コード例 #1
ファイル: ElementCrusher.cs プロジェクト: valourus/GT-O
        public CompressedElement Write(CompressedElement ce, byte[] bytes, ref int bitposition, BitCullingLevel bcl = BitCullingLevel.NoCulling)
            if (!cached)

            if (cache_isUniformScale)
                uint c = (uint)ucrusher.Write(ce.cUniform, bytes, ref bitposition, bcl);
                return(new CompressedElement(this, c, cache_uBits[(int)bcl]));

            else if (TRSType == TRSType.Quaternion)
                ulong c = qcrusher.Write(ce.cQuat, bytes, ref bitposition);
                return(new CompressedElement(this, c, cache_qBits));

            //Debug.Log("CX write " + ce.cx);
            //else if (cache_mustCorrectRotationX)
            //	v3 = FloatCrusherUtilities.GetXCorrectedEuler(v3);
            //Debug.Log("Writing Scale " + ce.cx);
            return(new CompressedElement(
                       (uint)(cache_xEnabled ? (uint)xcrusher.Write(ce.cx, bytes, ref bitposition, bcl) : 0),
                       (uint)(cache_yEnabled ? (uint)ycrusher.Write(ce.cy, bytes, ref bitposition, bcl) : 0),
                       (uint)(cache_zEnabled ? (uint)zcrusher.Write(ce.cz, bytes, ref bitposition, bcl) : 0),
                       cache_xBits[(int)bcl], cache_yBits[(int)bcl], cache_zBits[(int)bcl]));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Write/Pack all of the values we want to network into a bitstream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bitstream"></param>
        public void SerializeValuesToBitstream(byte[] bitstream, ref int writepos)
            /// Write the NetId of the player this update belongs to.
            bitstream.Write((ulong)NetId, ref writepos, 32);

            /// Compress(crush) and serialize the values of the meter disk and the player color.
            meterCrusher.Write(meterval, bitstream, ref writepos);

            colorCrusher.Write(color.r, bitstream, ref writepos);
            colorCrusher.Write(color.g, bitstream, ref writepos);
            colorCrusher.Write(color.b, bitstream, ref writepos);

            /// Compress this objects current transform to the CompressedMatrix.
            sharedCrusher.Crusher.Compress(compMatrix, transform);

            /// For this example we compare the new CompressedMatrix with the previously sent one to see if anything has changed.
            /// If the compressed value has not changed, we will not send a compressed transform this tick. The == operator is overloaded
            /// for CompressedElement and CompressedMatrix, so == actually is running a.Equals(b) behind the scenes letting you compare the
            /// classes as if they were structs.
            if (compMatrix != sentCompMatrix)
                /// Single true bit flag to indicate a compressed transform follows
                bitstream.WriteBool(true, ref writepos);

                /// Pass the bitstream to the TransformCrusher to serialize in the value of compMatrix.
                sharedCrusher.Crusher.Write(compMatrix, bitstream, ref writepos);

                /// Copy the values of of cm for comparison next tick.
                /// Single false bit flag to indicate a compressed transform doesn't follow
                bitstream.WriteBool(false, ref writepos);

            // as long as the bitstream isn't full, you can append other data as well onto the bitstream.
            // Bools only use one bit of traffic.
            bitstream.WriteBool(flasherIsOn, ref writepos);