コード例 #1
    /// <summary>
    ///     Adds a solution to the container, overflowing the rest.
    ///     It will
    ///     Unlike <see cref="TryAddSolution"/> it will ignore size limits.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="targetUid">entity holding targetSolution</param>
    /// <param name="targetSolution">The container to which we try to add.</param>
    /// <param name="addedSolution">solution being added</param>
    /// <param name="overflowThreshold">After addition this much will be left in targetSolution. Should be less
    /// than targetSolution.TotalVolume</param>
    /// <param name="overflowingSolution">Solution that exceeded overflowThreshold</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool TryMixAndOverflow(EntityUid targetUid, Solution targetSolution,
                                  Solution addedSolution,
                                  FixedPoint2 overflowThreshold,
                                  [NotNullWhen(true)] out Solution?overflowingSolution)
        if (addedSolution.TotalVolume == 0 || overflowThreshold > targetSolution.MaxVolume)
            overflowingSolution = null;

        UpdateChemicals(targetUid, targetSolution, true);
        overflowingSolution = targetSolution.SplitSolution(FixedPoint2.Max(FixedPoint2.Zero,
                                                                           targetSolution.CurrentVolume - overflowThreshold));
コード例 #2
    // Handles logic for our different types of valid target.
    // Checks for conditions that would prevent a doAfter from starting.
    private void HandleDoAfter(EntityUid user, EntityUid used, EntityUid target, AbsorbentComponent component, FixedPoint2 currentVolume, FixedPoint2 availableVolume)
        // Below variables will be set within this function depending on what kind of target was clicked.
        // They will be passed to the OnTransferComplete if the doAfter succeeds.

        EntityUid donor;
        EntityUid acceptor;
        string    donorSolutionName;
        string    acceptorSolutionName;

        FixedPoint2 transferAmount;

        var            delay = 1.0f; //default do_after delay in seconds.
        string         msg;
        SoundSpecifier sfx;

        // For our purposes, if our target has a PuddleComponent, treat it as a puddle above all else.
        if (TryComp <PuddleComponent>(target, out var puddle))
            // These return conditions will abort BEFORE the do_after is called:
            if (!_solutionSystem.TryGetSolution(target, puddle.SolutionName, out var puddleSolution) || // puddle Solution is null
                (puddleSolution.TotalVolume <= 0))    // puddle is completely empty
            else if (availableVolume < 0) // mop is completely full
                msg = "mopping-system-tool-full";
                user.PopupMessage(user, Loc.GetString(msg, ("used", used))); // play message now because we are aborting.
            // adding to puddles
            else if (puddleSolution.TotalVolume < component.MopLowerLimit && // if the puddle is too small for the tool to effectively absorb any more solution from it
                     currentVolume > 0)   // tool needs a solution to dilute the puddle with.
                // Dilutes the puddle with some solution from the tool
                transferAmount = FixedPoint2.Max(component.ResidueAmount, currentVolume);
                TryTransfer(used, target, "absorbed", puddle.SolutionName, transferAmount); // Complete the transfer right away, with no doAfter.

                sfx = component.TransferSound;
                SoundSystem.Play(sfx.GetSound(), Filter.Pvs(user), used); // Give instant feedback for diluting puddle, so that it's clear that the player is adding to the puddle (as opposed to other behaviours, which have a doAfter).

                msg = "mopping-system-puddle-diluted";
                user.PopupMessage(user, Loc.GetString(msg)); // play message now because we are aborting.

                return;                                      // Do not begin a doAfter.
                // Taking from puddles:

                // Determine transferAmount:
                transferAmount = FixedPoint2.Min(component.PickupAmount, puddleSolution.TotalVolume, availableVolume);

                // TODO: consider onelining this with the above, using additional args on Min()?
                if ((puddleSolution.TotalVolume - transferAmount) < component.MopLowerLimit) // If the transferAmount would bring the puddle below the MopLowerLimit
                    transferAmount = puddleSolution.TotalVolume - component.MopLowerLimit;   // Then the transferAmount should bring the puddle down to the MopLowerLimit exactly

                donor             = target; // the puddle Uid
                donorSolutionName = puddle.SolutionName;

                acceptor             = used;       // the mop/tool Uid
                acceptorSolutionName = "absorbed"; // by definition on AbsorbentComponent

                // Set delay/popup/sound if nondefault. Popup and sound will only play on a successful doAfter.
                delay = (component.PickupAmount.Float() / 10.0f) * component.MopSpeed; // Delay should scale with PickupAmount, which represents the maximum we can pick up per click.
                msg   = "mopping-system-puddle-success";
                sfx   = component.PickupSound;

                DoMopInteraction(user, used, target, donor, acceptor, component, donorSolutionName, acceptorSolutionName, transferAmount, delay, msg, sfx);
        else if ((TryComp <RefillableSolutionComponent>(target, out var refillable)) && // We can put solution from the tool into the target
                 (currentVolume > 0))                                               // And the tool is wet
            // These return conditions will abort BEFORE the do_after is called:
            if (!_solutionSystem.TryGetRefillableSolution(target, out var refillableSolution)) // refillable Solution is null
            else if (refillableSolution.AvailableVolume <= 0) // target container is full (liquid destination)
                msg = "mopping-system-target-container-full";
                user.PopupMessage(user, Loc.GetString(msg, ("target", target))); // play message now because we are aborting.
            else if (refillableSolution.MaxVolume <= FixedPoint2.New(20)) // target container is too small (e.g. syringe)
                msg = "mopping-system-target-container-too-small";
                user.PopupMessage(user, Loc.GetString(msg, ("target", target))); // play message now because we are aborting.
                // Determine transferAmount
                if (_tagSystem.HasTag(used, "Mop") && // if the tool used is a literal mop (and not a sponge, rag, etc.)
                    !_tagSystem.HasTag(target, "Wringer"))                                                         // and if the target does not have a wringer for properly drying the mop
                    delay = 5.0f;                                                                                  // Should take much longer if you don't have a wringer

                    if ((currentVolume / (currentVolume + availableVolume)) > 0.25)                                // mop is more than one-quarter full
                        transferAmount = FixedPoint2.Min(refillableSolution.AvailableVolume, currentVolume * 0.6); // squeeze up to 60% of the solution from the mop.
                        msg            = "mopping-system-hand-squeeze-little-wet";

                        if ((currentVolume / (currentVolume + availableVolume)) > 0.5) // if the mop is more than half full
                            msg = "mopping-system-hand-squeeze-still-wet";             // overwrites the above
                    else // mop is less than one-quarter full
                        transferAmount = FixedPoint2.Min(refillableSolution.AvailableVolume, currentVolume); // squeeze remainder of solution from the mop.
                        msg            = "mopping-system-hand-squeeze-dry";
                    transferAmount = FixedPoint2.Min(refillableSolution.AvailableVolume, currentVolume); //Transfer all liquid from the tool to the container, but only if it will fit.
                    msg            = "mopping-system-refillable-success";
                    delay          = 1.0f;

                donor             = used;       // the mop/tool Uid
                donorSolutionName = "absorbed"; // by definition on AbsorbentComponent

                acceptor             = target;  // the refillable container's Uid
                acceptorSolutionName = refillable.Solution;

                // Set delay/popup/sound if nondefault. Popup and sound will only play on a successful doAfter.

                sfx = component.TransferSound;

                DoMopInteraction(user, used, target, donor, acceptor, component, donorSolutionName, acceptorSolutionName, transferAmount, delay, msg, sfx);