--";

                newRow["Received Date"] = completedDate;

                // Finally add new row to datasource
