コード例 #1
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
        internal static void Prefix(FlyingScoreEffect __instance, ref Vector3 targetPos)
// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming
            if (ConfigProvider.CurrentConfig?.UseFixedPos ?? false)
                var transform = __instance.transform;

                // Set current and target position to the desired fixed position
                transform.position = ConfigProvider.CurrentConfig.FixedPos;
                targetPos          = transform.position;

                // If there's an existing judgment effect, clear that first
                if (_currentEffect != null)
                    // Remove it gracefully by setting its duration to 0
                    _currentEffect.SetField("_duration", 0f);

                    // We don't need to clear currentEffect when it disappears, because we'll be setting it to the new effect anyway
                    _currentEffect.didFinishEvent -= HandleEffectDidFinish;

                // Save the existing effect to clear if a new one spawns
                _currentEffect = __instance;

                // In case it despawns before the next note is hit, don't try to clear it
                _currentEffect.didFinishEvent += HandleEffectDidFinish;
コード例 #2
        public static void Judge(FlyingScoreEffect scoreEffect, int score, int before, int after, int accuracy)
            var instance = ConfigProvider.CurrentConfig;

            if (instance == null)

            // as of 0.13, the TextMeshPro is private; use reflection to grab it out of a private field
            var text = FlyingScoreEffectText(ref scoreEffect);

            // enable rich text
            text.richText = true;
            // disable word wrap, make sure full text displays
            text.enableWordWrapping = false;
            text.overflowMode       = TextOverflowModes.Overflow;

            // save in case we need to fade
            var index    = instance.Judgments !.FindIndex(j => j.Threshold <= score);
            var judgment = index >= 0 ? instance.Judgments[index] : Judgment.Default;

            Color color;

            if (judgment.Fade)
                var fadeJudgment = instance.Judgments[index - 1];
                var baseColor    = judgment.Color.ToColor();
                var fadeColor    = fadeJudgment.Color.ToColor();
                var lerpDistance = Mathf.InverseLerp(judgment.Threshold, fadeJudgment.Threshold, score);
                color = Color.Lerp(baseColor, fadeColor, lerpDistance);
                color = judgment.Color.ToColor();

            FieldAccessor <FlyingScoreEffect, Color> .Set(scoreEffect, "_color", color);

            scoreEffect.SetField("_color", color);

            text.text = instance.DisplayMode switch
                "format" => DisplayModeFormat(score, before, after, accuracy, judgment, instance),
                "textOnly" => judgment.Text,
                "numeric" => score.ToString(),
                "scoreOnTop" => $"{score}\n{judgment.Text}\n",
                _ => $"{judgment.Text}\n{score}\n"