protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { lock (this) { if (!_disposed) { if (disposing) { //dispose managed resources foreach (IComponent c in _components) { if (c != null && c is IDisposable) { if (c is MySocket) { (c as MySocket).NotifyDispose = false; } (c as IDisposable).Dispose(); } } if (_flowPanel != null) { _flowPanel.Dispose(); } } //dispose unmanaged resources _flowPanel = null; _components.Clear(); _components = null; _path = null; _disposed = true; } } }
public void DeInitPlugin() { ActGlobals.oFormSpellTimers.OnSpellTimerExpire -= oFormSpellTimers_OnSpellTimerExpire; flowPanel.Dispose(); tmr_sec.Enabled = false; tmr_sec.Dispose(); }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { m_panel.Dispose(); m_label.Dispose(); } }
public void ReloadInfo(List <Modification> modifications) { if (modifications == null) { return; } if (modifications.Count < 1) { return; } if (infoLabelsContainer != null) { infoLabelsContainer.Dispose(); infoLabelsContainer = null; } infoLabelsContainer = new FlowLayoutPanel { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, Margin = new Padding(1, 5, 30, 1), FlowDirection = FlowDirection.TopDown, WrapContents = false, AutoScroll = true }; this.Controls.Add(infoLabelsContainer); if (infoLabels != null) { infoLabels.Clear(); infoLabels = null; } infoLabels = new List <Label>(); Label tmp = new Label(); infoLabels.Add(tmp); //infoLabelsContainer.Controls.Add(tmp); int labelsWIDTH = infoLabelsContainer.Width - 20; foreach (var value in modifications) { Label newLabel = new Label { AutoEllipsis = true, AutoSize = false, Height = LabelsHeight, Width = labelsWIDTH, Text = "[" + value.time + "] " + }; infoLabels.Add(newLabel); infoLabelsContainer.Controls.Add(newLabel); } ResizeInfoLabels(); }
private void buttonRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Task[] tasks = client.GetTasks(); var item = listBoxTasks.SelectedItem; var index = listBoxTasks.SelectedIndex; listBoxTasks.BeginUpdate(); listBoxTasks.Items.Clear(); foreach (var task in tasks) { string s = $"Task: {task.Id}, {task.Type}, Date: {task.Date}"; if (task.IsActive) { s += " (Active)"; } listBoxTasks.Items.Add(s); } listBoxTasks.EndUpdate(); if (index != -1) { listBoxTasks.SelectedIndex = index; } if (item == null) { return; } int selectedTaskID = Int32.Parse(item.ToString().Split(',')[0].Split(':')[1]); Task selectedTask = new Task(); selectedTask.Id = selectedTaskID; Virus[] viruses = client.GetVirusesFound(selectedTask); label1.Text = $"Найденные угрозы: {viruses.Length}"; flowLayoutPanelReport.Dispose(); foreach (var r in reportRows) { r.Dispose(); } flowLayoutPanelReport = new FlowLayoutPanel(); flowLayoutPanelReport.AutoScroll = true; flowLayoutPanelReport.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(691, 417); flowLayoutPanelReport.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(297, 6); reportRows.Clear(); foreach (var v in viruses) { ReportRow row = new ReportRow(flowLayoutPanelReport, selectedTask, v); reportRows.Add(row); } flowLayoutPanelReport.Parent = tabPage2; }
public void Dispose() { SuperTask?.Subtasks.Remove(this); for (int i = Subtasks.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Subtasks[i].Dispose(); } panelMain.Parent = null; panelMain.Dispose(); }
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { // Be sure to unhook event handlers // to prevent "lapsed listener" leaks. nullValueButton.Click -= nullValueButton_Click; _enclosingInstance = null; nullValueButton.Dispose(); basePane.Controls.Clear(); basePane.Dispose(); } }
public void Delete(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Remove a reference to this in the graphics index references foreach (GraphicsCreator.graphicPrototype.prototypeIndex p in Program.windowStatus.graphicsCreator.Prototype.indexes) { if (p.settingswithidx == this) { // If any of these p holds a refernce to this setting which shall be deleted p.settingswithidx = null; } } Program.windowStatus.graphicsCreator.Prototype.UpdateIdxSettingReference(); handler.allSettings.Remove(this); Program.windowStatus.Controls.Remove(index); Program.windowStatus.Controls.Remove(name); Program.windowStatus.Controls.Remove(digit); Program.windowStatus.Controls.Remove(size); Program.windowStatus.Controls.Remove(color); Program.windowStatus.Controls.Remove(val1raw); Program.windowStatus.Controls.Remove(val1scaled); Program.windowStatus.Controls.Remove(val2raw); Program.windowStatus.Controls.Remove(val2scaled); Program.windowStatus.Controls.Remove(delete); Program.windowStatus.Controls.Remove(panel); index.Dispose(); name.Dispose(); digit.Dispose(); size.Dispose(); color.Dispose(); val1raw.Dispose(); val1scaled.Dispose(); val2raw.Dispose(); val2scaled.Dispose(); delete.Dispose(); panel.Dispose(); // Only delete if the sender is not null // when sender is null the command has been called from reload if (sender != null) { for (int i = 0, j = linkedStats.Count; i < j; i++) { linkedStats[i].Delete(null, null); } Program.windowStatus.graphicsCreator.Prototype.UpdateIdxSettingReference(); } }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (file != null) { file.Close(); } file = null; if (!disposing) { return; } clear(); fp.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Executes when the button click event happens on the Load Data button /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dataHandler.LoadData() && dataHandler.CurrentDataset != null) { var foods = dataHandler.CurrentDataset.Tables[0].Select(); // Add the name of all foods to the select box on the UI foreach (DataRow d in foods) { NutritionSelect.Items.Add(d.Field <string>("Data")); } // Create panel to hold a label and text box for all data per food if (dataPanel != null) { dataPanel.Dispose(); } dataPanel = new FlowLayoutPanel(); dataPanel.Width = groupBoxNutritionInfo.Width - (dataPanelOffset * 2); dataPanel.Height = groupBoxNutritionInfo.Height - (dataPanelOffset * 2); dataPanel.Location = new Point(dataPanelOffset, dataPanelOffset); dataPanel.AutoScroll = true; groupBoxNutritionInfo.Controls.Add(dataPanel); // Creates a label and textbox for each data member to display its information in the UI foreach (DataTable t in dataHandler.CurrentDataset.Tables) { Label l = new Label(); l.Name = "lbl" + t.TableName; l.Text = t.TableName; l.Width = (dataPanel.Width / 4) - (dataPanelOffset / 2); l.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; TextBox txt = new TextBox(); txt.Name = t.TableName; txt.Width = (dataPanel.Width / 4) - (dataPanelOffset / 2); txt.ReadOnly = true; dataPanel.Controls.Add(l); dataPanel.Controls.Add(txt); l.Visible = true; txt.Visible = true; } NutritionSelect.SelectedIndex = 0; LogHandler.Log("Data loaded successfully."); } }
//Adds the kill button and name to the alive list private void addDokiControlls(Doki doki, string tText = "") { Label t = new Label(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tText)) { t.Text = getText(); } else { t.Text = tText; } doki.Location = new Point(Rand.Next(0, doki.rWall), Rand.Next(0, doki.floor / 2)); Dokies.Add(doki); doki.Show(); FlowLayoutPanel p = new FlowLayoutPanel(); p.Name = "test"; p.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight; p.Size = new Size(this.fpAlive.ClientSize.Width - 25, 25); p.Controls.Add(t); Button b = new Button(); b.Text = "Kill"; if (justMonika) { b.Enabled = false; } p.Controls.Add(b); p.Disposed += (ss, ee) => { this.fpAlive.Controls.Remove(p); t.Dispose(); b.Dispose(); }; b.Click += (ss, ee) => { p.Dispose(); }; b.Click += doki.DokiCloseHandle; this.fpAlive.Controls.Add(p); }
public async Task ImageFilter(string keyword = "") { if (processStop) { return; } flowPanel.Dispose(); flowPanel = new FlowLayoutPanel { Size = new Size(562, 272), Location = new Point(14, 126), AutoScroll = true, }; Controls.Add(flowPanel); FlowFavorite(); integer = 0; emoteString = new List <string>(); pictureList = new List <PictureBox>(); if (processStop) { return; } ImageGetting(keyword); label2.Text = $"{emoteString.Count} Search Results"; label3.Text = $"{page + 1} / {emoteString.Count / paging + 1}"; int emotesOnPage = Math.Min(paging, emoteString.Count - page * paging); for (int x = 0; x < emotesOnPage; x++) { if (processStop) { break; } await Task.Run(() => ImageLoading(x)); if (processStop) { break; } flowPanel.Controls.Add(pictureList[x]); label4.Text = $"{integer} / {emotesOnPage} Loaded"; } }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!disposed) { if (disposing) { //Удаляем элементы pnlMain.Dispose(); pnlReglament_BottomLine.Dispose(); lnklblRegion.Dispose(); lnklblReglament.Dispose(); lnklblShedule.Dispose(); lnklblPeriod.Dispose(); } } disposed = true; }
/// <summary> /// 동적 카테고리와 동적 메뉴 전체 제거하기 /// </summary> private void CategoriesAndMenusClearAll() { // panel_MenuPageLayout > FlowLayoutPanel > UCMenuButton // 메뉴 동적 콘트롤 제거 int categoryCount = this.panel_MenuPageLayout.Controls.Count; while (this.panel_MenuPageLayout.Controls.Count > 0) { while (this.panel_MenuPageLayout.Controls[0].Controls.Count > 0) { UCMenuButton control = this.panel_MenuPageLayout.Controls[0].Controls[0] as UCMenuButton; // 메뉴 이벤트 제거 control.Click -= _menuButton_Click; // 메뉴 객체 제거 this.panel_MenuPageLayout.Controls[0].Controls.RemoveAt(0); // 메뉴 객체 릴리즈 control.Dispose(); } FlowLayoutPanel flp = this.panel_MenuPageLayout.Controls[0] as FlowLayoutPanel; this.panel_MenuPageLayout.Controls.RemoveAt(0); flp.Dispose(); } // 카테고리 동적 콘트롤 제거 while (this.flowLayoutPanel_Category.Controls.Count > 0) { Control control = this.flowLayoutPanel_Category.Controls[0]; // 카테고리 이벤트 제거 control.Click -= _categoryButton_Click; // 카테고리 객체 제거 this.flowLayoutPanel_Category.Controls.RemoveAt(0); // 카테고리 객체 릴리즈 control.Dispose(); } // 카테고리 페이지 맵핑 제거 dicMenuPages.Clear(); }
public void Delete(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Remove link to settings if (_setting != null) { _setting.linkedStats.Remove(this); } Program.windowStatus.indexStats.allStats.Remove(this); Program.windowStatus.Controls.Remove(index); Program.windowStatus.Controls.Remove(name); Program.windowStatus.Controls.Remove(delete); Program.windowStatus.Controls.Remove(panel); index.Dispose(); name.Dispose(); delete.Dispose(); panel.Dispose(); }
// The bulk of the clean-up code is implemented in Dispose(bool) protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { // free managed resources m_reloadPanel.Dispose(); m_sumPanel.Dispose(); m_reloadBtn.Dispose(); m_submitBtn.Dispose(); m_status.Dispose(); m_sumLabel.Dispose(); m_sumTxt.Dispose(); m_dataGridView.Dispose(); appConfig.s_contentProvider.ReleaseDataContent(m_tblName); } // free native resources if there are any. }
private void FlowFavorite() { System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection favorites = (System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection)Properties.Settings.Default["Favorite"]; if (favorites == null) { favorites = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection(); } if (favorites.Count < 1) { flowPanelFav.Size = new Size(562, 0); flowPanel.Size = new Size(562, 272); } else { flowPanel.Size = new Size(562, 216); flowPanelFav.Dispose(); flowPanelFav = new FlowLayoutPanel { Size = new Size(562, 54), Location = new Point(14, 344), AutoScroll = true, }; Controls.Add(flowPanelFav); foreach (string favorite in favorites) { PictureBox picture = new PictureBox() { Name = favorite, TabStop = false, Size = new Size(48, 48), Image = GetImage(favorite, "f_"), }; picture.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; picture.Click += buttonGenerated_Click; picture.MouseMove += buttonGenerated_MouseMove; flowPanelFav.Controls.Add(picture); } } }
public void Dispose() { if (_Header != null) { foreach (Control c in _Header.Controls) { c.Dispose(); } _Header.Dispose(); } if (_Vbracket != null) { foreach (Control c in _Vbracket.Controls) { c.Dispose(); } _Vbracket.Dispose(); } }
public void Dispose(TableLayoutPanel pan) { pan.Controls.Remove(hidden); pan.Controls.Remove(index); pan.Controls.Remove(posx); pan.Controls.Remove(posy); pan.Controls.Remove(fll); pan.Controls.Remove(fl); pan.Controls.Remove(fh); pan.Controls.Remove(fhh); pan.Controls.Remove(delete); hidden.Dispose(); index.Dispose(); posx.Dispose(); posy.Dispose(); fll.Dispose(); fl.Dispose(); fh.Dispose(); fhh.Dispose(); delete.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// 载入消息 /// </summary> /// <param name="sessionInfo"></param> private void LoadMessage(SessionInfo sessionInfo) { panelBody.Controls.Clear(); FlowLayoutPanel flpMessage = new FlowLayoutPanel(); flpMessage.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; isStopRefreshMessage = true; panelBody.Controls.Add(flpMessage); sessionInfo.Componet = flpMessage; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback((object _user) => { //实时刷新用户信息 while (MessageRefreshStatus()) { sessionMessageTimes(sessionInfo); Thread.Sleep(SystemParamters.MessageFrequency); } }), userID); ControlEventHandler panelClose = new ControlEventHandler((object sender, ControlEventArgs e) => { flpMessage.Dispose(); }); flpMessage.Disposed += new EventHandler((object sender, EventArgs e) => { //释放托管的消息实时刷新功能 lock (isStopRefreshMessage) { isStopRefreshMessage = false; } panelBody.ControlRemoved -= panelClose; }); panelBody.ControlRemoved += panelClose; }
private void Update(EntrySettings settings) { var container = notesCtrl.Parent; if (sshButtons != null) { container.Controls.Remove(sshButtons); sshButtons.Dispose(); sshButtons = null; } if (sshLabel == null) { sshLabel = new Label(); sshLabel.Location = notesLabelLocation; sshLabel.Width = 70; sshLabel.Text = "AutoGen:"; container.Controls.Add(sshLabel); } sshButtons = CreateButtons(settings); sshButtons.Location = new Point(notesLocation.X - 5, notesLocation.Y - 5); var lastBtn = sshButtons.Controls[sshButtons.Controls.Count - 1] as Button; var buttonsHeight = lastBtn.Location.Y + lastBtn.Height; sshButtons.Height = buttonsHeight; notesLabel.Location = new Point(notesLabelLocation.X, notesLabelLocation.Y + buttonsHeight); notesCtrl.Location = new Point(notesLocation.X, notesLocation.Y + buttonsHeight); notesCtrl.Height = notesHeight - buttonsHeight; container.Controls.Add(sshButtons); container.ResumeLayout(false); container.PerformLayout(); }
private void flowLayoutPanel_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { //HarrProgressBar data = (HarrProgressBar)e.Data.GetData(typeof(HarrProgressBar)); PB data = (PB)e.Data.GetData(typeof(PB)); FlowLayoutPanel _destination = (FlowLayoutPanel)sender; FlowLayoutPanel _source = (FlowLayoutPanel)data.Parent; Point p1 = _destination.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y)); if (p1.Y > 0) { if (_destination == garbagePanel || _destination == TFLP) { data.Dispose(); ExpanderApp.Expander ex = new ExpanderApp.Expander(); ex.Expand(); ex = new ExpanderApp.Expander(); ex = (Expander)_source.Parent; ex.Collapse(); ex.Expand(); if (_source.Controls.Count <= 0) { if (_source.Parent.Controls.Count <= 2) { _source.Parent.Dispose(); } else { _source.Dispose(); } } _destination.Invalidate(); _source.Invalidate(); } else if (_source != _destination) { // Add control to panel _destination.Controls.Add(data); //_destination.Width = _destination.Width - 8; data.Size = new Size(_destination.Width - 2, data.Height); // Reorder Point p = _destination.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y)); var item = _destination.GetChildAtPoint(p); int index = _destination.Controls.GetChildIndex(item, false); _destination.Controls.SetChildIndex(data, index); // Invalidate to paint! if (_source.Controls.Count <= 0) { if (_source.Parent.Controls.Count <= 2) { _source.Parent.Dispose(); } else { _source.Dispose(); } } _source.Invalidate(); Console.WriteLine(_destination.Parent.ToString()); ExpanderApp.Expander ex = new ExpanderApp.Expander(); ex = (Expander)_destination.Parent; ex.Collapse(); ex.Expand(); ex = new ExpanderApp.Expander(); ex = (Expander)_source.Parent; ex.Collapse(); ex.Expand(); _destination.Invalidate(); _source.Invalidate(); } else { // Just add the control to the new panel. // No need to remove from the other panel, // this changes the Control.Parent property. Point p = _destination.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y)); var item = _destination.GetChildAtPoint(p); int index = _destination.Controls.GetChildIndex(item, false); _destination.Controls.SetChildIndex(data, index); ExpanderApp.Expander ex = new ExpanderApp.Expander(); ex.Expand(); ex = new ExpanderApp.Expander(); ex = (Expander)_source.Parent; ex.Collapse(); ex.Expand(); _destination.Invalidate(); } FadeIn(TFLP, 1); } FadeIn(TFLP, 1); //garbagePanel.Visible = false; }
private void CreateTableOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TextBox[,] tableInputs = new TextBox[(int)NoOfRows.Value, (int)NoOfCol.Value]; CreateTableDialog.Visible = false; FlowLayoutPanel mainPanel = new FlowLayoutPanel(); mainPanel.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.TopDown; DesignCanvas.Controls.Add(mainPanel); mainPanel.Location = new Point(100, 100); mainPanel.AutoSize = true; mainPanel.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(40, 40, 40); mainPanel.ForeColor = Color.White; FlowLayoutPanel headingsPanel = new FlowLayoutPanel(); headingsPanel.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight; headingsPanel.AutoSize = true; headingsPanel.AutoScroll = true; for (int i = 0; i < NoOfCol.Value; i++) { Label headings = new Label(); headings.Width = 100; headings.Text = "<td>"; headings.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; headingsPanel.Controls.Add(headings); } mainPanel.Controls.Add(headingsPanel); for (int i = 0; i < NoOfRows.Value; i++) { FlowLayoutPanel innerPanel = new FlowLayoutPanel(); innerPanel.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight; innerPanel.AutoSize = true; for (int j = 0; j < NoOfCol.Value; j++) { tableInputs[i, j] = new TextBox(); innerPanel.Controls.Add(tableInputs[i, j]); } mainPanel.Controls.Add(innerPanel); } FlowLayoutPanel buttons = new FlowLayoutPanel(); buttons.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight; buttons.AutoSize = true; Button Ok = new Button(); Ok.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(40, 40, 40); Ok.Text = "OK"; Ok.Location = new Point(50, 200); Ok.Size = new Size(116, 34); Ok.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; Ok.Click += (s, er) => { mainPanel.Visible = false; currentLayer = noOfLayers; currentLayer++; noOfLayers++; layers[currentLayer] = new TableLayer(currentLayer, "table"); for (int i = 0; i < NoOfRows.Value; i++) { layers[currentLayer].addTr(); for (int j = 0; j < NoOfCol.Value; j++) { layers[currentLayer].getTr().addLi("td", (TableLayer)layers[currentLayer], TableTextInput); layers[currentLayer].getTr().getLi().getDesign().Text = tableInputs[i, j].Text; layers[currentLayer].getTr().getLi().getCode().getHTML().setValue(tableInputs[i, j].Text); layers[currentLayer].getTr().getLi().getDesign().Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 16); layers[currentLayer].getTr().getLi().getDesign().Width = 15 * layers[currentLayer].getTr().getLi().getDesign().Text.Length; } } /*layers[currentLayer].getTr().getPanel().Click += (s4, er4) => { * * layers[currentLayer].setCurrentTr(layers[currentLayer].getPanel().getIndex()); * MessageBox.Show(layers[currentLayer].getCurrentTr().ToString()); * * };*/ DesignCanvas.Controls.Add(layers[currentLayer].getPanel()); HtmlCode.Text = writeCompleteHTML(); mainPanel.Dispose(); }; Button Back = new Button(); Back.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(40, 40, 40); Back.Text = "BACK"; //Ok.Location = new Point(150, 200); Back.Size = new Size(116, 34); Back.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; Back.Click += (s, er) => { mainPanel.Visible = false; CreateTableDialog.Visible = true; }; buttons.Controls.Add(Ok); buttons.Controls.Add(Back); mainPanel.Controls.Add(buttons); }
private void addRow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TextBox[] columnInputs = new TextBox[(int)NoOfCol.Value]; FlowLayoutPanel mainPanel = new FlowLayoutPanel(); mainPanel.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.TopDown; DesignCanvas.Controls.Add(mainPanel); mainPanel.Location = new Point(100, 100); mainPanel.AutoSize = true; mainPanel.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(40, 40, 40); mainPanel.ForeColor = Color.White; FlowLayoutPanel innerPanel = new FlowLayoutPanel(); innerPanel.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight; innerPanel.AutoSize = true; for (int j = 0; j < NoOfCol.Value; j++) { columnInputs[j] = new TextBox(); innerPanel.Controls.Add(columnInputs[j]); } mainPanel.Controls.Add(innerPanel); FlowLayoutPanel buttons = new FlowLayoutPanel(); buttons.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight; buttons.AutoSize = true; Button Ok = new Button(); Ok.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(40, 40, 40); Ok.Text = "OK"; Ok.Location = new Point(50, 200); Ok.Size = new Size(116, 34); Ok.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; Ok.Click += (s, er) => { mainPanel.Visible = false; layers[currentLayer].addTr(); for (int j = 0; j < NoOfCol.Value; j++) { layers[currentLayer].getTr().addLi("td", (TableLayer)layers[currentLayer], TableTextInput); layers[currentLayer].getTr().getLi().getDesign().Text = columnInputs[j].Text; layers[currentLayer].getTr().getLi().getCode().getHTML().setValue(columnInputs[j].Text); layers[currentLayer].getTr().getLi().getDesign().Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 16); layers[currentLayer].getTr().getLi().getDesign().Width = 15 * layers[currentLayer].getTr().getLi().getDesign().Text.Length; } DesignCanvas.Controls.Add(layers[currentLayer].getPanel()); layers[currentLayer].getPanel().Dock = DockStyle.Top; layers[currentLayer].getPanel().BringToFront(); HtmlCode.Text = writeCompleteHTML(); mainPanel.Dispose(); }; Button Back = new Button(); Back.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(40, 40, 40); Back.Text = "BACK"; //Ok.Location = new Point(150, 200); Back.Size = new Size(116, 34); Back.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; Back.Click += (s, er) => { mainPanel.Visible = false; CreateTableDialog.Visible = true; }; buttons.Controls.Add(Ok); buttons.Controls.Add(Back); mainPanel.Controls.Add(buttons); }
public void Dispose() { if (_WeightCatPanel != null) { foreach (Control x in _WeightCatPanel.Controls) { x.Dispose(); } _WeightCatPanel.Dispose(); } if (_BeltFactorShape != null) { foreach (Control x in _BeltFactorShape.Controls) { x.Dispose(); } _BeltFactorShape.Dispose(); } if (_PersonalDataPanel != null) { foreach (Control x in _PersonalDataPanel.Controls) { x.Dispose(); } _PersonalDataPanel.Dispose(); } if (_BtnShowContData != null) { foreach (Control x in _BtnShowContData.Controls) { x.Dispose(); } _BtnShowContData.Dispose(); } if (_AgeCatPanel != null) { foreach (Control x in _AgeCatPanel.Controls) { x.Dispose(); } _AgeCatPanel.Dispose(); } if (_WeightCatPanel != null) { foreach (Control x in _WeightCatPanel.Controls) { x.Dispose(); } _WeightCatPanel.Dispose(); } if (_ExactWeightShape != null) { foreach (Control x in _ExactWeightShape.Controls) { x.Dispose(); } _ExactWeightShape.Dispose(); } if (_ContMainPanel != null) { foreach (Control x in _ContMainPanel.Controls) { x.Dispose(); } _ContMainPanel.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// Performs the custom layout. /// </summary> private void PerformCustomLayout() { // Remove controls and dispose them IEnumerable <Control> oldControls = MainFlowLayoutPanel.Controls.Cast <Control>().ToList(); MainFlowLayoutPanel.Controls.Clear(); foreach (Control ctl in oldControls) { ctl.Dispose(); } IEnumerable <Character> characters = GetCharacters; // Add controls for characters if (Settings.UI.SystemTrayPopup.GroupBy == TrayPopupGrouping.Account && Settings.UI.SystemTrayPopup.IndentGroupedAccounts) { List <ESIKey> prevAPIKeys = new List <ESIKey>(); foreach (Character character in characters) { OverviewItem charPanel = GetOverviewItem(character); List <ESIKey> apiKeys = character.Identity.ESIKeys.ToList(); if (!apiKeys.Exists(apiKey => prevAPIKeys.Contains(apiKey))) { MainFlowLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(charPanel); prevAPIKeys = apiKeys; } else { FlowLayoutPanel tempAccountGroupPanel = null; try { tempAccountGroupPanel = new FlowLayoutPanel(); tempAccountGroupPanel.Controls.Add(charPanel); tempAccountGroupPanel.AutoSize = true; tempAccountGroupPanel.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink; tempAccountGroupPanel.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.TopDown; tempAccountGroupPanel.Padding = new Padding(10, 0, 0, 0); tempAccountGroupPanel.CreateControl(); FlowLayoutPanel accountGroupPanel = tempAccountGroupPanel; tempAccountGroupPanel = null; MainFlowLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(accountGroupPanel); } finally { tempAccountGroupPanel?.Dispose(); } prevAPIKeys = apiKeys; } } } else { MainFlowLayoutPanel.Controls.AddRange(characters.Select(GetOverviewItem).ToArray <Control>()); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a panel contains the warning message for accounts not in training. /// </summary> /// <param name="warningMessage"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static FlowLayoutPanel CreateAccountsNotTrainingPanel(string warningMessage) { // Create a flowlayout to hold the content FlowLayoutPanel warningPanel; FlowLayoutPanel tempWarningPanel = null; try { tempWarningPanel = new FlowLayoutPanel { AutoSize = true, AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink, Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 2) }; // Add a picture on the left with a warning icon if (!Settings.UI.SafeForWork) { int portraitSize = Int32.Parse(Settings.UI.SystemTrayPopup.PortraitSize.ToString().Substring(1), CultureConstants.InvariantCulture); PictureBox tempPictureBoxWarning = null; try { tempPictureBoxWarning = new PictureBox(); tempPictureBoxWarning.Image = SystemIcons.Warning.ToBitmap(); tempPictureBoxWarning.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; tempPictureBoxWarning.Size = new Size(portraitSize, portraitSize); tempPictureBoxWarning.Margin = new Padding(2); PictureBox pbWarning = tempPictureBoxWarning; tempPictureBoxWarning = null; tempWarningPanel.Controls.Add(pbWarning); } finally { tempPictureBoxWarning?.Dispose(); } } // Adds a label to hold the message Label tempLabelMessage = null; try { tempLabelMessage = new Label { AutoSize = true, Text = warningMessage }; Label lblMessage = tempLabelMessage; tempLabelMessage = null; tempWarningPanel.Controls.Add(lblMessage); } finally { tempLabelMessage?.Dispose(); } tempWarningPanel.CreateControl(); warningPanel = tempWarningPanel; tempWarningPanel = null; } finally { tempWarningPanel?.Dispose(); } return(warningPanel); }
public void chart_onClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { Chart chart = (Chart)sender; HitTestResult results = chart.HitTest(e.X, e.Y); // Check to see if you clicked the chart itself. if (results.ChartElementType == ChartElementType.DataPoint) { // Reset each chart peice to default value. foreach (DataPoint point in chart.Series[0].Points) { point["Exploded"] = "false"; point.BorderWidth = 0; } // 'Explode' the chart piece. // chart.Series[0].Points[results.PointIndex]["Exploded"] = "true"; chart.Series[0].Points[results.PointIndex].BorderWidth = 3; chart.Series[0].Points[results.PointIndex].BorderColor = Color.Black; if (statPanel != null) { statPanel.Dispose(); } // re-center the chart. chart.Location = new Point(200, (container.Height - chart.Height) / 2); if (question > 0 && currentTab < 1) { mainCurrentIndex = results.PointIndex; } // Generate tabs if chart values arn't total. if (question > 0) { if (tabLayoutPanel == null) { generateTabs(container); } } ; generateStatistics(chart, results.PointIndex); } // Check to see if you clicked outside of the chart. else if (results.ChartElementType == ChartElementType.PlottingArea) { // Reset the chart's position and state. foreach (DataPoint point in chart.Series[0].Points) { point["Exploded"] = "false"; point.BorderWidth = 0; } if (statPanel != null) { statPanel.Dispose(); } chart.Location = new Point((container.Width - chart.Width) / 2, (container.Height - chart.Height) / 2); } }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { REF.Dispose(); }