コード例 #1
    protected void OnSelect()
        dragRaycaster = interactiveItem.SelectingRaycaster;
        if (dragRaycaster)
            flexLaserVisual = dragRaycaster.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <FlexLaserVisual>(true);
        if (flexLaserVisual)
            flexLaserVisual.SelectedObject = transform;
        originPos   = transform.position;
        originRot   = transform.rotation;
        originScale = transform.localScale;
        if (rigidbodyCmp == null)

        initialControllerOrientation = ControlTransform.rotation;

        // Store inverse initial controller quaternion, for performance.
        inverseControllerOrientation = Quaternion.Inverse(initialControllerOrientation);

        // Perform the transformation relative to control.
        Vector3 vectorToObject = transform.position - ControlPosition;
        float   d = vectorToObject.magnitude;

        controlTransformPosition = transform.position;
        objectStartRotation      = transform.rotation;
        verifyRotation           = Quaternion.identity;

        // If the distance vector cannot be normalized, use the look vector.
            normalizedForward = vectorToObject / d;
            d = 0;
            normalizedForward = ControlForward;

        // Reset distance interpolation values to current values.
        targetControlZDistance = controlZDistance = d;
        // Reset orientation interpolation values to 0.
        targetOrientationDelta = orientationDelta = Quaternion.identity;

        // Get the up vector for the object.
        Vector3 objectUp = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.up);
        // Get the dot product of the object up vector and the world up vector.
        float dotUp = Vector3.Dot(objectUp, Vector3.up);

        // Mark whether the object is upside down or rightside up.
        objectInverted = dotUp < 0;

        lastStateChangeFrame = Time.frameCount;
コード例 #2
 protected void OnDeselect()
     if (flexLaserVisual)
         flexLaserVisual.SelectedObject = null;
     flexLaserVisual = null;
     lastStateChangeFrame = Time.frameCount;