async public Task Update(FlightDto flight) { => f.Id == flight.Id));; await Task.CompletedTask; }
public IActionResult CreateFlight([FromBody] FlightDto flight) { if (flight == null) { return(BadRequest()); } // custom validation to make sure duplicate flights don't get created if (_flightInfoRepository.GetFlightByFlightNumber(flight.FlightNumber) != null) { _logger.LogCritical("Flight Already Exists"); ModelState.AddModelError("Flight", "Flight Already Exists."); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } var flightEntity = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <Flight>(flight); _flightInfoRepository.AddFlight(flightEntity); if (!_flightInfoRepository.Save()) { _logger.LogCritical($"An Error Occured While saving flight with flight number: {flightEntity.FlightNumber}"); return(StatusCode(500, "An Error Occured While Handing Your Request.")); } var newFlight = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <FlightDto>(flightEntity); return(CreatedAtRoute("GetFlightByFlightNumber", new { flightNumber = newFlight.FlightNumber }, newFlight)); }
/// <summary> /// Notifing the clients that the flight event occured. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">The arrguments processed and send to the client about the event.</param> private void OnFlightMove(FlightMoveArgs args) { IHubContext _hub = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <FlightsHub>(); FlightDto flightDto = GetFlightDto(args); _hub.Clients.All.FlightMove(flightDto); }
public void Update_When_flightDto_is_null_Then_throw_NullBodyException() { FlightDto nullDto = null; int id = 1; Assert.Throws <NullBodyException>(() => _service.Update(id, nullDto)); }
public void Update_Bed() { //arange FlightsService fs = new FlightsService(unitOfWork, mapper, validator); var expected = new Flight { Id = 1, FlightNumber = "QW11", DeparturePoint = "London", DepartureTime = Convert.ToDateTime("2018-07-13T08:22:56.6404304+03:00"), DestinationPoint = "Ukraine", ArrivalTime = Convert.ToDateTime("2018-07-13T08:22:56.6404304+03:00") + TimeSpan.FromHours(5) }; var fightDtoToTest = new FlightDto { Id = 1, FlightNumber = "QW", DeparturePoint = "London", DepartureTime = Convert.ToDateTime("2018-07-13T08:22:56.6404304+03:00"), DestinationPoint = "Ukraine", ArrivalTime = Convert.ToDateTime("2018-07-13T08:22:56.6404304+03:00") + TimeSpan.FromHours(5) }; //act fs.Update(fightDtoToTest); var actual = (unitOfWork.Set <Flight>() as FakeRpository <Flight>).updatedItem; //assert Assert.IsNull(actual); }
public async Task Create(FlightDto item) { var newItem = _mapper.Map <FlightDto, Flight>(item); await _unitOfWork.Repository <Flight>().Create(newItem); await _unitOfWork.SaveAsync(); }
public async Task <Flight> MapFlight(FlightDto value) { var list = await unitOfWork.Tickets.Get(); var res = new List <Ticket>(); foreach (var item in value.Tickets) { foreach (var tick in list) { if (item.ID == tick.Id) { res.Add(tick); } } } return(new Flight() { Id = value.ID, DeparturePoint = value.DeparturePoint, DepartureTime = value.DepartureTime, DestinationPoint = value.Destination, DestinationTime = value.DestinationTime, Number = value.Number, Tickets = res }); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Id,DepartureId,DestinationId,DateTime,StopNumber,SeatNumber")] FlightDto flight) { if (id != flight.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { flight = await _service.Update(flight); await _signalrHub.Clients.All.SendAsync("LoadFlights"); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (await _service.Get(flight.Id) == null) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(flight)); }
private FlightDto CollectRawData(FlightDataModel flightDataModel) { var flight = new FlightDto() { Number = flightDataModel.Number, From = new CityDto() { Id = flightDataModel.FromCity }, To = new CityDto() { Id = flightDataModel.ToCity }, DepartureDate = flightDataModel.DepartureDate, ArrivalDate = flightDataModel.ArrivalDate, Status = _flightService.Status(flightDataModel.Status) }; if (flightDataModel.Id != null) { flight.Id = flightDataModel.Id.Value; } var members = GetMemberCollection(flightDataModel); flight.AircrewMembers = members; return(flight); }
async public Task <IActionResult> Edit(FlightEditViewModel flightEditViewModel) { this.EnforceCustomValidation(flightEditViewModel); if (this.ModelState.IsValid) { var flightDto = new FlightDto { Id = flightEditViewModel.Id, DepartureAirport = new AirportDto { Id = flightEditViewModel.DepartureAirportId }, DestinationAirport = new AirportDto { Id = flightEditViewModel.DestinationAirportId }, Aircraft = new AircraftDto { Id = flightEditViewModel.AircraftId } }; await this.flightApiService.Update(flightDto); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } else { await this.PopulateLists(flightEditViewModel); return(View(flightEditViewModel)); } }
public List <FlightDto> Execute() { var flights = new List <FlightDto>(); var destinations = Enum.GetValues(typeof(DestinationEnum)); for (int i = 1, j = 1; i <= App.Default.FlightScheduledDays; i++) { foreach (var destination in destinations) { if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ScheduledFlightDestinationEnum), destination.ToString())) { var flight = new FlightDto() { FlightNo = j++, Departure = ArrivalEnum.YUL, Arrival = (DestinationEnum)destination, Day = i }; flights.Add(flight); } } } return(flights); }
/// <summary> /// Get set of available statuses to selected flight. /// </summary> /// <param name="flight">Flight identifier</param> /// <returns>Service result that contain result(available statuses) success/failure execution and error list of method.</returns> public ServiceResult <IEnumerable <string> > GetAvailableStatuses(FlightDto flight = null) { var result = new ServiceResult <IEnumerable <string> >() { Result = new List <string>() { "Cancelled" }, Status = AnswerStatus.Success }; if (flight == null) { (result.Result as IList <string>).Add("Preparing"); (result.Result as IList <string>).Add("In Air"); (result.Result as IList <string>).Add("Landed"); return(result); } else if (flight.DepartureDate > flight.ArrivalDate) { (result.Result as IList <string>).Clear(); result.Errors.Add("Date error", "Departure date is later than arrival."); result.Status = AnswerStatus.Failure; } else if (flight.Status == FlightStatus.Preparing) { if (DateTime.Now.Date >= flight.DepartureDate.Date) { (result.Result as IList <string>).Add("In Air"); if (DateTime.Now.Date >= flight.ArrivalDate.Date) { (result.Result as IList <string>).Add("Landed"); } } } else if (flight.Status == FlightStatus.InAir) { if (DateTime.Now.Date >= flight.ArrivalDate.Date) { (result.Result as IList <string>).Add("Landed"); } } else if (flight.Status == FlightStatus.Landed) { if (DateTime.Now.Date >= flight.ArrivalDate.Date) { (result.Result as IList <string>).Remove("Cancelled"); } } else { (result.Result as IList <string>).Clear(); result.Errors.Add("Flight status error", "Invalid value of flight."); result.Status = AnswerStatus.Failure; } return(result); }
public async Task <ActionResult <FlightDto> > PutFlightById(int id, [FromBody] FlightDto flightDto) { try { var oldFlight = await _flightRepository.GetFlightById(id); if (oldFlight == null) { return(NotFound($"Couldn't find any flight with id: {id}")); } var newFlight = _mapper.Map(flightDto, oldFlight); _flightRepository.Update(newFlight); if (await _flightRepository.Save()) { return(NoContent()); } } catch (Exception e) { return(this.StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, $"Database Failure: {e.Message}")); } return(BadRequest()); }
public async Task Update(FlightDto item) { var updItem = _mapper.Map <FlightDto, Flight>(item); await _unitOfWork.Repository <Flight>().Update(updItem); await _unitOfWork.SaveAsync(); }
public async Task WhenAddCompleteFlightButWrongValuesTheGetArgumentNullException() { var flightDto = new FlightDto { DepartureAirportId = 1, DestinationAirportId = 3, AircraftId = 1 }; var result = await _business.AddSync(flightDto); }
public void FlightUpdated(FlightDto flight) { var hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <FlightHub>(); if (hubContext != null) { hubContext.Clients.All.flightUpdated(flight); } }
/// <summary> /// Extension method for mapping one model to another with assignment all properties /// </summary> /// <param name="model">The model to which to assign</param> /// <param name="other">The model to be assigned</param> /// <returns></returns> public static FlightDto ToEditWith(this FlightDto model, FlightDto other) { model.Description = other.Description; model.Status = other.Status; model.ArrivalPlace = other.ArrivalPlace; model.DeparturePlace = other.DeparturePlace; model.Distance = other.Distance; return(model); }
public IActionResult Get(int id) { FlightDto flight = service.GetById(id); if (flight == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(flight)); }
public async Task WhenAddCompleteFlightTheReturnsTrue() { var flightDto = new FlightDto { DepartureAirportId = 1, DestinationAirportId = 2, AircraftId = 1 }; var result = await _business.AddSync(flightDto); result.Should().Be(true); _flightServiceMock.Verify(f => f.AddAsync(flightDto), Times.Once); }
public async Task Update_WhenFlightNull_ThenReturnExeption() { var Flights = new IFakeRepository <Flight>(); var context = new IFakeUnitOfFactory(); FlightDto FlightDto = null; FlightService service = new FlightService(context); FlightDto FlightDtoSaved = await service.Update(FlightDto); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Get(int id) { FlightDto flight = await service.GetById(id); if (flight == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(flight)); }
public FlightDto Update(Guid id, FlightDto flightDto) { var flight = mapper.Map <FlightDto, Flight>(flightDto); flight.Id = id; flight.Tickets = db.TicketRepository.GetAll().Where(i => flightDto.TicketsId.Contains(i.Id)).ToList(); db.FlightRepository.Update(flight); return(mapper.Map <Flight, FlightDto>(flight)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Put(int id, [FromBody] FlightDto entity) { var result = await _flightsSrvice.UpdateAsync(entity, id); if (result == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(result)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] FlightDto entity) { var result = await _flightsSrvice.AddAsync(entity); if (result == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(result)); }
/// <summary> /// Convert the instance into data transfer objet. /// </summary> /// <returns>FlightDto instance associated with this FlightModel.</returns> public FlightDto ConvertToFlightDto() { FlightDto flightDto = new FlightDto(); flightDto.ID = ID; flightDto.IsDeparture = IsDeparture; flightDto.IsFinish = IsFinish; flightDto.Time = Time; flightDto.FlightName = FlightName; return(flightDto); }
public async Task Post([FromServices] IFlightBusiness business, [FromBody] FlightDto flight) { try { await business.AddSync(flight); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.Message); } }
public FlightDto Create(FlightDto flightDto) { var flight = mapper.Map <FlightDto, Flight>(flightDto); flight.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); flight.Tickets = db.TicketRepository.GetAll().Where(i => flightDto.TicketsId.Contains(i.Id)).ToList(); db.FlightRepository.Create(flight); db.SaveChanges(); return(mapper.Map <Flight, FlightDto>(flight)); }
public IActionResult Put(int id, [FromBody] FlightDto value) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var item = service.Update(value); if (item != null) { return(Ok(item)); } } return(BadRequest()); }
public FlightEntity toEntity(FlightDto flightDto) { FlightEntity flight = new FlightEntity(); flight.FlightId = flightDto.FlightId; flight.TimeDeparture = flightDto.TimeDeparture; flight.TimeArrival = flightDto.TimeArrival; flight.AimArrivalId = flightDto.AimArrivalId; flight.AimDepartureId = flightDto.AimDepartureId; flight.PlaneId = flightDto.PlaneId; return(flight); }
internal FlightDto HateoasMainLinksFlight(FlightDto flight) { var flightDto = flight; flightDto.Links.Add(UrlLink("all", "GetFlights", null)); flightDto.Links.Add(UrlLink("_self", "GetFlightById", new { id = flightDto.Id })); flightDto.Links.Add(UrlLink("_next", "GetFlightById", new { id = flightDto.Id + 1 })); flightDto.Links.Add(UrlLink("_Manufacturer = boeing", "GetFlightsByManufacturer", new { Manufacturer = "boeing" })); flightDto.Links.Add(UrlLink("_model = 182", "GetFlightsByModel", new { Model = "182" })); return(flightDto); }