public void CreateAsset(string assetFile, FmodEvent asset) { #if UNITY_EDITOR AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(this, asset); // AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(assetFile, ImportAssetOptions.ImportRecursive); // force a save #endif }
public void SetSourceEvent(FmodEvent srcEvent) { if (m_source == srcEvent) { return; } CleanRuntimeEvent(); m_source = srcEvent; if (m_source != null) { UpdateRestorationData(); m_type = m_source.getSourceType(); setMaxRange(m_source.m_maxRange); setMinRange(m_source.m_minRange); if (m_parameters != null) { CleanAndRemoveParameters(); } else { m_parameters = new List <FmodRuntimeEventParameter>(); } foreach (FmodEventParameter p in m_source.getParameters()) { FmodRuntimeEventParameter runtimeParam = gameObject.AddComponent <FmodRuntimeEventParameter>(); runtimeParam.Initialize(p); m_parameters.Add(runtimeParam); } } else { CleanAndRemoveParameters(); } }
/** * This method returns the event in an updated .fev asset file that matches an event from the previous * version of that .fev asset file. * The matching is based on the GUID first, then the path through event groups and the name of the event. * Returns the event or null if no match could be found. */ public FmodEvent getMatchingEvent(FmodEvent oldEvent) { string guidString = oldEvent.getGUIDString(); if (guidString != "" && guidString != FmodEvent.EMPTY_GUIDSTRING) { foreach (FmodEvent e in m_events) { if (e.WasLoaded() && e.getGUIDString() != "" && e.getGUIDString() != FmodEvent.EMPTY_GUIDSTRING) { if (e.getGUIDString() == guidString) { return(e); } } } } string fullName = oldEvent.getFullName(); foreach (FmodEvent e in m_events) { string tmp = e.getFullName(); if (e.WasLoaded() && tmp == fullName) { return(e); } } return(null); }
protected void CreateEventInstance(FmodEvent srcEvent, Vector3 worldPos, RaycastHit hitInfo) { FmodEventAudioSource audioSource = null; if (Event.current.alt) // if alt is on, we add the audio source as a component { GameObject dest = hitInfo.collider.gameObject; audioSource = dest.GetComponent <FmodEventAudioSource>(); if (audioSource == null || audioSource.eventClip != null) { audioSource = dest.AddComponent(typeof(FmodEventAudioSource)) as FmodEventAudioSource; } } else // else we create a GameObject to act as source { GameObject obj = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("FmodEventAudioSource"), worldPos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; audioSource = obj.GetComponent <FmodEventAudioSource>(); if (audioSource == null) { Debug.LogError("Prefab for FmodEventAudioSource should have component FmodEventAudioSource !"); } else { = "FmodEventSource (" + + ")"; } } audioSource.SetSourceEvent(srcEvent); }
public bool CheckValue() { if (source != null && source.CurrentStatus == FmodEventAudioSource.Status.Stopped) { source.Play(); } if (source != null && source.GetParameterValue("param01") == wantedValue) { if (eventDialog != null) { if (this.charactere == null) { return(true); } GameManager tmp = this.charactere.GetComponent <GameManager>(); if (tmp == null) { return(true); } tmp.SetDialog(eventDialog, true); eventDialog = null; } return(true); } return(false); }
public void Play() { if (!FmodEvent.IsPlaying(musicInstance)) { musicInstance = FmodEvent.Play(music, gameObject.transform, null); } }
public void RestoreAsset() { if (m_source == null && m_pathToAssetFile != null) { #if UNITY_EDITOR FmodEventAsset asset = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(m_pathToAssetFile) as FmodEventAsset; if (asset == null) { Debug.LogWarning("FmodEventAudioSource (" + name + "): Error while restoring source: could not find asset at path '" + m_pathToAssetFile + "'."); } else { FmodEvent evt = null; if (m_sourceEventGUID != null && m_sourceEventGUID != "" && m_sourceEventGUID != FmodEvent.EMPTY_GUIDSTRING) { evt = asset.getEventWithGUID(m_sourceEventGUID); } if (evt == null && m_sourceEventFullName != null && m_sourceEventFullName != "") { evt = asset.getEventWithFullName(m_sourceEventFullName); } if (evt == null) { Debug.LogWarning("FmodEventAudioSource (" + name + "): Error while restoring source: could not find event with GUID '" + m_sourceEventFullName + "' or at '" + m_sourceEventFullName + "'"); } else { SetSourceEvent(evt); } } #endif } }
public void InitializeFromUpdatedEvent(FmodEvent src, FmodEvent oldEvent) { #if UNITY_EDITOR List <FmodEventParameter> newParams = new List <FmodEventParameter>(); List <FmodEventParameter> oldParams = oldEvent.getParameters(); EditorUtility.CopySerialized(src, this); hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; foreach (FmodEventParameter p in m_parameters) { FmodEventParameter newP = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("FmodEventParameter") as FmodEventParameter; newP.Initialize(p, this); foreach (FmodEventParameter oldP in oldParams) { if ( == { newP.SetValue(oldP.getValue()); oldParams.Remove(oldP); break; } } newParams.Add(newP); } m_parameters = newParams; m_minRange = oldEvent.m_minRange; m_maxRange = oldEvent.m_maxRange; #endif }
public void Initialize(FmodEventParameter src, FmodEvent evt) { #if UNITY_EDITOR hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; EditorUtility.CopySerialized(src, this); m_event = evt; #endif }
private void OnDisable() { FmodEvent.Stop(_instance, FMOD.Studio.STOP_MODE.ALLOWFADEOUT); if (positionClamperRoutine != null) { StopCoroutine(positionClamperRoutine); } }
public void SteppedOnWalkableTile(Collider tile, PlayerMovement actor) { Renderer renderer = tile.GetComponent <Renderer>(); renderer.material.EnableKeyword("_EMISSION"); FmodEvent.PlayOneShot(unlockTiles, transform, null); tilesActivated++; }
public FmodEventPool getEventPool(FmodEvent evt) { if (m_pools.ContainsKey(evt)) { return (m_pools[evt]); } FmodEventPool newPool = new FmodEventPool(evt); m_pools[evt] = newPool; return (newPool); }
public void OnSceneGUI(SceneView sceneView) { if (m_ongoingDrag && Event.current.type != EventType.MouseMove) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp || Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown) { _clearDragAndDrop(); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.DragUpdated) { DragAndDrop.AcceptDrag(); DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy; Vector2 mousePos = Event.current.mousePosition; Ray ray = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(mousePos); RaycastHit hitInfo = new RaycastHit(); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo)) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(hitInfo.collider.gameObject); } // todo: preview of object creation ? Event.current.Use(); } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.DragPerform) { Vector2 mousePos = Event.current.mousePosition; Vector3 worldPos = new Vector3(); Ray ray = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(mousePos); RaycastHit hitInfo = new RaycastHit(); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo)) { worldPos = hitInfo.point; } else { worldPos = ray.origin + ray.direction.normalized * 10; } FmodEvent srcEvent = DragAndDrop.objectReferences[0] as FmodEvent; FmodReverb srcReverb = DragAndDrop.objectReferences[0] as FmodReverb; if (srcEvent != null) { CreateEventInstance(srcEvent, worldPos, hitInfo); } else if (srcReverb) { CreateReverbZone(srcReverb, worldPos, hitInfo); } _clearDragAndDrop(); Event.current.Use(); } } }
public void GameOver() { currentGamestate = GameState.WINSCREEN; if (gameOverEvent != null) { gameOverEvent(); } FmodEvent.PlayOneShot(wonGame, transform, null); }
public FmodEventPool getEventPool(FmodEvent evt) { if (m_pools.ContainsKey(evt)) { return(m_pools[evt]); } FmodEventPool newPool = new FmodEventPool(evt); m_pools[evt] = newPool; return(newPool); }
public void OnEnable() { if (m_oldEventPath == null) { return; } m_fmodEVent = (FmodEvent)target; m_oldEventPath = m_fmodEVent.EventPath; InitVariable(); }
public int getNumberRunningInstances(FmodEvent evt) { if (evt == null) { return(0); } if (m_eventPoolManager.eventPoolExists(evt) == false) { return(0); } return(m_eventPoolManager.getEventPool(evt).getNumberRunningInstances()); }
public void Initialize(FMOD.EventGroup eventgroup, FmodEventGroup parentGroup, FmodEventAsset asset) { FMOD.EventGroup childEventgroup = null; FMOD.RESULT result = FMOD.RESULT.OK; FmodEventGroup child = null; int numChildrenGroups = 0; int numEvents = 0; FMOD.Event e = null; FmodEvent toAdd = null; hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; m_projectName = asset.getProjectName(); m_parent = parentGroup; _getName(eventgroup); result = eventgroup.loadEventData(); ERRCHECK(result); result = eventgroup.getNumEvents(ref numEvents); ERRCHECK(result); for (int j = 0; j < numEvents; j++) { e = null; result = eventgroup.getEventByIndex(j, FMOD.EVENT_MODE.DEFAULT | FMOD.EVENT_MODE.ERROR_ON_DISKACCESS, ref e); ERRCHECK(result); if (result != FMOD.RESULT.OK) { result = FMOD.RESULT.OK; } toAdd = FmodEvent.CreateInstance("FmodEvent") as FmodEvent; if (e != null) { toAdd.Initialize(e, this, j, asset); e.release(); } else { toAdd.Initialize(this, j, asset); } m_events.Add(toAdd); } result = eventgroup.freeEventData(false); ERRCHECK(result); result = eventgroup.getNumGroups(ref numChildrenGroups); for (int k = 0; k < numChildrenGroups; k++) { result = eventgroup.getGroupByIndex(k, false, ref childEventgroup); ERRCHECK(result); child = FmodEventGroup.CreateInstance("FmodEventGroup") as FmodEventGroup; child.Initialize(childEventgroup, this, asset); m_children.Add(child); } name = getFullName(); }
public bool SetDialog(FmodEvent eventDialog, bool stop = false) { if (dialogue == false || stop) { source.Stop(); source.SetSourceEvent(eventDialog); source.Play(); dialogue = true; return(true); } return(false); }
public bool SetDialog(FmodEvent eventDialog, bool stop = false) { if (dialogue == false || stop) { source.Stop(); source.SetSourceEvent(eventDialog); source.Play(); dialogue = true; return true; } return false; }
public void DisableEmission() { foreach (var tile in m_levelScript.walkableTiles) { Renderer renderer = tile.GetComponent <Renderer>(); renderer.material.DisableKeyword("_EMISSION"); Debug.Log("Lighted Down"); } FmodEvent.PlayOneShot(hidetiles, transform, null); }
protected virtual void ActiveDialog(FmodEvent eventDialogue, bool stop = true) { if (this.charactere == null) return; GameManager tmp = this.charactere.GetComponent<GameManager>(); if (tmp == null) return; if (impact != null) impact.Stop(); if (eventDialog == null) return; tmp.SetDialog(eventDialogue, stop); }
public void releaseRunningInstance(FmodEventAudioSource runningSource) { if (runningSource != null && runningSource.getSource() != null) { FmodEvent evt = runningSource.getSource(); if (m_eventPoolManager.eventPoolExists(evt) == false) { Debug.LogError("CRITICAL ERROR: No pool was created for event " + evt.getName()); } else { m_eventPoolManager.getEventPool(evt).releaseRunningInstance(runningSource); } } }
public void Initialize(FmodEvent src) { #if UNITY_EDITOR List <FmodEventParameter> newParams = new List <FmodEventParameter>(); EditorUtility.CopySerialized(src, this); hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; foreach (FmodEventParameter p in m_parameters) { FmodEventParameter newP = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("FmodEventParameter") as FmodEventParameter; newP.Initialize(p, this); newParams.Add(newP); } m_parameters = newParams; #endif }
public void UpdateExistingEvent(FmodEvent newEvent) { #if UNITY_EDITOR List <FmodRuntimeEventParameter> oldParams = getParameters(); List <FmodRuntimeEventParameter> toRemove = new List <FmodRuntimeEventParameter>(); //checking for existing params foreach (FmodRuntimeEventParameter oldParam in oldParams) { FmodEventParameter matchingParam = newEvent.getParameter(oldParam.getName()); if (matchingParam == null) { toRemove.Add(oldParam); } else { oldParam.UpdateExistingParam(matchingParam); } } //removing previously existing params that have been deleted foreach (FmodRuntimeEventParameter toDelete in toRemove) { m_parameters.Remove(toDelete); DestroyImmediate(toDelete, true); } PrefabType prefabType = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType(gameObject); // checking for newly created params if (prefabType != PrefabType.PrefabInstance && prefabType != PrefabType.ModelPrefabInstance) { foreach (FmodEventParameter newParam in newEvent.getParameters()) { if (ParameterExists(newParam.getName()) == false) { FmodRuntimeEventParameter runtimeParam = gameObject.AddComponent <FmodRuntimeEventParameter>(); runtimeParam.Initialize(newParam); m_parameters.Add(runtimeParam); } } } m_source = newEvent; #endif }
private FMOD.RESULT _loadEvent(FmodEvent evt, ref FMOD.Event fmodEvent) { string guidString = evt.getGUIDString(); FMOD.RESULT result = FMOD.RESULT.OK; if (guidString != FmodEvent.EMPTY_GUIDSTRING) { result = getEventSystem().getEventByGUIDString(guidString, FMOD.EVENT_MODE.DEFAULT | FMOD.EVENT_MODE.ERROR_ON_DISKACCESS, ref fmodEvent); } else { string fullName = evt.getFullName(); result = getEventSystem().getEvent(fullName, FMOD.EVENT_MODE.DEFAULT | FMOD.EVENT_MODE.ERROR_ON_DISKACCESS, ref fmodEvent); } return(result); }
private void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } else if (instance != this) { Destroy(gameObject); } DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); m_musicInstance = RuntimeManager.CreateInstance(musicEvent); m_gameStateParameter = FmodEvent.GetParameterId(musicEvent, "MusicStates"); }
private void freeEventData() { FmodEvent evt = getSource(); if (evt != null && m_runtimeEvent != null) { FmodEventGroup evtGroup = evt.getEventGroup(); if (m_eventSystemHandle != null && m_eventSystemHandle.getEventSystem() != null && m_eventSystemHandle.getEventSystem().wasCleaned() == false) { if (m_eventSystemHandle.getEventSystem().getNumberRunningInstancesInGroup(evtGroup) == 0) { evtGroup.freeWholeGroup(); } } } }
private void _SetupDragAndDrop(FmodEventAsset asset) { Event e = Event.current; if (e.type == EventType.MouseUp || e.type == EventType.MouseDown) { _clearDragAndDrop(); } if (e.type == EventType.MouseDrag) { FmodEvent fmodEvent = _getHoveredEvent(); FmodReverb reverb = _getHoveredReverb(); if (fmodEvent != null) { DragAndDrop.PrepareStartDrag(); DragAndDrop.paths = new string[0]; DragAndDrop.objectReferences = new Object[1] { fmodEvent }; DragAndDrop.SetGenericData(ONGOING_DRAG_KEY, true); DragAndDrop.SetGenericData(SOURCE_ASSET_KEY, asset); DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy; DragAndDrop.StartDrag("Creating sound from event '" + fmodEvent.getName() + "'"); m_ongoingDrag = true; e.Use(); } else if (reverb != null) { DragAndDrop.PrepareStartDrag(); DragAndDrop.paths = new string[0]; DragAndDrop.objectReferences = new Object[1] { reverb }; DragAndDrop.SetGenericData(ONGOING_DRAG_KEY, true); DragAndDrop.SetGenericData(SOURCE_ASSET_KEY, asset); DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Move; DragAndDrop.StartDrag("Creating reverb zone from reverb '" + reverb.getName() + "'"); m_ongoingDrag = true; e.Use(); } } }
static void UpdateEventAsset(FmodEventAsset oldAsset, FmodEventAsset newAsset) { FmodEventAudioSource[] allSources = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(FmodEventAudioSource)) as FmodEventAudioSource[]; FmodReverbZone[] allReverbZones = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(FmodReverbZone)) as FmodReverbZone[]; foreach (FmodEventAudioSource source in allSources) { source.CheckForOldFormat(); if (source.getSource() != null) { FmodEvent oldEvent = source.getSource(); FmodEvent newEvent = newAsset.getMatchingEvent(oldEvent); if (newEvent == null) { source.SetSourceEvent(null); } else { source.UpdateExistingEvent(newEvent); } } } foreach (FmodReverbZone zone in allReverbZones) { if (zone.GetReverb() != null) { FmodReverb oldReverb = zone.GetReverb(); FmodReverb newReverb = newAsset.getMatchingReverb(oldReverb); if (newReverb == null) { zone.ResetReverb(); } else { zone.ResetReverb(); zone.SetReverb(newReverb); } } } }
private void OnEnable() { listenerGameObject = FindObjectOfType <StudioListener>(); if (listenerGameObject != null) { m_targetTransform = listenerGameObject.transform; } else { Debug.LogError(this + ": No GameObject with 'Studio Listener' Component found! Aborting."); enabled = false; } _instance = FmodEvent.Play(eventToPlay, m_eventEmitter.transform, null); positionClamperRoutine = ClampEmitterPosition(); StartCoroutine(positionClamperRoutine); }
public FMOD.RESULT loadEventFromFile(FmodEventAudioSource src) { FmodEvent evt = src.getSource(); FmodEventAsset asset = evt.getAsset(); FMOD.RESULT result = FMOD.RESULT.OK; FMOD.EVENT_LOADINFO loadInfo = new FMOD.EVENT_LOADINFO(); FMOD.EventProject project = null; FMOD.Event fmodEvent = null; _loadFile(asset.getMediaPath(), asset.getName(), ref loadInfo, ref project); _loadEventGroup(evt); result = _loadEvent(evt, ref fmodEvent); ERRCHECK(result); if (result == FMOD.RESULT.OK) { src.SetEvent(fmodEvent); } return(result); }
public bool CheckValue() { if (source != null && source.CurrentStatus == FmodEventAudioSource.Status.Stopped) source.Play(); if (source != null && source.GetParameterValue("param01") == wantedValue) { if (eventDialog != null) { if (this.charactere == null) return true; GameManager tmp = this.charactere.GetComponent<GameManager>(); if (tmp == null) return true; tmp.SetDialog(eventDialog, true); eventDialog = null; } return true; } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Gets an event based on the full path from the root of the asset. A starting slash is not required. /// Double slashes, i.e. "Group1//Group2/Event" are ignored. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The event, or null if not found. /// </returns> /// <param name='fullName'> /// Full name of an event, meaning path from the root of the asset, e.g. "FeatureDemonstration/Basics/BasicSoundWithLooping" /// </param> public FmodEvent getEventWithFullName(string fullName) { List <FmodEventGroup> curChildrenGroups; List <FmodEvent> curChildrenEvents; string[] explodedPath; explodedPath = fullName.Split(new char[1] { '/' }); curChildrenGroups = m_eventGroups; curChildrenEvents = m_events; for (int i = 0; i < explodedPath.Length - 1; i++) { string pathElement = explodedPath[i]; if (pathElement != "") // we skip null paths in things such as "elem1/elem2//elem3". Also, enables not caring about a starting / { FmodEventGroup grp = _getChildGroupWithName(curChildrenGroups, pathElement); if (grp == null) { Debug.LogWarning("FmodEventAsset (" + getName() + "): getEventWithFullName: Could not find event group with name '" + pathElement + "'"); return(null); } curChildrenGroups = grp.getChildrenGroups(); curChildrenEvents = grp.getEvents(); } } string eventName = explodedPath[explodedPath.Length - 1]; FmodEvent ret = _getEventFromListWithName(curChildrenEvents, eventName); if (ret != null) { return(ret); } Debug.LogWarning("FmodEventAsset (" + getName() + "): getEventWithFullName: Could not find event with name '" + eventName + "'"); return(null); }
/** * This method returns the event in an updated .fev asset file that matches an event from the previous * version of that .fev asset file. * The matching is based on the GUID first, then the path through event groups and the name of the event. * Returns the event or null if no match could be found. */ public FmodEvent getMatchingEvent(FmodEvent oldEvent) { string guidString = oldEvent.getGUIDString(); if (guidString != "" && guidString != FmodEvent.EMPTY_GUIDSTRING) { foreach (FmodEvent e in m_events) { if (e.WasLoaded() && e.getGUIDString() != "" && e.getGUIDString() != FmodEvent.EMPTY_GUIDSTRING) { if (e.getGUIDString() == guidString) { return (e); } } } } string fullName = oldEvent.getFullName(); foreach (FmodEvent e in m_events) { string tmp = e.getFullName(); if (e.WasLoaded() && tmp == fullName) { return (e); } } return (null); }
public bool eventPoolExists(FmodEvent evt) { return (m_pools.ContainsKey(evt)); }
public void UpdateExistingEvent(FmodEvent newEvent) { #if UNITY_EDITOR List<FmodRuntimeEventParameter> oldParams = getParameters(); List<FmodRuntimeEventParameter> toRemove = new List<FmodRuntimeEventParameter>(); //checking for existing params foreach (FmodRuntimeEventParameter oldParam in oldParams) { FmodEventParameter matchingParam = newEvent.getParameter(oldParam.getName()); if (matchingParam == null) { toRemove.Add(oldParam); } else { oldParam.UpdateExistingParam(matchingParam); } } //removing previously existing params that have been deleted foreach (FmodRuntimeEventParameter toDelete in toRemove) { m_parameters.Remove(toDelete); DestroyImmediate(toDelete, true); } PrefabType prefabType = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType(gameObject); // checking for newly created params if (prefabType != PrefabType.PrefabInstance && prefabType != PrefabType.ModelPrefabInstance) { foreach (FmodEventParameter newParam in newEvent.getParameters()) { if (ParameterExists(newParam.getName()) == false) { FmodRuntimeEventParameter runtimeParam = gameObject.AddComponent<FmodRuntimeEventParameter>(); runtimeParam.Initialize(newParam); m_parameters.Add(runtimeParam); } } } m_source = newEvent; #endif }
public void SetSourceEvent(FmodEvent srcEvent) { if (m_source == srcEvent) { return ; } CleanRuntimeEvent(); m_source = srcEvent; if (m_source != null) { UpdateRestorationData(); m_type = m_source.getSourceType(); setMaxRange(m_source.m_maxRange); setMinRange(m_source.m_minRange); if (m_parameters != null) { CleanAndRemoveParameters(); } else { m_parameters = new List<FmodRuntimeEventParameter>(); } foreach (FmodEventParameter p in m_source.getParameters()) { FmodRuntimeEventParameter runtimeParam = gameObject.AddComponent<FmodRuntimeEventParameter>(); runtimeParam.Initialize(p); m_parameters.Add(runtimeParam); } } else { CleanAndRemoveParameters(); } }
public void Initialize(FmodEvent sourceEvent) { m_source = sourceEvent; name =; }
public void CheckForOldFormat() { if (m_source == null && m_eventClip != null) { m_source = m_eventClip.getSource(); } }
public void InitializeFromUpdatedEvent(FmodEvent src, FmodEvent oldEvent) { #if UNITY_EDITOR List<FmodEventParameter> newParams = new List<FmodEventParameter>(); List<FmodEventParameter> oldParams = oldEvent.getParameters(); EditorUtility.CopySerialized(src, this); hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; foreach (FmodEventParameter p in m_parameters) { FmodEventParameter newP = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("FmodEventParameter") as FmodEventParameter; newP.Initialize(p, this); foreach (FmodEventParameter oldP in oldParams) { if ( == { newP.SetValue(oldP.getValue()); oldParams.Remove(oldP); break; } } newParams.Add(newP); } m_parameters = newParams; m_minRange = oldEvent.m_minRange; m_maxRange = oldEvent.m_maxRange; #endif }
public void _loadEventGroup(FmodEvent evt) { if (evt.getEventGroup() == null || evt.getEventGroup().isInit()) { return ; } FMOD.RESULT result = FMOD.RESULT.OK; FMOD.EventGroup eventGroup = null; string groupName = evt.getEventGroup().getFullName(); result = getEventSystem().getGroup(groupName, true, ref eventGroup); ERRCHECK(result); if (eventGroup != null) { result = eventGroup.loadEventData(); ERRCHECK(result); if (result == FMOD.RESULT.OK) { evt.getEventGroup().setEventGroup(eventGroup); } } }
public void Initialize(FmodEvent src) { #if UNITY_EDITOR List<FmodEventParameter> newParams = new List<FmodEventParameter>(); EditorUtility.CopySerialized(src, this); hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; foreach (FmodEventParameter p in m_parameters) { FmodEventParameter newP = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("FmodEventParameter") as FmodEventParameter; newP.Initialize(p, this); newParams.Add(newP); } m_parameters = newParams; #endif }
public int getNumberRunningInstances(FmodEvent evt) { if (evt == null) { return (0); } if (m_eventPoolManager.eventPoolExists(evt) == false) { return (0); } return (m_eventPoolManager.getEventPool(evt).getNumberRunningInstances()); }
private FMOD.RESULT _loadEvent(FmodEvent evt, ref FMOD.Event fmodEvent) { string guidString = evt.getGUIDString(); FMOD.RESULT result = FMOD.RESULT.OK; if (guidString != FmodEvent.EMPTY_GUIDSTRING) { result = getEventSystem().getEventByGUIDString(guidString, FMOD.EVENT_MODE.DEFAULT | FMOD.EVENT_MODE.ERROR_ON_DISKACCESS, ref fmodEvent); } else { string fullName = evt.getFullName(); result = getEventSystem().getEvent(fullName, FMOD.EVENT_MODE.DEFAULT | FMOD.EVENT_MODE.ERROR_ON_DISKACCESS, ref fmodEvent); } return (result); }
protected void CreateEventInstance(FmodEvent srcEvent, Vector3 worldPos, RaycastHit hitInfo) { FmodEventAudioSource audioSource = null; if (Event.current.alt) { // if alt is on, we add the audio source as a component GameObject dest = hitInfo.collider.gameObject; audioSource = dest.GetComponent<FmodEventAudioSource>(); if (audioSource == null || audioSource.eventClip != null) { audioSource = dest.AddComponent(typeof(FmodEventAudioSource)) as FmodEventAudioSource; } } else { // else we create a GameObject to act as source GameObject obj = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("FmodEventAudioSource"), worldPos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; audioSource = obj.GetComponent<FmodEventAudioSource>(); if (audioSource == null) { Debug.LogError("Prefab for FmodEventAudioSource should have component FmodEventAudioSource !"); } else { = "FmodEventSource (" + + ")"; } } audioSource.SetSourceEvent(srcEvent); }
public void Initialize(FMOD.EventParameter param, FmodEvent evt) { IntPtr paramName = new IntPtr(0); int index = 0; FMOD.RESULT result = FMOD.RESULT.OK; hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; result = param.getInfo(ref index, ref paramName); ERRCHECK(result); m_name = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(paramName); = m_name; result = param.getRange(ref m_minRange, ref m_maxRange); ERRCHECK(result); result = param.getValue(ref m_value); ERRCHECK(result); result = param.getVelocity(ref m_velocity); ERRCHECK(result); result = param.getSeekSpeed(ref m_seekSpeed); ERRCHECK(result); m_event = evt; }
public FmodEventPool(FmodEvent source) { m_event = source; }