コード例 #1
        protected const int MaxTimerDelay = 1000 / 30;  // 30fps

        void IBrowserProcessHandler.OnContextInitialized()
            //The Global CookieManager has been initialized, you can now set cookies
            var cookieManager = Cef.GetGlobalCookieManager();

            cookieManager.SetStoragePath("cookies", true);
            cookieManager.SetSupportedSchemes(new string[] { "custom" });
            if (cookieManager.SetCookie("custom://cefsharp/home.html", new Cookie
                Name = "CefSharpTestCookie",
                Value = "ILikeCookies",
                Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)
                cookieManager.VisitUrlCookiesAsync("custom://cefsharp/home.html", false).ContinueWith(previous =>
                    if (previous.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
                        var cookies = previous.Result;

                        foreach (var cookie in cookies)
                            Debug.WriteLine("CookieName: " + cookie.Name);
                        Debug.WriteLine("No Cookies found");

                cookieManager.VisitAllCookiesAsync().ContinueWith(t =>
                    if (t.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
                        var cookies = t.Result;

                        foreach (var cookie in cookies)
                            Debug.WriteLine("CookieName: " + cookie.Name);
                        Debug.WriteLine("No Cookies found");

            //The Request Context has been initialized, you can now set preferences, like proxy server settings
            //Dispose of context when finished - preferable not to keep a reference if possible.
            using (var context = Cef.GetGlobalRequestContext())
                string errorMessage;
                //You can set most preferences using a `.` notation rather than having to create a complex set of dictionaries.
                //The default is true, you can change to false to disable
                context.SetPreference("webkit.webprefs.plugins_enabled", true, out errorMessage);

                //It's possible to register a scheme handler for the default http and https schemes
                //In this example we register the FolderSchemeHandlerFactory for https://cefsharp.example
                //Best to include the domain name, so only requests for that domain are forwarded to your scheme handler
                //It is possible to intercept all requests for a scheme, including the built in http/https ones, be very careful doing this!
                var folderSchemeHandlerExample = new FolderSchemeHandlerFactory(rootFolder: @"..\..\..\..\CefSharp.Example\Resources",
                                                                                hostName: "cefsharp.example", //Optional param no hostname checking if null
                                                                                defaultPage: "home.html");    //Optional param will default to index.html

                context.RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory("https", "cefsharp.example", folderSchemeHandlerExample);
コード例 #2
        protected const int ThirtyTimesPerSecond = 1000 / 30;  //30fps

        void IBrowserProcessHandler.OnContextInitialized()
            //The Global CookieManager has been initialized, you can now set cookies
            var cookieManager = Cef.GetGlobalCookieManager();

            cookieManager.SetSupportedSchemes(new string[] { "custom" }, true);
            if (cookieManager.SetCookie("custom://cefsharp/home.html", new Cookie
                Name = "CefSharpTestCookie",
                Value = "ILikeCookies",
                Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)
                cookieManager.VisitUrlCookiesAsync("custom://cefsharp/home.html", false).ContinueWith(previous =>
                    if (previous.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
                        var cookies = previous.Result;

                        foreach (var cookie in cookies)
                            Debug.WriteLine("CookieName: " + cookie.Name);
                        Debug.WriteLine("No Cookies found");

                cookieManager.VisitAllCookiesAsync().ContinueWith(t =>
                    if (t.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
                        var cookies = t.Result;

                        foreach (var cookie in cookies)
                            Debug.WriteLine("CookieName: " + cookie.Name);
                        Debug.WriteLine("No Cookies found");

            //The Request Context has been initialized, you can now set preferences, like proxy server settings
            //Dispose of context when finished - preferable not to keep a reference if possible.
            using (var context = Cef.GetGlobalRequestContext())
                string errorMessage;
                //You can set most preferences using a `.` notation rather than having to create a complex set of dictionaries.
                //The default is true, you can change to false to disable
                context.SetPreference("webkit.webprefs.plugins_enabled", true, out errorMessage);

                //string error;
                //var dicts = new List<string> { "en-GB", "en-US" };
                //var success = context.SetPreference("spellcheck.dictionaries", dicts, out error);

                //The no-proxy-server flag is set in CefExample.cs class, you'll have to remove that before you can test
                //this code out
                //var v = new Dictionary<string, string>
                //    ["mode"] = "fixed_servers",
                //    ["server"] = "scheme://*****:*****@"..\..\..\..\CefSharp.Example\Resources";
                var folderSchemeHandlerExample = new FolderSchemeHandlerFactory(rootFolder: cefSharpExampleResourcesFolder,
                                                                                hostName: "cefsharp.example", //Optional param no hostname checking if null
                                                                                defaultPage: "home.html");    //Optional param will default to index.html

                context.RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory("https", "cefsharp.example", folderSchemeHandlerExample);