コード例 #1
    private void SpawnRandomFlockSpherical(Vector3 center, FlockData[] storeTo, int index)
        Vector3 randomDirection   = new Vector3(Random.Range(-1f, 1f), Random.Range(-1f, 1f), Random.Range(-1f, 1f)).normalized;
        Vector3 randomOrientation = new Vector3(Random.Range(-1f, 1f), Random.Range(-1f, 1f), Random.Range(-1f, 1f)).normalized;
        Vector3 pos = center + (randomDirection * Random.Range(0f, FlockingMaxSpawnRadius));

        FlockData flock = new FlockData();

        flock.position         = pos;
        flock.currentDirection = randomOrientation;
        flock.targetDirection  = randomOrientation;
        flock.targetVelocity   = Random.Range(FlockingStartVelocityMin, FlockingStartVelocityMax);

        if (index < destinationPoints.Length)
            flock.destinationPoint = destinationPoints[index];

        storeTo[index] = flock;
コード例 #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //--------------- Get particles to alter --------------------
        ParticleSystem.Particle[] particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[flockParticleEmitter.particleCount];
        //--------------- Get particles to alter --------------------

        int i = Mathf.Min(flockers.Length, particles.Length); //Should be the same, but hey...

        while (--i > -1)
            //--------------- Update Flocking positions based on Velocity and targetDirection --------------------
            FlockData flock = flockers[i];
            flock.currentDirection = Vector3.Slerp(flock.currentDirection, flock.targetDirection, Time.deltaTime * FlockingSteeringSpeed);
            flock.position        += flock.currentDirection * (Time.deltaTime * flock.currentVelocity);
            flock.currentColor     = Color.Lerp(flock.currentColor, flock.targetColor, Time.deltaTime * ParticleColorLerpSpeed);
            //--------------- Update Flocking positions based on Velocity and targetDirection --------------------

            //--------------- Update assosiated particle --------------------
            particles[i].position          = flock.position;
            particles[i].remainingLifetime = float.MaxValue;
            particles[i].color             = flock.currentColor;
            particles[i].size = ParticleSize;
            //--------------- Update assosiated particle --------------------

            if (FlockingDebugMode)
                Debug.DrawRay(flock.position, flock.targetDirection * 2f, Color.white);
                Debug.DrawRay(flock.position, flock.currentDirection * 2f, Color.red);

        flockParticleEmitter.SetParticles(particles, particles.Length);
コード例 #3
    //--------------- IThreadWorker Implementation --------------------

    public void ExecuteThreadedWork()
        startWorkIndex = Mathf.Clamp(startWorkIndex, 0, AllFlocks.Length);
        endWorkIndex   = Mathf.Clamp(endWorkIndex, 0, AllFlocks.Length);

        //--------------- Creat list with indexes --------------------
        int[] randomIndexes = new int[AllFlocks.Length];
        int   i             = AllFlocks.Length;

        while (--i > -1)
            randomIndexes[i] = i;

        //--------------- Creat list with indexes --------------------

        for (i = startWorkIndex; i < endWorkIndex && !isAborted; i++)
            //--------------- Shuffle indexes every-something-flocks --------------------
            if ((float)i % (float)maxRandomSiblingsTested == 0f)
            //--------------- Shuffle indexes every-something-flocks --------------------

            FlockData flock = AllFlocks[i];

            if (flock.position.y < 0f) //Through the ground....
                flock.position.y        = -flock.position.y;
                flock.targetDirection.y = Mathf.Abs(flock.targetDirection.y);
                flock.currentDirection  = flock.targetDirection;
                flock.currentColor      = flock.targetColor = new Color(1f, 1f, 0f, 0.65f);
                flock.currentVelocity   = flock.targetVelocity;
                Vector3 toCenterVec = universeCenter - flock.position;
                if (toCenterVec.sqrMagnitude > maxBoundsRadius * maxBoundsRadius) //If outside of univere limits
                    flock.targetDirection = toCenterVec.normalized;
                    flock.targetColor     = new Color(1f, 0f, 1f, 0.25f);
                    flock.currentVelocity = flock.targetVelocity;
                    //--------------- Check for Collisions --------------------
                    bool isColliding = false;
                    int  j           = AllColliders.Length;

                    Vector3 collisionAvoidenceDir = Vector3.zero;
                    while (--j > -1 && !isAborted)
                        EnvironmentCollider coll    = AllColliders[j];
                        Vector3             diffVec = coll.position - flock.position;

                        if (diffVec.sqrMagnitude < coll.radiusSqr)
                            isColliding = true;
                            Vector3 invDiff       = -diffVec.normalized;
                            Vector3 reflectionDir = FlockHelper.ReflectVector(invDiff, flock.currentDirection);
                            collisionAvoidenceDir += reflectionDir;
                            flock.position         = coll.position + (invDiff * coll.radius);
                    //--------------- Check for Collisions --------------------

                    if (isColliding) //If Colliding
                        flock.targetDirection = flock.currentDirection = collisionAvoidenceDir.normalized;
                        flock.currentColor    = flock.targetColor = new Color(1f, 0.1f, 0f, 0.85f);
                        flock.currentVelocity = flock.targetVelocity * 2f;
                        Vector3 diffDestionation = flock.destinationPoint - flock.position;
                        if (diffDestionation.sqrMagnitude < destinationAttractRadiusSqr) //If close to unique target point...
                            flock.targetDirection = diffDestionation.normalized;
                            float lerpT = Mathf.Clamp01(diffDestionation.magnitude / destinationReachedRadius);
                            flock.currentVelocity = flock.targetVelocity * lerpT;
                            flock.targetColor     = Color.Lerp(new Color(0f, 1f, 0f, 1f), new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.15f), lerpT);
                            Vector3 combinedDirection = flock.targetDirection;
                            Vector3 combinedColor     = Vector3.zero;

                            j = Mathf.Min(AllFlocks.Length, maxRandomSiblingsTested);
                            while (--j > -1 && !isAborted)
                                //--------------- Get a random sibling --------------------
                                int randomIndex = randomIndexes[j];
                                if (i == randomIndex)
                                FlockData sibling = AllFlocks[randomIndex];
                                //--------------- Get a random sibling --------------------

                                Vector3 diffVec = sibling.position - flock.position;
                                float   distSqr = diffVec.sqrMagnitude;

                                if (distSqr < seperationRadiusSqr)
                                    combinedDirection += Vector3.Cross(flock.currentDirection, diffVec.normalized) * seperationWeight;
                                    combinedColor.y   += seperationWeight; //y == green;
                                //else if (distSqr < alignmentRadiusSqr)
                                if (distSqr < alignmentRadiusSqr)
                                    combinedDirection += sibling.currentDirection * alignmentWeight;
                                    combinedColor.z   += alignmentWeight; //z == blue;
                                //else if (distSqr < cohesionRadiusSqr)
                                if (distSqr < cohesionRadiusSqr)
                                    combinedDirection += diffVec.normalized * cohesionWeight;
                                    combinedColor     += new Vector3(cohesionWeight, cohesionWeight, cohesionWeight); //Add white

                            flock.targetDirection = combinedDirection.normalized;
                            flock.currentVelocity = flock.targetVelocity;
                            flock.targetColor = new Color(combinedColor.x, combinedColor.y, combinedColor.z, 0.15f);
コード例 #4
    private void SpawnRandomFlockSpherical(Vector3 center, FlockData[] storeTo, int index)
        Vector3 randomDirection = new Vector3(Random.Range(-1f, 1f), Random.Range(-1f, 1f), Random.Range(-1f, 1f)).normalized;
        Vector3 randomOrientation = new Vector3(Random.Range(-1f, 1f), Random.Range(-1f, 1f), Random.Range(-1f, 1f)).normalized;
        Vector3 pos = center + (randomDirection * Random.Range(0f, FlockingMaxSpawnRadius));

        FlockData flock = new FlockData();
        flock.position = pos;
        flock.currentDirection = randomOrientation;
        flock.targetDirection = randomOrientation;
        flock.targetVelocity = Random.Range(FlockingStartVelocityMin, FlockingStartVelocityMax);

        if (index < destinationPoints.Length)
            flock.destinationPoint = destinationPoints[index];

        storeTo[index] = flock;