コード例 #1
        protected void changeSimpleTaskMultiView_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            CheckReadOnly( );
              if ( this.simpleTaskMultiView.GetActiveView( ) == this.simpleTaskShowView )
            this.simpleTaskMultiView.SetActiveView( this.simpleTaskEditView );
            this.showTaskCheckBox.Checked =
              AssignedTaskId.HasValue &&
              DefEventId.HasValue &&
              AssignedTaskId.Value == DefEventId.Value;
            if ( sender == this.updateSimpleTaskButton )
              TrackerDataSetTableAdapters.ProcsAdapter procsAdapter = new FlyTrace.TrackerDataSetTableAdapters.ProcsAdapter( );
              int? defaultEventId = null;

              if ( this.showTaskCheckBox.Checked )
            procsAdapter.EnsureDefaultTask( Global.UserId, ref defaultEventId );

              procsAdapter.AssignEventToGroup( defaultEventId, GroupId );
              AssignedTaskId = defaultEventId;

            this.simpleTaskMultiView.SetActiveView( this.simpleTaskShowView );
コード例 #2
        protected void changeTaskMultiView_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            CheckReadOnly( );
              if ( this.eventMultiView.GetActiveView( ) == this.eventShowView )
            this.eventMultiView.SetActiveView( this.eventEditView );
            if ( sender == this.updateAssignedTaskLinkButton )
              TrackerDataSetTableAdapters.ProcsAdapter procsAdapter = new FlyTrace.TrackerDataSetTableAdapters.ProcsAdapter( );
              int? eventId = int.Parse( this.assignedTaskDdl.SelectedValue );

              if ( eventId.Value == 0 )
              { // 0 means 'None', i.e. NULL
            eventId = null;
              else if ( eventId.Value < 0 ) // less then zero means "Create new event and assign it to the group
            procsAdapter.CreateEvent( Global.UserId, ref eventId );
            if ( !eventId.HasValue )
              throw new ApplicationException( "CreateEvent returned unexpected result: NULL" );

              // Now assign the event to the group (or clear EventId field in DB if eventId is null)
              procsAdapter.AssignEventToGroup( eventId, GroupId );

            this.eventMultiView.SetActiveView( this.eventShowView );
コード例 #3
ファイル: Global.asax.cs プロジェクト: new-mikha/flytrace
        public static void SetDefHemispheres( double lat, double lon )
            char defHemisphereNS = lat > 0 ? 'N' : 'S';
              char defHemisphereEW = lon > 0 ? 'E' : 'W';

            TrackerDataSetTableAdapters.ProcsAdapter procAdapters = new FlyTrace.TrackerDataSetTableAdapters.ProcsAdapter( );
              defHemisphereNS.ToString( ),
              defHemisphereEW.ToString( )

              lock ( UserProfiles )
            UserProfileData existingProfile;
            if ( UserProfiles.TryGetValue( UserId, out existingProfile ) )
              existingProfile.DefHemisphereNS = lat > 0 ? 'N' : 'S';
              existingProfile.DefHemisphereEW = lon > 0 ? 'E' : 'W';