private void _switchLight(bool on) { _on = on; // Light _light.enabled = _on; _light.intensity = _baseIntensity * _intensity; _glassMaterial.SetColor("_EmissionColor", _lightColor * (_on ? 100 : 0)); _glassMaterial.SetFloat("_EmissionScaleUI", _on ? 100.0f : 0.0f); _switchMaterial.color = * (_on ? 1.0f : 0.2f); _switchMaterial.SetColor("_EmissionColor",; _switchMaterial.SetFloat("_EmissionScaleUI", _on ? 50.0f : 0.0f); if (_on) { _glassMaterial.EnableKeyword("_EMISSION"); _switchMaterial.EnableKeyword("_EMISSION"); } else { _glassMaterial.DisableKeyword("_EMISSION"); _switchMaterial.DisableKeyword("_EMISSION"); } // Sound if (_on) { FloodlightAudio.Play(_audio.HumLoop); } else { FloodlightAudio.Stop(_audio.HumLoop); } }
private FloodlightAudio _audio; // Audio sources public FloodlightOld() { _savePath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "floodlight.xml"); _audio = new FloodlightAudio(); UseBattery = new Settings("UseBattery", "Consume battery power", true); EnableFlicker = new Settings("EnableFlicker", "Periodic flickering (EPILEPSY WARNING)", true); Unbreakable = new Settings("UnbreakableBulb", "Lightbulb never breaks", false); }
public override void Update() { //// Load audio //if (!_audio.HasLoaded) //{ // try // { // _initAudioAsync(); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // ModConsole.Error(ex.ToString()); // } //} // Get inputs float scroll = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel"); bool use = cInput.GetButtonDown("Use"); // Raycast RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition), 1.0f); for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; ++i) { if (hits[i].collider == _lampCollider) { PlayMakerGlobals.Instance.Variables.FindFsmBool("GUIuse").Value = true; PlayMakerGlobals.Instance.Variables.FindFsmString("GUIinteraction").Value = _on ? "light on" : "light off"; if (use) { // Toggle the light _switchLight(!_on); if (_on) { FloodlightAudio.Play(_audio.SwitchOn); } else { FloodlightAudio.Play(_audio.SwitchOff); _battery = null; _batteryCharge = null; } } if (scroll > 0) { // Pitch up _pitch -= 5.0f; if (_pitch < -60.0f) { _pitch = -60.0f; } _lamp.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(_pitch, 0.0f, 0.0f); } if (scroll < 0) { // Pitch down _pitch += 5.0f; if (_pitch > 10.0f) { _pitch = 10.0f; } _lamp.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(_pitch, 0.0f, 0.0f); } break; } else if (hits[i].collider == _boxColliderTeimo || hits[i].collider == _boxColliderFleetari) { PlayMakerGlobals.Instance.Variables.FindFsmBool("GUIbuy").Value = true; PlayMakerGlobals.Instance.Variables.FindFsmString("GUIinteraction").Value = _bulbText; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0)) { if (_bulbHealth <= 0) { FsmFloat wealth = PlayMakerGlobals.Instance.Variables.FindFsmFloat("PlayerMoney"); if (wealth.Value >= _bulbCost) { wealth.Value -= _bulbCost; hits[i].collider.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play(); _bulbHealth = UnityEngine.Random.Range(60, 100); ModConsole.Print($"Floodlight: lightbulb replaced, {_bulbHealth} health"); } else { ModConsole.Print($"Floodlight: not enough money ({wealth.Value.ToString("0")} wealth, {_bulbCost.ToString("0")} cost)"); } } else { ModConsole.Print($"Floodlight: lightbulb is not broken ({_bulbHealth} health)"); } } break; } } // Conditions to switch off if (_on) { if (!_checkBattery(true)) { _switchLight(false); } if (_bulbHealth <= 0) { if (_bulbHealth == 0) { FloodlightAudio.Play(_audio.Break); } --_bulbHealth; _switchLight(false); } } }
private bool _checkBattery(bool connect) { // Skip the whole shebang if battery usage is disabled if (!(bool)UseBattery.GetValue()) { return(true); } // Disconnect the battery if needed if (!connect) { _battery = null; _batteryCharge = null; return(false); } // Try to find a battery if (_battery == null) { foreach (GameObject o in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <GameObject>().Where(e => == "battery(Clone)")) { if ((o.transform.position - _base.transform.position).sqrMagnitude < 1.0f) { if (_batteryIsInstalled(o)) { continue; } _battery = o; ModConsole.Print($"Floodlight: battery found, {o.GetComponents<PlayMakerFSM>().Single(c => c.FsmName == "Use").FsmVariables.FindFsmFloat("Charge").Value.ToString("0.00")} charge"); } } if (_battery == null) { ModConsole.Print("Floodlight: battery not found"); } } // Check if the battery is still connected if (_battery != null) { // Check if the battery is in range and not installed in the car if ((_battery.transform.position - _base.transform.position).sqrMagnitude < 1.0f && !_batteryIsInstalled(_battery)) { // Check the charge level if (_batteryCharge == null) { _batteryCharge = _battery.GetComponents <PlayMakerFSM>().Single(c => c.FsmName == "Use").FsmVariables.FindFsmFloat("Charge"); } if (_batteryCharge != null && _batteryCharge.Value >= _turnOffCharge) { // If the charge level is above minimum, drain energy if (_on) { _batteryCharge.Value -= _dischargeRate * Time.deltaTime; if (_batteryCharge.Value > _turnOffCharge) { //_intensity = (_batteryCharge.Value < _dimStartCharge ? (_batteryCharge.Value - _turnOffCharge) / (_dimStartCharge - _turnOffCharge) : 1.0f); _intensity = _batteryCharge.Value < _dimStartCharge ? (_batteryCharge.Value - _turnOffCharge) / (_dimStartCharge - _turnOffCharge) / 2.0f + 0.5f : 1.0f; if ((bool)EnableFlicker.GetValue()) { _flicker(_flickerTimer); } } _light.intensity = _baseIntensity * _intensity * _flickerMultiplier; } return(true); } else { // If not, disconnect ModConsole.Print("Floodlight: battery depleted"); _battery = null; _batteryCharge = null; return(false); } } else { // If not, disconnect and play the disconnect sound clip ModConsole.Print("Floodlight: battery disconnected"); _batteryCharge = null; _battery = null; FloodlightAudio.Play(_audio.Disconnect); return(false); } } else { return(false); } }