コード例 #1
        private FolderComposite FindProjectFilesScanningProjectFolders(ProjectAnalyzerResult analyzerResult)
            var inputFiles          = new FolderComposite();
            var projectUnderTestDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(analyzerResult.ProjectFilePath);

            foreach (var dir in ExtractProjectFolders(analyzerResult))
                var folder = _fileSystem.Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(projectUnderTestDir), dir);

                _logger.LogDebug($"Scanning {folder}");
                if (!_fileSystem.Directory.Exists(folder))
                    throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"Can't find {folder}");

                inputFiles.Add(FindInputFiles(folder, projectUnderTestDir));

コード例 #2
        public void ClearTextTreeReporter_ShouldPrintGreenAboveThresholdHigh()
            var tree         = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText("void M(){ int i = 0 + 8; }");
            var originalNode = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType <BinaryExpressionSyntax>().First();

            var mutation = new Mutation()
                OriginalNode    = originalNode,
                ReplacementNode = SyntaxFactory.BinaryExpression(SyntaxKind.SubtractExpression, originalNode.Left, originalNode.Right),
                DisplayName     = "This name should display",
                Type            = Mutator.Arithmetic

            var textWriter = new StringWriter();
            var target     = new ClearTextTreeReporter(new StrykerOptions(), textWriter);

            var folder = new FolderComposite()
                Name         = "RootFolder",
                RelativePath = "RootFolder",
                FullPath     = "C://RootFolder",

            folder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Name         = "SomeFile.cs",
                RelativePath = "RootFolder/SomeFile.cs",
                FullPath     = "C://RootFolder/SomeFile.cs",
                Mutants      = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Killed, Mutation = mutation


コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the referencedProjects and looks for all files that should be mutated in those projects
        /// </summary>
        public ProjectInfo ResolveInput(StrykerOptions options)
            var result = new ProjectInfo();

            var testProjectFile = FindProjectFile(options.BasePath, options.TestProjectNameFilter);

            // Analyze the test project
            result.TestProjectAnalyzerResult = _projectFileReader.AnalyzeProject(testProjectFile, options.SolutionPath);

            // Determine project under test
            var reader           = new ProjectFileReader();
            var projectUnderTest = reader.DetermineProjectUnderTest(result.TestProjectAnalyzerResult.ProjectReferences, options.ProjectUnderTestNameFilter);

            _logger.LogInformation("The project {0} will be mutated", projectUnderTest);

            // Analyze project under test
            result.ProjectUnderTestAnalyzerResult = _projectFileReader.AnalyzeProject(projectUnderTest, options.SolutionPath);

            var inputFiles = new FolderComposite();

            result.FullFramework = !result.TestProjectAnalyzerResult.TargetFramework.Contains("netcoreapp", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
            var projectUnderTestDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(result.ProjectUnderTestAnalyzerResult.ProjectFilePath);

            foreach (var dir in ExtractProjectFolders(result.ProjectUnderTestAnalyzerResult, result.FullFramework))
                var folder = _fileSystem.Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(projectUnderTestDir), dir);

                _logger.LogDebug($"Scanning {folder}");
                if (!_fileSystem.Directory.Exists(folder))
                    throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"Can't find {folder}");
                inputFiles.Add(FindInputFiles(folder, options.FilesToExclude.ToList()));
            MarkInputFilesAsExcluded(inputFiles, options.FilesToExclude.ToList(), projectUnderTestDir);
            result.ProjectContents = inputFiles;

            ValidateResult(result, options);

コード例 #4
        public void ConsoleReportReporter_ShouldPrintYellowOn80PercentAndLower()
            string output = "";
            var chalkMock = new Mock<IChalk>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            chalkMock.Setup(x => x.Red(It.IsAny<string>())).Callback((string text) => { output += text; });
            chalkMock.Setup(x => x.Default(It.IsAny<string>())).Callback((string text) => { output += text; });
            chalkMock.Setup(x => x.Green(It.IsAny<string>())).Callback((string text) => { output += text; });
            chalkMock.Setup(x => x.Yellow(It.IsAny<string>())).Callback((string text) => { output += text; });

            var tree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText("void M(){ int i = 0 + 8; }");
            var originalNode = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType<BinaryExpressionSyntax>().First();

            var mutation = new Mutation()
                OriginalNode = originalNode,
                ReplacementNode = SyntaxFactory.BinaryExpression(SyntaxKind.SubtractExpression, originalNode.Left, originalNode.Right),
                DisplayName = "This name should display",
                Type = MutatorType.Arithmetic

            var target = new ConsoleReportReporter(new StrykerOptions("", "ReportOnly", "", 1000, null, "debug", false, 1, 80, 60, 0), chalkMock.Object);

            var folder = new FolderComposite() { Name = "RootFolder" };
            folder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Name = "SomeFile.cs",
                Mutants = new Collection<Mutant>()
                    new Mutant() { ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Survived, Mutation = mutation },
                    new Mutant() { ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Killed, Mutation = mutation },
                    new Mutant() { ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Killed, Mutation = mutation },
                    new Mutant() { ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Killed, Mutation = mutation },
                    new Mutant() { ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Killed, Mutation = mutation }


            chalkMock.Verify(x => x.Yellow(It.IsAny<string>()), Times.Exactly(2));
コード例 #5
        public void ConsoleReportReporter_ShouldPrintSurvivedMutation()
            string output = "";
            var chalkMock = new Mock<IChalk>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            chalkMock.Setup(x => x.Red(It.IsAny<string>())).Callback((string text) => { output += text; });
            chalkMock.Setup(x => x.Default(It.IsAny<string>())).Callback((string text) => { output += text; });

            var tree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText("void M(){ int i = 0 + 8; }");
            var originalNode = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType<BinaryExpressionSyntax>().First();

            var mutation = new Mutation()
                OriginalNode = originalNode,
                ReplacementNode = SyntaxFactory.BinaryExpression(SyntaxKind.SubtractExpression, originalNode.Left, originalNode.Right),
                DisplayName = "This name should display",
                Type = MutatorType.Arithmetic
            var target = new ConsoleReportReporter(new StrykerOptions("", "ReportOnly", "", 1000, null, "debug", false, 1, 80, 60, 0), chalkMock.Object);

            var folder = new FolderComposite() { Name = "RootFolder" };
            folder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Name = "SomeFile.cs",
                Mutants = new Collection<Mutant>() { new Mutant() {
                ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Survived, Mutation = mutation } }



All mutants have been tested, and your mutation score has been calculated
- {Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}RootFolder [0/1 (0.00 %)]
--- SomeFile.cs [0/1 (0.00 %)]
[Survived] This name should display on line 1: '0 + 8' ==> '0 -8'
            // All percentages should be red and the [Survived] too
            chalkMock.Verify(x => x.Red(It.IsAny<string>()), Times.Exactly(3));
コード例 #6
        public void ConsoleReportReporter_ShouldPrintOnReportDone()
            string output = "";
            var chalkMock = new Mock<IChalk>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            chalkMock.Setup(x => x.DarkGray(It.IsAny<string>())).Callback((string text) => { output += text; });
            chalkMock.Setup(x => x.Default(It.IsAny<string>())).Callback((string text) => { output += text; });

            var target = new ConsoleReportReporter(new StrykerOptions("", "ReportOnly", "", 1000, null, "debug", false, 1, 80, 60, 0), chalkMock.Object);

            var folder = new FolderComposite() { Name = "RootFolder" };
            folder.Add(new FileLeaf() { Name = "SomeFile.cs", Mutants = new Collection<Mutant>() { } });



All mutants have been tested, and your mutation score has been calculated
- {Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}RootFolder [0/0 (- %)]
--- SomeFile.cs [0/0 (- %)]
            chalkMock.Verify(x => x.DarkGray(It.IsAny<string>()), Times.Exactly(2));
コード例 #7
        public void ReportComponent_ShouldCalculateMutationScore_BuildErrorIsNull()
            var target = new FolderComposite()
                Name = "RootFolder"

            target.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.CompileError

            var result = target.GetMutationScore();

コード例 #8
        public void ReportComponent_ShouldCalculateMutationScore_OnlyKilledIsSuccessful(MutantStatus status, double expectedScore)
            var target = new FolderComposite()
                Name = "RootFolder"

            target.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = status

            var result = target.GetMutationScore();

コード例 #9
        public void ReportComponent_ShouldCalculateMutationScore_OneMutation()
            var target = new FolderComposite()
                Name = "RootFolder"

            target.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Killed

            var result = target.GetMutationScore();

コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the referencedProjects and looks for all files that should be mutated in those projects
        /// </summary>
        public ProjectInfo ResolveInput(string currentDirectory, string projectName, List <string> filesToExclude)
            var projectFile          = ScanProjectFile(currentDirectory);
            var currentProjectInfo   = ReadProjectFile(projectFile, projectName);
            var projectReferencePath = FilePathUtils.ConvertPathSeparators(currentProjectInfo.ProjectReference);

            var projectUnderTestPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(currentDirectory, projectReferencePath)));
            var projectReference     = Path.Combine(projectUnderTestPath, Path.GetFileName(projectReferencePath));
            var projectFilePath      = Path.GetFullPath(projectReference);
            var projectUnderTestInfo = FindProjectUnderTestAssemblyName(projectFilePath);
            var inputFiles           = new FolderComposite();

            foreach (var dir in ExtractProjectFolders(projectFilePath))
                var folder = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(projectFilePath), dir);

                _logger.LogDebug($"Scanning {folder}");
                if (!_fileSystem.Directory.Exists(folder))
                    throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"Can't find {folder}");
                inputFiles.Add(FindInputFiles(folder, filesToExclude));

            MarkInputFilesAsExcluded(inputFiles, filesToExclude, projectUnderTestPath);

            return(new ProjectInfo()
                TestProjectPath = currentDirectory,
                TestProjectFileName = Path.GetFileName(projectFile),
                TargetFramework = currentProjectInfo.TargetFramework,
                ProjectContents = inputFiles,
                ProjectUnderTestPath = projectUnderTestPath,
                ProjectUnderTestAssemblyName = projectUnderTestInfo ?? Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(projectReferencePath),
                ProjectUnderTestProjectName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(projectReferencePath),
                AppendTargetFrameworkToOutputPath = currentProjectInfo.AppendTargetFrameworkToOutputPath
コード例 #11
        public void ClearTextReporter_ShouldPrintOnReportDone()
            var textWriter = new StringWriter();
            var target     = new ClearTextReporter(new StrykerOptions(), textWriter);

            var folder = new FolderComposite()
                Name         = "RootFolder",
                RelativePath = "RootFolder",
                FullPath     = "C://RootFolder",

            folder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Name         = "SomeFile.cs",
                RelativePath = "RootFolder/SomeFile.cs",
                RelativePathToProjectFile = "SomeFile.cs",
                FullPath = "C://RootFolder/SomeFile.cs",
                Mutants  = new Collection <Mutant>()



All mutants have been tested, and your mutation score has been calculated
│ File        │  % score │ # killed │ # timeout │ # survived │ # no cov │ # error │
│ All files   │      N/A │        0 │         0 │          0 │        0 │       0 │
│ SomeFile.cs │      N/A │        0 │         0 │          0 │        0 │       0 │
コード例 #12
        public void ClearTextTreeReporter_ShouldPrintOnReportDone()
            string output    = "";
            var    chalkMock = new Mock <IChalk>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            chalkMock.Setup(x => x.DarkGray(It.IsAny <string>())).Callback((string text) => { output += text; });
            chalkMock.Setup(x => x.Default(It.IsAny <string>())).Callback((string text) => { output += text; });

            var target = new ClearTextTreeReporter(new StrykerOptions(), chalkMock.Object);

            var folder = new FolderComposite()
                Name         = "RootFolder",
                RelativePath = "RootFolder",
                FullPath     = "C://RootFolder",

            folder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Name         = "SomeFile.cs",
                RelativePath = "RootFolder/SomeFile.cs",
                FullPath     = "C://RootFolder/SomeFile.cs",
                Mutants      = new Collection <Mutant>()



All mutants have been tested, and your mutation score has been calculated
RootFolder [0/0 (N/A)]
└── SomeFile.cs [0/0 (N/A)]
            chalkMock.Verify(x => x.DarkGray(It.IsAny <string>()), Times.Exactly(2));
コード例 #13
        public void ShouldCallMutantOrchestratorAndReporter()
            var inputFile = new FileLeaf()
                Name       = "Recursive.cs",
                SourceCode = SourceFile,
                SyntaxTree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(SourceFile)
            var logger = ApplicationLogging.LoggerFactory.CreateLogger <ProjectAnalyzerResult>();
            var folder = new FolderComposite()
                Name = Path.Combine(FilesystemRoot, "ExampleProject")

            var input = new MutationTestInput()
                ProjectInfo = new ProjectInfo()
                    TestProjectAnalyzerResults = new List <ProjectAnalyzerResult> {
                        new ProjectAnalyzerResult(logger, null)
                            AssemblyPath = "/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/TestName.dll",
                            Properties   = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                                { "TargetDir", "/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1" },
                                { "AssemblyName", "TestName" }
                    ProjectUnderTestAnalyzerResult = new ProjectAnalyzerResult(logger, null)
                        AssemblyPath = "/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/TestName.dll",
                        Properties   = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                            { "TargetDir", "/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1" },
                            { "AssemblyName", "TestName" }
                    ProjectContents = folder
                AssemblyReferences = _assemblies

            var fileSystem = new MockFileSystem(new Dictionary <string, MockFileData>
                { Path.Combine(FilesystemRoot, "ExampleProject", "Recursive.cs"), new MockFileData(SourceFile) },
                { Path.Combine(FilesystemRoot, "ExampleProject.Test", "bin", "Debug", "netcoreapp2.0", "ExampleProject.dll"), new MockFileData("Bytecode") },
                { Path.Combine(FilesystemRoot, "ExampleProject.Test", "obj", "Release", "netcoreapp2.0", "ExampleProject.dll"), new MockFileData("Bytecode") }

            var mutantToBeSkipped = new Mutant()
                Mutation = new Mutation()
            var mockMutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                new Mutant()
                    Mutation = new Mutation()
                }, mutantToBeSkipped

            // create mocks
            var orchestratorMock         = new Mock <IMutantOrchestrator>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            var reporterMock             = new Mock <IReporter>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            var mutationTestExecutorMock = new Mock <IMutationTestExecutor>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            // setup mocks
            reporterMock.Setup(x => x.OnMutantsCreated(It.IsAny <ReadOnlyProjectComponent>()));
            orchestratorMock.Setup(x => x.GetLatestMutantBatch()).Returns(mockMutants);
            orchestratorMock.Setup(x => x.Mutate(It.IsAny <SyntaxNode>())).Returns(CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(SourceFile).GetRoot());
            var options = new StrykerOptions(devMode: true, excludedMutations: new string[] { });

            var target = new MutationTestProcess(input,
                                                 new BroadcastMutantFilter(Enumerable.Empty <IMutantFilter>()));

            // start mutation process


            // verify the right methods were called
            orchestratorMock.Verify(x => x.Mutate(It.IsAny <SyntaxNode>()), Times.Once);
            reporterMock.Verify(x => x.OnMutantsCreated(It.IsAny <ReadOnlyProjectComponent>()), Times.Once);
コード例 #14
        public void ShouldCallExecutorForEveryMutant()
            var mutant = new Mutant {
                Id = 1, MustRunAgainstAllTests = true
            var otherMutant = new Mutant {
                Id = 2, MustRunAgainstAllTests = true
            string basePath = Path.Combine(FilesystemRoot, "ExampleProject.Test");

            var folder = new FolderComposite()
                Name = "ProjectRoot"

            folder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Name       = "SomeFile.cs",
                SourceCode = SourceFile,
                Mutants    = new List <Mutant>()
                    mutant, otherMutant

            var input = new MutationTestInput()
                ProjectInfo = new ProjectInfo()
                    ProjectUnderTestAnalyzerResult = TestHelper.SetupProjectAnalyzerResult(properties: new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "TargetDir", "/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1" },
                        { "TargetFileName", "TestName.dll" }
                    ProjectContents = folder
                AssemblyReferences = _assemblies
            var reporterMock = new Mock <IReporter>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            reporterMock.Setup(x => x.OnMutantTested(It.IsAny <Mutant>()));

            var runnerMock = new Mock <ITestRunner>();

            runnerMock.Setup(x => x.DiscoverNumberOfTests()).Returns(1);
            var executorMock = new Mock <IMutationTestExecutor>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            executorMock.SetupGet(x => x.TestRunner).Returns(runnerMock.Object);
            executorMock.Setup(x => x.Test(It.IsAny <IList <Mutant> >(), It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <TestUpdateHandler>()));

            var mutantFilterMock = new Mock <IMutantFilter>(MockBehavior.Loose);

            var options = new StrykerOptions(basePath: basePath, fileSystem: new MockFileSystem());

            var target = new MutationTestProcess(input,
                                                 mutantFilter: mutantFilterMock.Object,
                                                 options: options);


            executorMock.Verify(x => x.Test(new List <Mutant> {
            }, It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <TestUpdateHandler>()), Times.Once);
コード例 #15
        public void ShouldThrowExceptionWhenOtherStatusThanNotRunIsPassed(MutantStatus status)
            var mutant = new Mutant {
                Id = 1, ResultStatus = status
            var basePath = Path.Combine(FilesystemRoot, "ExampleProject.Test");

            var folder = new FolderComposite()
                Name = "ProjectRoot"

            folder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Name    = "SomeFile.cs",
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()

            var input = new MutationTestInput()
                ProjectInfo = new ProjectInfo()
                    ProjectUnderTestAnalyzerResult = TestHelper.SetupProjectAnalyzerResult(properties: new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "TargetDir", "/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1" },
                        { "TargetFileName", "TestName.dll" }
                    TestProjectAnalyzerResults = new List <IAnalyzerResult> {
                        TestHelper.SetupProjectAnalyzerResult(properties: new Dictionary <string, string>()
                            { "TargetDir", "/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1" },
                            { "TargetFileName", "TestName.dll" }
                    ProjectContents = folder
                AssemblyReferences = new ReferenceProvider().GetReferencedAssemblies()
            var reporterMock = new Mock <IReporter>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            reporterMock.Setup(x => x.OnMutantTested(It.IsAny <Mutant>()));

            var runnerMock = new Mock <ITestRunner>();

            runnerMock.Setup(x => x.DiscoverNumberOfTests()).Returns(1);
            var executorMock = new Mock <IMutationTestExecutor>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            executorMock.SetupGet(x => x.TestRunner).Returns(runnerMock.Object);
            executorMock.Setup(x => x.Test(It.IsAny <IList <Mutant> >(), It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <TestUpdateHandler>()));

            var mutantFilterMock = new Mock <IMutantFilter>(MockBehavior.Loose);

            var options = new StrykerOptions(basePath: basePath, fileSystem: new MockFileSystem());

            var target = new MutationTestProcess(input,
                                                 mutantFilter: mutantFilterMock.Object,
                                                 options: options);

            Should.Throw <GeneralStrykerException>(() => target.Test(input.ProjectInfo.ProjectContents.Mutants));
コード例 #16
        public void FilterMutantsShouldCallMutantFilters()
            var inputFile = new FileLeaf()
                Name       = "Recursive.cs",
                SourceCode = SourceFile,
                SyntaxTree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(SourceFile)

            var folder = new FolderComposite()
                Name = Path.Combine(FilesystemRoot, "ExampleProject")


            var input = new MutationTestInput()
                ProjectInfo = new ProjectInfo()
                    TestProjectAnalyzerResults = new List <ProjectAnalyzerResult> {
                        new ProjectAnalyzerResult(null, null)
                            AssemblyPath = "/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/TestName.dll",
                            Properties   = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                                { "TargetDir", "/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1" },
                                { "AssemblyName", "TestName" },
                    ProjectUnderTestAnalyzerResult = new ProjectAnalyzerResult(null, null)
                        AssemblyPath = "/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/TestName.dll",
                        Properties   = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                            { "TargetDir", "/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1" },
                            { "AssemblyName", "TestName" },
                    ProjectContents = folder
                AssemblyReferences = _assemblies

            var fileSystem = new MockFileSystem(new Dictionary <string, MockFileData>
                { Path.Combine(FilesystemRoot, "ExampleProject", "Recursive.cs"), new MockFileData(SourceFile) },
                { Path.Combine(FilesystemRoot, "ExampleProject.Test", "bin", "Debug", "netcoreapp2.0", "ExampleProject.dll"), new MockFileData("Bytecode") },
                { Path.Combine(FilesystemRoot, "ExampleProject.Test", "obj", "Release", "netcoreapp2.0", "ExampleProject.dll"), new MockFileData("Bytecode") }

            var mutantToBeSkipped = new Mutant()
                Mutation = new Mutation()
            var compileErrorMutant = new Mutant()
                Mutation = new Mutation(), ResultStatus = MutantStatus.CompileError
            var mockMutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                new Mutant()
                    Mutation = new Mutation()
                }, mutantToBeSkipped, compileErrorMutant

            // create mocks
            var orchestratorMock         = new Mock <IMutantOrchestrator>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            var reporterMock             = new Mock <IReporter>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            var mutationTestExecutorMock = new Mock <IMutationTestExecutor>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            var mutantFilterMock         = new Mock <IMutantFilter>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            // setup mocks
            reporterMock.Setup(x => x.OnMutantsCreated(It.IsAny <ReadOnlyProjectComponent>()));
            orchestratorMock.Setup(x => x.GetLatestMutantBatch()).Returns(mockMutants);
            orchestratorMock.Setup(x => x.Mutate(It.IsAny <SyntaxNode>())).Returns(CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(SourceFile).GetRoot());
            mutantFilterMock.SetupGet(x => x.DisplayName).Returns("Mock filter");
            IEnumerable <Mutant> mutantsPassedToFilter = null;

            mutantFilterMock.Setup(x => x.FilterMutants(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <Mutant> >(), It.IsAny <ReadOnlyFileLeaf>(), It.IsAny <StrykerOptions>()))
            .Callback <IEnumerable <Mutant>, ReadOnlyFileLeaf, StrykerOptions>((mutants, _, __) => mutantsPassedToFilter = mutants)
            .Returns((IEnumerable <Mutant> mutants, ReadOnlyFileLeaf file, StrykerOptions o) => mutants.Take(1));

            var options = new StrykerOptions(devMode: true, excludedMutations: new string[] { });

            var target = new MutationTestProcess(input,
                                                 new BroadcastMutantFilter(new[] { mutantFilterMock.Object }));

            // start mutation process


            // verify that compiler error mutants are not passed to filter

            // verify that filtered mutants are skipped
コード例 #17
        public void MutateShouldWriteToDisk_IfCompilationIsSuccessful()
            string basePath = Path.Combine(FilesystemRoot, "ExampleProject.Test");

            var folder = new FolderComposite()
                Name = "ProjectRoot"

            folder.Add(new FileLeaf
                Name       = "SomeFile.cs",
                SourceCode = SourceFile,
                SyntaxTree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(SourceFile)

            var input = new MutationTestInput()
                ProjectInfo = new ProjectInfo()
                    TestProjectAnalyzerResults = new List <ProjectAnalyzerResult> {
                        new ProjectAnalyzerResult(null, null)
                            AssemblyPath = Path.Combine(basePath, "bin", "Debug", "netcoreapp2.0", "TestName.dll"),
                            Properties   = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                                { "TargetDir", Path.Combine(basePath, "bin", "Debug", "netcoreapp2.0") },
                                { "AssemblyName", "TestName" },
                    ProjectUnderTestAnalyzerResult = new ProjectAnalyzerResult(null, null)
                        AssemblyPath = Path.Combine(basePath, "bin", "Debug", "netcoreapp2.0", "ExampleProject.dll"),
                        Properties   = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                            { "TargetDir", Path.Combine(basePath, "bin", "Debug", "netcoreapp2.0") },
                            { "AssemblyName", "ExampleProject" }
                    ProjectContents = folder
                AssemblyReferences = _assemblies
            var mockMutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                new Mutant()
                    Mutation = new Mutation()

            // create mocks
            var orchestratorMock         = new Mock <IMutantOrchestrator>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            var reporterMock             = new Mock <IReporter>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            var mutationTestExecutorMock = new Mock <IMutationTestExecutor>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            var fileSystem = new MockFileSystem(new Dictionary <string, MockFileData>
                { Path.Combine(FilesystemRoot, "SomeFile.cs"), new MockFileData("SomeFile") },

            fileSystem.AddDirectory(Path.Combine(basePath, "bin", "Debug", "netcoreapp2.0"));

            // setup mocks
            orchestratorMock.Setup(x => x.Mutate(It.IsAny <SyntaxNode>())).Returns(CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(SourceFile).GetRoot());
            orchestratorMock.Setup(x => x.GetLatestMutantBatch()).Returns(mockMutants);
            reporterMock.Setup(x => x.OnMutantsCreated(It.IsAny <ReadOnlyProjectComponent>()));

            var options = new StrykerOptions();
            var target  = new MutationTestProcess(input,
                                                  new BroadcastMutantFilter(Enumerable.Empty <IMutantFilter>()));


            // Verify the created assembly is written to disk on the right location
            string expectedPath = Path.Combine(basePath, "bin", "Debug", "netcoreapp2.0", "ExampleProject.dll");

            .ShouldBeTrue($"The mutated Assembly was not written to disk, or not to the right location ({expectedPath}).");
コード例 #18
        private FolderComposite FindProjectFilesUsingBuildalyzer(IAnalyzerResult analyzerResult, IStrykerOptions options)
            var inputFiles            = new FolderComposite();
            var projectUnderTestDir   = Path.GetDirectoryName(analyzerResult.ProjectFilePath);
            var projectRoot           = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectUnderTestDir);
            var generatedAssemblyInfo = analyzerResult.AssemblyAttributeFileName();
            var rootFolderComposite   = new FolderComposite()
                Name         = string.Empty,
                FullPath     = projectRoot,
                RelativePath = string.Empty,
                RelativePathToProjectFile = Path.GetRelativePath(projectUnderTestDir, projectUnderTestDir)
            var cache = new Dictionary <string, FolderComposite> {
                [string.Empty] = rootFolderComposite

            // Save cache in a singleton so we can use it in other parts of the project
            FolderCompositeCache <FolderComposite> .Instance.Cache = cache;


            CSharpParseOptions cSharpParseOptions = BuildCsharpParseOptions(analyzerResult, options);

            InjectMutantHelpers(rootFolderComposite, cSharpParseOptions);

            foreach (var sourceFile in analyzerResult.SourceFiles)
                // Skip xamarin UI generated files
                if (sourceFile.EndsWith(".xaml.cs"))

                var relativePath    = Path.GetRelativePath(projectUnderTestDir, sourceFile);
                var folderComposite = GetOrBuildFolderComposite(cache, Path.GetDirectoryName(relativePath), projectUnderTestDir, projectRoot, inputFiles);
                var fileName        = Path.GetFileName(sourceFile);

                var file = new FileLeaf()
                    SourceCode   = _fileSystem.File.ReadAllText(sourceFile),
                    Name         = _fileSystem.Path.GetFileName(sourceFile),
                    RelativePath = _fileSystem.Path.Combine(folderComposite.RelativePath, fileName),
                    FullPath     = sourceFile,
                    RelativePathToProjectFile = Path.GetRelativePath(projectUnderTestDir, sourceFile)

                // Get the syntax tree for the source file
                var syntaxTree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(file.SourceCode,
                                                            path: file.FullPath,
                                                            encoding: Encoding.UTF32,
                                                            options: cSharpParseOptions);

                // don't mutate auto generated code
                if (syntaxTree.IsGenerated())
                    // we found the generated assemblyinfo file
                    if (_fileSystem.Path.GetFileName(sourceFile).ToLowerInvariant() == generatedAssemblyInfo)
                        // add the mutated text
                        syntaxTree = InjectMutationLabel(syntaxTree);
                    _logger.LogDebug("Skipping auto-generated code file: {fileName}", file.Name);
                    folderComposite.AddCompilationSyntaxTree(syntaxTree); // Add the syntaxTree to the list of compilationSyntaxTrees
                    continue;                                             // Don't add the file to the folderComposite as we're not reporting on the file

                file.SyntaxTree = syntaxTree;

コード例 #19
        public void ClearTextTreeReporter_ShouldPrintYellowBetweenThresholdLowAndThresholdBreak()
            string output    = "";
            var    chalkMock = new Mock <IChalk>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            chalkMock.Setup(x => x.Red(It.IsAny <string>())).Callback((string text) => { output += text; });
            chalkMock.Setup(x => x.Default(It.IsAny <string>())).Callback((string text) => { output += text; });
            chalkMock.Setup(x => x.Green(It.IsAny <string>())).Callback((string text) => { output += text; });
            chalkMock.Setup(x => x.Yellow(It.IsAny <string>())).Callback((string text) => { output += text; });

            var tree         = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText("void M(){ int i = 0 + 8; }");
            var originalNode = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType <BinaryExpressionSyntax>().First();

            var mutation = new Mutation()
                OriginalNode    = originalNode,
                ReplacementNode = SyntaxFactory.BinaryExpression(SyntaxKind.SubtractExpression, originalNode.Left, originalNode.Right),
                DisplayName     = "This name should display",
                Type            = Mutator.Arithmetic

            var target = new ClearTextTreeReporter(new StrykerOptions(thresholdHigh: 90, thresholdLow: 70, thresholdBreak: 0), chalkMock.Object);

            var folder = new FolderComposite()
                Name         = "RootFolder",
                RelativePath = "RootFolder",
                FullPath     = "C://RootFolder",

            folder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Name         = "SomeFile.cs",
                RelativePath = "RootFolder/SomeFile.cs",
                FullPath     = "C://RootFolder/SomeFile.cs",
                Mutants      = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Survived, Mutation = mutation
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Killed, Mutation = mutation
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Killed, Mutation = mutation
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Killed, Mutation = mutation
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Killed, Mutation = mutation


            chalkMock.Verify(x => x.Yellow(It.IsAny <string>()), Times.Exactly(2));
コード例 #20
        public void JsonReporter_OnAllMutantsTestedShouldWriteJsonToFile()
            var tree         = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText("void M(){ int i = 0 + 8; }");
            var originalNode = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType <BinaryExpressionSyntax>().First();

            var mutation = new Mutation()
                OriginalNode    = originalNode,
                ReplacementNode = SyntaxFactory.BinaryExpression(SyntaxKind.SubtractExpression, originalNode.Left, originalNode.Right),
                DisplayName     = "This name should display",
                Type            = Mutator.Arithmetic

            var folder = new FolderComposite()
                Name = "RootFolder"

            folder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Name    = "SomeFile.cs",
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        Id           = 55,
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Killed,
                        Mutation     = mutation
                SourceCode = "void M(){ int i = 0 + 8; }"
            folder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Name    = "SomeOtherFile.cs",
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        Id           = 56,
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Survived,
                        Mutation     = mutation
                SourceCode = "void M(){ int i = 0 + 8; }"
            folder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Name    = "SomeOtherFile.cs",
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        Id           = 56,
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Skipped,
                        Mutation     = mutation
                SourceCode = "void M(){ int i = 0 + 8; }"

            var mockFileSystem = new MockFileSystem();
            var options        = new StrykerOptions(thresholdBreak: 0, thresholdHigh: 80, thresholdLow: 60);
            var reporter       = new JsonReporter(options, mockFileSystem);

            var reportPath = Path.Combine(options.BasePath, "StrykerOutput", "reports", $"mutation-report-{DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}.json");

            mockFileSystem.FileExists(reportPath).ShouldBeTrue($"Path {reportPath} should exist but it does not.");

            var reportObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonReporter.JsonReportComponent>(mockFileSystem.GetFile(reportPath).TextContents);


            ValidateJsonReportComponent(reportObject, folder, "Warning");
            ValidateJsonReportComponent(reportObject.ChildResults.ElementAt(0), folder.Children.ElementAt(0), "Good", 1);
            ValidateJsonReportComponent(reportObject.ChildResults.ElementAt(1), folder.Children.ElementAt(1), "Danger", 1);
コード例 #21
        public void ShouldNotCallExecutorForNotCoveredMutants()
            var mutant = new Mutant {
                Id = 1, ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Survived
            var otherMutant = new Mutant {
                Id = 2, ResultStatus = MutantStatus.NotRun
            var basePath = Path.Combine(FilesystemRoot, "ExampleProject.Test");

            var folder = new FolderComposite()
                Name = "ProjectRoot"

            folder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Name    = "SomeFile.cs",
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    mutant, otherMutant

            var input = new MutationTestInput()
                ProjectInfo = new ProjectInfo()
                    TestProjectAnalyzerResults = new List <ProjectAnalyzerResult> {
                        new ProjectAnalyzerResult(null, null)
                            AssemblyPath = "/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/TestName.dll",
                            Properties   = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                                { "TargetDir", "/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1" },
                                { "TargetFileName", "TestName.dll" }
                    ProjectUnderTestAnalyzerResult = new ProjectAnalyzerResult(null, null)
                        AssemblyPath = "/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/TestName.dll",
                        Properties   = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                            { "TargetDir", "/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1" },
                            { "TargetFileName", "TestName.dll" }
                    ProjectContents = folder
                AssemblyReferences = new ReferenceProvider().GetReferencedAssemblies()
            var reporterMock = new Mock <IReporter>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            reporterMock.Setup(x => x.OnMutantTested(It.IsAny <Mutant>()));
            reporterMock.Setup(x => x.OnAllMutantsTested(It.IsAny <ReadOnlyProjectComponent>()));
            reporterMock.Setup(x => x.OnStartMutantTestRun(It.IsAny <IList <Mutant> >(), It.IsAny <IEnumerable <TestDescription> >()));

            var runnerMock = new Mock <ITestRunner>();

            runnerMock.Setup(x => x.DiscoverNumberOfTests()).Returns(1);
            var executorMock = new Mock <IMutationTestExecutor>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            executorMock.SetupGet(x => x.TestRunner).Returns(runnerMock.Object);
            executorMock.Setup(x => x.Test(It.IsAny <IList <Mutant> >(), It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <TestUpdateHandler>()));

            var mutantFilterMock = new Mock <IMutantFilter>(MockBehavior.Loose);

            var options = new StrykerOptions(fileSystem: new MockFileSystem(), basePath: basePath);

            var target = new MutationTestProcess(input,
                                                 mutantFilter: mutantFilterMock.Object,
                                                 options: options);


            reporterMock.Verify(x => x.OnStartMutantTestRun(It.Is <IList <Mutant> >(y => y.Count == 1), It.IsAny <IEnumerable <TestDescription> >()), Times.Once);
            executorMock.Verify(x => x.Test(new List <Mutant> {
            }, It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <TestUpdateHandler>()), Times.Once);
            reporterMock.Verify(x => x.OnAllMutantsTested(It.IsAny <ReadOnlyProjectComponent>()), Times.Once);
コード例 #22
        public void JsonReportComponent_ShouldGenerateFileTreeForJsonSerialization()
            var tree         = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText("void M(){ int i = 0 + 8; }");
            var originalNode = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType <BinaryExpressionSyntax>().First();

            var mutation = new Mutation()
                OriginalNode    = originalNode,
                ReplacementNode = SyntaxFactory.BinaryExpression(SyntaxKind.SubtractExpression, originalNode.Left, originalNode.Right),
                DisplayName     = "This name should display",
                Type            = MutatorType.Arithmetic

            var folder = new FolderComposite()
                Name = "RootFolder"

            folder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Name    = "SomeFile.cs",
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        Id           = 55,
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Killed,
                        Mutation     = mutation
                SourceCode = "void M(){ int i = 0 + 8; }"
            folder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Name    = "SomeOtherFile.cs",
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        Id           = 56,
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Survived,
                        Mutation     = mutation
                SourceCode = "void M(){ int i = 0 + 8; }"
            folder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Name    = "SomeOtherFile.cs",
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        Id           = 56,
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Skipped,
                        Mutation     = mutation
                SourceCode = "void M(){ int i = 0 + 8; }"

            var result = JsonReportComponent.FromProjectComponent(folder, new ThresholdOptions(80, 60, 0));

            ValidateJsonReportComponent(result, folder, "warning");
            ValidateJsonReportComponent(result.ChildResults.ElementAt(0), folder.Children.ElementAt(0), "ok", 1);
            ValidateJsonReportComponent(result.ChildResults.ElementAt(1), folder.Children.ElementAt(1), "danger", 1);
コード例 #23
        public void ReportComponent_ShouldCalculateMutationScore_Recursive2()
            var target = new FolderComposite()
                Name = "RootFolder"
            var subFolder = new FolderComposite()
                Name = "SubFolder"

            target.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Survived
            target.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Survived
            subFolder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Survived
                    }, new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Killed
            subFolder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Killed
                    }, new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Killed
            subFolder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Survived
                    }, new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Killed
            subFolder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Killed
                    }, new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Killed
            subFolder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Killed
                    }, new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Killed

            var result = target.GetMutationScore();

コード例 #24
        public void ShouldNotTest_WhenThereAreNoTestableMutations()
            var mutant = new Mutant()
                Id = 1, ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Ignored
            var mutant2 = new Mutant()
                Id = 2, ResultStatus = MutantStatus.CompileError
            string basePath = Path.Combine(FilesystemRoot, "ExampleProject.Test");

            var folder = new FolderComposite()
                Name = "ProjectRoot"

            folder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Name    = "SomeFile.cs",
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    mutant, mutant2

            var input = new MutationTestInput()
                ProjectInfo = new ProjectInfo()
                    ProjectContents = folder
                AssemblyReferences = _assemblies
            var reporterMock = new Mock <IReporter>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            reporterMock.Setup(x => x.OnMutantTested(It.IsAny <Mutant>()));
            reporterMock.Setup(x => x.OnAllMutantsTested(It.IsAny <ReadOnlyProjectComponent>()));
            reporterMock.Setup(x => x.OnStartMutantTestRun(It.IsAny <IList <Mutant> >(), It.IsAny <IEnumerable <TestDescription> >()));

            var runnerMock = new Mock <ITestRunner>();

            runnerMock.Setup(x => x.DiscoverNumberOfTests()).Returns(1);
            var executorMock = new Mock <IMutationTestExecutor>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            executorMock.SetupGet(x => x.TestRunner).Returns(runnerMock.Object);
            executorMock.Setup(x => x.Test(It.IsAny <IList <Mutant> >(), It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <TestUpdateHandler>()));

            var mutantFilterMock = new Mock <IMutantFilter>(MockBehavior.Loose);

            var options = new StrykerOptions(fileSystem: new MockFileSystem(), basePath: basePath);

            var target = new MutationTestProcess(input,
                                                 mutantFilter: mutantFilterMock.Object,
                                                 options: options);

            var testResult = target.Test(options);

            executorMock.Verify(x => x.Test(It.IsAny <IList <Mutant> >(), It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <TestUpdateHandler>()), Times.Never);
            reporterMock.Verify(x => x.OnStartMutantTestRun(It.IsAny <IList <Mutant> >(), It.IsAny <IEnumerable <TestDescription> >()), Times.Never);
            reporterMock.Verify(x => x.OnMutantTested(It.IsAny <Mutant>()), Times.Never);
            reporterMock.Verify(x => x.OnAllMutantsTested(It.IsAny <ReadOnlyProjectComponent>()), Times.Once);
コード例 #25
        // initialize the test context and mock objects
        public VsTestRunnersShould()
            var currentDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
            var filesystemRoot   = Path.GetPathRoot(currentDirectory);

            var          sourceFile                     = File.ReadAllText(currentDirectory + "/TestResources/ExampleSourceFile.cs");
            var          testProjectPath                = FilePathUtils.NormalizePathSeparators(Path.Combine(filesystemRoot, "TestProject", "TestProject.csproj"));
            var          projectUnderTestPath           = FilePathUtils.NormalizePathSeparators(Path.Combine(filesystemRoot, "ExampleProject", "ExampleProject.csproj"));
            const string defaultTestProjectFileContents = @"<Project Sdk=""Microsoft.NET.Sdk"">
        <PackageReference Include=""Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk"" Version = ""15.5.0"" />
        <PackageReference Include=""xunit"" Version=""2.3.1"" />
        <PackageReference Include=""xunit.runner.visualstudio"" Version=""2.3.1"" />
        <DotNetCliToolReference Include=""dotnet-xunit"" Version=""2.3.1"" />
        <ProjectReference Include=""..\ExampleProject\ExampleProject.csproj"" />

            _testAssemblyPath = Path.Combine(filesystemRoot, "_firstTest", "bin", "Debug", "TestApp.dll");
            _executorUri      = new Uri("exec://nunit");
            var firstTest  = new TestCase("T0", _executorUri, _testAssemblyPath);
            var secondTest = new TestCase("T1", _executorUri, _testAssemblyPath);

            var content = new FolderComposite();

            _coverageProperty = TestProperty.Register("Stryker.Coverage", "Coverage", typeof(string), typeof(TestResult));
            _mutant           = new Mutant {
                Id = 0
            _otherMutant = new Mutant {
                Id = 1
            _projectContents = content;
            _projectContents.Add(new FileLeaf {
                Mutants = new[] { _otherMutant, _mutant }
            _targetProject = new ProjectInfo()
                TestProjectAnalyzerResults = new List <IAnalyzerResult> {
                        properties: new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "TargetDir", Path.GetDirectoryName(_testAssemblyPath) },
                        { "TargetFileName", Path.GetFileName(_testAssemblyPath) }
                        targetFramework: "toto").Object
                ProjectUnderTestAnalyzerResult = TestHelper.SetupProjectAnalyzerResult(
                    properties: new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "TargetDir", Path.Combine(filesystemRoot, "app", "bin", "Debug") },
                    { "TargetFileName", "AppToTest.dll" }
                ProjectContents = _projectContents
            //CodeInjection.HelperNamespace = "Stryker.Core.UnitTest.TestRunners";
            _fileSystem = new MockFileSystem(new Dictionary <string, MockFileData>
                { projectUnderTestPath, new MockFileData(defaultTestProjectFileContents) },
                { Path.Combine(filesystemRoot, "ExampleProject", "Recursive.cs"), new MockFileData(sourceFile) },
                { Path.Combine(filesystemRoot, "ExampleProject", "OneFolderDeeper", "Recursive.cs"), new MockFileData(sourceFile) },
                { testProjectPath, new MockFileData(defaultTestProjectFileContents) },
                { _testAssemblyPath, new MockFileData("Bytecode") },
                { Path.Combine(filesystemRoot, "app", "bin", "Debug", "AppToTest.dll"), new MockFileData("Bytecode") },

            _testCases = new List <TestCase> {
                firstTest, secondTest
コード例 #26
        public void JsonReportComponent_ShouldGenerateFileTreeForJsonSerialization()
            var tree         = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText("void M(){ int i = 0 + 8; }");
            var originalNode = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType <BinaryExpressionSyntax>().First();

            var mutation = new Mutation()
                OriginalNode    = originalNode,
                ReplacementNode = SyntaxFactory.BinaryExpression(SyntaxKind.SubtractExpression, originalNode.Left, originalNode.Right),
                DisplayName     = "This name should display",
                Type            = Mutator.Arithmetic

            var folder = new FolderComposite()
                Name = "RootFolder"

            folder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Name    = "SomeFile.cs",
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        Id           = 55,
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Killed,
                        Mutation     = mutation
                SourceCode = "void M(){ int i = 0 + 8; }"
            folder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Name    = "SomeOtherFile.cs",
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        Id           = 56,
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Survived,
                        Mutation     = mutation
                SourceCode = "void M(){ int i = 0 + 8; }"
            folder.Add(new FileLeaf()
                Name    = "SomeOtherFile.cs",
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        Id           = 56,
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Skipped,
                        Mutation     = mutation
                SourceCode = "void M(){ int i = 0 + 8; }"

            var result = JsonReporter.JsonReportComponent.FromProjectComponent(folder, new StrykerOptions(thresholdBreak: 0, thresholdHigh: 80, thresholdLow: 60));