コード例 #1
 public DataSampler(String name, int historyLength, int sampleRate, Func <float> function)
     Name       = name;
     Function   = function;
     SampleRate = sampleRate;
     Values     = new FixedLengthQueue <float>(historyLength);
コード例 #2
        public void TestEnqueueUnsetValues()
            FixedLengthQueue <int> q = new FixedLengthQueue <int>(12);


            Assert.AreEqual(5, q[q.Length - 1]);
コード例 #3
        public LoggerViewModel()
            Streams     = new ObservableCollection <StreamItem>();
            LogItems    = new FixedLengthQueue <LogItem>(500);
            LogItemsOld = new FixedLengthQueue <LogItem>(10000);

            _defaultStream = AddStreamItem("Default");
コード例 #4
        public void TestEnqueueDoesntChangeLength()
            int length = 12;
            FixedLengthQueue <int> q = new FixedLengthQueue <int>(length);

            Assert.AreEqual(length, q.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(length, q.Length);
コード例 #5
        public void TestAccessIndexArbitraryHead()
            int[] initialValues      = new int[] { 4, 7, 3, 11, 215, -4 };
            int   head               = 3;
            FixedLengthQueue <int> q = new FixedLengthQueue <int>(initialValues, head);

            Assert.AreEqual(initialValues[head], q[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(initialValues[0], q[initialValues.Length - head]);
コード例 #6
        public void TestEnqueue()
            int[] initialValues      = new int[] { 4, 7, 3, 11, 215, -4 };
            int   head               = 3;
            FixedLengthQueue <int> q = new FixedLengthQueue <int>(initialValues, head);


            Assert.AreEqual(5, q[q.Length - 1]);
コード例 #7
        public void TestAccessIndexHeadZero()
            int[] initialValues      = new int[] { 4, 7, 3, 11, 215, -4 };
            int   head               = 0;
            FixedLengthQueue <int> q = new FixedLengthQueue <int>(initialValues, head);

            for (int i = 0; i < q.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(initialValues[i], q[i]);
コード例 #8
        public void TestConstructorInitialValues()
            int[] initialValues = new int[] { 4, 7, 3, 11, 215, -4 };

            FixedLengthQueue <int> q = new FixedLengthQueue <int>(initialValues);

            Assert.AreEqual(initialValues.Length, q.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < initialValues.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(initialValues[i], q[i]);
コード例 #9
        public void TestEnqueueDequeue()
            int[] initialValues      = new int[] { 4, 7, 3, 11, 215, -4 };
            int   head               = 3;
            FixedLengthQueue <int> q = new FixedLengthQueue <int>(initialValues, head);

            int newVal = 12;

            int expected = initialValues[head];
            int actual   = q.DequeueEnqueue(newVal);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            Assert.AreEqual(newVal, q[q.Length - 1]);
コード例 #10
        public void TestConstructorInitialValuesAndHead()
            int[] initialValues      = new int[] { 4, 7, 3, 11, 215, -4 };
            int   head               = 3;
            FixedLengthQueue <int> q = new FixedLengthQueue <int>(initialValues, head);

            Assert.AreEqual(initialValues.Length, q.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < initialValues.Length; i++)
                int j = (i + head) % initialValues.Length;

                Assert.AreEqual(initialValues[j], q[i]);
コード例 #11
        public LoggerManager()
            : base(GearsetSettings.Instance.LoggerConfig)
            // Create the back-end collections
            Streams     = new ObservableCollection <StreamItem>();
            LogItems    = new FixedLengthQueue <LogItem>(500);
            LogItemsOld = new FixedLengthQueue <LogItem>(10000);
            //LogItems.DequeueTarget = LogItemsOld;
            Streams.Add(defaultStream = new StreamItem {
                Name = "Default", Enabled = true, Color = colors[currentColor++]

            // Create the window.
            Window = new LoggerWindow();

            Window.Top               = Config.Top;
            Window.Left              = Config.Left;
            Window.Width             = Config.Width;
            Window.Height            = Config.Height;
            Window.IsVisibleChanged += new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(logger_IsVisibleChanged);
            Window.SoloRequested    += new EventHandler <SoloRequestedEventArgs>(logger_SoloRequested);


            if (Config.Visible)

            filteredView        = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(LogItems);
            filteredView.Filter = (a) => ((LogItem)a).Stream.Enabled;
            filteredView.GroupDescriptions.Add(new PropertyGroupDescription("UpdateNumber"));
            Window.LogListBox.DataContext    = filteredView;
            Window.StreamListBox.DataContext = Streams;

            Window.LocationChanged += new EventHandler(logger_LocationChanged);
            Window.SizeChanged     += new SizeChangedEventHandler(logger_SizeChanged);

            scrollViewer = GetDescendantByType(Window.LogListBox, typeof(ScrollViewer)) as ScrollViewer;
コード例 #12
ファイル: LoggerManager.cs プロジェクト: bartwe/Gearset
        public LoggerManager()
            : base(GearsetSettings.Instance.LoggerConfig)
            // Create the back-end collections
            Streams = new ObservableCollection<StreamItem>();
            LogItems = new FixedLengthQueue<LogItem>(500);
            LogItemsOld = new FixedLengthQueue<LogItem>(10000);
            //LogItems.DequeueTarget = LogItemsOld;
            Streams.Add(_defaultStream = new StreamItem { Name = "Default", Enabled = true, Color = _colors[_currentColor++] });

            // Create the window.
            Window = new LoggerWindow();

            Window.Top = Config.Top;
            Window.Left = Config.Left;
            Window.Width = Config.Width;
            Window.Height = Config.Height;
            Window.IsVisibleChanged += logger_IsVisibleChanged;
            Window.SoloRequested += logger_SoloRequested;


            if (Config.Visible)

            FilteredView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(LogItems);
            FilteredView.Filter = a => ((LogItem)a).Stream.Enabled;
            FilteredView.GroupDescriptions.Add(new PropertyGroupDescription("UpdateNumber"));
            Window.LogListBox.DataContext = FilteredView;
            Window.StreamListBox.DataContext = Streams;

            Window.LocationChanged += logger_LocationChanged;
            Window.SizeChanged += logger_SizeChanged;

            _scrollViewer = GetDescendantByType(Window.LogListBox, typeof(ScrollViewer)) as ScrollViewer;
コード例 #13
 public DataSampler(String name)
     Name       = name;
     SampleRate = 1;
     Values     = new FixedLengthQueue <float>(GearsetResources.Console.Settings.DataSamplerConfig.DefaultHistoryLength);
コード例 #14
        public static long FindNextOccurrence4BitDigit(Stream searchStream, byte[] lookFor, long fromIdx)
            if (searchStream.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("cannot be empty", nameof(searchStream));

            if (lookFor.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("cannot be empty", nameof(lookFor));

            //Set the stream position (in bytes)
            searchStream.Position = fromIdx / 2;

            //Keep track of the index in the stream ready to return if we hit a result
            long idx = fromIdx;

            int  rawByteRead;
            byte thisByte = byte.MaxValue;

            //If this is an odd index, read in the first byte in the stream so thisByte has a value (as it will expect it to have already been read)
            if (idx % 2 == 1)
                rawByteRead = searchStream.ReadByte();
                if (rawByteRead == -1)
                thisByte = (byte)rawByteRead;

            //Read in the first N chars
            bool fillingPrev        = true;
            bool filledPrevThisIter = false;
            bool eos = false;
            FixedLengthQueue <byte> prev = new FixedLengthQueue <byte>(lookFor.Length);

            //Have one big loop for both fill & search modes
            while (true)
                //If we're at an even index, read in the next byte
                byte digit;
                if (idx % 2 == 0)
                    rawByteRead = searchStream.ReadByte();
                    if (rawByteRead == -1)
                        eos   = true; //End of stream
                        digit = 15;
                    else //Otherwise read a value
                        thisByte = (byte)rawByteRead;

                        //Get the first half of the byte as this digit
                        digit = (byte)(thisByte >> 4);
                else //Otherwise we already have this byte read in
                    //Get the second half of the byte as this digit
                    digit = (byte)(thisByte & 15); //mask 0000 1111 to get the last 4 bits

                    //If this is (0000) 1111 => 15 then this is the end but the byte had to be padded
                    if (digit == 15)
                        eos = true; //End of stream

                //If filling up the previous chars
                if (fillingPrev)

                    //Update fillingPrev
                    if (prev.Count == lookFor.Length)
                        fillingPrev = false;
                        idx++; //Also increment the index as we'll jump straight into the match tests on this iteration
                        filledPrevThisIter = true;

                //If not filling up the previous chars (not equivelant to else because fillingPrev can be set in the previous if)
                if (!fillingPrev)
                    //If we currently have the digits being searched for
                    bool match = true;
                    for (int i = 0; i < prev.Length; i++)
                        if (lookFor[i] != prev[i])
                            match = false;

                    if (match)
                        return(idx - lookFor.Length); //Start idx
                    else if (eos)                     //Else if we haven't found a match & we're at the end of the stream, report back that nothing was found

                    //Update prev (if we haven't filled prev on this iter)
                    if (!filledPrevThisIter)

                //Update the current idx for next iter (if we haven't filled prev on this iter, as then it will have already been incremented)
                if (!filledPrevThisIter)
                else //Otherwise update filledPrevThisIter
                    filledPrevThisIter = false;
コード例 #15
        public static int FindNextOccurrence(string toSearch, string lookFor, int fromIdx)
            if (toSearch.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("cannot be empty", nameof(toSearch));

            if (lookFor.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("cannot be empty", nameof(lookFor));

            if (fromIdx <= toSearch.Length - lookFor.Length)
                FixedLengthQueue <char> prevChars = new FixedLengthQueue <char>(lookFor.Length);

                //Read in the first N chars
                int i = fromIdx;
                for (int j = 0; j < lookFor.Length; i++, j++)

                //For each of the remaining characters in the string to be searched
                for (;; i++)
                    //If we currently have the string being searched for
                    bool match = true;
                    for (int j = 0; j < lookFor.Length; j++)
                        if (prevChars[j] != lookFor[j])
                            match = false;

                    if (match)
                        return(i - lookFor.Length); //Start position

                    //If at the end of the string, break
                    if (i == toSearch.Length)

                    //Update prevChars

                //Didn't match anything
コード例 #16
        private static IEnumerable<FastLogReader.Line> Filter(IEnumerable<FastLogReader.Line> lines, SearchModel search, MessagesModel output)
            var regexOptions = RegexOptions.Compiled | (search.IsCaseSensitive ? RegexOptions.None : RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            Func<string, Regex> buildStringMatcherFor = input =>
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) return null;
                switch (search.MatchType)
                    case MatchTypes.PlainText: return new Regex(Regex.Escape(input), regexOptions);
                    case MatchTypes.Wildcard: return new Regex("^" + Regex.Escape(input).Replace(@"\*", "(.*)").Replace(@"\?", ".") + "$", regexOptions);
                    case MatchTypes.Regex: return new Regex(input, regexOptions);
                    default: goto case MatchTypes.PlainText;

            var nickMatcher = buildStringMatcherFor(search.Nickname);
            var userMatcher = buildStringMatcherFor(search.Username);
            var hostMatcher = buildStringMatcherFor(search.Hostname);
            var msgMatcher  = buildStringMatcherFor(search.Message);

            Func<FastLogReader.Line, bool> isDirectLineMatch = line =>
                if (line.When < search.FromDate || line.When > search.ToDate) return false;

                if (nickMatcher != null && !nickMatcher.IsMatch(line.Nick ?? String.Empty)) return false;
                if (userMatcher != null && !userMatcher.IsMatch(line.User ?? String.Empty)) return false;
                if (hostMatcher != null && !hostMatcher.IsMatch(line.Host ?? String.Empty)) return false;
                if (msgMatcher != null && !msgMatcher.IsMatch(line.Message ?? String.Empty)) return false;

                return true;

            uint postContextCount = 0;
            var queue = new FixedLengthQueue<FastLogReader.Line>(search.Context == 0 ? 1 : search.Context);

            foreach (var line in lines)
                // NOTE: The order of these if-statements matters.


                if (isDirectLineMatch(line))

                    // We have a match, but we also have some outstanding context lines to
                    // print prior to this one, so do that now.
                    if (search.Context != 0)
                        while (queue.Count != 0)
                            yield return queue.Dequeue();

                        postContextCount = search.Context;
                // Not a match, but we have some trailing lines to print, so do that.
                else if (postContextCount != 0)
                // Not a match, not even a trailing line. Candidate for a pre-context line. Queue it.
                else if (search.Context != 0)
                // Not a context-dependant search, so drop it.

                // Fallthrough, print a direct match or one of the current trailing lines.
                yield return line;
コード例 #17
ファイル: DataSampler.cs プロジェクト: edwinsyarief/Gearset
 public DataSampler(String name, int historyLength)
     this.Name       = name;
     this.SampleRate = 1;
     Values          = new FixedLengthQueue <float>(historyLength);
コード例 #18
        public void TestConstructorLength()
            FixedLengthQueue <int> q = new FixedLengthQueue <int>(5);

            Assert.AreEqual(5, q.Length);